The namib independent issue 69

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Independent Great news for the coast! • Tel (+264 64) 200 497 • Classifieds Line 57777 • Issue 69 •


N$ 3.00

Thursday, 26 September 2013 to Wednesday, 02 October 2013


Where is

the Justice? Racist Attacker Walks Away With Slap On The Wrist!



14 15


Tanya Calitz Following recent outcries by the coastal community regarding serious crimes going unpunished or charges being diminished, yet another victim of serious crimes against her has been sidelined from what may only be described as a judicial travesty. According to Walvis Bay resident Mrs Rita Sowden (63), she has for the past year desperately tried to get justice after she was verbally assaulted, threatened, racially abused, chased by car, and finally physically assaulted by the accused in front of five police officers. “My attacker assaulted me in the charge office in front of several police officers who did absolutely nothing. The accused grabbed me by my hair, shook my head and neck, and pushed me, while they all looked on as he was doing it. I wonder if the More than 20 Rent-A-Drum employees in impasse over the introduction of a new same would have happened if Walvis Bay were locked outside company payment system. it was a white man assaulting a

Rent-a-Drum Fires 93% of Staff premises by management following an

See Full Story on Page 4

black woman in front of them. I doubt it,” Ms Sowden said in distress, shaking as she told the Namib Independent about her ordeal. The accused, who works for The Ministry of Transport, said that she can go to the Police Commissioner, the media, whoever she wants but he knows nothing will happen to him, because he has friends in high places. According to Sowden, the whole debacle started one Sunday after church. Sowden allegedly bumped into the accused’s car by accident and immediately got out of the car and profusely apologised. According to Sowden he immediately spoke to her in a very aggressive manner, calling her a “f*** stupid dumb white b****.” “I was very taken aback by his reaction, seeing that it was an accident and partly his fault because he had parked in a noparking zone area,” Sowden explained. According to Sowden, her attacker then told her to follow him to the police station to Continued on Page 3

Land Rush for Walvis As 2000 Erven Open Up for Sale Continued on Page 3


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In a speech at the ground-breaking ceremony on Tuesday, her Worship the Mayor, councellor Uilika Nambahu, stated that as part of a ground development project, this five-year strategic plan aims to make 2000 serviced erven available to the public for the 2013/1014 financial year. “Walvis Bay is entering one of its most exciting phases in terms of industrialisation and development. As a local authority it is imperative

that we do our part to facilitate this growth,” the Mayor stated. She continued to say that due to this growth in Walvis Bay there has been a “tremendous backlog in terms of serviced erven.” Regardless, the Mayor added that it is extremely challenging to make erven available, given the harsh conditions. Some of the challenges mentioned by the Mayor include the flattening of the dunes, a high water table and extremely high salt content. However, “for the sake of development and positive growth these

and other obstacles must simply be overcome,” the Mayor said. She further explained that a few months ago they strengthened their pledge to the community by launching their five-year strategic plan and are here today to deliver on that promise. According to the Mayor the availability of more erven also serves goal to provide land for all income groups, increase formalised housing and address backyard shacks. According to the Mayor, the exciting projects concerning land development will see four new

2 | News

Thursday, 26 September 2013


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News | 3

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Land Rush for Walvis Continued from Page 1

township extensions be established in Walvis Bay. Narraville Extension 7 will see 220 new erven be developed by Rinu Construction and Development. Kuisebmond Extensions 5 and 6 will see 430 new erven and Meersig Extension 2 will see 250 new erven, both to be developed by JJD Earthmoving and Construction. Walvis Bay Extension 14 will see 70 erven, also to be developed by JJD Earthmoving and Construction. The

Mayor added that all new developments will have tarred roads and paved sidewalks, to the applause of the invited guests. The developments total N$115 million dollars of investment. The Mayor stated that eleven companies will be awarded erven to construct show houses. These houses are mainly constructed from alternative building materials specific to low-income groups.

After they have been evaluated by the Municipality they will be rolled out for mass construction. According to the developers, the show-house foundations have already been excavated. “I would like to see a future where everybody in Walvis Bay enjoys safe shelter and can contribute meaningfully to our overall wellbeing. With this groundbreaking ceremony, we are one step closer to that future,” the Mayor concluded.

Where is the Justice? Continued from Page 1

report the incident, to which she replied that she will go later, because she had an appointment in Meersig, and that according to law she has 24 hours to report the incident. Thinking that the matter was sorted, she drove off. “Within minutes I found myself being chased by the accused. He was driving beside me, pushing me off the road. I eventually pulled to the side of the road in Meersig,” she explained. Sowden said that the accused jumped out of his car and started swearing at her, sticking his finger in her face and pushing his finger on her nose calling her a f**** stupid white b***. “He told me that us white b****** should start listening to men.” Eventually a local resident came to Sowden’s rescue. “We went to the police station and that is when I was assaulted by him in front of officers who later refused to give me their names,” she told the Namib Independent. After several failed attempt to press charges against her attacker, Sowden

finally got both commissioners involved in the case who promised her that the accused will be brought to justice. “Commissioner Kashupuulwa told me that they will change the charge from common assault to six other charges which were; racial abuse, aggravated assault, threatening, reckless and negligent driving, intimidation and causing problems (disorderly conduct) on government property,” Sowden explained. According to Sowden, however, every time she went to the police to see what was happening with the case and enquire as to when her attacker would be arrested, or when she needed to appear in court, they told her to be patient as they were working on it, and that they would contact her. “I eventually went to get some legal advice, and they told me that the police are playing for time, because in a year’s time the case will be thrown out. I then (for the first time) realised what was happening and that they were all just playing me. To

date, I am not sure what has happened with my case, or whether the accused has faced any consequences,” Sowden stressed. “I am still awaiting news from the police.” The Namib Independent set out to get some answers for Sowden, and ended up in the office of Detective Inspector Mwatongwe, who pulled the year-old file from his cabinet and indeed confirmed that the accused got away with a simple slap on the wrist. According to the docket the accused was summoned to court in December last year, where the prosecutor gave him the option to either plead guilty to common assault and pay a N$500 fine, or plead not guilty and wait for a court date. The accused pleaded guilty, paid his fine and off he went. “I never even knew that he was summoned and paid an admission of guilt. I will not accept this. I am not happy with the outcome at all. No one ever informed me that this was indeed the case. I want to lay a civil suit against

my attacker. Ever since the attack I have had problems with my neck, and serious anxiety,” Sowden reacted to the news. “Assaulting a person in full view of police officers is an indication that respect and fear of the police have been lost. If a person is not safe in the presence of the police, where will they be safe?” Sowden asked in desperation. She was equally surprised to learn that the docket had no evidence or even a mention of all the other charges Deputy Commissioner Kashupuulwa assured Sowden of being put on the list of charges. The Namib Independent posed the questions of the lost charges against the accused to Detective Inspector Mwatongwe. “As far as I know there was a lack of evidence on the other charges resulting in no further legal action being instituted,” he said.

Government Received International Applaud on Approved Phosphate Mining Moratorium Tanya Calitz Fisheries Minister, Bernard Esau, has received praise from various groups, local and international, for successfully lobbying cabinet to approve the moratorium on deep sea phosphate mining, which was announced in Walvis Bay last

week. The Deep Sea Mining (DSM) Campaign and various Environmental Groups have commended Namibian Government for approving Fisheries Minister Esau’s moratorium on phosphate Mining. “The Deep Sea Mining campaign applauds the Namibian

Government’s decision to; impose a moratorium for 18 months on marine phosphate mining; demand a scoping study to be finalised for the Environmental Assessment of phosphate mining in Namibian coastal waters; and call for a Strategic Environmental Assessment,” the letter to Namibian Government from

DSM read. According to the DSM Campaign, this decision places Namibia as a world leader in recognising that the precautionary principle must be adhered in regards to any seabed mining developments. “The seabed mining industry must prove with certainty what the impacts will be on the environment and provide solid proof that seabed mining activities will not impact the environment negatively,” said Helen Rosenbaum from the DSM Campaign. According to Minister Esau the Fishing Industry is a resource which should be protected and looked after. “The Ministry proceeds with caution and ensures that prospect mining will not compromise the fishing Industry in Namibia, which already employs thousands, when the phosphate Mining would only create approximately 300 jobs,” Esau said. To back this statement Esau said that the fishing industry in Namibian generates N$5.1 billion dollar annually. Another happy group is the Earth Organisation Namibia, who said that Namibian Government has made history by taking a landmark decision on behalf of the environment for current and future generations by banning marine phosphate mining for the next 18 months. “This is the first time that the Namibian Government has taken a stand such as this by making reference to the Environmental Management Act 2007, Section 3, which enshrines the precautionary principle in law.

"Cabinet has set a very clear precedent that the Namibian government takes this provision of law very seriously. "We thank them for their vision and wisdom. The Namibian government has also taken a stand in terms of the Constitution, Section 95(l) which states that the government must maintain ‘ecosystems, essential ecological processes and biological diversity of Namibia and utilization of living natural resources on a sustainable basis for the benefit of all Namibians, both present and future,” The Earth Organisation Namibia said. Currently there are two companies in Namibia who have Phosphate Mining Rights; Namibian Marine Phosphate and LL Namibia Phosphates. According to CEO of Namibia Phosphate Mining, Barnabas Uugwanga, there have been no official communication between the Namibian Government and their company. “I was informed of the approved moratorium by reading it in the media,” Uugwanga told the Namib Independent this week. “At this stage I cannot elaborate on the impact this moratorium will have on our company, because we do not yet know what the terms of the moratorium are,” he said. The company also said that they will prepare a press release on the announcement as soon as they have officially been informed by Government on the Moratorium.

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Thursday, 19 September 2013

Rent-a-Drum Fires 93% of

Workers for Insubordination Dorcas Mhungu More than 20 Rent-A-Drum employees in Walvis Bay were locked outside company premises by management following an impasse over the introduction of a new payment system. When the Namib Independent arrived at the premises, three members of the Namibian Police force were engaged in a mediatory dialogue with the workers crowded outside the locked gate. Ben Petrus, Vice President of the Namibia Seamen and Allied Workers Union to which the workers belong, said this year Rent-A-Drum told its employees that the payment date was changing from end of the month to the 15th. The workers had already rejected this change for various reasons. At the same time, a new fingerprint clocking-in system was introduced, coupled new with salary payment conditions. “The workers were told that the company, which has been paying a fixed rate of N$1,100-N$1,200 for 175 tons of material, was increasing the tonnage to 250 tons though not the remuneration for collecting the extra tonnage. “They were also informed that the company from hereon in will only pay six percent of the fixed amount if they did not meet the new target, and this is ridiculous. How could the company almost double the quantity?” quizzed Petrus. He said Rent-a-Drum had introduced the new payment date last year, and it had been rejected by the workforce. This year management

brought up the issue again, and the matter went for arbitration. A Mrs Hausiku issued a ruling in favour of the workers, endorsing a date between the 25th and 31st of the month as payment date. The employees demanded a contract detailing the new conditions and new clocking-in system but the company allegedly decided to summarily dismiss the workers when the workers went to the union. They were then locked outside. Petrus charged that the dismissal without a hearing was gross unfair labour practice. He then slammed Rent-A-Drum for treating its employees in all its branches unfairly. “This company is mistreating its workers unfairly in all its branches, including at the head office in Windhoek. We are representing the workers because they were also dealing with disposal of fish waste. What management is doing is rejecting unions representing the workers, and imposing unions that they have good relations with and that they can manipulate,” Petrus claimed. He told the Namib Independent that the union has written to management who must respond by Friday 27 September. Contacted for comment, Rent-a-Drum Human Resources Manager Rika Beukes confirmed that the company introduced a new clocking-in system last month. She said the workers were taught how to use it. According to Beukes, 23 employees out of the 25 at the Walvis Bay branch were affected by the dismissal. “The system was explained to them on more than one occasion and they were taught how to

use it from the 7th of August. They refused to participate and register on the system. The affected workers were charged with insubordination for refusing reasonable and lawful instructions. “On the 19th of September the affected employees were supposed to attend a hearing but they did not attend the hearing. The workers refused to participate. The hearing was conducted in their absence and nobody was there to represent the workers,” said Beukes and added that the workers were then issued with dismissal letters afterwards. Beukes explained that the issue of the 250 tons target was meant to be introduced as a production bonus and was not going to affect the current remuneration the workers were getting. Management had explained this to the workers. She said the company never implemented

it because the workers rejected the scheme. She laid out that if the workers did not attain the target they would only be paid their salaries but if they reached the target they would get six percent of their salaries added to their earnings. The scheme is on a sliding scale, Beukes said. Reacting to allegations that the company wants to hand impose what union the employees must belong to, Beukes said; “We have recognised Metal and Allied Workers’ Union (Manwu) and requested them to contact Walvis Bay branch to join but the Walvis Bay branch refused. The Windhoek workers belong to Manwu.”

Airport Terminal Expansion Underway, But What about the Runway?

Tanya Calitz The dream and promise of a new upgraded Walvis Bay Airport has been many years in the making since then President Sam Nujoma broke the news back in 2004. He announced the development plans during the Civil Nationwide Aviation Infrastructure Project launch at the Walvis Bay airport. Finally last week the community saw the start of the long awaited terminal development of the airport, with operations taking place in a

temporary tented facility next to the old airport terminal building. However, the airport’s upgraded runway, developed by the Spanish Construction company, INECO, is still not fully opened up and operational after almost ten years. “Currently we are only using 2065 meters of the 3440 meter landing strip,” said Walvis Bay Airport Manager Deogratia Tjihukununa. According to Tjihukununa the Spanish construction company responsible for the runway expansion development project has done a sub-standard job, and has to this

day not rectified their mistakes. “It is now up to the Ministry of Works and Transport push the issue and ensure that the runway gets fixed, so that it can be fully operational with the new terminal developments currently underway,” Tjihukununa told the Namib Independent, sitting in his temporary office at the airport earlier this week. Pressing Airport Manager Tjihukununa for answers as to why the airport development project has had so many delays, he referred the Namib Independent to Namibian Airports Company


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Walvis Bay

26 Sep - 03 Oct 2013

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Sun Mon Tue Wed

06:34 17:40 04:45 11:14 17:06 23:28

06:35 17:41 05:44 12:13 18:04 ---:---

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06:33 17:42 01:36 07:34 14:02 19:53

06:32 17:42 02:08 08:04 14:31 20:23

06:32 17:42 02:39 08:33 15:00 20:53

BEST FISHING TIMES 17:38 05:12 05:56 06:31 07:02 13:59 14:28 18:40 06:16 07:00 07:35 08:06 15:03 15:32

(NAC) Management for further queries. “I do not wish to elaborate on what caused delays with the terminal development of the airport. All I can say is that there were some legal obligations that hindered the development from operating smoothly.” According to Tjihukununa, pilots landing on the upgraded runway after the construction of the runway strip complained that it was uneven and seemed unstable. “Airport Management then investigated these claims, and found that this was unfortunately the case,” he said. Tjihukununa explained that many operators have shown serious interest in providing their services to Namibia utilising the airport, but with the upgraded runway still closed off and the development of the terminals only starting now, it is not possible to manage bigger operations from the airport. According to Tjihukununa there is a huge demand for cargo ex- and import services, but until the new developments are not completed they cannot accommodate such operations. “On request from the fishing sector, we are also busy constructing a cold storage facility and warehousing at the airport to accommodate the fishing sector at a later stage for exports of seafood products. This development is done by Zillion Investments and currently underway.” Despite all the obstacles and unanswered questions as to the reasons for the delays, Tjihukununa seems positive about the way the airport is heading. “By 2015 we will be able to accommodate about 250 passengers per minute and have big aircrafts like the airbus land at our port,” he said.


Cape Town

Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed 68/54 59/51 60/49 64/51 73/56 69/56 70/55

Johannesburg 85/62 85/55 77/48 74/48 69/48 74/51 79/53 Port Elizabeth 73/58 65/51 66/52 66/52 69/56 77/59 73/57 Durban

75/59 82/56 65/52 69/54 70/54 76/58 77/58


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Thursday, 26 September 2013

SAIMSA Games Vendors

Demand Retribution Lavrenty Repin Food stall owners have been left out in the cold at the SAIMSA Games after a conflict of interest with the event’s organisers, Conference Link and Swakopmund Municipality. A rushed meeting on Tuesday afternoon was organised by the food stall owners to find a solution after their businesses suffered a dreadfully slow and unsuccessful opening day of the SAIMSA games. According to one SME owner, they were told that the demand is expected to be high so a large quantity of food must be prepared. “I bought ten sheep in anticipation of 4000 people, I haven’t sold one yet,” continues the distraught lady who wishes to stay anonymous. Another food stall reported selling four hotdogs and two biltong bags for the entire day. The SME’s blamed the municipality for privatising catering to only a handful of companies. “They (catering companies) serve the participants breakfast, lunch and dinner so when they come here they’re not hungry,” said another distressed owner, while also pointing out that due to sport games scattered at various venues the attendance becomes very poor. It was also stressed during the meeting that the SME’s had to pay a fee of N$500 per stall, yet they haven’t received any schedule program or security assistance. “No one tells us what time the games end or when it is time to pack up.” The meeting was held as other catering companies were leaving, while the food stands had apparently not been informed that no more games will take place at the stadium for the day and continued with food preparations. Mr Eddy Angula, a volunteer for the Municipality who was passing by, tried to calm the crowd down. “We were striving for people within the community to gain from this project,” Mr Angula stressed. No other organiser had showed up, much to the displeasure of the food stall vendors who demanded their money back and compensation for the losses incurred. An emergency meeting was set up on Tuesday night to combat the crisis. Speaking to the Namib Independent, SAIMSA Games spokesman and Chairman of the LOC, Mr Benneth Khaibeb, said that

they created an opportunity for the public but they made no guarantees. “It’s just like the Christmas stores, we allocated space that people could apply for and pay N$500 for the week.” Mr Khaibeb denied that the food stall vendors

were encouraged to buy a certain quantity of food in anticipation of a large attendants. In regards to the catering companies involved, he said it was a municipal initiative aimed at making the participants more comfortable. He also said that in some

venues games ended earlier than expected but the organising committee decided to move the soccer matches from Walvis Bay to Swakopmund venues to accommodate the vendors. On Wednesday some food vendors were seen packing up their stalls.


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6 | News

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Significant Grants Awarded

at “The Evening of The

Coastodians” Gala Dinner Lavrenty Repin

On Friday the Namibian Coast Conservation and Management Project (NACOMA) awarded numerous grants, scholarships and awards as part of the Custodian Environmental Biodiversity week. The gala dinner rounding off the week was held at the Swakopmund Hotel and Casino Resort and attended by Erongo Regional Governor, Swakopmund and Walvis Bay Mayors and various prominent environmentalist. The NACOMA project praised and acknowledged the work of both “Honorary Coastodians” and “honorary law enforcement officers”. “The Honorary Coastodians are those individuals who have significantly contributed to the protection of the environment,” said the Minister of Environment and Tourism, Hon. Uahekua Herunga during his opening speech. He also outlined the various environmental challenges faced by Namibia including threats such as “climate change, uncontrolled tourism activities, unplanned mining activities and infrastructure development”. The fund-raising gala, which aimed to solicit funds for environmental students, handed out Coastodian awards to; Bronwen Currie, a renowned employee at the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources; Estelle Rubow, who worked as a tourism officer as the Municipality of Henties Bay and Peter Bridgeford, a well-known environmentalist and retired warden at the Ministry of Environment and Tourism. Mr Rob Braby, the Coordinator for the NACOMA project, spoke heartedly of their environmental achievements over two decades at the coast. NACOMA also funded four students to join the ranks of environmental practitioners. The scholarships were handed out to La-Toya Shivute, Kaatri Brumfit, Simon

Iyambo and Kornelia Iipinge. Rob Braby called the students “environmental champions with a heart for conservation”. Finally, NACOMA handed out grants to organisations and companies involved in environmental projects around Namibia. This included N$1.5 million for DNP Infrastructure, N$450,000 for the Kuiseb Delta Development Trust, a further N$450,000 for the Walvis Bay Bird Paradise and N$2.25 milllion for the Khorixas Information Kiosk project. Rob Braby also introduced and congratulated the new 2013/2014 Mr and Ms Coastodian, two Westside students, Leveenia Shigwedha and Leo-JR Paulus.

Bones, Not Half a

Body, Found on

Dolphin Park Beach A national newspaper reported earlier this week that the NACOMA organised clean-up project that was conducted last Saturday on the beach between Swakopmund and Walvis Bay

stumbled upon a body in the Dolphin Park vicinity. It has since been confirmed that indeed remains were found, but these were “very old bones,” Erongo Police Commissioner Nelumbu told the

Namib Independent. He also said that the forensic team was called in and has since sent the bones for testing “to find out if they are even human, or whether it is just animal remains,” the Commissioner stated.

News | 7

Thursday, 26 September 2013

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8 | News

Thursday, 26 September 2013

News | 9

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Question of the Week

High Tides Again

From this week onward the Namib Independent shall be posing weekly questions on our Facebook page, relating to life on the coast and to issues that affect us on a daily basis. This week, we are please to present two such questions coupled with answers. Enjoy and please feel free to visit our Facebook page at any stage to provide your point of view to these weekly questions.

The Spring Tide visited Swakopmund yet again last Thursday, flooding the streets and an unfortunate residents near the Swakopmund Mole. Work by the Swakopmund Municipality to safeguard the property and clear the roads began immediately, even as the water was still sipping in. While people gathered on the Jetty and returned fully drained with water, others optimistically took to their fishing rods probably in hopes that the fish were just as stunned as the people.

We have it

Do you think that Walvis Bay should set up a neighbourhood watch like the one in Swakopmund. If so, would you volunteer? We'd love to hear from you.

Hey everyone - please take monthly income goes to the a minute to answer our following? weekly question, which we 1. Rent / Mortgage will print in the next edition. 2. Food If you do not want you 3. Car name printed, tell us and we 4. Schooling will not print it. 5. Petrol We would however like 6. Water & Electricity to get an idea of what people 7. Clothes spend. The question: 8. Entertainment What percentage of your 9. Other – please specify

tied up

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Thursday, 19 September 2013


10 | News

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News | 11

Thursday, 26 September 2013

New Studio, New Producer,

New West Coast FM Lavrenty Repin

The fresh and new addition to the West Coast FM team is talented Rainer Von Hatten, who is spearheading an exciting new project for Swakopmund, the opening of a professional recording studio. Considering the increasing number of musicians that stem from the coast, this studio is as equally exciting as it is overdue. Anyone in the music industry will tell you that no matter what the bells and whistles your studio

Bank on the move

may have, what really counts is the man behind the mixer; just ask Miley Cyrus. Rainer understands this as well as anyone and outlines the importance of a good producer, for both musicians and radio stations. “As a producer you know what the end point will be before you’ve even begun, that makes a difference. For instance, West Coast FM was struggling to find an identity to their sound, that is what a sound engineer or producer strives to do.” Rainer, who began his music career on the set of

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the film “Rise of The Phoenix”, where he spent four months alongside Hip-Hop legends Tyrese and Sticky Fingaz has for the past two weeks been creating a unique sound. He hopes to transform West Coast FM, while focusing on establishing a working recording studio for the Swakopmund community. The studio aims to benefit not only musicians but all artists and companies, from those seeking original adverts to film production. According to Rainer, artists from the coast have to travel to expensive producers in Windhoek and they often give up on the music business before they even find a sound that suits them. “We worry first about the music and worry later about the money,” he says. “There is a huge community of artists here, we’d like to shine the light on them.” Rainer is an avid Hip-Hop enthusiast who has previously worked with South African label “Ill Major Movement” and, closer to home, Swakopmund star Miss H. of the Namibian Hip-Hop scene. He shares his frustration: “We’re neighbours to SA, where Hip-Hop was huge for the past 20 years, even during the apartheid era, yet the Namibian Hip-Hop scene is none-existent, we struggle here to be endorsed and we don’t come up with anything original.” Although the veteran producer admits that the industry has escalated tremendously since the time he started in 2005, he says that, “the majority of Hip-Hop cats are carbon-copies of each other!” In order to be a successful producer, Rainer says one needs plenty of patience, and passion. “When I come to the studio in the morning, I don’t look at it as a job, and that makes the day shorter, I guess”, he shares. West Coast FM is “a vision in progress” Rainer finds. “You have to put in a lot of work, you’re giving an opportunity to create something from nothing. I basically come in every day and do what I love to do.” Like many producers, Rainer is also an aspiring musician, but admits that it is difficult to balance between the two roles: producer and artist. “There was a time I thought 'I want to be a star!' Now I’m working on my music on the sideline.” He describes his music as a mix of folk and electro, although like any experienced musician, he is cautious of placing a label on his art. He draws inspiration from, among others, Bob Dylan, and has dubbed his musical style absurdly – ApplePie Melancholy, “because when I hear folk music I imagine apple pie!” The 29-year-old, who has made Swakopmund his home less than a month ago is determined to leave his mark, and although he specialises in sound production, music is clearly what drives him. “As long as I have my guitar, I’ll keep doing music.”

12 | News

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Local Art Expo Profit Share to Go to Jonah Home Siglinde de Villiers

The annual Walvis Bay Arts and Crafts Expo, which started on Monday, decided to donate 15 percent of their profits to the Jonah Home. At the opening ceremony on Monday night the Arts Association decided that 15 percent of their profits will be donated to the Jonah Home. According to Morgan Matthews, they have 20 exhibitors displaying their impressive arts and crafts in 55½ square metres of space. “The purpose of this exhibition is to promote Namibian art. A lot of the art sold in Namibia like the wooden carvings, sculptures and painted fabric, is labelled as Namibian art but it is not really Namibian. Often, they actually originate from the far north like Angola and Zimbabwe,” Matthews said. This year the exhibition includes a great variety of crafts, ranging from hand-painted silk scarves, toys, puzzles, ornaments made from wood, fabric dolls, hand painted glass, handmade cards to embroidered items, candles, clay faces on fire tiles, crochet items and beautifully decorated kitchenware. The exhibition is open until 5 October from 10h00 to 18h00 at the Lagune Cafe, Walvis Bay.


power to the people


Dear Walvis Bay Residents Kindly be informed that Erongo RED Head Office located at 91 Hage Geingob Street, Bastos Building is undergoing renovations. Take note that the passage from Erongo RED Head Office to FNB will be closed for the duration of the renovations. We apologize for the inconvenience caused.

Issued by: Public Relations Division +264 64 214 600


30 October 2013 to 2 November 2013 The Civic Centre, Walvis Bay Booking of Stalls is open for participation


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14 | News

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Good Turnout at Harbour’s

End Art Exhibition

The Harbour’s End Gallery hosted its art exhibition opening night on Wednesday, enjoying a lot of support from local folk, despite the rain. The exhibition will be on for the next week, displaying only local artists' work. Gallery owner Liz Visser’s work is also on display. Other artists' work being displayed at the exhibition include; Heidi Louw, Gidget Hart, Sue Mitchinson, and Ronel Pretorius. Lyon des Sables Restaurant treated the guest with some lovely snacks and wine at the opening.

Jonah Home Shows Off New Renovations

Siglinde de Villiers The newly renovated Jonah Home continues to be a safe haven for children and can continue its growth through the assistance of the good Samaritans of town. This year the Jonah Home, which looks after vulnerable children, has undergone quite a few changes to improve the overall conditions of the safe haven, starting with new management and eventually a whole new look for the home. The Namib Independent decided to pay them a visit earlier this week to see the newly renovated home. “The Jonah home accommodates children that have been removed from their homes through court orders,” Sonja Blaauw explained. According to her, the Jonah Home currently houses twelve children from 6 – 13 years of age. This includes *Samuel (pseudonym), their beloved Downs Syndrome child. “We try to let these children grow up just as they would in a

normal family,” she continued. “Apart from school we also encourage them to partake in all kinds of extra-mural activities. These, like the extra classes, are usually sponsored by different institutions.” Sonja also stated that they encourage the children to maintain contact with their families and visit them during vacations. “We work very closely with the social workers, who supervise these

visits.” According to Sonja, they are very dependent on donations. “We receive an allowance per child from the government to cover the basic expenses. "The beds we sanded down ourselves and gave them a new coat of varnish. Mattresses, sheets and curtains were donated. However,” she continued “we still have a great need for books, toys and furniture.”

News | 15

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Focus on



Dorcas Mhungu

Servest Catering Commits to the Community of Arandis

By enforcing a policy that ensures the maximum recruitment of local people to project sites, Servest Catering aim to contribute to the alleviation of unemployment, poverty and associated social problems in the areas they work in. Their declared commitment is the creation of opportunities for local people to work on the regeneration of their own neighbourhoods, boosting the local economy and helping to secure a healthy long term future for themselves and their families. The company believes that the success in the fight against unemployment and poverty requires the mobilisation and support of all resources available, including and especially at a local level. There is increasing concern about the breakdown of many local communities devastated by joblessness and social exclusion. The individuals and groups most affected – those who risk becoming long-term unemployed, those lacking skills, the socially disadvantaged, elderly and disabled – are increasingly marginalised, excluded from mainstream society and the labour market. The company’s employment and localisation policies have been broadened to encompass

local renewal, the re-integration of the socially excluded, gender equality and the generation of social capital through local development, including that of the local supply chain. The idea is to restore mutual trust and local commitment, to support the common good through collective action. A Labour Desk Work Group and Labour Desk, represented by key stakeholders, is established to guide the recruitment process of local labour to the project, in the best interests of the community and the project. The Desk takes control of local applications for work and the supply of personnel for selection. Advertisements will be posted on community notice boards and in local newspapers. Open days where job seekers are able to gather information, complete application forms and undergo interviews will facilitate the process. Should the timing be appropriate, local secondary and tertiary education institutions shall be targeted to attract the school leaver / graduate. As the Work Group includes local community leaders with an understanding of the locally-available resources, members are able to visit areas around the project with the

intention of registering employment seekers, maximising the use of local labour. All applicants shall be thoroughly screened and scored against the relevant job specification to ensure the selection of suitable candidates. In most cases, job roles requiring unskilled or semiskilled employees are found to be suitable for those who do not possess any work experience or educational qualifications. At peak, Servest Catering expects to employ a total of 335 staff on the project, of which 302 would fall into the unskilled or semi-skilled categories, totalling 90% of the total staff compliment, ideally originating from the community of Arandis and working outwards as supply is exhausted. Suitable opportunities for such applicants include the need for 65 housekeepers, 40 laundry attendants, five yard cleaners, 177 kitchen cleaners / food service assistants and 15 ablution cleaners. In instances where a job role has a particular skill or knowledge requirement, only candidates who meet this requirement will be considered by the company. In roles where literacy and numeracy are required, applicants

will have to undergo the relevant assessments to determine competency. Only applicants having the necessary competency level shall be appointed. At the same time, Servest Catering are dedicated to keep the entrance requirements to an absolute minimum. It is their aim to recruit those with inherent talent and not necessarily skill, since they recognise that one is able to learn skill but not talents such as service orientation, work ethic, energy and enthusiasm. The recruitment effort in general focuses on this principle. Development interventions include ABET Programmes, (Adult Basic Education and Training – literacy and numeracy), job related skills, health and safety, service excellence and life skills such as HIV / AIDS education. The benefit of local employment, in this case focusing specifically on the community of Arandis, is vast. It gives priority to hiring local people with the right skills for local jobs and further, offers training and development initiatives for such persons. It provides employment opportunities to help regenerate the area where new jobs are most needed; injecting much needed economic stimulus and subsequent

community upliftment to the area. Local communities and residents are kept informed of the success of project initiated interventions, and community issues are responded to immediately. The company’s awareness programme provides critical access to HIV / AIDS education. Servest Catering will further address alcohol and drug abuse through the implementation of stringent employment rules, criteria and policies. Selecting labour from the local talent pool assists in minimising the impact of the project workers on public health infrastructure and services by enabling access to primary healthcare and emergency medical services on-site. Such a local employment strategy discourages foreign job seekers from migrating to the project area on their own initiative as it further deals with the development of informal settlements by engaging with local law enforcement and local communities and developing stringent worker transport and employment rules and criteria. Without question, the emphasis for Servest Catering has to be on tangible job creation and subsequent skills transfer, economic participation by locals and the re-distribution of wealth.

Arandis - Heart of Erongo Red

Erongo Red is bracing itself for the rapid growth of Arandis town. Currently, a consultant is carrying out a load flow study to determine the electricity consumption in Arandis, said Ben Nangombe, Public Relations and Marketing Officer Erongo Red. Arandis town is the nearest town to the numerous mining operations in Erongo region and of late has become the town of choice for most investors in the region. Lithon Consulting was appointed to do the Load Flow Study, Design and Upgrading of Intake Substation. “This means establishing the consumption for the entire town and, as the town is growing, to establish what the anticipated consumption is so that we can start to upgrade our systems. Erongo Red are the suppliers of electricity in Erongo region and Arandis, by being in the region, also gets its electricity from us,” Nangombe laid out. Erongo region is the hub of fishing and mining industries. Many people come to look for work as more mines open up, but with it comes increased consumption of electricity and the need to cater for that increase in demand. Erongo RED is also planning to upgrade streetlights in Arandis, which is scheduled to commence in January or February 2014 at the cost of N$750 000. The power utility is executing a number of projects for the region and some specific to Arandis.

The company is busy with preparations to build another office in Arandis town following the closure of the tender on 25 July this year. Erongo Red is now evaluating the applications, said Nangombe. “Our aim is to have an office to serve customers in the area and to have a mini workshop where our electricians can work from,” he added. Erongo Red has apprentices from various vocational institutions whom it has given opportunities to gain practical skills through job attachment programmes with Erongo RED. Currently there are eleven students from various vocational training centres, including Namibia Institute of Mining Technology (NIMT) located in Arandis. Nangombe mentioned that, “In addition, we offer full study bursaries to bright young Namibians who wish to pursue degrees and diplomas from universities and colleges.” The students get experience from different business units like meter reading, construction, maintenance, and electrical engineering division. Some of the students are employed with Erongo Red after successfully completing their studies. Nangombe explained how employing the graduates is one way the organisation is contributing towards the reduction of the crippling unemployment rate in Namibia. “Our office in Arandis has full staff of two qualified electricians and meter readers for us to be able to provide efficient service to residents of Arandis. Once the new office is completed and depending on the growth of the town, the staff complement will be increased,” stated Nangombe. He said Arandis also profits from the social tariffs that benefit registered pensioners with Erongo Red accounts as well as consumers on the 30 Amp connection and disabled people receiving disability grants from government. Nangombe announced that Erongo Red is going to install the SCADA system in the entire region. The SCADA system is a software that is used to detect power outages by identifying where the outage is.

16 | News

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Advertising Sales Executive The Namib Independent, the coast's fastest growing newspaper, has an opening for an experienced Sales Executive to sell advertising for our range of products. If you enjoy the buzz closing a sale can bring and want more, we want to hear from you.

About the company

The Namib Independent is the leading and fastest growing newspaper on the Coast. Since inception we have built up a loyal clientèle and readership and enjoy the loyal support of the coastal community. Our goal is to continually raise important issues that affect our coastal towns and their people, while at the same time providing the local and national business community with a sought after and highly successful advertising channel. To find out more about us, please visit www. or find us on Facebook.

The position Simply put, your job is to sell as many adverts in the Namib Independent as possible, as well as developing and maintaining a great relationship with clients. The pressure will be on to meet your sales targets, so expect busy days with a full to-do list. As an Advertising Sales Executive, you will: • Look after our existing clientèle • Visit potential news customers for new business • Provide customers with quotations • Negotiate the terms of an agreement and close sales • Gather market and customer information and provide feedback on buying trends • Represent the Namib Independent at trade exhibitions, events and demonstrations • Identify new markets and business opportunities • Record sales and send copies to the sales office • Review your own sales performance

The Candidate • The position calls for an experienced Sales Executive with a track record of proven sales, preferably gained in a businessto-business sales environment • Candidates with a successful sales track record gained on the coast will be given preference • An advertising, PR or promotions background would be advantageous • A relevant diploma or degree will help close the deal • Fluent in English and Afrikaans, German is an added bonus • Must be highly computer literate in Microsoft Office programs as well as having a healthy command of the internet and its workings. • Must have own transport (non-negotiable) Remuneration • The right candidate shall be offered a basic salary and a healthy commission structure • On-target earnings can see the right candidate earn up to N$15 000 per month

Only candidates with experience need apply. Only short listed candidates shall be contacted. To apply for this position please email or call Helena at the following contact information: or 064 200 497

Thursday, 26 September 2013

News | 17

Arandis - Small Town, Big Heart Arandis is one of Namibia’s youngest up-and-coming towns. The town offers an ideal environment for investment & other business opportunities. It is a small town with a big heart. The council is a community striving for positive change and growth. The town is mostly known for the educational centre NIMT, Namibia’s training centre for mining-related higher learning qualifications. The town is booming with property development such as shopping malls, housing developments; even the first hotel in the town is currently being built. “This is where we, the property experts of Remax Coastline Property Centre, come in. We have various exciting new developments in Arandis at affordable prices. "We are so grateful that we can be part of this opportunity to build up a community by making housing development a reality. “We were the only property company present at the Arandis 2013 Investment Conference Expo in April and it was an ideal platform to explore development. We think that their logo, “Opportunity awaits”, said it best because this is really the case. We can’t wait to see the results over the coming years of what this town is made of!” The Remax professional team is always ready to assist you. Please call our offices with any queries at Tel: (064) 464-033(Swakopmund) and Tel: (064) 212-440 (Walvis Bay)

18 |

Thursday, 26 September 2013

N$15 Mil Health Clinic Health is wealth, some people say and to this end, Arandis Town Council has a new N$15 million Primary Health Care Centre under construction. Construction of the Health Centre project started in mid-2013 and it is anticipated that the handover will take place between December this year and January 2014. The project has created 30 jobs for Arandis residents for both men and women and 25 jobs for professionals outside the town. While some women shun physical jobs like digging trenches and view such work as suitable for men, two women

were busy digging the foundation of the mortuary when the reporter visited the clinic under construction. The mortuary will accommodate six bodies. The modern Health Centre will have facilities found in major hospitals, including a waiting room for patients, HIV consulting room, Tuberculosis consulting room, adolescents consulting room and four general consulting rooms. The site foreman who showed the Namib Independent around said the Centre also has a testing room and multipurpose rooms, an in-patient room, observation room, casualty or emergency

room and a delivery room for pregnant mothers. The Centre has two twobedroom doctors’ houses that will have modern fitted four plate stoves and washing machines. Also in the complex are six one-bedroom units with an open plan kitchen/lounge. Washing machines will also be installed. The construction tender was awarded to Amupolo Construction owned by Erasmus Gabriel. With such attractive free accommodation, Arandis will no doubt see medical personnel scramble for placements in this town that has etched a definite success trail judging by the number of investors opening shop there. Arandis is the town nearest to major uranium and iron mines but due to lack of ideal and adequate infrastructure, the town was losing investment projects to Swakopmund. However, after waking up from years of slumber, the council has embarked on intensive investment lobby programs that are yielding positive results.

FNB Pledges Quality Service

Tienie Mouton, First National Bank (FNB) Regional Manager for the Erongo region, is hopeful that the bank will deliver quality service to the people of Arandis. Speaking at the official opening of the bank recently, he said the bank does not anticipate getting negative reports from the residents. “This new FNB branch will no doubt beautify and enhance the image of Arandis and I hope that the new facility will ensure that the residents of Arandis receive a fast, efficient and effective customer service from the FNB employees. “It will be a sad day when I have to receive dissatisfied residents in our office to complain about poor service from FNB. While we are celebrating this investment and achievement of the most innovative bank in the world, let us do so while focusing on the rural communities of Namibia.” The ceremony was attended by the Mayor of Arandis, Daniel Utapi Muhuura; CEO of Arandis Town Council, Florida Husselman; and CEO of FNB Namibia, Ian Leyenaar. Mr Dixon Norval, Head: Strategic Marketing & Communications at FNB Namibia, directed the opening ceremony.

1 mOshiwambo || 19

Thursday, 26 20 September June 2013 2013 Thursday,

m OsSh Hiwamb I WA M Bo O mO Epandaanda lyaPluto

Staff Reporter Yamwe yomaakalimo yomepandaanda lyaPluto popepi nehala lyaSmall Boy konima yokomboni onkulu oye uvite nayi kombinga yaanangeshefa mboka haya shingithile mehala lyaandjuka ndyono taya ti olyi ikalekelwa onga ehalandjandja lyokudhanena aanona yawo. Aakalimo otaya holola euvonayi lyawo kutya, oongalashe dhiihauto dhomomagumbo nadhimwe dhi ipyakidhila nokupainda omahauto otadhi uvitha nayi mokutala nonkalo ndjika oya nika wo oshiponga kombinga yonkalonawa nuundjolowele. Omakwakwa giihauto otaga monika ga napakana nehala alihe. “Shono nda hala ku uva kelelo lyondoolopa, osho shoka ngele oongeshefa ndhino odhi na ngaa oombapila dhomapitikilo okulongela pehala ndika. Epulo lyandje omolwaashoka ondi shi shi kutya ehala ndika olya nuninwa ehala lyomaudhano nenge lyokudhanena aanona. Elelo lyaMuni olya tidha po nokukeelela oomeme mbono yali taya kambadhala okulandithila po iikuki yawo, mbyoka itaa yi eta uudhigu wa sha andola kombinga yuundjolowele, ngaashi ta wu

etwa komiku nokomalwithi guuzigo ngoka taga zi moopainda esiku nasiku yo aakalimo taya fudhile mo. Omukalimo gumwe osho a holola ngaaka euvonayi lye. Omauyelele gamwe otaga monika ko internet kombinga yonkalo yuukolele yi li moshiponga uuna ta ku fudhilwa mo oopainda nomiku omidhigu, ngaashi tashi monika mokatendo ta ka landula kutya; “Ehangano lyuundjolowele muuyuni hali fupipikwa (WHO) olya ulike omikundu dha taalelwa kaantu mboka haya longo noopainda. Otali holola kutya, aapaindi oye li iihakanwa yuuvu wokankela paapelesenda 20%, osho wo oopelesenda 40% dhokankela yokomapunga. Ehangano lyuundjolowele muuyuni oli na wo uumbanda kombinga yuuzigo mboka hawu holoka konima yethimbo ele, hawu zi momazimba nomiku dhoopainda momagumbo getu. Mu Denmark, aatseyinawa oya dhimbulula onkalo hayi gumu uukolele wopauluyi, unene kumboka haya longo ethimbo ele noopainda, hawu ithanwa, “uudhimbwantu waapaindi” Osha tseyika nawa kutya, aanona naakulupe oyo unene iihakanwa yomiku ndhika omidhigu dhoopainda. Otadhi e ta

omitse tadhi pwatuka, oallegika dhi ili nodhi ili, omavu giipa, omaunkundi gomitima, osho wo giivalitholyo, oopainda ndhino odho iinima wu na oku ipula nawa manga inoo dhi eta megumbo lyoye. greenarticles/how_paint_can_affect_your_ familys_health.php Omushangwa gumwe gwo pa interneta otagu ti:“ ehhm/paint.html “Oondomo dhimwe dha nika oshiponga” Oopainda ndhoka dha longwa momahooli odhi na omuku gwa nika oshiponga ngele gwa fudhilwa mo. Omiku ndhika ohadhi e ta uuvu wepwatuko lyomutse, omeho taga nyuwa, oshitelele osho wo eloloko. Ngele owa kala popepi nomiku ndhika ethimbo ele. Ota dhi ku etele omauvu omanene ngaashi uuvu wonelive, ehuli osho wo iiti yanathigo. Omiku ndhika odhi li oshiponga oshinene koomeme ye li momategelelo, aanona, aantu mboka ye na omaudhigu mo ku fudha, naatu mboka ya kala haya longitha unene oopainda ndhika omo lwa iilonga. “Aapaindi ohaya zala nawa yi igamena uuna taya painda iihauto yawo, tse nee

mbono tu li momudhiingoloko naanona nbono taya dhana, otatu ningwa ngiini? Omuvali gumwe osho a pula ngaaka neuvonayi enene. Gumwe okwa holola wo euvonayi lye kombinga yondoya ndjoka yi li kohi yolamba yomepandaanda, naakalimo yamwe ohaya umbile nokuli ondoya niiyagaya pelamba opo tuu mpoka, shoka tashi eta oondhi nomapenzi. Shaashi ooyene yoongeshefa ndhika otaya longele mehalandjandja lya yela, ohaya longo omasiku agehe goshiwike. Onkene, aahingi yiihauto ohaya hingi yu uka mondambo taya endelele unene, shoka sha tula egameno lyaanona moshiponga, unene momahuliloshiwike, pethimbo ndyono ihaa ya yi koskola. “Ehala ndika olya li hali kala lya gundjila no li na ombili, no ndi wete kutya aantu mbono taya longele mpaka ota ye shi ningi shaashi ka ye na oombapila, yo ishewe ota ya iyageke okufuta oompale dhepangelo”, osho omukalimo gumwe a tumbula ngaaka.

Ehumithokomeho dhootundi dhelaka lyoshimbolo mOmbawe Uuministeli welongo otawu kwatha aantu ye na uulema, unene oombolo. Oye li yi ipyakidhila nokuhumitha komeho ootundi dhelaka lyoshimbolo mOmbawe osho wo moShiwakopo, opo ku kwathwe oombolo ya kwatathane nawa naamboka ye na ewi ye li momudhiingoloko gwawo. Omunambelewa ta kalelepo oshitopolwa shomukuma Erongo Eivy Alupe otati, uuministeli welongo ohawu longitha oshitya “aahwahwameki” okulonga aanuulema woshimbolo yoomvula dhi li pombanda. Aahwahwameki mbaka nayo oombolo yoyene. Ohatu dheula aantu okulonga yakwawo. Alupe okwa tsikile ko tati, omambo getu gelaka lyoshimbolo ohaga nyanyangidhwa kOvenduka. Ombelewa yetu onene ohayi tu pewe oomambo ngoka hatu longitha okulonga oliteracy kaalongwa mbono ye li aakuluntu. Pethimbo ndino, oombolo

konyala omilongo mbali odhi li mOmbawe na ntano odhi li mOshiwakopo. Eivy osho a holola ngaaka. Omunambelewa nguka okwa ti kutya, oosikola ndhono hadhi longo owala oombolo odhi li kOngwediva nokOvenduka. Ka ku na oosikola dhaanona mboka ye li oombolo komunkulofuta, ihe ndhika odho owala oonkambadhala okulonga omudhiingoloko ngoka gu na oombolo dhi na oomvula dhopombanda. Gumwe gwomwaambo taya longo oombolo ndhika elaka lyoshimbolo poskola ya Duinesig School mOshiwakopo. Moonkundathan dhe noshifo shetu, Namib Independent, okwe tu lombwele wo onakuziwa nokukalamwenyo kwe. “Kanda li ombolo”, osho a ti moonkundathana dhe noshifo shetu. “Sho nda li ndi na konyala oomvula omulongo, onda akukilwa kuuvu, no nda kanitha

omakutsi gandje agehe, ano kaa ndi uvite ko we nandenande. Momvula 1976 onda tameke osikola poskola yowina mOngwediva? Momumvo 1988, onda li nda mono ompito oku ya kosikola yoombolo muGallaudet, muWashington DC, USA. Niilenge otati, Uuministeli owe mu kuta onga omulongi gwoombolo poskola yaDuinesig muKuisebmund. Ootundi dhe ohadhi kala ko potundi 18h00, okuza momaandaha sigo etine. “Yamwe yomaalongwa ohaya longo, onkene pu na ootundi dho kongulohi, Niilongo ta fatulula ngaaka. Ota dhiladhila kutya, nando e na aalongwa ye li 20, omu na wo oombolo odhindji mOmbawe. Uudhigu owu li mpoka kutya, oyendji ina ya enda osikola, onkene oya pumbwa okutseya pakulesha nokunyola, osho wo omandhindhiliko. Elongo otali ende kashona.

|1 Thursday, 26 September 2013

Thursday, 20 | 'Here' Say 27 June 2013

'Here' SAY

What Do You Think We Can Do to Best Improve? - Education Systems - Health Systems - Poverty Jody “Public schools do not offer students enough in the aspect of preparing them for life after school. We also have a problem with the fact that we do not have enough schools to support our primary students that are moving onto high school. Schools first make space for their own students."

Elton "Our Education system needs attention. We are in need of more high schools and primary schools. There have been too many cases where schools have denied grade 8’s and 1’s due to the lack of space. If there were more public schools than we would not have this problem. We as a community should be there to assist these children and give them their right to education.”

Joy “The health system in this town is horrific or rather the state hospital. I think we are in need of more state hospitals and clinics. Our educations systems: I believe we need more primary schools, turn a house into a school instead of demolishing it and starting a super market.”

Meriam "There is a lack of primary schools, especially in Grade One. Parents are constantly worried about this matter and we receive the response “sorry there is just no space”. It’s always unpleasant to struggle with this matter. We could set up a few more schools instead of more business districts.” Sharon “Die enigste manier wat mens die probleme kan verbeter is om as 'n gemeenskap saam te werk. Daar moet meer staatsskole oop gemaak word om implekasies te verhoed. Die feit dat daar nooit plek is vir graad agt leerlinge nie. Dan is daar die gesondheids aspek, die staats hospitale is verwaarloos en daar moet meer aandag aan dit gegee word. Daar is te veel ander besighede wat aan die bou is en te min van dit wat werklik nodig is bv. Soos staats skole".

Caylan "Education should be free. Some parents cannot afford to pay school fees and in the end these children are left with no other choice but to find a job. However, we also do need more colleges to allow students to study in their home town and still work part-time to gain skills in the field that they are studying for, due to the fact most jobs require skills."

Rebecca "Our education system needs urgent attention. There have been too many cases where there is just not space for a student and then you as parent are forced to take your child to a private school or send them away to another town for school. Also teachers do not share a “studentteacher bond“ anymore; it has become more of a business than anything else. I believe that if we as a community can stand together than we could help to improve this problem.”

Motoring | 21

Thursday, 26 September 2013

m O s h iwam bo MOT O R ING



By American standards, the Volkswagen Golf–based Audi A3 is a little car. Not so in Europe, however, where the A3 is a legitimate family hauler. In other words, there is plenty of room in Audi’s European product portfolio for a car with tidier dimensions. Enter the A1, Audi’s third attempt at the true small-car segment. The A1 is based on the VW Polo platform, a model that, ironically, emerged in 1975 as the cheapo version of the short-lived Audi 50. Audi’s second attempt, the allaluminum A2, failed mostly because it was underpowered and overpriced at its launch in 1999. Today, the Luc Donckerwolke–styled A2 is gaining cult status, albeit a bit too late. End of history lesson. Mini Paved the Way This new take on a small-car entry is similarly upscale, only now there’s a market for it. For this, we can thank the Mini’s wild success. Both cars are similar in concept but vastly different in execution. If you are a fan of the United Kingdom with its Victorian mansions, Beefeaters, changing of the guard, and all, you’ll appreciate the Mini’s approach to automotive design. If Bauhaus is more your thing, you will gravitate toward the Audi A1, with its clean lines and technoid LED strips and taillights. The Polo heritage is successfully hidden, and a

“single frame” grille, previewed with the A8, predominates here, too. Despite being smaller than the A3, the A1 looks tough and ready to scrap with the cheeky Brit. Its track has been widened compared with the Polo’s, and the headlights have a somewhat menacing look, especially when equipped with the optional xenon lights, which come with an LED strip that successfully mimics the A8’s. Audi will even paint the roof pillars, which stretch from front to rear in one smooth arc, in a contrasting color for extra awesomeness. But does it back up this swagger with what’s under the hood? The A1 offers a choice of four turbocharged four-bangers: two diesel and two gasoline engines. The two variations

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of the 1.6-liter TDI, which make 90 hp and 105 hp, pull the A1 forward with some authority and both get over 60 mpg in the European cycle. Petrolheads get a choice of a 1.2-liter, eight-valve engine producing 85 hp and a 1.4-liter 16-valver turning out 122 hp. Neither of these engines can muster enough power to jerk the car forward with much enthusiasm, and we actually found the weaker engine to be more convincing. It offers almost diesel-like torque at low and medium rpm but is more responsive and smoother. The 1.4 offers little meaningful extra oomph.

We sampled the 1.2 TFSI with the slick five-speed manual transmission and the 1.4 TFSI with its optional seven-speed dual-clutch box that delivers seamless shifts but none of the throttle blipping and general aural delight that Audi engineers bake into the TTS and S4. That said, the two gasoline-powered A1 versions, despite their lack of power, are fun to drive and serve up a sense of command and precision. Responsive Chassis, Expansive Options List This feeling of control is enhanced by the A1’s excellent chassis setup.

The electric power steering simulates a full hydraulic system with perfection and is very direct, too. Its aggressive ratio is complemented by Audi’s “electronic limited-slip differential”, which uses the stability-control system to brake wheels in order to generate forceful turn-in. It’s Audi’s version of the Volkswagen XDS system, and it comes on every A1, not just on top-of-the-line models, like at VW. The A1 is neutral up to the limit, at which point the ESP system kicks in briefly if noticeably. It’s a friendly warning that your backside was just saved, but it doesn’t sanction you by taking off more speed than necessary. There are two suspension setups. We like the standard suspension, and the sport suspension is even better in control and sharpness. Even so, it doesn’t beat you up. If you want to max out your credit card, you can load up the A1 with extras unheard of in this vehicle class. We already mentioned the LED and xenon lighting options; there are also a panoramic roof, keyless entry, a selection of large wheels, and some impressive infotainment options. The A1’s top system is from Bose and includes a 465-watt surroundsound system with 13 speakers plus a subwoofer. Audi has shoved the MMIplus system into the dashboard, complete with a 6.5-inch color screen, voice activation, and a 20GB hard drive for music storage. The level of integration is far superior to that of most other cars in any vehicle class. There’s one extra we’d wait for: the Polo GTI’s turbo- and supercharged 180-hp, 1.4-liter engine. One of the worst-kept secrets in Ingolstadt is the imminent arrival of an S1 with this twin-charged powerplant.

Entertainment 37 Entertainment || 37 Thursday, January 2013 Thursday, 26 24 September 2013

Thursday, 27 06 June 2013 2012 Thursday, December Entertainment 2220 | |Entertainment


Unexpected good fortune will come your way on Thursday. CAPRICORN SayFinances thank you the cosmos. have atodate aretolooking perky,You withwill a chance getwith more earndestiny the Moon your to ruler on Friday. ings.when You might be intrines the mood buySaturn extra gadgets for the home, perhaps a could new computer or course something elselife. thatGet helps A fated experience change the of your makeon lifeSaturday. easier. The the merrier far as you're moving Lotsmore of activities willaskeep your mindconYou could given a raise or find that you've been andcerned. body occupied thisbeweekend. given additional responsibility at work for which you'll get more money. AQUARIUS AQUARIUS Be your own best friend on Monday. You're good to Things may seem surreal today, Aquarius, so don't take other others, so now show the same kindness to yourself. Think people's chatter too seriously. This is a day to reach out and before you speak on Tuesday. You may inadvertently touch someone, so pick up the phone. It's a good day to share offend a loved one if you're too blunt. Reach for the stars your dreams, no matter how farfetched they sound. Others when the Moon sextiles your ruler Uranus on Wednesday. may look at you as if you have three heads, but as long as You have oodles of untapped potential. Organize your you're being honest with yourself, there's no reason to be shy house from top to bottom on Saturday. It's time to put the about sharing. sock drawer in order. PISCES PISCES You might be in a more reflective mood, especially as there's Your agenda upended on Your Monday. a focus oncould your be spiritual zone. innerTry lifetoisgoimportant, with thethat flowincludes as muchyour as possible. fly with and self-talk,Sparks hopes,may dreams, andafantalover onIfTuesday. Have a fireand extinguisher handy!toCall a for sies. you want exciting positive things happen friend celebrate. You'll them learn ainlife lesson Friday. you,and then start creating your head.onYou might get This experience willtohelp youmore growmoney as a person. Have a home ideas about how make or make your good time on homier. GoSunday. for it! Forget your cares and worries this weekend.


• • • • • • • • • •

They have a lot of data, but they’re still clueless. A better model is just around the corner. They look nice and shiny until you get them home. It’s always essential to have a backup. They’ll do whatever you want if you push the right buttons. The best part of having one is the games you can play. In order to get their attention, you have to turn them on. The lights are on but nobody’s home. Big power surges knock them out at night. Size does matter.

• • • • • •

When you ask them what’s wrong, they always say ‘nothing’. They can produce incorrect results with alarming speed. They are always turning simple statements into big productions. Small talk is important. You do the same thing for years, and suddenly it’s wrong. They make you take the garbage out. Miss a period and they go wild.

But then again, here are the top ten reasons whySuduko they are is obviously easy to play and the rules are simple. Fill in the female. blanks so that each row, each column, and each of the nine 3x3


Here are the top ten reasons why

grids contain one instance of each of the numbers 1 though 9.

3 8 They’re oh so picky, picky, picky. 3 9 7 They hear what you say, but Solution to Last Week's Suduko 5 4 6 not what you mean. Beauty is only shell deep. 8 7 3 4 8

2 4 6 3 4 6 are simple. Fill in Suduko is easy to play and the2 rules the blanks so that each row, each column, 5 1 8 and each of the nine 3x3 grids contain one instance of each of the 2 3


numbers 1 though 9.

6 8 9

1 2 8 4 5 1 8 5 7 1 2 8 1 5 9 3 8 5 8 6



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Humankind’s propensity for imposing anthropomorphic characteristics on inanimate objects has now reached computers. But, which gender should your PC be?

Daily Sudoku: Mon 14-Jan-2013

Solution to Last Week's Suduko

6 2 4 3 1 8 3 9 5 7 1 7 5 4 2 5 1 6 9 8 A SET THREE COURSE MEAL FOR TWO 3 9SPECIAL! 8 2 4 4 3 AT LYON DES SABLES! CHEF'S 2 4 7 6 3 4 5 1 8 9 9 6 3 7 5 9 4 7 8 2 1 6

Daily Sudoku: Mon 21-Jan-2013

Daily Sudoku: Mon 14-Jan-2013


CROSSWORD How to enter: fill out and drop in PO Box 5085 or email: or fax: 064 200 474 with your name and contact details

9 8 5 7 6 4 2 1 8 3 9 6 7 2 3 4 1 7 6 5 5 9 1 8 Lyon des Sables 2Restaurant, 6 7 3 Cocktail and Wine 4 1 8 2 3 5 4 9 (c) Daily Sudoku Ltd 2013. All rights reserved.

which should put you in a good mood. Don't second-guess a LEO romantic offer of a date. Demonstrate your leadership skills while at work on LEO A higher-up will take notice! You'll waver between Monday. seem to beWait fastuntil paced and sure exciting whether twoRelationships options on Wednesday. you're of what business romance. The connections you be make youlinked reallyto want beforeormaking a decision. A lover could encouraging youwhen to explore new direction. Someone in aare quarrelsome mood Venus asquares Mars in Leo on may give you a tipbusiness that could expand Saturday. Unfinished might need your to be horizons, dealt withopen vistas, suggest fresh There is also a on new Sunday. Takeand steps to bring thepossibilities. matter to final closure. connection to your social life and networking that adds to the fun and upbeat energy of the week. VIRGO A new acquaintance will enter your life on Monday. This VIRGO person will expandweek your to mental possible that It's an excellent make horizons. progress atIt's work and on career you'll travel a foreign together. Playzone by the rules goals. Youtomay feel ascountry though you're in the as one good on piece Tuesday. If youafter run aanother red light, you positive will get change. caught! Be of news brings Expect truethe to unexpected your beliefssince on Thursday. It isn't to out blindly folthe best deal maywise come of the blue. lowYou the could opinions of others. be living on your nerves and perhaps burning the candle at both ends. There's so much to do that you'll be busy all hours. LIBRA Stick to your budget on Tuesday. If you have the urge to LIBRA splurge, ask a friend to hold onand to your wallet.could Be onall your Relationships, friendships, romance be hot guard when others. Family matters couldout of topics thisinteracting week, in awith positive way. Expect a meeting interfere with work on Friday. Finding the blue thatyour could leadschedule to a creative partnership orthe budding right balance You'll between homea and careerchemistry will be a involved struggle. that romance. notice definite Aninspires admirer you maytotrytake to impress you on whether Saturday.for business or things further pleasure. One of these connections may also encourage SCORPIO you to broaden your horizons and see life from a new Check your insurance policies on Tuesday. You could be perspective. paying for unnecessary services. Love will be lovely when SCORPIO Venus in Scorpio trines Jupiter on Thursday. If you're Family is meet boisterous energetic. single, youlife could a souland mate. Say whatYou youmight mean be anddoing a lot of entertaining or have family and friends come mean what you say on Saturday. If you don't clearly state to stay. It's also possible that you've started spring cleaning your intentions, you'll be misunderstood. A lost object will early and decided to tackle the décor, too. There seem to be finally be found on Sunday. lucky events or news associated with the home. It's possible you might get money out of the blue, perhaps from a family SAGITTARIUS It's member. a great time to dance, draw, make music or write. A financial enterprise could lose money on Friday. Think about SAGITTARIUS pulling your of capital out of the Don'twork reveal All kinds associations andendeavor. relationships foryour you this secrets toThe anyone when hidden week. people youMercury meet or enters talk to your may zone share of information matters Sunday. Youryou private information couldorbecome that'son vital in helping secure a job, contract, move one public thisThere's weekend. stepknowledge nearer a goal. also the possibility of a romance that happens out of the blue. There's a lot of chemistry in the CAPRICORN bringing folks together Justairremember that this personbuzzing doesn'twith keepexcitement. his or her word.

In their honeymoon suite on their wedding night. As they undressed for bed, the husband, who was a big burly man, tossed his pants to his bride and said, “here put these on.” She said “I can’t wear your pants.” “That’s right!!” said the husband, “and don’t you forget it. I’m the man who wears the pants in this family!” With that she flipped him her panties and said, “Try these on.” He tried them on and found he could only get them on as far as his kneecaps. He said, “Hell, I can’t get into your panties!” She said, “That’s right, and that’s the way it’s going to be until you change your attitude.”


GEMINI GEMINI desire new options and get will away from it all It's The a great timetotoexplore mix and mingle. Harmony flow than ever. If you haven't yetyou taken on could the jobbeonstronger Thursday. A co-worker might invite out your vacation, this might be afor good timemonetary to get away to lunch! A friend may ask a large loanfor ona welldeserved Thehave cosmos is encouraging you to leave Friday. Checkbreak. that you the funds necessary before daily to routines and explore perhaps agreeing it. Put your brain to new good places use on and Sunday. Thinknew Current influences may be excellent for business trips up faces. ways to bring joy into your life. since this week's upbeat aspects seem to hold the potential CANCER for success. It's CANCER time to start over! Your intuition will be spot on target on There's Tuesday.definitely Follow your sixth in all lifefinancial circum-sparkles a buzz in sense the air, with stances. A loved onepositive may trynew to control yourand actions whenbusipromising some contracts potential theness Moon in Cancer on Friday. Explain deals. Your opposes intuitive Pluto hunches may play a bigthat part in youenabling have theyou right your own life.atAvoid gambling on to to belive in the right place the right time. There Sunday. It's possible thatexcellent you could lose- big time. is a chance of some news again, career related -

they have to be male.

(c) Daily Sudoku Ltd 2013. All rights reserved.

ARIES ARIES Look financial paperwork Monday. It'sover an your upbeat and positive timeon for you, You withmight lots of be overdrawn thefun bank! A partner send youismixed socializing at and on the agenda.will Networking one of the signals on Wednesday. Decoding this individual's true best things you can do right now, so keep it up. Fabulous desires willover be very It's important thinkmaking first new aspects this difficult. week suggest you'll betobusy andconnections take action that later.could Search spiritual enlightenment onmay befor very lucrative for you. You Sunday. Read a book religiousbut leader, learn how to also be in the moodbytoa splurge, you might be restrained meditate, walk limit. a labyrinth. by yourorcredit TAURUS TAURUS Separating fact from fiction won't be easy. A health matter look very promising this with a mayCareer springpossibilities up on Wednesday. It might be wise to week schedule dazzling lineupcheckup. that could makebeyou This a regular medical You'll in amore verymoney, upbeat too. mood be a Get goodready time to to consider looking for a new jobAor goon might Thursday. smile at everyone you meet! ing for interviews. Either way,advice the news could be uplifting, family member may ask for your on Saturday. Say especially youcompetent seem to be on a roll.your Finances look very so if you don'tasfeel to counsel loved one. rosy, with more than one opportunity to make extra cash.


Solution to Last Week's Crossword



DOWN 1. Bucharest is the capital (7) 1. State capital of North Carolina (7) 1. Fruit Edible(5)nut (6) 2. State in the(7) Rocky Mountains (5) 3. Capital of 81.Across 4. Rice raw fishLeeward in seaweed (5) 2. Bran (5)south of 3. Located in and the northern 5. Mediterranean island 7. Preserve from Islands, ___ andmade Barbuda (7) citrus fruits (9) 3. Used to brew a beverage (6) Sicily (5) 8. Frozen dessert 4. Hawaiian greeting (5) (3) Add sugar (7)(7) 6. Smallest of4.the Great Lakes 6. Capital of Norway 9. Unfreeze (7)(4) 7. Capital of South Koreacake (5) (5,4) 5. Sponge 7. Country on the(5) Iberian Peninsula (5) 8. West African country (6) (5) 10. Aroma 6. Cooler 9. Town Australia's 10. The world's second longest river (6) 12. in Edible bulb Northern (5) 9. Servings of boiled or steamed Territory, ___ Springs (5) 12. Capital of the Philippines (6) 16. Pastry (7) dough (9) 11. South American river (7) 15. Egyptian desert (5) 18. Drink made with juniper berries (3) 11. Baked pasta dish (7) 13. State capital of Maine (7) 16. Major European river (5) 19. Wine source (9) 13. Chewy confection (6) 14. Tehran is the capital (4) 18. State capital of Nebraska (7) 20. Sample 14.(5)Fatty oil (6) 15. State capital of(5) Oregon (5) 19. Asian river 21. of Vanilla ___ (7)islands (5) 15. Dairy product (6) 17. One the Balearic 20. Paris subway system (5) 17. is Prepare a capital turkey(7) (5) 21. Montgomery the state

Thursday, 2013 Thursday, 24 26 January September 2013

Business Boxes | 23





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24 | Coastal Property Finder

WALVIS BAY - FAIRWAY 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom, 1 Garage, Open plan kitchen and lounge, BIC, In secure complex N$4 800 pm


To let Dolphin View Security Complex 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Main Bedroom En-Suite Bathroom, Open Plan Lounge and Kitchen, Sliding doors opening onto balcony with partial sea view. Outdoor BBQ. Available Immediately. N$6 575 pm


4 Bedroom House, 2 Bathroom, Big entertainment area, Bar and Outside BBQ, Guest Toilet, Garage for 4 Cars. Excl. W&E N$11 000 pm

For sale

3 bedroom, 2 bathroom open plan kitchen and single garage. Including furniture in a cc. N$980 000

Long Beach

1 Bedroom, 1 bathroom, Kitchen, Lounge, Stoop, DSTV and Furniture. N$4 000 pm


To Let Luxury Duplex Units in Secure Complex. 3 Bedrooms. 2 Bathrooms. Main Bedroom En-Suite Bathroom. Walk-In Closet. Open Plan Kitchen and Lounge. Hob/Oven/Extractor Fan. Guest Toilet. Remote Control Garage. Pre-paid electricity. Water excluded. Available immediately. N$8 075 pm

Fariways Estate

Brand new development comming soon... Optional extras 2 Bedroom units N$ 699 000

Thursday, 26 September 2013


3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, Double Garage, Indoor BBQ. N$7 700 pm


4 Bedroom, 2 Bathrooms,Indoor BBQ , TV Room, Tandem Garage. Incl. W&E N$11 000 pm


2 Bedroom house, Full Bathroom, Kitchen with BIC and Stove. Water Included. N$4 650 pm


1 Bedroom flat, Dining room, Kitchen with BIC. Water Included. N$2 750 pm


3 Bedroom, 2 Bathrooms, Double garage, Alarm. DSTV, Water, Furniture Included. N$11 500 pm

Long Beach

2 Bedroom, 2 Bathrooms, Balcony, Inside BBQ, Double Garage, Open plan to Lounge. N$6 600 pm


House with Flat! 3 Bedroom, 2 Batroom, 2 Living Areas and 3 garages. N$13 000 pm


To let, 3 Bedrooms, lounge to fitted kitchen, entertainment area with braai and bar, balcony and double garage N$7 100 pm

Langstrand Investment Fully furnished and well maintained. 2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, private courtyard and 1 garage N$950 000

Walvis Bay

Beautiful Spacious family home, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, main bedroom has a dressing room and bathroom. Double garage and many more extras N$2 500 000

Dolfyn View

2 Bedroom flat, 2 bathrooms, lounge to fitted kitchen and single garage with balcony and awesome view N$985 000 CC Registered.

Interested in any of these properties? Call Helena on 064 200 497 today

Vogelstrand, Swakopmund

Excl. W&E Modern 3 bedroom townhouse with 2 bathrooms. Spacious Open plan living area with beautiful kitchen. Outdoor BBQ in small & tidy garden. In a quiet & secure complex in desirable area. Pre- paid electricity. N$6 600 pm

Walvis Bay - Townhouse 2 bedrooms, indoor braai, single garage, courtyard with pre-paid electricity Available 01 September

N$5 500 pm

Flat to Rent Narraville

Plot for sale Erf size 1018.12sqm. Approved plans for 8x 3 bed units. N$970 000


This townhouse in a secure complex offers you 2 bedrooms, full bathroom, open plan kitchen and lounge, single garage. N$900 000

Long Beach

To Let, 3 Bedrooms, lounge to fitted kitchen, entertainment area with braai and bar, balcony and double garage N$7 100 pm

Vineta- Swakopmund

3 Bed apartment, 2 Bath, Garage, Open plan, Secure Complex. Walking distance from Shopping Centre N$1 070 000

Long Beach

Magnificent prime seafront property, with sea views 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house with scullery & big erf. forever. Recently renovated! Brand new home and N$825 000 tastefully finished. Open plan living area with Arandis indoor BBQ. Business property in Arandis 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms, N$225 000 study, 2 garages Boundary walls


Walvis Bay

537m2 Plot for sale Fairways - Next to Golf Range N$610 000 neg


To Let, good investment 2 Bedroom townhouse N$4 500 pm N$750 000

Holiday Accommodation

2 Bedroom, 1 full bathroom, open plan kitchen and living area, scullery, separate guest toilet. Inside braai and tandem garage. N$1 800 In season N$1 500 Out of season

3 bedroomed flat, kitchen, lounge, 2 bathrooms and single garage with own little courtyard

N$6100 pm Near schools


3 bedroom house, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen, lounge, double garage

N$7 000 pm Excl W&L

New Lagoon

Freestanding house with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen with granite tops to lounge and dining area, indoor braai, garden and courtyard. Double garage. Avail 01 November N$7 700 pm


To Let 2 Bedroom, lounge to fitted kitchen, bathroom and garage with outdoor braai, Pre-paid electricity and Water included N$4 950 pm

To Rent

3 Bedrooms, lounge, kitchen, bathroom, bic, double garage for only N$5 950 pm

rent? r o y u B o t se u o h a r fo g in Look der on in F y t r e p o r P l a t s a o C h c r a se . d e t s li s d e r d n u H . y a d o t k faceboo


3 Bedroom house, 2 bedroom flat, 3 garages. Inside BBQ for wood and gas. Big yard. N$16 000 pm neg

Swakop Central

Walking distance from town 3 Bedroom, 1 bathroom, 2 toilets, 1 garage, 2 living areas. N$6 300 pm

Fully Furnished

3 Bedroomed, lounge to fitted kitchen, 2 bathrooms, indoor braai, balcony, little courtyard and double garage in Centre of Town Incl. W&L N$11 000 pm

Urgent, Urgent Sale 3 Bedrooms, kitchen, lounge, bathroom and 2 garages for only N$950 000

Townhouse Ocean View

In CC, 3 bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms, open plan kitchen and lounge inside braai, single garage. N$1 130 000

The Best Buy In Town!

4 Bedroom Family Home In Posh Area! N$2 650 000

Walvis Bay

Stunning house for sale in prime area. Walking distance from the Lagoon. This house offers you: 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open plan kithcen / Lounge, Tv room, dining area, bar area jaccuzzi area, 2 x study rooms, lovely garden, outdoor flat, and more, this house is a must see. Going below valuation. N$2 050 000

Coastal Property Finder | 25

Thursday, 26 September 2013 Fairway Estate

New development coming soon. Sole mandate, Dolphin court, Secured complex in prime area (opposite Fairways) 2 bedroom Townhouses (78m²) with open plan lounge and kitchen, bathroom with shower or bath, single garage and own private courtyard (25m²) An absolute RARE FIND!! SELLING PRICE N$699 000


To let from the end of October 2 Bedrooms, lounge to fitted kitchen and bathroom, bic and stove, pre-paid electricity Excl. W&L N$2950 pm

House To Rent

3 Bedrooms, lounge, kitchen, bathroom, bic, double garage N$5 950 pm

Swakop Vineta

Flat For Rent 1 Bedroom, 1 bathroom, lounge, open plan kitchen. No garage N$3 850 pm

Very Good Value For Money

3 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms With 2 Garages Beautiful Finishing. Situated Within Walking Distance From The Sea. N$2 250 000


Centrally located 10 bedroom house and two bedroom flat. Indoor braai area, 3 showers in house with 3 toilets and two geysers, flat has own geyser and courtyard. Communal kitchen and courtyard for house. New roof, ceilings and geysers. Rent income of N$11 000 to N$12 500 pm Full rental contracts included, house is full. No open rooms so there is a constant income. N$850 000

Dulex 3 bedroom, 2 Bathroom apartment with open plan kitchen/ dining/ living area with a fire place, patio with outdoor bbq and front patio area. Double garage.

N$1 900 000 Double Storey, Dining, Kitchen, Lounge and indoor Bbq, 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Double Garage. Outdoor Bbq on top, with a Beautiful View!

Long Beach

Dolphin Beach

Interested in any of these properties? Call Helena on 064 200 497 today

Long Beach

Magnificent prime seafront property, with sea views forever. Brand new home and tastefully finished. Open plan living area with indoor BBQ. 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms, study, 2 garages Boundary walls

Mile 4

Duplex Apartment 2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, Garage. Cc Registered No Transfer Cost N$1 177 000 Glaudi - 08 141 75 141


Townhouse for sale in Tamariskia 2 Bedrooms with bic Full bathroom, open plan kitchen and lounge Single garage N$900 000

Holiday Accomondation

Stunning Sea View\ With Furniture Ground Floor Double Garage, Open Plan Lounge, Dining-Room, Kitchen And Toilet 1 St Floor Open Plan Living Area With Kitchen, And Indoor Bbq Over Looking The Sea. 1 Bedroom And Bathroom. Second Floor Main Bedroom En-Suite Bathroom, Doors Open Onto The Balcony, Gorgeous Sea View. And Second Bedroom With En-Suite Bathroom Open Onto Balcony, Sea View. N$2 460 000

Long Beach

Double Storey Townhouse Openplan Living Area With Kitchen. Guest Toilet On The Ground Floor With A Outdoor Bbq. 3 Bedrooms And 2 Bathrooms. N$1 490 000

Townhouse For Sale In Tamarisia: In Cc, 2 Bedrooms, Full Bathroom, Open Plan Kitchen And Lounge, Small Courtyard Single Garage N$895 000

Business In Swakopmund


Central - Internet Café and Arts and Crafts shop ideally situated with lots of feet passing by, a very active photo copying section is included. This is a wellestablished business. N$1 000 000 neg

Open Plan Living Area With Kitchen And Indoor Bbq One Guestroom With Bathroom On Ground Floor, 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom On Top Floor With Main Bedroom With En-Suite Bathroom. 3 Garages. Deffinately A Must Buy N$2 600 000

Ext 15 Swakopmund

Dolphin Beach

Sole & Exclusive Mandate - Kuisebmund

Open Plan Living Area With Kitchen And Indoor Bbq 3 Beds, 2 Bathrooms, 2 Garages N$1 730 000

Walvis Bay Lagoon

To Rent 3 Bedroom Family Home With Open Plan Lounge, Kitchen, Indoor Braai, 2 Bathrooms, 2 Garages, Garden Plus 1 Bedroom Flat. Avail 1 Oct N$7 920 pm


Beautiful, Neat, Very Modern Kitchen, 3 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms, Guest Toilet, Lounge, Dining Area, Entertainment Area, Guest Toilet, Double Garage, Partly Sea View N$2 240 000

Selling Fast!! Excellent Investment. 2 & 3 Bed Units Selling 2 Bath, Kitchen / Lounge, With / Without Garage. From N$466 000

Ext 19

Vacant Erven - 600M² N$600 000


Townhouse In Ocean View In Cc, 3 Bedrooms With Bic, 2 Full Bathrooms, Open Plan Kitchen and Dining Area, Lounge With Inside Braai, Single Garage. For More Information Please N$1 130 000 neg

Swakopmund Mile 4

Townhouse N$1 350 000 In Cc, 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Open Plan Kitchen and Lounge, Inside Braai, Double Garage Its Own Yard And Walking Distance From The Beach!

Walvis Bay Meersig

3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Double Garage, Cozy Country Styled Double Story Family Home With All Space You Need. N$1 570 00

Central Walvis Bay

3 Bedroom, 1 bathroom, 1 Garage , lounge & dining area, kitchen. Lots of space to extend, perfect example to turn a house into a home that suits you N$999 000

26 | Classifieds

Thursday, 26 September 2013



5 77 77


Tuesdays 10:30 TUESDAY 10:30am

Contact Helena to place your classifieds 064 200 497 helena@ namibindependent.


REE Bodyworks

We are in need of panelbeaters. If you are a panelbeater and want to be part of our growing bussines, please contact me at

081 343 8104 or Ruben at 081 400 3654

Believe Renovations

Ons doen bouwerk, teelwerk, verfwerk, carpentry of enige iets- klein of groot-in en om u huis.

Kontak Julio by 081 418 9955

West Coast Car Recovery- Breakdown Services

24/7 Breakdown and towing service. We specialise in towing, cross border transportation, changing of flat tyres, recovery of vehicles from sand dunes and assist you if your vehicle has run out of fuel. Call us now on 081 149 8750 EMAIL US at westcoastcarecovery@

De Vries Plumbing Service



DSTV, alarm, CCTV and access control installations

Tell: 064 200 836 Cell: 081 399 6011

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N$600 pp kontak vir Francois 081 128 0553

Md Domestic Solution cc

We refill and exchange LP gas cylinders at an affordable price. Refills: 1.4kg to 7kg Exchange: 9kg, 19kg, 48kg


5.3kg with cooker top N$550 only New: door 2 door gas deliveries anytime but only in swakopmund and langstrand.

Contact Mervin 081 338 5707 and 081 319 7535

Car hire Toyota Yaris T1 N$400 per day.

Cutting palm trees?

I am looking for someone to cut back high palm trees

Please call 081 192 2157

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Gemapen Driving School

N$95 p/ lesson N$200 for NATIS test. Qualified, friendly instructor.

CALL HENK on 081780 4155

Mopanie Hout

20 kg in Swakopmund vir N$35 sak en as jy 10 of meer vat is dit N$30 sak


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20 years experience

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For all your Constuction needs

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Do you need extra income? Create a fortune with date entry. Earn up N$ 3 750 per form. No computer needed, own hour's.

SMS your name and • Laptop tracking & recovery email or postal address to 081 422 4949 for more • Website development information • Domain hosting

JHH Investment CC

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Company emails Computer training Computer/ laptop repairs Cable & wireless network installations • Email advertising • All laptop replacement parts available

Tell 064 221 958 Fax 064 221 957 Cell 081 140 5778 Website: www. laptoprepaircentrewb@

Learn & Play Day Care All toddlers welcome!


Mondays - Thursdays 08:00 -13:00 Friday 08:00 - 12:00


N$375.00 per child. Narraville - Ashrafi Str.

Contact 081 880 0476/ 081 719 4707

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Instandhouding van huise en geboue in Walvisbaai, Swakopmund, Langstrand en Hentiesbaai. Inspeksie verslae

081 454 6870

Beauty Maison Champagne Hairdressers Opposite police station Nangolo Mbumba street Walvis Bay

Prodel Constuction For all your Constuction needs

Johann Steyn at 081 128 0848 for a free quotation.

No signal on your TV's Satellite Dish? Contact me (also weekends). Cheapest rates

To Rent

Fully furnished flat

To let in Walvis Bay, Double storey, Once a week cleaning 2 Bedrooms, ADSL Internet line {Uncapped}, Braai patio, DSTV Full bouquet, Single garage, Alarm 24 hour armed response, no pets. Deposit can be paid over 3 months Incl. W&E

N$7500-00 PM + Dep Available 01/10/2013 Joey Howarth 064-220 296 / 081 236 0764

Bachelors Flat

To rent in Narraville Mermaid str, build in cupboards deposit neg.

N$2 500 pm Incl. W&E Contact 081 281 9318

Gemeubileerde Bachelors Woonstel

Te huur in Lagoon area, Walvisbaai. Geen garage. Jammer, geen kinders of troeteldiere. Veilig en privaat. Gedeeltelike DSTV, water en krag ingesluit.

To Rent/for sale




CYMOT Rosh Pinah

(naby Dunside skool) 2 slaapkamer woonstel, vol badkamer, sit en eet kamer, ingeboude kaste en stoof. GEEN garage. Water en ligte ingesluit. (beskikbaar 1 October)

for a Warehouse Supervisor. Requirements: Gr 12 with a valid drivers license and relevant experience in stock control. Only short listed candidates will be contacted.

N$5 500 pm Kontak 081 672 1188

Please email


For Sale Coastal Estates Swakopmund Central For the Developer General Residential 1 Erf 1673sqm

N$3 400 000 Irma 081 368 4469

Goods for sale

2010 Ford Ikon 1.6 Ambiante

Walvis Bay, newly resprayed due to sandblasting east weather, new windscreen, Lights and Grill New Sp7000d Tyres One Owner Good Condition


We are in need of panelbeaters if you are a panelbeater and want to be part of our growing bussines Contact me or Ruben at 081 343 8104 or 081 400 3654

Wood Beds and Dog Houses For a price please SMS or call 081 375 1645

Free Delivery at the coast.

N$115 000 neg Contact 081 124 1516

Adults N$995 Kiddies N$695


2009 Baie Goeie Kondisie N$28 000 Contact 081 423 2367 For prices please Call or

081 375 1645

SMS: 081 375 1645

Boat for Sale

Swakopmund, 85 horsepower engines, radio, fishfinder, etc.

N$85 000 Eric at 081 338 6502 / Mariska 081 256 7327 or mail me at rissie@

HONDA Scooter

2005 model 125CC, service history + full service last week. police clearance done. Helmet included. Swakopmund

Boat for sale

85 horsepower engines, radio, fishfinder, etc. Swakopmund

Sunshades N$395 each Contact 081 818 4978

N$85 000 Eric at 081 338 6502 / mariska 081 256 7327 or mail me at

N$6 500 neg 081 827 5727

Dogs for sale

Bull terrier Male puppy available, 10 weeks old. father registered, mother not registered, very nice personalities, 1st and 2nd shots received...

2005 Freelander

140 000 km. Fully overhauled engine. In Walvis Bay.

Contact 081 672 1188

N$80 000 081 149 7377

Bokvleis te Koop

20kg of meer, Walvisbaai

Coastal Advertiser

Contact 081 281 9318

Skakel 081 223 8083

081 869 1627

Beskikbaar 1 Oktober. N$2 900 pm + dep 081 247 1687

35.00 per kilo Afval apart teen

20.00 per kilo 081 257 1481

Like and add us!

t s a F t i Sell cal o L t i Sell


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Classifieds | 27

Thursday, 26 September 2013



5 77 77


Tuesdays 10:30 TUESDAY 10:30am


Animals for sale

"Velvet of Dawn" Miniatuur Pomeranian KUSA registered, Micro-chipped with GIFT PACK included. Comes from SA Champion bloodlines. N$5 000 081 240 9282



CONSENT: HOME BASED BUSINESS (HAIR SALON (state specifically nature of consent) ON ERF NO: 5720 TOWNSHIP: WALVIS BAY STREET: BREEMOND STREET KUISEBMUND (Give street name and number) In terms of the abovementioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/ establish a SANAH BRAZILLIAN HAIR BOUTIQUE SALON AND BARBER SHOP On the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 and 119, Civic Centre. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and the undersigned, in writing, not later than 17 OCTOBER 2013 NAME AND ADDRESS: APPLICANT(S) SHIMANENI SABINA HOUSE NO 5720 BREEMOND STREET, KUISEBMOND WALVIS BAY


Notice is hereby given in terms of section 63 (2) (b) of the local authorities act, 1992 (act 23 of 1992), as amended, that the council of Walvis Bay intends to sell by private transaction erf 4496 Walvis Bay to

Mr P R M Shigwele.


Erf 4496 Walvis Bay


Light Industrial AREA M² 3472 m²


N$1 388 800 15% VAT N$ 208 320 An additional amount of N$138 880 be paid towards landscaping and the establishment of a green belts. Full particulars pertaining to the sale will lie for inspection by interested persons until Tuesday 30 July 2013 at room 29, Municipal Offices, Kuisebmond. For more information Ms D Müller can be contacted at telephone (064) 2013232 during office hours.

Services Written objections to the intended private transaction, duly motivated, must be received by the undersigned before or at 12:00 Friday 02 August 2013.


COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Municipal Offices Civic Centre Nangolo mbumba Drive Private Bag 5017 WALVIS BAY Fax: (064) 209714


Looking for a Car to Buy

Does not need to be on the road.But must be rear wheel drive.Datsun sss, bmw box,escort,stanza.


Diana's Hoodia Powder

* Natural hunger suppressant, eat 1/2 of what you used to eat * Control cravings up to 6hrs * Practise portion control; still eat your favourite foods * Regulates your blood sugar levels * Regulates your stress hormones * Speeds up your metabolism & digestive system * Control of appetite & reduction of calorie intake, can contribute to reduced risk of development of chronic diseases. * Hoodia does not contain any caffeine or stimulants. * No exercise needed Phone 081 147 6776 to place your order NOW

To Rent

Truck to rent

With driver and helpers, nationwide • Furniture removal • Garden refuse • Building rubble • Office removals You name it and we will do it. Open 7 days a week. Contact 081 649 3676


Kitchen Elegance

For professional kitchen, bedroom and bathroom re-modelling. We do cabinets, blinds, tiles and flooring or any other joinery needs. Quality

services workmanship guaranteed. We pride ourselves on your satisfaction. Contact us on 081 278 8092 or 081 612 3519.Visit us at www. kitchenelegancenamibia. com

Please let me know. 081 671 9999 or any rear wheel drive car. Beauty

X-treme Cream for treatment and relief of: • Cellulite • stretchmarks • scars • tightens flabby skin • Uneven skin tone • "Restless Legs" • Painful feet, limbs & muscles • Painful Varicose Veins Phone 081 147 6776 to place your order NOW!

Diana’s Bulbinella Cream

For treatment and relief of: * Skin Rejuvenation * Anti-aging, wrinkles, " old age spots" * Uneven skin tone * Dark pigmentation (Doesn't help for "Vitiligo") * Fades Birthmarks (after prolonged use) * Relief for Cellulitis * Relief for Muscular Dystrophy * Skin Cancer * Skin conditions due to bad blood circulation * Acne / Pimples / Black heads *Dry / rough / flaky / itchy skin * Stretch marks * Scars *Sunburn * Razor / waxing / nappy rash Phone 081 147 6776 to place your order NOW

namib times




|1 Thursday, 2013 totoWednesday, 20132013 Thursday, 27 26 June September Wednesday,03 02July October

28 | Sport11 July 2013 Thursday,


Sponsored by keeping the connection

Your Weekly Golf Update Mutual & Federal - 41 years in a row Last Saturday, Mutual & Federal sponsored for the 41st year in a row at Walvis Bay Golf Club, with 44 players taking part this year. The club’s oldest sponsor certainly did not hold back. Impie Brand, Manager of Mutual & Federal, practiced a few weeks in advance, but still did not get into the prizes for his own sponsored event, apart from a lucky draw that he gladly handed back to the players. Mutual & Federal also donated a prize that was auctioned during the evening and the club received good income thanks to Sergio who bought it. ”Impie, Mutual & Federal, we appreciate your continuous support and thank you for a great golfing day.” Nearest to Pins was Mathew Stander and Nardo Sardinha, respectively. Two Clubs was scored by: Emile Vilbert Andre Burger Duane “get a new handicap” Sanders with two of them Jan Liebenberg Winner of this Better Ball Stableford event was: 1st place Peet Botha and Quinten van Wyk on 50 points! Then came: 2nd Willie Venter and Kevin Wentzel on 47 points 3rd place Peter Lohmann and Keith Fulton on 46 points 4th place Bennie Lombard and Pietie Fox on 43 points 5th place Jason Barnard and Duane Sanders. Just for the record, Jason is a 9 handicap. What went wrong in this golfing world? Impie promised to be back next

The Rugby Championship Next Fixtures 28 September: South Africa vs. Australia, Newlands Cape Town at 17h00. The possibility of the return of Benn Robinson to the front row and the skipper James Horwill to the back row will definitely be a positive for the Australians. Horwill has shown in the past that he is the man for the moment and one of the best leaders around. The physicality he brings to the table will be a factor in the line-outs and they will be more competitive both there and in the tight play. Adrian Strauss will start at No 2 in place of the vindicated Bismarck du Plessis due to the rotating system of the Springboks. The Springboks are blessed here like in all the positions. Pieter Stef du Toit was called up to the squad together with the long overdue call-up of Juan de Jongh. This guy needs no introduction to the try line and he will be in my starting lineup any time! But, give Heineke Meyer the benefit of the doubt and let us see if the Springboks can maul the men from Down Under again. 29 September: All Blacks vs. Argentina, La Plata at 00h40.

year with a greater event. Make sure you are part of this longstanding supported event. Subs All of you have been duly warned regarding outstanding subs, in various e-mails, newspaper reports and during prize givings. Subs have to be paid by 30 September or you will be “cut” from the system. Moenie kom huil nie en moenie met stories kom nie… Sport Quiz The fundraiser of the Reformed Church on Friday is not taking place any more due to various reasons and arrangements the church has for the following week. Hope to see you still during this year. The Quiz will thus be held this Friday, 18h30 for 19h00. Teams are welcome to enter. Two players per team will cost you only N$50. Please give us indication if you will attend in order to prepare. We will have something to eat available at your own cost, but prizes for best teams will be available. The focus of the quiz will be on Coaches, Currie Cup, Super 15 and a few extras. All rugby questions, this time. If you watched Super 15 Rugby and Currie Cup, you will do well, otherwise study or try to get bonus point from the bar, as usual. This coming Saturday, the PISCS Medal is on again. This time JJ, you will have to play. See you all Friday evening at the quiz and Saturday on the fairway.

Gerald Roux, organiser of the Nostalgia evening and drums player

Quinten van Wyk & Peet Botha - Winners of Mutual & Federal with Impie Brand, Sponsor, on the right

SAIMSA Games in Full Swing in Swakopmund

After an extravagant opening on Sunday, the SAIMSA games continue throughout the week battling windy and rainy weather. Although attendance is low, the teams are in great competitive spirits with games taking place in stadiums and on the beach. The closing ceremony is scheduled to take place on Friday at the Vineta Central Stadium, followed by a concert in the evening at the Mondesa Stadium. though, because they never took their foot of the paddle and nearly whipped Province in their own backyard.

the Bulls are not at full capacity but they are also not playing for 80 minutes. These guys are professionals and there should be no excuses.

Points for Province: Nic Groom with a try. Conversions: Coleman - 1 Penalties: Coleman - 3; Catrakilis - 1 Talk about twisting the dagger. The Griquas: Try by Nico Scheepers. Also Pumas have got no variety in their converted by him. game. They will play enterprising Penalties: Brummer - 1 and Gouws - 1 rugby for the first 20 minutes or so, but if that does not have the desired effect 21 September: Sharks vs. Cheetahs 50-26 they will simply start playing the man. It happens every time and is becoming The Sharks played without Jean Deysel boring. I believe they do not belong and Jacques Botes but welcomed back Marcel in this competition because they are Coetzee from the Springbok squad. He has simply not good enough. not played a competitive game since mid-June but his tempo and willingness should be an The Currie Cup example for all aspiring flanks out there.

Kicks for the Bulls: A penalty each from Jantjies and Boshoff with two convertions from Jantjies. Lions: Tony Jantjies with three conversions.

20 September: Western Province vs Griquas 19-13 Western Province simply made too many mistakes on this day. Given, it was a rather wet day and it was never going to be attractive rugby but that would just be an excuse for poor rugby by lavishly paid young men. The new scrumhalf sickness appears to be that if you want to pass the ball to your fly half you must take your time and pull the ball back as far as you can in order to give the opposition flank ample time to slap the ball out of your hand. This is happening at international level as well as our school rugby right here in Walvis Bay. It is frustrating to see how it spoils a good game. The Western Province forwards looked out of place and the squad rotating system nearly backfired. Credit must be given to Griquas,

The Sharks dominated possession and territory from the start and the pressure definitely got to the Cheetahs. The Sharks simply nullified any effort from the Cheetahs to gain territory and pinned them back in their own half. I believe that I could see Naka Drotske growing balder by the minute due to the ridiculous amount of errors that the Cheetahs made. The Sharks scored seven tries with two from Lwasi Mvovo. Fred Zeilinga with three penalties and three conversions. Cheetahs: two tries with one penalty and one conversion. 21 September: Bulls vs. Lions 26-35 The Lions with five tries to four. The Jantjies brothers squared off against each other in what was a pulsating game. We know that

Next Fixtures 27 September Cheetahs vs. WP at Bloemfontein at 17h05 Lions vs. Sharks at Ellis Park at 19h10 28 September Griquas vs Bulls in Kimberley at 14h00

1. Sharks 2. W. Province 3. Golden Lions 4. Cheetahs 5. Bulls 6. Griguas

Norwich vs. Villa 0-1 Villa continue their up and down season. Liverpool vs. Southampton 0-1 This was not part of the plan for a resurgent Liverpool. They could have lost it by three goals to null were it not for their magnificent keeper Mignolet. Chelsea vs. Fullham 2-0 Back to winning ways, they are steadily progressing up the ladder. John Obi Mikel with his first ever goal for Chelsea! 22 September

The Currie Cup Log P 7 7 7 7 7 7

The magnificent Leyton Baines with two free kicks that would sit well with Ronaldo.

W 5 5 3 3 2 1

DD PTS1. 44 24 25 24 42 20 -20 16 -53 11 -38 10

The Barclays Premier league 21 September West Brom vs. Sunderland 3-0 Manager Paulo di Canio got the sack after just five games in charge but had only himself to blame for it. Newcastle vs. Hull City 2-3 Hull Manager Steve Bruce was elated for his side’s third victory in a row that draws them level with big boys Manchester United but for goal difference. West Ham vs. Everton 2-3

Crystal Palace vs. Swansea City 0-2 Michu and Dyer with the goals for the surprise package of the season that is Swansea City. Arsenal vs. Stoke city 3-1 Ramsey just cannot stop scoring and Arsenal deservedly go to the top off the premier league. Manager Wenger cannot stop smiling. Manchester City 4-1 Manchester United Simply unstoppable soccer from City. They were as good as United were bad. United had no answers in the midfield, and City ran them ragged. Cardiff vs. Spurs 0-1 Paulinho with a late, late winner. Andre Villas Boas also smiling all the way as another London-based club wins. Result of the week: City over United. Not to be missed: Spurs vs. Chelsea on the 28th at 20h40.

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