The namib independent issue 54

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Namib Independent Great news for the coast!

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Thursday, 13 June 2013 to Wednesday, 19 June 2013 NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH - PART 2






14-Year-Old Child Bride Pregnant Tanya Calitz The latest case of child-trafficking has surfaced after authorities confirmed that a 14-year-old girl from the North was sold into marriage to a 40-year old man by her father. According to a Social Worker on the case, the incident was brought to their attention by people who worked with the accused on a farm near Karibib. The Social Workers then investigated the reports and had the teenager removed from the accused after they confirmed that she is under-aged. The girl was taken to a place of safety while Nampol’s Women and Child Protection Unit investigated the case further. “The girl was very confused and traumatised when we removed her from her circumstances living with her ‘traditional husband’, because she did not have a say and was simply taken away from him and placed in care,” said Social Worker Margret Richter from the Ministry of Gender Equality and Child Welfare. From there she was brought to a safe haven for Children in Walvis Bay. According to Nampol’s Deputy Commissioner Kashuupulwa, they are investigating a case of statutory rape and human-trafficking charges. The accused has not been arrested yet, and according to Deputy Commissioner Kashuupulwa the accused is still working on the farm outside of Karibib. According to Richter the young girl was living with her aunt before she was sold off to the accused. “She was living in a village in Onhangwena Region when her father one day called her to his village and informed her that she will go with this man as his wife. The father gave his daughter away after an exchange of money took place between the girl’s father and the accused,” said Richter. Richter said that the girl is currently showing symptoms of depression, especially after she was told that she is pregnant. “I am busy with the process to get her back to her family in the North – specifically her aunt she was staying with. It will be better for her to go back where she will get the necessary support from her aunt and local social workers. Continued on Page 3

Flamingos Stay Due to Drought Tanya Calitz It is already mid-June, the heart of winter here on the coast, but yet our lovely seasonal feathered friends have

not left for Etosha's and Botswana’s Sua Pans. Instead, they are still entertaining us with their presence at the lagoon. Continued on Page 3

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Thursday, 13 June 2013

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Namib Independent is published by Halfround Communications CC. All rights are reserved. Whilst every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained within, no liability can be accepted by the publishers or contributors for any errors, misstatements or omissions which may have occurred. The opinions expressed in the publication are not necessarily those of the publishers. Also, the publishers accept no legal liability regarding copyright ownership for material which was supplied directly to the publishers by any of the advertisers or contributors.


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Thursday, 13 June 2013

News | 3

14-Year-Old Child Bride Pregnant

Continued from Page 1

The shelter is only temporary for her and a means of crisis intervention. I anticipate for her to leave within two weeks,” Richter said. Sadly this is not an isolated case and child-trafficking happens a lot under the pretences of arranged traditional marriages, said Richter. “I have seen similar cases, especially with children from the North. Sometimes young girls are also used to look after babies and toddlers. We are faced

with many child-trafficking problems in Namibia. Last month I had a case in Swakopmund where a 13-year-old child was living with a much older man, simply for the purposes of sex, cooking and cleaning". Richter also pointed out that this 14-year-old girl will need a lot of psychological treatment in order to work through the trauma, especially now that she discovered that she is pregnant. “To her ‘traditional

husband’ she was merely there to cook and clean for him, as well as looking after his sexual needs,” said Richter. According to Richter, the single most important thing one can do to try and prevent the ongoing childtrafficking problem is to create awareness. “Awareness about childtrafficking is very important. I think the community is ignorant and uneducated about this topic. People sometimes think that trafficking is

just when a child is taken outside the country, but it can also happen within our country,” she said. “People must also be encouraged to report such cases as we found that people don’t report because they don’t want to get involved. Young girls are exploited and this girl for instance will have a difficult future. She is now forced to be a teenage mother and this drastically decreased her chances of getting an education,” Richter

Flamingos Stay Due to Drought Continued from Page 1

explained. “Men should also start to be the target group when it comes to education. Schools should be mobilised to focus on issues like this with their learners. This whole problem of child-trafficking should be a collective responsibility of main stakeholders and the community in order to stop it. In the end the only victims are these young children,” Richter stated.

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According to the Albatross Task Force Project Manager, John Paterson, our Flamingo Visitors will most probably stay here until the next breeding season, after the rains. “Normally the flamingos fly inland after rains early in the year to pans that have filled with rain water where they breed. They build a tall nest from mud in shallow water away from predators. The only places they breed in Southern Africa are in Etosha's and Botswana’s Sua Pans,” Paterson informed us. Unfortunately both these areas are under severe drought. One would then wonder how these beautiful creatures know about the inland drought and don’t waste their time migrating back, but according to Paterson this remains a mystery. “This is one of the mysteries of bird movements. There is no answer for this. They could possibly be sensitive to the atmospheric pressure and pick up pressure systems and know which ones

bring rain. But this is simply a theory,” said Paterson. According to Paterson, the flamingo numbers in Walvis are highest in January when between 55 and 60 thousand birds have at times been counted in the Walvis wetlands. “We are expecting a higher than average count this year in June/July due to the fact the birds have not left and have just had several bumper breeding years inland so the population has been bolstered by the new recruitment of juveniles,” he explained. Paterson also added that there are two species of flamingo found at the Walvis wetlands. One is the lesser flamingo, which is slightly smaller, of a darker pink colour with a dark, almost red bill vegetarian. The other is the greater flamingo, which is bigger, a lighter pink with a pale pink bill. These birds feed on zooplankton, small crustaceans and other organisms living in the mud which they filter with their beaks.



Thursday, 13 June 2013

4 | News

Swakop Neighbourhood Watch Takes on Tough Questions - part 2 Gareth Amos In an unprecedented move Mr. Mike Nederlof from the Swakopmund Neighbourhood Watch sat down with the Namib Independent to address some of the not-so-friendly questions that are being posed by local residents relating to the ongoing activities and methodologies employed by the Watch. What follows is part two of this interview in which a forthright Nederlof addresses these issues with confidence and ease. Part two follows the same format as the prequel in that it is tabled as a Q&A session between the author and Nederlof. GA: We have had quite a few reports of that the Neighbourhood Watch has gone too far and that you are overstepping your territory and mark. Particular reference has been made via allegations of intimidation outside of legal business establishments. We have been told that at times you guys line up outside of these businesses just before closing time. MN: Firstly, this is not about stepping out of our territory. We see our role as one of stopping crime in all the neighbourhoods our members come from, including town. The establishments you are talking about are targeted for a reason. We know that there are drugs being sold in these places and this has no place in our town. If you sell drugs, you are breaking the law. Full stop. GA: When you say drugs are being sold, how do you know this? MN: We knew for a fact that people were selling drugs over the counter in at least two places and this is why we were on hand. GA: I don’t understand; If you had proof that drugs were being sold in these places, why the intimidation outside? MN: Look, you can’t just make an arrest. Even if you are sure there are drugs being sold, you really need to catch the person in action. Money must change hands. We did tell the police during December when members of the drug squad were in Swakopmund, but you really need an informant to actually buy the drugs and then they get caught red handed. Swakop is a small place and the guys who use drugs all know each other. They will not sell to people they don’t know, so it is really not so straight forward. GA: OK, but why then be outside these places anyway? What is the point? MN: You must remember that a lot of crime and vandalism happens because of alcohol. People come out of these places really drunk and often cause disturbances. An example was a fight that took place outside, where the guys did quite a bit of damage to a parked car. We took control of the situation, took the guys to the police and even took all the details of each and the car so that the lady who owned the car would not have had to go to the police station to lay a case. I mean, she was totally drunk. Imagine she still had to go lay a case because of these guys. GA: But you would let her drive home? MN: (smile) GA: Alright then, let me ask you about your own guys. Do they drink and misbehave MN: Not that I know (playful smile). GA: Earlier in the conversation you said that Kücki's Pub is a frequented “waterhole” of your members. Do you not think that you should

patrol outside with the particular aim of catching drunk drivers? You said a crime is a crime. MN: Our guys don’t drink (playful smile). GA: Alright, let’s move on. There were newspaper complaints about you arresting underage drinkers at a major event over Christmas. Tell me about that. MN: You know the biggest surprise at this event was the parent’s attitude towards us for taking action. The event was clearly marked as 18 upward. Drink was being sold, so no minors are allowed, full stop, that’s the law. You would not believe; there were plenty of underage drinkers who were actually at the event with their parents. This made it very difficult for us to do our job. Just because the parents say its fine, that does not make it legal. Some of the parents we called when we had their kids really went off at us, saying it is not our business what their kids do. This happens often. GA: I can sort of see their thinking behind this. I mean if a parent has made a decision to allow their kids to have a drink or to smoke, is it really someone else’s business? What if it happens to kids of the Watch? MN: Again, this is the law. It has happened before with the Watch, but in the end these members end up falling away. GA. OK, let’s talk about Swakop Neighbourhood Watch, with an emphasis on the word Swakop. Do you actually patrol the entire Swakopmund? MN: No, we only patrol Venita, Kramersdorf and town. GA: Excuse me for saying this, but essentially you are talking about "white" areas only. You mean you don’t patrol Tamariska, Mondesa or the DRC? MN: No, if they want a neighbourhood watch, they must make their own. We only patrol where we live. I mean would they patrol our areas if they had a watch… of course not. We have responded to a few incidences, but come on, when white oaks rock up in their “bakkies” and things, it just makes the situation worse. Our guys take a lot of flack. GA: But you do realise that you are only tackling the symptoms of crime. If you simply carry on like this, you will always be catching criminals; the situation will never go away. Crime, like drug selling, house theft, tourist muggings and the like stem from our deep social issues, especially poverty. MN: We are not a social change organisation. Our members do help with charity every now and then, but we are about stopping crime. We can’t solve the social issues. We will just carry on with the duties that we perform now. GA: Well, what does your organisation make up consist of then? Do you have any non-whites in the watch? MN: We mostly have some coloureds, because they live in Venita. Of the 260 we have about 21 who are coloured. Look, a lot of blacks would like to join but can’t afford to actually be part. New members have to buy some basic stuff such as vests and torches and then our members use their own petrol to patrol. That costs, so it is not easy. There is currently quite a lot of interest in setting up a Tamariskia Watch and we have been in talks with some residents there. If they do set up a watch, then they will also become part of our Watch. This

means that we will all communicate via the same channels; they will also be part of our radio system so that everyone gets the full benefit and support of the entire watch. This is the only way different neighbourhood watches can operate efficiently. GA: So you would grow the network out into other neighbourhoods. MN: Yes, I was just at a meeting the other day in Walvis Bay about managing different neighbourhood watches and the reason why Walvis Bay Watches are not doing so well is that they are totally divorced from each other. There is no co-ordination between them, which leaves the door wide open for criminals. Until they learn to operate as a single unit, they are simply not going to be efficient. GA: Mike, we have covered a lot of

ground. Thanks very much for taking the time to chat with us. Before we go our separate ways, tell me… what’s next from the Watch? MN: Well, we are currently opening a brand new office in the city centre. The office will be manned by a person at all times and will operate as a control centre. So we are proud of this. In the long term, I would love to see a Swakopmund City Police type of setup. They have one in Windhoek and crime has gone down a lot because of this, especially crime during the day, which is actually when we are our least active. It would be great if that role could be filled here. GA: Any last parting shots? MN: Ya, remember… you can never change a criminal, only move them on.

Raging Shack Fire in Henties A raging fire recently burned down seven shacks in the Henties Bay settlement. According to fire fighters on the scene, the fire was started by a toddler playing with a lighter. The fire apparently started between 9am and 9:30am. Due to strong winds the fire spread quickly, until it eventually demolished seven shacks. The fire department of Henties Bay responded quickly and managed to get the fire under control after two hours of firefighting, and prevented more shacks from burning down. Luckily no one was injured, but many of the residents were left with nothing.

Thursday, 13 June 2013

News | 5

COURT ROLL Theft and Fraud

Arms & Ammunition Act

Benedict Engelbrencht (22) appeared on the count of fraud. Bail was set to N$1000.00 and the matter is postponed to 7 November 2013.

Frans Sheehama Hinamwane (43) appeared on the count of arms & ammunition act possession of a fire-arm without a license. Bail of N$1000.00 was issued and the matter is postponed Bennedictus Engelbrecht (24) appeared to 12 August 2013. on the count of theft. Bail of N$1500.00 was issued and the matter is postponed Kurwapa Jonas (39), Peter Kwandu to 7 November 2013. (39) and Desderious Hamawoko (45) appeared on court for being Otto Horaseb (44), Clemence Lesley in possession of uranium. Bail of Wimmerth (45) and Simon Uirab (49) N$1000.00 was issued to all accused appeared on the count of theft. Otto and and the matter is postponed to the 18 Clemence got bail of N$8000.00 while July 2013. Simom received bail of N$5000.00. The matter is postponed till 22 August Assault and Murder 2013. Samuel Uugulu (26) appeared on counts of assault indecent assault. Upon Tukondjele Tashiya Joseph (30) bail of N$800.00 being paid, a warrant appeared on counts of fraud. Upon bail of arrest was issued. Postea: the case of N$1000.00 being paid the accused was withdrawn against accused, reason remains in custody. The matter is being, comp. filed an affidavit statement postponed to 25 July 2013. withdrawing. Bail money was refunded and the warrant of arrest was cancelled.

Road Traffic Act Jesaya I. Nambundunga (57) appeared on the count of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. Bail was set to N$4000.00 and the matter is postponed to 14 August 2013. Accused is on bail.

Culpable Homicide Lerato Sande (29) appeared on counts of culpable homicide vehicle accident. The matter is postponed to the 4 July 2013 and accused is on warning.

Immigration Control Act Gideon Kadhila (26) failed to appear on the count of road traffic regulationsstopped a vehicle where it would or would likely contitute a danger or an obstruction to other traffic. Warrant of arrest was issued and the accused is at large.

Mei Ji (37) appeared on counts of immigration control act - remaining in Namibia after expiration of visitors entry permit. The case was withdrawn against accused and the bail of N$2000.00 was refunded.

Car Dealers Unimpressed with Natis Madelaine Laubscher Recently, numerous reports came through from local car manufacturers complaining about the the new machine that Natis uses to test vehicle brakes. Namib Independent spoke to various car dealers after receiving a complaint regarding brakes that were allegedly failed one after the other at Natis. “I have to stand at Natis all day long, which takes up a lot of time from my busy schedule. So far every vehicle I took to Natis had its brakes failed. I also know of other companies that experienced the same problem ever since Natis started using the new machine to test the brakes”. “We have to stand in that queue from 07:30 in the morning. We only reach the front by lunch time where the Natis staff members tell us they are closing for lunch, so we have to go back the next day since they only test brakes in the morning. When we eventually get our brakes tested, the new machine at Natis shows that our brakes failed,” said a very unhappy car dealer. Another car dealer said they had over five vehicles that had their brakes failed at Natis. “We are very unhappy, because we have to sell our vehicles. Once we sold the vehicle we have to deliver the vehicle to the new owner. We cannot deliver the vehicle in time, because recently a lot of the brakes have been failed.” Namib Independent spoke to Mr Platt, the Chief Traffic Officer. He was asked whether the machine could be faulty, because there had been a lot of complaints. He explained how the new machine

works. “Firstly, we have a camera connected to the machine that shows the details of each vehicle tested at our premises. The service brake efficiency of a vehicle should be 0.45 N/Kg or above. The park brake efficiency of a vehicle should be 0.12 N/Kg or above. I am aware of the car dealers’ complaints and that their brakes were failed, because they simply did not match the requirements. They were sent back to have their brakes set accordingly. When they returned, they passed. Many mechanics arrive here saying that the brakes are set to the highest N/Kg therefore the brakes do not have to be tested, but it is our duty to ensure that the brakes are 100% correct, and we do so by testing the vehicle regardless of what a mechanic tells us." Namib Independent spoke to another car dealer who had a customer sent back to them from Natis, who had her brakes failed. “A lady brought her car back to us to have her brakes looked at. She said she was the 6th person having brakes failed in one day. However we did notice that one of the brakes did need to be set higher. We set the brake higher and she returned to Natis and she passed,” said the car dealer. Mr Platt mentioned that vehicles' brakes are a very important aspect on roadworthiness of a vehicle. We have to make sure that vehicle brakes work 100%, since it is seen too often that faulty brakes are the reason behind accidents on the coast. Therefore it is our duty to ensure that any vehicle, new or old, is tested and passed according to our requirements,” said Platt. He also said that Natis cannot prevent the large numbers of people queuing up everyday. “The Natis staff do their utmost best to attend as swiftly as possible to every individual's need every day. We feel the public fails to see that we try our best to comply to every need as expected.” He also wants to inform the community that in the near future, all extra heavy vehicles will have their brakes tested at the weighbridge with the same machine and the same rules and regulations.

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6 | News

Erongo RED Donates N$16 000 Erongo RED has made a huge financial contribution towards The Kuisebmund Secondary School by donating N$16000 for the soccer tournament held in Kuisebmund. On June 7 the Namib Independent along with the regional sports officer, Mrs Mara Kandjuiromi, gathered together with other local media to witness the hand-over of a donation made by Erongo RED to The Kuisebmund Secondary School. The Erongo RED Public Relation and Marketing Officer, Mr Benjamin Nangombe, warmly welcomed everyone present. “The donation is part of continued efforts from Erongo RED to provide assistance. One of the fundamental values of Erongo RED is empowerment. Therefore this gesture is a demonstration of our determination to empower our youngsters by creating platforms where children can have fun and develop to their full potential, especially now in soccer.” On June 12, the final soccer match was played between Duinesig and DeDuine at the Kuisebmund Soccer Stadium. From the original donation of N$20 000, N$4000 were spent on the winning trophy, while the winner and runner-up will receive N$10 000 and N$6000 respectively. “We are committed to providing efficient and reliable service to our customers and we are extremely grateful for the opportunity extended to us to be part of this beautiful game. Soccer is not only entertaining for the player but also for those watching. It unites people from all walks of life,” stated Nangombe. “I am proud to say that this sponsorship will be a great boost for all participating schools but principally for younger soccer players who will have a fun filled week of soccer. It is worth mentioning that Namibia has always produced notable soccer personalities who have played for the local and foreign leagues and also represented the country at the international level. Thus I strongly believe that Namibia has potential to produce a new generation of soccer stars who will take Namibia to the greater heights. I understand that about 18 schools from various regions will be participating in this event and it is remarkably pleasing to see that so many schools have responded.” Mr Nangombe further gave out a message to the players. “Soccer is not only about winning. It is about having respect for everyone and everything around you and that includes your rival, referee and supporters. Therefore I would like to encourage all participating teams to play a fair game.” He called for the students/players to apply the level of discipline, dedication and perseverance that soccer requires to their lives and future careers. “Allow me to extend thanks to the organisers and everyone who played a role in making this tournament a reality. I will begin with Mr Lesley Uirab and his colleagues at Kuisebmund Secondary School, who did a fantastic job of organising this soccer event for the benefits of our young ones and I am

confident that as coach of the hosting team, he will also make sure the Erongo RED cup remains in Walvis Bay,” said Nangombe. He concluded his opening speech by saying that, “As a corporate institution we acknowledge that we have a great responsibility towards clients, communities and stakeholders. While our main responsibility is to provide electricity, we also realise the need to assist our community to enhance their living standards. In our

quest to become a customer focused company, we have implemented a number of strategic projects aimed at helping our customers. At present over 5000 pensioners and low income people have benefited from the subsidised electricity offered by Erongo RED. Furthermore we also offer bursaries and job attachment opportunities to ambitious young Namibians to further their studies at various universities and technical colleges.”

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Thursday, 13 June 2013

News | 7

Reach For a Dream Takes Flight

Madelaine Laubscher Earlier this week the coast welcomed two visitors from South Africa along with their microlights, whose journey through Namibia and the visit to the coast will be long remembered and spoken of. The Reach for a Dream project is going for its 25th year this year. The Namib Independent had the chance to speak to Mr Louis Cole and Paul Van Schalkwyk, who decided to start a fund raiser in collaboration with the Reach for a Dream project. By flying their microlights through South Africa and now also Namibia they raise funds and awareness regarding this project. Reach for a Dream is a foundation that helps to make the last dream of children between 3 and 18 years of age, who suffer from life threatening illnesses, true. “It costs about N$5000 to grant each child’s wish. So far we have made 10 children’s dreams a reality. Most children wish to fly. Others wish to meet their idol. It varies from child to child. Our aim is to raise as much money as we can to

meet every child’s wish, since there are a lot of costs involved to organise these wishes,” said Cole. Mr Cole is a retired police man, aged 60, who has been flying microlights since 1994. “This trip has been on my bucket list for years. Mr Van Schalkwyk and I decided to make it part of Reach for a Dream. The weather conditions in some areas have been very bad, that actually led my partner Mr Van Schalkwyk to set up his testament that very day. But we have experienced the best weather conditions so far today as we flew into Walvis Bay after doing 2600 km in one day,” he said with a chuckle. Mr Van Schalkwyk is 70 yearsold. He was 65 when he received his pilot licence, being still a working man. He has a venue for quads and microlights and spends his weekends on the farm welcoming and looking after guests. Since he got his pilot licence he clocked over 600 flying hours. “It might be a way to help me stay young,” he said. Cole said that so far the community have been extremely generous and that it is a great pleasure for them to help these children this way, since they enjoy this kind of sport. They mentioned that they have flown over the Kalahari, the Namibian Coastline and the Canyons. When they leave Walvis Bay, they might also be seen in Swakopmund, Henties Bay and Outjo. Once they return to South Africa by the end of June, Reach for a Dream hopes to have raised enough funds to make as many children’s dreams come true as they possibly can.

Namibian Bycatch of Seabirds Biggest in the World According to a report done by the Seabird Bycatch Working Group’s Fifth (SBWG5) meeting held in La Rochelle France, the Namibian hake trawl and longline fisheries are responsible for more seabird deaths (as bycatch) than any other (similar) fisheries in the world. SBWG5 provided details of the work of the BirdLife Albatross Task Force in the Namibian demersal long line fishery for hake. The estimated annual seabird mortality for this fishery is 22,821 (14,351 - 32,675) birds killed each year, of which 85% are white-chinned petrels. Line weighting experiments comparing 5 kg steel weights with the concrete weights currently used in this fishery imply that seabird bycatch could be reduced by 75% through the use of steel weights. The findings were based on reports at the Fifth Meeting of the Seabird Bycatch Working Group of the International Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels (ACAP). Namibia is signatory to ACAP, but have not ratified the agreement and have observer status at present; however, they have not attended these meetings since 2008. Research has shown that appropriate mitigation in these fisheries can reduce the bycatch to negligible levels. The Albatross Task Force and the MFMR are currently working on legislation to introduce mitigation measures like scaring lines and effective weights to help solve this extremely high seabird mortality problem in Namibian waters. These findings were welcomed and it was recognised that best practice mitigation measures for this fishery should include a combination of line weighting, night setting and the use of bird-scaring lines. At-sea mitigation trials reported from previous years (SBWG4) indicate that this combination could potentially reduce seabird bycatch to negligible levels. It was recognised that the cumulative bycatch rates from the Namibian hake trawl (SBWG5) and

demersal long line fisheries of Namibia represented the highest levels of seabird bycatch in trawl and long line fisheries that have been tabled to the WG. The WG agreed that further engagement with the Namibian Government to discuss their role with ACAP was a high priority. Discussion was also held regarding potential bycatch of ACAP listed species in Angola, and it was agreed that preliminary discussions and investigations with relevant agencies in Angola was a priority for the Agreement. It was suggested that contacting the Benguela Current Commission could be a productive way to commence this process.

Thursday, 13 June 2013

8 | News

Namport’s Syncrolift Operating Again

After closing its doors to conduct on-going planned maintenance estimated at N$18million over a period of 3 months, the Syncrolift facility at the Port of Walvis Bay officially opened its doors for operations on Wednesday. The Syncrolift has for over 40 years provided uninterrupted service as well as served as a backbone of economic sustainability for the town of Walvis Bay and the Namibian fishing sector at large. Vessels which used this facility range from small fishing vessels, fisheries patrol vessels, luxury yachts, Naval vessels, small to large sized tug boats, barges and offshore supply vessels. The facility is heavily depended on by the Namibian fishing sector and by the offshore oil and gas industry in the region; most importantly, the Syncrolift provides a sustainable source of semi-skilled and highly skilled jobs to Namibians on a permanent basis. The private repair companies who operate at the Syncrolift total not less than

20 at any given time, and sustain approximately 600 direct jobs. The number of indirect jobs sustained by this facility runs into the thousands. Namport currently has 35 permanent employees working at the Syncrolift facility managed by Mr Fonda Shimuafeni, with plans to increase this number through the expansion of the facility. Namport recently awarded a contract for the extension of the repair bays number 1 and 2 which further shows the company’s commitment towards this strategic job creating facility/industry. As part of Namport’s on-going pro-active scheduled maintenance program, routine maintenance will be carried out annually, and major maintenance or refurbishment will also carried out every so often on all port infrastructure. The CEO, Mr Bisey Uirab continues to affirm the company’s commitment to keeping this strategic facility in operation for many more years to come.

Thursday, 06 13 June 2013

mOshiwambo || 19

sH hiI WA wa MB mbO o mO S

Oongeshefa oonshona moKuisebmond Namib Independent omasiku ga piti oya li ya kutha olweendo nokutaakana oshitopolwa sha Kuisebmond nelalakano oku tseya sha kombinga yomitholomo dhoongeshefa oonshona. Otwa tsakaneke omwaalu gwoongeshefa ndhoka dhi na omalandulathano ta ga hokitha, no ga opalela ondjakulwambinga yaKuisebmond. Oshiwike shino otatu gandja oshiluku shotango, shomiiluku ine mbyoka tayi ka nyanyangidhwa.

Loini Hamwaama okwa tameke osalona ye mwene okuza momuvo 2003. Okwa kuta aapandi okuza momudhiingoloko. Otati nande thimbo limwe hashi kala oshidhigu okufuta iifutwa ye , ke na we esiku na shuna ko ku kala a kutwa komuntu. “Mokwiilongela mwene omu na emanguluko lya gwana, ashike omikundu ina dhi faathana tuu nando okweeleka naasho to longele omuhona. Paife ondi na iinakugwanithwa oyindji, ashike peha lyo ku longela omuntu wu mu ninge omuyamba, otandi longele ngame ndi iyambapaleke mwene, ngame ndi gandje wo oompito dhiilonga moshigwana” ta tumbula ngaaka.

Rusina Victor Wapandula oye omuholi guudhano wetanga lyokoompadhi, no ha landula osipana yo Arsenal. Osha fala sigo oompoka sho a patulula ongeshefa ye yosalona, ndjoka e yi lukile Arsenal, ndjoka yi li oholikesipana ye. Ngame ondi li omugundjuka natango nopetameko okwa li te nana nuudhigu. “Ka kwali ndi na mpa nda longele tango manga inaa ndi tameka osalona yandje, onkene ontseyo yandje yongeshefa oyali ponola” ta tumbula ngaaka. Rusina oku li metifa lyoshikonga sho ku nenepeka ongeshefa ye pamukalo gwo ku kuta aantu oyendji, no ku indjipaleka wo omayakulo oku gwedha ku ngoka ha ya gandja nale. “Ka pwali nando omalimbililo ga sha kutya onda hala oku kala omupandi. Okuza kuunona, onda kala nale ndi na

omagano go ku ninga omafufu nawa. Monena oha tu mono aayakulwa ye li lwo po 18 sigo 20 momwedhi. Omwaalu ngoka ka gu shi ogundji ashike neitulomo otashi ka pita okupondola sha.

Loini ota ti oha taalele omainda gontumba nogongandi esiku kehe, unene ompumbwe yoshimaliwa okulanda iilongithomwa ye. “Okumona omuntu ta tula oshimaliwa mongeshefa yoye ohashi kala ngaa edhiladhilo, ashike otashi ku fala ishewe ponkatu ndjiyaka yo ku kala to ilopota komuntu wa fa ishewe wa kutwa. Onda hala okwiilongela ngame mwene, no nda tokola okulonga nuudhiginini, opo ndi kokeke ongeshefa ndjika kungame mwene” osho a ti ngaaka. Okwa tokola oku nenepeka ongeshefa ye, no ku indjipaleka aayakulwa ye pamukalo gwokushingitha edhina lyongeshefa pa ku hwahwameka.

Okapana Sho Helena Mupandela a iyadha ke he na iilonga oomvula hetatu dha piti, okwi iyadha ponkatu ndjoka e na okwiikongela omikalo dhilwe dho ku hupa no ku ilikolela iiyemo. “Pethimbo ndyoka, ka kwali ndi na ando oshimaliwa oshindji okutameka po ando ostola onene, onkene onda tokola ndi tameke owala nokatala okashona ko ku landithila iikulya, te landitha okapana,”osho a ti.Nonando ota ti iha mono mo naanaa oshimaliwa oshindji mo ku landitha okapana hoka ye ha teleke mwene kesiga lye lyokuyothela, okwa tumbula kutya ye oku na ohokwe naashoka ha longo. Ota ti oshihwepo oku kala ho mono oshishona peha lyo ku longela omuhona.

Rosina Fotolela okwa tameke okuhondja oonguwo konyala oomvula omilongo mbali dha piti. Nontseyo ndjoka a mono uule womivo odhindji, okwa tokola a patulule ongeshefa ye mwene momuvo 2000. “Onda kala aluhe nda hala okutameka po ongeshefa yandje mwene, ndjoka tayi pe ndje uuthemba wo ku hondja oompatolona ndhoka nda hala” osho a ti ngaaka. Nonando olwindji ohatu hondjo oonguwo dhopamuthigululwakalo, ohatu mono ngaa ishewe omahwata gomambestelo unene goohango.

“Ohatu hondjo ishewe oonguwo dhiituthi ngaashi iituthi yahugunina yaalongwa mbono ye li mondondo 12. Uukadhona uugundjuka owu hole lela oonguwo dhetu.” Ondi na elago, oshoka onda mwene ompito yo ku ilonga kOvenduka, hoka ndi ilikolele ontseyo oyindji kombinga yombingangeshefa ndjika. Shika osha dhana onkandangala onene mehumokomeho lyongeshefa yandje, no ta ndi tsu omuthindo peyele ndika, opo yalwe nayo yi ilonge sha kombinga yoongeshefa moka ya hala oku kutha ombinga, omanga inaa yi hwateka mo.

Omolwa okudhimbulukwa egwanitho lyomuvo gumwe koshifo shetu, otatu ka kala nokugandja o cellphone yimwe oshali oshiwike kehe uule wiiwike ihamano pamukalo gwoku SMS. Opo wu ninge omusindani, yamukula epulo tali landula.

Namib Independent okwa gwanitha omivo ngapi? SMS eyamukulo lyoye konomola


Ompango nomilandu opo dhili, SMS otayi kotha N$ 5.50 t rketing Consultan nt Business & Ma cellphone Namib Independe o m ta gandja Christopher Wille gwoshiwike oshitiyali dani yo Nokia komusin ba.

bi Palyoham

Johannes Ambam

Thursday, 13 June 2013

10 | Lifestyle

mO s h iwa L I FE S T YmLbEo How Things Used To Be

Did Didyou youknow... know... • The three best-known western names in China: Jesus Christ, Richard Nixon, and Elvis Presley.

There are four categories in the art competition: • • • •

Junior Primary (Grade 1-4) Senior Primary (Grade 5-7) Junior Secondary (Grade 8-10) Senior Secondary (Grade 11-12)

A panel of experts will evaluate the submitted artwork and a number of selected pieces will be displayed at the NAMIBIAN JEWELLERS & ARTS GALLERY from the 3rd to 7th June 2013.

• There are six million parts in the Boeing 747-400. • Humans are born with 300 bones in their body, however when a person reaches adulthood they only have 206 bones. This occurs because many of them join together to make a single bone. • The typical lead pencil can draw a line that is thirty five miles long. • More people are killed by donkeys annually than are killed in plane crashes. • Lions cannot roar until they reach the age of two. • An oyster can change its gender. • Women are four times more likely to have foot problems than men.

Next time you are washing your hands and complain because the water temperature isn't just how you like it, think about how things used to be. Here are some facts about the 1500s: Most people got married in June because they took their yearly bath in May and still smelled pretty good by June. However, they were starting to smell, so brides carried a bouquet of flowers to hide the body odour. Baths consisted of a big tub filled with hot water. The man of the house had the privilege of the nice clean water, then all the other sons and men, then the women and finally the children last of all the babies. By then the water was so dirty you could actually lose someone in it. Hence the saying, "Don't throw the baby out with the bath water". Houses had thatched roofs - thick straw, piled high, with no wood underneath. It was the only place for animals to get warm, so all the dogs, cats and other small animals (mice, rats, and bugs) lived in the roof. When it rained it became slippery, and sometimes the animals would slip and fall off the roof, hence the saying, "It's raining cats and dogs". There was nothing to stop things from falling into the house. This posed a real problem in the bedroom where bugs and other droppings could really mess up your nice clean bed. Hence, a bed with big posts and a sheet hung over the top afforded some protection. That's how canopy beds came into existence. The floor was dirt. Only the wealthy had something other than dirt, hence the saying "dirt poor". The wealthy had slate floors that would get slippery in the winter when wet, so they spread thresh (the straw left over after threshing grain) on the floor to help keep their footing. As the winter wore on, they kept adding more and more thresh until when you opened the door it would all start slipping outside. To prevent this, a piece of wood was placed in the entranceway - hence a "thresh hold". They cooked in the kitchen with a big kettle that always hung over the fire. Every day they lit the fire and added things to the pot. They ate mostly vegetables and did not get much meat. They would eat the stew for dinner, leaving leftovers in the pot to get cold overnight and then start over the next day. Sometimes the stew had food in it that had been there for quite awhile, -- hence the

rhyme, "peas porridge hot, peas porridge cold, peas porridge in the pot nine days old". Sometimes they could obtain pork, which made them feel quite special. When visitors came over, they would hang up their bacon to show off. It was a sign of wealth that a man "could bring home the bacon". They would cut off a little to share with guests and would all sit around and "chew the fat". Those with money had plates made of pewter. Food with a high acid content caused some of the lead to leach on to the food, causing lead poisoning and death. This happened most often with tomatoes, so for the next 400 years or so, tomatoes were considered poisonous. Most people did not have pewter plates, but had trenchers (a piece of wood with the middle scooped out like a bowl). Often trenchers were made from stale bread that was so old and hard that they could use them for quite some time. Trenchers were never washed and a lot of times worms and mould got into the wood and old bread. After eating off wormy, mouldy trenchers, one would get "trench mouth". Bread was divided according to status. Workers got the burnt bottom of the loaf, the family got the middle, and guests got the top, "the upper crust". Lead cups were used to drink ale or whiskey. The combination would sometimes knock them out for a couple of days. Someone walking along the road would take them for dead and prepare them for burial. They were laid out on the kitchen table for a couple of days and the family would gather around and eat and drink and wait and see if they would wake up, hence the custom of holding a "wake". England is old and small and they started out running out of places to bury people. So they would dig up coffins and would take the bones to a "bone-house" and reuse the grave. When reopening these coffins, one out of 25 coffins were found to have scratch marks on the inside and they realised they had been burying people alive. So they thought they would tie a string on the wrist of the corpse, lead it through the coffin and up through the ground and tie it to a bell. Someone would have to sit out in the graveyard all night (the "graveyard shift") to listen for the bell. Thus, someone could be "saved by the bell" or was considered "a dead ringer". And that's the truth. Who said that History is boring!?

• Marilyn Monroe had six toes. • Queen Elizabeth I always wore a necklace with a little perfume bottle attached everywhere she went. • Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar were both epileptic. • There are no blossoms on the branches of a fig tree, instead it is inside the fruit. • 44% of kids watch television before they go to sleep. • Hang On Sloopy is the official rock song of Ohio.

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Lifestyle | 11

Thought for the Family on Father's Day A Damn Good Father On Father's Day The Razor Father’s Day essays tend to be nostalgic, exploring the writer’s feelings towards his or her father, are often hackneyed and tend towards the maudlin. I haven’t thought about Father’s Day much to be honest, because when I was dwelling on my relationship with my father I hadn’t yet become one. Before my child I searched for my father like many men do whose father disappeared or while present were distant from their lives. When I became a father I realised that no matter what my personal feelings were towards my father, it didn’t matter. It was time for me to set all that aside and focus on being a father to my child. I want to begin by making a distinction between “father” and what can be best characterised as “sperm donor.” Fathers don’t have to share DNA with their children; in fact some of the best fathers have been step-fathers, fathers of adopted children, and male relatives. These are men who gave their time to raise a child, worked hard to support them, and were there for them emotionally throughout their childhoods. These are men who never broke their promises, nor made a child feel anything but the most important person in that man’s life and always put the child’s interest and that of the family above his own. Contrast that with “sperm donors”. For all intents and purposes this guy could have jerked off in a cup and for that he doesn’t deserve the honour of being called “father.” Yes, father is an honour, or at least it should be, and just because a man lives with his children doesn’t mean he deserves to be called a father. In my time I’ve known men who aren’t there for their children even when they share living space with them. Often these men are still children themselves, caught up in their own narcissistic thoughts and pleasures. They may resent their children for getting in the way of their selfish pursuits, whether it’s a drink with the guys or a date with a hot girl from the office. I’ve known men who curse their own fathers for misdeeds in their childhood, focusing all their hatred on a fading image stuck in the past growing more distant with each passing day, while they ignored their relationships with their own children, completely oblivious to the mistakes they commit today while struggling to keep each detail of the decades-old transgression alive in their mind. Unlike sperm donors a father thinks about his family first and himself second. There are no caveats to this, no qualifiers about “personal happiness” or terms involving the word “self” in them at all. Being a father means submission to a greater good: your family. Everything that you do is for the family; everything that matters in your life comes from the family. Your identity is through your family, and without your family you are nothing. Secondly, becoming a father requires a personal choice. I still remember the torment I went through when I was forced to choose between remaining a selfish human being and becoming a father.

It was a painful choice, so painful that for me it became a kind of death. On that day long ago the person I was died, and the man I became, the “father” was born. Like any true rebirth it was confusing, frightening but exciting. I felt the world around me expand, leaving behind the selfish shell that I had been since birth and feeling and experiencing the world in new ways. I gained new sensitivity to the suffering of others, a thin skin that bleeds all too easily along with the maturity to handle the pain. I gained the strength to do what was necessary to bear the burdens that my new identity imposed on me, plus an awareness of my surroundings that later became the foundation for what I laughingly called “daddy radar” – the unconscious tracking of one’s children at all times. On that day I became a man, for what greater honour for a man is there than to become a father? Fathers are instinctively self-reliant. That means not only working to create the cash to buy the food, it now means knowing how to buy that food and prepare it. Today’s father knows his way around the house, the car, the office and everywhere in between. He is a jack-of-all-trades because that is what his family needs, and if he doesn’t know how to do something, then he knows someone who does. A father has intuition that would excite a KGB agent. A father knows his children so well because he has been paying attention to them since well before their births. He knows what a child thinks because he has been with him or her for years, paying attention to their comments, answering their questions and consoling their tears. He has seen their struggles, their triumphs and their failures. He has followed the soap opera called life. He challenges his child, determined to discover what is going wrong in his or her life. Even though he may be exhausted or perhaps even afraid of what he will find, he will doggedly pursue the root of his child’s problem, finding a solution and implementing it no matter the cost. A sperm donor knows little or none of this, and tragically may be incapable of even recognising his ignorance. A father may even pity men like these who are incapable of understanding the sublime joy of being the last to fall asleep in his house, his children asleep in their rooms, his wife next to him in bed, his universe ordered and secure. But then he remembers that they have chosen their paths in life and ultimately their fates. A father understands that it is up to him to live his life as a pillar of steel sandwiched in concrete to support his family. He suspects that his own personal growth paradoxically came through his submission to fatherhood, but he doesn’t dwell on that fact much. Like most fathers, he doesn’t dwell much on his own well-being, not when there is the well-being of the members of his family to consider. Finally, he knows that to truly honour his own father he must become a father that inspires his own children to one day write trite essays and stories on Father’s Day.

I Realised that Becoming a Dad Ruined My Life Now, before you fire up an angry e-mail, delete my blog from your bookmarks or un-follow me on Twitter, let me offer some context. I've been a dad for about five-and-a-half years now, and with this weekend marking the annual occurrence that is Father's Day (which I've always felt is kind of a "whatever" holiday thrown together so dads wouldn't feel left out after all the early May Mother's Day love), it got me thinking about just how wildly off course my life has veered from the professional and personal plans I'd so methodically laid out for myself in the pre-child wilderness of my early twenties. Getting married altered the trajectory of those plans slightly. Having a kid altered it a bit further. And by time I had three kids, well, the change was irrevocable. It sounds like a cliché, but then clichés are clichés because they're often couched in truth (which I'm pretty sure is also cliché...). In that sense, it wasn't just my vision of my life that changed; it was my vision of that vision. That moment when you hold your child in your arms for the first time, all the theoretical "truths" about parenting you've stored away, all the "When I have kids, I'm gonna..." goes right out the window. Suddenly, you're staring face-to-face at your legacy. The biggest responsibility you're ever going to have. It doesn't matter what else you accomplish in your life, what artistic, scholarly or professional heights you may achieve. The yardstick you're going to be measured against from now until forever is whether you raised this kid in a way that's worth a damn. And unlike all our other personal failings or foibles that we can tuck away into a dark corner and hopefully keep away from the public's wandering gaze, how our kids turn out forever brands the kind of person we are, for good or for ill. That terrified me. It still does. It terrifies me to watch my boys getting older and beginning their own processes of interacting and engaging with the world. It terrifies me that I'm not able to peer past the mists of time twenty years hence so I can know now what I'll know then. I think what makes it that much harder for me is that I was lucky enough to have the kind of father

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I did, who not only worked hard all his life to meet our family's needs in a manner so methodical it would make Mr. Maslow proud, but also consistently embodied everything that ultimately matters about being a person. How we are with each other. How we live. When I measure myself against my dad, it's a standard I don't feel I've met (and it's one I don't think I'll ever meet) so the fact that there are three little people who are looking at me now, wide eyes blinking at me in anticipation, as some kind of exemplar, or guide, the same way I looked at my own dad when I was their age, well, I just kind of feel bad for them. I wonder if they have any inkling just how much of their life is the direct result of their mother and I making things up as we go, crossing our fingers, and hoping things fall into place. I wonder if they'll ever have that realisation. (As an aside, I feel very blessed to still have my parents in my life, and this coming Father's Day I'll be lucky enough to have them staying with me for their annual visit. While I've never asked my dad about this stuff, I think maybe I should. In a weird way, the knowledge that they felt as perpetually clueless as I do every single day might offer some kind of reassurance -- and knowing how they faked it so well might help me out, too.) So, circling back around, becoming a dad did ruin my life. And I'm so glad that it did. It took away every imperative I prized and rebooted it as part of a new paradigm -one where I'm not the star of the show, but rather the supporting actor whose job is to make the star look good. Given that my kids recently got into Star Wars, allow me to squeeze a metaphor from there. Becoming a parent means you have to be Obi-Wan Kenobi instead of Luke Skywalker. You send them on their way armed with some tools and a few well-chosen bromides, and hope that when it's time to blow up the metaphorical Death Star in their lives, they have it in them to remember the nugget of wisdom you dropped that one time. My parents gave that to me. I hope I can give it to my kids. Daddy Blogger

Thursday, 13 June 2013

12 | Lifestyle

'Life as a Woman' - Series

Being Married to a Sex Addict - Coastal Woman Shares her Nightmare

Tanya Calitz “Having to watch my husband have sex with a much younger woman in our bedroom in front of me was bad enough, but then he wanted me to have sex with other men in front of him so that he could be entertained. That is where I had to draw the line.” “The first year of our marriage was quite difficult, seeing that *Ben drank a lot, but after giving his heart to the Lord, he stopped his drinking completely and our marriage became a whole lot better. We still had challenges to work through, but at least he was not drinking. Only after 10 years of marriage did his dark sexual side came out,” says *Karin. “We decided to relocate to another town, so he went ahead and I followed six months after, once I finalised things in the old town. I first noticed something was off when I arrived at our new house, and Ben insisted we sleep in separate beds. He said that I kept him awake by moving around too much. We had two single beds pushed next to each other. I was not happy about this at all. Then I started noticing how he would talk to young girls and the way he would touch them inappropriately. Not long after that I started hearing rumours about my husband n town. Rumours had it that he was touching girls inappropriately and made them feel uncomfortable. He also made them uncomfortable


with the things he said. I spoke to one of the girls he apparently touched inappropriately and she let the cat out of the bag. She said that she was lying down one afternoon for a rest and when she woke he was stroking her breasts and fingering her. I was sick to the stomach. I could not believe what I just heard. I always looked up to him, because he was such a good Christian man, but now I was not so sure anymore. I confronted him and said that I will forgive him for it this time, but that we had to sleep in a double bed together again. About 3 months after that he started drinking again. He would come home drunk, reeking of alcohol. More strange things would occur. All of a sudden he was very secretive and obsessive over his cell phone. He would take it everywhere with him. The strangest thing that started happening was the fact that he would wash his own underwear. I was too shocked and scared to ask questions and did not want to upset him. One night he disappeared. His car was at home, but he was nowhere to be seen. I took a walk around the house and caught him peeping through a window at two girls having a bath, while relieving himself. I was disgusted. Again I was too afraid to confront him. That night I had terrible dreams. I dreamt that there was a pregnant woman on my bed and that a snake tried to come into our bedroom, but instead it went into the kids’ room where many toys were lying on the floor.



not sure how it happened but before I knew it he was bringing home strange women and would have sex with them in front of me. He wanted me to do the same, but I would never stoop that low. One of the girls stayed in our bedroom for two weeks and I had to be exposed to them having sex constantly. Eventually I could not take it any longer and chased her out. A short while after that he told me that he fathered another baby with one of his whores. He suggested that we raise the child, but I could not. Finally I found the courage to divorce him, find a job and move out. I decided the only way for me to heal was by forgiving him and realising that I am so much better off without him. It has been several years, but I am healed and know that I deserve much, much more. I hope other women will read this and have the courage to walk out of a sexual abusive relationship.” All names have been changed to protect their identities.


Walvis Bay


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7 day forecast

7 day forecast

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He became more possessive over his phone and I would catch him constantly masturbating in the bathroom or other random places. Then finally one night I got hold of his phone. What I discovered to my shock and disgust was loads of porn and messages from women saying that they are back in town and want to f* him again etc. I started to uncover this whole sickening secret sexual world of porn and infidelity he was living in. I was sick to the stomach. There was my Christian husband addicted to porn and sex with strangers, spending loads of money on his sexual desires and alcohol. I finally had the courage to confront him about it. To my shock and surprise he started confessing to it all. He told me that he had sex with strangers every week and that he would pick up whores and dirty women from the shebeens. He admitted that he did not know how to stop. I told him that I want us to work and try again. He agreed, but it only lasted a week. I’m





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Thursday, 13 June 2013

Community Lens | 13



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Thursday, 13 June 2013

14 | Lifestyle

M AI L Illegal Parking?

we've got Building Noise in Residential Area a Huge Problem

Dear Editor, To the WB Municipality I live in the residential area close to the golf course next to Fairway Estates. The whole area is fairly new and has a lot of construction happening. Every second plot is a building site. This is all good and I am happy to see the progress and growth, but what I cannot accept is the weekend noise. Every Saturday and Sunday morning the noise already starts at 6:45am. This is unacceptable. Surely the municipality must have some rules and regulations these builders have to comply with. All week the residents of this specific area work really hard and only have either Saturday or Sunday mornings to sleep in a bit, but with the concrete machines running from 6:45am till the afternoon, no one can have peace. I have spoken to many of the other residents in the area and they all share my frustration. The constant hammering, drilling, concrete mixing and shouting of the builders is stealing our weekend peace and quiet. Please we need the municipality to step in and restore some peace to our neighbourhood. We do not have a problem with the fact that they do work on weekends, but we cannot accept any construction noise before 10am on the weekend. There is nothing worse than being awoken by the noise of a construction site. We need our sanity back. Old Army Camp Resident!

These vehicles were also initially parked at the bulge in the pavement on the corner of 15th and 6th rd for at least 6 months last year. At the beginning of this year it moved to along the railway line on 6th rd between 15th and 16th streets. It has been parked on public pavements for over a year! My question is: What are the relevant authorities going to do about it?

Fed-Up with Trucks in Residential Area Dear Editor,

We as residents are fed-up with massive trucks parked in residential areas. It blocks our roads and looks terrible. The specific truck has been reported to the traffic department, as well as fined, but a week later it was just parked there again. What are we to do???

The other vehicle in the picture has been parked on the pavement on 6th rd between 15th and 16th streets. It has been there for about 2 weeks and major repairs are being done. Could the relevant authorities please let us know if this is what pavements or sidewalks should be used for? This particular corner has often been used as a parking/vehicle work area over the past year. Again, is this allowed? Fed-up Resident

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Lifestyle | 15

End of our

Linda Mari V (Likes 756) iljoen Prize: Fiji C amera


ne Co Theoli

666) ( Likes : A1 Canvas ze 1st Pri



1st Pri

Thank you to all the particpants that took part in our competition. Please keep an eye out for our next competition. Congratulations to all the winners!!


da Fox

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2nd Pr



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Thursday, 13 06 June 2013 2012 1620 | Entertainment | Entertainment Thursday, December


AQUARIUS AQUARIUS Things may seem surreal today, Aquarius, so don't take other There's an option for lots of fun and romance, and perhaps people's chatter too seriously. This is a day to reach out and a chance you might want to make a deeper commitment. touch someone, so pick up the phone. It's a good day to share Someone you date could be very much on your wavelength, your dreams, no matter how farfetched they sound. Others which you'll find heartening and uplifting. Pay attention may look at you as if you have three heads, but as long as to your health and diet. If your exercise routine needs you're being honest with yourself, there's no reason to be shy tweaking, go for it. The more active you can be the better! about sharing. PISCES PISCES You might be in a more reflective mood, especially as there's Thoughts pleasure, andYour the company good a focusofonromance, your spiritual zone. inner life of is important, friends too much resist. Long-range planning and may that be includes yourtoself-talk, hopes, dreams, and fantacould entail putting paper. Mind-expanding in- for sies. If you wantthoughts exciting to and positive things to happen fluences couldstart encourage to learn newhead. thingsYou andmight reach get you, then creatingyou them in your out ideas for allabout that ishow novel Finding mentor orhome to and makedifferent. more money or amake your life homier. coach could beit! a positive game changer. Go for

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9 5



SUDUKO 5 2 2 5 6 8 9 3 6


1 2 2 7 4 8 4 5 1 9 1 8 7 6 3 5 7 1 2

9 8 1



5 9 3 8 5 8 6 7

the nine 3x3 grids contain one instance of each of the 4 26 3 8 32 7 9 5 1 numbers 1 though 9. Daily Sudoku: Mon 14-Jan-2013

2 7 1 5 3 9 8 6 4 9 to 1 Last 6 4Week's 5 3 Suduko 2 8 7 Solution

7 3 5 2 1 6 2 4 3 1 9 8 2 4 9 7 8 3 9 5 7 6 1 8 7 3 9 1 7 5 4 2 8 3 5 2 7 6 5 1 6 9 8 7 5 7 6 4 9 1 8 3 Daily 9 Sudoku: 8 Mon 2 20-May-2013 4 1 4 3 2 4 7 6 3 5 A SET THREE COURSE MEAL 4 FOR 5 1 TWO 8 9 2 AT LYON DES SABLES! CHEF'S SPECIAL! 9 6 3 7 5 4 9 4 7 8 2 1 6 3

WIN Daily Sudoku: Tue 21-May-2013

8 Mon 20-May-2013 7 Daily Sudoku: 2Solution 4 6to 3 Last Week's Suduko 4 to play and the2 rules 6 are simple. Fill in Suduko is easy the blanks so that and 2each of 5 each 9 8row, 4 1column, 1 87 3 56 each


Daily Sudoku: Mon 14-Jan-2013

Daily Sudoku: Mon 21-Jan-2013



Restaurant, mediumCocktail and Wine

Solution to Last Week's Crossword

Solution to Last Week's Crossword

ACROSS DOWN 1. Patrick Gates in the 2004 movie, National 1. Edible nut (6) 6. Silent movie actor, Charlie (7) Treasure (3,6)

2. Bran (5) 7. Psycho character, Norman ___ (5) 3. Used to brew a beverage (6) 8. Charles Bronson is Paul Kersey in this 1974 movie 4. Add sugar (7) (5,4) 5. Sponge cake (5,4) 9. Don Ameche is Art Selwyn in this 1985 6. Cooler (6) sci-fi movie (6) 9. Servings of boiled or steamed 11. Michael Caine is Milo Tindle in this 1972 movie (6) (9) Hoover in the 1977 13. ___ Crawforddough was J Edgar 11. Baked (7)(9) movie, The Private files of pasta J Edgardish Hoover 14. Cameron Diaz is the voice of Princess(6) Fiona 13. Chewy confection in this 2001 movie (5) 14. Fatty oil (6) How to enter: fill out and drop in PO Box 5085 16. Robert ___15. is Lieutenant Elgart in(6) the 1991 Dairy product or email: or movie, Cape Fear (7) 17. Prepare a turkey (5)

fax: 064 200 474 with your name and contact details

8 6 4 9 8 5 7 6 5 1 3 4 2 1 5 4 2 6 3 9 6 4 1 9 8 2 3 4 2 3 7 5 7 6 5 very hard 9 1 8 6 7 3 1 8 2 5 Lyon 4 9 des Sables (c) Daily Sudoku Ltd 2013. All rights reserved.



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youCANCER aren't involved with a partner, invite someone over for There's definitely buzz in the However, air, with financial sparkles a meal or drink, or calla up a friend. you might not promising positive new contracts busibe pleased if asome partner or someone else goesand on apotential power trip Your hunches may You playmay a big part in andness demands go intuitive along with their plans. need enabling you to bein inorder the right placeaatscene. the right time. There to be very diplomatic to avoid is a chance of some excellent news - again, career related which should put you in a good mood. Don't second-guess a LEO of a date.with positive energy and happy Youromantic seem to offer be brimming thoughts. LEO Relationships may grow stronger if you communicate with total honesty. careful rufflewhether Relationships seem to beBe fast pacedyou anddon't exciting someone's feathers at work if a relationship needs careful linked to business or romance. The connections you make handling. The desire you to kick back anda relax could conflict are encouraging to explore new direction. Someone withmay an urge move your expand comfortyour zonehorizons, and ex- open give to you a tipoutside that could plore new options. canpossibilities. find a compromise. new vistas, andMaybe suggestyou fresh There is also a connection to your social life and networking that adds to the VIRGO fun and upbeat energy of the week. Share a new idea with colleagues or fellow professionals andVIRGO someone might think you're brilliant. Your thoughtful It's might an excellent week make progress at week, work and career nature want to helptoeveryone out this andon you You may feel as thoughfeelings you're in zone as havegoals. loving and compassionate forthe others. Byone all good piece news positive change. means be of kind, butafter don'tanother make abrings sacrifice if it isn't reallyExpect thetounexpected since theend bestupdeal may resentful. come out of the blue. going help or you could feeling You could be living on your nerves and perhaps burning the candle at both ends. There's so much to do that you'll be busy LIBRA all hours. This week you're in charge and you know what you want LIBRA to do, so tackle any challenges with confidence. The Relationships, andgather romance all be hot world seems to be friendships, your oyster, so your could resources, topics this week, in a positive way. Expect a meeting be shrewd in your dealings, and pursue your goals with out of the blue thatYou could lead a creative or budding determination. seem toto have plenty partnership of ideas in the romance. notice savvy a definite chemistry involved works now. IfYou'll any involve financial planning, you that inspires to take things could make you decisions that help further you getwhether ahead. for business or pleasure. One of these connections may also encourage you to broaden your horizons and see life from a new SCORPIO perspective. Be positive and seek out opportunities in chance encounters,SCORPIO helpful tips, and lucky coincidences. A stroke of genius or some inspired may help your financial Family life isadvice boisterous and energetic. You situation might be doimprove Beforeoraccepting a favor, out come ing a dramatically. lot of entertaining have family andfind friends if there are It's strings time to meditate andcleaning to stay. alsoattached. possible Make that you've started spring develop of mind. early peace and decided to Doing tackle so thecould décor,positively too. Thereaffect seem to be yourlucky health and energy for thewith better. events or newslevels associated the home. It's possible you might get money out of the blue, perhaps from a family SAGITTARIUS member. You might be ready to cut loose and give full rein to your needSAGITTARIUS for creative and social expression. Friends and your All kinds of associations and relationships for you this sweetheart may help you to view yourself in awork positive, week. TheThe people you talk to may share upbeat way. charm ofmeet youror personality steps up,information makvitaltoinenlist helping you secure a job, contract, move one ing that's it easier cooperation and support. You or might nearer a goal. also by thechanging possibility of aimage romance evenstep want to help this There's trend along your that happens outlook. of the blue. There's a lot of chemistry in the or enhancing your air bringing folks together buzzing with excitement. CAPRICORN CAPRICORN Give and take and sharing ideas, resources, and tips may Finances are looking perky, with a chance to get more earnmutually benefit you, your friends, or partner. Ideas could ings. You might be in the mood to buy extra gadgets for the be fruitful and the kind that open doors for you. An invitahome, perhaps a new computer or something else that helps tion may boost your outlook and hopes for the future. On make life easier. The more the merrier as far as you're conthe whole, relationships seem to be upbeat and positive. cerned. You could be given a raise or find that you've been Things work out generally better if you don't try to control given additional responsibility at work for which you'll get andmore instead go with the flow. money.

productions. It’s always essential to have a your pants.” “That’s right!!” said the • backup. husband, “and don’t you forget it. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *• * * * Small * * * * *talk * * * is * *important. ************ You do the same thing for • They’ll do whatever you want if • I’m the man who wears the pants *********************************** years, and suddenly it’s wrong. you push the right buttons. in this family!” With that she flipped When a customer slid into the barber chair, the • They make you take the • The best part of having one is him her panties and said, “Try barber asked him how he wanted his hair cut. garbage out. the games you can play. these on.” He tried them on and “Make it short,” the customer replied, “with a bare • Miss a period and they go wild. • In order to get their attention, found he could only get them on patch above my left ear, but longer on the right you have to turn them on. as far as his kneecaps. He said, side so that it covers my right ear. I also want The lights are on but nobody’s “Hell, I can’t get into your panties!” • my left sideburn above my left ear and the right home. She said, “That’s right, and that’s sideburn below my right ear.” • Big power surges knock them the way it’s going to be until you The barber looked puzzled and said, “I don’t think 4 1 7 3 out at night. change your attitude.” I can do that.” • Size does matter. 6 3 7 9 1 The customer replied, “I don’t know why not– ********************* that’s the way you cut it the last time I was here!” 5 But then again, here are the top ten reasons why they are obviously Humankind’s propensity for 9 2 8 *********************************** female. imposing anthropomorphic 5 6 characteristics on inanimate 8 • They’re oh so picky, picky, 2 34 objects has now reached 3 picky. computers. But, which gender 3 9 7 5 • They hear what you say, but should your PC be? Suduko is easy to5play4and the rules are simple. Fill in the blanks not what you mean. 3 2 7 1 69 so that each row, each column, and each of the nine 3x3 grids • Beauty is only shell deep. Here are the top ten reasons why 81 7 3 4 1 though 9. 4 of 9 each 8 the numbers contain one instance of “I dropped the ball.”

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GEMINI GEMINI It's The a great week a gathering of friends some fun desire to for explore new options and and get away from it all times out and about. Try notever. to worry it if yet an authorcould be stronger than If youabout haven't taken your ity figure seems spoil be a financial planto orget spending spree. vacation, thistomight a good time away for a wellA friend's advice may be cosmos worth more than its weight deserved break. The is encouraging youintogold leave when a friendly tip puts everything in perspective. daily routines and explore new places and perhaps new faces. Current influences may be excellent for business trips since this week's upbeat aspects seem to hold the potential CANCER for success. Someone new in your life could change the game plan. If

My 14-year-old daughter, Maggie, and her best friend, Joannie are • gotWhen ask them what’sa they havefans to be male. of 60′s music. They recently front- you row tickets to attend Coming home from his Little League game, Billy Peter, Paul, and Mary concert in our town. When they returned home swung open the front door very excited. Unable to always • Theyfrom have a concert lot of data, In their honeymoon suite on their the that but night, I wantedwrong, to hear they all the detailssay of the attend the game, his father immediately wanted to ‘nothing’. they’re still clueless. wedding night. As they undressed concert. My daughter says, “Mom, during the show, we looked back know what happened. “So, how did you do son?” They to can • A better is just around for bed, the husband, who was a and model saw hundreds of little lights• swaying theproduce music. Atincorrect first we he asked. results with alarming the corner. big burly man, tossed his pants thought people were holding up cigarette lighters. Then we speed. realized “You’ll never believe it!” Billy said. “I was • off They areeyeglasses always turning • Theythat look nice and shiny to his bride and said, “here put the lights were theuntil reflections all the in the responsible for the winning run!” simple statements into big you get them home. these on.” She said “I can’t wear audience!” “Really? How’d you do that?”

(c) Daily Sudoku Ltd 2013. All rights reserved.

ARIES ARIES There options for discussion, It'sare anplenty upbeatof and positive time for doing you, business, with lots of andsocializing making new and connections, but someone and funlucrative on the agenda. Networking is one of the youbest meetthings or work want to take control, putting youwith canmight do right now, so keep it up. Fabulous youaspects in a spin, especially early in theyou'll weekbe when over this week suggest busysensitive making new feelings could cause upset. be Later, pleasurefor principle connections that could verythe lucrative you. You may mayalso guide to mood have fun with friends, or you might prefer be you in the to splurge, but you might be restrained do your owncredit thing.limit. by your TAURUS TAURUS A brand new idea or direction that takes hold could lift your Career possibilities look very promising this week with a spirits. Don't be afraid to try something different. You might dazzling lineup that could make you more money, too. This findmight that good luck or thetokindness othersfor gives youjob allor gobe a good time considerof looking a new the ing courage you need. There is a possibility of an upset for interviews. Either way, the news could be uplifting, earlier in the week, you to may to turn the situation especially as youbut seem be be onable a roll. Finances look very around rosy,with withsmart morethinking. than one opportunity to make extra cash.

17. Jason Bourne in the 2007 movie, The Bourne Ultimatum (4,5)

DOWN ACROSS 1. Costello in the 2006 movie, The Departed (4,9) 1.2. Fruit (7) starring Ben Kingsley, directed 1982 movie Richard Attenborough 4.byRice and raw fish in(6)seaweed (5) ___ Hunter is Rod infrom the 1988 movie, 7.3. Preserve made citrus fruits (9) 8.Grotesque Frozen (3) dessert (3) Walter ___ is Max Goldman in the 1993 movie, 9.4. Unfreeze (7) Grumpy Old Men (7) 10. Aroma (5) 5. Charles Frohman in the 2004 movie, Finding 12. Edible bulb (5) Neverland (6,7) 16. Pastry (7) is Sally Bowles in this 1972 10. Liza Minnelli 18. Drink movie (7) made with juniper berries (3) 19. WineMuppet source 12. Frog (6) (9) 15. Errol Flynn(5) is Mahbub Ali, the Red Beard 20. Sample in this 1950 movie (3)15. Errol Flynn is Mahbub 21. Vanilla ___ (7) Ali, the Red Beard in this 1950 movie (3)

|1 'Here' Say | 17

Thursday, 30 May 2013 Thursday, 13 June 2013

mO s hi wa 'Here' 'Here' SSAY Am Yb o

If someone had the chance to make a movie about your life, who would you like to act as you? Johny - Will Smith - "Ek dink Petronella - Angelina Jolie - “Sy is vir my 'n verskriklike goeie moeder figuur en sy hanteer haar kinders met baie liefde en sal altyd tyd maak vir hulle. So vir my sou sy die perfekte moeder rol in my lewens verhaal kon speel.”

Martha - I, Myself - “Why have someone play my life story, if I can do it myself. There are brilliant actors out there, who have achieved great success but I personally feel that I would be best to portray all my personal feelings: hurt, sadness and joy. It would be loads of fun to be on set and just being “MYSELF” in a movie.”

nie daar is iemand wat my rol perfek kan vertolk as hy nie. Hy sal die komedie en die aksie deur kan gee. Hy is die perfekte persoon om my rol deur te gee met die figuur as pa, hy deel 'n baie spesiaale bond met sy kinders.”

Herry - Ek, myself - "Ek dink geen akteur sal my lewens verhaal in n fliek beter kan vertolk as ek myself nie. elke emosie, pyn en geluk sal ek kan herleef soos die oomblik wat dit gebeur het. Hul het wel die agtergrond maar niemand kan my as persoon beter vertolk as ek, myself nie.” Katryn - Leonardo Decaprio - “Hy sal defenitief die figuur van my jong dae kan speel. Daar is verskriklik baie akteurs en aktrise maar hy is my gunsteling, thanks to Titanic. Ek dink hy is die perfekte persoon om my lewens verhaal te vertolk.”

Johanna - Beyonce - “She isn’t just another ordinary actress who has made millions in acting or winning a nomination. She has come a long way to achieve her success and the greatness of fame that comes along with it. I personally think she would be ideal to play my life story, she would be able to portray the hard work and diligence that I have put in my career.” Olavi - Tom Cruise - “He is a brilliant actor and who else but him. It would be a privilege to have him play me in a movie. He has achieved a lot of success in movies and has played different characters. My life is a drama filled with action; who else than Tom Cruise.”

Thursday, 13 June 2013

18 | Lifestyle

World Blood Donation Day. . .

Blood Donors are Heroes Local Folk Support Blood Donation Day Tanya Calitz The Blood Transfusion Service of Namibia (BTSN) called out to the public to become regular and committed blood donors. “Donating blood really saves lives and makes you a hero," says Claudia van der Merwe, Swakopmund Branch team leader of the BTSN. A blood donation day was recently held at Shoprite to spread awareness, and encourage the public to donate blood and to learn more about blood donation. “I am very proud of the people on the Coast," says Claudia. "They donate regularly.” The Blood Transfusion organisation has a target of 24 000 units (pint) of blood per annum they must reach just to break even in providing the minimum amount of blood needed to save lives. This means that they need 2000 donors a month to reach their target. “We receive daily orders for blood from hospitals all over Namibia and it can be quite a challenge to keep up,” says Claudia. Currently the Blood Donation Organisation's biggest challenge is to get regular and committed donors. The O blood type is the most wanted blood type seeing that it can be used with all the other blood types. Once the blood has been donated, it gets broken up into 3 sections, red blood cells, plasma and platelets – the white blood cells. The red blood cells last

28 days, while the platelets last for only 5 days. The plasma can be frozen for up to a year. “This is just another reason why we are so reliant on regular donations,” Claudia stresses. She says that the hospitals use the blood for various different situations; whether it is for maternity cases, car accidents, knife stabbings, cancer or HIV, blood is always needed. Most blood is used for cancer patients, especially in instances of Leukaemia patients. “We cannot state enough how important the role of each donor is in saving lives,” says Claudia. Blood for the Namibian nation can only be gathered in Namibia, seeing that cross-border human product trade is illegal. “If we have a shortage of blood there is no other alternative, but to turn to our own nation for blood." The Blood Transfusion Service of Namibia received their ‘International Accreditation’ from the African Society of Blood Transfusion with the American Association of the Blood Bank. This means that the BTSN is in line with the International Blood Donation Standards of the world. “Being internationally recognised was a very proud moment for us, as you can imagine. We are also the first African country to receive this endorsement," Claudia says delighted.

i-Consult would like to extend an invitation and challenge our fellow coastal businesses to come donate life-saving blood as a team. “We made our donation this afternoon, it was nice to find out that just one bag of our blood could potentially save 3 lives!” It is wonderful for team morale and to make a difference together!

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Independent Thought | 19

m OO s hUi G wa m b. o TH HT .. Congratulations! Hermann Pritzlaff Wins a week’s free lunches courtesy of the Lemon Tree Deli.

Belinda 081 399 5040 Join our mailing list at

11 year old with her husband

Do We Care?

An 11-year-old child bride sits next to her 40-year-old fiancĂŠ. For UNICEF, this was the Photo of the Year. Dutch writer Leon de Winter laments the perversity of this wedding picture and the frightening relativism of the West. There are people who will look at this image and be able to continue with business as usual -without disgust, nausea and rage. We are beholding the fiercest barbarism imaginable. But a carefree cultural relativism -- which this age has donned as its outward manifestation of decadent indifference -- allows many to simply look away. They turn away from the sight of an 11-year-old girl, who is about to be raped by the man sitting next to her. The girl was sold by her parents, even if they probably wouldn't use that word. The caption that came with the photo quoted the parents as saying that they "needed the money". The girl's soon-to-be husband promised to send his 11-year-old bride to school, but the women living there in the village of Damarda in Afghanistan's Ghor province don't believe this fairytale. They predict that the girl will bear children soon. "Our men don't need educated women," they point out. A dowry was paid for the girl. The dowry is part of the cultural fabric of the clan-based society. As producers of newborns, women are valuable possessions. A woman can bear sons and fighters, who will defend the family and its honour. Men are only charged with protecting them against kidnappers and thieves, and women need only accept the power of the male members of the family -- "for their own benefit". Love Is a Word from the Decadent West It is likely that all of the female forebears of the girl in the photograph were likewise sold -- and the girl, no doubt, saw it as her fate. At the same time, she realises that what is happening to her is not right. She might think it is "natural" for a young girl to be sold, but she also knows that it's neither good nor legitimate for her to spend the rest of her life as this man's slave. It is a type of knowledge that has little to do with experience. Rather, it is knowledge that is rooted in humanity, and in the hopes and dreams of a little girl. The man in the image is oblivious of his wrongdoing. He's only doing what his forefathers did. Sticking to traditions increases the chances

of survival. His seed will create a new person and strengthen the clan. He will impregnate this girl without love and without regret, since love is a word from far-off stories and songs, a word from the decadent West, where people have no comprehension of the harshness of life in the desert and of war without end, which is the essence of life in this part of the world. What we witness in this photograph is an unadorned view of humanity's collective past, of the horror of our brutal nature. Love, tenderness, beauty, individuality and respect are all phenomena that we have imposed upon our nature. Since time immemorial, this nature has allowed only the strongest to survive. In our Western consciousness, we have suppressed this nature with conviction and success. This image shows a small, everyday moment that wouldn't surprise anyone in the Taliban -- but looks quite different to our eyes. A Bold Statement in the Era of Political Correctness Our eyes behold an abomination. Our eyes have learned to see the world from the perspective of a slowly acquired sense for humanity. And although more and more voices tell us that we -- the former colonialists and imperialists -- have lost the right to judge other cultures, we know just as well as this girl that this marriage is wrong. I believe that there are regressive cultures. In an era of political correctness, this is a tricky statement. But there is no other statement that can be made about this image. We behold a regressive man, who is taking what he has purchased. Many of us in the West are convinced that our presence in Afghanistan cannot be justified, that our troops should withdraw and that Afghanistan should be left to the Afghans. They ask themselves: Who are we to believe that it is inhumane to sell an 11-year-old girl? Who are we to impose our values so vehemently on the Afghans, on this man and on this girl? I don't have a clue who we are. But I know that this universe is not only a universe of iPods, Disneylands, CO2 penalties, tax write-offs, and New Year's sales in our department stores. No, I know that this is also a universe of human rights. I know that this universe is deeply shaken -- right down to its core -- by the suffering of this lonely, lonely little girl.

Thursday, 13 June 2013

20 | Motoring

mOOT s hiO wa bo M RmING A Driver's Car

The Toyota GT 86

Toyota's chief engineer for the GT86 outlines three key elements that define his new creation: no turbo, no 4WD, narrow tyres. A quick lap time is not the priority from this sports car: rather, driver involvement is. The firm's new rear-wheel drive sports car is here to prove that vehicles do not necessarily have to become ever faster, gripper and less socially acceptable. The sibling to the Subaru BRZ, similarities are oh-so obvious. Don’t go looking for headline variations because you won't find them. Does this matter? No. Simply see it as two ways of getting one of the best driver's cars you can buy... Engine The Toyota GT-86 is powered by a 2.0-liter naturally-aspirated flat-four engine, the result of a joint development between Subaru and Toyota, combined with D-4S technology (direct injection combined with port injection). With separate twin injectors for both direct and

Top speed 0 - 100 Km/h Standing 1/4 Mile Transmission

233 km/h 7.6 s 14.7-14.9s 6 Speed Manual 6 Speed Automatic

port injection, and a high compression ratio of 12.5:1, D-4S increases power and torque over a wide range of engine speeds without sacrificing fuel efficiency and environmental performance. In the Toyota model, this engine will deliver 149 Kw at 7000 rpm and maximum torque of 204 Nm at 6600 rpm. The engine will be mated to either a six-speed manual or a six-speed automatic transmission. The manual will offer quick and precise shifts with a short-throw, while the automatic transmission will feature sporty shifts controlled by steering-wheel-mounted paddle shifts. Power will be distributed effectively to the rear wheels through a limited-slip differential. Driving Toyota says the GT-86 is dynamically identical to the Subaru in every way apart from spring and damper rate changes. Experience here in the UK reveals any variations to be minimal in the extreme - few will tell any difference at all. We may have detected a bit more softness and roll in the GT-86, but it's really hard to tell any significant contrasts between them. The offbeat flat four engine is sweet and best of all, it's joyfully well balanced when you turn off the stability control and have a bit of fun. Even the electric power steering is masterfully good.

On the inside It's all nice and simple in here, with low-set seats and a perfectly positioned steering wheel that nestles into your hands as naturally as the stubby, slick-shifting gearlever. The rev counter is positioned right in the middle of the dial pack, proudly showing its 7,400rpm red line, although there is also a nod to sophistication with the availability of colour touch screen navigation in the centre of the dash. It’s about simplicity and focusing on the driver. Pride comes in the fundamentals, not the soft-touch details. Owning Surprisingly, Toyota and Subaru have not differed on pricing strategy: like the BRZ, the GT86 have the same base price. Equipment levels are identical too: the single trim has just two key options, sat nav and an automatic gearbox, the latter of which we'd of course avoid, despite it being more economical than the manual - thank the gearing, says Toyota. No, we reply.

Thursday, 13 June 2013 22 | Homefinder

Home Finder Thursday, 23 May 2013| 21



Bachelor flat. Separate kitchen, bathroom, living/bedroom and garage. Enclosed balcony with sea view. N$ 657 000 A painless move. Cosy 3 bedrooms, 3 living rooms and double garage. Outdoor BBQ. Fully furnished. Walk to the beach. N$ 1 850 000


Dream investment. Very nice 3 bedr house with a garage for 4 vehicles. Spacious enclosed court yard. Huge braai lapa in rustic garden. Plus 4 bachelor flats with secure parking. Offers between N$3.2 - 3.6mil


VACANT ERF. 600m2 in a popular spot. N$750 000

Gogga 081 870 9950


Flat in Kuisebmond 2 bedrooms with single garage. N$2600 Brand new 3 bedroom unit with single garage. N$3550 Brand new 2 bedroom unit with single garage. N$3200 MEERSIG Brand new double story 3 bed house with double garage. N$9900 INDUSTRIAL – WALVIS BAY 2000m² warehouse with huge yard and high boundary walls. N$90 000

Yolanda 081 1479315 Tanya 081 4270332 Talitha 081 3373669


Neat duplex apartment with sea view. 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom with corner bath, open plan kitchen/livingarea, single garage, outside bbq on balcony. (Curtains, double bed, fridge included in price). N$ 765,000 (CC registered)


Large vacant corner erf. 1088sqm. N$ 1 010 000 (CC registered)


Dont miss out on this bargain. Newly built, spacious duplex apartments. 3 bedrooms (each bedroom with en-suite bathroom), open plan kitchen/living-area/ indoor bbq, guest toilet, balcony (some with sea view), 2.5 garages. N$ 1 600 000



Prime area, in a safe and secure complex. Unit offers 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, balcony, huge lounge. Kitchen with b.i.c. and breakfast nook, 1 garage. Levies only N$233-00 pm. N$ 730 000-00

Excellent buy. 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms with 3 car tandem garage and 3 car carport. Huge main bedroom with en suite bathroom and a large entertainment area. 1 bed flat separate from house. N$ 2 033 000



Centrally located in a safe and secure complex. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen/lounge, 1 garage. Registered in CC, no tarrif duties. Furniture included. N$995 000

Joey 081 278 0518

Dune and sea view. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 garages, scullery, indoor braai, alarm system. N$ 2 087 000

Gogga 081 870 9950

Manie 081 3179334

Yolanda 0811479315

Tanya 0814270332

Joey 081 2780518

Tania 0812979704


Designed to create space for peace and easy living. 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, kitchen scullery, 2 garages and indoor braai. N$ 2 250 000

SWAKOPMUND Vacant erf N$ 588 000

(CC registered)

Tania 081 297 9704

Manie 081 3179334

Talitha 0813373669

When the right house speaks to you, speak to the right people Henties Bay - (064) 502 700 Mondesa - (064) 406 692 Swakopmund - (064) 410 2111 Walvis Bay (064) 201 8111

Thursday, 13 June 2013 |3 Homefinder

22 | Home Finder Thursday, 4 April 2013

Franco Borruso 081 124 0077

Engela Borruso 081 302 8531

Renette vd Heever 081 332 9805

Andrew Meyer 081 128 6936

+ 264 64 20 40 78 De Waterkant Business Centre Meersig


Martie Wiese 081 243 3993

We are urgently looking for properties in and around Walvis Bay for approved clients

Open plan lounge/dining/kitchen. 3 bedrooms, main bedroom en-suite bathroom. Indoor BBQ, 2 bathrooms, double remote control garage. No levy costs.


N$ 1 850 000

180sqm 100m from the lagoon Stylish & modern.

Family home situated in the heart of the lagoon area and near the waterfront.

The property consist of the following: Entrance hall, open plan lounge/dining area, indoor braai area, country kitchen with hob/oven. 3 huge bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Main bedroom with en-suite bathroom and walk-in closet. Erf 714sqm.






N$1 700 000 R SA LE


Townhouse – open plan lounge/dining/ kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, main bedroom, en-suite bathroom, 1 garage.

N$1 270 000

N$1 685 000 R


MEERSIG Double storey, open plan lounge / dining / island kitchen, sculler, entertainment area, indoor BBQ. Doors opening onto patio. 4 bedrooms, 3 ensuite bathrooms. Each bedroom opening onto balcony. Main bedroom walk-trough closet. Double remote control garages. Erf size: 1188sqm




Several vacant erven and warehouses for sale in the industrial area. Several more vacant erven for sale. We have several properties to let at Longbeach & Dolphin Beach.

G4S - Walvis Bay Tel: 064 - 213922 Fax: 064 - 207089

Now that you have nested in, let us help protect your dearest! Securing Your World

Contact us.


Lovely house – great investment. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen/lounge/dining, indoor braai, double remote control garage PLUS 2 X 1 bedroom flats. SA


N$2 461 000







LAGOON 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, main bedroom with en-suite bathroom. 3 indoor bbq areas, bar, underfloor heating. Plus a 1 bedroom flat, garage parks 4+ vehicles. N$2,033,000

MEERSIG double storey, open plan lounge/dining/ island kitchen, scullery/ entertainment area/indoor BBQ. Doors opening onto patio. 3 bedrooms, 3 en -suite bathrooms. Each bedroom opening onto balcony. Main bedroom walk trough closet, study, double remote control garage.




Meersig Ext1 718 sqm N$605,000 FO


N$2 600 000neg CC registered





Industrial erf for sale. Approved plans to build 5-8 warehouses. Size: 1986sqm



water & electricity incl. WALVIS BAY Office space. Available immediately. 54sqm - N$3 837pm 60sqm - N$3 875pm

MEERSIG 4 bedrooms 2 bathrooms main bedroom en-suite bathroom, sun-room double remote control garage, huge erf. N$1 685 000 FO





Residential erven Fairways 505 sqm N$627,000 532 sqm N$627,000 661 sqm N$607,000 668 sqm N$607,000 FO


MEERSIG 4 bedrooms 2 bathrooms entertainment area indoor BBQ double garage

Emergency No (Erongo Region) Cell: 081 922


Land Line: 922

G4S - Swakopmund Tel: 064 - 415300 Fax: 064 - 463592 G4S - Henties Bay Tel: 064 - 500407 Fax: 064 - 500738

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Home Finder | 23

Thursday, 13 June 2013 |5 Homefinder

24Thursday, | Home Finder 4 April 2013


2 bedrooms 1 bathroom 1st floor w & e excl.


2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1 garage, outdoor bbq and big garden. N$ 6000 water & lights included

Single storey house 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen, double garage, big garden N$ 8000 excl water & lights

Silver Sands

3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms double garage

Mile 4

3 bedrooms fully furnished 3 floors double garage


Reinett 081 293 7107

N$ 6690

excl water & lights

Eureka Court

huge house 4 bedrooms 3 bathrooms double garage

N$16 500pm

2 bedroom duplex flat 2 bathrooms, kitchen, lounge, double garage N$ 7805 excl water & lights

Safari Village

Guest House

Ext 9


3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms indoor bbq, double garage. N$ 6690 excl. water & lights

2 bedroom townhouse in a secure complex. 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen, lounge, double garage, private courtyard.

3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen, two garages private courtyard & bbq N$ 6135 excl water & lights

ideal for a company 11 bedrooms, 8 bathrooms 3 garages parking lots fits 8 cars all inclusive

N$60 000pm


3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, one garage in secure complex.

N$ 7805


Industrial warehouse to rent. 172sqm. Kitchenette + 2 toilets. N$ 6620 excl water & lights

Office Tel: +264 64 462692 Martina: 081 124 3885 Andrehet: 081 147 1929 Theresa: 081 147 1937

Eureka Court

3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, guest toilet, living room with indoor braai, double remote garage, private courtyard. N$ 6500 excl water and lights


Sunset Sails 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, open plan living room, uninterrupted sea views, single remote garage. N$ 6000 excl water and lights.

Fully furnished house



N$10 800pm





1 bedroom furnished no garage

brand new 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms double garage huge erf water included

Hage Heights


2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, guest toilet, living room with indoor braai, single garage, private courtyard N$ 5500 excl water, prepaid.

4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, open plan living room, double remote garage. Plus 2 bedroom apart, living room with kitchen, bathroom. N$ 11 000 excl water and lights

2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, open plan living room, balcony with braai, single remote garage. N$ 4500 excl water and lights

3rd floor 2 bedrooms fully furnished double garage N$6600pm


2 bedrooms furnished double garage N$8500pm

Mile 4

fully furnished 2 bedroom flat 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen, lounge, double garage, full sea view. N$ 7805 excl water & lights

Ocean View

Seagull Haven




3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen open plan dining room, living room with inside braai, single garage. N$ 6000 excl water, prepaid

4 bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms, guest toilet, kitchen, open plan living room with indoor braai, spacious yard. N$ 9000 excl water and lights

2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms study garage w & e excl.



Haus Rosemund

Golf Estate

2 bedrooms 1 bathroom guest toilet single garage courtyard

3 bedrooms, fully furnished townhouse, 2 bathrooms, indoor bbq, guest toilet double garage. N$ 11 150 excl water & lights

Fully furnished bachelor flat. Prepaid, water incl. DSTV incl. N$3500pm

3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms double garage N$7000pm

The Dunes

Vogelstrand fully furnished, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen, lounge dining room, double garage indoor bbq area, established garden. N$ 12 265 excl water & lights

Mile 4

Cosy penthouse in town


Moringa Gardens 1st floor 2 bedrooms 1 bathroom huge balcony guest toilet 2 garages N$5000pm

Sand and Sea 1st floor 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms tandem garage N$6000pm




To list your prime property in our new Rentals section, contact Michelle: 064 200 497

3 and 4 bedrooms, 2 and 3 bathrooms, kitchen, open plan living room, inside braai, scullery, double garage, alarm system. N$ 15 000 excl water and lights


FULLY FURNISHED APARTMENTS 2 and 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, indoor or outdoor braai, sea front, ground floor. Priced from N$ 7700 up to N$ 11 000 Immediately available.

Am Sudring

2 bedrooms, 1 full bathroom, kitchen, open plan living room, double garage, first floor. N$ 4850 excl water and lights

Industrial Warehouse Size: 96 m2 N$ 4000 excl water and lights

Hage Heights

3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, open plan living room, indoor braai, laundry room, double garage. Spacious yard. N$ 8500 excl water, pre-paid

Email us your wanted or offered rentals to Namib Independent for


To place your listings with us for our next issue, kindly contact Michelle:

FNB coastal branches at your service! Henties Bay - (064) 502 700 Mondesa - (064) 406 692 Swakopmund - (064) 410 2111 Walvis Bay (064) 201 8111

Ansu 081 242 9198 Charlene 081 365 3843 Nadia 085 562 2111

Thursday, 13 June 2013 26 | Classifieds

| 25 Thursday,Classifieds 23 May 2013



5 77 77


Tuesdays 10:30 TUESDAY 10:30am


- WALVIS BAY Quality, fully furnished accommodation available for weekends, holidays or long term rental. Large variety of flats and houses ranging from bachelor type to 4-bedrooms. Meersig, Lagoon, Central. Businesses: Let us provide your transferred employees or traveling clientele/associates with top of the range accommodation. Contact us today for a free quotation. *All units come standard with DSTV, fully furnished & after hours stand by.





ROOF LEAKING? Paint, Seal, Repair Roofs and Walls. Written Guarantee. Call 0814546870


Also alterations. Order your matric Handy man for any farewell dress before general plumbing work, 30 june 2013 and welding work, roof sealing, and light work in and receive 5 percent disoutside your house. Call count. Phone now to Henk 0817804155 avoid dissapointment. Salomie at lifestyle Daklek, skade, creations oordoen, verf, seel, herstel en oordoen 0817284865 van dakke en mure. Geskrewe waarborg en gratis kwotasies! Alle bouwerk, herstelwerk en instandhouding van huise en geboue in Walvis Baai, Swakopmund, Langstrand en Hentiesbaai. Inspeksie verslae. Skakel 081 454 6870

081 257 8707 Tel: 064 - 212 440 Fax: 064 - 212 450 CARS FOR SALE

Opel Astra 2011 Essentia 1600

* Excellent condition * Towbar * 36 000kms

Call Tony 081 373 7604 N$ 177 000

ANNIQUE AGENT IN WALVISBAAI 081 467 8455 anniquewalvisbay@ Stel jy dalk belang om skoonheids produkte te verkoop vir ‘n ekstra inkomste? Word ‘n agent. PRODEL Construction & Renovations For all your construction & renovation needs call Johann Steyn 0811280848 for a free quote!

Triple RG Trucking • Huistrekke • Tuinvullis • Bourommel Skakel RENNIE by 081 306 3669

FIR SAUNA BODY SHAPING SYSTEM. Melt away that Easter Chocolates. Decrease BMI - Burn up to 600 calories in one session - Improve Appearance of Cellulite... Commit your self for 12 weeks and only pay N$36.00 per session. Cindy - 081 147 6776 GEMaPEN Driving school.Book for 10 lessons N$950,and get 1hour 30min free. Natis N$200 contact no 0812819318 NYOZI HEADLIGHTS RESTORATION We restore your headlights to like- new quality -Reshine yellow, dull and hazy plastic headlights -Restore sandblast plastic headlights We do mobile service (where possible) Contact: Nyozi @0811248154 H F VERVOER EK RY TUINVULLIS HUISTREKKE EN BOU MATERIAAL MET 4TON TROK MET TRALIES KONTAK HENK 0813542120 SQUARE BUILDER CC



Truck to Rent with Driver and Helpers At The Coast/Nationwide: Furniture removal,garden refuse,building rubble,office removals. You name it,we'll do it.Open 7 days a week.Contact us on 0816493676 for the best prices in town.


HF Vervoer

Garden rubbish, building refuse, rubble, furniture. Also handy man work. Call Henk

081 780 4155

SERVICES Gaan u op vakansie of benodig u iemand om na u diere, huis en tuin te kyk? Roelien Fuchs en Helena van Rooyen is beskikbaar om huise op te pas. Kontak ons indien u iemand benodig wanneer u op vakansie is of sels as u eiendom in Walvis of langstrand besit en u is nie voltyds daar om u woonbuurt te beskerm nie. Kontak Roelien by 0816575488 of Helena by 0817813411.

Reconciliation of Debtors / Creditor Accounts Need help reconciling, or bringing your Business Accounts Up to date. Tired of outstanding invoices and queries. Let us do it for you. For more info Contact: 0812159430


Contact Us: 0818801647


COMPANIES IN NEED OF: Payroll outsourcing, implementation or relief duties. Contact Desiré Tuit Cell: 081 124 2922 VIP Payroll Program

For all your: • Renovations • Brick laying • Alterations • Building constructions Contact for a quote 081 880 1647 OR 081 229 2808


For your all-round Security/ protection needs We offer: • Professional security services • Reliable & reputable (record) • High trained &moti vated officers • 24h/7 days a week. Contact us now for a quote - 081 880 1647 SAN No 104/2012114 NamPol Permit No 01/2012

Handyman Walvis Rommel verwydering, Snoei van bome, Geyser elemente vervangHoutwerk. Noem dit en ek doen dit...... Christo 0811287510 For removal of garden rubbish, bulding rubbish and furniture removal anywhere. Call Henk 0817804155

MILLWRIGHT/FITTER: 55 Year old hardworking male looking for employment. Please phone James @ 081 247 0119. Justine Agent in Walvis Bay and Swakopmund: Call Deja Julie @ 0813144539 now!

For all your work at heights, now safe, quick & easy. JLG Elevated work platform. Maintenance, window cleaning. High pressure cleaning and installations

Soek u na Golden Produkte? ~ Aanvullings teen siektes ~ Skoonmaakmiddels ~ Skoonheid produkte ~ Nie chemies, natuurlik ~ Bestel nou Skakel 081 242 7535 Im urgently looking for a house to buy, except kuisebmund. Up to 850000. Or an erf up to 150000 Contact Eugene @ 0816718366

VACANCY 064 401061

Swakopmund, Walvis Bay Long Beach, Henties Bay

COURSES The Walvis bay Goju Ryu Karate Club Beginners classes begins in June 2013. Main road no 4B, Walvis Bay Cell: 081 277 9268 Fax: 2065556 Email:

GERMAN COURSE FOR ADULT BEGINNERS! Learn to speak German and improve your job opportunities. Register now to qualify for a discount. Limited spaces available. Experienced, mother-tongue teacher. Tel. 081 607 2685


Coastal SMEs & Upstarts

I m looking for any kind of job. Experience in office cleaning, domestic work and clerk. Contact 0817879259

TO RENT Room to let in walvis bay kuisebmond , at lukas ashipala street , kabeljou side. The room is wide with a shower, toilet and kitchen inside. Price N$1600,00 water and electricity excluded. Contact: 0811477648 0R 0812209762. To let Swakopmund Vogelstrand 3 bedroom 2 bathroom, BIC n Alarm guest toilet, open plan kitchen,fire place, outside braai, 7500 per month cell : 0816439123 / 0811286668


DRINGEND Hardwerkende naaldwerksters benodig. 2 Vakante poste Naaimasjien ondervinding is ‘n vereiste Kontak: Rita 081 207 0999 Klaasie Properties CC, Consulting Services Vacancy. Klaasie Prop requires services of a consultant in the health and safety field to provide consulting services to major industries in the agricultural, commercial and mining fields throughout Namibia. Please contact Marina Potgieter via email marinapotgieter@Yahoo. com for more info. Closing date 14 June 2013

DONATIONS VACANCY We need your help. We are looking for the following items for the animal clinics: plastic ice cream containers, margarine containers, dog and cat bowls, empty spice bottles, blankets and towels, old cloths, paper back books. Contact Helen 063 683185 or 0812770305


Martina Neef Estates SWAKOPMUND

Townhouse FOR SALE Three Bedroom Two Bathroom One Garage in Secure Complex N$ 850 000.00 Perfect buy for the beginner Investor

081 124 3885 Martina Neef

NOTICE CONSENT NOTICE Take notice that WSTRPC Town Planning Consultant), on behalf of A. Krylov, intends to apply to the Walvis Bay Municipal Council for: • The rezoning of Erf 925, Walvis Bay from ‘Residential II’ to ‘General Business’ with a bulk of 2.8 for commercial purposes • Consent to use the erf for business purposes while the rezoning is formally being completed. Erf 925, Walvis Bay is situated in Hage Geingob Street in the centre of town. The Erf is 1250 m² in extent and is currently vacant. It is the intention to rezone the erf for the purposes of a building flats and offices. Parking will be provided in accordance with the Walvis Bay town planning scheme. Further take notice that the plan of proposed development lies for inspection on the town planning notice board in the municipal offices of Walvis Bay. Any person objecting to the proposed use of the land as set our above may lodge such objection together with the grounds thereof, with the municipality and with the applicant in writing within 14 days of the last publication of this notice. The final date for objections is 28 June 2013. Applicant: P O Box 31761 Windhoek Cell: 081 129 3070 Email: wstrpc@gmail. com NOTICE CONSENT USES, ERECTION OF BUILDING AND USE OF LAND IN TERMS OF TOWN PLANNING SCHEME REGULATIONS Notice is hereby given in terms of clause 6 of the Swakopmund Town Planning Scheme Regulations that the Town Council considers the following consent uses, erection of buildings and use of land, details of which are obtainable from the General Manager: Engineering Services. Erf 964 Vineta (45 Fischreiher Street) Special permission to operate a Small Tourism Booking Office. Contact person: A. van der Westhuizen Tel: 410 4403 (Planner: Town & Special projects) Any person having any objections to the proposed steps may lodge such objections duly motivated in writing, with the Chief Executive Officer until 05 July 2013

LOST Lost car keys and remote on 5th Street Walvis Bay, near Old Army camp June 9th, late Sunday afternoon. Please contact Alisan Greeff 0813505897 I LOST MY DOG




CALL TOKKIE 081-3251277 TRAVIS 081-3847334 OPPORTUNITY VACANCY JOB OPPORTUNITY Do you need extra income? Earn up to N$3750 per form with data entry clerk,'no Computer needed'. Own hours. For more information sms your name and e-mail or postal address to 0812033903 GLDN PRODUCTS (Golden Products) Become a distributor today and be your own boss, in your own time and achieve your dreams and goals. Earn your 2nd income and enjoy lots of benefits: Big bonusses, promotions, financial independence, travelling and many more. Contact: 0812427535 Increase your income!!! Annique Beauty and Lifestyle “we create life changing opportunities “ Contact Annerene at 081 243 2680 to become an agent. Independent Annique consultant contact Annerene at 081 243 2680 to become an Annique consultant or if you want to order from the Annique beauty and lifestyle products.

Thursday, 13 June| 2013 Classifieds 27

26Thursday, | Business Boxes2013 23 May







Auto Repairs CC

• Repairs & service on all vehicles outside the warranty/service plan period. • Oil-and-Go for your convenience. • Pre-holiday inspections, pre roadworthy checks. • Headlight adjustments. • Diagnostic testing. • Service agent for Hyundai & KIA. • Specialists in Mercedes Benz, Mitsubishi. 234 Theo-Ben Gurirab Street, Walvis Bay Tel: 064- 200888 Fax: 064- 200840 Cicero- 081 122 7654 Bennie- 081 204 3885



• Latest Cellphones • Digital Camera's • Cell Accessories • Rentals


We specialise in:

081 1244747 064 204187 CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING & PROTECTION CHEM-DRY CLEANING Is the largest specialist Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Franchise on the Planet. With our unique Non-toxic Carbonated Cleaning Technology you can be assured that your carpets & upholstery stay Cleaner, Drier, Healthier. For free quotes contact us @ 064-209292 or 0811244747 email Check out our website @ for our wide range of products & services. WE SERVE THE COAST!

ALL TYPES OF DOORS • MTC New Contracts • MTC Renewals • MTC Payments - Online • Internet Settings • Airtime Contact us for Professional and efficient service! Tel: 064-209919 - wbay Fax: 064-209921 - wbay Tel: 064-404800 - SWK Fax: 064-404823- SWK

(Cleaning Services)

ner For tuWheel Sparaerriers C

SPECIALS!! • Lounge Suite/ Sofa • Cleaning 6 Seater • Cleaning N$450, • Mattress Cleaning N$300, • Carpet Cleaning N$300 per room.


Contact: 0816386318




Emergency hours available

199 nangolo mbumba drive,Walvis Walvis Bay 199 N. Mbumba Drive, Bay Tel: 064-207997 Fax: 064-203167 Tel: 064-207997 • Fax: 064-203167 your travel management partner

Finance TNK Financial Services • Accounting • Payroll • Tax Returns (Private & Business)

decoder + dish + installation

New roofs & repairs (waterproofing) Valleys / flashings / gutters

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Food TEL : 064 278200

Electrical Wholesalers CC2007/0393 For allFAX : 064 278201 your Electrical supplies

WEBSITE : C/O Sam Nujoma Ave C/O Sam Nujoma Ave & 8th Road Nr. 77

& 8th Road Nr. 77, Walvis Bay TEL: 064 278200 • FAX: 064 278201 •

17 to 21 June 2013


CALL US FOR FREE QUOTE Walvis Bay / Swakopmund


Pork Schnitzel Hawaii Potato Bake, Cauliflower & Cheese Sauce, Carrot Salad

Gunter Waetzoldt 081 241 8432



To have your ad placed here, call Greg on 081 147 8648


Debtors, Creditors, Bank Recons, Fixed Assets, Payroll Assistance, Management Accounts, VAT & Tax Returns

Beef Stew, Rice, Mixed Vegetables, Tomato, Onion and Mozzarella Salad

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Walvis Bay

Setting the standard in roofing & waterproofing!!

WALVIS BAY Cr of 9th & Sam Nujoma Avenue Tel: +264 64 207 999 Fax: +264 64 207 975


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Besigheids ure: Ma-Vry: 08H00 - 19H00 Sa: 08H00 - 13H00 WSK welkom.




Tel: 064-221552 Fax: 064-221553


n$ 1450



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Bliss Investments 4x4 accessories NoW aVaiLaBLe


BRICKSBLOCKSPAVERS-ROOF TILES & ROCK FACE BRICKS, Contact details: BLOCKS, PAVERS, Tell: 064-221287 ROOF TILES & Fax: 064-221290 ROCK FACE BRICKSCell: 081 143 3924 BLOCKSContact details: Tell: 064-221287 PAVERS-ROOF Fax: Email: 064-221290 TILES & Cell: 081 143 3924 ROCK FACE Email: Situated at Erf 4441, Situated Erf 4441, Contactat details: New Area Newindustria Industrial Area Tell: 064-221287 next to weigh bridge next to Weighbridge Fax: 064-221290 Walvisbay walvisbay Cell: 081 143 3924

Walvis Bay: 064-203318 sWakopmund: 064-403418

Travel CHAMORE TRAVEL AGENCY CC T: +264 64 206003 F: +264 64 206009 c/o Union Street & 5th Road, Walvis Bay, Namibia

Riaan Stols Namib Electrical Distributors cc C/O Sam Nujoma Ave & 8th Road nr 77 Walvis Bay Namibia


Travel arrangements Logistics - Flight bookings - Passports - Car Rentals - Work Visa’s/ In-transit Visas - Hotel bookings - Transfer/ Shuttle Services



Macaroni & Cheese with Bacon Bits, Cauli-Broc with Toasted Almonds, Garden Salad Chicken & Coconut Curry (Not Hot), Jasmine Rice Sweet Carrots and Peas Panzanella Salad Cottage Pie, Sweet Potato Beetroot Salad Apple Crumble with Custard

Theo Ben Gurirab Str. & Hanna Mupetami Road P.O.Box 499, Walvis Bay

Phone +264 64 205136 • Fax +264 64 205137

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Sport | 27

Social Squash League Keeps Up the Spirit

The NDSL took a little strain last week with 10 reserves being used for players being away. However, the social spirit was not dampened, as everyone enjoyed the and Juniors - Gerhard Lottering competitiveness (Magic Discounters) and Brandon played their hearts out.

Danie Jansen (Captain of Woermann Brock Hardware & Building Supplies) scoring with opponent Martin Krause (Captain of Coastal Car Hire)

Grane (Coastal Car Hire)

Namib High School

The results given by Mr Trevor Heath for Wednesday, 6 June were as follows: Seawork vs Steel Africa 4-3 Warren Deysel vs Imanuel Amorongo 1-3 Jenny Pahl vs Leslie

De Duine Secondary School

Dylan Kavendjii

Toivo Toivo

Theo Amakali

Rondiguedson Oxurub

Rocha Kapepu

Ruwhal Mclobo

John-Raymond Cupido

Leroy Stevens

Keenen Spanneberg

Junias Udishinga

Mbahimua Kazohua

Lucio Carlos

Juriaan Job

Julian Callard

Ingo Steinborn

Jackson Ngipande

Innocent Emvula

Francis Uatema

Eugene Hangubeb

Denver Rittman

Glen Leister

Giovanni Stoffel

Florian Mosich

Eugen Gaseb

Erenst Gurirab

Dennisley Dausab

Carlito Busch

Brandon Honeb

Benjamin Ifugula

Nowellen Bosman

David Shatika

Elrich Xoagub

Ensley Gariseb

Game On! Date: Venue: Time:

Friday, 14 June 2013 Vineta Sport Fields 11h00

Like our “FNB Namibia Classic Clashes� Facebook page and win exciting prizes. Feeding the nation

Bosman 3-2 Peter Pahl vs Ze de Britto 3-0 Sharde Fisher vs Anina Huisamen 3-0 Flip Scheepers vs Frikkie Riekert 0-3 Raphael Burlamasque vs Anna-Maria Venter 2-3 Chantel de Gouveia vs Goretti Jansen 3-2 Gateway vs Fuel Pump Repairs Africa 2-5 Marius Geyser vs Clifford de Witt 2-3 Stefan van Tonder vs Jaco de Witt 0-3 Richard van der Meer vs Stephen van Lingen 0-3 Jorn Wormsbacher vs Jan de Smit 2-3 Desire Tuit vs Daniel Jansen 0-3 Wernher Riedel vs Alberto Cannalles 3-1 Oscar Fernandez vs Wielle Jordaan 3-0 Coastal Car Hire vs Woermann Brock Hardware & Building Supplies 5-2 Trevor Grane vs Michael Stauder 3-0 Martin Krause vs Danie Jansen 3-0. A superb win for Martin at no.2. Andre Huisamen vs Blackie Zwart 3-2. Clash of the reserves. Brandon Grane vs Dylan Spencer 2-3. Dylan managed to hold off Brandon quite well. Joseph Payne vs Doyle de Haas 3-1 Jacques Serfontein vs Lindsay Lottering 1-3 Jenny Lombard vs Anneke Grobler 3-2 FCS vs Magic Discounters 4-3 Borja Romero vs Phillip de Villiers 0-3 Borja Peya Hitula vs Jaco Greeff 3-0. W/O. Trevor Heath vs Matthys Robberts 2-3 Lucinda Rodrigues vs Poena Olivier 3-2 Jaco de Jager vs Gerhard Lottering 0-3 Morne Fourie vs Johan Swanepoel 3-0 Arlene Visser vs Connie Olivier 3-0 The points stand as follows: Fuel Pump Repairs Africa - 42; Coastal Car Hire - 41; FCS - 37; Gateway Shipping - 36; Seawork - 35; Magic Discounters - 34; Steel Africa - 30 and Woermann Brock Hardware & Building Supplies - 25

28 | Sport

Thursday, 13 June 2013 to Wednesday, 19 June 2013


Sponsored by keeping the connection

Equestrian Youth Riders Go International The Equestrian Coastal League Namibia earlier this year selected eight youth riders, aged between 14 and 17 years old, who will participate at an international show jumping tournament in Munchehofe, Germany from the 5th – 8th of September this year. The tournament is being organised as a joint venture between the Equestrian Coastal League Namibia (ECLN) and the LRV Muenchehofe e.V. and is endorsed by the Deutsche Reiterliche Vereiningung (National Federation) who sanctions this project. Besides Namibian riders, guest riders from the German neighbouring countries will also participate. In total, over 1000 entries are expected. The team will depart for Hamburg on the 23rd

Photo: Kuiseb Desert Photography

From left to right: Svenja Spaeth, Kira Rohloff, Janiz Zandberg, Kaylee Zandberg, Ingrid Kotze, Salom Nghinamito, Daniela Kolb, Maxine Mathias Standing: Peter Kay (Team Chef de Equippe); Silvia Kleyenstuber (Team Trainer); Holger Kleyenstuber (Team Manager)

August, where they will stay for a week before departing to Malmo, Sweden, to visit the FEI Eventing Championships Final. As of the 2nd September, the riders along

with their borrowed horse will be stationed in Muencheberg where they will receive training and participate in educational horsemanship programs.

The team would like to take this opportunity and thank all sponsors for their generous contribution towards this unique opportunity. You are making a dream come true!

Should you be interested in donating towards this unique initiative, kindly contact Holger at 081 127 0595 or Silvia 081 124 0293.


Golfers Getting Support From Community This past weekend was the first sponsored event held by Chicken City, and they have confirmed already for next year! Thank you, Johan Swanepoel, for your sponsor and support to the Golf Club, and also to the 47 golfers that joined us on Saturday. The following results 1st S.Figueiredo - 44 Points (C/O) 2nd A.v Rensburg - 44 Points 3rd P.Botha - 42 Points (C/O) 4th J.Abbott - 42 Points 5th L.Loots - 39 Points (C/O) (Lady) 6th M.d Clerk - 39 Points 7th C.Botha - 39 Points (Lady) 8th P.Shigwele - 38 Points (C/O) 9th E.Bothma - 38 Points (Lady) 10th G.Heitman - 37 Point (C/O) Nearest to the Pin # 2 - P.Lohman Nearest to the Pin # 7 - J.Katti Longest Drive # 6 - S V Wyk Longest Drive # 17 - D. Sanders Congratulations to all the winners and to all the ladies.



* Public entrance to the event: FREE * Food and Refreshments available * Kiddies Jumping castles

For further details or an application form contact Christopher on

081 143 5992

or email






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