The namib independent issue 63

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Namib Independent Great news for the coast!

Classifieds line: 57777




Thursday, 15 August 2013 to Wednesday, 21 August 2013




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Strauss Promises Truck Port Read the full story on page 3

Chaos and Corruption at Coastal Court Tanya Calitz Wednesday morning all court proceedings and cases were brought to a halt. Nampol conducted an internal investigation at the Walvis Bay Magistrate’s court after the arrest of an employee with a senior position at the Magistrate's Court on claims of corruption. Several community members made their way to court yesterday morning, only to find that the doors

were shut, with armed police officers guarding each entrance. Claims and allegations of some unlawful activities and corruption by court employees have been going on for some time, an official told the Namib Independent outside the court. According to an official, the lady in question was arrested the day before, on suspicion of corruption and unlawful activities involving traffic fines. Continued on Page 3



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Thursday, 15 August 2013

2 | News


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Thursday, 15 August 2013

News | 3

Strauss Promises Truck Port

Tanya Calitz

Dudley Strauss, owner of XXX Trucking and mandate holder for the development of a truck port for Walvis Bay since 2008, has recently declared that the long awaited project, shall officially get under way in November this year. 19 years in the pipeline, it is set to be completed by November 2014. In an exclusive interview with the Namib Independent, Strauss discussed in detail what the community and stakeholders can expect from this development. According to Strauss he will partner up

with Shell, who will be the fuel suppliers at the Truck Port Depot. Windhoek Consulting Engineers will be the developers for this project. Despite the fact that the project seems to be moving in the right direction and that things are happening, one cannot help but ask what the delay has been since 2008. “One must remember that these type of big developments do not just happen overnight. Each time the project is bought over or changes hands, the process starts all over again,” Strauss explained. According to

Strauss this project is not the only thing on his plate. “I am running a full time transport company, apart from the fact that I am also managing the truck port project. I therefore cannot commit all my time and energy just to the development of this truck port,” Strauss stressed. “There are many elements to this project and also many stakeholders and parties involved to make such a project a reality.” According to Strauss the first step was to get the Municipality to fully service the land, so that there can be sewage, water and electricity. The second task was to have an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) done and apply to obtain a fuel license from the Ministry of Mines and Energy. Thereafter negotiations started with all the different stakeholders. The only current delay is the groundwork’s negotiations of levelling and filling the area with sand. According to the plans the Truck Port will feature a four pump filling station, Quick Shop, tyre shop, and tackle shop. For the truckers specifically there will be a cafeteria and pool room. “The aim with the cafeteria is to sell affordable plates of food three times a day at approximately N$25 a meal,” said Strauss. The drivers will also have access to full ablution facilities. “There will

be toilets, showers and rest rooms for the drivers to freshen up. I understand a truck driver’s needs, seeing that I was one myself,” he explained. Strauss also stressed that there will be no alcohol sold or permitted on the premises. “Our aim is to have a well regulated, secure premises, free of drink and trouble.” The truck port area will be able to accommodate 50 trucks at a time. According to Strauss there will be a

mini-bus taxi service running between town centre and the truck facility every hour. “This way the drivers have the option of doing their business and social activities in town if they wish to do so.” “As from 1 November 2013 we will have people on site every day to complete this project. I am going to make a bold statement and say that the truck port will be fully operational by 1 November 2014.”

Trucks Do’s and Don’ts Compiled by Madelaine Laubscher After weekly complaints and reports on the ‘trucks in town’ issue, the Namib Independent spoke to Senior Traffic Officer, Mr Erastus Victor Ndimunu. He was kind enough to give the public some clarity as to what trucks are allowed to do.

• Trucks that do not create any danger or break any laws can drive where they please. • Trucks are not restricted to drive in certain areas as of yet. • Trucks that carry dangerous goods such as gas/petrol/diesel should be cautious and stick to what they have been trained, seeing that there are no water points in case a fire would break out.

• Trucks are restricted from parking where there are signs that state only a certain weight is allowed (e.g 5 tonnes) • Trucks are prohibited to block another driver’s sight at a stop sign. • Trucks that park on yellow stripes will be fined a N$1 000. • Trucks leaking oil can be taken off the road as the truck can be seen as not roadworthy. • Trucks are restricted from parking in the street where there are oncoming vehicles. • Trucks are still allowed to park in front of a house at night, but only if the truck does not block the view.

Chaos and Corruption at Coastal Court Continued from Page 1

It has been alleged that the accused took money from traffic offenders with the promise that their traffic fine or violation would be negated. There have allegedly been thousands of Namibian dollars’ worth of outstanding fines found in possession of the accused. The exact amount or the extent of the criminal activity has not been made public yet. This also raises the question of what will happen to the individuals whose unpaid fines have

been found in the accused’s possession. The awaiting residents and media outside the court were called together by a police officer and told that there will be no court proceedings for the rest of the day, as police are busy with an internal investigation. According to another official on the scene, they cannot release any info as the investigation is still ongoing and all employees are being questioned on suspicion of

internal corruption. The accused will appear for her bail hearing later this week. No official charge has been laid against the accused. According to Nampol Deputy Commissioner Kashuupulwa they cannot elaborate on the case while the investigation is still underway. “Once the investigation has been completed and the accused has been charged, we will launch an official police statement,” she said.

A Hairy Situation Arising on the Coast Coastal Virgin Brazilian hair traders could be contributing to the increase in international reports of stolen hair from Latin America, India and China. According to national and international reports, thieves armed with scissors (known as piranhas) have been viciously attacking women from predominantly Latin American countries, India and in some cases China, stealing their hair to sell as Virgin Brazilian hair in Southern African countries, particularly Namibia. The flourishing Virgin Brazilian hair industry on the coast could allegedly be contributing to the rising reports of hair theft in South America. International media reports alleged that a lot of the hair imported from Brazil and other South American countries

has been obtained by unlawful methods and is therefore illegaly sold on the Namibian Market. The Namib Independent lodged an investigation into these reports and learned from hair traders that the industry is booming on the coast. “I sell hair extensions in Walvis Bay. The hair comes directly from Brazil. It is real human hair,” said a hair trader. Prices for the hair go from N$700 for 10 inches (approximately 25cm) to N$3000 for 30 inches (around 76cm). The Namib Independent further spoke to a coastal customer, asking a few questions. “I buy my 18 inch Virgin Brazilian hair at High Definition Boutique in Windhoek, which costs me N$1700,” she said. The customer was asked whether she is aware of

the fact that stolen Brazilian hair is available on the Namibian market. “I do not see the difference. I can straighten, relax and dye it any color, but to be frank, it is fake hair,” she commented. “Weeks ago I heard of a group called Piranhas in the city of Maracaibo in Venezuela, that hold women at gunpoint in malls and tell them to tie their hair in a ponytail so it can be cut off and sold to beauty salons.” The Namib Independent asked her if she believes that the stolen hair could be sold in Namibia. “I am not sure where most Namibians get their Virgin Brazilian hair that they sell, but I know of a few that buy Brazilian hair online,” the lady said. A Windhoek resident known as Toini Tobias has been selling

Brazilian hair since 2011. She is one of the Brazilian hair-inspired entrepreneurs. "Brazilian hair business is not too bad," she said. According to international news reports, the stolen locks are sold on the beauty black market. Bandits also rob hair salons, having stolen roughly N$80,645 worth of hair from six salons over the last two months. Namib Independent also spoke to NAMPOL Deputy Commissioner Kashuupulwa asking if they are aware of this and whether the hair is being imported legally. “I cannot comment on this issue seeing that it is the whole of Namibia involved and not only Walvis Bay. You should speak to the Public Relations Commissioner in Windhoek.” said Kashupuulwa. However, all

attempts to get hold of the Windhoek office failed. Following all the reports of hair being stolen, authorities are urging coastal traders to make sure they are buying their products from legal sources.

Thursday, 15 August 2013

4 | News

Swakop Company Loses Lucrative Contract With B2Gold Namibia Clemetine Aweses The future of approximately 70 Namibian workers employed by MCC Equipment Rental Pty. Ltd is hanging by the thread following notice of the termination of its interim contract to provide mining services to B2Gold Namibia. Namib Independent is reliably informed that today the workers employed by MCC will strike in protest of their dilemma. Confirming the termination of MCC’S services, Public Relations Manager for B2Gold Namibia, Gretha du Plessis said, MCC had provisionally been conducting preparatory work and

initial mining activities in the Otjikoto pit area since April this year on a month to month basis. However, the company failed to fulfil pre-condition requirements, which included the successful drafting and acceptance of a contract with B2Gold. Said du Plessis, “Effective from 5 August, demobilisation of the MCC crew commenced, and the premises will be vacated by 31 August 2013. At the same time, B2Gold will be ramping up their own team to take over the mining activities.” Disgruntled workers spent the whole day yesterday loitering, after B2Gold management told the MCC workers to stop

operations. Apparently, B2Gold is on a recruitment exercise. B2Gold said in a press release it had asked MCC to allow the current work force employed by MCC on site to apply for positions at B2Gold but, to date, has not received any permission or response to engage the MCC workforce. “The management team does not foresee that these developments will have any significant impact on construction progress at the Otjikoto site or on long-term productivity of the operations,” du Plessis said. Efforts to get a comment from MCC were fruitless. The receptionist said the Managing

Director was not in the office and she was not at liberty to give his mobile number and there was no-one else to make a statement. The reporter could not confirm the exact number of people that might lose their jobs. The Otjikoto Gold Project is located approximately 300 kilometres north of Windhoek between Otjiwarongo and Otavi and is owned 90% by B2Gold and 10% by EVI Gold (Proprietary) Ltd, a Namibian empowerment group. Construction of the Otjikoto Gold Mine is ongoing, on schedule and on budget. Construction commenced January 2013 (with a

Groundbreaking Ceremony in April of this year) and will continue into the 4th quarter of 2014. It is anticipated that gold will be produced during the fourth quarter of 2014 with a ramp up to full production in 2015. The life of the open pit mine, based on the probable reserves, is estimated to be 12 years, with annual forecast gold production of approximately 141,000 ounces gold per year for the first five years and for the life of the mine approximately 112,000 ounces of gold per year. During production the site will require more than 500 full time workers.

Namport Container Terminal Tender Awaits Ministry’s Nod Clementine Aweses Recently, the Board of Directors of the Namibia Ports Authority (NAMPORT) finalised the tender for the construction of the new container terminal and forwarded it to the Ministry of Finance. The tender entails the reclamation of 40 hectares of land from the sea to be used for the

construction of the N$3 billion modern container terminal at the port. The expansion project is one of NAMPORT’S mega projects. The new terminal will add 600m of quay length to the existing 1500m, and 650 000 Twenty Foot Equivalent Unit (TEU) to the existing 350 000. TEU is the standard unit for describing a ship's cargo carrying

capacity, or a shipping terminal's cargo handling capacity. The new terminal will also create additional capacity for all port operations to cope with the increase in cargo coming through the port. Unfortunately, Namport’s Chief Executive Officer, Bisey Uirab, was out of the country at time of going to print and unable to comment.

The Missing Editions Editor’s Note Dear readers and advertisers, After a successful run of more than a year of delivering the Namib Independent on time every time we have had the misfortune of not being able to do so on two


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occasions of late. For this we apologise. “When it rains it pours”, or, to use a somewhat more contemporary turn of phrase; “sh*t happens”. We have on two separate occasions in the last 6 weeks been unable to print our newspaper on time due to circumstances beyond our control. We found ourselves the casualty of entirely unrelated anomalies on the mechanical side on one occasion and were victims of a complete meltdown of computation on the next. Luckily for our die-hard readers, both editions have been available via our website, Facebook and e-Reader on-line. Until the next gremlin strikes (to annex another axiom – "good / bad things happen in three’s"), we assure you that, God willing, it should be business as usual week in, week out, from here on in. We thank you for you loyal support.


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Thursday, 15 August 2013

6 | News

House-marking Emails Unnerve Residents Madelaine Laubscher After various emails have made the rounds warning people of house-marking, the Namib Independent decided to find out how much it actually occurs in Walvis Bay.

There were quite a few residents willing to share their story with us. We also spoke to Mr Gerrit Loedollf, leader of the Fairways Neighbourhood Watch. While many seem convinced that rubbish arranged in

front of their house showed burglars what was going on, Mr Loedollf had an overall more sober approach to the matter. “This morning I picked up an empty chips packet and half a chocolate wrapper in my driveway. I believe that it was placed there by the wind. I also have to pick up cigarette butts on a daily basis. Again I blame the wind, but also the smokers around the corner who obviously hate to see cigarette butts in their own yard. The bottom line here is to keep your neighborhood clean,” he commented. Although he acknowledges that house-marking has been around for years and probably will not stop soon, he believes that actually more unmarked houses than marked ones are being burgled. “If one advertises the custom of house-marking as the ultimate warning sign, house owners might have a false sense of security when there is no rubbish around their house. However, houses situated close to building sites, empty houses or dense vegetation seem to be at a generally higher risk of being marked or broken into,” Loedolff explained. “My dad used to say that alarm systems and burglar bars are there to keep out the good guys, but that criminals will find a way in. House owners should be responsible and not blindly rely on these safety measures. Just to have it will not protect you. We, as a Neighborhood Watch, encourage pro-active crime fighting. We have to look out for each other and through our presence prevent criminal activities.”

Whether the majority of “housemarkings” are caused by the wind or not, burglars have tried to break into houses where there had been “markings” shortly before. “A while back I lived in Nangolo Mbumba Avenue. On the pillar in front of my house a red cross was drawn, then a piece was carved out of the pillar. On another occasion, two bricks were placed on top of each other on my gate, along with a pile of small stones. All this happened at different times and burglars tried to enter my house on more than one occasion. When I decided to get a German Shepherd the problems got less” one resident reported. Another local resident shared her similar experience. “Last Sunday morning during the early hours I had a break-in at my house. They broke in through my backdoor and stole my laptop that I use for work. I received an email before, warning the community about house-marking, but I never really paid attention. I thought it only happened overseas. Now I am aware that this does indeed happen at the coast, because I looked outside and found three green beer bottles placed in a straight line pointing directly at my house. This week again I found another two green beer bottles pointing at my house, but I removed them.” Colours, letters and Coke cans can all serve as markings. The easiest way to keep burglars from using markings is to pick up any rubbish in front of your house and remove any unusual arrangement of objects.

Thursday, 15 August 2013

News | 7

Ambitious FAN Enters Swakop

Market The Filmmakers Association of Namibia (FAN) wowed Swakopmunders last Saturday when it screened seven short Namibian films at the prestigous Infinity Lounge. The films, which follow a highly successful film week event in Windhoek last month, were shot by Namibian directors and producers and screened around the world, including Nigeria, Italy and New York. Among the films viewed was Jon Haikali’s “Try”, which won Best Director and Best Film at the Namibian Theatre and Film Awards last year November, and Tim Huebschle’s Dead River, which was nominated for an African Movie Award and won the Audience Choice Award at the Pontino Short Film Festival in Italy. The films range from drama to comedy and at times touch on sensitive subjects such as the evils of apartheid and the widening gap between income classes in Namibia. Some of the films’ directors were also present to discuss the motives behind their work. What was truly interesting is the diversity between the different story lines. For example, a film directed by Krischka Stoffels focused on the often grave consequences of arranged marriages within the Oshiwambo culture, while another film spoke of strict oppression within a German family living on a secluded farm in Namibia. Yet another creative picture, produced by Virginia Witis, shed light on young Namibians dealing with drug addiction. It wasn’t all sombre and sad, though. “A Place of Peace” brought some much needed comical relief as it followed a “Namibian paranormalactivity investigator” exploring the mysterious disappearance and appearance of people in the Namib Desert. What struck as immediately odd is how many scenes were shot in Swakopmund, yet very few Swakopmund community members were involved in their production. However, FAN chairperson, Senga Brockerhoff, says she is aware of the discrepancy and that “FAN is definitely making a conscious effort to reach out to the coastal community to become FAN members, not only film industry stakeholders but also the general public to support Namibia's growing film industry.” Senga also said that FAN plans to bring workshops for technical crews and actors and train people in other skills, which may need improvement down at the coast.

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Don’t fret if you missed out last week – FAN is planning an even bigger film screening in Swakopmund to be held this December. Visit FAN’s website,, for more information or simply watch this space!

Virginia Witis and Gipeon Shuuya attending FAN film screening in Swakopmund on Saturday

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Kent and Heidi at the FAN film screening

Thursday, 15 August 2013

8 | News

Border Collie-GetTogether Great Success The first Border Collie meeting in Namibia produced a fantastic turnout of 38 dogs in Swakopmund this past weekend.

The highlights were the demonstration of competition agility jumping of members of the Swakopmund Agility Team, and newcomers having been asked to take trained dogs to negotiate the agility course, only to find out that it is not as easy as it looks. The most popular exercise was when trained dogs raced through the wiggle sticks at lightning speed.Newcomers could try their luck with any obstacle with the help of experienced handlers, and the favourite obstacles were the tunnel and A-frame. The Agility Team would like to give a big shout of thanks to Bianca Henrichsen of Happy Pets in Swakopmund, who generously donated many prizes. The main prize went to Roy Marsden and his 4-year-old tri-coloured, very

lively Border Collie Nuka. This vote had nothing to do with breed standards, but was a matter of personal taste. Among other prizes the acclaim of Best Junior Agility Handler went to young Tamsin Louw. He guided the fastest dog of the day, the 2 ½-year-old black and white Anuk, calmly and faultlessly over the obstacle course. This girl is a real agility talent. Play was going on all the time in this respect there is hardly ever a problem with this well-natured dog breed. The Swakopmund Agility Team hopes that some Border Collie owners will be bitten by the training and agility bug and will appear at the training lessons. There was enough action to make one dizzy. The Swakopmund Agility Team has now decided to make this an annual event and will make every effort to beat this figure next year.

Swakopmund Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed 18 21 19 19 19 19 20








Walvis Bay 15-22 August 2013

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Sun Mon Tue Wed

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06:33 17:42 01:36 07:34 14:02 19:53

06:32 17:42 02:08 08:04 14:31 20:23

06:32 17:42 02:39 08:33 15:00 20:53

BEST FISHING TIMES 17:38 05:12 05:56 06:31 07:02 13:59 14:28 18:40 06:16 07:00 07:35 08:06 15:03 15:32

Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Cape Town

15/11 16/12 14/10 15/9

17/11 16/10 14/08

Johannesburg 19/06 19/07 22/11 19/04 21/10 22/09 22/08 Port Elizabeth 19/11 19/12 21/09 16/09 18/11 19/09 18/09 Durban

19/11 23/09 26/13 21/11 21/09 24/11 22/12


31/12 32/12 32/12 31/13 31/13 30/12 31/13


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Thursday, 15 August 2013

10 | News

Brothers in Near Fight Over House Ownership Scam Clementine Aweses A Walvis Bay man was shocked when he recently discovered that the NHE house that the he is paying for monthly, is no longer his but his brother’s.

The “fraud” surfaced when John Pafewa applied for a loan for house improvements and the bank asked for title deeds of the house. When John went to the National Housing Enterprise (NHE) to collect the tittle deeds he was surprised to see the title deeds in Josef Pafewa’s name. According to the paper’s source, Josef professed ignorance about the transfer of the house into his name. What is puzzling is how Josef’s identity card photocopy ended up in John’s NHE file and

how the subsequent change of ownership could happen without John facilitating it. Narrating the ordeal, the source said efforts to see the NHE Walvis Bay Branch Manager on June 23 were futile as the manager was not in the office. A staff member at NHE had told John that a response would be issued the following day because the manager wanted to peruse the file in the evening. Namib Independent understands that John and Joseph were told to go to the police station to make a declaration so that the mistake could be rectified. A letter was written to NHE on July 5, 2013 complaining about the illegal transfer. NHE Walvis

Bay Regional Branch Manager, Karl Schroeder, in an interview with Namib Independent admitted that the “fraudulent” process could only have happened with the involvement of an NHE employee, “but I don’t know what happened because the mistake happened before my tenure.” Schroeder said when John brought Josef to the NHE offices following the shocking discovery, NHE employees told him that the brothers nearly exchanged blows.

A copy of the Deed of Transfer T 3228/2009 dated 1 July, 2009 and signed on 8 July, 2009 confirms that indeed the property was transferred into Josef Pafewa’s name. “I cannot explain how the house got transferred from John to Josef but speaking under speculation, maybe when the Customer Care Officer went to get John’s identity card to effect the Agreement of Sale, she found Josef at the house because Josef stays at the house and he could have given

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her his identity card,” Schroeder speculated. But when Schroeder asked Josef about the wrongful transfer, Josef categorically stated that he was not interested in the house and he did not want it. John on the other hand told Schroeder that when the house was transferred into Josef’s name he was very ill and his brother could have thought that John was going to die and he would have the house. Schroeder said NHE will reverse the “fraudulent” transfer because John is the rightful owner of the house and NHE will pay for the legal costs of the process. “The mistake is there and should have never happened,” Schroeder said. Efforts to get a comment from Joseph were fruitless as he is out at sea. Legal Shields assisting John refused to comment sighting breach of company regulations regarding client confidentiality.

Thursday, 15 August 2013

News | 11

DBN Good Business Awards:

Last Call for Entries Staff Reporter Local companies only have 10 days left to get their entries in for the much sought after DBN Good Business Awards 2013. 26 August is the final entry date for the awards, which recognise business excellence coupled with the ability of an organisation to contribute positively towards the development of Namibia. The award ceremony will be

held on 12 September. Acting Development Bank of Namibia (DBN) CEO Martin Inkumbi said, "Our intent is to showcase the qualities of good business, and how it can be good for development. The assessment process highlights those factors you would expect from a business that is good for development, but the assessment also highlights good business governance and

administration, as well as longterm viability." Although it is often said that awards such as these favour businesses in the capital the same may not be uttered with regards to the DNB Good Business Awards. Last year’s winner of the SME Category was Swakopmund based Karakulia Weavers as well-known role player in the town’s illustrious tourism sector.

For all your news call Tanya Calitz Tel (+264 64) 200 497 Fax (+264 64) 200 474 Email 81 Sam Nujoma Avenue Address PO Box 5085, Walvis Bay, Namibia




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12 | News

Thursday, 15 August 2013

No Justice

for Elderly Fraud Victim Riaan Frans Samaria scammed an elderly coastal resident and is likely to not have to repay her at all. He claims to have no belongings. A warrant of arrest has been issued to Swakopmund resident, Riaan Frans Samaria, after he skipped his High Court date earlier this month. Ms Elbi Smith, a victim of Mr Samaria’s fraudulent activities, told the Namib Independent about her incident with the car dealer last year. According to 70-yearold Ms Smith, Mr Samaria agreed to help her sell her car. They agreed that she will receive N$40 000 as well as a motorbike that Mr Samaria claimed was his, in return for her Suzuki Jeep. However, when her grandson started using the motorbike, they discovered that its registration papers were long expired. Furthermore, the real owner of the motorbike surfaced when he approached Ms Smith’s grandson, questioning why he was in possession of his bike. This revelation and the fact that Ms Smith hasn’t received a cent from Mr. Samaria forced her to take action. She says that the High Court ruled in her favour and told Mr Samaria to forfeit all his belongings to repay her to which Mr Samaria simply replied that he has no possessions of his own. “I don’t think I will get a cent,” Ms Smith says, “I spent money on attorneys, but I don’t think I will get anything in return.”

Thursday, 15 August 2013

News | 13

Conrad Brits Taking the Reins at M&Z Tanya Calitz M&Z Motors Walvis Bay is in for some changes. New manager Conrad Brits took over the reins after moving from Windhoek to Swakopmund beginning of this month.

Brits had a humble start in the motor vehicle industry, but has since excelled in this very competitive sector. “I have been in the motor trade for ten years now, and started as a sales executive at AMH Namibia, Kia Motors and worked myself up to General Sales

Manager of AMH Namibia, Kia, Renault, TATA, Daihatsu, Foton & Chery and Imperial Select,” Brits says. According to him, the aim is to make M&Z Motors the number one choice on the coast. “We also aim to equal the market share at the coast in accordance to what Windhoek does, as well as with the national vehicle sales. We further provide a unique service to our family of clients.” M&Z Motors Coastal has been operating at the coast for many years. It started off as M&Z Hardware and Timber, later turning into an exclusive, fully operating vehicle dealer. Brits explains that M&Z Motors stands out from the rest because, “we provide some of the most luxurious top class vehicles available today and have been proudly Namibian for over 100 years.” Brits moved to the coast ahead of his wife and two toddlers, who will be joining him later this week. “I think relocating to the coast was a good move for us as a family. I think being able to move to the coast has brought a great advantage with it for my kids, not only for their health, but also giving us much more quality time together as a family,” finds Brits. He does however find the daily drive between Swakopmund and Walvis Bay rather tiresome. According to Brits the most challenging business aspect in his current position will be to stay on top with the economy and the tough competition this sector has. “This is a fast growing industry where we face the toughest competition ever, where big names are only separated




Hendrik Pool, Conrad Britz, Louis van Vuuren

by the quality and efficiency of their service,” Brits explains. Despite the challenges, this sector also offers some of the best opportunities. “Not only will we be doing vehicles, but we will also be focussing on service and sales on the commercial side, as we believe that there is a huge opportunity in the industrial market, which has had such a significant growth,” he mentions. Another plan in the pipeline for M&Z is to relocate their showroom and business to Swakopmund by 2015. “We want to do this in order to ensure that our footprint is felt equally on the coast, and to be in the position to deliver an excellent service to all our family of clients on the coast,” said Britz. Two of the faces that will be delivering this service to its clients are Louis van Vuuren and Hendrik Pool. Walvis Bay born and bred, Van Vuuren

also has a history with AMH Windhoek, where he worked with Brits for six years as the sales manager of TATA and Daihatsu. “His knowledge on luxury vehicles is exceptional and thus he will be a great advisor to clients in that department,” finds Brits. Pool is an old face to M&Z in the Vehicle Parts Department. His good service and dedication has not gone unnoticed and he has recently been promoted to M&Z’s After Sales Manager. Pool will be responsible for making sure that clients receive the correct information and efficient service. He will be working with clients on a face-to-face basis, and ensure fast, efficient service when it come to the workshop, services and parts. Brits assures customers to expect the same high levels of service enjoyed in the past, as well as many new innovations on all fronts.


Shaun Jenkins: Armed Police Officer Dad Nearly Castrated

Sacked for Having Sex on Duty Reinstated After Slipping off Boat and because he Could Still Reach his Loaded Gun Catching Testicles in Hook

An armed policeman who had sex on duty has kept his job because he could still reach his loaded gun – attached to his trousers around his ankles. Pc Shaun Jenkins, 36, was on patrol when he picked up a married woman he knew and took her back to his home. He was with her for 40 minutes while his colleague waited outside in a police car. The unnamed woman’s husband found out about the afternoon romp and reported Jenkins to senior officers, who sacked him for gross misconduct. But he appealed and was reinstated – because his gun was never out of his control and

he could have instantly responded to an emergency. An official police report stated that Pc Jenkins “took off his body armour, leaving his T-shirt and then took down his trousers to his ankles in order to engage in sexual activity.” The statement went on: “He confirmed that his side-arm was still attached to his trousers at the time in its holster and that it was loaded.” The Pc also insisted that he was still monitoring his radio during the sex session. But today the decision by the Police Appeals Panel to reinstate the officer was slammed in a report by police watchdogs. Tom Davies, Head of the Independent Police Complaints Commission in Wales, said: “The finding that the gun was never out of Pc Jenkins’ reach and immediate control because it was in a holster, attached to his trousers, which were attached to him, albeit around his ankles, is surprising.” He added: “This can only undermine confidence in the credibility of the police disciplinary system.” Before the incident, in April 2010 at Caerphilly, South Wales, Pc Jenkins had a number of bravery awards. And after being reinstated he went on to receive a commendation for rescuing a woman who was trying to leap from a flyover. A Gwent police spokesman said: “We note and fully accept the findings of the IPCC report. Our complaints handling processes have been reviewed and improved. Source: The Daily Mirror

A dad was nearly castrated when he caught his testicles on a hook as he slipped off the back of his boat. Pete Lovett, 48, was in danger of bleeding to death as his crown jewels dangled by a thread five inches down his leg. He was enjoying a family trip on the 32ft sports boat when he tried to “scooch his bum” over steel brackets as he got into the sea for a dip. Pete said: “Somehow I misjudged how high it was and the hook pranged my wetsuit, hooked me up and pulled me backwards. The metal went right through my scrotum and for five to six seconds I was hanging from it – it was terrible. When I came up I really did put my hands between my legs and to my horror there was nothing there.” Pete’s wife Lorna, 49, and son Alex, 21, got help as he stemmed the bleeding with gauze. A lifeboat quickly arrived on the ­ tanswood Bay, Hampshire, scene in S and Pete was airlifted to hospital in Southampton, where surgeons saved his tackle.

The roofer is now back at work and said he was “lucky” to escape with a six-inch scar. He added: “It was a freak accident – no one’s ever done it before.” Pete, of Wolvey, Leicester, is now happy to laugh about his horror accident and is raising £10,000 for Hamble Lifeboat through his Pete’s Plums appeal. He added: “I’m willing to sacrifice my last shred of dignity by telling all to raise funds in their support.” Source: The Daily Mirror

Thursday, 15 August 2013

14 | News

Power to our Female Population Tanya Calitz

Following the 7th Women Summit held in Swakopmund last week, the Namib The Namib Independent brings you Independent decided to share some of the empowering messages from key female powerful messages and inspirational stories leaders in Namibia to inspire all women on with the women who could not, or did not the coast to reach their full potential. attend the summit. Several women from all

walks of life came together to each deliver a powerful message, which hopefully will inspire and encourage Namibia’s female population to move into all sectors and industries, and become active contributors to Namibia’s economy. Apart from the powerful speeches delivered at the summit, some of the

women took the time to answer a few question on female empowerment. We asked the women how our men can help empower us, what our biggest female challenges are, and what they want other countries’ women to know about Namibian women.

Poet par Excellence Dorcas Mhungu With her mother blind and the father dead, Emilia Ingaveuya Kamutufe's family could not afford for her to enrol in tertiary education. Yet she has published a book of poems that is now a Grade 9 prescribed book. Her passion for poetry made her rise above her raising. With a strong desire to publish more stories, 37-year-old Emilia Ingaveuya Kamutufe is finding herself on the horns of a dilemma but she is determined to realise her dreams. Hired as a cleaner in 2000 by Tycoon Engineering, Emilia is sending the strong message to other women that meaningful contributions do not only come from people occupying executive chairs in high offices. With sheer determination and focus, women can rise above their challenges and make phenomenal contributions that can grow national economies. The road to success was not easy for Emilia. For 16 years, she worked hard, writing poems under candle light in the village. However, she is now seeing light at the end of a dark tunnel. Efforts to make known and publish a book of her poetry

have been greatly marred by lack of funding and inadequate knowledge of how to publish a book. In 1998, Emilia met her former primary school teacher, Meme Olivier Hamukwaya, who advised her to send her work to a publisher in Windhoek. Meme Hamukwaya, who is now retired and turning 61 in September, taught Emilia in Grade 1. Contacted to comment on her former student, she did so passionately. “She was a brilliant girl. It is a pity that she could not continue with her education due to financial constraints. Her poems carry strong messages for the youths and encourage the youth to do better in life. I am so happy that the book is now a prescribed textbook for Oshikwanyama schools. I bought a copy for myself. We don’t know the procedure to follow to inform the Government about the plight of such brilliant and financially disadvantaged pupils,” Meme Hamukwaya said regrettingly. Our educational system concentrates on value subjects like Mathematics, Geography and English and in the process overlooks special talents. Following her teacher’s advice, and with her meagre financial

resources Emilia send the poems to a publisher in Windhoek and after a month, the editor of Oshikwanyama called her and told her that her poems carried a very strong message and she would work on them. “I could not make follow-ups because I did not have money to travel up and down or make calls and two years went by and I did not get a response. It was only after I staged a drama on NBC that I used some of the money to buy a phone card and I called the publisher who said they were still busy with the poems,” Emilia narrated her struggle to have her work published. The handicap of most writers is lack of knowledge of what processes are involved to publish a book after they put pen to paper. There is always the danger of authors and writers with limited knowledge in publishing being exploited, which is the situation that Emilia finds herself in. After the Windhoek publisher took long to publish her book Emilia withdrew her material and took her poems to Eloc Printing Press. Mr Kaale, seeing the suitability of Emilia’s work as learning material, sent the book to the National Institute for Education Development

(NIED) for consideration to be used as a prescribed book for Oshikwanyama. In 2010, the book was approved to be used as study material. "I need a computer to type poems that I have written and that are ready for publication. Unfortunately, I do not have funds to purchase a computer since royalties from the prescribed book will only come next year. I no longer have a job, the company I was working for here in Walvis Bay closed shop. I have 20 poems that I need to type so that I can publish the second book. One of the poems is on Abraham Iyambo, the late Minister of Education,” Emilia said as she fought back tears that welled in her eyes. “The publisher will give me 10 percent of the books sold but that income will only come next year. At the moment I don’t know how many copies will be sold to the schools and that is why I am appealing through your publication for a donation of a computer,” said Emilia. Emilia was born and grew up in Oshikoto. As a child, she enjoyed and looked forward to funny bedtime stories that her mother used to

tell her and her siblings before she went completely blind in 1994. At school, her strong interest in drama fascinated many of her peers. The depth of her vocabulary and comic behavior lulled her audience and left them in stitches. Emilia gets ideas from the environment, natural features like the ocean, and circumstances people find themselves in, to mention a few. Now a mother of two, Emilia said that her husband

is a self-employed photographer whose income barely covers the family's needs. Emilia is grateful for Braam Olivier, her former boss who send her for a one year computer training course during her tenure at Tycoon Engineering, where she got the knowledge she will use to type her poems. Anybody interested in helping this inspiring young lady should please contact the Namib Independent's offices at (+264 64) 200 497.

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Heidi Weyand - Swakop Business Owner and Entrepreneur “Save, save, save for your retirement. It is such an important thing to do, and so many people do not plan well enough for their retirement. Get financial advice and get help from a professional if need be to ensure that you will have enough to retire comfortably.”

News | 15

Maria Nuyoma - Entrepeneur and Business Owner Tips for a Successful Business – The lessons I have learnt “Provide excellent service, be honest and transparent with clients, and respect your staff. Have strict stock control, empower yourself with skills, donate and give to the misfortunate. Love your country and its people, take risks, and believe in your ideas!”

Anne Thandeka Gebhardt - Women Summit President, Business Leader and Entrepreneur “Generally, women in Namibia are still under the influence of cultural constraints. Most cultures restrict women from voicing their opinions and being publicly involved. This has a bearing on their leadership as they have to be always quiet and not express themselves. This also makes them victims because people do not know what they are going through. Ladies, speak out, network, encourage each other and get involved. Assertiveness is a big challenge, and the lack of self‐confidence! Namibian women need to work on these areas. Women globally have the same challenges that is why it is very important for women in Namibia to attend summits in other countries so that they learn and realise that women are going through the same challenges. I would advise you women to find your strengths and work on them. This will give you confidence. You must then educate yourselves; nothing buys education (not a certificate). Education implies knowledge. Always be hungry to Learn. Study, read, attend seminars, look for role models and follow their steps. We all have the potential to win and succeed.”

Hon Minister of GECW, Rosalia Nghidinwa "Teenage pregnancies, HIV, drinking and promiscuity are robbing our girls from a productive, successful life. I want to urge girls to take control of their lives and become responsible individuals. Mothers need to empower and protect their daughters. Teach them the value of their bodies and life. Be strong females, who can add value to society. Encourage each other and grow.".

Christine Visser - Business Owner and Fitness Coach What do you want women from other countries to know about the women from Namibia, and what can other country’s women learn from our women? “We are essentially a society where we look out for each other. A sister will raise her nieces, and nieces are sisters. A sense of community is what we still have, and should not lose. Namibian women are also funny and intelligent, and completely beautiful. We can withstand some pretty hairy circumstances, whether it is poverty, drought, food shortages, or violence, etc., and still – we carry on and do what needs to be done. Strong!”

Leonie Cornelissen - Business Leader & Entrepreneur Looking back at your life and what you have accomplished, what advice do you have for youngwomen at the beginning of their careers? “Be patient with yourself; do not be overly enthusiastic when you start a new job. Be careful and first observe, learn and then make changes if necessary. Do not become known as the person who made everything worse, because you did not take the time to observe why things are the way they are, before you started commenting or changing things.”

H.E Ambassador Theresia Samaria “Whenever things are hard and challenging, ask yourself what you can learn from this experience. Take the good from it, and the outcome will always be personal growth. Always grow in life. Always ask yourself how you can improve a bad situation, it will make you grow and move forward in life. About decision making: Another moral of mine, which I have found to always have a positive outcome is to ask yourself, with each new venture, who will benefit from this decision/project etc. If the answer is just me (yourself), then do not do it.”

Kahoo Kandjoze - Entrepreneur What do you want women from other countries to know about the women from Namibia, and what can other country’s women learn from our women? “Namibian women, like many others in other countries, have the natural instinct to provide for their families, and in order to put bread and butter on the table, without any formal business training, they venture into business operations. This is true entrepreneurship, which should be supported by the necessary training. They take the bull by the horns, I must say.”

Hon Minister of Home Affairs Pendukeni Iivula Ithana “I am so very proud to be a woman, and embrace every aspect of it. Women have for generations been leading from behind, but I want to bring them to the front, and encourage women to lead from the front. My Secret: Positive thinking, perseverance, commitment, and determination to the individual blueprint in life will eventually pay. In all, education remains the basic empowering tool at our disposal. If our men can start seeing us as important complimentary business partners for the development of the economy, rather than their competitors, they will empower us.”

Legal Practitioner Anne-Doris Hans-Kaumbi “Women do not realise how important it is to have a legal representative. As women we need to know our rights in order to protect ourselves. I would recommend legal advice on Divorce, Wills, Marriage, Domestic Violence, and what is considered abuse, your rights, Estates and Contracts. By seeking representation and advice you are taking control of your life. By knowing your rights and the law you empower yourself, and have a better chance of avoiding abuse, being manipulated and being vulnerable.”

Dep Min of Health - Petrina Haingura Message from the Summit . . . On Maternal Deaths “In a way we are all ‘First Ladies’. We must believe that in order to empower ourselves. I want to encourage the women to please deliver their babies at health care facilities, and to not take pregnancy advice from non - medical advisors, encouraging women to drink funny mixed drinks, like tombo, during pregnancy. Maternity and new born deaths are unnecessary and preventable.”

Husband Takes Sewing Course to Support Wife's Business Many men in Namibia feel that dressmaking is a profession for women, but Paulu Nuuyoma has broken with tradition by enrolling in a tailoring course to support the sewing business that his wife Ndahafa started three years ago. Paulu, seeing the potential in the initiative taken by his wife, decided to enrol for a six months tailoring course specialising in men’s wear, discarding strongly held beliefs by his kind and friends ascribing the profession to women. Ndahafa is not only grateful for having a supportive husband who has taken the family sewing business seriously, but also for having a friend like Linekela Haindongo who taught her to sew. For two years Ndahafa helped her friend who owns a sewing business here in Walvis Bay and in the process she was taught how to sew pillows, traditional Oshiwambo dresses, African attire and baby carriers from scratch. She had no prior knowledge of how to sew. Ndahafa had always had a passion for sewing and this made her learning curve interesting. In 2010, she decided to start her own sewing business by

working from home after buying a second hand sewing machine and an over-locking machine. “I decided to start the business after realising that I could sew very well and was confident to work on my own. I realised starting my own business was the best way to go to improve myself and to generate income for the upkeep of the family.” It was not long before Ndahafa needed bigger space to operate from. The demand for her products was rising slowly but surely and Ndahafa needed to find a bigger place. “We moved house and converted the garage to a sewing room as you can see. There is more space and we will look at a bigger place again as business gets better,” she said with confidence. Paulu also commented, “I have decided to make the sewing business our source of income and business that is why I am learning to sew. She knows how to make dresses and the other things but I will be the expert in men’s clothes,” Paulu said. When Ndahafa moved into the bigger space, she hired one employee, Anastasia Twamoneni. She started training because she did not have knowledge of how to sew. But because of the immense

interest that Anastasia has in sewing, she has proven to be a very fast learner. “The business has really helped us. We got married last year and the wedding expenses were covered by income from the business. We are able to send the three children to school, pay rent, electricity and water,” said Ndahafa. Most of their customers are walk-in customers. When one of Ndahafa's sisters realised the talent that she has, she bought her a brand new sewing machine. The fastest moving product is the pillows that they sell for N$80. She said people prefer home-made pillows because they are firmer than the ones sold in the shops in town. “We are in this business because we realise that we cannot all be in the offices. Some of us have no qualifications for the office jobs but we refuse to look down on ourselves." "We need to put bread and butter on the table,” the couple said. Ndahafa and Paulu’s advice to the youths is to recognise their talents and use them to be gainfully engaged, and to stop looking up to Government for survival and refrain from alcohol abuse, crime and prostitution.

Thursday, 15 August 2013

16 | News

This week in Coastal History 15 August 1985 Namibia's first international rally takes place from 1517 August 1985. The course took cars from Windhoek to Swakopmund and back over a distance of some 2 000 km, longer than any rally in South Africa and one of the longest in the world.

15 - 21 August

15 August 2006 Strong winds caused the MVF Kolmanskop to slip its mooring at Walvis Bay. Strong winds and currents drove the Kolmanskop to Vierkantklip and the vessel lodged in the rocks. 16 August 1915 The new broad gauge railway line between Swakopmund and Usakos is completed. 19 August 1915 Standard Bank opens its first branch in South West Africa at LĂźderitzbucht on 19 August 1915. The first manager, Mr Johnson, rented two rooms for ÂŁ7 a month as premises. Standard Bank opened three branches in South West Africa in August 1915. The second branch was opened on 20 August in Windhoek and the Swakopmund branch, the third branch, on 23 August 1915. 19 August 2010 Inauguration of the Chamber of Mines' Uranium Institute in Swakopmund. The Institute was established to address issues of health, environmental and radiation safety, waste, cost and nonproliferation and to introduce best standards for the uranium industry in Namibia. 20 August 1850 Sir Francis Galton, British scientist and explorer, lands at Walvis Bay to join Swedish trader Charles John Andersson in an expedition to Lake Ngami and Owamboland. He uses an Herero, Onesmus, as a translator. Galton's findings on this trip eventually lead to the discovery of Lake Otjikoto near Tsumeb. 20 August 1952 The Dutch Reformed Church (NG Kerk) congregations in Walvis Bay and Swakopmund break away from the Dutch Reformed Church in Usakos. 20 August 2010 The N$18 million Philipus Namalemo Fire Station in Swakopmund is officially opened. One of the objectives of the station is to have a fullyfledged training centre that will be able to provide efficient and effective emergency training to all emergency personnel in the country. The fire station was named after Namibian struggle hero, Philipus Namalemo. 21 August 1958 The youth hostel (Haus der Jugend) in Swakopmund is officially inaugurated.

Thursday, 15 August 2013

News | 17

N$100 Million Swakopmund Project Kick-Started by Mayor Lavrenty Repin The Cornerstone Ceremony was yet another step toward the completion of the Swakopmund Indoor Sports Centre, poised to be finished next year December. The project, which will boast an impressive five storey building that will include a swimming pool, hockey field and athlete rehabilitation centre as

well as a sports dome designed to host sports and music events, is well underway. The dome will be completed by the end of this year and will host its first musical concert titled “Hier Kom Die Manne” on 23 of December. Mayor Juuso Kambueshe called the project a “significant gigantic success” and said that through this “Swakopmund has got a key role to play in contributing to the independence of this country”.

Mayor Kambueshe holding the time-capsule

Mayor sets the cornerstone

Thursday, 15 August 2013

18 | News

What Message are we Sending? Opinion by Lavrenty Repin Unless you’ve been under an exceptionally isolated rock, you’ve certainly heard/ read of and probably discussed the name changes of the Caprivi region, Lüderitz and Schuckmannsburg. These are now known as Zambezi region, !Nami#Nûs and Luhonono, respectively. The Karas region was accurately renamed to //Karas and finally, the Kavango region was split into two separate regions, Kavango West and Kavango East. What really ignited the heavy controversy within almost all Namibian communities is the scale of the alterations. Name-changes are common in Namibia and around the world and happen for plenty of reasons, sometimes for none at all, but it is rare and discordantly unusual for a stable democratic government to suddenly implement so many drastic changes without any apparent pressing incentive. It seems to be the curse of Namibian politics. Nothing is done for a long period of time and suddenly, as if a wake-up call is sounded, huge vital decisions are hastily made - catching the public off-guard and over-looking possible consequences. This decision, despite common belief, was a decision of the majority of the population, yet that is hardly reason for such a dramatic change. If the President were to ask the public whether Namibia should attack another country and the responds would be positive, is that basis to do so, even if it was the only basis for the action? The Government wasn’t responding to a protest or even a petition, but simply decided

that the names are an issue, hence creating unnecessary problems. But this is more than just a nuisance, it is a setback to democracy, business and worst of all, an irreversible setback to historical preservation. Oh, and it’s going to cost taxpayers quite a penny as well. According to many, this happened all because the President wanted to “leave a mark” before he steps down next year. Well, no. In reality, this name-change is not about President Pohamba’s unwillingness to come to terms with his retirement, he’s never been one for boasting or ostentation. However, it has a lot to do with next year’s party elections. The reality is that the last elections wasn’t a clear-cut win for SWAPO and next year may prove even more difficult, especially with a non-Oshiwambo candidate. Currently there is no opposition strong enough to really contest SWAPO, but a new tide is coming – and what better way to prevent it then to remind Namibians yet again of the brutal oppressive history it once had, over 90 years ago. The Government is very loud when it comes to preaching unity between all Namibians, but then it turns around and blatantly removes historic heritage of only one particular Namibian group of people. The hypocrisy extends even further when we’re reminded that the only original Namibians are the San. That everyone else, just like the Germans, is settler in Namibia. Shall we then rename all geographical landmarks back to their original San names? In Namibia’s case, the utmost downside of this decision is the message that we’re sending

to the rest of the world. Firstly, that we Namibians are still sore about something that happened a century ago, so much so that we’re willing to spend tens of millions of dollars to change maps, street names (there is even a Luderitz street in Swakopmund), tour-guide books, educational books and materials, the list goes on; just to erase a bad period in our history. Yes, there is no denying that it was an atrocious and terrible time, but that is no justification to destroy a significant part of Namibian history. Does a tourist feel safe in a country so hung

up on retribution? Does an investor? Do the numerous tribes and nationalities that make up the diverse Namibian people feel safe after this? What message are we sending to the international community after such a farce? We should embrace our history for the good and the bad that it brought, and I believe that the Namibian people have overcome great social barriers to find unity and reconciliation where only 20 years ago was hate and retribution. Let’s not undermine our achievements with petty propaganda.

Thursday, 15 August 2013

News | 19



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From the bottom of hearts, we’d thank everyone who gave a can or two or many more and in particular:

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2009 Suzuki Alto 0.7i GLS A/T


According to AREVA Public Relations Department, AREVA Namibia and Namibia Water Corporation Ltd (NamWater) signed a first water supply agreement. This will avoid water shortages in the Erongo region and affirm the distribution of water by NamWater to the three uranium mines of Rössing, Langer Heinrich and the Husab Project from the Erongo Desalination Plant of AREVA, located approximately 30 kilometres from Swakopmund. At full capacity the plant will be able to produce 20Mm³ of potable water per year, overshadowing NamWater’s current production of roughly 9Mm³ of potable water from the Omdel aquifier and 6Mm³ from the Kuiseb River. Together, they will efficiently supply the water needs of Henties Bay, Swakopmund and Walvis Bay and mining entities in

the Erongo region. AREVA achieves its overwhelming number through various processes including screen filtration, ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis, limestone contact and chlorination. A part of this capacity will be used by Trekkopje mine when market conditions are favourable again for restarting operations. This could not have come at a better time for NamWater, whose permission to extract from Omdel will expire in October 2013 and the permit will then be reduced to half its worth (4.5Mm³) because the resource is exhausted. According to Hilifa Mbako, Managing Director of AREVA Namibia, “this first agreement is a prelude to a medium-term agreement that will enable the distribution of up to 10Mm³ per year. We are proud and happy that AREVA’s Erongo Desalination Plant contributes to the water supply security and preserves the water reserves of the Erongo region.”


Lavrenty Repin


AREVA Rescues NamWater

Merlus Seafood ♥ Waltons Merlus Management ♥ Rennies Travel DF Malherbe ♥ OLS Grindrod ♥ Etosha Fishing United Fishing Enterprises ♥ Spar Walvis Bay DHL ♥ Spar - Ocean View Woker Freight Services ♥ P Weakly Transport MACS Shipping ♥ Bidvest Namibia IT ...and the many other people who took the time to donate a can or two.

Thursday, 15 August 2013

20 | Lifestyle

L I FE S T Y L E we've got


TransNamib, stop talking, go buy some wire and start mending the fence!

Dear Editor, Firstly, thank you and your team for putting out a great newspaper every week. It is the number one paper in our home and business. Thanks. I have been reading the articles on the latest spat of train wrecks and accident in Walvis Bay. Then, you guys did an article in which you gave TansNamib an opportunity to explain why there have been these incidents. I was dumbfounded at the ludicrous nonsense that they put forward as to how they are going to take care of the matter. Have a workshop to discuss the matter? What the hell is

wrong with these guys? It is all very simple, let me explain how you fix this problem in less than two weeks and save all the money you are going to spend on some stupid workshop. Firstly, in Walvis Bay all the accidents happen in a stretch of approximately 800m. In this short stretch we find, two vehicle crossing junctions taking up about 20 metres only and the other 780 metres consists of a large open area, where pedestrians and indeed anything else can access a dangerous train crossing. I do not know of anywhere else in the world where this situation takes place. Trains 101 for TransNamib…

Gender Roles Dear Editor, I read the article you did in your Thought section of the Namib Independent a few weeks back, on the gender roles associated with girls, and also the Thought piece on little girls dressed up as pilots, engineers etc. It made me think of this piece I wrote, which was published a while back on www.woes. Feel free to publish the piece in your esteemed paper if you wish to do so. Thank you, Mariska Smit

Pedestrians are at all costs to be prevented from crossing the railway line. Period. How much simpler can this be? Now, if they spent less time in workshops and actually took a visit to the site, they would see the answer staring directly at them in the form of the long row of fence poles on both sides of the railway line. They need only imagine that these poles were connected to one another by fencing. How difficult is this. How on earth can they spend money on a work shop to work this out? One must also ask who the hell attends these workshops? With fencing between the posts, incidents of pedestrians being run over or hit by trains will reduce significantly, if not to zero. If people must cross over between two points that are a little far for pedestrians, you may think way outside the box (though I have now done that for you) by considering a walk bridge that goes over the railway. Everyone else does it. Moving onto the car-hittrain / train-hit-car incidents. A TransNamib employer stated in your newspaper that these incidents are not the fault of TransNamib because cars do not act according to the lights that are there. Let’s look at these lights, Mr. TransNamib. Firstly, the colour that the lights reflect has absolutely

Op My Perd Mariska Smit

no correlation to the fact that a train is either coming or going. There is no relationship between these two factors at all. A visit to these intersections at any given date will attest to this, as cars fly through red lights, because there are no trains in town, let alone near the intersections. Again, I can save your efforts on a workshop, by saying one word… booms. Google it and you will see that almost everywhere in the world, where vehicles must cross a railroad line, a system is implemented where a boom comes down beforexxxx the train arrives and only raises again once the train is a safe distance from the intersection. In the interim the vehicles have no choice but to stay off the railroad, thus avoiding nasty collisions. TransNamib, stop talking, go up to Pupkewitz, buy some wire and start mending the fence. While you are doing that, use Google How To to get your heads around installing traffic booms at the two intersections. Are the accidents your fault? Damn right they are! If you operate any setup that may bring harm to the people, you have to take safety precautions to prevent that or you should have your arses sued off you. Ben Smith

sê nou net dit het gebreek langs die pad. Sou jy dan virewig ‘n huisvrou gebly het en nooit jou drome nagevolg het nie? Sneeuwitjie jy het 7 kabouters onderhou en toe was jy naïef genoeg om ‘n gifappel te hap,nadat iemand jou reeds probeer versmoor het met ‘n gordel. Die kabouters sit jou toe in ‘n glas kis in die bos waar jy toe ook net lê en wag, wag vir ware liefde. Sê nou net ‘n prins het jou eers na 20 jr ontdek en hy jou dan nie as middeljarige wou soen nie! Raponsie jy het jare in ‘n toring toegesluit gebly om te wag dat ‘n ridder jou hare kom trek- Hy kon jou nek gebreek het! Of jou hare kon dalk grys geword het en die ridder kon dalk net verby gery het. Jy kon jou hare afgesny het en as tou gebruik het om uit te klim. Vir al die sprokie vroue daarbuite: “Waarvoor wag julle? Wanneer gaan jy verantwoordelikheid neem vir jou eie situasie?” Skop vir ‘n slag jou glas skoene uit en besluit of jy nog die trofee wil wees, wat heeldag skoonmaak. Spoeg daai appel uit en breek jou glas kis, soen ‘n paar prinse voor jy tevrede is met die eerste een wat jou ontdek! Maak ‘n tou uit jouself en wees jou eie oplossing! Moenie laat ander aan jou hang nie! Waarvoor wag julle? Vir …vir ewig en ewig? Klim op jou eie perd! Red jouself! Voel bietjie hoe dit voel om ‘n harnas te dra en ‘n swaard te swaai. Wees trots, wees sterk , wees gevaarlik!

“...vir ewig en ewig!” Mamma maak die boek toe en kyk liefdevol vir haar prinses, wie se oë fladder saam met al daai flinders in droomland waar die prins haar gestaan en inwag het! Van kleins af word dogtertjies gekondisioneer om te droom van daardie ridder op die witperd. ‘n Gemaskerde, gepanserde held wat die draak of die heks of die dorings uit die onbeholpe, beeldskone dame se lewe kom kerf met sy groot silwer swaard, nadat daar een of ander ongeregtigheid in haar sprokies lewe plaasgevind het. Ek kan nie stories onthou van sterk ridderesse nie. Kan jy? Hoekom is daar nie sulke stories nie? Mag sprokie vroue dan nie sterk, onafhanklik en gevaarlik wees nie? Nee, net beeldskoon, minsaam en pateties! Jammer Aspoestertjie, Sneeuwitjie, Raponsie ens.-ek was regtig lief vir julle! Heldinne was jul egter nie! Julle het jul uitkoms in die hande van ‘n sogenaamde redder geplaas terwyl dit reeds binne julle was. Aspoestertjie jy het jou afgesloof in jou stiefma se huis en toe gewag dat die prins jou weer soek. Hoekom het jy hom nie gaan soek nie? Jou selfbeeld word nie bepaal deur die posisie wat jy hou in die huishouding of deur die klere wat jy dra nie. Jou geluk het gelê in ‘n glas skoen- Wees ‘n Ridderes!

Did you know... Have you ever looked at an animal and said, "How in the world does that thing do that?" Well, here are a few answers to those kinds of questions. • Once a bull has impregnated a cow, it will never impregnate that same cow again. So once a bull has had his way with your herd, he is useless. • Carnivorous animals will not eat another animal that has been hit by a lightning strike. • Mountain goats can walk almost straight up a cliff due to a supple pad on each cloven hoof. These pads have extremely soft centers. When the animal puts its foot down, each pad works like a powerful suction cup, enabling the wild goat to appear to defy gravity.

• The average person falls asleep in seven minutes. • A group of geese on the ground is a gaggle, a group of geese in the air is a skein.

• The underside of a horse's hoof is called a frog. The frog peels off several times a year with new growth. • The shape of plant collenchyma cells and the shape of the bubbles in beer foam are the same - they are orthotetrachidecahedrons. • Emus and kangaroos cannot walk backwards, and are on the Australian coat of arms for that reason. • If NASA sent birds into space (inside a space capsule, that is), they would soon die because they need gravity to swallow. • It was discovered on a space mission that a frog can throw up. The frog throws up its stomach first, so the stomach is dangling out of its mouth. Then the frog uses its forearms to dig out all of the stomach's contents and then swallows the stomach back down again.

• Studies show that if a cat falls off the seventh floor of a building it has about thirty percent less chance of surviving than a cat that falls off the twentieth floor. It supposedly takes about eight floors for the cat to realize what is occurring, relax and correct itself. [Who figured this out?!]

1 Community Lens || 21

Thursday, 2012 Thursday, 30 15 November August 2013

LENS lens

Community Community



2013 - HAPPY TIMES Photos by Tanya Calitz The annual Walvis Bay Oyster Fest proved to be a great success and was enjoyed by all who attended. The festival kicked off on Friday night with a music show, and continued again on the Saturday with more merrymaking, eating, beer, food and music. Many exhibitors displayed their goods and yummy foods during the day, enjoying support from the local and Swakop revellers. According to Henning du Plessis from Namsov Fishing, Tetelestai sold 2300 raw and 500 cooked oyster at the festival. Since 2008 when Walvis Bay experienced a very severe Hydrogen Sulphide eruption that wiped out almost all Tetelestai’s stock, Tetelestai has been able to continue with research and development with the assistance of Namsov Fishing. Tetelestai has been working on a way to mitigate the risks involved with farming in the bay, says Du Plessis.

Thursday, 15 August 2013 |1

22 | mOshiwambo Thursday, 20 June 2013

mO shiwambo S H I WA M B O Egwanitho lyomivo 50 dheEgongalo ELCRN Hosianna moKuisebmond, tali tyapulwa oshiwike shika Oshiwike shika ongerki onkwaEvangeli paLuther moKuisebmond otayi ka kala noshituthihambelelo shayo shegwanitho lyomivo 50, okuza metitano 16 Auguste sigo osoondaha yomasiku 18 august. Oshituthihambelelo shika otashi ka kwatela mo; Evalo lyongerki; elangeko lyomusita omupe; eegululo lyomatungo omape, noshowo oshigongi shongona yongerki onkwa ELCRN. Egongalo ndika ekwa Evaangeli paLuther olyali lya egululwa pambelewa momuvo 1961 komukalelipo gwongeleka a za koNdowishi Reverend Beckmann, opo yi yakule aakalimo yomo Kuisebmund. Oshigwana osha li hashi holoka pongerki onkulu, ndjoka monena yili yimwe yomoomonumente moshilando, konima sho aantu ya tembudhwa ko kolukanda olukulu, oya falwa kolukanda olupe momuvo 1960 na opo nee pwa zi ku dhikwe egongalo ndika epe mo Kuisebmund. Egongalo ndika olya kala meyakulo lyaasita ngaashi Kuhles na Walter Maritz taya yambidhidhwa komu Evangeliste Hendrik Jod. Egongalo ndika olya yakula woo omagongalo galwe gongerki ya ELCRN ngaashi, yaawambo noyoshi Damara/Nama. 1961 - The Hosianna Church

Omumbiisofi Zephania Kameeta

Osho ya hokana Konima yokukala pamwe omivo omulongo nomugoyi, Nicky Iiyambo na Tresia Johannes osho ya tokola hokane omwedhi nguka. Omatyapulo gohango oga tamekele ongula yosoondaha mo Kuisebmund, noga tsikilile sigo okongulohi. aantu

yoposhitopolwa oyendji oyali ya holoka, ya papata omagano, giikulya, iikunwa noshowo omagano galwe. aanona yopomudhiingoloko nayo oyali gongala pondje yoshituthi netegameno lyoku imonena sha shomiipalutha yoshituthi. Meme Tresia Yambekwa.

Yimwe i yomoongodh 00 dho Nokia 1 dhili hamano

Mr Pretorius Ndumbwa ta tambula ko ongodhi peha lyomusindani goshiwike oshitiyali Mr Jonas Kasita

Opo wu sindane yimwe yomoongodhi dhika, gandja eyamukulo kepulo tali landula. Epulo: Oshifo sho Namib Independent ohashi piti uunake?

Ethigathano ndika otali hulu mo 29 ya Auguste 2013

Kehe okatumwalaka kopa SMS otaka futilwa N$5.50

Uuyelele nomalandulathano opo geli.

Tuma ulo eyamuk loye ko

Thursday, 15 August 2013 Thursday, 25 July 2013

Motoring | 23 |1

mO shiwambo ST H IOR WAM BO MO ING MOT ORING The 2013 Kia Optima SX T-GDI

2013 Kia Optima SX T-GDI

Korean car makers are creating huge waves in the industry, and the Kia Optima is a perfect example of this automotive tsunami. Just a few short years ago, you’d be hard pressed to find such a car in their line-up. We always end up tooling around in ridiculous rides, but there are plenty of accessibly priced cars that are still driver focused — and the Kia Optima is one of them. First Impressions Our 2013 Kia Optima SX T-GDI is delivered in high gloss Ebony Black, and it looks impressive, with a distinctly

European look. The design is clean and unique, and nice design touches like the gloss black and chrome grille, beautifully tapered headlights and taillights and a sculpted body make the car look more expensive than it is. The 18-inch wheels are unique and specifically intended to complement the look of the SX. You can decide whether they look good on the car or mimic the spinning disc of death from the Predator movies. Technical Rundown The interior is well appointed, almost shockingly so. The black leather and sport-cloth-trimmed seats are comfortable

and decently supportive. Real carbon fibre lines the centre console and the door armrests, a nice touch to communicate the car’s sporty intentions. Ferrari-like carbon fibre it is not, but it still looks pretty good. The interior leg room, shoulder room and head room for driver and front and rear passengers isn’t lacking at all, something you can’t necessarily tell from the outside. Power is impressive but not mind-blowing. A 2.0-liter DOHC four-cylinder GDI, direct injection aluminium alloy turbo engine delivers 204 Kilowatts at 6,000 rpm and 365 Nm of torque at 1,750 rpm. It pulls to 100 in just over six seconds; you don’t feel it in your back as much as you feel pulled forward with substantial force. The other technical bits are also cut from good cloth: six speed sportmatic transmission, independent front (MacPherson struts and anti-roll bar) and rear (multi-link, anti-roll bar), four-wheel ABS with vented front

discs, traction and stability control, HID headlamps, LED taillights and nifty power retractable side mirrors. It is, simply, a lot for the money. The Drive The Optima SX T-GDI is indeed fast. Moving four passengers rapidly is not that hard, but the four cylinder turbo sounds like it is working overtime, and because of the front-wheel-drive setup and the powerful engine, the SX tends to lift its front end too much under hard acceleration. After take-off though, the car accelerates smoothly and quickly. The sport-tuned suspension handles turns well, though you tend to fight with the steering wheel a bit when coming out of the turn something we could’ve done without. Unfortunately it’ll never be rear wheel drive, which would be a game changer for this car in the realm of driving dynamics. In the end, we weren’t overwhelmed with the ride quality, but the car is intended

for those desiring a modicum of sportiness, so it comes as no surprise that the high horsepower delivery to the front wheels and uneven pavement can make the Optima SX slightly unsettling. As an everyday driver, it does incredibly well — it’s a comfortable car. Well-bolstered seats, plenty of rear seat room and a trunk big enough to hold four golf bags would suit the family man well, and he could still enjoy the solo drive without sacrificing his masculinity. The SX received plenty of compliments in the grocery store parking lot, and people on the freeway certainly gave the Optima its fair share of positive looks. We appreciate what Kia has done - taking its designs out of the “cheap look” category, while still providing a good amount of design originality. We appreciate the Optima SX T-GDI for what it is, and for making other cars in its price range look slightly boring.

24 | Motoring

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Home Finder | 25


Long Beach


Seaside Retreat – modern apartment with great sea views, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open plan lounge and kitchen, balcony with braai, tandem garage. Sold fully furnished N$1 600 000 offers welcome

Lagoon Area Executive living! Contempory 5 bedroom villa, large open plan living area, chef’s kitchen, formal lounge and dining room, entertainment area, swimming pool, flatlet and double garage N$4 095 000 Negotiable

Hentiesbay - South Dune House

4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 garages, openplan, indoor BBQ N$1 485 000 Tabita 081 253 0196

Bargain!!! Hentiesbaai

This is a very practical holiday home. Fully furnished. 3 X bedrooms 2 x bathrooms 3 x garages. Separate 1 x bedroom flat. A chance in a life tIime N$950 000 Manie 081 317 9334


Guesthouse potential Luxurious house near the golf course, 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, open plan living area with feature fireplace, indoor heated swimming pool and 4 garages N$3 990 000 CC Registered


Lots of space in front of the building N$4 500 pm


2 Bed, 1 Bath house 1 Garage N$5 500 pm

To Let

360m2 Industrial Space N$33 per m2


3 Bed, 2 Bath house with 3 Garages. 2 Living Areas with flat N$10 000 pm

Ocean View

Home with a flat – Very Neat 3 Bed, 2 Bath with Double Garage. Including 2 Bed, 1 Bath flat with Garage N$13 000 pm


To let Office Space 77m2 + 8m2 N$100 per m2

BUY/SELL/SWAP? Flamingo Cottages

Dutch style cottage on the edge of the lagoon, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, cozy sitting room with fireplace, private courtyard and single garage Rental income: N$10 000 pm Sold fully furnished N$ 1 490 000 Call Margot 081 408 8381


Ocean View


Ocean View

Ext. 9 – N$550 000

3 Bed House with flat Big House, Big Yard N$17 600 pm

14 X Erven in The Dunes/Ext. 18 N$895 000 - N$ 1,5 mil.

Own stand, 3 Bed, 2 Bath, Living Area, Double Garage and Indoor BBQ N$7 700

Mile 4 – N$650 000

Ocean View


Ext. 15 – N$750 000 Ext. 16 – N$580 000

Spacious Apartment 3 bed, 2 bath, 2 Garage N$6 600

500m2 – N$495 000


1.050m2 – N$490 000

2 Bedroom flat N$5 500 pm

Suna 081 210 7823


Beautiful and spacious family house for sale! 4x bedrooms, open-plan kitchen, dinning room and lounge, 2x bathrooms, double garage. 1x bachelor flat, 1x 1bed flat, 1x 2bed flat. High boundary walls and burglar bars N$1 100 000 Good income for the investor as well, let us rent it out for you N$10 700 pm Emily 081 2930 335

GOGGA 081 870 9950 gogga.remaxatlantic@

Situated in Centre of Town, Secure Complex!! 3 bedr, 2 full bathr, openplan kitchen/living-area, study area, guest toilet, balcony, dbl garage N$1 695 000 Tania 081 297 9704

Sole & Exclusive Mandate Kuisebmund

SELLING FAST!! Excellent Investment. 2 & 3 bedroom units selling from N$466 000 2 bath, kitchen / lounge. With / without garage. Claudia 081 127 7783

Two bed, one bath unit with a garage N$360 000 Claudia 081 127 7783

Hochland Park Windhoek

973m2 – N$190 000



618m² plot with beautiful view. Bachelor Flat with double garage on the plot including plans for extension of main house N$1 900 000 Claudia 081 127 7783

Visit Our Coastal Advertiser!



Fairways Walvis Bay

3 Bed, 2 bath double storey apartments with kitchen, lounge, dining room, laundry, dressing room and double garage with garden Selling from N$1 880 000

Pelican court

2 Bed, 1 bath apartment. With garage. 95 – 105M² Selling from N$895 000

Walvis Bay - Lagoon!

Safe and secure complex. Perfect lock up and go unit. Offers 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, newly fitted kitchen. With breakfast nook, lounge, balcony and 1 garage. Levies only N$233 pm N$730 000


No penalties to be paid on this vacant erf. There are some outbuildings as well with all equipment for holiday, cutlery, stove with 2 gasbottles etc. Approved plan for 3 bed, 2 bath and 2 garages in place. 656 sqm erf N 440 000

Joey 081 278 0518

Remax Atlantic Properties URGENTLY looking for Property to buy in: Narraville & Kuisebmund Call Emily 081 293 0335 Mondesa & Tamariskia Call Manie 081 317 9334 for our cash & pre-approved clients.

Lagoon - our prime area!! Ideal for the Investor. Beautiful 3 bed, 2 bath house with kitchen, lounge and 2 garages. PLUS 2 bed, 2 bath flat with open plan kitchen and well maintained garden. Rental income for furnished house N$18 000 pm Flat income of N$10 500 pm N$1 800 000 Joey 081 278 0518

Central Walvis Bay

3 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment With sitting room, kitchen & garage. In safe and secure complex.

N$995 000

Claudia 081 127 7783

Walvis Bay Lagoon

Bachelor’s Apartment with bathroom & open plan kitchen. Located in safe & secure complex N$490 000 Claudia 081 127 7783

Thursday, 15 August 2013

26 | Coastal Property Finder

Swakopmund Vogelstrand Main house, double story, offers a spacious kitchen, scullery & laundry, entertainment areas with indoor braai. Open plan dining & living area. Property has 9 bedrooms, 7 bathrooms and four garages. +4 flats / Apartments Rental Income N$16 000 pm Established Garden & Sea view. Great Investment opportunity and ideal to convert into a Bed & Breakfst Swakopmund Industrial Area 2 Units for sale. Each unit is 150m2. 1 unit is currently rented, contract expires August 2013 N$1 575 000 Kuisebmond Beautiful and spacious family house for sale!!!! 4 bedrooms, open-plan kitchen, dinning room and lounge, 2 bathrooms, double garage. + 1 bachelor flat + 1 bedroom flat + 1, 2 bedrooms flat High boundary walls and burglar bars. N$1 100 000 Good income for the investor as well, let us rent it out for you. N$10 700 pm Longbeach Eco Village One of the last remaining cheapies! Only 1 street from the sea. Vacant erf of 654 sqm N$450 000 Kuisebmund 2 bedrooms, bathroom, garage, open plan kitchen Selling for N$360 000 Rental income N$2 850 pm Narraville 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house with single garage & huge plot. Recently Renovated. N$825 000

Kuisebmund Sole & Exclusive Mandate Selling fast! Excellent Investment. 2 & 3 bed units selling from N$466 000 2 bath, kitchen / lounge With / without garage. Vineta 3 Bedroom house, 2 bedroom flat, 3 garages. Inside BBQ for wood and gas. Big yard. Swakopmund - Central To let walking distance from town! 3 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom, 2 Toilets, 1 Garage, 2 Living Areas N$6 300 pm

This is a dream to live ! Prime property with a beautiful sea view to let 3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom, double garage, spacious kitchen and living area, sunroom N$13 300 pm

Narraville 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house with scullery & big erf. Recently renovated! N$825 000 Swakopmund - Venita Renovator's dream! Turn this house into your dream home with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, big lounge, inside braai with bar, 2 garages and a bachelor's flat with outside braai. N$1 460 000 Swakopmund - Central Just lock up and go! Sunny 1 bedroom. Flat with under roof. Parking in midtown. Fully furnished N$950 000 Walvis Bay Townhouse 3 Bedroom, open plan kitchen, lounge, 2 bathrooms and garage. Close to Schools N$800 000 Walvis Bay - Central Bachelor Flat to let N$2 200 pm

Longbeach Extension 2 Erf for sale with plans for a modern double story 3 bedroom house Erf size 550sqm N$650 000.00


Narraville To let, 2 bedrooms, open plan lounge to fitted kitchen, one bathroom, prepaid electricity N$3 245 pm Move right in.

Prime property with a beautiful sea view!

Walvis Bay - Central 3 bedroom upmarket townhouse to let, 2 bathrooms inside BBQ, double garage, safe and secure N$7 700 pm excl. W&E

3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house with single garage & huge plot. Recently Renovated N$825 000

TO LET 3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom, double garage, spacious kitchen and living area, sunroom N$13 300


In a safe complex. 2 Bedroom, 2 bathroom, double garage, open plan kitchen/ living area, stunning small garden N$7 200 pm

Interested in any of these properties? Call Helena on 064 200 497 today

Swakopmund Vogelstrand To let Modern 3 bedroom townhouse with 2 bathrooms. Spacious Open plan living area with beautiful kitchen. Outdoor BBQ in small & tidy garden. In a quiet & secure complex in desirable area. Pre- paid electricity. N$6 600 pm excl. W & E Warm Home In Meersig Sunny and warm 5 bedroom home with 3 bathrooms, guest toilet, farm style kitchen, open plan dining and living area and study. large garden, outside entertainment area with braai. 2 garages and laundry N$12 500 pm Walvisbay Main Street To let 15sqm warehouse with extra garage to rent N$13 875 pm incl. W&E

Fabulous Townhouse To let 2 Bedroomed townhouse with one upstairs other downstairs. 2 bathrooms, lounge open plan to fitted kitchen, indoor braai, diningroom area, garage, own spacious courtyard, walled in. Save and secure. Spacious and sunny N$5 445 pm incl. W&E Walvis Bay - Central To let 2 bedroom house, 1 bathroom, inside BBQ with bar, laundry room, lounge, open plan kitchen to dining room, double garage N$6 600 pm excl. W&E Swakopmund - Mile 4 House with 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 2 garages, openplan, indoor bbq, large entertainment area upstairs wit braai N$1 230 000

Swakopmund - Mile 4 Townhouse for sale with all furniture included! This townhouse offers you 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen with lounge, inside braai and 2 garages. Walking distance to the beach! N$1 360 000 Swakopmund - Ocean View Woonstel te huur anaf 1 September 2013 2 Slaapkamers, ingeboude kaste, badkamer met stort, oop plan kombuis/ sitkamer, ingeboude stoof, enkel garage, buite braai area, DSTV skottel, alarm stelsel, eie ingang en jaart met interlocks. Water & G4S ingesluit. Koop krag. N$5 500 pm Walvis Bay Units for sale Centrally located 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen / lounge / dining N$990 000 to N$1 380 000 Swakopmund - Mile 4 This townhouse offers you 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen and lounge, single garage and small courtyard. Walking distance to beach! N$900 000 in cc Swakopmund Kramersdorf Major Price Reduction! Property Ref #: 490791 Registered in a CC Comfortable, spacious and bright family home! It offers 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms of which one en-suite, modern open plan kitchen, dining area and lounge with fireplace. 2 tandem garages. Well maintained garden. + 1 bedroom flat with bathroom, open plan kitchen and lounge. +2 Bed flat with own garden and garage plus open plan living area N$5 250 pm incl. W&E

rent? r o y u B o t se u o h a r fo g in Look der on in F y t r e p o r P l a t s a o C h c r a se . d e t s li s d e r d n u H . y a d o t k faceboo

Central Walvis Bay 3 Bedroomed family home with lounge, diningroom, kitchen with built-in cupboards, laundry, indoor braai, 3 Garages, 1 Bedroomed flat with bathroom. Huge erf of 1250m2. Normal Transfer.

N$1 480 000

Hermis Area To let a bachelor flat with kitchen shower and toilet N$2 250 pm incl. W&E Single person, no pets. Walvis Bay - Lagoon Fully Furnished flat Offering 1 Bedroom, open plan lounge to fitted kitchen, bathroom and garage. Water incl. Bouquet DSTV incl. Prepaid electricity. Cleaning not included N$4 995 pm Swakopmund Vogelstrand Main House, Double Story, Offers a spacious kitchen, scullery & laundry, entertainment area with indoor braai, Open plan dining & living area + 4 Flats / Apartments, Rental Income N$16 000 pm Established Garden & sea view. N$3 600 000

Holiday Accommodation

2 Bedroom, 1 full bathroom, open plan kitchen and living area, scullary, separate guest toilet. Inside braai and tandem garage N$1 800 In season N$1 500 Out of season

Swakopmund Vogelstrand

To Let: Modern 3 bedroom townhouse with 2 bathrooms. Spacious Open plan living area with beautiful kitchen. Outdoor BBQ in small & tidy garden. In a quiet & secure complex in desirable area. Pre- paid electricity N$6 600 pm excl. W & E

Thursday, 15 August 2013


3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house with single garage & huge plot. Recently Renovated.

N$825 000

Prime property with a beautiful sea view! TO LET 3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom, double garage, spacious kitchen and living area, sunroom N$13 300

Swakop Central

To let walking distance from town! 3 Bedroom, 1 bathroom, 2 toilets, 1 garage, 2 living areas N$6 300 pm Te huur Walvis Bay Opsoek na n 2-3 slaapkamer huis om te huur. Huur tussen N$5 000 tot N$7 000 DOLPHIN BEACH Open plan living area, kitchen, indoor BBQ. 3 Bed, 2 bath, 2 garages N$1 600 000 Parkview Court Central Lovely Furnished townhouse in complex. Situated in centre of town and consisting of 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, guest toilet, open plan kitchen, dining room and lounge, single garage, prepaid electricity N$7 700 pm Swakopmund Central Newly Build Family Home with open plan kitchen, scullery, lounge, to living area. Complete with bar & indoor braai, Stylish Finishing Large back yard for further development N$2 365 000 Swakopmund Ocean View This lovely family home offers a spacious open plan kitchen with scullery, dining and living area with study. An Entertainment area with indoor braai & jacuzzi + 1 Bedroom flat N$2 580 000 Walvisbaai - Meersig Te huur 2 slaapkamer dubbel verdieping huis met dubbel garage. Binne en buite braai N$5 500 pm

Coastal Property Finder | 27

Walvis Bay Lagoon Old house of 3 bedrooms (BIC), 3 bathrooms, 2 garages, open plan kitchen, laundry room, linen cupboards, big entertainment area with indoor BBQ, bar and dining, lounge, yard is partly interlocked, big garden in front, situated in a good area close to the Lagoon, below valuation N$1 300 000 Walvisbaai - Meersig Double-Storey \ BalconyLagoon View. Open plan living area with kitchen and indoor BBQ. 4 Bed, 4 Bathroom, 2 Garages N$2 570 000

Swakopmund Mile 4

Duplex Apartment 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open plan, 2 garages, guest toilet, indoor bbq, 200 meters from the sea N$1 580 000

Swakopmund Vogelstrand

Close to the sea! Vacant Erf - 600 sq m N$795 000 Walvis Bay Lagoon Tasteful neat house of 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 garages, lounge, dining area, open plan kitchen, scullery, indoor BBQ, tv room, tiles, alarm system, laundry room, 1 bedroom flat with bathroom, lovely garden, big erf of 1250 sqm, situated in good area N$1 730 000 Walvis Bay Meersig This house need TLC, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 tandem garages, big entertainment area with indoor BBQ and bar, open plan kitchen, lounge dining, guest room with bathroom, laundry room, big erf, situated in good area N$1 450 000


This beautiful ground floor unit in a safe and secure complex with 24 hours security offers you, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, openplan kitchen/lounge With indoor braai.Tandem garage. Pre-paid meter. Registered in CC no transfer duty N$1 020 000


Walvis Bay

Walvis Bay Central


In a safe complex. 2 Bedroom, 2 bathroom, double garage, open plan kitchen/ living area, stunning small garden N$7 200 pm Lovely house: 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 garages, open plan kitchen, lounge, indoor BBQ wit dining area, big nice garden, approved plans for a flat on a erf of 1125sqm. Below valuation price N$1 395 000

Rooms to let with bathrooms for N$1 995 per month near Telecom, Hage Geingob Walvis Bay. Only single person.

2 bedroomed modern flats in Narraville in a secure comppex with prepaid electricity no garage for N$2 850 pm Prepaid electricity.

Interested in any of these properties? Call Helena on 064 200 497 today Walvis Bay Central

An investment for you: 2 bedroom house, 2 bathrooms,1 tandem garage, open plan kitchen, indoor BBQ, lounge, dining area, small garden with Jacuzzi, plus 3 bachelor flats extra to pay your bond, rental contracts in place. Approved plans to built another bachelor flat. N$1 300 000

Walvis Bay

2 Bedroomed townhouse with 2 bathrooms, lounge to dining to fitted kitchen, tandem garage and courtyard, pre-paid electricity N$6 545 pm

Walvis Bay Meersig

Tasteful, charming house in a prime of 4 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms, 2 r/c garages, automated aluminum gate, house floor area is Âą325 sqm, yard neatly paved with interlocks, high boundary walls, fitted kitchen with cherry wood finishes and scullery, genuine marble tiled floor, dining area, indoor BBQ with bar, guest toilet, lounge

N$2 180 000 Narraville

2 x q bedroomed flats in Narraville. Each for N$2 350 pm Complex has security in the block.

Walvis Bay Meersig

Big open family house in a prime of 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 3 r/c garages parked 4 cars with extra room and bathroom, study, spacious open plan kitchen with scullery, lounge, dining, TV room. Entertainment area with indoor BBQ, bar, Jacuzzi, high boundary walls, lovely garden with water fall, outside braai, big erf, store room in garden N$2 570 000


Near Woerman & Brock 2 Bedroomed modern and BRANDNEW flats To Let Narraville Near Woerman & Brock, with open plan lounge to kitchen, no garage N$3 500 pm prepaid water and lights, with garage N$3 995 pm

Modern Townhouse

Walvis bay to let N$7 500 pm Open plan living area with kitchen 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 garage


2 bedrooms, bathroom, garage, open plan kitchen N$360 000 Rental income N$2 850 pm

Walvis Bay

4 Bedroomed home near schools with two bathrooms, spacious seperate living areas as from 1 October 2013 N$7 350 per month Theo Ben Gurirab street near the Lagoon. Walvis Bay To Let: Fully furnished upmarket 2 bedroomed spacious and sunny flat near Lagoon area N$7 750 incl W&L Town Walvis Bay, 1 Bed flat with garage near schools in Peter Mushiange Street N$3 250 pm incl W&L

Walvis Bay - Fairway

3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Big Open Plan Kitchen Lounge and dining area with Ind BBQ and Entertaining area, BIC and Double Garage N$1 658 500

Walvis Bay - Meersig Ext 1

3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Open Plan Kitchen Lounge and Dining, In and Outdoor BBQ, Double Garages and Alarm System N$1 337 500

Prime Area - Walvis Bay

Batchelor Woonstel

3 Bedroomed family home with lounge to dining to fitted kitchen, study, fitted kitchen, laundry, indoor braai, 4 garages, 1 Bed flat with lounge en suite, High boundary walls, alarmsystem 3 braais, jacuzzi area, underfloor heating.

Cash Buyers

Nicster Court near Spar in Walvis Bay

In Swakopmund in die dorp. Dadelik beskikbaar! N$3 300 Water in gesluit en koop krag. Geen garage. 2 bedroom flat in Swakopmund. Bismarckstreet, near Cafe Anton. Only 7units. Large bedroom with 1 smaller bedroom. Bathroom. Living/dining room kitchen. Rental in place.


Secure complex 2 Bedroomed flat with 2 Bathrooms. Open living area with kitchen. Outside Bbq. Tandem Garage N$850 000

Swakopmund - Ocean View

Nuut geboude Huis: 3 slaapkamers, 2 bad kamers, dubbel garages, oop plan kombuis, sculery met buite braai. Woonstel: 2 Slaapkamers, 1 badkamer, 1 garage, oop plan kombuis met prifaat courtyard en buite braai N$11 000 Sonder water/ Koop krag.

Ocean view, Swakopmund

Lovely 3 bedroom unit has a indoor braai area, BIC, guest WC. Its situated close to a shipping centre and also not far from the ocean N$1 290 000

2 Bedroomed flat in Nicster Court near Spar. Modern, open plan, bathroom with shower and bath, garage. N$615 000

Walvis Bay - Lagoon

Cottage with one normal size bedroom and and one large loft for a second bedroom. Open plan lounge with fireplace to fitted kitchen, PLUS Separate one Bedroomed cottage with renovated bathroom, single garage and sheltered courtyard. Totally unique and not always available for Sale - FULLY FURNISHED. N$1 530 000 Normal Transfer. Rent per month received was about N$10 000 pm

Brand New Small House To Rent Fairview: Next to main house 2 own separate entrances from street. Arty, modern open plan kitchen & sittingroom. Big bedroom with fire place, Bathroom Scullery, Single remote control garage, Small back yard. Only small dog or cat can be allowed. Rental includes: fully dstv/ water/power/alarm system N$5 000 pm



28 | Classifieds



5 77 77


Tuesdays 10:30 TUESDAY 10:30am

goods for sale

Contact Helena to place your classifieds 064 200 497

Toyota Doublecab Canopy N$6 000 neg. Walvis Bay, 081 278 9389

helena@ namibindependent.

goods for sale

Goods for sale

BlackBerry Bold 9900

Walvisbaai Meubels te Koop

With Box, Great Condition N$1 700 Contact 081 402 5682

YAMAHA Wave Runner GP800 & Trailer N$45 000 Dirk 081 124 4677


Pajero Gearbox

Pajero Gearbox for 3.0 V6 (SWB). Automatic 4X4. Currently in Windhoek. N$10 000 or nearest offer. Phone 081 838 6223


Hyundai Matrix Automatic Gearbox

8 holes, 2 tyres still in great condition! Price N$7 000 set@ 0812499270 WALVIS BAY

N$800 negotiable in Swakopmund. Contact 081 287 4455

Gearbox 2005 for sale. N$14000.00 081 147 6477 Outomaties 4-spoed. Geskik vir 3.0 V6 model. N$8 000 o.n.a 081 838 6223

Building Equipment for Sale

Suzuki VX 800

Boat Targa Hull

"As is" - needs attention. Lots of parts available N$20 000 Neg Dirk 081 124 4677

115 Chrysler Engine & Trailer N$40 000 Dirk 081 124 4677

Swakopmund 3 concrete mixers, 1 compactor, 1 standard brick making machine and 2 bokkies


All for N$ 15 000 Call 081 249 9270

Dieux Grace nails.

Have a special event coming up and want you nails to look fabulous? Gel overlays, tips (French and natural) manicure. Call me at 081 488 0230 in Windhoek.

Blackberry 9800 torch

N$2 000 Negotiable Contact 081 300 3427

Yamaha 1100 Special

Samsung Galaxy SIII

X-treme Cream

N$4 500

For treatment and relief of: • Cellulite • Stretchmarks • Scars • Tightens flabby skin • Uneven skin tone • "Restless Legs" • Painful feet, limbs & muscles • Painful Varicose Veins Phone 081 147 6776 to place your order NOW!

"As is" - needs attention. N$20 000 Neg Dirk 081 124 4677


Extra complete engin, front suspension, seats and complete doors. As is N$45 000. Call Stokkies 081 208 7916

Birthday! With Love, Mom, from the All of Us


Giant Anthem

You have a way about you, Mom, an understanding touch - Your warm concern and thoughtfulness have always meant so much. You've known just when to listen and just what words to say and all of these are reasons why you're thought so highly of and why our birthday wish for you is made with so much love.

Coastal Advertiser 081 325 7591

Beauty • Regulates your stress hormones • Speeds up your metabolism & digestive system • Control of appetite & reduction of calorie intake, can contribute to reduced risk of development of chronic diseases. • Hoodia does not contain any caffeine or stimulants. • No exercise needed Phone 081 147 6776 Order NOW!

Diana’s Bulbinella Cream

Pajero Ratkas

Mitsubishi RVR 1995

2 mountain bike (soft tail) for sale. Gobi Tail Flex saddle. GEAX tyres. Recon race shocks. Slicks and rims also included (together with Giant floor pump). Very good condition. Swakopmund N$14 000 o.n.o. Call 081 838 6223

or call 081 375 1645

Bantam 1600. Available for N$2 000. 081 640 1719

Mitsubishi RVR. 1995.

20 Inches Ford f250

For a price please SMS

Canopy for Sale

N$14 000 Contact 081 147 6477

Extra complete engine, front suspension, seats and complete doors. As is N$45 000 Call Stokkies 081 208 7916

Wood Beds and Dog Houses

Hyundai matrix automatic

Bicycle for Sale

Gregg G-Boy Goliath Car for Sale

Fiat Punto 1.2 Active Model: 2011, Km 48 500 Air con, Power steering, Electric Windows at the front, Central Locking, Radio / Cd / USB player, New tyres also. Last Service was on 40 000km, full service history. Immaculate condition, a must see. Contact: 081 256 7930

Kornbluhm ronde sitbank te koop N$550, Gewone sitkamer stoel vir N$550, dubbelbed matras vir N$850 en nog baie meer klein goed. Skakel vir 'n afspraak by 081 808 1548


For treatment and relief of: * Skin Rejuvenation *Anti-aging, wrinkles, "old age spots" * Uneven skin tone * Dark pigmentation (Doesn't help for "Vitiligo") * Fades Birthmarks (after prolonged use) * Relief for Cellulitis * Relief for Muscular Dystrophy * Skin Cancer * Skin conditions due to bad blood circulation * Acne / Pimples / Black heads *Dry / rough / flaky / itchy skin * Stretch marks * Scars *Sunburn * Razor / waxing / nappy rash Phone 081 147 6776 to place your order NOW!

Matric farewell and wedding make-up packages: Have a special event happening soon? Wedding? farewell? Diana's Hoodia Powder Matric Etc. Call me now for an • Natural hunger suppressant, appointment! eat 1/2 of what you used to My wedding packages eat are ranging from N$250 • Control cravings up to 6hrs to N$350 and my matric • Practise portion control; still farewell package is eat your favourite foods N$180 • Regulates your blood sugar Call me on levels 0813986703.

Like and add us!

t s a F t i Sell cal o L t i Sell


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Classifieds | 29

Thursday, 15 August 2013



5 77 77


Tuesdays 10:30 TUESDAY 10:30am


Bidvest Namibia Steiner

Hygiene is our passion! A one of a kind hygiene rental and service provider in Namibia. Our unique Products & Services is taking Namibia by storm. Steiner provides an added Health/ Hygiene Service solution unique and comprehensive to each of our clients specific needs. Excellence in Service delivery is of vital important for Bidvest Namibia Steiner. We sell and provide an added value service, and are experts in the field. Not only do Steiner products have SABS ISO 9001 – 2008 accreditation, but we also carry environmental friendly stock to assist & contribute to your sustainability reports. Our unique services include, SABS Approved installations, unique and comprehensive service calls tailor made to each individual clients requirements, full peace of mind with regards to your company's Hygiene. Phone us today on



+64 279 950 for our free product presentation, showcasing some of our prided products and a free survey of your premises. Visit www.steinerhygiene.

Prodel construction & De Bries Plumbing renovations Services

S. Linus Construction

For all your Construction needs. Call Johann 081 128 0848 for a free consultation

24/7 Breakdown and towing service. We specialise in towing, cross border transportation, changing of flat tyres, recovery of vehicles from sand dunes and assist you if your vehicle has run out of fuel. Call us now on 081 149 8750 EMAIL US at westcoastcarecovery@ WCC Recovery "Always on our tows"

With 25 years of experience and bank approved. Building and renovations of residential and commercial dwellings. - general paint - roof repairs - boundary walls - interlocks workmanship guaranteed. Contact details: 064 209 517 or 081 242 9604

Kitchen Elegance

Need help?

A retired teacher with 37 years teaching experience is in need of a temporary or permanent vacancy at any school or institution. With a B.E.T.D qualification in lower primary. Can also assist with home work or after school care Please contact 081 255 8062 or 081 468 7569

Job wanted

Sales Lady


I am looking for a job as a sale lady. I have experience for five years. Please contact me at 081 798 2120


I have advance diploma in travel and tourism. I'm looking for the job at a resevation and ticketing, restaurant, travel agencies, tour operator, office or hotels in Windhoek. Contact me on 081 336 0518


T ired of

ng i pa y

o o t



Sales Rep needed.

for professional kitchen, bedroom and bathroom re-modelling. We do Donations cabinets, blinds, tiles and flooring or any other joinery needs. Quality workmanship I am looking for any donations of guaranteed. We pride ourselves on your satisfaction. used printer’s and Contact us on 081 278 8092 computers. or 081 612 3519 I am writing a book and need Visit us at www. the electronics to type and print my story. Contact me for more information. Emilia Kamutufe 081 204 6859

Order your 2014 Calenders & Diaries on time!


For our guesthouse to work afternoons 14h00 - 17h00, Contact us for all your kitchen must be fluent in German. & bathroom plumbing needs Contact Peter we do plumbing installations 081 124 3520 and maintenance. Contact Marius 081 212 Office Manager and 2541

For all your renovations and construction needs with personal attention. Call for a free quote. Contact Johann Steyn 081 128 0848

Prodel Construction

West Coast Car Recovery- Breakdown Services


Local IT and Computer office to extent. Cv's to be delivered to No7,7th Road, Walvis Bay.

Ree Bodyworks

We are in need of panelbeaters if you are a panelbeater and want to be part of our growing bussines. Please contact me or Ruben at 081 343 8104 or 081 400 3654


Municipality of Walvis Bay Notice is hereby given in terms of section 63(2) (b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/1992), as amended, that the Council of the Municipality of Walvis Bay intends to sell, by private transaction, the following Block Ervens 5762 and 5763 Kuisebmond to Ombundu Investments Trust. Description Block Ervens 5762 and 5763 Kuisebmond +/- 158 000m2 or +/- 15.8ha Unsurveyed/unserviced Purchase Price N$790 000.00 An additional amount of N$79 000.00 is to be paid for landscaping and the establishment of a green belt. Full particulars pertaining to the sale will lie for inspection by interested persons until




A Division of the Namib Independent

Call Chris at Tel +264 64 200 497 or Fax +264 88 651 5870 Email

Contact: Anel Maritz c: 081 128 4088 f: 064 206 198 e:



*Wednesday 28 August 2013 at room 30, Municipal Offices, Kuisebmond. For more information Ms S Mupupa can be contacted at telephone (064) 2013294 during office hours. Written objections, fully motivated, to the intended transaction must be received by the undersigned before or at 12h00 *Monday 02 September 2013.

Municipality of Walvis Bay

A Victor General Mananger Coummunity & Economic Development Municipal Offices Civic Centre Nangolo Mbumba Drive Private Bag 5017 WALVIS BAY Fax: 064 209 714

Municipality of Walvis Bay CONSENT PLACE OF INSTRUCTION (TRAINING CENTRE) ON ERF NO: 4482 TOWNSHIP: Walvis Bay Extension 12 In terms of the abovementioned scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/ establish a TRAINING ACADEMY CC on the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 119, Civic Centre. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and the undersigned, in writing not later than 29 August 2013. Name and address of applicant(s): Fillemon Nendongo PO Box 867 Walvis Bay Cell: 081 248 8867

Take notice that WSTRPC Town planning consultant, on behalf of A. Krylov, intend to apply to the Walvis bay municipal council for: • The rezoning of Erf 925, Walvis bay from ‘Single Residential’ to ‘Local Business’ with a bulk of 2.8 for commercial purposes. • Consent to use the erf for business purposes while the rezoning is formally being completed. Erf 925, Walvis Bay is situated in Hage Geingob Street in the centre of town. The erf is 1250m² in extent with an old house situated on it which will be demolished and replaced by new up market facilities. It is the intention to rezone the erf for the purposes of building flats and offices, and potentially a restaurant, parking will be provided in accordance with the Walvis Bay town planning scheme. Further take notice that the plan of the proposed development lies for inspection on the town planning notice board, first floor, rooms 101 & 119, civic centre, Walvis bay. Any person objecting to the proposed use of the land as set out above may lodge such objection together with the grounds thereof, with the municipality and with the applicant in writing within 14 days of the last publication of this notice. The final date for objections is 20 August 2013. Applicant WSTRPC PO Box 31761 Windhoek Cell: 081 129 3070 Email: wstrpc@gmail. com

Thursday, 15 August 2013

30 | Rentals



To list your prime property in our Rentals section, contact Michelle: 064 200 497

Mile 4

3 bed, 2 bath, Dining, lounge, Ent. Area N$12 000 pm incl. W&E

Vogelstrand Dunenweg

Furnished 3 bed, Sea view N$12 000 pm excl. W&E


3 bed house with flat N$11 000 pm excl. W&E


Double story 4 bed, 3 bath, study, indoor braai, Double garage N$15 500 pm excl. W&E (Avail. 1 Oct)

Roeder Str

House with Flat, Double garage N$11 000 pm excl. W&E

2 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 garage, openplan living N$650 pday, out of season. N$850 pday, in season.

Langstrand - Lalandi Complex Very neat and cosy, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, openplan living,fully furnished, no garage N$5 000 pm N$850 pday excl. W&L

Double story, fully furnished, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 ½ garage, openplan living, big patio, great sea view, incl water and lights and DSTV N$880 pday N$8 000 pm One level 2 bedrooms, 2 bathroom, openplan living, 1 garage, inside bbq, full sea view N$880 pday

Office Tel: 064 203 304


Strand Str.

Backyard Flat

3rd Floor, Furnished 2 bed, 2 bath, Tandem Garage N$9 000 pm incl. W&E

3 bed, 2 bath, Ent. Area, Double Garage N$12 000 pm excl. W&E

Hage Heights

Morleen Park

Furnished 2 bed, S/Garage N$8 500 pm incl. W&E

Double Story, 4 Bed, 3 Bath, Very Spacious, Dbl. Garage N$13 200 pm excl. W&E


Haus Lüderitz

Wilto Apartment

3 bed, 2 bath, Dbl. garage N$7 700 pm excl. W&E

Free standing, double story house Top floor: Huge living space, openplan kitchen, inside bbq, deck with beautyfull sea view, plus 1 bedroom and 1 bathroom. Ground floor: Kitchenette, deck, separate entrance, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathrooms, 2 garage, outside toilet. Large yard N$13 000 pm Excl. W&L Free standing, double story 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 garage, outside BBQ with stunning sea view, inside BBQ, 1 min walk to beach N$8 800 pm Excl. W&L

Office Fax: 064 203 309

Guesthouse 11 bed, 8 bath, parking for 8 cars N$60 000 pm incl. W&E

2 bed, 2 bath, Dbl garage N$5 700 pm excl. W&E 2 bed, 1 bath, S/garage N$5 000 pm excl. W&E

1 bedroom flat in backyard with garage N$3 500 pm incl. W&E

Please Contact Office 064-404 004 Reinett 081 293 7107 Izaan 081 244 4424

Free standing, corner duet Double story, 2 bathrooms, 2 bedrooms, openplan living, inside BBQ, 2 garage, alarm, small garden, very neat, 1 min walk to beach N$7 000 pm excl. W&L Free standing, double story 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, openplan living, 2 garage, alarm, inside bbq, small garden, 1 min walk to beach N$8 000 pm excl. W&L

Stefanie: 081 140 6632


Dolfynstrand - Silver Dunes IN FRONT OF BEACH, 3 storey unit, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathroom, openplan living, pantry, 1 garage N$5 500 pm Dolfynstrand - Silver Dunes Second floor, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, openplan living, stunning view, fully furnished N$4 500 pm excl. W&L

Christa: 081 367 4653


Thursday, 15 August 2013

Business Boxes | 31



Auto 24/7






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Residential Commercial Marine Industrial Ventilation Service & Maintenance


15 AUGUST 2013 21 AUGUST 2013 MONDAY

Hearty Beef Stew Rice Gorgeous Salad

TUESDAY Sweet & Sour Pork Stir Fry Fried Rice Tovacorella Salad

TEL : 064 278200

WEBSITE : C/O Sam Nujoma Ave C/O Sam Nujoma Ave & 8th Road Nr. 77

& 8th Road Nr. 77, Walvis Bay TEL: 064 278200 • FAX: 064 278201 •

Walvis Bay

Travel CHAMORE TRAVEL AGENCY CC T: +264 64 206003 F: +264 64 206009 c/o Union Street & 5th Road, Walvis Bay, Namibia Riaan Stols Namib Electrical Distributors cc C/O Sam Nujoma Ave & 8th Road nr 77 Walvis Bay Namibia

Travel arrangements Logistics - Flight bookings - Passports - Car Rentals - Work Visa’s/ In-transit Visas - Hotel bookings - Transfer/ Shuttle Services

Auto Airconditioning Regas, Aircon repairs, Supply aircon kits for a wide variety of vehicle brands, Fit aircon kits, Pipe welding In-Car Entertainment Custom sound installations Fit and supply sound (DVD screen DVD players, front loaders, speakers, amps, etc.) Car security, Central-locking kits

Parts Sales We offer a wide variety of services for almost any vehicle. Our company has 32 years of Auto Electrical experience under our belt and provide a professional service to all our customers.

• Lounge Suite/ Sofa • Cleaning 6 Seater • Cleaning N$450, • Mattress Cleaning N$300, • Carpet Cleaning N$300 per room.

Julie Auto Electric & Sound CC Tel: 264 64 205 233 Fax: 264 64 207 559 James / Renaldo Julie 081 269 3443 / 081 284 1788

Advertise your business here! Contact our friendly staff for assistance in placing your advert 064 200 497

Contact: 0816386318


WEDNESDAY Boerbrakke with Curry Mince Mixed Vegetables Epic Greek Salad

Electrical Wholesalers CC2007/0393 For allFAX : 064 278201 your Electrical supplies

Auto Electric Rewiring and auto electrical repairs on all passenger and heavy duty vehicles. Starter, alternator repairs and replacement. All electrical repairs, vehicle diagnostics for most vehicles. Vehicle monitoring systems (passenger, Heavy duty, truck trailers, cranes and much more. Engine monitoring and shut down systems.


Debtors, Creditors, Bank Recons, Fixed Assets, Payroll Assistance, Management Accounts, VAT & Tax Returns


234 Theo-Ben Gurirab Street, Walvis Bay Tel: 064- 200888 Fax: 064- 200840 Cicero- 081 122 7654 Bennie- 081 204 3885



Mago Atjar Macoroni & Cheese with Bycon Bits Carrots & Potatoes Sweet & Sour Cucumber Salad

Tel: 064-277750 Fax: 064-277751 Email: Hage Geingob Street, Walvis Bay


Steak with Chees & Mushroom Sauce Potato Wedges Grilled Baby Marrows Chocolate Mouse


PLEASE NOTE Menus might have to change slightly, depending on availability of products and produce Contact us to order your dinners online or by telephone 081 351 5812 Deliveries will only be in Walvis Bay

Theo Ben Gurirab Str. & Hanna Mupetami Road P.O.Box 499, Walvis Bay

Phone +264 64 205136 • Fax +264 64 205137

|1 Thursday, 15 27 Autust June 2013 20132013 Thursday, 2013totoWednesday, Wednesday,0321July Autust

Thursday, 32 | Sport 11 July 2013


Sponsored by keeping the connection

Gymnasts Going to World Age Group Championships

This November the Namibian Gymnastics Federation (NGF) Trampoline and Tumbling division (T&T) are going to the World Age Group Championships. Seven of Namibia’s top ranked T&T gymnasts will be winging their way to Bulgaria to compete against

the world’s best in the FIG 22nd World Age Group Championships that will be taking place in the Arena Armeec in Sofia, Bulgaria from 14 – 17 November 2013. This is highlighted as the “event of the year” on the FIG calendar. All eligible countries are expected

to be in attendance, which should place more than 160 competing gymnasts in this prestigious event in the disciplines of Trampoline, Tumbling, Double-mini Trampoline and Synchronised Trampoline. From Walvis Bay Gymnastics Club, Vaughn Ahrens, Tuyeni Jaksta, Lance Potgieter and Charlise van Zyl are going. Reinhardt van Zyl and Jivanka Kruger will represent Excelsior Gymnastics Club while Moira Gymnastics Club is sending Hennie Du Buisson. The gymnasts that will be

attending are no strangers to international competition and are highly respected in their field both in Southern Africa and the African Continent, which the UAG (United African Gymnastics) presides over. At the 2012 All African Championships, which took place in Pretoria, South Africa, the seven top T&T African countries affiliated to the UAG were in attendance, with more than 80 gymnasts competing for the coveted title of All African Champion 2012. This year’s World Age Group

Game On between Squash Players

Team was part of the NGF delegation last year as well. Each one of them placed in their respective events, with the boys’ team from the Walvis Bay Gymnastics Club walking away with the title of All African Boys Team Champions, while Jivanka Kruger took the Title of All African Double Mini Trampoline Girls Champion, ranking them amongst the best on the African Continent. The gymnasts have also participated in the SA Games, which take place at various locations around South Africa each year, and have time and

again proved that they are amongst the best in Africa, all of them bringing home medals. The entire group of gymnasts is trying their best to get together the funds needed for the trip. Cost per gymnast is totaling between N$30 000 and N$35 000. Some gymnasts pay more than others as they are taking part in more codes. The various Gymnastics Clubs on behalf of the NGF World Age Group Team kindly ask any companies or individuals interested in sponsoring a gymnast to contact the respective Club.







H.LOHMEIER With the penultimate and final rounds looming it is going to be a close call in both groups, as a small slip up by the current leaders could easily see them slide into second slot. So, it’s Game On on Wednesday and Friday. Rest assured that it is definitely going to provide the spectators with some hard, competitive and entertaining Doubles Squash. The results for Wednesday 7 August were as follows: GROUP A Fuel Pump Repairs Africa [Jaco/Cliffy] beat Woermann Brock Hardware & Building Supplies [Danie/U.R. Gudman] 3-2. Supa Surge [Ze/Serg] beat Match Point [Imanue/ Phillip] 3-2. EAE Sparky’s [Michi/ Trev] beat Bossies [Dirk/ Leslie] 3-0. Michi/Trevor played their normal

power generated game, forcing Dirk/Leslie to find the tin on umpteen occasions. Beauty & the Beat [Jenny/ Warren Deysel] beat Coastal Car Hire [Martin/ Henning] 3-1. For the first timer in Doubles, Warren did well. Him and Jen had the Beat and played a beautiful game. GROUP B Stingray [Jaco/Raymond] beat Sambojo [Sam/Joe] 3-0. Sibling Rivalry [Andre/ Anina] beat Matt & Annie [Stefan/Anneke] 3-1. Magic Ties [Poena/ Cabous] beat WiFii [Tiny/ Lindz] 3-2. What a tough match, but nothing comes between families. Team MJ [Morne/ Brandon Grane] beat Steel Africa [Chris/Doyle] 3-2. Brandon rose to the occasion and aided Morne to a good hard fought victory.

The Points to date: GROUP A Fuel Pump Repairs Africa – 25; EAE Sparky’s – 22; Supa Surge – 21; Match Point – 17; Beauty &

the Beat – 13; Bossies – 7; Coastal Car Hire – 7 and Woermann Brock Hardware & Building Supplies – 4.

The Sport Day

was aimed at team building and strengthening of ties and relationships between management and staff, and also just to have fun!!! We wish to thank the following sponsors who made our day a resounding success: Maersk Namibia Family Fresh Produce Cross Border Vehicle Trade Spot-On Protea Mining Chemicals Namib Independent

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