Namib Independent Issue 93

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HOTTEST Great news for the coast!

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ON YOUR HD PVR03 April 2014 to Wednesday, 09 April 2014 Issue 92 - Thursday,






N$ 25

Kamikaze Dolphins

death of the video store


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Coastal Educators Divided over

Mother Tongue

Schooling Tanya Calitz

After the Minister of Education, Dr David Namwandi, announced that children should be educated in their mother tongue, and that the Ministry will be implementing this new curriculum in 2015, many educators questioned this ambitious statement by the Minister and raised a few possible challenges this could create within the education sector. The concerns pointed out by the educators were that their facilities will not be able to accommodate the various language specific groups, the lack of teachers in general, but also the lack of teachers qualified to teach in the specific languages,

what languages will get the new curriculum and the challenges presented when switching over to English in grade 6. Some educators said that they feel excluded from the Ministry’s decision, and that there should have been more discussion with them regarding this new curriculum. Speaking to various primary school principals at the coast, it was clear that the majority think that being educated in mother tongue is a grand idea, but on the other hand feel that there is no way they or the Ministry will be ready in time to have the new curriculum taught by 2015. “It will be Utopia. I truly believe that it will be the best way for children to grasp difficult concepts and understand

what you expect from them. However, I cannot see this new curriculum successfully implemented by next year already,” said one of the principals at a primary school in Walvis Bay. This was indeed the reaction of most of the schools contacted by the paper. “This curriculum can only work once enough teachers have been trained to effectively teach the children in their mother tongue. One must remember when teaching a child in their home languages, the teacher must be able to read and write properly in that language, too. You cannot teach in a language Continued on Page 3

No State Psychologists at Coast Siglinde de Villiers

Regardless of all the positive developments at the coast, the influx of many job hunters places great strain on the Ministry of Health to cater for their needs. Suicide and depression are some of the top social problems the Ministry of Health struggles with. Many are in dire need of psychological help, but no such help can be found at

the coast. The Ministry of Health’s annual report of last year indicated that the most problematic issues for the coast were marital partnership counselling, depression, mental health problems, domestic violence and suicide. According to senior social worker Adelheid Lekobane, these types of problems could have been successfully treated by psychologists.

“At the moment, we have no state psychologist at the coast, all our patients that need help have to be referred to Windhoek,” Lekobane said. In turn, this brings with it a range of other problems. “Since the state psychologist serves the whole of Namibia, there is a long waiting list,” Lekobane explained. “Suicidal or depressed persons cannot wait for three weeks to receive help, they have to be treated immediately.”

According to Lekobane, of the many referrals to Windhoek only a handful of patients actually go. "One cannot solve psychological issues in one session only, multiple sessions are needed,” she added. “However, many patients do not have the finances to travel all the way to Windhoek several times for medical help.” Lekobane said that one such a session will cost a patient N$650, which many

are unable to afford. “As a result, we mostly only refer those patients who have some form of medical aid, but most state patients have no medical aid,” she explained. The state hospital in Windhoek could not confirm this price Continued on Page 3

2 | News

Thursday, 03 April 2014

Disclaimer: Namib Independent is published by Halfround Communications CC. All rights are reserved. Whilst every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained within, no liability can be accepted by the publishers or contributors for any errors, misstatements or omissions which may have occurred. The opinions expressed in the publication are not necessarily those of the publishers. Also, the publishers accept no legal liability regarding copyright ownership for material which was supplied directly to the publishers by any of the advertisers or contributors.

CONTACT US Tel (+264 64) 200 497 Email Sales Chanté Nell 081 667 4694 Gareth Amos 081 128 2197 Design Maggie's Attic Graphic Design Address 127 Theo Ben Gurirab Street (MVA Office Complex) PO Box 5085, Walvis Bay, Namibia

April Fool’s Prank Runs Wild

Gareth Amos This April fool’s day saw the internet humming with the buzz created by the Namib Independent’s phony report that a lioness had wandered into Meersig. Within no time the online report had been shared and spread across the internet, resulting in a barrage of phone calls to our offices and staff by members of the

public wanting to know the veracity of the report. While a number of wily “facebookers” correctly pointed out that the story was a hoax, the credibility of the report had many fooled, including one national newspaper, which deemed the occurrence newsworthy enough to post the story to its Facebook page, spreading the prank further afield than the coastal region. “We are delighted at the



response we received from the public,” said Chante Nell of the Namib Independent, who thought up the concept. The original story and image has been republished below. WEAK LIONESS SPOTTED IN MEERSIG – POLICE WARN – STAY OUT OF MEERSIG UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE!


04 Apr


she can think of is that the lioness was rejected by the pride for some reason and has got lost. “Looking at the picture I can confirm that she is a desert lion who often make their way to the skeleton coast near Cape Cross. I can only think that she has been wondering for days down the coast to end up in Walvis Bay,” she said. Game ranges from the Etosha National Park have been dispatched in the hopes of capturing the lioness and returning her to her natural environment. Van Rooyen has stated that while the best outcome would be to see the lioness rescued, one must not imagine for a minute that we will not have to think of the worst in terms of terminating its life as the primary concern must be the people in the area. “I will remember this day for the rest of my life,” said Engelbrecht. The police have requested that all pets be kept indoors and that everyone stay out of the back of Meersig.


Walvis Bay


7 day forecast

7 day forecast

7 day forecast

Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed

03 Apr

A very weak lioness suffering from malnutrition has wandered into the Walvis Bay suburb of Meersig. Jan Engelbrecht had just dropped his children off at the crèche when he spotted the lioness just around the corner. “I could not believe what I was seeing. I turned the corner and not sixty metres away was this very weak and rough looking lioness just standing there in front of me. I quickly opened my passenger window, turned the car so that I could see it through the window and I took a picture with my cell phone. I immediately went back to the crèche, picked up my child and warned the school,” said Engelbrecht. From there Engelbrecht went directly to the police with the image. A call was put out to the Save the Lions Trust, who immediately warned the police to evacuate the area and to make sure everyone in the vicinity stayed in their house. Marlize van Rooyen, from the Trust, says that the only explanation

05 Apr


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09 Apr

22 Sunny


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Cape Town Johannesburg Port Elizabeth Durban Luanda Harare Gaborone

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News | 3

Thursday, 03 April 2014

No State Psychologists Mother Tongue at Coast Coastal Educators Divided over

Continued from Page 1

Schooling Continued from Page 1

you can only speak,” another principal on the coast explained. Another concern raised by the educators was the lack of classrooms.

It is a great idea, but to educate all our pupils in their mother tongues would mean that we would have to separate them, into smaller groups and put the pupils in different classrooms, which we do not have.

upon enquiry. This is a really sad situation for the coast. The annual report from the Ministry of Health stated that as a result, family members send clients who suffer mental health problems to extended family members in far remote rural areas. Consequently, two districts reported severe problems and in one district the police reported two uncontrolled cases. According to Ester Paulus, Public Relations Officer for the Ministry of Health, their structure is ancient, having been established in 1993. “This is the reason why some crucial

positions have not been made provision for, such as a clinical psychologists at regional level with fewer positions available at national level as well,” Paulus said. According to her, the Ministry has finalised its restructuring process and submitted their proposal to the Cabinet and Office of the Prime Minister so that it might be ready to be implemented in the next financial year. “The proposed new structure has made provisions for more clinical psychologists to be employed at state health facilities countrywide,” Paulus commented.

“It is a great idea, but to educate all our pupils in their mother tongues would mean that we would have to separate them, into smaller groups and put the pupils in different classrooms, which we do not have. Our facility is just not big enough to accommodate those kinds of needs. If we raised some funds and expand the school, we can surely attempt this, but where will we find the teachers?” one of the principals at the coast said. The Ministry however said that this decision was not a spur of the moment one, and that a lot of planning and research has gone into it. “Stakeholder consultations on the curriculum review were done through print, electronic media and oral presentations countrywide. This involved focused discussions with members of teachers' unions, student representatives; parents and learners; representatives from the private sector and representatives from institutions of higher learning. The Ministry received individual submissions; institutional submissions; submissions from teachers' unions and some political parties. In addition, consultations were carried out in the SADC region and internationally with the following countries: Germany, Singapore, Australia, Finland and the United Kingdom. The whole purpose was

to grow a well-grounded, well informed and well researched education system that would pass the test of time. An education system that will address critics and one that abrogates remnants of the ills of the past,” Minister Namwandi explained. The Ministry also responded to the community’s concerns regarding the fact that English has become the main business language in Namibia, and in most cases the world. By educating the youth in native languages could pose a communications issue in the future. The Minister ensured the people that this will not be the case. “The Ministry of Education is not phasing out English as a subject. English Second Language will still be taught as a subject. The Ministry made it very clear that this policy statement is part of the draft Language Policy which is still to be finalised. It was also made clear that the implementation of the revised Language Policy will not be part of the implementation schedule of the new curriculum, but will follow its own implementation schedule, which will be based on a comprehensive phase-in plan. The public is therefore hereby informed that the medium of instruction in the junior primary phase will still be the Mother Tongue/predominant local language as in the current practice,” Namwandi explained. The Namib independent also posed a few more questions to the Ministry, asking how many languages will form part of the new curriculum, what steps the ministry will be taking to implement this curriculum, what this project will cost the ministry, and how the ministry will ensure that there are enough trained educators to successfully teach the new curriculums. By the time of going to print the ministry said that they were still discussing the questions with the board and would revert back as soon as possible. The paper will do a follow up on the topic next week.

Namibian Cage Fighter

Takes Title at Championships Walvis Bay born and bred, Zeeke Norris, won the Light Weight Championships at the Cage Fighting League hosted in South Africa last month. Norris said that he would like to inspire and motivate kids to take up hobbies and interests, and pursue them. “Believe in yourself, put in the work and it will pay off,” he encouraged. Norris also goes to schools to give motivational talks. He lives in South Africa, but is currently visiting family on the coast.

4 | News

Thursday, 03 April 2014

Diesel Spill Still Cause for Concern Nine Months Later Lavrenty Repin Almost nine months after the spill of an estimated 27 000 litres of Diesel there is evidence of a significant presence of Diesel fuel in the contaminated area. The spill occurred when a Northern Fuel Distributors’ truck transporting the fuel overturned on the roundabout located at the entrance to Walvis Bay. Upon visiting the area the soil surface was visibly stained while a mere digging of 20cm uncovered black stained soil emitting a strong, persistent diesel odor. Some areas were under a layer of dune sand which was applied when the spill was first being contained, however, diesel stained soil was discovered under the sand. Environmentalist and oil spill specialist Jannie Coetzee believes that the area was not dealt with professionally from the very beginning, and that consistent testing and treatment of the affected soil need to take place. He explained that although on the surface the area was contained, a large portion of diesel escaped underground and is now starting to show as it emerges back to the surface. He also said that the lack of oxygen in the soil, as the oil consumes it, means that there is little chance of survival for the near-by trees. Mr Coetzee warned that in his opinion the area is supposed to be a “red zone” with warning signs to indicate the dangers, as the diesel releases harmful gases (including formaldehyde, benzene, persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and methanol) into the air. “I have no doubt that there is diesel underground and that this area is toxic,”

VACANCY POSITION: Ships Agent REPORTS TO: General Manager LOCATION: Walvis Bay COMMENCEMENT DATE: 1 May 2014 QUALIFICATION/EXPERIENCE: Matric JOB REQUIREMENTS: • To co-ordinate all elements and activities pertaining to a vessel calling/leaving port, including all legal/regulatory requirements, as well as requirements of the Master and Owners. • In the process of the above, to market and represent Trade Ocean’s various services. • Arranging with port authorities for their various services (Pilots, tugs, etc.) required. • Appointing and co-ordinating with suppliers, repair companies, etc. for the various vessels. • Assisting accounts dept. with information for compiling of disbursement accounts. KEY ATTRIBUTES: • Be fluent in English. An international language will be an added advantage. • Must be computer literate in: MS Word, Excel and Outlook. • Excellent organizing, controlling and communication skills • Excellent interpersonal skills at all levels • Ability to work under pressure. • Ability to overtime. • Able to work long and odd hours as required • Responsible self-starter that can work unsupervised • Previous experience in a shipping environment an advantage. APPLICATIONS MUST BE FORWARDED TO: The General Manager 165 Rikumbi Kandanga Road, Walvis Bay / PO Box 9069, Walvis Bay

Nine month old Diesel dug up at the Round-about at Walvis Entrance

The Diesel spill nine months ago

Mr Coetzee stated. It should be noted that after 20 minutes in the contaminated area a feeling of light-headedness was experienced by this reporter. Another concern is the distance that the oil can travel and whether any of the nearby residential areas are affected. Diesel spill long-term environmental impact studies conducted in Luderitz last year indicate that diesel can travel as far as 500 meters underground, downwards towards the sea, if left unmanaged. It is unclear how far, if at all, the contamination has ventured. However, water pipes running through the area were observed. According to the US National Library of Medicine, short-term exposure to diesel fuel vapors can cause difficulty in breathing, nausea, eye irritation, increased blood pressure, headache, light-headedness, loss of appetite, poor coordination, and difficulty concentrating while long-term exposure can have significantly more serious harm. Riaan Archer told the Namib Independent last year that the affected soil has been removed and that the municipality was planning to fill up the area with new soil. Archer also said that there is little hope for the seven nearby palm trees to survive. However, the trees further away are also, visibly, in a poor state. The Walvis Bay Municipality did not say whether the area has had regular testing or if it has been declared safe, only stating that, “The Hazardous Waste Division has noted your concerns and is in the process of obtaining the services of an expert to investigate and rectify the situation, if necessary.”

News | 5

Thursday, 03 April 2014

First Aquaponics Farm in Walvis Bay

Close up of gravel basin


power to the people


Water circulating through a system Siglinde de Villiers A local resident in Walvis Bay has taken his passion for gardening to the next level when he started to work on building the first aquaponics farm at the coast. In an exclusive interview with the Namib Independent, the farmer imparted more insight and helped to lift the curtain of mystery that surrounds this type of farming. “All great things have small beginnings,” Niels Dreyer says as he leads the way towards his small aquaponics farm. “At this point, I am still experimenting and playing around,” he continues to say as he opens the door to a greenhouse. Once inside, the wind immediately falls away as a blanket of comfortable heat envelopes its visitors. The air is moist and carries the scent of damp earth. “Luckily, I have obtained another piece of land, and if this

works, I want to go into large scale aquaponics faming,” Niels discloses. “Basically, aquaponics involves bacteria that convert ammonia and ammonium that is secreted by fish into nitrates and nitrites as nutrients for the plants,” he explains while he throws his fish some food. They enter a feeding frenzy in the dam on the ground, which supplies water to the plants through constant circulation. Sunk into a wooden structure next to it, are four basins with gravel as a growing medium, each showcasing a fair number of healthy lettuces. “One can use anything as a growing medium, even small shell pieces,” he says. Niels demonstrates how a tap for each basin fills it with water until the water level reaches an overflow limit and then drains back into the fish pond. “The water drains away to give the plant roots some air, completing the cycle,” he says. “The ideal cycle of a well

functioning system is about 20 minutes long.” Niels says that aquaponics is very efficient in terms of water usage. “Due to the water being recycled constantly, I only use about one to two per-cent of what I would use if I watered the ground and it all disappeared.” According to Niels, it does make a difference what type of fish is used for aquaponics. “I can keep a larger number of mud catfish per litre of water than for example Kurpers,” he says. All great things have small beginnings, and for Niels’ large scale aquaponics farm, he plans to grow his plants in the fish ponds instead of utilising a water system. “There are many benefits to it, such as keeping the water temperature more constant and inhibiting algae growth, to mention some,” he concludes.

Notice is hereby given that the electricity supply will be interrupted on the following date: DATE: DAY: TIME:

6 April 2014 Sunday 13:00-17:00

The power outage will affect the power supply to all customers in: • • • •

Arandis Town Arandis Airport TransNamib NamWater Reservoir

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Enquiries: Control Centre Renier Gomachab Tel: +264 64 217 609


6 | News

Thursday, 03 April 2014

A Royal Visit British Navy Warship

Docks in Walvis Lavrenty Repin

and arrested ten pirates while working in Northern Africa. She also conducted humanitarian work by providing disaster relief in Belize following Hurricane Dean. Launched on 15 May 1999, HMS Portland is currently deployed as the Atlantic Patrol Ship, evidently bringing the vessel to our neck of the woods (or waves) as she nears the halfway point of her seven month deployment in the Atlantic. Her job is to “undertake maritime security operations, including counter-narcotics and anti-piracy patrols, providing opportunities to work with other navies to strengthen ties and demonstrate the Royal Navy’s commitment to the region.” Cooperation between the British Navy and the Ministry of Defense was visibly high on the agenda list at the “meet-and-greet”, but the Navy also provided charity work by donating N$10 000 to the Walvis Bay Kids Haven while the crew repainted the building walls. Mainly though, the crew were keen to show off their arsenal; but can one really blame them? Here are some of the interesting ways in which HMS Portland can attack you, and other facts.

When Britain's most fearless and fastest “type 23” warship “HMS Portland” entertained Namibian guests on Monday night the atmosphere felt more like a visit to a cruiseship than a fully equipped warfare killing machine – which, at least by the looks of the weapons and equipment on board, is an accurate presentation of the vessel. The on-deck helicopter, in full display, could have been mistaken for prop as eager visitors climbed in for a photo. Although the marine personnel were in full gear, holding menacing automatic rifles and meaning to look like “fingeron-the-trigger kind of guys” with intimidating mugs, they looked more like actors from a Hollywood action set. Once I struck a conversation, though, they turned out to be pretty decent guys, explaining how they had to trade in their overalls and tracksuits for war-ready uniforms “just for the show, tonight.” The bar served only British beverages and the barmen were eagerly ready to argue for hours over how their beer is better than ours. In the midst of it all it was easy to forget that this ship is known as the most heavily armed of its The Vessel kind and was previously involved in intercepting Length: 133m 3.5 tonnes of cocaine in the Caribbean in 2007, Beam: 16.1m

Top speed: 57.0km/h, (the fastest speed attained by any Type 23 frigate) Ship's Motto: Fear Dishonour The Crew The ship carries between 185 and 200 personnel including technicians and warfare specialists, 20 fully equipped royal marines commandos and officers, three pilots and two sniper personnel. The majority of personnel are British although some joined the








Grading Level: D3 Business Unit: Finance & Corporate Services Duty Station: Walvis Bay

Grading Level: C2 Business Unit: Finance & Corporate Services Duty Station: Walvis Bay

PURPOSE OF THE JOB: To develop, manage and control the credit and risk management functions to maximise collection, reduce write-offs and support the operational needs of Erongo RED.

PURPOSE OF THE JOB: To ensure compliance with the Archives Code and to provide administrative functions to the Business Units and the company such as official filing, file referencing system and handling official correspondences.

QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS: • Bachelor of Commerce from a recognised tertiary institution. • Ideally: NQA-recognised tertiary qualification in Finance.

QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS: • Grade 12 with twenty (20) points in five (5) subjects including an E symbol in English plus a Diploma in Administration.

EXPERIENCE: • Five (5) years’ experience in a related environment of which two (2) years must have been at a managerial level.

EXPERIENCE: • Four (4) years’ relevant experience.

DRIVER’S LICENCE REQUIRED: • Code B driver’s licence.

DRIVER’S LICENCE REQUIRED: • Code B driver’s licence.

Applicants who comply with the above-mentioned requirements may submit their CVs plus certified copies of their educational qualifications to: Festus Newaya, Human Resources Division, PO Box 2925, Walvis Bay, Contact Details: (064) 214 600 or hand deliver it to Erongo RED Head Office, 1st Floor Erongo RED Building, 91 Hage Geingob Street, Walvis Bay. Please note that no documents will be returned and no faxed or e-mailed applications will be accepted. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interviews. CLOSING DATE: FRIDAY, 18 APRIL 2014.


TEL + 264 64 214 600 FAX +264 64 214 601 91 HAGE GEINGOB STREET P O BOX 2925 WALVIS BAY NAMIBIA

The Chopper The Merlin Mk1 helicopter has been on the front line since 2000. The Navy website has this to say about it: “Our job is to find – and if necessary destroy – enemy submarines using our state-of-the-art sonar bouys, which we drop into the ocean, and Sting Ray torpedoes.” Being an older version, the helicopter’s tail folds to accommodate for space, which is a potential weak spot for the Navy.

power to the people


Navy from the Caribbean and two laundrymen are from Korea. Between them, 34 833 Cups of Tea are consumed during deployment, according to the British Navy website. HMS Portland is the first such Navy ship to be captained by a woman; Commander Sarah West.

The Guns 4.5Mk8 Gun: The 4.5in main gun, found on the forecastle of all the Royal Navy's destroyers’ frigates and destroyers, can fire up to two dozen high explosive shells weighing more than 40kg at targets more than 20km away. Seawolf: 32 Seawolfs. These anti-aircraft weapons are capable of tracking – and destroying – a target the size of a cricket ball traveling at three times the speed of sound well beyond the limit of the original missile (8km). Harpoon: eight anti-ship missiles. Harpoon is a sophisticated anti-ship missile capable of striking at targets more than 120 kilometers away (far beyond the horizon). Sting Ray: Sting Ray is a small lightweight torpedo designed to destroy enemy submarines. It weighs seven times less than torpedoes fired by submarines, racing through the water at more than 70km/h at targets and “delivering a 100lb explosive charge powerful enough to punch through the double hulls of modern submarines”.

Thursday, 03 April 2014


8 | News

Thursday, 03 April 2014

NAMA Nominations, an April Fool’s Joke?

Opinion by Lavrenty Repin

similarities. The Namibian Annual Music Awards have once more shot

Here are just some of the examples:

themselves in the foot this year

Maybe I'm getting old but

by nominating either washed out

in one of the most prestigous

artists or complete unknowns.

categories “Album of the

Having worked in the music

year”, of the six artists

industry for the past five years

nominated, I've only heard of

as a musician, producer and

two (Kanibal and Vanity) –

music critic, I've reported plenty

bear in mind that it's my job

on the seemingly un-budging

to know the local artists.








nominees for the popular Best

demand and instead focus on

Rock category; one of which

artists that have no relevance

is Kwaito artist Ees. Neither


Famaz Attack nor Penilane,






A stance, which this year has

who had a mega-hit on local

been slingshot by the fact that

radio stations that was aired

the general public has no voting

perpetually and to the point

power over any categories (that

of annoyance, made the cut.

matter) and that the panel of judges

Black Vulcanite missing in action

Namibia, nevermind musical




comes from countries, which don't

Vulcanite were arguably the

even have trade-agreements with

most successful newcomers last year, and their hard-work earned them a Rolling Stones review (a first for Namibia) and a record deal with one

Public Notice

of South Africa's biggest labels, but apparently not one nomination



biggest night in music.” Freeda (of Gal Level) released a highly acclaimed solo album this year, while all the predictions leading up to

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

the nomination night set her

Social Security Commission will conduct “OPEN DAYS” in the towns of Henties Bay and Uis in the Erongo Region. The scheduled dates are:

which is probably because

apart from her competition, she's behind two of the biggest hit singles for the past year and yet, unsurprisingly,

Henties Bay: 7 April 2014 - 10 April 2014 - (09h00 to 17h00) Uis: 11 April 2014 - (09h00 to 17h30)

she was only nominated in the Best Rnb category, for a song that nobody's heard of, and, of course, for the redundant “Most Disciplined

The following services will be rendered: • • • • • • •

Printing of Social Security Cards Registration of employers and employees Termination of employees Payment of contributions and assessments Claims enquiries Electronic Data interface enquiries Any other general information required

Venues will be at Henties Bay Spar and NamPost in Uis

Artist.” Speaking



Uno Boy should be quite irritated; nominated in the useless category of “Most Disciplined Artist” for the second year in a row, and nothing else again. Where Jericho,






Lil-D – popular successful artists? Instead Jean-Michael received four nominations, including Artist of The Year. No doubt he is talented, but how many Namibians know who he is? His videos on Youtube combined total less than a thousand views (compared to Sunny Boy's 15 000 for just one music video). Of course not all is bad,

P.O Box 815, Walvis Bay, Tel: (+264 64) 20 6183/150/124, Fax: (+264 64 20 6184) 858 Hage Geingob Street, Walvis Bay, Email:

seeing as Lady May is back in the picture – her dirty mouth is the only thing that can make the NAMA's worthwhile again.


Thursday, 03 April 2014

News | 9


DStv Killed the Video Store! JUST FOR

Opinion by Gareth Amos

As a fully paid up member of generation X, I, together with my fellow “X’ers”, have more than any other generation before us - and surprisingly even more than the so called “Millennials”- been a spectator in the phenomenal rise of fresh technological advancements that sentence their predecessors to the inevitable fall from favour … forever doomed to the scrapyard of yesteryear’s ideas. As I ponder upon the countless world-changing innovations in my life-time only, I cannot help but replay in my mind the now immortal lyrics of wonder group, The Buggles, who so aptly helped a generation bid farewell to the radio in favour of the box in the bedroom and lounge. Astonishingly there are still many that recall with fondness the crooning’s of the catchy chorus, “Video killed the radio star… pictures came and broke your heart… we can't rewind we've gone too far…ahaaa Video Staar.” Paging through the papers recently I cannot help but feel that the X’ers are once again playing witness to the demise of another stalwart technology that has been with us since the mid-seventies: the video store. Already taking a knock from the advent of the internet in general and most recently torrent facilities that allow the user to download copyrighted material at will, the video store now faces the inevitable final nail, so to speak, in the form of the recent launch of the movies on demand facility, aptly named Box Office from DSTV. Anyone with relatives or reasons to visit Europe or the US, will by now be familiar with the boarded up windows of once busy video shops. Change is inevitable and the convenience of “on demand” movies has proved far too enticing a prospect to let fall by the way-side. Think

about it, watch what you want, when you want and with a little extra tech in your pocket, whenever you want. No more queues, late returns, fines and most notable of all, no more rented or booked videos. Your video is always in and never late. Fantastic. As an “X’er”, though, I must say that I am left feeling unaffected by nostalgia that often accompanies these new innovations that we so readily absorb into our everyday lives as if they have forever been with us. Acknowledging my years publically, I recall a time (barely, to be sure) before the video store, when the magic of the silver screen was projected onto a sheet hung from a wall or curtain… a time when reels and projectors were the order of the day, bringing to us spaghetti westerns starring Bud Spencer and Terence Hill, coupled with the ongoing mission to explore new worlds and civilisations as Captain Kirk and co boldly went where no man had gone before. Ah, the magic. Not a few years later an entire generation was once again enchanted as the video player banished forever the convoluted projector to the scrap heap of technologies long gone. No one can deny the role the video store has played in our culture for the last three or so decades. I recall fondly video parties as a child, and to a million teens the words “let’s get a video and pizza,” were code for “let’s stay home to cuddle and kiss.” Despite the nostalgia though, as we have done on so many occasion in the past, we will inevitably find ourselves so immersed in the new technology that these memories will be pushed to deeply hidden recesses of our minds as we readily realise that with movies the medium is not as important as enjoyment they bring to us. With this I readily let go of the old and embrace the new in the comforting knowledge that the magic continues.

N$ 25

To register, SMS your smartcard number to 22888 *TERMS & CONDITIONS APPLY * BoxOffice is only available to Premium subscribers with HD PVR or Explora decoders.

An equal opportunity Employer

municiPality of WalVis bay The Town Council of Walvis Bay offers the following employment opportunity to Namibian Citizens in the department of:

roads & buildinG control toWn PlanninG officer (PATTERSON GRADE LEVEL C3)

PurPose of the Job To assist the Town Planner in the control and management of the urban environment through the provision of technical compilations / design of new townships and various administrative duties.

Key Performance areas • • • • •

Structure planning and town development Town planning policies/regulations GIS Town planning contraventions Administrative duties

Qualifications and exPerience •

A 3 year Diploma in Town Planning or equivalent qualification plus 1 year experience in town planning obtained upon completion of the Diploma.

or •

Degree in Town Planning or equivalent qualification. No prior experience is required, but the incumbent will receive 6 months in-service training upon employment.

Driving license code BE

remuneration The remuneration package will be market related, inclusive of competitive service benefits. Applicants are advised to apply by forwarding a cover letter, a comprehensive CV and copies of qualifications to: the manager: human resources Private bag 5017 Walvis bay Hand delivery applications can be submitted at the entrance of the main building (front desk of the Security Officer). Further information is obtainable from the Assistant HR Practitioner, Ms. Hilma Kawiwa at telephone number 064-2013343. E-mail and fax applications are not acceptable. closing date: Wednesday, 23 april 2014. Notice no 28/2014

10 | News

Thursday, 03 April 2014

Time for a Change Siglinde de Villiers

This coming Sunday marks the end of Daylight Saving Time when the clock is being moved forward one hour. However, such a small shift in time can have a very large impact on our body clock and health. Moving the clock ahead or back an hour causes our internal clock to be out of sync with daily routine, taking up to 21 days for our bodies to adapt to the time change. For one, the changing light patterns of winter time affect our sleep cycle. Even though the end of Daylight Savings Time (DST) means recapturing a lost hour of sleep in the morning, for some the changed bedtime may cause difficulty falling asleep and increased wakefulness during the early part of the night. Those who are exposed to less sunlight are more inclined to feel sleepy, for

light suppresses the secretion of the sleep-inducing substance melatonin. According to experts, one can adjust bedtime by a few minutes each night leading up to the time change. After the time change, it will get dark earlier, which could prompt us to hit the hay sooner, especially compared to the long, well-lit summer evenings that encouraged us to stay up past our bedtimes. On the other hand, being greeted by light instead of dark first thing in the morning can make us more vigilant throughout the day and boost moods in the long run. Many will grab the opportunity for a morning walk next to the lagoon or exercise session to start of their day with a clear mind and more energy. On the downside, getting sunlight earlier in the day also means it will be dark in winter by the time one arrives at home. The time change also has a psychological impact, where one feels that the days

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are shorter, and that winter is coming. This can even lead to feeling blue and Seasonal Affective Disorder where persons experience increased appetite, sleepiness, as well as decreased energy in the afternoon, loss of interest in work, unhappiness and lethargy. Performance at work is due to drop, especially when hungry stomachs start growling at 12h00 already. Since there is another hour still to go until lunch, much productivity in the workplace will be lost. Because metabolism uses up much energy, afternoons at work will seem endless, while cyber loafing will increase. For those who stay out until 02h00 and sleep until noon on the weekends, time change will not make much difference. Their lifestyle has adapted to the equivalent of shifting the body clock two and a half time zones every single weekend instead of one hour twice a year.

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Thursday 03 April 2014 09h00 -16h00 Exhibitors setting up 18h00 Opening Ceremony (Exhibitors & Invited Guests Only)

Friday 04 April 2014 08h00 Exhibitors arriving 09h00 Public arriving 18h00–20h00 Live Music Entertainment 20h00-24h00 Karaoke King & Queen 2014


Official Inauguration of Dolphin Park’s new facilities - Friday, 4 April- 09h00


Belated 24th Independence & 20th Anniversary of the Reintegration of Walvis Bay Celebrations (Kuisebmond Stadium) - Saturday, 5 April - 08h00

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Terms and conditions apply.

12 | Lifestyle

Thursday, 03 April 2014

LIFESTYLE Artist Shows What Barbie Would Look Like as an Average Woman We’ve all heard the talk that Barbie is not representative of real women. But what if she was? Artist Nickolay Lamm decided to see for himself by creating a doll based on the average measurements of a 19-year-old woman. Then, using the magic of Photoshop, he made his doll look like Barbie. Lamm explained his motivation by saying: “If we criticise skinny models, we should at least be open to the possibility that Barbie may negatively influence young girls as well. Furthermore, a realistically proportioned Barbie actually looks pretty good. If there’s even a small chance of Barbie in its present form negatively influencing girls, and if Barbie looks good as an average-sized woman in America, what’s stopping Mattel from making one?” That seems like a pretty good question to us. Check out some of the images of Lamm’s Barbie, next to regular Barbie and judge for yourself. Source:

Experiment Hints that Humans Aren’t Necessarily Evil After All A research group from Kyoto University conducted an experiment into the behaviour of babies when shown an animation depicting a scene of bullying. During the experiment, a high percentage of the babies showed a deep interest in the party being bullied. It is thought that the tendency to sympathise with the weaker party reveals the essentially benevolent nature of humankind. The group showed 20 babies aged just ten months an animation of one character attacking another. After the animation had finished, the babies were then made to choose between two images extracted from the same animation. One image represented the party engaging in the bullying, the other the victim. Out of the 20 babies that were used in the experiment, a staggering 16 of them (80 percent) showed a strong preference for the character being bullied. The same research group interpreted the findings as showing babies to have a strong tendency to sympathise with those enduring pain or being subject to some form of suffering. The group also conducted the same experiment on adults; however, the results suggested that upon reaching maturity the same propensity to sympathise is much less. Professor Yasuhiro Kanokogi who lead the research team commented, “These results point towards the essentially good-nature of man.” Maybe there’s hope for us yet! Source: NHK News

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Worldwide News | 13

Thursday, 03 April 2014

W or ldwide Russia Has Taken Control of Ukraine’s


Dolphins Photo by: Pierre G. Georges Dolphins are friendly, adorable marine animals. Except, of course, in Russia, where they are suicide bombers. The latest spoils of war following Russia’s Crimea takeover are dolphins that had been trained by Ukraine’s Navy, as kamikazes. From the 1960s until the fall of the USSR, the Soviets trained dolphins housed at a research centre in Sevastopol to hunt mines, kill frogmen with harpoons and knives attached to their backs, drag enemy divers to the surface so sailors could deal with them, and carry out suicide attacks against enemy vessels with bombs strapped to their bodies. When Ukraine became an independent nation, they kept the dolphins. Now Russia has taken them back. "The oceanarium's engineers are developing new instruments for new

applications to boost the operational efficiency of the dolphins," said an employee at the Sevastopol facility who wouldn't give his name. "Our experts have developed new devices, which convert the detection of objects by the dolphins' underwater sonar to a signal on an operator's monitor. The Ukrainian Navy lacked the funds for such know-how, and some projects had to be shuttered." Russia and Ukraine weren't the only country to use our aquatic mammal friends as deadly weapons. A marine mammal program also started in the United States in the 1960s. Testing was done on the hydrodynamic properties of dolphins and porpoises in order to help scientists understand how to build a more effective torpedo. The original purpose of the program was a failure,

but like the Benedictine monks who accidentally discovered champagne, the scientists found an unexpected use for the dolphins. Turns out the mammals were excellent at finding objects and people underwater. The program was immediately classified, and dolphins were trained to run anti combat–swimmer missions. In 2000, Russia sold 27 trained marine animals to the Iranian military. Combat swimming is a technique employed by maritime Special Forces around the world, in which they use scuba and other diving apparatus to sneak into a port or harbour and attack a boat or installation. A diver underwater at night is almost impossible to detect or deter — except by using a mammal. Unbeknownst to many people, dolphins sometimes

'Love Cloud' Sex Flights Offered

For Wannabe Mile-High Club Members If you've ever wanted to join the mile-high club but don't want to risk getting caught, a Las Vegas entrepreneur is ready to make your X-rated dreams comes true. Love Cloud is a new service offering flights over Sin City for couples looking to engage in a little sin of their own -but company founder Andy Johnson says it's about so much more than sex. “I want it to be romantic,” he told Las Vegas Weekly. “One of those bucket-list things that you did that you will never forget for the rest of your life.” The aircraft is a Cessna 421 dubbed the "Golden Eagle" that normally seats six but has been modified to include a custom-made foam mattress with a Liberator Heart Wedge

and Decor Whirl bolster (these are basically sex pillows). "After every flight, Love Cloud has a cleaning service that cleans every part of the aircraft with specific cleaning products to kill any and all germs," Johnson, 32, told KLAS-TV, adding that sheets, pillowcases and towels are all changed. The plane also packs a sound and light system as well as a curtained door that separates you from the pilot, who will be wearing a noise-cancelling headset to drown out any milehigh moans. While it may sound like an April Fool's Day hoax, Johnson told Las Vegas Weekly earlier in March that he's already booking flights and is even in the second round of auditions

to get his company onto the "Shark Tank" TV show, in which small businesses attempt to obtain investments from deep-pocketed entrepreneurs. Before you board the Love Cloud, however, there is one caveat: Johnson pleaded guilty to reckless operation of an aircraft and served 20 days in jail due to a 2012 incident around a Virginia-based flight school he once owned. In any case, he says he won't be flying the plane; he'll be running his mile-high operation from the ground. Flights start at $799 for 40 minutes with routes over the Vegas Strip, Red Rock Canyon, Hoover Dam and Lake Mead. Source: http://www.

guard the extremely strategically valuable US Navy nuclear submarine fleet against the threat of combat swimmers. The US Navy vehemently denies that its dolphins employ lethal technologies. Instead their animals — both dolphins and sea lions — focus on mine recovery and retrieval, and non-lethal swimmer interdiction. The animals are able to approach enemy swimmers and attach a clamp to one of their legs, which then allows sailors to reel them into patrol boats like marlin. There are currently two countries that publicly acknowledge having a militarized marine mammal program. The ex-Soviet “combat dolphins” were supposed to stay in post-Soviet states like Russia and Ukraine after the Soviet Union collapsed, but much like

other Soviet weapons, the dolphins were sold to other countries. In 2000, Russia sold 27 trained marine animals to the Iranian military, including not only dolphins but also beluga whales, walruses, and sea lions. Along with Iran, North Korea and Israel are also rumoured to have experimented with the use of mammals for military purposes. There were six dolphins total in Ukraine’s “fleet.” They are rumoured to deploy harpoons and bang sticks (12-gauge shotgun shells) that are lethal to their targets. But the full operational capabilities of the Crimean — rather, Russian dolphins remain unknown. Source:

14 | Motoring

Thursday, 03 April 2014

MOTOR ING F-Type R Coupé is One Furious Feline When Jaguar's F-Type roadster first pounced onto the scene late last year, there was no doubting that a Coupé version would follow to truly encapsulate the sports car's role as a spiritual successor to the legendary E-Type. Rising gracefully above the car's muscular rear wings, the sweeping roofline of the new F-Type gives

an unmistakable salute to the tin-top E-Type of 1961, which was described by none other than Enzo Ferrari as being the most beautiful car ever made. Back to 2013, the F-Type Coupé stands out as "the most dynamically capable, performance-focused, production Jaguar ever" as Jaguar puts it. Not only does it enjoy the obvious rigidity benefit brought by a fixed

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roof, but the Coupé also ushers in a new 'R' badged performance flagship model. ‘R’ IS FOR RACE The F-Type R Coupé will tear up the streets with the most potent version of Jaguar's 5-litre supercharged V8. In this form, it unleashes 404.5kW at 6500rpm and 680Nm from 2500rpm - 40kW and 55Nm more than the roadster's 'S' flagship model. This enables the tin-top to charge from 0-100km/h in four seconds on the dot and effortlessly reach its electronically limited top speed of 300km/h. Because speed isn't everything, Jaguar's redesigned Electronic Active Differential is in place, working with the 'Torque Vectoring by Braking' system to ensure that the Coupé is as agile as a hungry feline in pursuit. Its cornering talent is boosted by sporttuned suspension complete with Adaptive Dynamics damping and Configurable Dynamic Mode, while the ultimate in stopping power can be ensured by

specifying the Carbon Ceramic Matrix braking system option. THE TAMER CATS If the R Coupé is too extreme for you, Jaguar is also offering two V6 versions, both powered by Jaguar's 3-litre supercharged motor. The most basic of them offers 250kW and 450Nm, while the 'S' model is good for 280kW and 460Nm - still enough to ensure respective 0-100 sprint times of 5.3 and 4.9 seconds. All three Coupé derivatives send their urge to the back wheels via Jaguar's closeratio, eight-speed Quickshift gearbox, which offers full manual control through steering-mounted flappy paddles. Now all that's left is to get behind the wheel and see whether the striking new two-door lives up to Jaguar's description of a car that's "engaging, precise, intuitive and alive." South Africans will have to wait no longer than mid-2014 to tame one of these felines. Source:

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Business Boxes | 15

Thursday, 03 April 2014


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