The namib independent issue 64

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Namib Independent Great news for the coast!

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Thursday, 22 August 2013 to Wednesday, 28 August 2013





Namib Naukluft Quarry Continues Operating Amid Damning Allegations Lavrenty Repin On 29 May this year, investigators working for the Ministry of Environment and Tourism submitted a report, of which a copy is in possession of the Namib Independent, on an illegal quarry mine run by Namibia Constructions Pty (Ltd) in the Namib Naukluft National Conservation Park.

According to the extensive report, the quarry was first opened in 1980 and was a government project to accommodate the construction of the Walvis Bay – Rooikop road. In 1993 Herma Brothers (Pty) Ltd came into agreement through a letter (also in possession of the Namib Independent) with the then Ministry of Wildlife, Conservation and Tourism to mine within the National Park on the condition that the state would receive royalties of N$1.00 per cubic meter and that all park regulations were adhered to.

At present Namibia Construction has taken over all operation at the large quarry, although their full involvement in the quarry is uncertain, while Herma Brothers (Pty) Ltd is currently dormant. According to the report an estimated profit of N$90 Million is reported by the investigators and yet not a single cent was paid to the state, as per the original agreement. One of the directors of Namibia Constructions, Mr K H Shultz, told the Namib Independent that Namibia Constructions (Pty) Ltd is mining on behalf of Herma Brothers (Pty) Ltd. However, according to a letter, a copy of which is also in possession of the Namib Independent, signed by director Mr H P Shultz in 1999, references to a change of ownership from Herma Brothers to Namibia Constructions. Continued on Page 3

Ro-Ro Yo-Yos Dorcas Mhungu According to industry insiders, car imports - the fastest growing cargo segment at the Walvis Bay Port - are plummeting following the introduction of additional charges for goods coming packed in the imported vehicles.

Earlier this year Namport introduced additional charges for goods that are transported inside imported vehicles, which many importers have claimed to have tripled their costs, making the entire exercise too costly to continue. Continued on Page 3

Thursday, 22 August 2013

2 | News


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Namib Independent is published by Halfround Communications CC. All rights are reserved. Whilst every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained within, no liability can be accepted by the publishers or contributors for any errors, misstatements or omissions which may have occurred. The opinions expressed in the publication are not necessarily those of the publishers. Also, the publishers accept no legal liability regarding copyright ownership for material which was supplied directly to the publishers by any of the advertisers or contributors.

Thursday, 22 August 2013

News | 3

Namib Naukluft Quarry Continues Operating Amid Damning Allegations Continued from Page 1

The report claims that this letter is forged and was used by Namibia Constructions to mislead the explosion division to get access to buy explosives that they allegedly used at the quarry. Furthermore, the quarry is allegedly operating without an Environmental Clearance Certificate, mandatory for all mining operations. This clearance is necessary as it assesses the damage, which the quarry may have on the environment. Mr Shultz said that they have applied for the Certificate, but the Ministry

Ro-Ro Yo-Yos Continued from Page 1

has apparently halted its approval as it continues the investigation. Mr Colgar Sikopo, Director of Parks and Regional Services at the Minisry of Enviroment and Tourism, confirmed that an investigation was on-going but could not comment further. Mr Shultz mentioned that they “are hoping for negotiations (with the Ministry)” but haven’t been officially approached as of yet. When asked if Namib Construction has a Claim or Mining License Mr Shultz

A business insider recently said that over the past two months the number of vehicles coming through Walvis Bay had dropped by around 40 percent. The leading importers of second-hand vehicles (mainly from the UK) through the port, Zambia and Zimbabwe, are said to be favouring the Port of Durban while other countries are opting for Mozambique and Tanzania as viable alternatives. Liz Sibindi, Corporate Communications Manager at Namport,

claimed to have “what the law says”. Commissioner Shivolo of the Ministry of Mines and Energy said he was aware of the matter but left no comment. At this moment it is still

said it appeared that during March following the announcement, imports of second-hand vehicles did drop, but that after clarification of the additional charges to the industry players, these figures saw an upturn again in April this year. The import figures have however normalised since April and are reflective of the month running up to the announcement. However, industry insiders continue to argue that the downward trend is ongoing and that if the matter persists

unclear who the real owners of the quarry are, how Namibia Construction came into running it and, if the allegations hold, how this went unnoticed for the better part of the last ten years.

many clearing agents that had opened up in Walvis Bay to capitalise on the growth of the sector over the last few years would be the first ones to feel the pinch. The boom over recent years in car imports coupled with stringent clearing procedures have also presented additional challenges to the Walvis Bay Municipality. Kevin Adams, Manager Public Relations & Customer Service at the Municipality of Walvis Bay, said it is now difficult to ensure that the imported cars leave

town within the specified time because most clearing agents have offices in town although it is mandatory for them to provide proof of stock yards in the industrial area. “Although agents maintain that the vehicles are driven out of town as soon as they are cleared, this does not always appear to be the case. This creates a problem as there are not enough public toilets and parking space and the drivers often wash and service the vehicles in the street,” Adams said.

Erongo Fishing Donates Over 1.4 Million Cans of Fish for Drought Relief Tanya Calitz Erongo Fishing Enterprises donated 60 302 cartons of canned fish, which will be delivered to people suffering from the drought crisis that hit Namibia this year. The donation ceremony was hosted at Etosha Fishing premises

on Tuesday, with special guests, Minister of Fisheries, Bernard Esau; new Managing Director of Erongo Fishing Enterprises, Muetulamba Shingenge Haipinge; and Erongo Region Governor Cleophas Mutjavikua. Fisheries Minister, Bernard Esau, allocated 4 300 tons of quota to Erongo

Minister Esau Loading the last Pallet of fish onto truck

Fishing Enterprises for the sole purpose of using the profits from that catch to buy canned fish and sending it to the people affected by the terrible drought. The Minister loaded the last pallet of canned pilchards onto the first truck at the donation ceremony on Tuesday. “Management must ensure that this product reaches the people it was intended for. Our people are starving, and therefore we must safeguard the delivery of the fish to the vulnerable,” Esau said. “Once we caught the Horse Mackerel quota, it was sold and the profit from the catch was used to buy Lucky Star canned fish from Etosha Fishing,” said Erongo Fishing Enterprises’ General Manager, Mr Calie Jacobs. According to Jacobs, just to give one an idea of the load size, a total of 22 trucks will make its way to the areas affected to deliver the 62 300 cartons of fish.

Etosha Fishing MD Pieter Greeff, New Erongo Fishing MD Haipinge, Minister Esau, Governor Mutjavikua and Calie Jacobs

Thursday, 15 August 2013

4 | News

Obeco Officially Open in Walvis Bay Staff Reporter

Obeco, one of Namibia’s leading brands as a specialist company in tiles, sanitary ware and plumbing services to the trade sector opened doors in Walvis Bays Town Centre on Friday evening. Speaking at the launch event for the trade, National Sales Director, Mr Stephan Gradtke expressed his delight at the prospects facing the newly furbished Walvis Bay showroom. “Walvis Bay and indeed the coast is currently undergoing a massive growth phase in so many sectors which creates significant potential in the building market, which we are a part of" he said. Obeco stock leading international product ranges across the board, and they are keen to introduce these to the local market. "We are here to support the local industry and architects by helping them offer greater solutions to help their client’s ideas and creativity become reality,” explained Gradtke. Originally established in 1964 in Windhoek Obeco is no stranger to the coast as it also has a branch in Winter Street, Swakopmund. “Walvis Bay developers, builders architects, interior designers and even retail customers are now able to benefit from the company's highly specialised service and technical advice to our clients, which remains our key factor in the company’s ongoing success,” said Gradtke.

15 Litres Free Water Per Person Per Day

Dorcas Mhungu The Municipality of Swakopmund and Walvis Bay are aware of plans to provide subsidised water to needing households but as of yet no directives or guidelines have been received from the Ministry of Regional & Local Government, Housing and Rural Development. A spokesperson in the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry, Tomas Ukola, explained the subsidy scheme is intended for poor households, in all urban and rural areas. Each person resident in qualifying households will be allocated 15 litres per day, irrespective

of age. “In terms of compliance, it is premature for us to outline the specifics of how local authorities will ensure compliance, but certainly, thorough measures for compliance will be collectively developed in due course,” Ukola said. C o m m e n d i n g Government for finally putting to action an initiative that the Association of Local Autorities (ALAN) has been lobbying for, acting CEO Kambala said local authorities will take a leading role in identifying households really in need of the subsidised water, a task she says is difficult. “We also expect

that through the existing instruments like the TIPEEG and the upcoming Mass Housing Initiative Government will provide capital project funding to upgrade bulk service infrastructure in local authorities,” Kambala added. Commenting on how the Association will ensure the program is carried out successfully, Kambala said ALAN has regular learning and exchange forums. Use is also made of the line ministry and they are working very closely with the association of municipal professionals (NALAO – Namibian Association of Local Authority Officials), which supports ALAN at technical level and provides technical information to raise advocacy issues. Arandis Town Council CEO Florida Husselman said, as far as the numbers of beneficiaries are concerned, the Council will be doing a thorough screening exercise in order to ensure that those that are in real need are the ones that will benefit from this subsidy. “We are anticipating a figure of about 120 people that will benefit from this initiative,” she told Namib Independent.

Thursday, 22 August 2013

News | 7

Extraordinary Zapp Family drove from Argentina to Coast in their 1928 Car

Tanya Calitz The astonishing Zapp family has been travelling the world for the past 13 years in a very unique style, growing their family as they track the globe. Herman and Candelaria Zapp embarked on their journey 13 years ago as a childless couple, thinking it would last only 6 months. Since then, they have had four children and travelled to over 40 countries. This unique pair laid eyes upon each other for the first time when Candelaria was 8 and Herman 10 years old. “We started out as best friends and used to page through books and magazines discussing all the places we would travel to one day,” Candelaria told the Namib Independent in the kitchen of their host family, the Dreyers in Walvis Bay. They became an official couple in their early teens and later on got married. “The

initial idea was to backpack from Argentina to Alaska for 6 months, but it ended up taking us nearly 4 years,” Herman said. The travellers started running out of money before even reaching the United States of America and had to find a way to make some money to continue their journey. “I discovered that I had a talent for painting and Herman for making frames, so we would sell our framed artwork wherever we’d go,” said Candelaria. During their pilgrimage Candelaria fell pregnant and gave birth to their first child, Pampa, in North Carolina. Once they reached their destination Alaska, both Candelaria and Herman soon felt very depressed and decided that the journey had actually just begun. They went back to Argentina and wrote their first book, Dream Chaser, which made the best sellers’ list on International Book

Fair of Costa Rica. Since then they have also written another best seller, Spark Your Dream, which along with human generosity has funded their trip around the globe. After returning to Argentina, the Zapp’s welcomed the second child, Tehue. Their third child and only girl, Paloma, was born in Canada, and the fourth and last child, Wallaby, was born in Australia. In the past 13 years the Zapp’s have travelled South America, Central America, Australia, South East Asia, New Zeeland, North America, South Korea, Canada and China. Their present mission is to cover the African continent, and currently they have come as far as Walvis Bay, Namibia. “We are loving Africa so far. Our aim was to be in South Africa for only 2 months, but we ended up travelling there for 11 months, before we entered Namibia a few weeks back. We had a lovely long

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and unexpected stay with a family in Sossusvlei, and by the looks of it we will surely be in Namibia for longer than intended,” said Herman. When asked which country stood out for them the most, he closed his eyes and thought for a moment. “When I close my eyes and think back on all our adventures and experiences, all I see are people, not countries. I cannot single out one single country, only experiences,” Herman said. According to Candelaria, 90% of the time they stayed with families on their journeys. “We are continuously surprised by the generosity and good nature of people. We have met the most amazing, helpful people on our journeys,” she said. The Zapp’s plan to go to Botswana next in their 1928 Graham-Paige car, which they bought for $4 000 dollars before embarking on their first journey from Argentina. You can read more about their journey on , and buy their book online from Kalahari. com and You can also click on the Namib Independent Facebook page to find the You Tube video, Flia Zapp Argentina to Alaska.

“Piece of Cloth” The Cause of Woermann & Brock Bakery Fire

Single Chinese Company in Line For N$3 Billion Namport Tender Staff Reporter On Monday Namibia Ports Authority (Namport) officially announced in a press statement that China Harbour Engineering Company Ltd. (CHEC) is the only company that has reached the final Financing Evaluation stage of the over N$3 billion tender for the construction of the new container terminal on reclaimed land in Walvis Bay. Chief Executive Officer Bisey /Uirab said the formal opening of the commercial envelope of single tenderer, CHEC, was done on Friday, 16 August at Namport Head Office in Walvis Bay in the presence of companies that had reached and passed the Technical Evaluation section. The statement said seven

Belgium.) /Uirab said the next section of the tender evaluation process (commercial and financing) is now underway. The new and modern terminal will be built on 40 hectares of land reclaimed from the sea. The expansion project is one of Namport’s mega projects and the new terminal will add 600m of quay length to the existing 1500m and 650 000 Twenty Foot Equivalent Unit (TEU) to the existing 350 000. TEU is the standard unit for describing a ship's cargo carrying capacity, or a shipping terminal's cargo handling capacity. The new terminal will also create additional capacity for all port operations to cope with the increase in cargo coming through.

companies had presented formal bids by the deadline in February this year but one of them, RMB Consortium made up of various financial institutions (First National Bank Namibia, Rand Merchant Bank Namibia, Standard Bank Namibia, Rand Merchant Bank and Standard Bank South Africa) was not a compliant tender. The other bidders who got blown away by the tender inspecting process were; 1. Sinohydro Corporation Limited (China), 2. Construtora Oas S.A. (Brazil), 3. China Gezhouba Group Company Limited (China), 4. Walvis Bay Harbour Contractors 5. CCC-STFA-JDN Consortium (Consolidated Contractors Company of Greece, STFA of Turkey and Jan de Nul N.V. of

Lavrenty Repin A small misplaced trifling cloth caused a sudden fire at the Woermann & Brock bakery located in Hidipo Hamutenya Street in Swakopmund’s industrial area. It is presumed that one of the bakery employees inadvertently left the cloth on top of the channelling exhaust system, subsequently covering it, which caused the oven to overheat. The cloth then caught fire, which

Swakopmund Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed 66 64 67 71 71 70 68








Walvis Bay 22-28 August 2013

Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed 66 64 67 69 70 69 70








began spreading along the chimney. According to Woermann & Brock bakery manager, Mr Andre Forbs, the damage caused was estimated at around N$5000, but it could very nearly have been much worse. Mr Forbs praised the swift response of the fire brigade, who he says “arrived within minutes of being called” and the well-trained security guards on duty who immediately used the fireextinguishers at the bakery to subdue the flames.





Sun Mon Tue Wed

06:34 17:40 04:45 11:14 17:06 23:28

06:35 17:41 05:44 12:13 18:04 ---:---

06:34 17:41 00:21 06:28 12:56 18:47

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06:33 17:42 01:36 07:34 14:02 19:53

06:32 17:42 02:08 08:04 14:31 20:23

06:32 17:42 02:39 08:33 15:00 20:53

BEST FISHING TIMES 17:38 05:12 05:56 06:31 07:02 13:59 14:28 18:40 06:16 07:00 07:35 08:06 15:03 15:32

Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Cape Town

57/45 62/49 63/49 68/52 61/52 61/52 60/51

Johannesburg 71/46 66/49 67/49 69/50 71/52 75/53 76/52 Port Elizabeth 61/47 64/49 65/50 68/57 74/54 69/53 69/32 Durban

64/46 70/50 77/53 77/53 72/57 82/60 83/29


88/56 84/55 90/57 89/59 87/59 88/58 88/57


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Thursday, 22 August 2013

8 | News

Alcohol Primary Cause of Social

Ills on Coast

Dorcas Mhungu On Saturday, the Swapo Party Youth League Saturday brought together members of the community, civic leaders and industry executives to brainstorm and propose tangible solutions to the social rot driving youths to commit crime in Erongo region. The meeting was held at the Kuisebmond Municipal Chambers. Cde Laina Shipange, Erongo Regional Secretary for Swapo Party Youth League (SPYL) said the objective of the meeting is to cultivate synergy among the Erongo region leadership in order to tackle the social evils that have become a thorn in the flesh for the communities. Contributors to the deliberations tended to agree that society is to blame for creating environments that have fuelled crime perpetrated by youths on youth. “We called for this meeting to develop knowledge and understanding of the crime rampant in the region in order to assist the law enforcement agents to handle the social menace more effectively,” said Shipange. Regional councilor of the urban constituency Walvis Bay and Chairperson of Erongo Regional Council Hafeni Ndemula attributed the cause of crimes to upbringing, exposure and other circumstances that prompt the execution of criminal activities. He said it is painful to see children who should be studying, patronising shebeens late at night. “A lot needs to be done to have a crime-free Erongo region and this is only achievable if evil elements are removed from the society.” Hamufeni lambasted parents who leave children unattended at home, preferring to drink at the shebeens until early morning hours. He said laws and regulations that deter commission of crime must be implemented and enforced to yield positive results and enforcement agents must not be lenient.

Reiterating Hamufeni, Cde Philip Heita, Swapo Regional Coordinator, said his biggest concern is alcohol and drug abuse by the youth in Namibia. He said in the high density areas, children are still out on the streets late at night enjoying themselves and roaming around holding liquor bottles and yet the law does not allow them to do it. “We as parents are the ones also sending the children to buy liquor for us. Comrades, I have a problem with shebeens in the community. Shebeens run in the houses. Our children are growing up with this mentality of selling alcohol even at home and they are not having time to study. My question is why this is only happening in Kuisebmond but if you go to residential areas in town you do not find the same thing happening there? In the town residential areas it is quiet but always on Fridays you see trucks delivering loads of beer and punya punyas (wines) to the locations and Kuisebmond, to do what?" Heita asked. “Their parents were there, near them, but in the shebeens and they allow them to go out with their friends and kiss one another. We parents buy cell phones for our children under 16. Our children now cook with the headphones on. I said no to my daughter and told her that she had to first make food without the phone. Children eat while chatting on the phone and under our nose tell their lovers that, "now I have given my father and my mother some food then after ten minutes I will sneak out". The reality is we are not controlling our children,” he said. He urged for stricter controls in the issuing of licences, adding that if the situation is not controlled there will be no future leaders for Namibia. “Tomorrow the imperialist will come back to this country if we are not vigilant. Namibia is independent now and we are now fighting for economic independence and the future of this country is in the hands of

our children. If we do not prepare them to take over from us the reigns of leadership, the imperialist will come back and take over this country. This a serious matter.” The Mayor of Walvis Bay, councillor Uilika Nambahu attributed baby dumping cases to men because they are not taking responsibilities for the girls they impregnate. “Imagine carrying the baby for nine months and getting no answer. The evil act is already engineered in the mind at the thought of rejection. When the woman is over-powered by the evil thought she aborts the pregnancy,” the Mayor said without mincing her words. She said such psychological trauma creates fertile ground for drug and alcohol abuse as children fail to cope with stress brought by circumstances that they find themselves in and hence the problems society now faces. School teacher Saidu Garbs blamed the modern parents who are lenient and do not question children when they bring home expensive gadgets. He regretted the disappearance of cultural norms and values over the years fuelled by lack of religious studies in schools. “Parents of today are copying and pasting European lifestyles and hence the lack of respect for elders," Garbs said. He attributed the passion killings to today’s relationships that are based on and founded on material possessions. Chief Inspector Muhita urged Government to review sentences which he said are too low and not deterrent. He also said cases of domestic violence are on the rise in Erongo region. Muhita said it was encouraging that men are coming out of their shells to report abuse by women in the homes. Although the youth league coordinated the meeting, the organisers called on all leaders irrespective of political affiliation and religion to come forward and get involved in finding the solutions to the worrisome criminal activities.

Thursday, 22 August 2013

10 | News

Namib Independent

e h t d l i h c Is your

? E R U T U F E H T F O E C FA y a d o T n o i t i t e p Enter Our Com

We are pleased to present the Face of the Future Facebook Competition. We are looking for the cutest, funniest and most heart-warming pictures of your little ones for our 2014 Calendar. To instil a positive outlook for long term future of the coast, we would like to find the faces that shall one day be our doctors, engineers, teachers, captains of industry, fire-fighters, community leaders and other vital endeavours, that shall shape yet another future for our next generation. We are keen to share with our readers and the community, what these future leaders look like today. From the many entries that we receive we shall whittle the pack down to 12 faces that shall be selected by our panel and the community through interactive mediums such as Facebook. These

12 finalists will feature on our 2014 Calendar, themed “The Face of the Future”. The 12 finalists will undergo a free professional photo shoot with the coast’s leading photographic agency, Photo Volker in Walvis Bay. Props, outfits, make-up etc. shall be planned and implemented by The Namib Independent Team. While the photographic shoot is specifically for the calendar, parents shall receive digital copies of the photo shoot coupled with a few printed copies. All voting shall be carried out via The Namib Independent’s Facebook page, where the community will have the opportunity to vote for their

round. submitted via email to helena@ favourites. The Namib Independent 8. 5 finalists shall be selected from shall however, print a selection of each round. All participants must ensure weekly entrants for the duration of 5. that they include their full name, 9. A final selection shall take place the competition. upon the completion of the round contact details, as well as child’s To enter, please email a stages and 12 finalists shall be (entrant) full name, age and town. photograph and the full contact chosen to feature in the calendar. Only the name and surname of details of you and your child to each child shall feature on any public platform including print and Rules and Regulations: online. 1. The competition shall take place between 22 August & 17 October 6. Entry periods shall be broken up into four rounds, each of which 2. The competition is only open to lasts only 2 weeks. During this local residents of Swakopmund, period only one entry per child Walvis Bay, Henties Bay and may be submitted. Arandis. 3. Participants must be between 1 7. If your child is not selected as a finalist for that round, you may and 8 years of age. resubmit your entry in the next 4. Photos of entrants must be

Thursday, 22 August 2013

News | 11

Blood Sport - Dog Fighting in Spotlight Again practice of dog fighting for profits has once again reared its ugly head in Narraville, Walvis Bay. After being out of the public eye According to the SPCA the practice continues for some time now, the inhumane to plague the coastal town. The Namib Independent was recently approached by a local resident, who has alleged that dog-fighting for profit is still being practiced on a regular basis. “A work colleague noticed an image on my computer, which is a photo of a lovely pit-bull terrier and made enquiries to adopt such a dog. I thought he was looking to adopt such a dog with the promise of giving it a good home. A while later he started to make references to some people in Narraville that invite (on a weekly basis) residents who own pit-bulls or similar dogs to engage in dog fighting with gambling rewards for winners and proclaimed he was interested. At Madelaine Laubscher


this stage I refrained from taking the conversation any further,” said the beleaguered woman. With every intention of collating enough physical evidence of the activity the woman elected to mislead her colleague into thinking that she was seeking to partake in the upcoming events. “I really wanted

the opportunity to be invited to a fight so that I could know exactly what was happening and ensure that an arrest could be made, but he was not taking the bait and became very suspicious of me from then on,” said the woman. In an interview with the local branch of the SPCA, they confirmed



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that the practice of dog fighting is one which is not going away. “Dog fighting is a problem in Walvis Bay and has been for a long time. At any stage we have a few cases under investigation. Right now our Kennel Master has a number of really strong leads and is hot on their trail,” said an SPCA employee.


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Thursday, 22 August 2013

14 | News

Desalination Plant to Benefit the Coast Lavrenty Repin

Last week Wednesday, the Desalination Plant located between Swakopmund and Henties Bay officially opened. Its aim is to provide water to the Erongo Region, solving the looming water shortage within the area. The plant will begin its operation by providing water to Swakop Uranium’s Husab mine, Langer

Heinrich and Rossing mine, but by the end of the year it will hopefully be able to supply water to the coastal towns, too. An interim water supply agreement between NamWater, AREVA and Swakop Uranium is the first of a series of contracts that will allow the desalination plant to greatly contribute to the coastal towns’ water supply. By next year, the desalination plant will be capable

of producing up to 10Mm³ of potable water, almost the same amount that NamWater currently produces in the region. “Water is a very scarce resource in Namibia, and as investors in this beautiful country, SU are proud to be able to assist in alleviating any shortages in this resource and thus improving the quality of life of the people in this region” said Swakop Uranium CEO Zheng Keping.

NamWater - Dr Kuiri Tjipangandjara (General Manager of Scientific and Engineering Services); Mr Zheng Keping (CEO Swakop Uranium); Francois van Dyk (Acting Mine Manager, AREVA Namibia); Hilifa Mbako (Managing Director AREVA Namibia); Dr Kuiri Tjipangandjara (General Manager of Scientific and Engineering Services at NamWater) and Deon Garbes (Swakop Uranium)

we've got


Government Must

Invest More in Youth It would be great if the government invested more of its money in the future of the youth... instead of promoting equality they are clinging on to past injustices and this is causing a standstill that is affecting the nation’s children. What about using taxpayer’s money to build schools that are focussed on integration? What about teaching the children about different cultures and traditions so that they can understand and learn about each other? How about teaching the Constitution in schools? Does this topic have anything to do with Industry? Maybe not, but not everyone is an entrepreneur and Namibians should become aware of the unemployment

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problem in our country and focus more on subsistence farming to sustain their families instead of robbing and thieving from tourists and tax-payers. If Namibia wants the world's attention and more investors then surely stability should be its aim. Peace in any country is attractive to anyone. I am probably a day-dreamer but politicians aren't taking to the streets and aren't contributing to the whole of the population, they are just taking care of their personal and immediate needs without any future (long-term) goals in sight that can benefit the whole country. I feel sorry for our children. Danielle Meyer


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On what day of the week is the Namib Independent newspaper available? Competition ends: 29 August 2013 T&C’s Apply

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Thursday, 22 August 2013

News | 15

Literacy Trust Gives the Haven N$43 200 Tanya Calitz The Namibian Literacy Trust (NLT) provided The Haven in Walvis Bay with a generous piece of their Development Fund. This should help the domestic training centre to move forward. The Haven is a training institution for domestic workers, which has been running on the coast for some time. The team has in the past two years worked very hard to get more credibility for their institution by getting it registered as a training centre through the Namibian Training Authority (NTA). “Currently we are in the final phase of getting the institution registered as a training provider for domestic workers. We have employed an Admin Consultant to bring all our training procedures and policies together to comply with the NTA’s criteria for our final audit in becoming a registered training institution,” The Haven

Manager, Gillian Van Lingen, explained. According to Van Lingen NLT is the first major development partner to come on-board. The funds donated by them is exactly what The Haven needed to push this project forward. “By receiving this money we can now employ a full time trainer to teach subjects such as domestic science, cleaning, cooking, nutrition, office cleaning and nanny training,” she described. “We believe that The Haven is doing a great job in improving people lives in this community and on top of that, they are protecting their students in terms of employment benefits within their contract. Domestic workers are normally the most overlooked employees and The Haven makes everyone realise that they are as important as any other occupation. It is a good platform to make people know that domestic work is a profession,” said

Namibian Literacy Trust Project Manager, Nanguloshi Hamwaalwa. According to Hamwaalwa, Walvis Bay is fortunate to have such an opportunity thanks to the most hard working Project Coordinator, Gillian Van Lingen. “The whole community should put their hands together to fight illiteracy in the country. With adults we can only do it with work place literacy and functional literacy through CBOs (Community Based Organisations) and civil societies. These are the people that work at the grassroots level,” she said. NLT is assisting Michelle Training Centre in Kuisebmund, who offer classes in English, Afrikaans, Computer Literacy, Tailoring and Sewing. NLT also supports the inmates of Walvis Bay Prison, who receive stationary in their literacy programmes. “We have now entered a new period of growth and also expanded our training

Michelle Wilson (Admin Consultant) Gillian Van Lingen, Frieda Nangolo (NLT officer), Nanguloshi Hamwaalwa

facility at our headquarters in Hage Geingob Street,” Van Lingen said very eagerly and motivated by the progress and growth. Once

the Haven is registered and recognised as an accredite Training Provider, they will be the first of its kind in all of Namibia.

Swakopmund Artist Creations Seen From Space Lavrenty Repin Imke Rust, a Swakopmund artist, was surprised to find that her 2012 environmental art project Salt-Circles, part of the “Infinite Scream” collection, is large enough to be seen from Google Earth’s satellite and incidentally from the outreaches of space. It is a project that was produced as an environment-protective symbol, consisting of six perfect, lonely circles of varying size made out of salt, located somewhere in the barren desert of the Namibian coastline. “circles symbolise harmony and the divine, and the six concentric circles should remind of the ripple effect that makes the energy move outward,” says Imke. “Salt has always been attributed for its protective and healing powers.” Imke insists that she

wasn’t wholly concerned with who would see the project, which was her secondary motive. Primarily the project was about the intentions behind it. “So it was a big and happy surprise when I realised that Google had updated their images and my work is so clearly visible.” Imke isn’t really sure whether she’ll make another salt-circle project. As an artist she works from her heart and her desires at any given moment, which is one of the reasons for why her work maintains its authenticity. However, she may change her mind and continue in the salt-circle direction– the possibilities are endless. Her message is simple and honest: “We all can make a difference and we all leave traces through our actions and choices. Be conscious of that and make your life and energy count for what you believe in.

Somebody will witness the traces you leave.” As an avid activist for the preservation of our natural environment, Imke believes that everyone can make a little change. She mentions that doing nothing at all can make you feel useless and helpless, even if you don’t notice it at the time - but it is possible to change the world one step a time and that is exactly what she’s doing. Imke admits she hopes for the salt-circles to be more than just symbolic, she’d like to see if the old shamans and healers and myths maybe had some truth to it and that the intentions and energy set in this artwork will somehow really be a spiritual blessing and protection. “I guess that I will unfortunately never have a definite answer to that.”

Imke Rust is currently in Germany, working on a 45 minute documentary film about the whole coastal land art project and is absolutely excited about the film that will include a behind-thescenes look into her art projects. “I hope that the film will once again make people aware of the problems, but also that it will be interesting for people to see how I come up with my ideas,” Imke explains. She hopes to screen it in Swakopmund at the end of the year. Until then her art and the saltcircle are her weapon against the contamination and destruction of Namibia’s fragile eco-system, but ironically the salt-circles themselves are slowly dissolving, destroyed by the environment they set out to protect.

Thursday, 22 August 2013

18 | News

22 - 28 August

This week in Coastal History 22 August 1899 A small steam engine, to replace an animal-drawn trolley that transports passengers and goods between Walvis Bay Harbour and Plum Station near Rooikop, arrives at the port. The engine, named 'Hope', is eventually withdrawn from duty because the sand that is blown onto the tracks makes passage difficult. The steam engine, which still stands in front of the Walvis Bay Railway Station today, was declared a national monument in 1953.

23 August 1903 Gertrud Woermann One, a 1 743-ton steamship of the Woermann line, runs aground near Port Nolloth, South Africa, with no loss of life. A little more than a year later, a ship with the name Gertrud Woermann Two, also runs aground, this time north of Swakopmund.

23 August 1914 Moves are made to break up the first ten kilometres of the narrow-gauge railway line from Swakopmund to the interior following the outbreak of World War One. This is to prevent the South African forces 22 August 1997 Henties Bay is officially declared a from using the line for military purposes. municipality. 23 August 1915 Standard Bank opens a branch in 22 August 2011 Walvis Bay Municipality is declared Swakopmund. winner of the inaugural ICLEI Africa 23 August 2012 The UK-based interim power solutions (International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives Africa) Five provider Aggreko opens its doors at City Network Project competition, Walvis Bay. Aggreko is the global leader entitled Sub-Saharan Cities: A Five City in the rental of power and temperature Network to Pioneer Climate Adaptation control and offers specialist energy through Participation Research and Local solutions. The company provides power Action. The competition promoted climate backup to ships, mines, fishing factories adaption through a variety of different and the construction industry, amongst means. The project addressed knowledge, others. The service centre will be known resource capacity and networking gaps in as the Aggreko Namibia Energy Rental Office. the five selected sub Saharan African cities (Walvis Bay in Namibia; Cape Town in 24 August 2000 The village of Spitzkoppe, west of South Africa; Maputo in Mozambique; Dar es Salaam in Tanzania and Port Louis Usakos, is commissioned as a solar village. in Mauritius) over a three-year period The other solar villages in the country are (2009-2011). The main aim of the project Lianshulu in Caprivi and Onamunanamha is to assist, equip and strengthen local in the North. The solar village concept authorities and cities in their ability to plan was developed by UNESCO and aims at for, and adapt to, the threats and impacts bringing renewable energies to rural areas associated with different variables related which have no other access to energy. They are excluded from the national grid directly to climate change. either because of distance or cost. 23 August 1893 25 August 1906 The first notable landing of people The narrow-gauge railway line between and goods at Swakopmund is recorded Tsumeb and Swakopmund is taken into when the ship Marie Woermann offloads use. The 60cm wide line from Tsumeb 120 German troops (Schutztruppe) and over Otavi, Otjiwarongo and Omaruru to 40 settlers with their goods, including Swakopmund, was built to carry copperbreeding stock. bearing ore.

Swakop Uranium Sponsorship

to Union under Spotlight Tanya Calitz A recent press release extoling the virtues of a sponsorship / donation by Swakop Uranium to the Mine Workers Union of Namibia (MUN) could have left the company with egg on its face. If the donation is viewed in a broader context of a recently negotiated settlement between the two parties, it all seems rather dodgy. A while ago the company

released a press release stating that they had reached an agreement with the Mine Workers Union on wage negotiations, would will bring the 7% increase into effect from 1 July. According to Percy McCallum, Swakop Uranium’s Director of Human Resources, the negotiations with the employee representatives and the MUN were conducted in good spirit. Conversely, eyebrows were

raised as the company made public that is had donated N$23 000 to the same union the very week later, and members of the press raised questions as to the legitimacy of the negotiating process. In a statement made by MUN to a national newspaper, when queried about the authenticity of the donation, MUN President Ismael Kasuto denied that the donation could be constituted as a bribe; saying that the Union was guided by principles that could not be compromised. The perception of a bribe is magnified, though, against a backdrop where Swakop Uranium has had accusations of ill treatment of its employees levelled against them before. The Namib Independent approached Swakop Uranium asking whether they agree that by making such a donation to a union that has been created specifically to ensure the fair treatment of its members, Swakop Uranium is opening itself up to scrutiny and criticism. Grant Marais, Swakop Uranium’s Director of Communication and Stakeholder Relations, acknowledged the fact that they provided financial assistance for a capacity workshop for the union’s shop stewards. “The intention of the sponsorship was to support the development of the union’s shop stewards, which is aligned with Swakop Uranium’s Human Resources Strategy to support the education of Namibians across the board,” Marais stated. Marais also said that the donation to MUN should be seen in a ‘positive light’. However, the donation does seem somewhat contrary to fairness and to maintaining the Unions’ ability to act entirely impartially.

Thursday, 22 August 2013

News | 19

Vuurwerke Spat

by Sarah se Gat

Madelaine Laubscher Die gewilde kuierplek, Sarah se Gat was Saterdag aand omtrent in rep en roer toe 'n groep mans vuurwerke buite die baie bekende en gewilde kroeg skiet. Volgens ‘n ooggetuie was die mans behoorlik opgewerk en onder die invloed toe hulle die klappers en vuurwerke laat afgaan. “Hulle het dalk gedink dit is een groot grap, maar ons het definitief nie so gedink nie.

Dit wat hulle gedoen het was uiters gevaarlik,” sê die ooggetuie. Die ooggetuie beweer dat die eieneaar gevra het dat die mans hulle streke moet laat staan, maar dit het hulle net verdere motivering gegee, om ‘n laaste paar klappers by die kroeg integooi. Een van die klappers het 'n kroegdames teen die been getref en gebrand. “Die mans het wel klappers by die kroeg ingegooi, maar so ver ek weet het sy nie seergekry nie,” sê bestuurder Grant Boulle. “Ek voel net dat sulke gedrag nie aanvaarbaar is nie, en dat dit die reputasie van Sarah se Gat kan skade doen. Sulke voorvalle bederf die aangename atmosfeer by Sarah se Gat,” voeg die gereelde kroeg ondersteuner by. Sy het ook laat hoor dat dit slegte maniere is en nie gedult sal word nie. Volgens Boulle was dit ‘n afsonderlike voorval en nie die norm nie. “Niemand het seergekry nie, en die moeilikheid makers het dadelik hulle streke laat staan toe ons hulle vra om op te hou,” sê hy.

Thursday, 22 August 2013

20 | News

Nam and SA Ports Authorities Sign Co-operation Agreement Dorcas Mhungu Namibia Ports Authority (Namport) and Transnet Ports Authority (TNPA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding to support cooperation and build an understanding of the regional integration roles that the two organisations play. “As the economy of the region has matured tremendously since the heady days of freedom for South Africa, this

has placed demands on the infrastructure of all ports in the SADC region. The role played by South Africa – and those that supported her in her strive for freedom (and I include our own Founding President, Dr. Sam Nujoma as credit for that) - in stabilising our regional politics has enabled economic activity to make a quantum leap in the SADC region,” Namport’s Chief Executive Officer, Bisey /Uirab said at the signing ceremony in South Africa.


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experiences and exchange of technical expertise, particularly in relation to port management, port operations, port environment and security as well as training of employees. Information sharing will include policies on a wide range of topics relevant to activities of port authorities. These Namport CEO Bisey /Uirab (left) and Transnet CEO Tau Morwe include infrastructure /Uirab called Transnet a strategic neighbouring countries to both receive development, improving partner, assisting Namport to meet their imports and as a strategic gateway the port environment and waterfront for their exported products. Namport is commercial special skills needs. Namport has an increased demand entering a new phase in its existence, development, which will for special skills because of their with emphasis on cost efficiencies, help enhance trade and productivity and performance maritime services. infrastructure developments. The accord also means Although the region suffered from management. The MOU will assist us in that TNPA can access limited re-investment during the colonial our goals and in promoting our port,” the expertise of Namport, era there is a current need for regional /Uirab said. Speaking at the same occasion which it can apply to its integration. The ports need to cater for the encouraging growth that is being Transnet National Ports Authority ports. This is the second in experienced in the region, and averaging Chief Executive Officer Tau Morwe said, “Given the strategic similarities of a number of memoranda 6% per annum. /Uirab explained that Namibia, our respective ports from a geographic that TNPA intends to sign unlike South Africa, does not have the perspective and the proximity to with ports in Southern zones we recognise and Eastern Africa. The manufacturing and consumer depth that industrial enables South Africa to focus on the the importance of improving our first of these MOU’s was signed with Maputo Port relationship and collaboration.” needs of their own citizens. The collaboration is expected to Development Corporation “Rather, we have defined ourselves as an alternative for our landlocked result in the sharing of maritime in June.

Thursday, 22 August 2013

News | 21

Just Your Regular Water Buddy Lavrenty Repin “It’s not going to make me rich, but it satisfies a lot of people,” says Buddy Glover, a retired horticulturist, who for the past four years has been running the RO3 Water franchise in Walvis Bay and Swakopmund. What makes RO3 Water such an advantage for the coastal community is the complex purification system that the water goes through before it is sold and since consumers can re-use their own containers the water is a highly affordable and healthy alternative to tap-water or even other bottled water on the market. Before your container is filled, the water is sand and carbon filtrated, ensuring that all un-dissolved solids, pesticides and other organic chemicals are removed. This is done for particles of up to an impressive 1 micron or 0.001 millimetres! Thereafter a process of reverse osmosis, UV treatment and ozonation ensures that the water is safe and pure. Buddy pointed out that it is highly plausible that old houses can have unhealthy contaminated water due to rusty pipes; there is even a possibility that some old houses still use lead piping, which can be an extremely serious hazard. Also, the water at the coast is high in sodium, which is what makes it so hard – RO3 Water removes all sodium to restore the water to its purest form. RO3 Water is highly beneficial to people suffering from asthma, arthritis and many other common ailments. Buddy says he has a “soft spot” for this business, and is happy to divulge that patients who may only

drink purified water due to their illnesses often get water from him. He has also noticed a curious trend, where taxi drivers have created a secondary business for themselves by transporting water from his shop on Sam Nujoma Avenue to the Kuisebmund area; where water is in high demand. This is why Buddy Glover has collaborated with Mary Ankonga and they’ve set up a container in Kuisebmund so that the local community would

have easy access to affordable, safe and delicious water right in the heart of Kuisebmund. It has only been in operation for a couple of weeks, located in Foskaa Street, but they’re currently selling over 500 litres a day - and that number is on a rise. Buddy hopes that he can do the same for Swakopmund’s less privileged areas in the near future. To Buddy the water business is a “feel-good” kind of business and he encourages everyone to try out the healthier alternative – RO3 Water.

Thursday, 22 August 2013

22 | News

Animal Communicator visits the Coast Madelaine Laubscher Chantelle Meyburgh, wellknown Alternative Healer, Animal Communicator and Yoga teacher, will be hosting a workshop from 29 August until 7 September in Swakopmund. Chantelle Meyburgh is the founder of Source Integral Healing

and the SunKidz Programmes. She has spent the better part of the last 13 years travelling to various destinations in South Africa, Namibia and Zambia hosting talks, facilitating individual healing, and transformational workshops for adults and children. The Namib Independent had the chance to speak to Chantelle.

“For years, people believed that it is impossible to speak to animals, but I am hosting workshops to prove them wrong. Collectively our souls are all one, both humans and animals. It can be seen as a twoway process regarding animal communication. I call it 'pulses' that can be felt between me and animals

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when we communicate. We all have psychic abilities and therefore I teach yoga classes as well as animal communication workshops to help people get in line with their spiritual and psychic abilities. In these workshops I teach people how to talk to animals and heal themselves,” Chantelle said. Chantelle mostly speaks to lions, cheetahs, tigers and elephants and feels a very strong connection with cats. "When I am tuned into an animal, asking them questions, I receive answers from them in pictures, words and thoughts that flow into my mind," she explained. If the animal is feeling sick or something is wrong in its body, she will feel an uncomfortable feeling/pain in her body in the same place as the animal. "When I am communicating with an animal with a bone stuck in its tooth, I suddenly feel as though I have a piece of bone stuck in my tooth, enabling me to communicate this to the human" Chantelle laid out. Sometimes animals even show her how they became injured. "A dog showed me how he lost his leg when he was run over by a blue car. I could see this in my mind as if I was watching it happen in a movie. When my own cats talk to me, it’s as if I can hear their voices in my mind. They all sound different,” she said. Chantelle was asked when she first started communicating with animals. “I knew I could communicate with animals ever since I was born in 1966. I was told to never tell anyone, but in the year 2009 I decided to join Animal Communicator, Amelia Kinkade, in her workshops and since then I have been actively teaching people how to communicate with animals,” she said. Chantelle offers her clients simple, yet effective tools to find balance, inner peace and well-being by following some practical steps that will be shown in her workshops. Daily Yoga practice has also been part of Chantelle’s routine for a number of years. She soon realised that Yoga is a Master Key to deepen awareness and reveal the true inner Self. In January 2012, she fulfilled one of her dreams by going to India, the source of Yoga, to qualify as a Yoga teacher. Chantelle has appeared on national television and radio, and has been interviewed by a number of newspaper and magazine publications. “I believe in balanced living, giving back, loving all of creation, creative expression, empowerment through taking responsibility, and fitness of mind and body through Yoga and meditation,” she concluded.

Thursday, 22 August 2013

News | 23

Paramedics Face Needless Chaos Everyday

Lavrenty Repin Last week saw an alarming number of serious accidents, namely eight between Walvis Bay, Swakopmund and Usakos alone. Six people died since last week Thursday, and seven were injured. It was a busy and difficult week for the few emergency services operating out of Swakopmund and Walvis Bay, who are clearly overworked and probably underpaid but nonetheless continue their duty diligently. After a week from hell for rescue services, I sat down with Brendon Scott and Mark

Eadie, two senior E-Med Paramedics, to find out some of the challenges that they face in the line of duty. Only to discover that one of their worst obstacles is the public’s attitude towards emergency vehicles and practitioners on accident scenes. “Cars block our path and simply refuse to give way every single time we go out,” Brendon says. “In the past three years I can recall only one instance when all cars gave way to my ambulance travelling from Walvis Bay to Swakopmund.” The repercussions of such arrogant behaviour can be devastating: “We had patients die on us that would’ve

lived had we been there two minutes earlier! That’s all it takes. If we don’t get to a heart attack victim within literally 10 minutes, there is very little chance of him surviving,” they explain. For example, had they arrived merely five minutes later to an accident on Thursday night, according to Mark, there would have been an extra fatality added to the statistics. “Often the small unstable sedans will slow down and pull over to the shoulder while the comfortable SUV’s will completely ignore the sirens, even flip us off when we overtake.” Another prevailing problem is bystanders who flock to horrific accidents, rowdily taking pictures. When a paramedic is trying to assess the situation, save a life and keep the scene under control, the added stress could be catastrophic for his patient. Recently two mini-bus taxis stopped on the B2 road, allowing 60 people to crowd an accident scene. When asked to back away, they aggressively protested. Pictures of casualties are even uploaded on Facebook before the next of kin is informed. Such antisocial behaviour often leads to more grief than is necessary. The paramedics frequently get to accident scenes earlier than the police but since they are trying to save lives, they simply have no time to deal with intrusive bystanders. “What people don’t realise is that we’ve got the same legal powers as the police do – yet we don’t exercise them because for us




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the patient is much more important,” Mark points out. The problems just pile on as ambulances have to deal with cars tail-gating them, even following them through red lights. “When we have to do an emergency break, obviously the car behind will bump us – we have to stop, which means a patient somewhere is not being helped.” “We’ve noticed that the middle class are most likely to give us way, while the luxury cars and the lower class very often give us problems - BMW’s that decide to accelerate the moment we overtake try to race with us, you can even see the driver smiling; or taxi drivers taking chances tail-gating.” This seems to be a regular nuisance, but the consequences are deadly. “Imagine if it was your family in that situation, what you would do? There is no law for how many hours a week we should work! In peak season, it’s normal for us to go 48 hours straight on the job, we’re stressed enough as it is. Remember that it could be your family that’s in trouble,” the Paramedics stressed. If you purposely block an emergency vehicle, not only is it illegal and immoral but your absent-minded behaviour could very well be fatal. Respect the only people that you can always call when you’re in trouble; if you see sirens in your rear-view mirror, slow-down but don’t slam on the breaks, and give way by pulling over to the shoulder. It could mean the difference between life and death.


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Thursday, 22 August 2013 |1

24 | Lifestyle Thursday, 20 June 2013

mO Sshiwambo H I WA M B O Ewawa lyaangundjuka moSWAPO ya Unganeke oshigongi oku kondjitha Iikoya

Ewawa lyaagundjuka lyOngundu yoSWAPO molyomakaya oyali ya gongele aakwashigwana, aaniilonga, noshowo Aawiliki yomahangano, ya kuutumbe noku eta omadhiladhilo, noku monike ondunge yokukandulopo iiyetipo mbyoka tayi hingile aagundjuka yomErongo Region miikoya. Oshigongi osha ningilwa poombelewa dhaMuni mo Kuisebmund. Laina Shapange, ngoka eli amushanga gwewawa lyaagundjuka yoSWAPO mErongo Region okwa

ti elalakano lyoshingongi olyo oku eta po elongelokumwe mokati kaaleli moRegion mokukondjitha omauwinayi ngoka gi itilila oshitopolwa. Aakuthimbinga moonkundatha ayehe konyala oya tsu kumwe kutya ombedhi oyi shi ku yelwa oshigwana onga osho sha toto po onkalo ndjoka tayi hwahwameke iimbuluma tayi ningwa kaagundjuka. “otwi ithana oshigongi shika opo tu tseye noku uvako omukundu nguka gwiimbuluma, tu wape tu kwathele aakalekipo yoveta mokukondjitha

onkalo ndjika ya nyata,” Shapange ta ti. Kansela moshikandjohogolo sha Walvis Bay Hon Hafeni Ndemuula okwa holola kutya eputuko, niinima yilwe nayo ohayi fala miimbuluma. “ otwa pumbwa oku ikaleka kokule nomashongo ngaka, poompito dhimwe aalumentu oto adha ta faalelwa komadhiladhilo uuna a tala omukiintu a zala ombwila, nopoompito dhimwe oto adha aanona yaakadhona taya ekelehi uhanona wayo, molwashoka ya iludhikwa nokayena mpoka taya taalele ya yambidhidhwe.” Ndemuula

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ta tsikile. Okwa ti oshiyematithi okumona aanona aashona mboka peha lyokutokelwa momagumbo yo yi ilonge, oyo yelu taya landitha moondingosho mokati komausiku. “ opena oshindji sha pumbiwa okuningwa opo Erongo li kombwe iikoya, naashika otashi vulika ngele omashongo ngaaka ga kandulwamo moshigwana.” “Oshilonga shokundjitha uuwinayi inashi talika owala onga oshinakugwanithwa shEpangelo nenge shOpolisi. Otuna oku shi uvako kutya kapena ngoka te tu keelele momadhipago ganyanyalitha kakele ka tse yene. Ontseyo yomuule, ya mangathana neitulumo oya pumbiwa opo ku tonwe omauwinayi ngaka, haku kala owala omutumbu, nokuyedha omapulakata uule wesiku limwe, ashike nashikale oshinakugwanithwa sha kehe esiku.” Ndemuula okwa taka omunwe aavali mboka haya thigi aanona yaa he li metonatelo omanga yo taya ka nwa sigo okoongulasha. Ta ti oveta nomalandulathano ngoka taga yi moshipala iiyetithi yiimbuluma oya

pumbwa okuya miilonga yo nayi tompole sha, ta gunu aakalekipo yoveta yaa kale nohenda. Ta koleke oshitsa sha Ndemuula Phillip Heita omuunganeki gwoSWAPO moshitopolwa sha Erongo okwa ti ye tashi mu yemateke unene, omalovu nelongitho lyiingangamithi kaagundjuka yomoshilongo muka. Okwa ti momalukanda aanona otaya tokelwa momapandaanda sigo uusiku, taya pashiona owala nomakende giikolitha ashike oveta ando inayi shi utha. “ Ashike tse aavali otse tatu tumu aana yetu ye ke tu landele omalovu. Oohailwa ondina uudhigu noondingosho dhi itilila oshilongo shetu, oondingonsho shi li momagumbo, naanona taya putuka neputuko lyokulanditha omalovu peha lyokulesha. Epulo lyandje olin ihe mpaka kutya omolwashike mo Kuisebmund amuke? Oshoka omalukanda gamwe oga mwena ashike mo Kuisebmund omo ngaa?” Heita ta popi a lulilwa.

Ewawa lyaangundjuka moSWAPO ya Unganeke oshigongi oku kondjitha Iikoya

Ehangano lyo The Namibian Literacy Trust (NLT) oya gandja omagano omawanawa kendiki lya Haven mo Walvis Bay, onga onkambadhala yo ku li humitha komeho. Haven oyili endiki lyokudheula aaniilonga yomomagumbo, ndyoka lya kala miilonga uule wethimbo ngashingeyi komunkulofuta. Aaniilonga nkoka oya longo nuudhiginini oku likolela endiki lyawo ongushu pamukalo gwoku li nyolitha onga endiki lyomadhewo okupitila mo Namibia Trainning Authority (NTA). “Monena otuli ponkatu yahugunina okukala twa nyolitha endiki lyetu onga omudheuli gwaaniilonga yomomagumbo. Otwa konga ekwatho lyomunantseyo miikwambelewa opo etu yambidhidhe okutula po omilandu nomalandulathano gomadhewo getu, ga kale pamulandu gwa NTA.” Gillian Van Lingen omuwiliki gwa The Haven osho a holola ngaaka. Van Lingen okwa ti shika osho oshikando shotango, taya mono eyambidhidho lyoludhi nduka, na oshimaliwa sha gandjwa omagano okuza ko Namibia Literacy Trust shimwe shomiipumbiwa yawo mbyoka ya pumbwa okuhumitha komeho oshikonga shawo. “Moku mona oshimaliwa shika ngashingeyi otatu vulu nokuli oku kuta

omudheuli a longe iilongwa ngaashi o Dosmestic science, okwoopaleka, okuteleka, o nutrition, okwoopaleka moombelewa noshowo okulela uunona,” Van Lingen ta fatulula. Pahokololo lya Van Lingen oya kambadhalele nale nomaindilo kohengano ashike eyamukulo ewanawa olye keya owala oshikando oshitiyali. “Otu uvite kutya Haven ota longo oshilonga oshiwanawa okuhumitha komeho oonkalamwenyo dhaantu momudhingoloko, oshikwawo ishewe ota gamene aalongwa ye pamukalo gwokukwashilipaleka omauwanawa moolontalaka dhawo. Aaniilonga yomomagumbo olwindji iha ya talika, ashike Haven oku uvite kutya nayo aaniilonga owala ya fa aakwawo yomaithano galwe. Ndika olyo ehala ewanawa oku ulika kutya okulonga megumbo nako eithano.” Osho Nanguloshy Hamwaalwa ngoka eli omunambelewa omukuluntu mo Namibia Literacy Trust a ti. Ngashingeyi otwa Tameka oshikako oshipe shekoko na otwa nenepaleko ehala lyomadheulo ndyoka li li mo Hage Geingob Street,” Van Lingen ta ti. Shampa Haven a nyolithwa na NTA, ota kala oye endiki lyotango lyoludhi nduka moshilongo.

Thursday, 27 June 2013 Thursday, 2206 August 2013 2012 20 | Entertainment Thursday, December

Entertainment 37 25 Entertainment Entertainment || 37 Thursday, 24 January 2013


you to broaden your horizons and see life from a new SCORPIO perspective. YouSCORPIO may find that digging into your past connects you with values that life provide the right code of conductYou now.might Interests Family is boisterous and energetic. be doassociated travel, adventure, or study ing a lotwith of entertaining or have familymight and proceed friends come favorably, Be on the alert foryou've an unexpected offer cleaning or to stay. too. It's also possible that started spring opportunity couldtoopen a new door for Your social early andthat decided tackle the décor, There seem to be lifelucky gets up to speed. events or news associated with the home. It's possible you might get money out of the blue, perhaps from a family SAGITTARIUS member. An opportunity might look good, but you could stand to SAGITTARIUS lose more than you gain if you aren't careful. Otherwise, the All kinds of associations and relationships work for you this outlook for career matters is much enhanced as Mercury week. The people you meet or talk to may share information and Virgo move into the top spot of your chart. You might that's vital in helping you secure a job, contract, or move one be in the limelight, but this could be a good thing, espestep nearer a goal. There's also the possibility of a romance cially if it gets you noticed by key people. that happens out of the blue. There's a lot of chemistry in the air bringing folks together buzzing with excitement. CAPRICORN CAPRICORN It might be best to leave it for a few days and see how you Finances are looking perky, with a chance to get more earnfeelings. further down the line. On the other hand, a shrewd purYou might be in the mood to buy extra gadgets for the chase could net you a bargain. Relationships seem generally home, perhaps a new computer or something else that helps funmake and upbeat, and The yourmore socialthe lifemerrier is bubblier, You'llconlife easier. as fartoo. as you're findcerned. that you can further your practical and romantic goalsbeen You could be given a raise or find that you've by given tempering drive and ambition with charm grace. additional responsibility at work forand which you'll get more money. AQUARIUS AQUARIUS It could be time to celebrate a positive achievement. Things may seem surreal today, Aquarius, so don't take other Meanwhile, an upbeat aspect could bring a work people's chatter too seriously. This is a day to reach out and opportunity that includes the potential to earn more. Listen touch someone, so pick up the phone. It's a good day to share to your intuition on this, but go for it if it feels right. your dreams, no matter how farfetched they sound. Others Also this week, crucial information might come to light may look at you as if you have three heads, but as long as concerning joint financial affairs, enabling you to make the you're being honest with yourself, there's no reason to be shy right decisions. about sharing.

PISCES PISCES might in a more reflective as dethere's YouYou may havebe ample opportunity to mood, satisfyespecially your heart's a focus on your Your inner life isa important, sires. Influences arespiritual positivezone. for sharing time with loved that their includes your and self-talk, hopes, that dreams, and fantaone.and Enjoy company the pleasure togetheryou want exciting and positive things to happen nesssies. canIfbring. However, a strong desire for freedom could for you, you thentostart creating themroutine. in your Find head.a gentle You might compel break away from way get ideas about howand to you make more to honor this urge will not money only letoroffmake steamyour but home Go forany it! drastic measures. alsohomier. avoid taking

• • • • • • • • •

They have a lot of data, but they’re still clueless. A better model is just around the corner. They look nice and shiny until you get them home. It’s always essential to have a backup. They’ll do whatever you want if you push the right buttons. The best part of having one is the games you can play. In order to get their attention, you have to turn them on. The lights are on but nobody’s home. Big power surges knock them out at night. Size does matter.

• • • • • •

wrong, they always say ‘nothing’. They can produce incorrect results with alarming speed. They are always turning simple statements into big productions. Small talk is important. You do the same thing for years, and suddenly it’s wrong. They make you take the garbage out. Miss a period and they go wild.

But then again, here are the top ten reasons whySuduko they are is obviously easy to play and the rules are simple. Fill in the female. blanks so that each row, each column, and each of the nine 3x3


Humankind’s propensity for imposing anthropomorphic characteristics on inanimate objects has now reached computers. But, which gender should your PC be?

• •

Here are the top ten reasons why

grids contain one instance of each of the numbers 1 though 9.

3 8 They’re oh so picky, picky, picky. 3 9 7 They hear what you say, but Solution to Last Week's Suduko 5 4 6 not what you mean. Beauty is only shell deep. 8 7 3 4 8

2 4 6 3 4 to play and the2 rules 6 are simple. Fill in Suduko is easy the blanks so that each row, column, 5 each 1 8 and each of the nine 3x3 grids contain one instance of each of the 2 3

SUDUKO 6 8 9

numbers 1 though 9.

Daily Sudoku: Mon 14-Jan-2013

1 2 8 4 5

1 5 7 8 1 5 9 3 8 5 8 6 7


(c) Daily Sudoku Ltd 2013. All rights reserved.

fun and upbeat energy of the week. VIRGO VIRGO Don't let negative fears affect your feelings, particularly in It's an excellent week The to make progress at work andtoonopen career a romantic relationship. antidote to this may be goals. may feelAn asinteresting though you're in the zonebring as one your heartYou with love. transit could a good piece your of news another brings be positive change. Expect surprise way.after However, it might in the form of an the unexpected sinceneed the best dealquickly. may come theand blue. opportunity that you'll to grab As out the of Sun You could living onsign, youryour nerves and perhaps burning the Mercury movebeinto your energy and enthusiasm candle at both ends.inThere's much to do that you'll be busy reveal you'll be back chargeso again. all hours. LIBRA LIBRA There's also the chance that an and unexpected Relationships, friendships, romancemeeting could could all be hot have soul-mate potential if you'reway. willing to move outside topics this week, in a positive Expect a meeting out of your comfort zone. However, despite having so many the blue that could lead to a creative partnership or social budding opportunities, you'renotice entering a cycle in which you might that romance. You'll a definite chemistry involved prefer to spend time alone, recharging your inspires you more to take things further whether forbatteries business or andpleasure. reflectingOne on your next moves. of these connections may also encourage


When you ask them what’s

Solution to Last Week's Suduko

6 2 4 3 1 8 3 9 5 7 1 2 1 7 5 4 2 5 1 6 9 8 A SET THREE COURSE MEAL FOR TWO 3 9 SPECIAL! 8 2 4 4 3 AT LYON DES SABLES! CHEF'S 2 4 7 6 3 4 5 1 8 9 9 6 3 7 5 9 4 7 8 2 1 6


9 8 5 7 6 4 2 1 8 3 9 6 7 2 3 4 1 7 6 5 5 9 1 8 Lyon des Sables 2Restaurant, 6 7 3 Cocktail and Wine 4 1 8 2 3 5 4 9 (c) Daily Sudoku Ltd 2013. All rights reserved.

GEMINI GEMINI The desire to explore new options and get away from it all There's an unpredictable element to the start of the week. could be stronger than ever. If you haven't yet taken your Also be prepared for a surprise in the form of a meeting that vacation, this might be a good time to get away for a wellmight have romantic potential. Home and family matters deserved break. The cosmos is encouraging you to leave get the green light, too, so you might want to clear out daily routines and explore new places and perhaps new clutter or redecorate where necessary. Entertaining should faces. Current influences may be excellent for business trips be lively and fun. since this week's upbeat aspects seem to hold the potential for success. CANCER There might be good news on the job or career front, as CANCER a lucky influence could meaninyou're in the place at There's definitely a buzz the air, withright financial sparkles thepromising right time some to takepositive advantage a specialand opportunity. newofcontracts potential businessneed deals. Your intuitive hunches may play a big part in You'll to be quick, though! Later you'll be busy with enabling you matters. to be in the right place at the right communication Consider advertising your time. skillsThere a chance of some excellent news - again, career related andisservices. which should put you in a good mood. Don't second-guess a LEO romantic offer of a date. TryLEO not to overreact if you find yourself getting irritated or annoyed. If youseem needtotobe make decision, a daywhether or Relationships fasta paced andwait exciting twolinked beforetoyou do so. or There's the chance of surprise you whenmake business romance. The connections an upbeat influence could an inspired idea or offer are encouraging you tobring explore a new direction. Someone your way. If ityou feels good, for it.expand Financially, it might beopen may give a tip thatgocould your horizons, time to take a look at opportunities to create new streams new vistas, and suggest fresh possibilities. There is also a of income. connection to your social life and networking that adds to the

In their honeymoon suite on their wedding night. As they undressed for bed, the husband, who was a big burly man, tossed his pants to his bride and said, “here put these on.” She said “I can’t wear your pants.” “That’s right!!” said the husband, “and don’t you forget it. I’m the man who wears the pants in this family!” With that she flipped him her panties and said, “Try these on.” He tried them on and found he could only get them on as far as his kneecaps. He said, “Hell, I can’t get into your panties!” She said, “That’s right, and that’s the way it’s going to be until you change your attitude.”


TAURUS TAURUS Career possibilities look very promising this week with a Don't overreact to a situation that could seem relatively dazzling lineup that could make you more money, too. This minor a few days later. An intuitive hunch regarding a deal might bemight a goodpay time to Meanwhile, consider looking for afocus new job or contract off. renewed on or going for interviews. Eitherzone way,brings the news be uplifting, your romance and creative freshcould potential for especially you seem be on a on roll. Finances look very good times. Aas meeting withtosomeone your wavelength rosy, withhope morefor than one relationship. opportunity to make extra cash. could bring a love

they have to be male.

(c) Daily Sudoku Ltd 2013. All rights reserved.

ARIES ARIES It's an Full upbeat andcould positive you, with A sociable Moon maketime this afor good week for lots a of socializing and funFeelings on the agenda. Networking is one of the party or celebration. may come spilling out, so be best what thingsyou yousay can right now, keepmight it up. find Fabulous careful anddohow you say so it. You aspects overbusy thiswhether week suggest be for busy makingornew yourself extra you're you'll working yourself connections thathealth, couldyou be very you.back Youon may others. Regarding mightlucrative be eagerfor to get also in the mood splurge, but you might restrained track if be you've lost yourtoway concerning a diet or be exercise by your credit limit. routine.

Daily Sudoku: Mon 14-Jan-2013

Daily Sudoku: Mon 21-Jan-2013


CROSSWORD How to enter: fill out and drop in PO Box 5085 or email: or fax: 064 200 474 with your name and contact details



Solution to Last Week's Crossword


1. Largest anthropoid ape (7) 1. Small African antelope, Thompson's __ (7) 2. Striped African equine (5) 4. Parasitic arachnids (5) 3. Bloodsucking worm (5) 7. Bone forming part of a cage (3) 5. Talons (5) 10. Simian (3) ACROSS DOWN 6. Woolly ruminant (5) 11. Feline (3) 1. Fruit (7) (4) Edible nutcatfish (6) (5) 8. Male red deer 12. Freshwater fish,1.resembling 4. Rice and fish in seaweed 2. Bran (5)Ram (5) 9. Pertaining to orraw characteristic of birds (5) (5) 13. Sign of the zodiac aka The 7. Preserve made from citrus freshwater food fish (5) fruits (9) 14. Domestic breed3.ofUsed goat raised foraitsbeverage (6) 15. European to brew 17. Small gnawing animals 8. Frozen dessert (3)(7) silky hair (6) 4. Add sugar (7) 18. Long-snouted freshwater fish with 16. Deciduous horn5.ofSponge a member of the 9. Unfreeze (7) cake (5,4) lean 10. flesh (4) deer family (6) Aroma (5) 6. Cooler (6) 19. Web-footed, swimming birds (5) 20. Omnivorous mammal of Central America 12. Edible broad-billed bulb (5) 9. Servings of boiled or steamed 20. Venemous elapid snake of Africa and Asia (5) and South America (5) 16. Pastry (7) dough (9) 21. Small terrestrial viper (5) 21. Small plant-sucking insect (5) 18. Drink made with juniper berries (3) 22. Massive thick-skinned animal of Africa, 23. Young goat (3) 11. Baked pasta dish (7) 19. (5) Wine source (9) in short 24. Young bear (3) 13. Chewy confection (6) 20. Sample (5) 25. Female swan (3)14. Fatty oil (6) 21. Vanilla ___ (7) 26. Ophidian (5) 15. Dairy product (6) 27. Tropical birds with hooked 17. short, Prepare a turkey (5) beaks (7)

Thursday, 22 August 2013

26 | Coastal Property Finder

Narraville 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house with single garage & huge plot. Recently Renovated. N$825 000 Kuisebmund Sole & Exclusive Mandate Selling fast! Excellent Investment. 2 & 3 bed units selling from N$466 000 2 bath, kitchen / lounge With / without garage. Swakopmund - Central To let walking distance from town! 3 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom, 2 Toilets, 1 Garage, 2 Living Areas N$6 300 pm Narraville 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house with scullery & big erf. Recently renovated! N$825 000 Walvis Bay Townhouse 3 Bedroom, open plan kitchen, lounge, 2 bathrooms and garage. Close to Schools N$800 000 Longbeach Extension 2 Erf for sale with plans for a modern double story 3 bedroom house Erf size 550sqm N$650 000.00 Narraville To let, 2 bedrooms, open plan lounge to fitted kitchen, one bathroom, prepaid electricity N$3 245 pm Move right in. Walvis Bay - Central 3 bedroom upmarket townhouse to let, 2 bathrooms inside BBQ, double garage, safe and secure N$7 700 pm excl. W&E

Town Walvis Bay

1 Bed flat with garage near schools in Peter Mushiange Street N$3 250 pm incl W&L

Swakopmund Vogelstrand To let Modern 3 bedroom townhouse with 2 bathrooms. Spacious Open plan living area with beautiful kitchen. Outdoor BBQ in small & tidy garden. In a quiet & secure complex in desirable area. Pre- paid electricity. N$6 600 pm excl. W & E


3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house with single garage & huge plot. Recently Renovated N$825 000 Fabulous Townhouse To let 2 Bedroomed townhouse with one upstairs other downstairs. 2 bathrooms, lounge open plan to fitted kitchen, indoor braai, diningroom area, garage, own spacious courtyard, walled in. Save and secure. Spacious and sunny N$5 445 pm incl. W&E Walvis Bay - Central To let 2 bedroom house, 1 bathroom, inside BBQ with bar, laundry room, lounge, open plan kitchen to dining room, double garage N$6 600 pm excl. W&E Swakopmund - Ocean View Woonstel te huur anaf 1 September 2013 2 Slaapkamers, ingeboude kaste, badkamer met stort, oop plan kombuis/ sitkamer, ingeboude stoof, enkel garage, buite braai area, DSTV skottel, alarm stelsel, eie ingang en jaart met interlocks. Water & G4S ingesluit. Koop krag. N$5 500 pm


2 bedroomed modern flats in Narraville in a secure comppex with prepaid electricity no garage for N$2 850 pm Prepaid electricity.

Walvis Bay - Lagoon Fully Furnished flat Offering 1 Bedroom, open plan lounge to fitted kitchen, bathroom and garage. Water incl. Bouquet DSTV incl. Prepaid electricity. Cleaning not included N$4 995 pm


Neat Duplex Apartment with Sea View!! 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom with corner bath, open plan kitchen/living-area, single garage, outside bbq on balcony. (Curtains, double bed, fridge included in price). N$765 000

(CC Registered)

Brand New Small House To Rent Fairview: Next to main house 2 own separate entrances from street. Arty, modern open plan kitchen & sittingroom. Big bedroom with fire place, Bathroom Scullery, Single remote control garage, Small back yard. Only small dog or cat can be allowed. Rental includes: fully dstv/ water/power/alarm system N$5 000 pm

Walvis Bay Meersig Ext 1

Beautiful Erf for Sale 527m² N$695 000

Interested in any of these properties? Call Helena on 064 200 497 today

Walvis Bay - Extension 1 - Meersig

Offering 3 Bedrooms, lounge open plan to dining and fitted kitchen, 2 bathrooms, 2 garages, tiled roof, alluminium windows, paved yard, boundary walls, 1 September 2013 N$8 250 pm

excl W&L


2 bedroomed modern flats in in a secure complex with prepaid electricity no garage N$2 850 pm

Prepaid electricity.

To let Blue Sands

Available 01 September 2013 2 bedr, 1 bathroom townhouse, courtyard with single garage - blinds throughout. N$5 200 pm

Pre-paid electricity Excl water.

Vacant Erf for Sale

Good area in Walvis Bay 907 m2 N$800 000


In a safe complex. 2 Bedroom, 2 bathroom, double garage, open plan kitchen/ living area, stunning small garden N$7 200 pm

Walvis Bay

2 Bedroomed townhouse with 2 bathrooms, lounge to dining to fitted kitchen, tandem garage and courtyard, pre-paid electricity N$6 545 pm


2 x q bedroomed flats in Narraville. Each for N$2 350 pm Complex has security in the block.

1 bedroomed flat

open pan lounge to kitchenette. No garage. Water included. Prepaid electricity. N$2 750 pm

To Rent - Walvis Bay Warehouse 385m2 Industrial Area

Swakopmund Mondesa Two bachelor flats with hot water, own toilet & open kitchen, available on the 01/09/2013 N$2 800

Incl. W& E

Wanted to Rent in Walvis Bay:

Young, newly married couple with 4 month old son is looking for a 1 or 2 bedroom flat to rent long term N$2 500 pm

Incl. W& E

Longbeach Bargain Bargain!!

Neat ground floor furnished bachelor's apartment with bathroom, enclosed bbq, kitchen /living-area.

Ocean view extention 9 swakopmund

54 plots for sale at great price. Plots vary in size from 820 m2 up to 1719 sqm with prices ranging from N$632 000 - N$1 195 000

The plots are the last few on offer at this size and price.

Lagoon Area - Walvis Bay

Spacious home with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, sunny living area with fire place, kitchen, dining room, large entertainment area with lounge, dining area, indoor braai and bar, sun room with Jacuzzi, established gardens and 4 car garage with work room. Plus one bedroom flat. N$2 030 000

Swakopmund - Ext 15 Vacant Erf - 600 sq m N$580 000 (neg)

N$535 000

rent? r o y u B o t se u o h a r fo g in Look der on in F y t r e p o r P l a t s a o C h c r a se . d e t s li s d e r d n u H . y a d o t k faceboo

Sole Mandate For Sale, Walvis Bay

4 Bedroomed home with 3 bathrooms, lounge to dining, fitted kitchen, laundry, indoor braai, 2 garages, burglar bars, prepaid electricity, remote garages, 2 Bedroomed flat with kitchen, lounge, garage and an outside room with shower and toilet. Good area. N$2 300 000

Sunset Seas - New Development -

Uninterrupted Sea Views Dolphin Beach N$1 440 000 N$1 800 000 Open Plan Living Area With Kitchen

2/3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms, 2 Garages, Outdoor BBQ and Balcony

Neat Townhouse

Close to schools. Offering 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 1/2 garages .Ideal starter property!

N$815 000

Walvisbay Townhouse

This townhouse offers you 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, open plan kitchen and lounge, small courtyard and single garage. N$780 000

Swakopmund Centrally Located!!

Neat apartment in secure complex. 3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom, open plan kitchen/ living area, guest toilet, balcony, double garage. N$1 700 000


Newly built!! Spacious Duplex Apartments. 3 bedrooms, 3 en-suite bathrooms, kitchen/livingarea/indoor bbq, 2.5 garages N$1 600 000

(CC Registered)

New Development in Hentiesbay! 145 vacant erven from 300 sq. m. to 700 sq.m. N$128 000 - N$300 000

Thursday, 22 August 2013


Good investment 3 bed ,2 bath ,open plan kitchen & garage with a 2 bed flat N$790 000

Swakopmund A Place Called Home! Huge living areas with indoor BBQ, 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, outdoor entertainment area with BBQ plus 1 bedroom independent flat N$2 150 000

Swakopmund Perfect Position - Priced Right!

Beautiful, sunny 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom. Beautiful kitchen, open plan living, entertainment area with built in BBQ. 370m2 of pure pleasure N$3 530 000

Swakopmund - Central

JUST LOCK UP AND GO! Sunny 1 bedroom. Flat with under roof. Parking in midtown. Fully furnished N$950.000


Coastal Property Finder | 27

Meersig Walvis Bay

DOUBLE-STOREY Balcony - Lagoon view Open plan living area with kitchen\ indoor BBQ 4 Bed, 4 Bathrooms, 2 garages. N$2 570 000

Dolphin Beach

Open plan living area with kitchen and indoor bbq One guestroom with bathroom on ground floor, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom on top floor with main bedroom with en-suite bathroom. 3 Garages. Deffinately a must buy!

Swakopmund for the Person who Loves Quality!

Newly built 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms. Double garage

Walvis Bay Townhouse 2 bedrooms, indoor braai, single garage, courtyard with pre-paid electricity Avail 01 September N$5 500 pm

Office Space 77m2 N$100 per m2

3 Bedroom,2 Bathroom, Double Garage, Spacious Kitchen And Living Area, Sunroom N$13 300 pm


Ocean view - almost brand new. 3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom, 2 garage, 2 living area, indoor BBQ and lots of cupboards.

N$2 280 000

To let N$7 800 pm To buy N$1 600 000

Vacant Erven: Swakopmund

Holiday Accommodaiton

14 X Erven in The Dunes/ Ext. 18 N$895 000 - N$1 500 000 Ext. 9 - N$550 000 Ext. 15 - N$750 000 Ext. 16 - N$580 000 Mile 4 - N$650.000 Henties Bay 973m2 - N$190.000 500m2 - N$495.000 1.050m2 - N$490.000


3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house with scullery & big erf. Recently renovated! N$825 000

Central Walvis Bay

Townhouse offering 3 spacious bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, guest toilet, indoor braai, lounge, fitted kitchen and dining area, enclosed courtyard and spacious double garage Blinds through out. Possible rental income N$7 000 pm N$1 2 70 000

2 Bedroom, 1 full bathroom, open plan kitchen and living area, scullary, separate guest toilet. Inside braai and tandem garage. N$1 800 In season N$1 500 Out of season


2 Bedroom, 2 bathroom and garage. We need you to buy the property and we give you a rental contract for two year escalation with 10% N$1 160 000

Swakopmund Ext 15

Brand new house, 3 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, 2 garages, openplan, guest toilet, indoor BBQ, entertainment area N$1 855 000

Swakopmund Ext 9

Brand new! Ready to move in! 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, openplan, 2 garages, scullery/laundry, indoor BBQ N$1 855 000

Interested in any of these properties? Call Helena on 064 200 497 today


Good investment 3 bed, 2 bath ,open plan kitchen & garage with a 2 bed flat N$790 000

Walvis Bay Hermes

450m² ERVEN Have high boundary walls and gate N$410 000


N$6 800 pm

This Prime Property With A Beautiful Sea View!

N$1 150 000

Excl. W&E

Very neat complex! 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Study, balcony, indoor BBQ, and Double Garage

2 bath, kitchen / lounge, with / without garage. Luxurious double storey, 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartments with dressing room, balcony, lounge, sitting room & kitchen

N$6 600 pm

Mile 4 To Let

Swakopmund Central

Walvis Bay

Modern 3 bedroom townhouse with 2 bathrooms. Spacious Open plan living area with beautiful kitchen. Outdoor BBQ in small & tidy garden. In a quiet & secure complex in desirable area. Pre- paid electricity.

N$2 450 000

SELLING FAST!! Excellent Investment. 2 & 3 bedroom units N$466 000

To Let in Vogelstrand Swakopmund

Central Walvis Bay 1 bed apartment with garage. N$2 750

Excl. W&E

Swakop Central

2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom and Garage. N$5 500 pm

Walvis Bay - Central Town

Up Market Units 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Open Plan Lounge, Kitchen and Dining, Guest Toilet, Ind BBQ, BIC and Double Garages. N$1 605 000


To Let - Swakop Central 4 Bedrooms each with own Walking Distance From Town! 3 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom, 2 Toilets, 1 Garage, 2 Living Areas. N$6 300 pm

Ocean view

Home with Flat - Very Neat! 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom and Double Garage. Flat: 2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom and Garage. N$13 000


House with Flat! 3 Bedroom, 2 Batroom, 2 Living Areas and 3 garages. N$13 000


Excellent Investment. 2 & 3 bed units selling from 2 bath, kitchen / lounge, With / without garage. N$466 000

Longbeach Bargain Bargain!

Neat ground floor furnished bachelor's apartment with bathroom, enclosed bbq, kitchen/living-area. N$535 000

en suite bathrooms, open plan lounge to dining to fitted kitchen, TV Room, Gym, Scullery and Pantry, garages parking 4 cars, enclosed courtyard with swimming pool. N$2 500 000

Normal Transfer.


2 bedrooms, bathroom, garage, open plan kitchen N$360 000 N$2 850.00 pm


3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house with single garage & huge plot. Recently Renovated. N$825 000

Value for money

3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms with 2 garages beautiful finishing. Situated within walking distance from the sea.

N$2 250 000

Dolphin Beach VACANT ERVEN 500m² to 960m². Starting from N$400 000 each

Neat Duplex Apartment with Sea View!! 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom with corner bath, open plan kitchen/living-area, single garage, outside BBQ on balcony. (Curtains, double bed, fridge included in price). N$765 000

(CC Registered)


Walking Distance To Town Centre! Spacious apartment In Secure Complex. 2 bedrooms, full bathroom, openplan kitchen/living area, balcony, tandem garage. N$1 070 000

(CC Registered)

Walvis Bay

Nice 2 bedroom unit with 1 bathroom, balcony, huge lounge and kitchen with New b.i.c. and breakfast nook. 1 garage about 300 metres from lagoon. Levies only N$233 pm Investor can get approx N$4 000 pm

Rental income. N$730 000

Swakopmund Vogelstrand

Close to the sea Vacant Erf - 600 sq m N$795 000


Another lock up and go! Safe and secure complex with beautiful gardens 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen/lounge Balcony with braai, 1 garage, Registered in CC All furniture included! N$950 000


Beautifull and spacious family house for sale! 4x bedrooms, open-plan kitchen, dinning room and lounge, 2 bathrooms, double garage. 1 bachelor flat, 1 1bed flat, 1 2bed flat. High boundary walls and burglar bars. Good income for the investor as well, let us rent it out for you. N$10 700 pm N$1 100 000

Central Walvis Bay

Price Reduced Beautiful 3 bed, 2 bath house with lounge ,TV room. Dining room and 2 garages with Alarm. PLUS outside flat on a 1225 m² erf with approved plans for another Flat. Foundation already complete! N$1 400 000


Price Reduced! Cozy Double Storey Family Home! 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, pantry, laundry/ scullery, 3 living areas, indoor bbq, guest toilet, double garage, balcony with sea view. N$2 870 000

Swakopmund Centrally Located!

Neat apartment in secure complex. 3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom, open plan kitchen/ living area, guest toilet, balcony, double garage. N$1 700 000

Swakopmund Rossmund

Neat duplex apartment. 3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom, open plan kitchen/living area, indoor BBQ, laundry/ scullery, outside BBQ, balcony, garden, tandem garage, owners will get golf membership! N$1 910 000

SWAKOPMUND REAL BARGAIN!! ASKING PRICE BELOW VALUATION!! Neat double storey house, ideal for the larger family or to work from home. s 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom, separate guest room with bathroom & own entrance, kitchen, laundry/scullery, lounge/indoor bbq, tv-room, 4.5 garages, outside toilet, store-room, large erf, garden N$ 1.950 mil

Longbeach Eco Village

One Of The Last Remaining Cheapies! Only 1 street from the sea Vacant erf of 654 sqm N$450 000



28 | Classifieds



5 77 77


Tuesdays 10:30 TUESDAY 10:30am

Goods for sale

Contact Helena to place your classifieds 064 200 497 helena@ namibindependent.

Goods For Sale

Blackberry 9800 torch

N$2 000 Negotiable Contact 081 300 3427

Looking for a small car to buy price between 20-30 thousand, willing to pay N$2 000 a week. Please let me know. Contact 081 611 4548

Gomoto Nippi 125cc

6071 km | Recently serviced, new battery N$7 000 O.N.C.O. 081 799 4655

Car for Sale 2005 honda civic

1.6 vti vtec sohc 106 000km Manual fwd great condition no rust recently serviced. 17inch racing heart rims with 4 brand new tires, free flow system,big sound system included. 90kw silver N$60 000 only serious buyers. Car in Walvis Bay 081 140 4511

1 bed flat to rent Tamariskia Swakopmund. Yorick 081 129 0058

Walvis! Swakop en Henties! 081 809 3526 Ons lewer af!! Steaks N$55/kg Goulash N$45/kg

081 325 7591 Quad Bike Trailer For Sale N$15 000 NEG Trailer is road worthy.

2 bedroom town house with single garage, 2 bathroom, BIC stove, big court yard, front deck with sea view. Prepaid electricity. N$4500 pm Contact 081 241 5434

Swakopmund - Ocean View

Batchelor Woonstel

To rent

Heerlike Vars Verwerkte Kudu En Gemsbok Vleis!

Long beach

Freestanding House with big yard, 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, 2 Garages N$7 700 Excl. W&E Charlene 081 365 3843

Car to Buy

Trailer is road worthy. N$ 15 000 NEG Contact me on 081 649 3676

N$4 500

Boat For Sale: 2 X 85 Horsepower Engines, Fishfinder, Radio, Etc. N$85 000 Call Eric At 081 338 6502 or Mariska 081 256 7327 or Mail us at

Goods for sale

Quad Bike Trailer For Sale

Samsung Galaxy SIII

For Sale In Swakopmund

To Rent

Te huur in Swakopmund in die dorp. Dadelik beskikbaar! Water in gesluit en koop krag. Geen garage. N$3 300 pm Charlene 081 365 3843


Matric special

Running for August. Make your booking now and only pay half price for you gel overlays, tips (French and natural) manicure. Contact 081 488 0230



• Regulates your blood sugar levels • Regulates your stress hormones • Speeds up your metabolism & digestive system • Control of appetite & reduction of calorie intake, can contribute to reduced risk of development of chronic diseases. • Hoodia does not contain any caffeine or stimulants. • No exercise needed Phone 081 147 6776 Order NOW!

Diana’s Bulbinella Cream For treatment and relief of: * Skin Rejuvenation *Anti-aging, wrinkles, "old age spots" * Uneven skin tone * Dark pigmentation (Doesn't help for "Vitiligo") * Fades Birthmarks (after prolonged use) * Relief for Cellulitis * Relief for Muscular Dystrophy * Skin Cancer * Skin conditions due to bad blood circulation * Acne / Pimples / Black heads *Dry / rough / flaky / itchy skin * Stretch marks * Scars *Sunburn * Razor / waxing / nappy rash Phone 081 147 6776 to place your order NOW!

Dieux Grace Nails

In Windhoek has a special running for the month of August in honour of matric Farrell. Book a session to have your nails done and pay half price. Please making your booking now. Contact me on 081 488 0230


Diana's X-treme Cream For treatment and relief of: • Cellulite • Stretchmarks • Scars • Tightens flabby skin Diana's Hoodia Powder • Natural hunger suppressant, • Uneven skin tone eat 1/2 of what you used to • "Restless Legs" • Painful feet, limbs & muscles eat • Control cravings up to 6hrs • Painful Varicose Veins • Practise portion control; still Phone 081 147 6776 to place your order NOW! eat your favourite foods

Educational Products

with the imagination and energy of children in mind, to nurture a magical time of discovery and learning. Transform everyday actions into exciting growth and exploration. Lots of other safety, clothes and accessories available. Kindly mail or whatsapp or sms Alida 081 279 4345 during office hours.


REE Bodyworks

We are in need of panelbeaters if you are a panelbeater and want to be part of our growing bussines please contact me or Ruben at 081 343 8104 or 081 400 3654

Erongo Gritfix

Ons doen gritblast/sandblast werk op enige metaal, so as as ń geroeste hek of motor rims of traliewerk jou pla, kontak my gerus, ons gritblast en spuitverf jou yster na jou keuse. Skakel 081 322 0547 Let wel ons doen geen paneelklopwerk nie

Bidvest Namibia Steiner

Hygiene is our passion! A one of a kind hygiene rental and service provider in Namibia. Our unique Products & Services is taking Namibia by storm. Steiner provides an added Health/ Hygiene Service solution unique and comprehensive to each of our clients specific needs. Excellence in Service delivery is of vital important for Bidvest Namibia Steiner. We sell and provide an added value service, and

Wood Beds and Dog Houses For a price please SMS or call 081 375 1645

Free Delivery at the coast. Adults N$995.00 Kiddies N$695.00 081 375 1645

Contact me on 081 649 3676

Coastal Advertiser Like and add us!

st a F t i l Sel al c o L t Sell i


Find us on

Classifieds | 29

Thursday, 22 August 2013



5 77 77


Tuesdays 10:30 TUESDAY 10:30am

Services are experts in the field. Not only do Steiner products have SABS ISO 9001 - 2008 accreditation, but we also carry environmental friendly stock to assist & contribute to your sustainability reports. Our unique services include, SABS Approved installations, unique and comprehensive service calls tailor made to each individual clients requirements, full peace of mind with regards to your company's Hygiene. Phone us today on +64 279 950 for our free product presentation, showcasing some of our prided products and a free survey of your premises. Visit www.steinerhygiene.

Services Prodel Construction

For all your Construction needs. Call Johann 081 128 0848 for a free consultation

West Coast Car Recovery- Breakdown Services

24/7 Breakdown and towing service. We specialise in towing, cross border transportation, changing of flat tyres, recovery of vehicles from sand dunes and assist you if your vehicle has run out of fuel. Call us now on 081 149 8750 EMAIL US at westcoastcarecovery@ WCC Recovery "Always on our tows"


S. Linus Construction

With 25 years of experience and bank approved. Building and renovations of residential and commercial dwellings. - general paint - roof repairs - boundary walls - interlocks workmanship guaranteed. Contact details: 064 209 517 or 081 242 9604

Kitchen Elegance

for professional kitchen, bedroom and bathroom re-modelling. We do cabinets, blinds, tiles and flooring or any other joinery needs. Quality workmanship guaranteed. We pride ourselves on your satisfaction. Contact us on 081 278 8092 or 081 612 3519 Visit us at www.


Prodel construction & renovations For all your renovations and construction needs with personal attention. Call for a free quote. Contact Johann Steyn 081 128 0848

De Bries Plumbing Services

Contact us for all your kitchen & bathroom plumbing needs we do plumbing installations and maintenance. Contact Marius 081 212 2541

Job Wanted

Need help?

A retired teacher with 37 years teaching experience is in need of a temporary or permanent vacancy at any school or institution. With a B.E.T.D qualification in lower primary. Can also assist with home work or after school care Please contact 081 255 8062 or 081 468 7569


Urgent Private House 4 Sale Swakopmund,

3 Bedrooms with BIC, 2 Baths rooms, kitchen, lounge + dinningroom, Tandem Garage, inside + outside braai, huge garden, 1 Bedroom Flat, alarm, burglar bars, secure area, nearby shopping centre and schools, only serious buyers, NS1 900 000 neg. Contact 081 360 7573


(Owners immigrating) everything available to start the business (include stock and shop assets). Lingerie business N$250 000 neg. More info serious buyers contact 081 840 9247


Car For Sale

Fiat Punto 1.2 Active Model Yr. 2011, Power Steering, Air Con, Central Locking, Fog Lights, New Tyres, Factory Warranty, Full Service History. Km 48 500 N$75 000 Contact 081 256 7930 / 081 319 6991

For Sale

2010 Iveco Panel Van Daily Model 50 C 15 As good as new Only 8000 km N$300 000 neg. Contact 081 127 7381


DJ'S model agency

searching for namibian ladies to model,music video extras and magazine adverts.Only ladies from the age of 16 - 32 years registration is $300 contact Mr Nedley 081 338 1220


I am looking for any donations of used printers and computers.

I am writing a book and need the electronics to type and print my story. Contact me for more information.


Municipality of Walvis Bay CONSENT PLACE OF INSTRUCTION (TRAINING CENTRE) ON ERF NO: 4482 TOWNSHIP: Walvis Bay Extension 12 In terms of the abovementioned scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/ establish a TRAINING ACADEMY CC on the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 119, Civic Centre. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and the undersigned, in writing not later than 29 August 2013. Name and address of applicant(s): Fillemon Nendongo PO Box 867 Walvis Bay Cell: 081 248 8867

Municipality of Walvis Bay Notice is hereby given in terms of section 63(2) (b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/1992), as amended, that the Council of the Municipality of Walvis Bay intends to sell, by private transaction, the following Block Ervens 5762 and 5763 Kuisebmond to Ombundu Investments Trust. Description Block Ervens 5762 and 5763 Kuisebmond +/- 158 000m2 or +/- 15.8ha Unsurveyed/unserviced Purchase Price N$790 000.00 An additional amount of

Notice N$79 000.00 is to be paid for landscaping and the establishment of a green belt. Full particulars pertaining to the sale will lie for inspection by interested persons until *Wednesday 28 August 2013 at room 30, Municipal Offices, Kuisebmond. For more information Ms S Mupupa can be contacted at telephone (064) 2013294 during office hours. Written objections, fully motivated, to the intended transaction must be received by the undersigned before or at 12h00 *Monday 02 September 2013. A Victor General Mananger Coummunity & Economic Development Municipal Offices Civic Centre Nangolo Mbumba Drive Private Bag 5017 WALVIS BAY Fax: 064 209 714

Municipality of Walvis Bay Take notice that WSTRPC Town planning consultant, on behalf of A. Krylov, intend to apply to the Walvis bay municipal council for: • The rezoning of Erf 925, Walvis bay from ‘Single Residential’ to ‘Local Business’ with a bulk of 2.8 for commercial purposes. • Consent to use the erf for business purposes while the rezoning is formally being completed. Erf 925, Walvis Bay is situated in Hage Geingob Street in the centre of town. The erf is 1250m² in extent with an old house situated on it which will be demolished and replaced by new up market facilities. It is the intention to rezone the erf for the purposes of building flats and offices, and potentially a restaurant, parking will be provided in accordance with the Walvis Bay town planning scheme. Further take notice that the plan of the proposed development lies for inspection on the town planning notice board, first floor, rooms 101 & 119, civic centre, Walvis bay. Any person objecting to the proposed use of the land as set out above may lodge such objection together with the grounds thereof, with the municipality and with the applicant in writing within 14 days of the last publication of this notice. The final date for objections is 20 August 2013. Applicant WSTRPC PO Box 31761 Windhoek Cell: 081 129 3070 Email: wstrpc@gmail. com

Listing THEUNISSEN, LOUW & VENNOTE PARTNERS Our Reference: TL/rb Date: 21 June 2013 THE MANAGING DIRECTOR AIR NAMIBIA P O BOX 731 WINDHOEK ATTENTION: MS THEOPOLTINA M NAMASES E-Mail: Theo.Namases@ Dear Madam RE: MR T NAKUUMBA // TEMPORARY BLACKLISTING BY AIR NAMIBIA We refer to the above matter and confirm that we have been requested by Mr Nakuumba to assist him to bring this unpleasant matter to an end. The purpose of the correspondence is to formally reply on behalf of Mr Nakuumba to your correspondence addressed to him dated the 27th of May 2013. Our client takes cognizance of the contents of the said correspondence with particular reference to the unprofessional “climate” which appears to have been in existence between our client and Air Namibia staff members, as more fully set out in your correspondence to him. We hold instructions to advise, that our client shall forthwith attend to “normalize” the relationship between the parties and we trust that he may count on the co-operation of the staff members of Air Namibia. In addition to the above we have further been instructed to formally tender the following: a) Our client admits that his behavior towards Mrs Stramis, her family, her colleagues and Air Namibia as a whole was “out of line” and that the incident is truly regretted. A formal apology to all the parties involved is herewith tendered unreservedly. b) Our client regards the incident as a learning experience and shall do his level best to avoid a repetition of such an incident. c) Our client confirms that this apology may be preapproved for publication as required in paragraph 4 of your letter under reference. d) Our client confirms that Air Namibia may publish a copy of this letter in any one of the coastal newspapers and one of the national daily newspapers. We trust that you find the above to be in order and that this matter can now be brought to a closure. Yours faithfully THEUNISSEN, LOUW & PARTNERS TJA LOUW

Thursday, 22 August 2013

30 | Rentals


Rentals Morleen Park

3rd Floor, Furnished 2 bed, 2 bath, Tandem Garage N$9 000 pm incl. W&E


3 bed house with flat N$11 000 pm excl. W&E


Dbl storey 4 bed, 3 bath, study, Ind.braai, Dbl garage N$15 500 pm excl. W&E (Avail. 1 Oct)

Roeder Str

House with Flat, Ind.

Braai, Ent. Area, Dbl Garage N$11 000 pm excl. W&E

Mile 4

3 bed, 2 bath, Dining, lounge, Ent. Area N$12 000 pm incl. W&E


3 bed, 2 bath, Ent. Area, Double Garage N$12 000 pm excl. W&E

Hage Heights

Dbl Storey, 4 Bed, 3 Bath, Very Spacious, Dbl. Garage N$13 200 pm excl. W&E

Haus Lüderitz

3 bed, 2 bath, Dbl. garage N$ 7 700.00 pm excl W&E

Strand Str.

Furnished 2 bed, S/Garage N$8 500 pm incl. W&E


2 bed, 2 bath, Dbl Garage N$5 700 pm excl. W&E

Wilto Apartment

2 bed, 1 bath, S/Garage N$5 000 pm excl. W&E

Maurice Connor A Celebration of Life

Please join us in celebrating Maurice's life at the Walvis Bay Angling Club Hall this Thursday 22nd August at 6pm (tonight).

No flowers please, donations in lieu of flowers to St Gabriel's Ambulance Service

To list your prime property in our Rentals section, contact Michelle: 064 200 497


Guesthouse 11 bed, 8 bath, parking for 8 cars N$60 000 pm incl W&E

Diamant Street

3 Bed, 2 Bath, Dbl Garage with small Flat N$10 500 pm excl. W&E

Ext. 9

Family home with Flat (Don’t miss out!!!) N$13 200 pm excl. W&E (Avail. 1 Sept)

Industrial Warehouse 105 sqm² N$5 000 pm Pre-paid Electricity

Industrial Warehouse 1 000 sqm² N$52 200 pm excl. W&E

Office Space

68 sqm² in Watt Str. N$3 300 pm excl. W&E (Avail. From 1 Sept.)


270 sqm² in Watt Str. N$12 000 pm excl. W&E (Avail. From 1 Sept.)

Shop Space

13 sqm² at SonnenEck N$7 251 pm excl. W&E

Please Contact Office 064-404 004 Reinett 081 293 7107 Izaan 081 244 4424

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Business Boxes | 31







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Cleaning Bliss Investments

• Lounge Suite/ Sofa • Cleaning 6 Seater • Cleaning N$450, • Mattress Cleaning N$300, • Carpet Cleaning N$300 per room.


Auto Electric Rewiring and auto electrical repairs on all passenger and heavy duty vehicles. Starter, alternator repairs and replacement. All electrical repairs, vehicle diagnostics for most vehicles. Vehicle monitoring systems (passenger, Heavy duty, truck trailers, cranes and much more. Engine monitoring and shut down systems. Auto Airconditioning Regas, Aircon repairs, Supply aircon kits for a wide variety of vehicle brands, Fit aircon kits, Pipe welding In-Car Entertainment Custom sound installations Fit and supply sound (DVD screen DVD players, front loaders, speakers, amps, etc.) Car security, Central-locking kits

Parts Sales We offer a wide variety of services for almost any vehicle. Our company has 32 years of Auto Electrical experience under our belt and provide a professional service to all our customers.

Julie Auto Electric & Sound CC Tel: 264 64 205 233 Fax: 264 64 207 559 James / Renaldo Julie 081 269 3443 / 081 284 1788

Contact: 0816386318

Finance TNK Financial Services

CHAMORE TRAVEL AGENCY CC T: +264 64 206003 F: +264 64 206009 c/o Union Street & 5th Road, Walvis Bay, Namibia

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26 AUGUST 2013 30 AUGUST 2013 MONDAY Chicken A La King, Savoury Spiced Rice, Sweet Pumpkin Balsamic Pea Salad

TUESDAY Balsamic and Peppered Roast Beef, Sweet Potato Rounds, Green Beans and New Potatoes Chef Salad: Baby Potatoes, Spinach, Fried Mushrooms, Crispy Bacon and Onion


Debtors, Creditors, Bank Recons, Fixed Assets, Payroll Assistance, Management Accounts, VAT & Tax Returns tnkaccountingservices@

Advertise your business here! Contact our friendly staff for assistance in placing your advert 064 200 497



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Deon Ellis

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TEL : 064 278200

Electrical Wholesalers CC2007/0393 For allFAX : 064 278201 your Electrical supplies

WEBSITE : C/O Sam Nujoma Ave C/O Sam Nujoma Ave & 8th Road Nr. 77

& 8th Road Nr. 77, Walvis Bay TEL: 064 278200 • FAX: 064 278201 •

Walvis Bay

CONTACT: 064-209171

WALVIS BAY: 064-203318 SWAKOPMUND: 064-403418



Besigheids ure: Ma-Vry: 08H00 - 19H00 Sa: 08H00 - 13H00 WSK welkom.


Travel arrangements Logistics - Flight bookings - Passports - Car Rentals - Work Visa’s/ In-transit Visas - Hotel bookings - Transfer/ Shuttle Services

Tel: 064-221552 Fax: 064-221553

(Cleaning Services)


234 Theo-Ben Gurirab Street, Walvis Bay Tel: 064- 200888 Fax: 064- 200840 Cicero- 081 122 7654 Bennie- 081 204 3885


Decoder + Dish + Installation

HD PVR N$ 1995* Decoder + twin LNB

Auto Repairs CC

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CHEM-DRY CLEANING Is the largest specialist Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Franchise on the Planet. With our unique Non-toxic Carbonated Cleaning Technology you can be assured that your carpets & upholstery stay Cleaner, Drier, Healthier. For free quotes contact us @ 064-209292 or 0811244747 email


Pork ChopFanned Potatoes Broccoli and Cheese Sauce, Crunchy Coleslaw with Tortilla Chips

THURSDAY Cottage Pie, Slow Roasted Vegetables, Spiced Mushrooms and Feta Salad


Theo Ben Gurirab Str. & Hanna Mupetami Road P.O.Box 499, Walvis Bay

Phone +264 64 205136 • Fax +264 64 205137


Roast Chicken, Basmati Rice with Black Sesame Seeds, Julienne of Vegetables Jelly and Custard

PLEASE NOTE Menus might have to change slightly, depending on availability of products and produce Contact us to order your dinners online or by telephone 081 351 5812 Deliveries will only be in Walvis Bay

Tel: 064-277750 Fax: 064-277751 Email: Hage Geingob Street, Walvis Bay

|1 Thursday, 22 27 August June 2013 to to Wednesday, 0328 July 20132013 Thursday, 2013 Wednesday, August

Thursday, 32 | Sport11 July 2013


Sponsored by keeping the connection

Rössing Marathon Champions Receive Development Bonuses The 2013 Rössing Marathon Champions were awarded with a development bonus at the Namibia Defense Force’s Sport Division in Windhoek. The Rössing National Marathon Champion for 2013, Mr Paulus Iyambo, was awarded a development bonus worth N$20 000. The winner in the Ladies’ Open Category of the marathon was Mrs Alina Armas, who also received N$20 000, but could not attend the handover event due to her representing Namibia at the World Athletics Championships in Moscow. Both Iyambo and Armas are members of the NDF Sport Club in Windhoek. These sponsorships, given in

addition to the N$10 000 cash prize won by each of the two category winners during the Rössing Marathon in February, form part of Rössing’s focus on promoting healthy lifestyles. Rössing awards development bonuses to the Namibian winners in the Men’s and Ladies’ Open categories to enable them to build their athletics careers beyond the actual marathon competition. This is the third consecutive year that the development bonuses were awarded. Rössing continues to monitor and support the careers and achievements of the two winners by rendering material support. The bonuses are to be spent on training

Introducing the New Committee for Golfers

gear, supplements, medical supplies in case of injuries and transport expenses for outside of Namibia. This sponsorship is part of Rio Tinto Rössing’s long-term commitment to sport in Namibia. Penda Kiiyala, Rössing’s General Manager External Relations, said at the handover event: “We want to play our part in giving Namibia’s Championship athletes the best possible chance to succeed on the world stage. It then also becomes a celebration of the athletes’ outstanding achievements beyond the Rössing Marathon earlier in the year. Paulus, winning the Rössing National Marathon Championship for a second year in a row in

2013, is a shining, young, up-andcoming talent for the future. We believe that our association with Namibian champions will inspire and encourage other young Namibians to get more involved in sport and be our sporting heroes of tomorrow.” Paulus, who has been plagued by injuries this year, is confident that he will be back to defend his title in 2014. Receiving the development bonus Paulus said, “I have started training again and will be working hard to make a successful return. With the help of the development bonus from Rössing I have been able to recover much faster and get back into top shape.”

The Predator Returns to the Ring Lavrenty Repin

AGM The Annual General Meeting was held last Wednesday, at which the new Committee was elected. “A big thank you goes out to Bank Windhoek for sponsoring the drinks and the snacks afterwards. We appreciate your continuous support,” said Mr Schalkwyk.

members for being willing to do the job. “It’s hard work and the Club appreciates it.” Wednesday - Bank Windhoek Sponsored 30 Players took on a strong wind that made the second 9 holes a bit more difficult. 1st place: Danie van Antwerpen on 22 points 2nd place: Gert Olivier Snr on 19 points - seems driving the cart helped 3rd place: Joa Sardinha on a count out on 18 points The Wooden Spoon went to Wouter van Wijk on 11 points.

The new Committee for 2013/2014 President: Callie van Wyk SNR Chairman: Corne Schalkwyk Club Captain: Herman Smidt Vice-Captain: Peet Botha Additional members: Willie van Zyl- Brandweer Willie, Jonas Niilenge, Morne Roux, Anton van Saturday - Club Sponsored Rensburg 38 players took part in what ended in very nice weather conditions. Thanks to Gordon Damster Disciplinary Committee for 2013/2014 Wayne Hart, Frans Grobler, Peter Lohmann, and Adri Spangenberg for their visit. The results sheet had not been found at time of going to print. Shane Westerdale and Herman Smidt. Mr Schalkwyk thanked all the committee However, congratulations to all the winners.

Wensel Mavara, a Walvis Bay resident and ranger at the Ministry of Tourism and Environment, has come out of a 10 year retirement to once again compete as a professional boxer. He left boxing to pursue a career in politics, becoming both a chairperson of Kavango Regional Youth Forum and Secretary of SPYL of Rundu Urban. Due to Mavara’s current profession and his love for nature, his fighting alias is “The Predator” and he says he is “back for serious business”. Mavara will be representing both the East and West Kavango regions, which are yet to produce a professional boxer or host a professional fight since Independence. Mavara hopes to rectify that. He has begun training in Walvis Bay with his coach Lukas Nghikembwa, of Nestor Sunshine Training and Fitness Academy. “My aim is to become champion,” says The Predator bluntly.

PERSONAL • FARMERS • BUSINESS • LIFE ASSURANCE • INVESTMENTS & PENSIONS P.O. Box 2423, Walvis Bay166 Theo-Ben Gurirab Str. • Tel: (064) 207 136 • Fax: (064) 207 139 • Email:

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