Summer guide sample

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Summer Survival Guide

Namib Independent Great news for the coast!


Thursday, 20 December 2012

Summer Survival Guide | 11

Dorob National Park Rules and Regulations Published by the Ministry of Environment and Tourism: December 2012 The unique Dorob National Park caters for both conservation and leisure activities

All visitors should please obey the park rules and regulations 3. The person and animal should adhere to Being one of the most unique parks in the all regulations; world, the Dorob National Park along the 4. The person must remove the faeces of the central Namibian coast caters for various animal; and leisure, tourism and sports activities while 5. The animal shall not cause any also providing for conservation measures and inconvenience, nuisance, damage specific conservation areas. or injury to other people, animals The Dorob National Park was declared in and any plants or any other aspect of the Government Notice No. 266 of 1 December 2010. environment. Under section 84 of the Nature Conservation Ordinance, 1975 (Ordinance No. 4 of 1975), Regulation 36 of the Regulations Relating to Entering the park by vehicle Nature Conservation GN 240/1976 has been Any person entering the Off-Road Vehiclce amended by the addition of specific regulations (ORV) area in the Dune Belt between Langstrand for Dorob National Park under Government and Walvis Bay by vehicle will need a permit. Currently a permit is not yet required for the Notice No. 210 of 15 August 2012. The Nature Conservation Ordinance 4 of 1975 and use of a vehicle in other permitted areas or when Regulations Relating to Nature Conservation GN driving on park routes in the Dorob National Park published herein. 240/1976 remain in effect. The Dorob National Park stretches from the Kuiseb Delta (south of Walvis Bay) northwards Permitted and prohibited areas for sedans, 4x4s, to the Ugab River; and eastwards from the low bakkies and beach buggies: 1. These vehicles may only drive in the ORV water mark of the Atlantic Ocean towards the area with a permit (the Dune Belt between boundary of the Swakopmund district (See the Langstrand and Walvis Bay) and without included maps for the go- and no-go areas and a permit on proclaimed roads and clearly routes). marked MET routes, tracks and roads It includes the Walvis Bay Lagoon, a Ramsar (except where prohibited). Site, but excludes the municipal areas of Walvis 2. Where allowed, beach driving is only Bay, Swakopmund, Henties Bay and the authorised on MET designated and clearly settlement area of Wlotzkasbaken. marked routes, tracks and roads. It also excludes the railway line between Walvis 3. No driving is allowed on the beaches Bay, Swakopmund and Arandis, the road reserves at the sea fronts of Henties Bay, of the major B2 route; the minor routes C14, C28, Wlotzkasbaken, Swakopmund, C34, C35, C39; the district roads D1983, D1984, Cape Cross and the Namibia Wildlife D1986, D1991, D1901, D1918 and D2302; and Resorts (NWR) managed camping sites farms under private ownership or belonging to a at Mile 14, Jakkalsputz, Mile 72 and Mile parastatal institution. 108. Visitors to the Dorob National Park, who 4. East of the minor C34 routes, self-drives would wish to enjoy the various leisure, sports are only allowed on the 4x4 tracks and tourism activities in the park, are notified that indicated on the attached maps. they should familiarise themselves with and obey Detailed maps and GPS coordinates the regulations, laws and rules, contained in this should be obtained from the Henties Bay pamphlet. For further clarification they can also Tourism Association. consult with the coastal offices of the Ministry of Environment and Tourism at Swakopmund or Permitted and prohibited areas for quad bikes and Walvis Bay. Regarding the fishing regulations, anglers other motorised bikes: 1. Quad bikes and other motorised bikes may should consult with the offices of the Ministry of only drive in the ORV area with a permit Fisheries and Marine Resources in Walvis Bay (the Dune Belt between Langstrand and and Swakopmund. Walvis Bay) and without a permit west The Nature Conservation Ordinance Section 14 of the coastal road between Swakopmund protects and preserves wild animal life, fisheries, and Henties Bay, only on proclaimed wild plant life and objects of geological, roads and clearly marked MET tracks and archaeological, historical and other scientific roads (except where prohibited). interest for the benefit and enjoyment of the 2. Where allowed, beach driving is only inhabitants of Namibia. Therefore some activities authorised on MET designated and clearly in the Dorob National Park are allowed, while marked tracks. others are not. 3. Quad bikes and other motorised bikes are Activities causing the least damage to park prohibited on beaches between Walvis resources are regulated less, while those that would Bay and Swakopmund, in all areas be the most damaging are strictly regulated. north of Henties Bay, and on the beaches at the seafronts of Henties Bay, People & domestic animals in park Wlotzkasbaken, Swakopmund, and the All people who enter the park must: Namibia Wildlife Resorts (NWR) 1. Comply with the stipulations of the managed camping sites. Ordinance, the regulations and the 4. Quad bikes are strictly prohibited north Environmental Management Act of 2007; of the Omaruru River up to the Ugab 2. Comply with the instructions of signposts, River and other motorised bikes are signboards, pamphlets or communicated prohibited off the proclaimed roads north in any other manner; of the Omaruru River up to the U g a b 3. Obey any legal order or instruction given River. by a Law-enforcement Officer. 5. Quad bikes and other motorised bikes are permitted 10 km upstream from Henties When entering by foot people may: Bay within the Omaruru River but not 1. Go without a permit except in an area that beyond. is closed or exclusionary; and 2. Go on foot if being young adults or younger than 16 without adult supervision, but do General: 1. People may use a vehicle in the park with so at their own risk. their permit at any time except between 21:00 and 05:00. This provision does not Domestic animals in the park: apply to proclaimed roads and people may 1. A person may take a domestic animal into use those roads at any time. the park without a permit, except in areas 2. A valid driver’s license will be required to where it is indicated that such animals are use any motor vehicle in the park. not allowed; 3. No person shall drive or use any vehicle 2. Such animals should be under control by in the park whilst under the influence of the person at all times;

object or put or leave it at a place where alcohol or any other narcotic substance or in such a way that is dangerous to it may possibly ignite another object. human life or that may cause damage to any property or the environment. Entering the park by Air 4. Between Walvis Bay and Swakopmund, 1. Although aircraft and helicopters may no person shall offload their quad bike fly above a game park, it is unlawful or motorised bike at any other area than to fly at the altitude of less than 1 000 the designated off loading areas in the metres, except for lawfully landing or Dune Belt between Langstrand and taking off. Walvis Bay. 2. It is illegal to land in, take off from, enter or fly over the Dorob National Specific conservation provisions Park in such a way that is dangerous to Although many activities are allowed in the human life or that may cause damage to park, no person may: any property or the environment. 1. Angle on the beach in such a way that is inconvenient to other people; 2. Leave or use angling tackle in a place Commercial activities and business where it may cause inconvenience or A permit is required from the Ministry of Environment and Tourism to do any of the injury to other persons or animals; 3. Throw away or get rid of any part of a following in the park: 1. Carry on, transact, or conduct any trade, fish, bait, refuse or rubbish other than in business or tourism; the refuse bins provided; 2. Hold any organised competition or 4. Collect or remove any shell, shell grit, event; sand, rock or stone; 3. Undertake any construction activities of 5. Use water or electricity in excessive quantities or for any other purpose other any nature; or than for reasonable domestic use; 4. Engage in any kind of commercial 6. Pollute or degrade the environment; activity. 7. Kill, injure, hunt, capture, disturb or feed any wild animal or remove any Camping part of any wild animal, whether alive People may overnight or camp in the Dorob or dead; National Park but only with a permit and only 8. Remove, destroy, damage or disturb any at officially designated sites. egg, nest or burrow; Domestic animals may not be brought into a 9. Pick, collect, mutilate, destroy, damage, camping site unless the officer in charge grants tamper with, disturb or remove any tree, permission indicating where the animal may plant, shrub, herb, mineral or any other stay overnight. object of botanical, z o o l o g i c a l , Although people may enter a camping site by geological, archaeological, historical or any other scientific interest, or part vehicle, they may not: (i) use a buzz-bike, power driven cycle, quad thereof; bike or motor cycle in the campsite; 10. Collect or gather firewood; (ii) drive any other vehicle faster than 20 11. Remove, damage, destroy, soil, mutilate or interfere with any form of State kilometres per hour in any place within a camping site; and property; (iii) drive or use a vehicle on any portion of 12. Possess or use any weapon, explosive, the beach that is situated between a camping trap or poison; or 13. Throw away a burning or smouldering site and the sea.

12 | Summer Survival Guide

Thursday, 20 December 2012

DOs & DON'Ts at the Coast by the Namibian Coast Conservation & Management Project (NACOMA) Our coastline is a haven for countless unique plants, animals and birds. The steady degradation of Namibia's environment, in particular the coastal and marine environment, mainly through ignorant Offroad Recreational Vehicle (ORV) driver behaviour, threatens the well-being of everybody in Namibia. Please be mindful of the environment and ensure a sustainable future for your children and grand-children by applying the following advice: Do not drive off the road - Stay on welldefined tracks Desert gravel plains and lichen fields are very sensitive: tracks leave permanent scars and the sensitive, delicate equilibrium is lost forever. River beds are like linear oasis’s for wildlife to find food and water. In particular the large mammals, like the desert elephant, are extremely stressed by irresponsible human behaviour. The endemic animals and plants in the dune belt are severely impacted. • For your safety and security: driving in dunes is dangerous, it is advisable to go with a professional, qualified guide. • Moreover, because of the isolation, in case of an accident help may take hours, placing your life in real danger. Enjoy the dunes between Swakopmund and Walvis Bay with your 4x4 / quadbike / motorbike in the designated ORV area (central part of the dune belt), where a free permit from the Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) is required A specific zoning of the dune belt between Swakopmund and Walvis Bay was done specifically to accommodate the different activities and minimise impact to the dune ecosystem. These areas were identified as adequate areas for ORV activities. If too much hooliganism is noticed, a moratorium will be put in place and all offroad activities will be forbidden on state land. Motocross bikes or quad bikes are ONLY allowed to drive on the beaches between Swakopmund and Henties Bay • Driving on beaches has an impact on mussels, and other macro fauna. • Racing up and down the beach is both inconsiderate and dangerous. • Vehicle tracks are the most serious form of pollution in the Namib. Inside the ORV areas, stay on the dunes and avoid slip faces, gravel plains and vegetated areas Slip faces, gravel plains and vegetated areas are the most sensitive and productive areas in the desert, ORV activity impacts the abundant life found here. No overnight camping is allowed on the beaches or in the dunes without permission from the Ministry of Environment & Tourism • For not disturbing the wildlife, in particular the ones that feed at night. • For keeping the dunes and beaches clean. • For your safety and security. In the National West Coast Recreation Area, remain on well used vehicle tracks and do not venture east of the main road without a qualified guide • For not destroying more beaches and vegetation. • For your safety and security. • Vehicle tracks are the most serious form of pollution along the coast. Do not leave your litter on the beach, in particular plastic rubbish and cigarette butts - Use refuse bins or take your rubbish home • A litter free environment is more appealing for present and future generations. • Plastic rubbish and cigarette butts take a very long time to disappear (around 10 years), in particular in desert areas.

• A plastic bag can kill animals: sea turtles think that it is a jelly fish, eat it and die of asphyxiation.

Dune Dune Safety Safety Tips Tips By Dare Devil Adventures

Obtain a permit from MET for entering or camping in all parks • To acquaint yourselves with permitted activities and where they are allowed. • To help the Namibian Government to protect this international heritage. • For your safety and security. Do not drive over vegetation, lichen fields and mudflats • These areas are abundant with small animals that are essential for the desert ecosystem, your tyres will destroy them. • Tracks on vegetated areas take many years to recover. Once the shallow rootsystems of the slow growing vegetation are destroyed, the plants die. • Tracks on mudflats leave permanent scars. Obtain a permit from the Namibian Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) to catch fish, collect bait/mussels or dive for crayfish, and respect harvesting limitations The marine resources are limited and currently some of them are overfished or overcollected. It is necessary that everybody uses them wisely and carefully to secure the future harvesting needs by protecting the stock... Quantity/number of marine resources harvestable, minimum size limits of fish and crayfish that can be caught, open season etc. help to manage stocks to avoid the total disappearance of some species in our waters. Do not leave bait or fish on the beach: Either take it home or return it to the sea This food attracts scavengers like jackals and gulls that predate on other biodiversity. When you are back home after the holiday, it also inflates the predator population. When ordering seafood in restaurants consider your purchase with care. Be an informed seafood consumer and choose healthy fish populations and relieve the pressure on overexploited species. Your choices can help ensure the

Some tips when going into the Namib Dune Belt look straight ahead when driving, a sudden drop with any vehicle can be fatal. Keep your speed at a comfortable pace. Accidents can and will happen if you go too The dunes are a very dangerous place when you fast for your skill and experience. Keep a good don’t know the environment. distance between you and fellow drivers, and stay All dunes have a blind side or sheer drop of about in a straight line. If an area seems dangerous, have 30 to 40 degrees decline. Some can be as high as someone scout the area out. 60 metres. When going down a blind side never We at Daredevil Adventures take pride in the use your front brakes and do not accelerate until Namib Desert and the beautiful scenery of the the you are at the bottom; keep a bike straight down at all times. Safety is very important so always use dune. Keep our desert clean and don’t disturb the a helmet and if possible, protective gear. Always ecosystem. sustainable use of our marine resources, by giving Ensure that tour operators, whether in aircraft, a break to overexploited species, allowing them to boat or car, keep a safe distance from wildlife • For your security: when you trespass the minimum recover. distance tolerated by wild animals, they may attack. • Not to stress and disturb wildlife in particular during Do not feed wildlife A fed animal normally becomes a dead animal” ; this breeding season. is a global problem as these animals often become dependent on “hand-outs” and are aggressive when no Never camp near waterholes Animals travel great distances to get to water in food is given to them. desert areas and are disturbed by a human presence.


Summer Survival Guide | 13

Thursday, 20 December 2012

What To Do When Involved in a Car Accident

Special Message from Walvis Bay Municipal Traffic Department

The Chief Traffic Officer from the Walvis Bay Municipal Traffic Department said that they will have a no tolerance approach to traffic offenders this season. Chief Eben Platt declared that they will fine everyone for speeding, no exceptions!

They will also show no mercy to people driving under the influence of alcohol. “We would like to call on the public to adhere to all the road signs and regulations. We have had no death since the season started here on the coast and would like to keep it that way,” Platt stated. He also mentioned that people riding on quad bikes without helmets will be fined, too. Bikers, please keep to the allocated quid biking spots. All quads on the road must be registered and road worthy. Another thing the traffic the department will be strict on is safety belts, as they will not show mercy to people driving without. “Please wear your seatbelts at all time and switch on your headlights even in the day time. Do not take chances when overtaking another vehicle, and here I am speaking specifically to the taxis on our roads,” Platt said. “We would like to wish all the holiday makers on the coast a safe, happy and blessed season.”

EMERGENCY NUMBERS (064) Walvis Bay St Gabriel’s Ambulance State Hospital Welwitschia Hospital Fire Brigade Sea Rescue Tow-in Services Police

085 955 216309 218911 0811220833 2082263 205159 or 081 205 9934 219068

Swakopmund State Hospital/Ambulance Cottage Hospital Fire Brigade Sea Rescue Institute Police


Henties Bay Clinic/ Ambulance 500020 Fire Brigade 502000 Tow-in Services 500211 or 0811241251 Police 500 201

4106000 412200 4104111 404213 41 5000


What to do after a car accident

DO NOT: 1. Leave the scene. This would be a criminal act and would make the accident a "hit-and-run" incident. It would be investigated and your position would not be positive. 2. Move an injured person. Unless you have medical training and are qualified in some way, do not try to do this, no matter how uncomfortable you might think the person looks. You could injure that person further if you move them. You have no real information about how they are already injured and an untrained or inappropriate move could worsen the injuries. 3. Apologise. Immediately after an auto accident, most people feel shaken up or worse. At this point you really don't know much about what has happened and anything you think you know is subjective. You may have a guilty feeling as if you caused the accident, but that could be quite wrong. If anyone else involved in the accident has severe and permanent injuries and later hires an auto accident lawyer to sue you, your statements at the scene of the accident will be used against you. 4. Converse with others. Along the same lines as not apologising, it's better to refrain from any conversation with others at the scene. You need to ask for contact information from the other people involved, and from any witnesses of the accident, and you need to give your own contact information to them. Beyond that, it's better to be silent, because again, anything you say could be turned against you later. 5. Disregard police requests. Answer all questions put to you by police officers. Give them all information they ask for. Remain in whatever place they ask you to remain. Do not leave the scene before they give you permission. You can ask an officer about getting a copy of the police report, but do not try to monopolise the attention of any police officer.

Be prepared • Carry a set of cones, warning triangles, or emergency flares in your trunk to help alert traffic. • It also helps to have a pen and a card with any relevant medical information for you and your family. Immediately after an accident • Take a deep breath and stay calm. • Check for injuries; call an ambulance when in doubt. • If accident is minor, move cars to a safe place, out of traffic. • Turn on your vehicle's hazard lights and use cones, warning triangles or flares for safety. • Call the police, even if the accident is minor. • Notify your insurance agent immediately.

Supplied by the Traffic Management Unit Department of City Police, Namibia

Other important tips • Do not sign any document unless it's for the police or your insurance agent. • Make immediate notes about the accident, including specific damages to all vehicles involved, witness information, etc. • If the name on an auto registration is different than the driver, jot down the relationship. • Be polite, but don't tell anyone the accident was your fault, even if you think it was. • State only the facts, and limit your discussion of the accident to the police and your insurance agent. • If possible, don't leave the accident scene before the police and other drivers do.



GENERAL FINES: Description

Fine N$ 500.00

When following another vehicle too closely. When failing to display motor vehicle dealer’s clearance certificate on registration plate or in a waterproof holder.


When driving a motor vehicle without a valid driving licence.

N$ 1000.00

When failing to wear a protection helmet while driving a motor cycle.

N$ 1000.00

When occupying a seat in a motor vehicle operated on a public road and failing to wear a safety belt.

N$ 1000.00

When driving a motor vehicle & holding a cellular phone.

N$ 2000.00

When driving a vehicle without reasonable consideration for another road user.

N$ 2000.00

IMMEDIATE ARREST: When driving vehicle whilst the concentration of alcohol was in excess 0.37 mg. Per 1000ml. – breath exhaled When driving vehicle whilst under influence of liquor or narcotic drug having a narcotic effect When driving vehicle on a recklessly and/or negligently manner

Various Events Highlight Uniqueness of Dorob National Park by the Namibian Coast Conservation and Management (NACOMA) Project The Ministry of Environment and Tourism with the assistance of the Namibian Coast Conservation and Management (NACOMA) Project have set in motion additional awarenessraising for holiday-makers and coastal residents to learn more about the peculiarities of the Dorob National Park, one of the most remarkable parks in the world.

The Dorob National Park, situated between the Kuiseb Delta, south of Walvis Bay, and the Ugab Delta, north of Henties Bay, provides alongside conservation measures and “red exclusionary zones” for ample space to enjoy leisure, tourism and adventure sports activities. Members of the public are invited to attend four information meetings on the rationale for the

proclamation of the park and its specific rules and regulations. Mr. Colgar Sikopo, Director: Regional Services and Park Management from the Ministry of Environment and Tourism will be the main speaker after which the public would be free to ask questions and obtain answers. The first meeting took place in Windhoek on 5 December, 17:30 – 19:30 at the Polytechnic Hotel and Tourism School. The three meetings at the coast are on Tuesday, 11 December. The Henties Bay’s meeting will be from 09:00 11:00 in the De Duine Hotel; Swakopmund from 14:00 - 16:00 in the Swakopmund

Town Hall in Tamariskia; and Walvis Bay from 17:30 - 19:30 in the Walvis Bay Town Hall at the Civic Centre. Members of the public are called upon to familiarise themselves with the rules and regulations of the Dorob National Park. These are obtainable in a pamphlet with maps from the offices of the Ministry of Environment and Tourism at Walvis Bay, Swakopmund, the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources permit offices, at the Tourism offices in Henties Bay and other tourism information areas. The uniqueness of the Dorob National Park will be showcased in a film that was commissioned

126 – 130 KM/H 131 – 135 KM/H 136 – 140 KM/H 141 – 145 KM/H 146 – 150 KM/H 151 – 155 KM/H 156- 160 KM/H 161 KM/H +

Fine N$ 1000.00 N$ 1500.00 N$ 1750.00 N$ 2000.00 N$ 2500.00 N$ 3000.00 N$ 3500.00 N$ 4000.00

60KM/H INSIDE AN URBAN AREA: Speeding 76 – 80 KM/H 96 – 100 KM/H 101 – 105 KM/H 106 – 110 KM/H 111 – 115 KM/H 116 – 120 KM/H 121 – 125 KM/H 131 – 135 KM/H 141 – 145 KM/H 151 KM/H +

by the NACOMA Project. The 40-minute documentary highlights the splendour of the park’s sights, the various activities it accommodates and the importance of protecting its biodiversity with captivating footage and sound. A premiere of the film for invited guests and the media will take place at Swakopmund in the Atlanta Cinema (Arcade Cinema in centre of town) on 12 December (19:00 - 20:00). Further free screenings for the public are on 13 and 14 December, also in the Atlanta Cinema in town, from 19:00 20:00. The Walvis Bay Municipality will show the film at its public

Fine N$ 400.00 N$ 500.00 N$ 600.00 N$ 700.00 N$ 800.00 N$ 900.00 N$ 1000.00 N$ 2000.00 N$ 3000.00 N$ 4000.00

library on 12, 13, and 14 December, free of charge and each day from 09:00 - 10:00, 10:30 -11:30 and 15:00 -16:00. Screenings at Henties Bay, with the assistance of the Henties Bay Tourism Information Centre, will be at De Duine Hotel on 12, 13, and 14 December, free of charge, each day from 12:00 - 13:00 and 17:00 - 18:00. One Africa TV will show the film on Sunday, 16, 23, and 30 December, each day from 18:00 - 19:00. An announcement is also expected from the NBC TV shortly regarding the screening of the film during December.

14 | Summer Survival Guide

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Keep Head Above Water this Holiday Season

FIRSTAID AID TIPS TIPS FIRST When phoning the EMS, state the following 1. The telephone number you are calling from 2. The caller's name 3. The address of the incident 4. The nearest crossroad or well-known landmark 5. What you have done so far 6. Wait for the operator to ask you any questions 7. Let the operator put down the phone first 8. Make sure that the line stays clear in case the EMS want to contact you 9. Send someone to meet the EMS and direct them to the incident 10. Lock up any animals that may cause a hindrance

SPINAL INJURIES Prevention 1. Drive carefully and defensively. 2. Always wear seatbelts. 3. Children needs to sit in approved car seats appropriate for their age. 4. Wear a helmet whenever you ride aWALVIS bicycle or motorcycle or when you roller skate or roller blade. 5. Wear the recommended safety equipment for contact sports. 6. Always check the depth of the water before diving into it. Treatment 1. Keep the patients neck or back still 2. DO NOT attempt to move the patient unless the patient’s life is endangered 3. Keep the patient warm 4. DO NOT give the patient anything to drink or eat 5. Activate the EMS and 6. keep the patient calm 7. We need specialized equipment to move a patient with a spinal injury therefore DO NOT attempt to move or transport these patients

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Tanya Calitz In an effort to keep our community and holiday makers safe this festive season, the Walvis Bay Fire Brigade, the Sea Rescue Institute of Namibia (SRIN), the Navy Diving Division and Nampol Water Wing have put programmes together to keep our beaches safe. The initiative’s aim is to have safety guards and Navy officers present at all the main beaches, such as Independence Beach, Dolphin Beach and Dolphin Park and the Mole. “Independence Beach is a big concern for us, seeing that it is such a big beach and large swimming area,� said Lt N Auala, Head of Diving for the Namibian Navy. “We aspire to be preventative rather than having to send safety guards out to sea to rescue holiday makers,� added Chandler Plato, the Deputy Station Commander for the SRIN. Another concern is Dolphin Park, said Plato, seeing that the people flood the pools and often trample each other without noticing a child in trouble. The programme will run from the 14th of December till the 7th of January 2013. “Most of the problems occur during the peak times, which start around the 20th, but our main concerns are Boxing Day, New Year's Eve and New Year's day,� said Dennis Basson, Deputy Fire Chief of Walvis Bay. In the meeting it was mentioned that Police Reserves will be on standby in the peak times. The idea is to have a guard station house equipped with a first aid kid, as well as life saving equipment on each beach

and swimming area. “This structure will provide the safety guards with an area to store their goods,� said Plato. The Navy also pledged to provide the Walvis Bay Water Safety Campaign (WWSC) with an ambulance and medic on standby for the holiday season. St Gabriel Community ambulance will also be on standby working with the WWSC. “It is very important that we create a very visible presence at the main swimming areas,� said Basson. The Nampol Water Wing Division will be present and active on the variouss beaches, doing regular coastal patrols. The Navy safety guards will also do morning swims to see what the sea currents are doing as well as identifying rip tides in the area in order to inform the holiday goers of the risky spots. “We would like to start a safety guard initiative similar to South African Lifeguarding, getting the youth involved,� said Auala. According to him, the Navy Diving Division will train enthusiastic youngsters, men and women, to become lifeguards during the holiday seasons. “We want the community’s youth to get involved in these types of programmes, educate them about the sea and break the scary stigmas attached to the 'dangerous' ocean,� Auala added. The Walvis Bay Fire Brigade will be providing most of the equipment to the initiative and, Fire Chief Willie van Zyl will also be organising a communication system for the campaign members to communicate properly.

Precautions when dealing with Blood 1. Ensure that you are not exposed to your casualty’s blood. Use gloves or clean folded material or casualty’s own hands 2. Wash hands with warm water and soap and dry them off effectively, both before and after care if possible and even if you wore gloves 3. Avoid talking, coughing, sneezing and laughing over the open wound


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HEAD INJURY If the patient starts presenting the following, get medical help: 1. Becomes unusually drowsy or sleepy 2. Develops a severe headache or stiff neck 3. Nausea, and vomits more than once 4. Loses consciousness 5. Behaves abnormally, like becoming combative DO NOT do the following when dealing with a patient with a Head injury 1. Wash a head wound that is deep or bleeding a lot. 2. Remove any object sticking out of a wound. 3. Move the person unless absolutely necessary 4. Remove a helmet if you suspect a serious head injury 5. Pick up a fallen child with any sign of head injury. 6. Drink alcohol within 48 hours of a serious head injury FRACTURES Assess the injured part to determine the location of the fracture. 1. Keep the injured limb still 2. Stop bleeding if visible 3. Before and after splinting the limb check for a pulse or capillary refill 4. DO NOT attempt to straighten a deformed limb, always splint in the position found. (Remember, Mind as You Find) 5. Cut away clothing to expose the fracture 6. NEVER attempt to push back protruding bone ends

DROWNING Get Help. Notify a lifeguard, if one is close. If not, ask someone to call 081 707 or 081 924. If you are alone, follow the steps below. 1. Move the Person out of the water. Newly built un 2. Ask "are you OK?" If no response, see 3.. 3. Check for Breathing Furniture inclu 4. Place your ear next to the person's mouth and nose. The Investor c Do you feel air on your cheek? 5. Look to see if the person's chest is moving. Income for thi 6. If the person is not breathing, check pulse 3 bedrooms, 2 7. Check the person's pulse for 10 seconds. 8. If there is no pulse, start CPR lounge, 1 gara 9. Carefully place person on back. Joey 081 278 • For an adult or child, place the heel of one hand on the center of the chest at the nipple line. You can also push with one hand on top of the other. For an infant, place two fingers on the breastbone. WALVIS BA • Do 30 chest compressions, at the rate of 100 per minute or more. Let the chest rise completely between pushes. Check to see if the person has started breathing. 10. Repeat if person is still not breathing • If you've been trained in CPR, you can now open the airway by tilting the head back and lifting the chin. • Pinch the nose of the victim closed. Take a normal breath, cover the victim's mouth with yours to create an airtight seal, and then give 2 one-second breaths as you watch for the chest to rise. • Give 2 breaths followed by 30 chest compressions. • Continue this cycle of 30 compressions and 2 breaths until the person starts breathing or emergency help arrives.

Snakes,and Spiders and Scorpions ... Snakes Scorpions ... If you are careful about where you place your hands and feet, especially after dark, then there should be no problems. Simple precautions include not putting on boots without shaking them empty first, and always checking the back of your backpack before putting it on. Snakes do bite occasionally, and you ought to know the standard first-aid treatment. The area of the bite should be washed to remove any venom from the skin, and the bitten limb should be immobilised. Paracetamol may be used as a painkiller, but never use aspirin because it may cause internal bleeding. The only effective treatment is anti-venom. In case of a bite: • Keep calm. It is likely that no venom has been dispensed. • Stop movement of the bitten limb by applying a splint. • If you have a crepe bandage, firmly bind up as much of the bitten limb as you can. Release the bandage for a few minutes every halfhour. • Keep the bitten limb below heart height to slow spread

• • • •

of any venom Evacuate the victim to a hospital that has anti-venom Never give aspirin. You may offer paracetamol, which is safe. Do not apply ice packs. Do not apply potassium permanganate.

In all areas of Namibia there are different species of snakes, most of them harmless, but some extremely venomous. The Cape Cobra is one of the more dangerous kinds. One can recognise the snake by its flat throat. If disturbed, it raises its upper body and takes on a threatening posture. Everywhere in Namibia one can come across a Puff Adder (bitis

Puffadder in the Kalahari

arietans). It is short and across the entire body run V-shaped brownish cross stripes with light contours. Opposite to other snake species that take flight at the slightest tremor in the ground, Puff Adders don't recede at intrusion.

PREVENTATIVE MEASURES Watch where you step and what you touch in the bush. Do not step over rocks and logs, but rather onto them. Look where you place your hands while climbing or lifting objects. Firewood should not be gathered at dusk or night. Wear boots when possible. Do not sleep directly on the ground -inspect the camp-site and where you are about to sleep. Do not handle snakes and if you


large scorpion. encounter a snake stand still then legs. It is a very Prime area !!! back away slowly. Most snakes will It can be found in the areas of the home Namib Desert, FishFamily River Canyon, flee immediately. Epupa Falls, Brandberg, Spitzkoppe, Tandem garag Swakopmund and Walvis Bay. SCORPIONS Outside jacuz When searching for it you can look Namibia is home to Parabuthus 2 early outside room morning Villosus, one of the deadliest in rocky areas in the and late afternoon.Joey They also like scorpions in the world. 081 278 It is a very hairy scorpion with rock and log scrapes, as well as its colour varying between pitch loose bark of fallen trees where they black and dark brown with yellow excavate their burrows.


Parabuthus Villosus Scorpion

Summer Survival Guide | 15

Thursday, Thursday, 20 20 December December2012 2012

COASTAL COASTAL Outstanding Agents. Outstanding Results. " )* (

Walvis Bay Office: Tel: 064 212 440 - Fax: 064 212 450 Swakopmund Office: Tel: 064 464 033 - Fax: 064 464 116



So, you are on the coast. Life’s hustle

peace and, most of all, its prospects?

We also understand that you are on

the life. This is the life indeed, but at the back of your mind, you’re thinking if only this could last longer, if only I could take my bit of the beach with me, if only I had the nerve to call it a day and move to the coast, leaving the rat race for ever. If only‌ We say, why not? Why not now? Why not claim your stake of the coast’s majesty, its tranquillity, its

pack it all up and move this instant, but why not begin investing in the coast’s prosperity now and take advantage of the opportunity for great returns in the short, medium and long term? At REMAX we understand property, we understand investments and investors and most of all, we understand great returns.

that the investor’s eyes never close. We invite you to review the property investment opportunities laid upon these pages and to call us if you would like an information pack on any of these fantastic investments. We may still be at work, but we shall certainly slow down and work with you at a holiday’s pace.

AY (Central) - N$ 995 000 ccbustle lies

BAY (Central) - N$ but 1 990 000 Award and at your back.winning This is estate We agent understand that you may notWALVIS holiday, taking a break, we know

& "#



nit in the heart of Walvis Bay. uded. can get N$ 8000 pm is furnished unit. 2 bathrooms, open-plan kitchen / age. 8 0518

I am only a phone call away & ready to assist

you with any enquiry. Joey 081 278 0518

Spacious family home on huge erf 1250sqm. 3 bedrooms plus bachelor flat, 2 bathrooms, sunroom and many more, 4 garages, in and outdoor braai, Beautiful garden, alarm. Joey 081 278 0518

WALVIS BAY (Lagoon) - N$ 1 515 000 cc AY (Lagoon) - N$ 1 595 000 cc WALVIS BAY (Lagoon) - N$ 795 000 WALVIS BAY CENTRAL ! " N$997 000

In the heart of town, close to shops, schools and hospitals. Let us rent it out for N$5300 p/m. 3x bedrooms, 2x bathrooms, open-plan kitchen and lounge, 1x garage, intercom and small courtyard.

Claudia: 081 127 7783

Our prime area !!!! Very spacious and neat unit - stone throw from the Lagoon. 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, nice kitchen with b.i.c, and breakfast nook, huge lounge, burglar bars, 1 garage. Levies only N$ 230-00 pm. Investor can get up to N$ 4 000 pm rental income Joey 081 278 0518

!! offers 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, ge, in and outside braai, zzi, security door and alarm. ms. 8 0518

Y (Longbeach) - N$ 1 050 000 cc WALVIS BAY (Longbeach) - N$ 1 600 000 cc

( )* ( !


& "#

$ %%



Just move in - NO TLC needed. Near schools and town, walking distance to Lagoon. This sunny family home offers you 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, huge open-plan kitchen with electric and gas stove, lounge, established garden, 2 garages, huge erf 1138 sqm. Plenty of space for a granny flat. Joey 081 278 0518

WALVIS BAY (Meersig) - N$ 950 000 WALVIS BAY MEERSIG N$945 000

SOLE & EXCLUSIVE MANDATE!!! Rental income N$5500 p/m Townhouse in secure complex. 3x bedrooms, 2x bathrooms, open-plan kitchen and lounge, 1x garage, court yard. Yolanda: 081 147 9315 • Tanya: 081 427 0332 • Claudia: 081 127 7783

Walvis Bay OfďŹ ce: Tel: 064 212 440 - Fax: 064 212 450 • Swakopmund OfďŹ ce: Tel: 064 464 033 - Fax: 064 464 116

16 | Summer Survival Guide

Thursday, 20 December 2012


Walvis Bay Office: Tel: 064 212 440 - Fax: 064 212 450 Swakopmund Office: Tel: 064 464 033 - Fax: 064 464 116

Outstanding Agents. Outstanding Results.

NG !! I M N! O C OO S

AY (Central) - N$ 995 000 cc



WALVIS BA WALVIS BAY (Central) - N$ 1 990 000

Award winning estate agent


sole & exclusive mandate

New mall situated in the CBD of Walvis Bay. Reserve your two NOW I am only a phone call away & ready to assist bedroom it in the heart of Walvis Bay. Newly built un Spaciousflat family homefor on N$995 huge erf 000. 1250sqm. Shops to let in you with any enquiry. ded. Furniture inclu 3 bedrooms plus bachelor flat, 2 bathrooms, thesunroom centreand of many more, 4 garages,The Joey 081 278 0518 an get N$ 8000 pm Investor c in and town, subject s furnished unit. Income for thi outdoor braai, to 2 bathrooms, open-plan kitchen / 3 bedrooms, 2 Beautiful garden, alarm. final municipal age. lounge, 1 gara Joey 081Sign 278 0518 approval. 0518 Joey 081 278 now and wait transfer in WALVIS BAY (Lagoon) - N$ 1 515 WALVIS 000 cc BA 2013. AY (Lagoon) - N$ 1 595 000 cc WALVIS BAY (Lagoon) - N$ 795 000 December Sit back and C la u d ia 081 127 7783 re-sell for a tidy profit.


OUTAPI - N$2.950 000.00 (all CC Registered) INVESTORS’ DREAM

offers 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, ge, in and outside braai, zi, security door and alarm. ms. 0518

Y (Longbeach) - N$ 1 050 000 cc

2 rows of flats 5 flats in a row 2 bedrooms Our prime area !!!! 1 bathroom Very spacious and neat unit - stone throw from the Lagoon. 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, nice open-plan kitchen kitchen with b.i.c, and breakfast nook, huge living area lounge, burglar bars, 1 garage. All registered Levies only N$ 230-00 pm. Investor can in getcc. up to N$ 4 000 pm rental income Rental income of Joey 081 278 0518 N$23 000.00 WALVIS BAY (Longbeach) - N$ 1 600 000 cc

Just move in - NO TLC needed. Prime area !!! Near schools and town, walking distance to home Family Lagoon. This sunny family home offers you garag Tandem 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, huge open-plan Outside jacuz kitchen with electric and gas stove, lounge, 2 outside room established garden, 2 garages, huge Joey erf 081 278 1138 sqm. Plenty of space for a granny flat. Joey 081 278 0518

BAY WALVIS BAY (Meersig) - N$ 950WALVIS 000


Selma 081 279 2525 064 - 212 440

Walvis Bay Office: Tel: 064 212 440 - Fax: 064 212 450 • Swakopmund Office: Tel: 064 464 033 - Fax: 064 464 116

Summer Survival Guide | 17

Thursday, Thursday, 20 20 December December2012 2012


Walvis Bay Office: Tel: 064 212 440 - Fax: 064 212 450 Swakopmund Office: Tel: 064 464 033 - Fax: 064 464 116

Outstanding Agents. Outstanding Results.

NG !! I M N! O C OO S

AY (Central) - N$ 995 000 cc



WALVIS BAY (Central) - N$ 1 990 000

Award winning estate agent


sole & exclusive mandate

New mall situated in the CBD of Walvis Bay. Reserve your two NOW I am only a phone call away & ready to assist bedroom nit in the heart of Walvis Bay. Spaciousflat family homefor on N$995 huge erf 000. 1250sqm. Shops to let in you with any enquiry. uded. 3 bedrooms plus bachelor flat, 2 bathrooms, thesunroom centreand of many more, 4 garages, in and Joey 081 278 0518 can get N$ 8000 pm town, subject is furnished unit. outdoor braai, to 2 bathrooms, open-plan kitchen / Beautiful garden, alarm. final municipal age. Joey 081Sign 278 0518 approval. 8 0518 now and wait transfer in WALVIS BAY (Lagoon) - N$ 1 515 000 cc 2013. AY (Lagoon) - N$ 1 595 000 cc WALVIS BAY (Lagoon) - N$ 795 000 December Sit back and C la u d ia 081 127 7783 re-sell for a tidy profit.


OUTAPI - N$2.950 000.00 (all CC Registered) INVESTORS’ DREAM

!! offers 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, ge, in and outside braai, zzi, security door and alarm. ms. 8 0518

Y (Longbeach) - N$ 1 050 000 cc

2 rows of flats 5 flats in a row 2 bedrooms Our prime area !!!! 1 bathroom Very spacious and neat unit - stone throw from the Lagoon. 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, nice open-plan kitchen kitchen with b.i.c, and breakfast nook, huge living area lounge, burglar bars, 1 garage. All registered Levies only N$ 230-00 pm. Investor can in getcc. up to N$ 4 000 pm rental income Rental income of Joey 081 278 0518 N$23 000.00 WALVIS BAY (Longbeach) - N$ 1 600 000 cc

Just move in - NO TLC needed. Near schools and town, walking distance to Lagoon. This sunny family home offers you 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, huge open-plan kitchen with electric and gas stove, lounge, established garden, 2 garages, huge erf 1138 sqm. Plenty of space for a granny flat. Joey 081 278 0518

WALVIS BAY (Meersig) - N$ 950 000


Selma 081 279 2525 064 - 212 440

Walvis Bay Office: Tel: 064 212 440 - Fax: 064 212 450 • Swakopmund Office: Tel: 064 464 033 - Fax: 064 464 116

18 | Summer Survival Guide

Thursday, 20 December 2012


Walvis Bay Office: Tel: 064 212 440 - Fax: 064 212 450 Swakopmund Office: Tel: 064 464 033 - Fax: 064 464 116

Outstanding Agents. Outstanding Results.

BAY (Central) - N$ 995 000 cc



Award winning estate agent WALVIS

WALVIS BAY (Central) - N$ 1 990 000 BAY LIGHT (KUISEBMOND)


A unit that offers 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, open-plan kitchen and a garage. Selling for N$340 000 with a rental income of N$2860 Selma: 081 279 2525


Industrial plot for sale 2920 sq.m Claudia: 081 127 7783

I am only a phone call away & ready to assist unit in the heart of Walvis Bay. you with any enquiry. luded. can get N$ 8000 pm WALVIS BAY Joey 081 278 0518 his furnished unit. (MEERSIG) 2 bathrooms, open-plan kitchen / rage. 8 0518

Spacious family home on huge erf 1250sqm. 3 bedrooms plus bachelor flat, 2 bathrooms, sunroom and many more, 4 garages, in and outdoor braai, Beautiful garden, alarm. Joey 081 278 0518

BAY (Lagoon) - N$ 1 595 investment!!!! 000 cc WALVIS BAY (Lagoon) - N$ 795 000 In need of property

WALVIS BAY (Lagoon) - N$ 1 515 000 cc


N$950 000

Rental income N$4500 p/m. Safe and secure complex. 2x bedrooms, 1x bathroom, open-plan kitchen and lounge, 1x garage. Tanya: 081 427 0332 Yolanda: 081 147 9315 Barry: 085 604 2959

Our prime area !!!! !!! Very spacious and neat unit - stone throw e offers 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, from the Lagoon. 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, nice age, in and outside braai, kitchen with b.i.c, and breakfast nook, huge zzi, security door and alarm. lounge, burglar bars, oms. Prime area for holidays !!!!!!1 garage. Levies only N$ 230-00 pm. Investor can get up to 8 0518 N$build 4 000your pm dream rental income Various erven to Joey 081 278 0518 holiday home. Vacant erven WALVIS from 524BAY sqm(Longbeach) - N$ 1 600 000 cc AY (Longbeach) - N$ 1 050 000 cc up to 821 sqm Prices from N$450 000 up to N$600 000


Just move in - NO TLC needed. Near schools and town, walking distance to Lagoon. This sunny family home offers you 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, huge open-plan kitchen with electric and gas stove, lounge, established garden, 2 garages, huge erf 1138 sqm. Plenty of space for a granny flat. Joey 081 278 0518

WALVIS BAY (Meersig) - N$ 950 000

Do not hesitate to call me Joey 081 278 0518

Walvis Bay Office: Tel: 064 212 440 - Fax: 064 212 450 • Swakopmund Office: Tel: 064 464 033 - Fax: 064 464 116


Summer Survival Guide | 19

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Activities on the Coast this December . . Walvis Bay


CATAMARAN CHARTERS – Dolphin & Seal Cruises

CELL: 081 273 9309 Email:

CELL: 081 129 5393 TEL: 064 – 200 798 Email: Web:



CELL: 081 129 9076 Email: Web:

CELL: 081 129 6270 TEL: 064 – 20 7555 Email: Web:


ELEMENT RIDERS ROCK CLIMBING CELL: 081 392 4859 / 081 666 6599 Email: richard@element-riders. com Web: ELEMENT RIDERS

KUISEB DELTA ADVENTURES CELL: 081 128 2580 TEL: 064 – 202 550 Email: Web: ECO MARINE KAYAK TOURS CELL: 081 129 3144 TEL: 064 – 203 144 Email: Web:

CELL: 081 666 6599 Email: Web: OCEAN ADVENTURE CELL: 081 240 6290/ 081 627 1440 TEL: 064 – 402 377 Email: info@swakopadventours. com Web: www.swakopadventures. com

TOMMY’S TOURS AND / SAFARIS LIVING DESERT TOURS CELL: 081 128 1038 TEL: 064 – 461 038 Email: Web: www.livingdeserttours. LIVING DESERT ADVENTURES

CELL: 081 127 5070 TEL: 064 – 405 070 Email: Web: www.livingdesertnamibia. com



CELL: 081 269 5630 TEL: 064 – 402 473 Email: Web:

CELL: 081 129 7531 TEL: 064 – 402 613 Email:

ULTIMATE SAND BOARDING SWAKOPMUND CELL: 081 421 6021 Email: ultimateboarding@gmail. com Web: www.ultimatesandboarding. com

BATALEUR AVIATION CELL: 081 283 7949 / 081 128 8 434 TEL: 064 – 405 891 Email: Web: KRISTALL GALERIE SKYDIVE SWAKOPMUND

TEL: 064 – 406 080 Email: Web: AFRICAN ADVENTURES BALLOONS AQUANAUT TOURS CELL: 081 242 9481 TEL: 064 – 403 455 Email:


CELL: 081 124 5167 / 081 124 5169 TEL: 064 – 402 841 Email: Web: na

CELL: 081 128 0374 TEL: 064 – 40 5969 Email: Web: ALTER ACTION SANDBOARDING

CELL: 081 208 0678 Email: mario@namibgliding. com Web:

CELL: 081 128 2737 TEL: 064 – 402 737 Email: Web:


CELL: 081 127 2522 TEL: 064 – 205 511 Email: info@mola-namibia. com Web:

CELL: 081 200 4073 TEL: 064 – 404 207 Email: Web:

SANDWICH HARBOUR 4X4 CELL: 081 147 3933 TEL: 064 – 207 663 Email: Web: www.sandwich-harbour. com DAREDEVIL ADVENTURES CELL: 081 755 3589 / 081 149 1261 TEL: 064 – 220 158 Email: Web: www.

HAFENI CELL: 081 277 3074 TEL: 064 – 400 731 Email: CHARLY DESERT TOURS TEL: 064 - 404341 Email: info@charlysdeserttours. com Web: www.charlysdeserttours. com KHOI – SAN SANDBOARDING CELL: 081 273 4936 Email: ebensworld_o9@yahoo. com HATA ANGU CULTURAL TOURS

CARS & GUIDES FOR HIRE cc CELL: 081 223 9902 / 081 295 0818 Email:

CELL: 081 124 6111 Email: info@culturalactivities. Web: www.culturalactivities.


OCEAN ADVENTURES ANGLING TOURS CELL: 081 124 0208 / 081 128 5 523 TEL: 064 – 404 281 Email: Web: www.oceanaadvnamibia. com

CELL: 081 124 0635 / 081 128 0635 TEL: 064 – 402 359 Email: Web: www.laramontours@iway. na

NATIVE CREATIONS CELL: 081 271 6780 TEL: 064 – 403 708 Email: info@nativecreationsnamibia. com Web: www.nativecreationsnamibia. com

TURNSTONE TOURS SWAKOP TOUR COMPANY CELL: 081 129 2331 TEL: 064- 403 123 Email: Web:

CELL: 081 124 2906 TEL: 064 – 404 088 Email:


OKAKAMBE RIDING CENTRE Horse Back Riding CELL: 081 124 6626 TEL: 064 – 402 799 Email:

CELL: 081 124 6111 TEL: 064 – 461 118 Email: Web:

CAMEL FARM CELL: 081 230 1758 TEL: 064 – 400 363 Email:

SWAKOPMUND STADT FUHRUNGEN CELL: 081 272 6693 TEL: 064 – 461 647 Email: flammschneeweiss@mweb.

Your Holiday Restaurant Guide . .

20 | Summer Survival Guide

Thursday, 20 December 2012


Thursday, 20 December 2012

Coastal street Maps

Summer Survival Guide | 21

All maps contributed by To see more or to discover what you should not be missing on your coastal holiday, visit us today.

Walvis Bay Swakopmund Henties Bay

22 | Summer Survival Guide

Thursday, 20 December 2012

RecReational Fishing Regulations minutes south to a concrete beacon marked P2 at 27 degrees 12.000 minutes south; (h) the sea shore of any of the islands along the Namibian coast. Exemption Notwithstanding sub-regulation (1), the Permanent Secretary may on application and subject to such conditions as the Permanent Secretary may determine, grant an exemption in writing to any person in respect of the harvest of marine resources within any prohibited area referred to in that subregulation. An exemption granted in terms of subregulation (2) must specify the name of the person to whom it is granted, the period and the area for which it is granted and the applicable conditions, if any. Possession and transport of marine resources (1) A person may not have in his or her possession or transport in a vehicle or vessel any quantity of marine resources caught for recreational purposes (a) which exceeds the accumulated bag limit of three days in respect of the fish referred to in regulation 8(1) and (2): Provided that, in respect of regulation 8(2), the accumulated bag of 30 fish does not contain more than 10 fish of one particular species of fish; and (b) without being in possession of a fishing permit. (2) A person may have in his or her possession or transport in a vehicle or vessel fish referred to in regulation 8(1) and (2), or rock lobsters referred to in regulation 8(4), on behalf of another person, if the person, on whose behalf the fish or rock lobsters are being kept or transported, is present and is in possession of a fishing permit. (3) A person may not have in his or her possession or transport in a vehicle or vessel fish, which is not in a whole state, if that fish is subject to the size limits referred to in regulation 8(3). Where can you get a permit for using 4x4/quad bike/motorbike in the authorized ORV zone in the dune belt between Swakopmund and Walvis Bay?

P e RMits

(a) more than the quantity specified in Annexure K in respect Regulations related to the exploitation of Marine Resources, made in terms of section 61 (1) of the Marine Resources Act, of the marine resources referred to in that Annexure; or (b) white mussel that is able to pass through a ring with an No. 27 of 2000. Below are regulations governing harvesting of inner diameter of 38 mm, when it is in a whole state. marine resources for recreational purposes: (7) For the purpose of subregulation (1) (a) “barbel” means any individual of the species Galeichthys Permit required for harvesting for recreational purposes (1) A person, who for recreational purposes harvests in Namibian feliceps; (b) “snoek”, means any individual of the species Thyrsites waters, must atun. (a) Be in possession of a fishing permit; and (b) Carry out such harvesting subject to the conditions prescribed (8) For the purpose of subregulation (2) (a) “blacktail”, also known as “dassie”, means any individual by these regulations. (2) A person referred to in sub regulation (1), who is found of the species Diplodus sargus; (b) “galjoen”, means any individual of the species Dichistius without a fishing permit capensis; (a) is guilty of an offence; and (c) “kob”, also known as “kabeljou”, means any individual of (b) must produce permit within a period of 21 days from the day on which the person pays the fine prescribed in regulation 39(h) the genus Argyrosomus ; and (d)“West Coast steenbras”, also known as “white fish”, means (iii) in respect of a failure to comply with sub regulation (1)(a). (3) A person, who fails to produce a fishing permit within the any individual of the species Lithognathus aureti . period of time prescribed by sub regulation (9) For the purpose of subregulation (5) a) “mollusc” means any species of the invertebrate phylum Means of harvest A person may not for recreational purposes harvest marine Mollusca and includes chitons, bivalves, mussels, limpets (being any species of limpet, slipper limpet or key-hole limpet resources by any means other than (a) a hook and line, whether operated by a rod and reel or of the genera Crepidula, Diodora, Fissurella, Helcion, Patella otherwise, and using a scoop net to lift rock lobsters from the and Siphonaria) , whelks, periwinkles (being any species of the gastropod molluscs of the genera Cynisca, Gibbula, Littorina, water once they have been reeled to the surface; Oxystele and Tricolia ), slugs, octopods, cuttle fish and squid, but (b) a ring net; or excludes the ship worm (Teredo spp.) ; and (c) diving. (b) “seashell” means the calcareous or chitinous exoskeleton or shell of a marine invertebrate. Issue of permit (1) A fishing permit referred to in regulation 5(a) must be issued by the Minister or by any person or authority authorised thereto Prohibited species A person may not by the Minister, if that person or authority has agreed to do so. (2) A fishing permit may be issued for a period of either one (a) use as bait or have in his or her possession any annelid worm; month or one year and may be obtained upon payment of a fee. (3) A person or authority authorised under sub-regulation (1) to (b) collect any red bait by cutting or in any other way dislodging issue fishing permits must maintain records of the permits issued the red bait from the substract, except red bait which has been and the payments received for the issuing and must file reports washed up on the sea shore. thereon. Prohibited areas in respect of fishing for recreational purposes Daily bag limit (1) A person may not harvest marine resources for recreational 8. (1) A person may not, in one day harvest more than purposes within a distance of two nautical miles seaward from (a) 30 fish of the species barbel; the high-water line in any of the following areas (b) 20 fish of the species snoek; (a) from the middle of the mouth of the Kunene River at 17 (c) one shark. (2) Subject to subregulation (3) and regulation 11(1), a person degrees 14.900 minutes south to the concrete beacon marked may for recreational purposes harvest up to 10 per day of the TB1 situated at 19 degrees 57.040 minutes south, approximately 5 km north of Terrace Bay; following species of fish: (b) from the concrete beacon marked TB2 at 20 degrees 08.082 (a) blacktail; minutes south situated approximately 25 km south of Terrace Bay (b) galjoen; to the concrete beacon marked TB3 at 20 degrees 10.553 minutes (c) kob; south situated approximately 10 km north of Torra Bay; (d) West coast steenbras: (3) A person may not harvest any species of fish referred to in (c) from the concrete beacon marked TB4 at 20 degrees 31.358 subregulation (2), which is smaller or larger, as the case may be, minutes south situated approximately 10 km south of Torra Bay to the southern bank of the mouth of the Ugab River at 19 degrees than the size specified in Annexure J. 57.040 minutes south; (4) A person may not (d) from the concrete beacon marked CC1 at 21 degrees 45.300 (a) harvest more than 7 rock lobsters in one day; or (b) accumulate or have in his or her possession more than 7 minutes south to the concrete beacon marked CC2 at 21 degrees 51.380 minutes south ; rock lobsters. (5) A person may, without a fishing permit, harvest and retain (e) from the southern limits of the quay in the harbour of Walvis for his or her own use any of the following types of marine Bay at 22 degrees 57.350 minutes south, along the coastline to Pelican Point at 22 degrees 53.934 minutes south; resources: (f) from the concrete beacon marked SV2 at 23 degrees 08.929 (a) aquatic plants; minutes south situated at the northern limits of Sandwich Harbour (b) molluscs; and to a concrete beacon marked RL 3 situated approximately at 26 (c) seashell. (6) A person referred to in subregulation (5) may not in any one degrees 34.167 minutes south; (g) from a concrete beacon marked P1 at 26 degrees 44.000 day harvest or have in his or her possession -


Walvis Bay Office: Henrich Baumann Street Road - Number 643 Telephone: 064-205-971/2 Where can you get a licence for angling, crayfish diving & bait/mussels collection? MINISTRY OF FISHERIES & MARINE RESOURCES Swakopmund Office: NATMIRC / Aquarium, Strand Street Telephone: 064-410-1000 Walvis Bay Office: Inspectorate office, 1st Street Telephone: 064-201-6111 Henties Bay Office: Inspectorate Office, at Hanganeni Fishing Project Building Telephone: 064-500-320

sPRing tiDe

13 Dec 2012 @ 15:24 (1.78 m)

H-O-METER FIS Best fishing days Good fishing days

loWest tiDe

13 Dec 2012 @ 21:29 (0.05 m)









sun Sunrise 06:13 Sunset 19:46

sun Sunrise 06:13 Sunset 19:46

sun Sunrise 06:14 Sunset 19:47

sun Sunrise 06:14 Sunset 19:47

sun Sunrise 06:15 Sunset 19:48

sun Sunrise 06:15 Sunset 19:48

sun Sunrise 06:16 Sunset 19:49

Moon Phase Moonset 00:37 Underfoot 06:52 Moonrise 13:11 Overhead 19:14

Moon Phase Moonset 01:13 Underfoot 07:37 Moonrise 14:04 Overhead 19:59

Moon Phase Moonset 01:50 Underfoot 08:21 Moonrise 14:55 Overhead 20:43

Moon Phase Moonset 02:29 Underfoot 09:06 Moonrise 15:46 Overhead 21:28

Moon Phase Moonset 03:09 Underfoot 09:52 Moonrise 16:37 Overhead 22:15

Moon Phase Moonset 03:51 Underfoot 10:39 Moonrise 17:28 Overhead 23:02

tiDe tiMes Low tide 02:20 High tide 08:59 Low tide 15:30 High tide 21:37

tiDe tiMes Low tide 03:32 High tide 10:11 Low tide 16:47 High tide 23:00

tiDe tiMes Low tide 04:50 High tide 11:23 Low tide 17:54 High tide ---:---

tiDe tiMes High tide 00:14 Low tide 05:59 High tide 12:25 Low tide 18:46

tiDe tiMes High tide 01:08 Low tide 06:53 High tide 13:14 Low tide 19:26

tiDe tiMes High tide 01:52 Low tide 07:36 High tide 13:54 Low tide 20:01

Best Fishing 13:56 to 14:58

Best Fishing 15:13 to 16:15

Best Fishing 11:55 to 12:57

Best Fishing 12:57 to 13:59

Best Fishing 13:46 to 14:48

14:26 to 15:28


MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT & TOURISM Swakopmund Office: Corner Bismarck Street and Sam Nujoma Avenue Telephone: 064-404-576

Best Fishing





sun Sunrise 06:17 Sunset 19:49

sun Sunrise 06:17 Sunset 19:49

sun Sunrise 06:18 Sunset 19:50

sun Sunrise 06:18 Sunset 19:50

sun Sunrise 06:19 Sunset 19:50

Moon Phase Moonset 04:37 Underfoot 11:27 Moonrise 18:17 Overhead 23:51

Moon Phase Moonset 05:24 Underfoot 12:15 Moonrise 19:05 Overhead ---:---

Moon Phase Overhead 00:39 Moonset 06:14 Underfoot 13:04 Moonrise 19:51

Moon Phase Overhead 01:28 Moonset 07:06 Underfoot 13:51 Moonrise 20:35

Moon Phase Overhead 02:15 Moonset 07:58 Underfoot 14:39 Moonrise 21:16

Moon Phase Overhead 03:02 Moonset 08:51 Underfoot 15:25 Moonrise 21:55

tiDe tiMes High tide 02:28 Low tide 08:14 High tide 14:30 Low tide 20:33

tiDe tiMes High tide 03:02 Low tide 08:48 High tide 15:03 Low tide 21:04

tiDe tiMes High tide 03:33 Low tide 09:20 High tide 15:35 Low tide 21:33

tiDe tiMes High tide 04:03 Low tide 09:51 High tide 16:06 Low tide 22:03

tiDe tiMes High tide 04:33 Low tide 10:23 High tide 16:38 Low tide 22:33

tiDe tiMes High tide 05:04 Low tide 10:57 High tide 17:11 Low tide 23:05

Best Fishing

Best Fishing 15:34 to 16:38

Best Fishing 15:04 to 16:06

Best Fishing 15:37 to 16:39

Best Fishing

15:02 to 16:04

Best Fishing

14:31 to 15:35


15:03 to 16:07



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