The namib independent issue 72

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Independent Great news for the coast! • Tel (+264 64) 200 497 • Classifieds Line 57777 • Issue 72 •




N$ 3.00

Thursday, 17 October 2013 to Wednesday, 23 October 2013





Home, Sweet Home Johanna Gold Medalist Johanna Benson was honoured She also recieved the honour of a street mother, Adelaide, and her father, Sebedeus, who by Government this week, when she recieved named after her, in her home town suburb of featured at her house handover for the first time her N$1.2 million home in Fairways, Walvis Kuisebmund. since Johanna's victory. Bay. In the picture, Johanna can be seen with her See Full Story on Page 7


Mineral Exploration Underway in World Heritage Site - Meob Bay Edward Awaseb

Cnr. Circumferential Road & Grand Avenue, Light Industrial Area TEL: 064 276200 • FAX: 064 276201

Site, has already seen prospecting activity in and around its area, Meob Bay, which this year despite environmental concern. became a new World Heritage Anett Kriyatova, a representative

of Russian company, Namibian Tantalum Mining Management, confirmed that explorations for mineral deposits were made on

EPL’s 4323 and 4324 located in and around Meob Bay between 3 and 12 October of 2013. She was, however, not willing to elaborate Continued on Page 3

Thursday, 17 October 2013

2 | News


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Tel (+264 64) 200 497 Fax (+264 64) 200 474 Email Sales Greg Goeda Cell 081 147 8648 Address 81 Sam Nujoma Avenue PO Box 5085, Walvis Bay, Namibia


Namib Independent is published by Halfround Communications CC. All rights are reserved. Whilst every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained within, no liability can be accepted by the publishers or contributors for any errors, misstatements or omissions which may have occurred. The opinions expressed in the publication are not necessarily those of the publishers. Also, the publishers accept no legal liability regarding copyright ownership for material which was supplied directly to the publishers by any of the advertisers or contributors.


Dear Cross Word Enthusiasts As many of you will have noticed, last week’s cross word was a little bit confusing, and down under. Some of the answers that were under Across were written under Down and the other way round.Thus, there could be no winner for last week’s cross word. Our sincere apologies for the Crossword Confusion. Please do enter this week’s cross word competition, and stand a chance to win a Three Course Dinner for Two at Lyon des Sables.


Return to Nim’s Island Genre: Family Release Date: 11 Jan 2013 Age: PG Running Time: 90 min

Hammer of the Gods Genre: Action Release Date: 30 May 2013 Age: 18 Running Time: 99 min

No One Lives Genre: Horror Thriller Release Date: 10 May 2013 Age: 18 Running Time: 86 min

Star Trek Into Darkness Genre: Action Sci-fi Release Date: 16 May 2013 Age: 18 Running Time: 100 min

The Big Wedding Genre: Comedy Release Date: 26 April 2013 Age: 18 Running Time: 89 min

The Place Beyond the Pines Genre: Crime Drama Release Date: 19 Apr 2013 Age: 18 Running Time: 140 min

Monster High: 13 Wishes Genre: Animation Release Date: 09 May 2013 Age: PG13 Running Time: 74 min




After Earth Genre: Action Sci-Fi Release Date: 31 May 2013 Age: PG13 Running Time: 100 min


77 Theo-ben gurirab sTr. walvis bay -264 204 820

FRI SAT 18-Oct 19-Oct

SUN MON 20-Oct 21-Oct




Bruce Willis Catherine Zeta-Jones


19h00 12h00 21h00





Lily Collins

THE WAY BACK (10-12L) (COMEDY,DRAMA) Steve Carell Toni Collette Allison Janney TURBO (PG) (ANIMATED, ADVENTURE, COMEDY)

Rhyan Reynolds Paul Giamatti


Johnny Depp Armie Hammer

2 1

16h30 13h00

17h00 20h30


14h00 18h00

13h00 16h30 18h30 19h30






1 2

TUES 22-Oct






15h00 14h30


21h00 15h00




17h00 16h00 19h00



WED THURS 23-Oct 24-Oct

Thursday, 17 October 2013

News | 3

Mineral Exploration Underway in World Heritage Site - Meob Bay Continued from Page 1

over the phone on what the exploration was for. Nonetheless, the Ministry of Mines and Energy website indicates that these EPL’s are yet to be granted to the company and remain pending, which would mean that under Namibian law no exploration work is allowed to take place. A source at NAMAB Concession confirmed that they rendered assistance to a Russian company and, after they were presented with a valid permit from the Ministry of Tourism and Environment, they allowed the company to enter the park and utilise their equipment. “We have a camp in the area and Old Diamond Mining at Meob they utilised it. We would’ve never let

them in if they didn’t have a permit.” A source closely linked to the operation said that, “They [Namibian Tantalum Mining Management] made it clear that they were testing for uranium.” However, the two EPL’s in question, which lie in one of the most wellprotected areas in Namibia and cross the historic heritage site of an old diamond camp, do not include uranium as a commodity, which has been on a moratorium by the Ministry of Mines and Energy since 2007. It is alleged that the company found high grade uranium deposits, “twice as good as those found at Rossing” and were ready to begin drilling in the area.

Walvis Burglaries Out of Control Dorcas Mhungu Residents living in a complex of flats in 10th Avenue in Walvis Bay have become easy targets for criminals who seem to get more and more sophisticated by the day. Narrating his ordeal, one of the residents told the Namib Independent that the thieves gained access into the house by opening the door with a screw driver and stole his cell phone, jewellery, and the remote controls for the gate. The victims said on the fateful day he had activated the phone alarm to wake up at his usual time and had the phone and the gate remote devices at the bedside when he went to bed. But he never knew of the thieves breaking in and going out, until the following day when he woke up and went downstairs to the kitchen. “When I went to the kitchen, I

discovered that door and the garage door were open. When I got into the garage, the front door was open and the door light was on as well as the boot and I then realised that I had a break-in and I called GS4,” the victim said. The following day the thieves came back and attempted to break in next door but the owner heard them and raised alarm. According to residents living at the complex, all the other flats have been broken into except the three belonging to and occupied by the owners of the complex. Ironical is the fact that the complex is very close to the Erongo Region Police Headquarters. Another resident said the nights are now scary and she can no longer allow her daughter to sleep on her own. “It is scary because you never know when you will be a victim and what they can do to you. They can come in and with

the flick of a knife you can be stabbed to death or get injured,” the woman said but preferred to remain anonymous for fear of being targeted. The residents are worried after word got round that criminals have resorted to using a substance that is used to calm horses, following the discovery of a container of the substance at a crime scene at one residence in town. “My question is how these criminals are getting the drug that is supposed to be purchased with a prescription. "This shows the extent of corruption and social degradation that has befallen our town,” the resident moaned. Contacted for comment, Deputy Commissioner Ottilie Kashuupulwa said she was still awaiting a response from the relevant department and therefore could not confirm the break-ins at the complex.

Tiger Reef Accused of Underpaying Workers Lavrenty Repin A former Tiger Reef employee accused the Lighthouse Group of insufficient wages, hefty overtime, no food or transport allowance and no medical aid when speaking to the Namib Independent recently. According to information provided by the employee, since Tiger Reef was renovated, the staff have been receiving substantially less tip, which was all they relied on before. “We used to walk away with N$300 tip each and every day, so we didn’t care about our salaries, but since we’re not allowed to open tabs anymore, the most we’ve made was N$70 each for a whole month,” he explained. He also claimed that the salaries they receive are not nearly enough for the work that they put in. “We work six days a week, every week, from eleven in the morning until sometimes as late as twelve in the night, and at the end of the day the waiters make as little as N$1 500 a month, chefs will walk away with less than N$2 000, having an hourly pay of N$6, while cashiers won’t make more than N$2 500.” The employee also complained about various deductions, including monthly deductions for uniforms that are compulsory for each employee. A payslip from September, in possession of the Namib Independent, indicates that employees clock an average of 260 hours, with over 100 hours of overtime. This

amounts to a total monthly salary of below N$2 500. Mr Ben Paulus, Representative from TAWUN, the workers union representing the Lighthouse group, confirmed that they are aware of the situation. “At the moment we’re busy negotiating an agreement with the company (Lighthouse group), although there have been certain delays.” Mr Paulus says that they have been approached by Tiger Reef employees, who he says are being misused, and the union is in the process of evaluating these allegations. “They’re suffering a lot,” Mr Paulas explained. “They have low salaries, no transport and no food (lunches), but at the moment it is not easy to proceed.” Mr Quinton Liebenberg, owner of Tiger Reef Beach Bar, denied these allegations, claiming that they are of a malicious nature. “We follow procedure strictly, we follow the labour law. I’ve been in this business for 17 years, I know what I’m doing,” Mr Liebenberg explained. “They [employees] signed agreements and they get paid according to the hours they put in.” Mr Liebenberg insisted that it was not true that the salaries are insufficient, saying, “My salaries are the highest in Swakopmund.” He also wondered why the former employee has not approached the company for negotiations, saying that it was a clear indication of a malicious behaviour by

someone who wishes to damage his company. “This is clearly attention seeking. He is creating himself a lot of problems. “There is not one thing that we are doing wrong,” Mr Liebenberg insisted. According to a 2012 study of the

Hospitality sector in Namibia for the Labour Resource and Research Institute, due to the fact that Namibia does not have a national minimum wage, “Wages are determined primarily at the company level by management and through collective bargaining. As such, there are high disparities in the wages levels of

workers in various industries, with the unskilled and unorganised workers getting disproportionately low wages.” The report also pointed out that the average nominal wages in the hospitality industry ranged from N$2 500 to N$4 500 as of last year.

|1 Thursday, 17 October 2013

4Thursday, | News 30 August 2013






Christopher Nel (37 votes) votes) Mia-mae (57

Lynique Fourie (62 votes)

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(122 votes)

Viné Venter (171 votes)

Fanilo Haller




Cesc Eberenz

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Bizarre Rhino Horn ‘Remedies’

Lavrenty Repin Unlike the drug industry or the human trafficking business, it may be very difficult for an ordinary person to understand the motives behind the illegal poaching industry, which is on a frighteningly alarming rise in South Africa. With the recent poaching of two Rhinos on our own turf, it seems to be right on the doorstep of Namibia. According to data published by the South African Department of Environmental Affairs, six Rhinos were poached at the turn of the century. 13 years later, the figure is at 688 rhinos (or almost two rhinos per day), and rising. It is common to blame this rise stereotypically on what many presume is some kind of “abnormal Asian libido,”

however, this oversimplified assumption is incorrect. Rhino horns are traditionally used to treat everything from evil spirits and demon possessions to fever, typhoid and, predominantly in Vietnam, cancer, yet there is no record of them being used as aphrodisiacs in Asia. The horns are crushed up and ingested usually by adding the powder to tea. Rhino horn medical qualities were first described in what is now considered the “bible” of Chinese medicine: Pen Ts’ao Kang Mu (the great herbal). The book was published in 1597. This 400-year-old book, written during the Chinese Ming Dynasty, describes in detail more than 1800 plants, animal substances, minerals, and metals, along with their medicinal properties and applications.

The Ming dynasty was a period of many scientific accomplishments and great voyages. Trade with Europe was at its peak, and just as Marco Polo brought to the Italians 300 years earlier, many Chinese explorers would bring back exotic herbs, plants and animals to a superstitions, orthodox and highly traditional China. It was only natural that many foreign substances would be thought of as magical and thus were used excessively in the medicine world. Skip 400 years ahead and it becomes very difficult to justify the continued use of many of the medicines described in the writings. It is important to note that many of the cures described in Pen Ts’ao Kang Mu have proven medicinal properties and are used effectively by the Chinese population to this day. However, Rhino horns are definitely not one of them. According to an extensive groundbreaking study in 1983 at Hoffmann-La-Roche, rhinoceros horns, unlike those of other horned mammals, consist principally of keratin, the same type of protein that makes up hair and fingernails. “Rhino horn, like fingernails, is made of agglutinated hair and has no analgesic, antiinflammatory, anti-spasmolytic nor diuretic properties. “No bactericidal effect could be found against suppuration and intestinal bacteria. Essentially, ingesting rhino horn is the same as chewing your own fingernails.” It is also curious to note that no mention of Rhino horns working as aphrodisiacs can be found in Pen Ts’ao Kang Mu or any other Chinese literature. Most of this is speculation by Western poachers, who provided rhino horns to Asia during the 20th Century, which has been swollen out of proportion by Western Media. On the Vietnamese market, where the rhino horn black market has boomed in the last decade, it is reported that a “freshly cut”

rhino horn can have a retail price between USD$25 000 and $40 000 per kilogram. From a single Rhino, a poacher stands to make USD$300 000 (N$3 million). Not only are both horns sold, but also toe-nails, and recently even rhino skin and blood could be found over the internet in Vietnam. Ironically, it actually serves well for many wealthy buyers that the rhino population is decreasing. While in Europe, diamonds, real-estate and gold are the preferred long-term investment, in China, many choose to invest heavily into rhino

horns, realising that as the rhino population declines, their investment goes up. It is like buying an apartment in the centre of New York; you would welcome an influx of people into the city, even if it means an increase in poverty. Namibia has a huge task ahead of itself to conserve this wonderful misunderstood and mistreated creature. The Kunene region is the last place in the world where the nearly extinct black rhino can still roam free, with no formal conservation status, as it has for the past few million years.

ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT FOR THE ERECTION OF 3 MTC TOWERS IN OCEAN VIEW Namibia Mobile Telecommunication Corporation (MTC) intends to erect 3 signal towers on vacant land in Ocean View. This will consist of a 9m x 9m concrete palisade fence with a 25m Palm tree and a concrete building.The towers will have Base Transceiver Stations to improve capacity and coverage to the mobile network. EnviroSolutions was tasked to conduct an Environmental Impact Assessment which is in line with the requirements of the Environmental Management Act 7 of 2007 and Regulation 21 of the environmental impact assessment (EIA) Regulations (January 2012). All Interested and Affected Parties are hereby invited to register by 30 October 2013. Contact details for registration and further information:


Contact Person: Ruan Cowan Fax to email: 088 61 3470 Cell: 081 383 2929 Email: Tel: +264 64 404438

Thursday, 17 October 2013

News | 5

Novanam Fishing a Leader in Protecting Bird-Life out At Sea

Tanya Calitz Novanam, part of the Pescanova Group, took initiative and installed tori-lines on all their fishing trawlers. This will avoid most of the bird bycatch on their trawlers from now on. The use of tori-lines is compulsory in many countries, including South Africa, but not yet in Namibia. According to Novanam’s Factories General Manager, Juan Magdalena, the company has decided to take steps in becoming a more sustainable fishing company, and get certified based on the principals of the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO). The Bureau Veritas, a leading group in the inspection and certification, paid Novanam a visit to see if they comply with FAO criteria. Based on that visit the company made

a few changes in order to meet FAO standards, thus installing tori-lines. According to John Patterson from the Albatross Task Force, long line fisheries are known to have the biggest impact on seabirds, but trawlers also do their fair share in jeopardising birdlife out at sea. “During trials of tori-lines on trawlers in Namibia we found them to be 99% effective. They are a cheap and effective mitigation device that takes less than ten minutes to deploy and recover, which does not require any change in the way the fishermen fish,” Patterson explained. He further described the tori-line or Bird Scaring Line for a trawler as a 30m long rope. The top lines, attached to the vessel above and outside of the trawl cables, are typically eight metre above the sea surface. There is a road cone and float tied to the other end of

the Albatross Task Force approached them to work with them on the project. The Albatross Task Force is the organisation who provided Novanam with the tori-lines. According to Patterson, the word tori is Japanese for bird. The tori-line was first used by Japanese fishermen to scare birds from their lines and to stop the birds stealing the bait. The idea has been developed further and is now regarded as the main seabird bycatch mitigation device in the world. “The BirdLife International's Albatross Task Force operating in six South American countries as well as South Africa and Namibia recommend it as the frontline device. We have tested and experimented the rope to act as a drogue to create with many designs and refinements and tension on the top line. “Plastic tubing, called streamers, is attached to the top line at two metre intervals, long enough to reach the water. These streamers form a curtain that moves in the wind, keeping foraging seabirds away from the trawl cables where they are in danger of being crushed. “Variations on this design are also used in long line fisheries,” Patterson said. The Namib Independent paid Novanam a visit while a community organisation for women, Meme Itumbapo, was busy preparing and putting the lines together for installation on the vessels. According to GM Magdalena, Novanam will have all nine of their trawlers bird-friendly by the beginning of November. Meme Itumbapo got involved after

have developed best practice and minimum requirements for tori-line design, which we advocate across the world’s fisheries,” says Patterson. At present, Albatross Task Force Namibia is working with the Ministry of Fisheries on permit conditions requiring the use of tori-lines. “We see this step by Novanam to voluntarily start using tori-lines in Namibia as a very proactive and positive step. We commend this action and hope that it will stimulate other fishing companies to review their environmental commitment as responsible fisheries and also start using tori-lines,” concluded Patterson. Anyone wishing to know more, can contact either Kondja Amutenya or John Paterson at

Thursday, 17 October 2013

6 | News

Nigerian Women Delegation Visits the Coast Dorcas Mhungu Recently, a delegation of Nigerian business women looking for business opportunities with their Namibian counterparts visited the coast. They were heartily welcomed by the Governor of Erongo region, Cleophas Mutjavikua, in Swakopmund on Tuesday night. The delegation is accompanied by former Nigerian Ambassador to Namibia, His High Royal Highness Adeyboyega Arulo, as well as the head of the delegation, Aisha Murtala MohammedFrom Left: Former Nigerian Ambassador to Namibia, His Royal Highness Adegboyega Ariyo; Eline Nghiitwikwa and Aisha Muhammed Olebode, who is the Chief Executive Officer of the Murtala Muhammed Foundation that organised the visit. The Governor said the Erongo region has rich mineral resources and that the salt venture between Namibia and Nigeria would come to fruition as soon as the bureaucratic processes are ironed out. Erongo region is working on a project to establish an olive plantation; feasibility studies to establish suitability of the soil and water are underway. Mutjavikua praised the region with its rich mineral resources as offering opportunities in processing, mining, aquaculture, tourism and fishing. “Our region is not well known for agriculture but this is one of the areas we want to work on and play a role in agriculture. "Erongo region is a mining region and our existence is based on mining precious stones. But as usual, Africans will always export raw materials unprocessed and tourists come and take those stones to do better business with them somewhere else. "It is an area where we would like to see investment where processing can take place and the two countries can benefit,” stated the Governor. Since opportunities are abundant in the region, marine aquaculture is another area that the delegation could consider so that the country can augment marine fishing, which can be affected by resource depletion. Mutjavikua added that with the coming of Swakop Uranium Mine,

the operation will give Namibia the second largest producer slot of uranium in the world. Explaining the significance of Nigeria to Namibia, the Governor said Nigeria holds a special place in the hearts of Namibians because of special relationships fostered by the bilateral role that led to the end of Namibia’s liberation struggle. The head of the delegation, Aisha Muhammed, said the visit was an eye-opener and stated, “Africa has no business being poor.” She acknowledged Namibia’s vast opportunities for partnerships to develop the two countries’ economies and urged Namibians to take ownership of their economy as well as all Africans, in order to “ward off a second wave of colonisation.” Her example was that of foreign nations coming and getting resources in Africa, refining them and selling the processed products back to the raw material supplying countries at higher prices. Speaking at the same occasion, Eline Nghiitwiikwa, Director of Community and Early Childhood Development in the Ministry of Gender Equality and Child Welfare, said the Ministry in collaboration with the Foundation and Ministry of Foreign Affairs organised the trip of business and professional women to meet fellow business women in Namibia. The Ministries of Trade and Industry and Agriculture made presentations, and the Chamber of Commerce was instrumental in facilitating a networking reception in Windhoek. The delegation visited the salt factory and Namibia Ports Authority (Namport) yesterday. The welcome reception in Swakopmund was also attended by the Mayor of Walvis Bay, Councillor Uilika Nambahu, Swakopmund Constituency Councillor and Member of Parliament, Gemina Shitaleni, Swakopmund Deputy Mayor, Councillor Louise Tlhabanello-Madi Madi, and Special Advisor to the Governor, Adelheid Kandjala.

Thursday, 17 October 2013

News | 7

Home, Sweet Home, Johanna Dorcas Mhungu The Government of the Republic of Namibia yesterday honoured Namibia’s first female Paralympic Gold Medal winner Johanna Benson with an N$1.5 million house in Walvis Bay in the upmarket suburb of Fairway Estates. The City of Windhoek renamed the street she is living in Kuisebmond to Johanna Benson Street. Minister of Youth,

Sport and Culture, Jerry Ekandjo, and delegates from the Sports Ministry in Windhoek travelled to attend the handover ceremony. Erongo Red also made a donation by paying Benson’s electricity bill for a year. President Hifikepunye Pohamba in a speech read on his behalf by Minister Ekandjo said Benson’s victory had done the country proud. “It was with joy and pride when Namibians

demonstrated that her impairment does not mean disability. She presents a perfect role model to the Namibian youth, and her hard work will indeed inspire many. Walvis Bay is harbour to many award winning sportsmen that include athlete Frank Fredricks, boxer Harry Simon, Manny Heymans, Agnes Samaria, Collin Benjamin, and Paulus Moses to name a few. Walvis Bay Mayor, Clr Uilika Nambahu, said Benson’s sporting accolades have managed to unify the people of Namibia and the donations are a way to thank her. “Very often the success of the country is associated with the performance of its economy, but let me assure you it is also the exceptional accomplishments, sometimes against all odds, that make a country seem successful. We have had wonderful sportspersons before and we continue to honour their feat,” Nambahu said.

flocked to the Hosea Kutako International Airport in September last year to receive with jubilation, a daughter of Namibia who had put our country on the world map through her outstanding performance at the 2012 Paralympic Games in London,” President Pohamba prided. Benson scooped the gold medal in the women’s 100m race and bagged a silver in the 200m women’s race. Pohamba said despite her physical disability, Benson


power to the people



Social Security

Over the past weeks Namib Times published a number of articles about Erongo RED. In these articles the newspaper alleged that recent electricity hikes by the electricity distributor were higher than approved tariffs by Electricity Control Board (ECB). The Namib Times also accused Erongo RED as being responsible for the death of the fire victim in Swakopmund.

Honours Culture Day The Social Security Commission in Walvis Bay for the first time organised a cultural day that saw employees showing off different customary outfits associated with the various cultures they belong to in Namibia. The event, which took place over two

All these allegations lacks context and are false, misleading and directed at tarnishing and discrediting the GRN policy of creating regional efficient electricity entities (consisting of big municipalities, small municipalities, NamPower, villages and settlements) in line with Vision 2030. It’s unfortunate that a few “misinformed” members of the society are instigating the on-going negative media campaign against Erongo RED in Namib Times to undermine service delivery and deliberately mislead the public on the operations of the company. Although the RED model was received with mixed emotions eight years ago; no consumer ever imagined that after 8 years Namibia would find itself in such a critical electricity supply deficit situation. Secondly, our majority shareholders both Walvis Bay and Swakopmund would need immediate bulk supply upgrades costing the consumer close to N$1 billion. Another area of concern which became the priority of Erongo RED is the prevailing national lowest electricity access in Erongo region, which wouldn’t have been realised in the previous dispensation since the current rural electrification programme is not sufficient to achieve vision 2030. Hence, we applaud National, Regional and Local GRN visionary leadership that created Erongo RED to be the catalyst in regional economic growth, offering lowest tariffs to vulnerable groups of the society, pull human and capital resources in reducing energy losses from 30% to below 10% and to collectively finance and manage electricity infrastructure in the great and mighty Erongo region. Any reasonable consumer or tax payer can imagine the impact of the above mandate on national treasury, Municipalities, towns and regional councils in absence of a bigger well-resourced Vehicle called “Erongo RED”.

days, also allowed the participants to showcase the different cultures’ cuisines. The mini feast cooking and baking activities filled the atmosphere with an aroma that caused hunger pangs for passers. The cultural celebrations ended on Saturday.

Despite the negative publicity, we are busy upgrading Walvis Bay with NamPower to the tune of N$500 million to be completed in 2015 and we are gearing ourselves to upgrade supply to Swakopmund with another estimated N$500 million investment in 3 years’ time. We have managed to cushion the impact of prevailing high electricity generating cost to our consumers especially pensioners and poor segments of our community through the “RED Model”. Thus, Erongo RED would like to put the records straight regarding negative impression created by the recent articles in the Namib Times newspaper as follows: Firstly, in the article “Erongo RED bills anger residents” dated 13 September 2013, Namib Times alleged that the electricity tariffs increases this year by Erongo RED are higher than the approved tariffs, in other words illegal tariffs. These assertions are not true because electricity supply in Namibia is fully regulated by ECB and the tariffs that were implemented by the company were approved by the Electricity Control Board (ECB). Therefore, it is impossible for Erongo RED to implement different tariff increases than what was approved because all applicable tariffs are verified and confirmed by ECB after actual implementation. However, we acknowledge a lot of confusion around the announced 11.3% which is an average of averages. Hence the impact on customer’s electricity bill is primarily due to 11.3% average tariff increase and actual increase in consumption. The monthly electricity bill is not only influenced by the unit price but also the total consumption and time of the year for businesses. All these factors have an impact on the monthly bill of customers.

More oshiwambo traditional food: ekaka, eenangu, endunga, mopane worms, omakunde and pap

The high season (June, July and August) usually comes with high consumption equally by the businesses, the industries (LPU) and the residential customers due to the cold weather. Unfortunately, because the tariffs were increased at the same time, the outcry is mainly driven by the increase on tariffs, when in actual fact the increase on consumption is also a contributing factor to the monthly bill of customers.

In June, Erongo RED convened public meetings and information about the envisaged tariffs was widely shared with the public. Another series of meetings were again arranged for Walvis Bay and Swakopmund in September and Erongo RED again explained how the increases would impact the consumers and why it was necessary to increase the tariffs. These very meetings were also attended by most of the journalists; in fact three journalists from Namib Times did attend these meetings and were provided with information. Although, facts were provide to them, they continue to feed the public with inaccurate information. On the matter of purchasing prepayment electricity via a cellphone, Erongo RED responded on a query by Namib Times regarding alternatives of a customer wrongly purchasing prepayment electricity on another customer’s meter; the response was deliberately withheld and Erongo RED was blamed for not responding. Any prepayment customer with the above problem must contact the following persons for immediate assistance Mr Carusoe Van der Merwe and Ms Ndapanda Shaanika at 0811412476 or 0811472470. Regarding the revenue of Erongo RED, the author of the article only singled out the remuneration bill of Erongo RED without mentioning other vital expenses such as surcharges paid over to the municipalities, dividends paid over to the shareholders, maintenance of the infrastructure, total cost of subsidising the pensioners and other operating cost despite receiving a complete annual report. For the record, Erongo RED remuneration is benchmarked annually with both Walvis Bay and Swakopmund remuneration and the market. In 2012 the company paid around N$326 million for the purchase of power from NamPower. This represents electricity purchases increase of N$63,045,860.00 or 23.94%. The journalist deliberately withholds this information for misrepresentation. Revenues only increased by 12.92% compared to 23.94% of electricity purchases which means the differential was absorbed by the company and reduced profits from 70,5 million to 54,8 million. The journalist got all this information, but resorted to selective reporting to achieve their ulterior motive. Efficiency ratios Electricity purchases/Revenues ratio Remuneration/Revenues ratio Local Authority Surcharges/Revenues ratio Energy Losses

2011 55.80% 12.51% 8.08% 6%

2012 50.85% 12.48% 8.97% 6%

Erongo RED books were audited by a reputable audit firm and the financial statements were approved by the shareholders.Therefore, Erongo RED strongly refutes such biased and selective reporting. Regarding the incident in Swakopmund involving the late Mrs Pallais, the Namib Times created the impression that Erongo RED as being responsible for the death of the late Mrs Pallais. The Namib Times stated that “technicians from Erongo RED, who were supposed to install a prepaid meter at her home, failed to connect the meter and left the house without power for the whole weekend”. The impression is created that Erongo RED caused the death of the pensioner which is ridiculous.We are portrayed as murderers. This is serious defamation of character and a cheap smear campaign. Contrary to that assertions, Erongo RED want to make it clear that no Erongo RED employee worked at the premises of the deceased as the application for the prepaid meter was still being processed before the electrician could commence with the installation of the meter. As we have indicated on numerous occasions, Erongo RED would like to apeal to its customers to assist us to meet their expectations by visiting Erongo RED offices if they have a complaint or a query instead of going to the media. Furthermore, I would also like to urge the media to contact the Public Relations Division for the ‘other side of the story’ or verify the facts with us before publishing information that is factually incorrect. We remain at your service – aluta continua!

Issued by: Erongo RED, Office of the Chief Executive Officer For further information regarding this release please contact Public Relations Office at 064 214 600

The social security commission staff members dressed in traditional attire










7 Day Forecast

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17 - 23 October



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Walvis Bay Sat



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Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Cape Town

22/13 22/14


Johannesburg 25/19 25/14 26/15 28/16 29/16 24/13

15/13 20/3

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Thursday, 17 October 2013

8 | News

Coastal Girl Finds Love Online Siglinde de Villiers Meeting your true love on the Internet has long been a foreign concept at the coast. In moving with the times, however, online dating has slowly infiltrated our community. Jennifer Amos, who is living in Walvis Bay, took such a leap of faith when she started to cultivate a longdistance relationship with Eric Michener from Canada. Where did it all start? “At first there were three of us, me, Eric and Brandon, who joined a website where we created stories. Brandon fell in love with me by the way I presented myself, but he never had the courage to tell me. In the meantime, I fell in love with Eric, and I openly asked him what he would do if I told him that I liked him,” Jennifer relates. Jennifer says that Eric was taken aback at first, but then they started to have more one-on-one conversations. “A month after that, I told Brandon, who was heartbroken and slowly drifted out of our lives.” According to Jennifer, she and Eric

started sending group photos to each other so that the other person had to guess who was who. “I still remember the first picture he sent me. He was standing in a field with his brother and wearing a purple shirt. After that we started to talk more off the website and called each other through the internet. We found that we had the same interests and our relationship simply kept growing, taking off faster than what I can describe. From the moment we clicked I have adored Eric, he is the best thing in my world.” Jennifer says that long distance relationships are not without their challenges. “We are eight hours ahead of Canada. Eric and I have different schedules but he is the first person I say good morning to and the last person I say good night to. Regardless, we still chat everyday and talk about all the small things that happened to us.” Jennifer’s parents kept teasing her that her relationship was not real. She got them back though, when Eric came to

visit one Christmas with his laptop and Belgian Chocolates. “When he was next to me, I asked my parents, ‘Does he still not look real to you?’” Eric has travelled to Namibia twice already to visit Jennifer. The last time she has seen him was in 2010, when she went to visit Eric in Canada. Another challenge presented by the long-distance relationship is that Jennifer and Eric do not get the chance to bond like other couples. “Our relationship is stretched over distance, thus very little personal contact makes it quite difficult, but we have to make it work,” she says. What helps Jennifer and Eric to keep their relationship so strong? Jennifer uttered true words of wisdom when she explained that long-distance relationships often make the mistake and focus on how long apart they are. “It is important to forget the days and enjoy every second you have together. When you take the days spent together and merge them into one package, time is not of importance anymore.”

Jennifer Amos and her Boyfriend Eric Michener from Canada

615 Coastal Import VAT Accounts Suspended Dorcas Mhungu Out of the 3000 VAT import accounts suspended by the Inland Revenue Department under the Ministry of Finance last months, six hundred and fifteen defaulters are from Erongo Region, the Commissioner Sam Shivute said. The highest number constitutes Closed Corporations with 379 defaulters followed by 129 individuals, 93 companies and 14 unspecified culprits for the region. Shivute told Namib Independent that the outstanding revenue runs into millions of dollars and it is difficult to give an exact figure because the amount fluctuates on a weekly basis. The national total number of

defaulters stands at 4629 made up of the following; 3056 Closed Corporations, 753 companies, 740 individuals and 80 other taxpayers. Shivute said the highest amount owed by an individual company is over N$10 million. In a notice issued last month the department urged defaulters to pay up on all outstanding amounts within one month. Failure to do so would compel the department to use Namibian taxation laws, which include freezing all import accounts of transgressors as well as laying claim to assets in order to retrieve the debt. He explained the legality of using the third party recovery mode. “Section 91 of the Income Tax Act, Act 24 of 1981 and 36 of the Value

Vacancy Appointed Agent for Introduction... Manica Group Namibia (Pty) Ltd – Appointed Agent for Macs Shipping, is an equal opportunity employer with offices based in Walvis Bay. The Group is looking for a suitably experienced Ships Agent to join its ranks as soon as possible.

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READ MORE ON THE WEBSITE... Closing date for the above position : 23 October 2013 Bidvest Namibia supports all efforts to conserve the environment and uses an online recruitment service to reduce its carbon footprint. This service enables you to view the latest vacancies within the Bidvest Namiba Group and to register your CV for any other future positions. All applications must be done online at:

Bidvest Namibia Limited is a proudly Namibian company, listed on the Namibian Stock Exchange and is engaged in fisheries, food distribution, commercial trade, freight management and service industries. Bidvest Namibia believes in empowering people, building relationships and improving lives. We turn ordinary companies into extraordinary performers, delivering strong and consistent shareholder returns in the process. But most importantly, we understand that people create wealth, and that companies only report it.

Added Tax Act, as well as Act 10 of 2000, confer powers upon the Commissioner to recover tax owing to Inland Revenue Department from third parties. "Where tax remains unpaid by any taxpayer, the Commissioner can recover the outstanding taxes from any person who is a custodian of any moneys belonging to the taxpayer who is in default with Inland Revenue. "Notices to recover tax are issued to third parties if the tax inclusive of any interest and penalties imposed remain outstanding for an indefinite period of time and efforts to recover such outstanding tax from the taxpayer proved futile. "The third party is bound to comply with the notice by paying the money over to Inland Revenue, and failure to comply will render him personally liable for the tax he was required to pay. All Regional Receivers of Revenue have been directed

to strictly invoke the legal provisions of recovering tax debts from third parties.” The statistics clearly show that the Closed Corporations make up the largest portion of defaulters followed by companies. In a country such as Namibia where smaller Closed Corporations employ so many of the work force, the situation presents a serious challenge to both governments and employers as frozen import VAT accounts are able to close the doors of many businesses. The situation is made more untenable by the fact that over 80% of products and goods sold in Namibia are imported due to a very ill-developed manufacturing sector. Being forced to import products places a higher burden on businesses, particularly the smaller Closed Corporations as costs of the products are increased due to transportation costs, making it more difficult for the smaller indigenous businesses

to compete with larger South African suppliers that are spread throughout the country. The move offers the Department of Inland Revenue the opportunity to recover much of the outstanding debt, but at the same time does threaten the survival of many of the coastal companies on the list as well as the well-being of the employees of those companies.

Thursday, 17 October 2013

News | 9

Casting Nets, Not Votes Angers Seamen

Dorcas Mhungu Seamen employed by the fishing industry in the coastal area and marine diamond workers in Namibia are disgruntled, claiming that while others are casting votes to exercise their democratic rights they will be casting nets and drills at sea and are thereby denied their democratic right to vote. Namibian Sea Workers Union Secretary General, Errkie Shitana, confirmed the seamen outcry and said some fishing companies are not willing to allow their workers to leave work to go and vote. He said it was difficult to give figures of how many people in the fishing industry are denied the opportunity to vote, but it has always happened that some seamen do not vote because of the nature of their job. Shitana also said in 2009, the

Government issued letters to stakeholders in the fishing industry to make time and allow all eligible Namibians to vote but lack of followups to ensure implementation has resulted in some of the seamen being unable to vote for the candidates of their choice thus robbing them of their right as enshrined in the Namibian constitution. “The fishing companies have cited genuine reasons like the high cost of the fishing operations to bring the vessels to shore and allow the workers to vote. The other reason why the seamen are not able to vote is because their employers do not grant them time off so that the seamen take part in the voter registration exercise that entitles one to vote. Even if the worker is given time off to go and vote on voting days and they are not registered, it is as good as not being there,” he explained.

He said what is critical, is the establishment of a tripartite including the employers, government and the unions, so that strategies to grant voting rights to the seamen and other marine workers are mapped out. One of the leading fishing companies, Tunacor Ltd. General Manager Peya Hitula, said his company has always complied with all voting legislative requirements and given all its workers the opportunity to vote. One of Namibia’s marine diamond mining companies, Debmarine, contacted for comment promised to respond in time but at the time of going to print the response had not been submitted. Fisheries and Marine Resources Deputy Minister, Chief Ankama, stated, “When it is voting time, the Ministry in conjunction with the Electoral Commission and the fishing

Wesbank Transport (Pty) Ltd, as a Namibian equal opportunity employer, offers the following challenging career opportunity for a suitable candidate at the Head Office in Walvis Bay. The position of General Manager: Commercial reports directly to the Chief Executive Officer.

GENERAL MANAGER: COMMERCIAL The position’s key performance areas are: • • • • • • • •

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industry has in the past worked together to enable seamen to exercise their democratic right to vote by letting fishing vessels come in at certain times to vote either in Walvis Bay or Luderitz. The same procedures as above will be followed as in the past, to make sure seamen will have the opportunity to vote.”

The fishing industry employs 13 000 workers annually. Ankama said according to records for the 2011/2012 fishing season, 239 fishing vessels have been licensed to fish in Namibian waters. Dr Paul John Isaak, Director Of Elections, Electoral Commission of Namibia, said in principle, the seamen have a democratic right to participate in the voting process like any other Namibian and the decision not to take part should be an individual’s choice. He said the people who have been denied the opportunity to vote or the people representing them are free to lodge their complaints with his office so that the commission can deal with the concerns. “For now this is theoretical and abstract,” Dr Isaak concluded.

Thursday, June 2013 Thursday, 17 20 October 2013

10 | News

Jolandi Grundeling

Tunacor Supports Local Models Raise Funds Cancer Awareness for Breast Cancer Awareness

Siglinde de Villiers

Tunacor Fisheries Ltd. employees joined the national breast cancer awareness campaign and printed T-shirts with the pink campaign colour for both male and female employees. “We believe that everyone can help fight

cancer by spreading awareness. Supporting the fight against cancer,” was their message. October is breast cancer awareness month; our hearts are with all those fighting it as well as their loved ones.

Avoiding Breast Cancer - Risk Factors Siglinde de Villiers Recent studies by the American Cancer Society have linked breast cancer to a number of risk factors. Although there is not much one can do for some risk factors, others can be changed. Gender, age, family history, genes and breast tissue type are some of the risk factors that women have no control over. Nevertheless, the American Cancer Society (ACS) insists that factors that can be changed involve a change in lifestyle. The ACS reports that “women who have had no children or who had their first child after age 30 have a slightly higher risk of breast cancer than those who have had children”. ACS researchers state that this is due to the reduced number of total lifetime menstrual cycles a women has. The ACS lists birth control measures as another risk factor. “Recent studies have found that women using oral contraceptives have a slightly greater risk of getting breast cancer than women who have never used them.” This is also true for progesterone injections, for the ACS found that “women using this form of contraceptive have increased their risk for developing breast cancer.” According to the ACS, hormone therapy after menopause can also be a risk factor. “Using combined hormone therapy after menopause increases the risk of getting breast cancer. It may also increase the

chances of dying from breast cancer.” However, studies have also shown that “a woman’s breast cancer risk seems to return to that of the general population within five years of stopping combined hormone treatment.” According to the ACS excessive alcohol consumption is a fourth risk factor. “The use of alcohol is clearly linked to an increased risk of developing breast cancer. This risk increases with the amount of alcohol consumed.” Lack of physical exercise is another risk factor that goes hand in hand with obesity. ACS researchers have discovered that more fat tissue after menopause increases the chance of getting breast cancer by raising estrogen levels. Growing evidence indicates that physical exercise decreases the risk of breast cancer. “In one study, as little as 1.25 hours per week of brisk walking reduced a womans risk by 18%,” ACS explained. Long-term smoking is also listed as a risk factor towards breast cancer. Women are encouraged to examine their breasts on a regular basis, at least once a month. Breast self-exams help a woman to be familiar with how her breasts look and feel so she can notice any irregularities and consult a doctor for further examination. The John Hopkins University School of Medicine states that “forty percent of diagnosed breast cancers are detected by women who feel a lump.”

This past Saturday evening the Going Pink Fashion show at the Hotel and Entertainment Centre in Swakopmund gave its guests a taste of class, elegance and style as it raised over N$55 000 for the Cancer Association. The well-supported evening of style and glamour commenced with a welcoming speech by the Master of Ceremony, Shane Westerdale, who introduced Augusta de Villiers as the driving force behind the show. “Hosting a fashion show was just a dream but tonight, my dream has turned into reality,” Augusta said. “Choosing a theme was the least difficult part. I have lost loving family members due to cancer. Saddest to me was saying goodbye to a very close friend who has lost her battle against cancer at the age of 25.” Shane concluded with the words, “Tonight we are here to celebrate the beating of cancer, to raise awareness for breast cancer and to leave the audience with food for thought.” The evening then proceeded with a contemporary dance piece performed by the Dance Factory, which brimmed with self-expression and emotion that mesmerised the audience. Miss Namibia, Luzaan van Wyk, then introduced the first fashion run, the Sway Collection. The theme revolved around older women who should embrace their natural beauty instead of trying to hide their wrinkles under thick layers of heavy make-up. Women in their 30s and 40s, with minimal make-up and natural looking hairstyles that embodied lots of movement, modelled comfortable and easy to wear textiles, which

were created by transferring handdrawn designs. Charmaine Smit Snyman, owner of Healthy Living, continued the event with a demonstration that involved the audience on how exercise creates energy. “Exercise is the best prevention for cancer,” she concluded. “Studies have shown that women who walked seven hours a week showed 14% less risk of developing cancer. "Those who exercise vigorously for 10 hours a week show 25% less risk of developing breast cancer. It is advised to get as fit as possible before starting treatment for cancer, however, anyone that suffers from cancer or is undergoing treatment can also exercise to help them alleviate that tired feeling." Dr M. Basson gave some more information and statistics about breast cancer in Namibia. According to Dr Basson in 2010 there were 2790 cancer cases, of which 288 were breast cancer. In 2012, there were 2700 cases of cancer, 447 of which were breast cancer. “This is a 35% increase, however, even though there is an increase in breast cancer, the number of deaths resulting from cancer has decreased,” she concluded. Luzaan then introduced the second runway presentation, the Via Pronto Evening Collection, which displayed in-season colour trends on the runway. Taffeta, dupion silks with a touch of chiffon and even upholstery materials were artfully tailored into dazzling modern, sexy and feminine evening wear. Glitz and glamour were added with hand folded material flowers, glass and Swarovski beads and hand sewn lacework.


Inspiration for these jawdropping gowns was drawn from nature: green for flora, brown for earth, red for fire and blue for the atmosphere. Simple hair and make-up designs delivered maximum impact. Smoky eyes, sultry black eyeliner, glossy lips, gemstones, crystals and glitter ensured a dramatic look and were combined with hairstyles that highlighted the combed back look - loose romantic waves with a Rock 'n Roll feel, and the chic look with a 1920s feel. Feathers, which are in high fashion, were incorporated into the final looks in various ways. Caroline Pajewski performed a mind-boggling Yoga glow show, where each movement flowed into the next one in harmony with her breathing rhythm. Extreme muscle control and inner core strength had to be maintained for each stunt. The Via Pronto Bridal Collection concluded the evening by depicting elegant and beautiful styles from different eras. Exquitise imported lace and silk, chiffon and luxurious lengths of duchess satin marked these gowns. Hand drapery, pleat work, intricate hand embroidery and beading were evident in the designs, which were completed with masses of tulle. The sparkling finPishing touch showcased embellishments made from imported Swarovski crystals. As the brides gracefully walked down the aisle, a saxophone player moved around the audience, playing tunes in harmony with romantic melodies pouring from the speakers. One of the models stylishly pulled off the wig she was wearing during her walk, to reveal her shaven head, in emotional support to her mother who is currently undergoing treatment for cancer.

Thursday, 2013 Thursday, 20 17 June October 2013

mOshiwambo | 111

mO shiwambo m Os h i wa m b O Helao Omwoopaleki Dorcas Mhungu

Oshinima shomeshito shi na uuningilo osho shika kutya, uuna owato ya tameke okuningina,haku ya nayo kohi yomeya, ihe owu na okunuka mo, e to yogo sigo okomunkulo wu kale megameno, ihe omulumentu gumwe muNamibia ina landula omukalo nguka, okwa tokola opo a ningine pamwe nowato. Monena, Moses Helao ngoka a ningi oshilyo shehangano lyaahondji mehangano lyaKarakuli mepipi lyuugundjuka womimvo 17 onga omwoopaleki, ngashingeyi okuli omunangeshefa omo lwa eitulomo lyolyene. “Onda thigi po osikola mongundu ndjoka pangashingeyi hayi ithanawa ondondo ontimugoyi, oshoka aakuluntu yandje kaya li taya vulu okufutila ndje osikola. Ngaashi hashi ningwa kaantu oyendji, ngame wo onda yi koondoolopa dhokomunkulofuta, opo ndi ka konge iilonga, naasho nde ya ndaa na nando oonzapo dha sha, onda kutwa onga omwoopaleki kehangano lya Capital 7 nonda li he kwata oondola N$100.00”. Moses osho a hokololele oshifokundaneki Namib Independent onkalamwenyo ye kutya, onyeka yepumba ye ku fala kuyomuhongo. Sho a mono kutya oshimaliwa shoka ha kwata inashi mu gwanena, unene okutumina aakuluntu, okwa thigi po iilonga konima yoomwedhi ndatu, nokwa mono iilonga mehangano lyokutunga onga omuwateli, nokondjambi ye ndjooka ha kwata okwa gwedhelwa ko owala oondola N$20.00 “Pehulilo lyomumvo 1989, onda thigi po natango iilonga, nonda mono iilonga mokasitola kiikulya kaaItalia, moka nda kala natango onga omwoopaleki. Okwoopaleka okwo oshinima shoka he vulu okuninga, onda pandula kuuteku wandje uuwanawa”, Moses osho a tumbula netumba. Ondjambi ye miilonga muka oya li yi vulithe po kwaasho a kala ha mono lu ne. Sho Moses a tameke okupopya kombinga yomugandji gwiilonga gwe omutine, okwe shi ningi neimemeho lyokoshipala osho wo okukala kwe mehangano lyaKarakulia. Sho Moses a tameke okupopya kombinga yomugandji gwiilonga gwe omutine, okwe shi ningi neimemeho lyokoshipala osho wo okukala kwe mehangano lyaKarakulia. Kakele, aaniilonga pamwe naye oyo yali ye na onkalelo inaayi simaneka nawa aayopaleki miilonga yawo. Ombepo ndjino yaaniilonga ooyakwawo, inayi shuna ombepo ye monima, unene kenwethomo ewanawa nekwatathano ndyoka lya li pokati ke nomukuluntu gwiilonga Carvill. Nando a li a mono oompito dhiilonga yimwe tadhi futu nawa, Moses ine dhi taamba, oshoka okwiitaala kutya mehangano lya Karakulia okwa menena mo ohokwe unene yokutunga nenge yokuhondja. Ohokwe neitulomo lyaMoses olya dhimbululwa nawa kuCarvil ngono a kala te mu tongolola, nokwa tokola ihe okutuma omwoopaleki nguka Moses kosikola yuunyakwa koShiwakopo opo e ki ilonge okuthaneka. Onkalo oya tameke tayi ningi ombwanawa, ngaashi oshipopiwamayele sho hashi ti, onkalamwenyo oya fa okugulu kwetemba, ethimbo limwe owu li pombanda nethimbo ekwawo oto iyadha wu li kohi.

Konima yomadheulo, Moses okwa ningi gumwe gwaamboka haya longo iilonga ayihe, ihe natango okwa tsikile wo niilonga ye yokwoopaleka, oshilonga she shoka e shi nawa. Iilonga ye yeitulomo osho wo ohole ye yiilonga oye mu pethitha ondondo yewiliko mehangano momvula ye ontintano mehangano lyaKarakulia. “Ngoka a kala ha watele mewiliko pethimbo ndyoka Anna Amunyela okwa li e hole ndje, nokwa longo ndje omalandulathano, osho wo omashingitho nomalanditho. Esiku limwe Jenny okwa ithana ndje nokwa lombwele ndje kutya, okwa hala okwiinekelela ndje oshinakugwanithwa shokukala niipatululo yongeshefa, onde mu tala nengwangwano enene, nda fa inaandi zimina nawa”. “Onda li nda kutwa ndi sile oshimpwiyu omalanditho nondi kale omuwatheli gwomenindjela yiilonga, nokonima onda ningwa menindjela yemwene”, Moses osho a hokolola neimemeho enene. Momvula 2006, Jenny okwa landitha po ehangano kehangano lyaSouth Africa, ihe konima yoomvula ndatu sho aahona aape yehangano ya yi miilonga, ehangano olya mono iihuna konkalo yeliko muuyuni ndjono ya li yi li moshiponga. Aaniilonga ayehe oya thigi po ehangano,nomomvula 2010 ehangano ndika olya mbangolota okumana nomiyelo dhalyo odha edhile, ihe aaniilonga ayehe sho ya yi, oMoses owala a li a hupu mo. “Esiku limwe onda li nda kwatathana nomuntu gumwe kOvenduka opo tu ninge edhiladhilo nomushangwa gwongeshefa, omushangwa nguka inagu taambwa. Inandi shuna monima, onda ningulula omushangwa gumwe, nogwa taambwa momasiku 25th Maalitsa 2012, nonda ningi omunangeshefa noondola dhi li owala N$120.00 meyalulo lyandje lyombaanga”. Moses osho a gandja ehokololo lye lya nika esindano neimemeho. Omukuli ngoka a li a pewa kombaanga yomapendulopo yaNamibia, okwe gu longitha mokulanda ko ongeshefa, nokwa pandula kiikwa niipangitho mbyoka ya adhika natango mongeshefa, mbyoka a li a longitha opo a longe mo iinima yimwe a vule oku yi landitha. Okwa li a tameke naaniilonga yatatu, aalumentu yaali nomukiintu gumwe. Ngashingeyi okwa kuta aaniilonga ye li 14, ye li 13 oyo mboka a kala ha longo nayo shito. Omukalo ngono Moses ha longitha okulela ongeshefa ye, ogwa etele ehangano lyaKarakulia omasindano nomapapa omanene, okuza momvula yotango ye yiilonga. Esindano lyotango olyo ndyoka lyopangeshefa mErongo ylomumvo 2011. Momvula 2012, okwa sindana esindano lyombaanga yomapendulopo, moshitopolwa shoongeshefa oonshona oombwanawa. Momvula ndjika, muApilili okwa sindana muArandis esindano lyoongeshefa oonshona pethimbo lyomaulikilo goomina noonkondo. Okwa sindana wo omasindano ga longekidhwa kehangano lyokunduluka ano Namibia Manufacturing Association, moshitopolwa shaanduluki. “Etumwalaka lyandje kaaNamibia ooyakwetu olyo ndika kutya, naa ye moongeshefa ndhoka tadhi eta po sha. Otu li mo aashona lela. Aagundjuka yetu inaya hala oku ilongela. Onda hala opo mboka ya thigi po oosikola ndi ya tse omukumo opo kaaya kanithe omukumo, ihe ya tseye kutya kehe gumwe ota vulu okutameka epandja epe monkalamwenyo. Ngame osho nda ningi”.

Thursday, 12 | 'Here' Say27 June 2013

|1 Thursday, 17 October 2013

m'Here' O shiwambo SAY SAY How Do You Feel About the Rhino Poaching? What do You Think the Government can do to Prevent this and What Punishment Should be Given? Dirk: “Bewarings Fondse beskikbaar stel vir die wat met die renosters werk. Een van sy ledemate prys gee of sy hande afkap dan sal hy dit nie weer kan doen nie.”

Chantell: “I personally think that the government should take action by having security guards at certain points to catch these poachers. The punishment that should be brought forward is the death penalty. You are taking a life even if it’s just an animal it is still a life and the criminal should be punished by taking away his life.”

Riël: "Ek dink dis wreed om

Renosters dood te maak vir hul horings. Renosters is een van die oudste spesies in die wêreld. Wat gaan ons vir ons klein kinders vertel, as die Renosters uitgewis is? “Like the queen said cut of his head!”

Janette: “Opleiding vir die mense om te sê waaruit die horing eintlik bestaan en dat dit niks beteken nie. Swaar trokstraf, dit is dieselfde as moord en dit moet lewenslank wees of soos in ander lande dat hul hande

Johan: "Death penalty. Strict regulation and also informing people about the poaching because it is just horrific to hear about our Rhinos being poached; it’s a living animal.What you take away from the Rhino should be taken away from you, or cut off his hands.”

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|1 Community Lens | 13

Thursday, 30 November 2012 Thursday, 17 October 2013

lens lens

Community Community

Going Pink

Fashion Show

Photos by Jolandi Grundeling

This past Saturday the "Going Pink" Fashion Show was presented at the Hotel and Entertainment Centre in Swakopmund. The event was well-supported and raised over N$55 000 for the Cancer Association. Augusta de Villiers from NMH Artistry was the driving force behind the fashion show.

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Entertainment || 37 Thursday, 17 January October2013 2013 Entertainment 37 Thursday, 24

Thursday, 23 06 May 2013 2012 1420 | |Entertainment Thursday, December Entertainment


LEO LEO Relationships seem to be fast paced and exciting whether Family members mightorhave too much their mindsyou today linked to business romance. Theon connections make andare askencouraging you for moreyou helptothan you're prepared to give. explore a new direction. Someone Make sure youyou staya calm andcould focused so you canhorizons, decide open may give tip that expand your which most urgent need to beThere handled newdifficulties vistas, andaresuggest fresh and possibilities. is also a first.connection Don't be afraid tell others your decision. that When to yourtosocial life and networking adds to the possible, give advice rather help. Sometimes that's all fun and upbeat energy ofthan the week. people really need. VIRGO It's an excellent week to make progress at work and on career VIRGO goals. mayspend feel as though you're in the zone as one good Today youYou might time helping a sibling or neighbor piecefor of anews after another positive change. Expect prepare trip. Or more than brings one person could ask you unexpected sincematters, the bestlegal deal papers, may come out of the blue. for the advice on business investments, You could living on your nerves andTry perhaps homework, or be other intellectual concerns. not toburning spread the candletoo at thin bothor ends. so much much use to dotothat you'll be busy yourself youThere's won't be anybody, leastallofhours. all you. If it doesn't all get done today, there's

always tomorrow. LIBRA Relationships, friendships, and romance could all be hot LIBRA topics this week, in a positive way. Expect a meeting out of People will be on themselves, you or budding the blue thatfocused could lead to a creativeleaving partnership wondering what all the fuss aisdefinite about. You have a strong romance. You'll notice chemistry involved that desire to express your It maywhether feel likefor you're inspires you to takeemotions. things further business or on stage in some You wish to be recognized andencourage pleasure. Oneway. of these connections may also appreciated for your your sensitive, devoted, you to broaden horizons andand seepassionate life from a new nature. Speak up. perspective. SCORPIO SCORPIO Someone you talking about investments. Familymay life approach is boisterous and energetic. You might be doThising person make whatever he's pushing sound like acome a lotmay of entertaining or have family and friends pot to of stay. gold It's at the end of the rainbow. Remember the adage, also possible that you've started spring cleaning early and decided décor, There seem "If something sounds to tootackle good the to be true,too. it probably is!" to be lucky interested events or news associated withhas thetohome. It's possible If you're in what this person say, wait a get money out ofanthe blue, perhaps a family fewyou daysmight and then check with unbiased source.from It always paysmember. to be cautious! SAGITTARIUS SAGITTARIUS All kinds of associations and relationships work for you this Responsibilities may be weighing on your mind today.'ve The people you someone meet or talk to but maydon't sharehave information Perhaps promised help the in helping secure a job, contract, or move timethat's and vital energy to comeyou through right now. Don't be afraidone stepthe nearer a goal. There's possibility a romance to tell person. Between thealso two the of you, you canofwork that happens outcreates of the blue. There's a lot of so chemistry something out that a win/win situation your in the air gets bringing folks together buzzing withtire excitement. friend the needed help and you don't yourself out. CAPRICORN A little ingenuity is all it takes! Finances are looking perky, with a chance to get more earnCAPRICORN ings. You might be in the mood to buy extra gadgets for the A tremendous burst of creative energy regarding a cherhome, perhaps a new computer or something else that helps ished project could hit today. Inspiration could strike, and make life easier. The more the merrier as far as you're conyou'll want to turn as much of that into physical reality cerned. You could be given a raise or find that you've been as possible. Don't be disappointed if your insights are exgiven additional responsibility at work for which you'll get hausted quickly and you hit a roadblock. Don't try to force more money. it. Stop working for now and take it up later. The inspiration willAQUARIUS come again! Things may seem surreal today, Aquarius, so don't take other AQUARIUS people's chatter too seriously. This is a day to reach out and Today yousomeone, could besoinpick the public eye in some way. day Perhaps touch up the phone. It's a good to share you're teaching class, giving a lecture, or leading a your dreams,a no matter how farfetched they sound. Others discussion group. Whatever it is, don't be heads, surprised may look at you as if you have three butifasyou long as alternate inspired free-flowing you'rebetween being honest withand yourself, there's articulation no reason to be shy andabout total mental sharing.block. When the latter happens, ask for questions. That'll give them a chance to speak and get your PISCES brain going again. You might be in a more reflective mood, especially as there's a focus on your spiritual zone. Your inner life is important, PISCES thaterrands includes yourToo self-talk, and fantaTooand many to run? many hopes, calls todreams, make? Don't sies. If you wantfeel exciting and positive to happen be surprised if you like you're runningthings in circles. You for you, start creating themconcerns in your while head. making You might get might bethen trying to juggle career ideas howoftosome makekind. moreTake money plans for about a journey timeortomake relax.your Go home Go for it! everything for a while. It isn't worth to ahomier. movie and forget making yourself crazy.

• • • • • • • • • •

They have a lot of data, but they’re still clueless. A better model is just around the corner. They look nice and shiny until you get them home. It’s always essential to have a backup. They’ll do whatever you want if you push the right buttons. The best part of having one is the games you can play. In order to get their attention, you have to turn them on. The lights are on but nobody’s home. Big power surges knock them out at night. Size does matter.

• • • • • •

wrong, they always say ‘nothing’. They can produce incorrect results with alarming speed. They are always turning simple statements into big productions. Small talk is important. You do the same thing for years, and suddenly it’s wrong. They make you take the garbage out. Miss a period and they go wild.

********************* Humankind’s propensity for imposing anthropomorphic characteristics on inanimate objects has now reached computers. But, which gender should your PC be?


But then again, here are the top ten reasons why they are obviously female. Suduko is easy to play and the rules are simple. Fill in the blanks • •

Here are the top ten reasons why

so that each row, each column, and each of the nine 3x3 grids

3 8 They’re oh so picky, picky, contain one instance of each of the numbers 1 though 9. picky. 3 9 7 They hear what you say, but 5 4 not what you mean. Solution to Last Week's6Suduko Beauty is only shell deep. 8 7 3 4 8

2 4 6 3 4 6 are simple. Fill in Suduko is easy to play and the2 rules the blanks so that each row, each column, 5 1 8 and each of the nine 3x3 grids contain one instance of each of the 2 3


numbers 1 though 9.

Daily Sudoku: Mon 14-Jan-2013

6 8 9

1 2 8 4 5 1 8

5 7



3 8 5 8 6 7

Solution to Last Week's Suduko

6 2 4 3 1 8 3 9 5 7 1 2 1 7 5 4 2 5 FOR 1 6 TWO 9 8 A SET THREE COURSE MEAL AT DES SABLES! CHEF'S 3 9SPECIAL! 8 2 4 4 LYON 3 2 4 7 6 3 4 5 1 8 9 9 6 3 7 5 9 4 7 8 2 1 6

WIN 8 1


(c) Daily Sudoku Ltd 2013. All rights reserved.

CANCER CANCER There's a buzz theunfair air, with financial Friends anddefinitely lovers alike may in take advantage of sparkles some positive potential yourpromising good nature. Some may new wantcontracts you to doand them favors. businessmight deals.want Yourtointuitive hunches may board play afor bigtheir part in Others use you as a sounding enabling youwon't to bewant in the place away. at the If right problems. You to right turn them youtime. can'tThere is athem, chance some excellent news again,you career related avoid youofshould learn to say, "I'll- help later!" should putone youplace in a at good mood. a Youwhich can only be in a time, andDon't theresecond-guess are only romantic 24 hours in aoffer day. of a date.

In their honeymoon suite on their wedding night. As they undressed for bed, the husband, who was a big burly man, tossed his pants to his bride and said, “here put these on.” She said “I can’t wear your pants.” “That’s right!!” said the husband, “and don’t you forget it. I’m the man who wears the pants in this family!” With that she flipped him her panties and said, “Try these on.” He tried them on and found he could only get them on as far as his kneecaps. He said, “Hell, I can’t get into your panties!” She said, “That’s right, and that’s the way it’s going to be until you change your attitude.”

When you ask them what’s

CROSSWORD Daily Sudoku: Mon 21-Jan-2013

9 8 5 7 6 4 2 1 8 3 9 6 7 2 3 4 1 7 6 5 5 9 Lyon 1 8 des Sables 2Restaurant, 6 7 3 Cocktail and Wine 4 1 8 2 3 5 4 9

Daily Sudoku: Mon 14-Jan-2013


CROSSWORD How to enter: fill out and drop in PO Box 5085 or email: or fax: 064 200 474 with your name and contact details

(c) Daily Sudoku Ltd 2013. All rights reserved.

TAURUS TAURUS Careeron possibilities verycould promising thisyou week Surliness the part of alook partner catapult into with a a dazzling lineup could make you more money, too. This gloomy mood. Yourthat friend isn't communicating very well, be a goodwonder time toifconsider lookingyou for asaid neworjob or goandmight you probably it's something did. ing forareinterviews. the news could be uplifting, Chances it's not. AllEither signsway, indicate that it's business. especially as you to be on a roll. Don't try to force yourseem partner to share theseFinances concernslook withvery with more than onefurther opportunity to Your makefriend extra cash. you,rosy, as this will only cause retreat. will talkGEMINI when the time's right. The desire to explore new options and get away from it all GEMINI could be stronger than ever. If you haven't yet taken your Toovacation, much partying couldbehave youtime feeling a little under this might a good to get away for athe wellweather. The break. food and drink may have been great,you but today deserved The cosmos is encouraging to leave you'd better eat plain nourishing You may not be new daily routines andbutexplore new food. places and perhaps inclined exercise, but a brisk or yoga class might be faces.toCurrent influences maywalk be excellent for business trips justsince what this you week's need. Itupbeat will also clear seem your head. You aspects to hold theshould potential be yourself again by midafternoon. for success.

they have to be male.

(c) Daily Sudoku Ltd 2013. All rights reserved.

ARIES ARIES Unexpected expenses, fortime housefor repairs, It's an upbeat andperhaps positive you, might with lots of require some budgetary juggling. You Networking might have to socializing and fun on the agenda. is one of the rob best Peterthings to payyou Paul. canThis do will rightprobably now, so offend keep ityour up. Fabulous practicality, but it's temporary. With your sound aspects over thisonly week suggest you'll be busy making new financial sense, you'll be able balance yourfor budget connections that could be to very lucrative you. again You may soon. Your diettheover the to next few days include lot of also be in mood splurge, but may you might bearestrained peanut butter sandwiches. by your credit limit.



1. Floorshow (7) 4. Spooky (5) 7. Detection device (5) 9. Vertical (7) 10. Inactivity (7) 11. Measuring implement (5) 12. Dictator (6) 14. Ecclesiastic (6) 18. Copious (5) 20. Drawn (7) 22. Pouch worn with a kilt (7) 23. Diadem (5) 24. Admittance (5) 25. Spiny anteater (7) 1. Transported (7) 2. Emblem (5)

Solution to Last Week's Crossword 3. Tropical bird (6) 4. Mistake (5) 5. Dependable follower (7) 6. Go in (5) 8. Magnitude relation (5) 13. Reinforcement (7) 15. Reasoned judgment (5) 16. Musical passage (7) 17. Opportunity (6) 18. Part of a church (5) 19. Ahead of time (5) 21. Obviate (5)



1. Edible nut (6) 2. Bran (5) 3. Used to brew a beverage (6) 4. Add sugar (7) 5. Sponge cake (5,4) 6. Cooler (6) 9. Servings of boiled or steamed dough (9) 11. Baked pasta dish (7) 13. Chewy confection (6) 14. Fatty oil (6) 15. Dairy product (6) 17. Prepare a turkey (5)

1. Fruit (7) 4. Rice and raw fish in seaweed (5) 7. Preserve made from citrus fruits (9) 8. Frozen dessert (3) 9. Unfreeze (7) 10. Aroma (5) 12. Edible bulb (5) 16. Pastry (7) 18. Drink made with juniper berries (3) 19. Wine source (9) 20. Sample (5) 21. Vanilla ___ (7)

Solution to Last Week's Crossword

Thursday, October 2013 2013 Thursday, 17 24 January

Business Boxes | 15



Bliss Investments (Cleaning Services)


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Thursday, 17 October 2013

16 | Coastal Property Finder

Langstrand 2 x Units to rent N$6500 pm Excl. W&E Close to the beach Te Huur Walvisbaai Baie groot ruim 1 slaapkamer woonstel met kombuis met IGK en sitkamer asook 'n baie groot waskamer en 'n enkel garage te huur vanaf 1 November, water ingesluit koopkrag N$4 500 pm Swakopmund Townhouse in Kramersdorf This townhouse offers you 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen and lounge, double garage and private courtyard N$1 590 000 neg Longbeach This 3 level townhouse is an absolute bargain offering 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 4 garages, 2nd kitchen and 2 living areas, patio with BBQ. Comes with furniture and beautiful sea views. Come see for yourself! CC Registered 240sqm N$1 920 000 Henties Bay Three bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen living area with inside braai and double garage! N$1 000 000 Henties Bay 4 Bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, open plan kitchen living area with inside braai, scullery/laundry, outside braai in courtyard and a double garage! N$1 450 000

Walvis Bay - Lagoon Area Picture perfect property consisting of 3 bedrooms, 2 modern bathrooms. Main bedroom en-suite bathroom with dressing. Open plan lounge, dining, kitchen, laundry, scullery, tv room, entertainment area with ind BBQ, BIC, tandem garage parks 3 vehicles plus 1x1 bedroom flat with bathroom, kitchen & lounge and 1x bachelor flat with bedroom and bathroom N$2 300 000 Swakopmund General residential erven Size in sqm price 2866 N$3 232 000 2588 N$2 919 000 2809 N$3 168 000 Henties Bay 4 Bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, guest toilet, large open plan kitchen living area with inside braai, 2nd living area upstairs and a double garage. Beautifull garden! N$2 600 000 One Bedroom Flat In block of flats for sale spacious room, living room and kitchen with bathroom N$540 000 Urgent sale! 3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom, open plan kitchen / lounge, single garage, townhouse for sale in center of Walvis Bay. Already has tenants. N$990 000 neg Walvis Bay 3 bedroom, bathroom, big kitchen with bic & gas stove, indoor braai, lounge, scullery, 3 car garage, huge erf, 2 bedroom flat with garage & bachelor flat. N$1 400 000 neg

Swakopmund Ext. 22 Newly built houses of 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 r/c garages, open plan kitchen with scullery, lounge and indoor BBQ, BIC, servants toilet, secure area for kids to play, boundary walls, slab tile roof, balcony in new extension of Swakopmund N$1 700 000

Swakopmund Ext. 22 Tasteful and need finishes, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 garage, open plan kitchen, lounge, dining and indoor bbq, burglar bars, stove and hob. 2 houses in one plot. Situated in new extension of Swakopmund N$1 920 000

Seapoint Area

Walvis Bay, 3 bedroom with garage, immediately available N$3 650 pm

To let in Hermis

3 Bedrooms, lounge, kitchen, bathroom and tandem garage Water included N$7 400 pm

Swakopmund Industrial

Interested in any of these properties? Call Helena on 064 200 497 today Langstrand Stunning 3 bedroom apartment in Langstrand, Walvisbay with a permanent sea view N$1 800 000

Swakopmund Ext. 22 Tasteful and needs finishes, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 garage, open plan kitchen, lounge, dining and indoor BBQ, burglar bars, stove an hob. 2 houses in one plot. Situated in new extension of Swakopmund N$2 320 000

Longbeach - Apartment This unit offers 2 bedrooms, BIC, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen and lounge, inside Henties Bay braai, single garage. 973m2 - N$190 000 All furniture included! 1.050m2 - N$490 000 N$850 000 in cc


Hermus For the beginner, brand new almost complete, 3 bedroom home offers 2 bathrooms as well as an open plan lounge to fitted kitchen with an indoor BBQ for those cold winter nights and a double garage. N$1 044 750

Walvis Bay, 1 bachelor flat behind Puma Service Station. Available end of October Excl. W&E N$1 950 pm

Walvis Bay

3 Bedroom flat in Hermes Available end of October Excl. W&E N$4 850 pm

Warehouse & store room PLUS, 1 main office Kitchenette, 1 spare room three toilets, open plan office on the first floor can be subdivided into three offices. Strong-room (built-in safe) Size 450m² FOR N$44 per m² Excluding VAT Enclosed Open Yard available 2700m² @ N$2.75 per m²


One bedroom flat in block of flats for sale - spacious room, living room and kitchen with bathroom

N$540 000

Walvis Bay- Meersig

Big open family house in a prime area of 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 3 r/c garages parked 4 cars with extra room and bathroom, study, spacious open plan kitchen with scullery, lounge, dining, TV room, entertainment area with indoor BBQ, bar, Jacuzzi, high boundary walls, lovely garden with water fall, outside braai, big erf, store room in garden N$2 750 000

rent? r o y u B o t se u o h a r fo g in Look der on in F y t r e p o r P l a t s a o C h c r a se . d e t s li s d e r d n u H . y a d o t k faceboo

Family Home

442m2 underroof with 5 Bedroomed home with 3 bathrooms, lounge, dining, tv room, built-in bar, 2 garages, fabulous, fairy garden N$2 200 000

Walvis Bay- Central

Big warm welcoming house of 5 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, 3/c garages, remote controlled gate ans intercom, big dining area, open plan kitchen, outdoor braai with lovely garden, full B & Brights. Close to schools and hospital. N$2 700 000

Walvis Bay- Lagoon

Need TLC, a family house of 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 tandem garages, lounge and dining area, kitchen with scullery, outside room with toilet, situated in a good area N$1 250 000

Walvis Bay- Central

Townhouse for sale 3 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, 1 garage, in a secure complex with interlocks, high boundary walls, alarm system, close to town, schools ans municipality, dining area, liunge, guest toilet, small courtyard, good for an investment N$1 350 000

Walvis Bay

This house offers, 3 bedrooms, each with own bathroom. Guest toilet. Open plan kitchen / lounge / tv room / Dining room Entrance hall. Double garage. Big entertainment area. Outside Servant's room. Added 1 bedrooms flat with own garage. N$1 900 000

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Coastal Property Finder | 17 Swakopmund

2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1 garage. Luxury unit in Hohenzollern Haus

Henties Bay

Lovely double storey home 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open plan lounge & dining, kitchen with scullery and Vineta- Swakopmund double garage.It has a 3 Bed apartment, garden and outdoor BBQ 2 bath, garage, open plan and the house is secure secure complex, walking distance from shopping centre N$1 070 000 Interested in any of these properties? Call Helena on 064 200 497 today

with alarm & burglar NARRAVILLE proof. On the north dune 3 BEDROOM HOUSE N$945 000 With double garage, 2 bathroom, scullery, Fairways kitchen, BIC and Good investment burglar bars 2 Bedroom townhouse N$ 1 030 000 Rent it out for N$4 500 pm

Thursday, 17 October 2013

18 | Classifieds



5 77 77


Tuesdays 10:30 TUESDAY 10:30am

Contact Helena to place your classifieds 064 200 497 helena@ namibindependent. For Sale

House for sale! 5 Bedrooms with bathroom & toilet, open plan kitchen with living area & separate 2 bedroom flat with bathroom & toilet and open plan kitchen at back of yard situated in Kuisebmund, Walvis Bay Price excluding transfer costs N$900 000

This is a very good investment!

For more detail please contact: 081 122 7286 For Sale

for sale

Walvis Bay-Lagoon Area

3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, lounge, dining room, 2 garages. Erf size 826m2 PLUS: 1 bedroom flat! N$2 130 000 Please don’t hesitate to contact me should you have any futher questions. Cecilia Muller 081 129 5407


Breaking the Curse of Poverty

I hereby wish to thank all sponsors for the x - project, and hereby seek assistance for the yearly Christmas party. Shoe boxes. Gifts. Sponsors. Sunproperties. Industro clean nan. Izani Sports Wear. Ocean Basket Swakop. Ocean View Butchery. N.K Designs. Swakopmund Laundry. Napolitana Grill Swakop Meat Market. Hiarline Studios. Stop n shop. Currency world. Fleiss Butcher. Klimas Glass. XYZ Investment. Best Cell Shop. Ro3 Water. The Fish Deli. Oscar and Olive.Hansa Backerei. Thanks by giving me a sense of self-worth by opening your doors. To assist me in building a better community,

Contact Noeline 081 284 8188

Henks Transporting Transport of - Building Rubble - Garden refuse - Furniture Removal - Anything else




Plans may be inspected or particulars of this CONSENT: application may be obtained at Town Planning, Place of Instruction (DAYFirst Floor, Rooms 101 CARE CENTER) (state specifically nature of and 119, Civic Centre. consent) ON ERF NO: 431 Any person having any TOWNSHIP: KUISEBMUND objection to the approval of this application must lodge STREET: SANDWICH such objection, together STREET, KUISEBMUND WALVIS BAY with grounds thereof, with (Give street name and the General Manager: number) In terms of the Roads and Building above-mentioned Scheme, Control, (Town Planning), notice is hereby given that Private Bag 5017, Walvis I/we, the undersigned have Bay and the undersigned, applied to the Walvis Bay in writing, not later than Municipality for permission to erect/establish a 4TH NOVEMBER 2013 DAY- CARE CENTRE NAME AND ADDRESS: On the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars APPLICANT(S) J. Gossow of this application may be P O BOX 2681 obtained at Town Planning, Walvis Bay First Floor, Rooms 101 and 119, Civic Centre. Any person having any Educational Products objection to the approval of With the imagination and this application must lodge energy of children in mind, such objection, together with grounds thereof, with to nurture a magical time the General Manager: of discovery and learning. Roads and Building Transform everyday Control, (Town Planning), actions into exciting growth Private Bag 5017, Walvis and exploration. Lots of Bay and the undersigned, in writing, not later than other safety, clothes and 4TH NOVEMBER accessories available. 2013



WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME CONSENT: (Place of Amusement) Lounge (state specifically nature of consent)

ON ERF NO: 3051 TOWNSHIP: Walvis Bay STREET: C/o Sixth Street

and 10th Road, No 5 (Give street name and number) In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish a

Kindly mail or whatsapp or sms Alida 081 279 4345 during office hours.

Erongo Gritfix

Ons doen gritblast/ sandblast werk op enige metaal, so as as 'n geroeste hek of motor rims of traliewerk jou pla, kontak my gerus, ons gritblast en spuitverf jou yster na jou keuse. Let wel ons doen geen paneelklopwerk nie. Skakel 081 322 0547

Extra Income

Do you need extra income? Create a fortune with date entry. Earn up N$3 750 per form. No computer needed, own hour's.




Tutoring Retired teacher with 37 years experience is in need of a temporary or permanent vacancy at any school or institution. With a B.E.T.D qualification in lower primary. Can also assist with home work or after school care. Please contact 081 255 8062 or 081 468 7569

remote controlled gate, parking space, G4S alarm available 24hours N$6 000 pm plus deposit N$3 000 Incl. W&E Note: preferebly payment through the bank.To view the flats or collect your flat key after work 17h00 Lipinge 081 375 8391

and Afrikaans, with German an added advantage. At least 2 years experience working in a bar and with contactable references. Cocktail knowledge an advantage. Please email your CV, with photo and references to Only successful candidates will be contacted. Only CV’s via email will be accepted.

goods for sale Giant Anthem 2 mountain bike (soft tail) for sale. Gobi Tail Flex saddle. GEAX tyres. Recon race shocks. Slicks and rims also included (together with Giant floor pump). Very good condition. Swakopmund N$14 000 o.n.o Call 081 838 6223

20' Inches Ford f250 Rims & tyres for sale. Size 305/50r20 price N$9 000 Call 0812499270 Walvis Bay

CALL HENK on 081780 4155

On the site.

SMS your name and email or postal address to 081 422 4949 for more information

for sale

VW Citi Golf

2006 model 126 500 km Full service history N$50 000 or nearest cash offer. 081 779 8298

2010 Iveco Panel Van Daily

Erf for Sale

Bachelors Flat

Urgently looking for bachelors or 1 bedroom flat and garage to rent in Walvis Bay Doelie at 081 613 9778

Bachelors Flat

Henties Bay. 2 boundary walls. Extension 10 ERF NO 2218 SIZE 649 N$360 000 Call 081 249 9270 Animals

Urgently in need of a bachelors or 1 bedroom flat in Walvis. Morne Viljoen at 081 359 0027


2 bedroom flats x 4 available for renting: erf no 117 flats, 2 bedroom, sitting room, kitchen build-in cupboard, shower and toilet, hot water, very safe, air condition, wall, yard, electric fence, interlocks,

Coastal Advertiser Place of AmusementLounge

Looking for garage to rent in Walvis Bay. Contact Johann 081 128 0848

Model 50 C 15 As good as new Only 8000 km N$300 000 neg Contact 081 127 7381


Renting Flats Hochland Park

Garage to Rent

Toy-pom puppies available from 3 October. N$3 000 Dewormed and first vaccination received. Contact Helena at 081 250 7026 or 207 892 Vacancies Looking for Barman/ladies to work at a busy bar & lounge in Swakopmund. Must be fluent in English

Sparta United Recreation Club In Walvis Bay

is looking for a CLUB MANAGER To join our team as from 1 November 2013 The applicant must have: Namibian citizenship; Minimum 5 years’ experience in a management position; Food and beverage background would be an advantage; Computer literate; Strong HR operation background; Target & Customer satisfaction orientation; Financial management experience; Excellent People skills; Must be prepared to work long hours; Must be able to see to the smooth running of the club on a daily basis. Please forward your CV, copy of your ID and motivation letter to spartaclub1965@gmail. com Only short-listed candidates will be contacted

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Thursday, 17 October 2013

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Tuesdays 10:30 TUESDAY 10:30am

job wanted


I am looking for a job in Swakopmund area. I am willing to drive long distances and I am a fast learner. I have code B (8) with PDP. Contact me via email floorsiearnold@yahoo. com or via Cell 0818927011 CJ is looking for a job in Swakopmund as a sales Man or a Merchandiser. 081 395 5108 wanted

Garage to Rent

Looking for a garage to rent in Walvis Bay Bernd 081 122 7717 Services Are you struggling to sell your MOTOR? Well, the struggle is OVER! Visit www.onlinemotors. or www.facebook. com/onlinemotors . We will try our best to get it SOLD.

Prodel Construction

For all your Construction needs Call Johann Steyn at 0811280848 for a free quotation

Advertise your company

Use your logo as a banner., with a link to your website. IT'S THAT EASY! We will promote your company. For a quotation email us: info@ 0r call 0811245869 For All Professional Cycle Repairs & Services. CHAPPIES @ 081 753 2415 properties

New Lagoon Area

Stunning 3 bedroom house Spacious open plan lounge/dining/kitchen, indoor bbq Kitchen with s/s electric oven/gas st ove/extractor fan, scullery/laundry Huge main bedroom with en-suite bathroom plus walk in closet, spacious bedrooms Family bathroom fully tiled with bath and shower, lots

Properties of cupboards throughout this property, double remote control garage, high boundary walls, alarm system and many more

N$1 750 000

Sectional Title Unit Fairway Golf Estate

1St floor, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, ground floor open plan lounge/kitchen fitted cupboards, Hob/oven/ extractor fan, Indoor BBQ, sliding doors opening onto paved courtyard, outside BBQ, guest toilet, single remote control garage high boundary walls/ electric fencing/alarm system/security gate

Properties For viewing of all the properties above contact Engela Borruso at 081 302 8531 or forward an email to info@sefconamibia. com

For Sale NAN Baby Milk 3 x Nan 3 tins N$220 each Call 081 128 0311 Walvis Bay service

Light Industrial Area Prime Vacant Erven 5901 m2

N$5 806 000 6942 m2

N$6 795 000 +/- N$985 per sqm each Make an offer for both Adjacent erven

Engela Borruso at 081 302 8531

Gemapen Driving School

for sale

Toyota Fortuner

2009 White 4x4 4.0 Manual. 170 000km, Full service History, Leather interior. Based in Swakopmund.



Wood Beds and Dog Houses

Sunshades N$395 each Contact 081 818 4978

For a price please SMS or call 081 375 1645

N$210 000

Nudgebar, towbar, Running Boards.

Contact 081 274 2076

N$95 p/ lesson N$200 for NATIS test. Qualified, friendly instructor.

Contact 081 281 9318

Mopanie Hout

20 kg in Swakopmund vir N$35 sak en as jy 10 of meer vat is dit N$30 sak

Skakel 081 223 8083

Blackberry bold 9900

Contact me on

081 373 9397

N$920 000

Sectional Title Unit Fairway Golf Estate 1st Floor, 2 bedrooms, 1 Bathroom, ground floor Open plan lounge/kitchen Fitted cupboards, Hob/ oven/extractor fan, single remote control garage, high boundary walls/ electric fencing/alarm system/security gate For the investor: 1 Year rental contract in place

N$828 000


For Sale


Te koop 1m draaibank tesen sentres. Met al d tools, virniers, boor

Priced to go. Urgent sale. Truck mounted crane

chuck, met boore .

Kontak Andries Vermeulen 081 208 1901

Baby camping cot N$1000 at the coast.

Contact 081 129 6447

Pap Smear Campaign (Toktokkie)

Crane for Sale

N$10 000 neg 081 129 6447 Maribeth, may your 9th birthday be a blast! Love, Mathieu, Laura and Roro

In association with the Cancer Association Walvis Bay the Erongo Health Care Clinic will host a pap smear campaign. All ladies are invited to get a pap smear and breast examination for a special rate. Venue: Erongo Health Care Clinic Walvis Bay Date: Time: Cost:

Boat for sale

85 horsepower engines, radio, fishfinder, etc. Swakopmund

N$85 000 Eric at 081 338 6502 / mariska 081 256 7327 or mail me at

Urgent Sale

Xbox 360 Console with 320GB Hard Drive, 2 x Remotes, 1 x Multimedia Remote, 1 x Rechargeable Battery with Charging Cable plus 11 games including, Battlefield 3, Forza Motorsport 4, Boderlands 2, Gears of War 2, The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim, Tekken 6, Far Cry 2 and Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter Double pack, Call of Duty Black Ops II, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Splinter Cell Conviction and Kinect Sports

N$4 200 Please call me @ 081 711 6437

Sam Nujoma Avenue, Lapaloma Building. Thursday and Friday, 17 & 18 October 2013 08h00 – 17h00 N$ 50.00

For further information please contact Sr. Shamaine Garcia Perez at Tel. 202549 or Cell. 081 436 0627 or Hildegard of the Cancer Association Walvis Bay at Cell. 081 248 1089. Please support this campaign and the fight against Cancer.

20 | Sport11 July 2013 Thursday,

Thursday, 1727 October 2013totoWednesday, Wednesday,03 23July October |1 Thursday, June 2013 20132013


Sponsored by keeping the connection

FNB Sponsors Great Coastal Golf Open Wednesday Golf 32 Players took part in our Wednesday Competition last week. Great scores were achieved by some players, with others hoping that their game would hold until the weekend’s FNB Coastal Open, but alas. Some of the Swakopmund players used the opportunity to practice for the weekend as well and even they found our course more difficult than expected. 1st place was Willie Venter on 24 points, 2nd place Piet van Niekerk on 23 points and 3rd place Kurt Britz also on 23 Points. Most Golf was won by Agustino Victor on a mere 10 points.

FNB Coastal Open Last weekend FNB sponsored the Coastal Open, a NAGU event that attracted all Top Ten players in Namibia. The Club and NAGU appreciate a big corporate company stepping up and supporting sport in Namibia. FNB certainly stepped up with a huge amount to make this event possible. FNB Namibia, you are great. After an early start on Saturday with nice weather, it changed into a gust that hampered some players later in the day. Not a lot of local players took part due to various other responsibilities that had to be taken care of, but the locals featured in the prizes. Nonetheless, we saw good golf from our Top Ten players and local Kevin Wentzel took the lead after

The Currie Cup 12 October

Lions vs. Griquas 35-28 The Lions battled throughout the game to shake off the Griquas but they just would not go away. We must remember that the Kimberlites had a few close games where they just lost out on either a victory or a draw, so it was no surprise that they put up a sturdy performance. It was only the try from Willie Britz in the last five minutes that finally put them away. The Lions will definitely have to up their game this weekend because Western Province brings a whole new scenario to the table. To stand a chance, they would have to improve their general play at the breakdowns - for starters. They are an exiting team nevertheless, so expect them to play open, expansive rugby. Lions scored 4 tries to 1. Griquas will host the Pumas in a relegation play-off game this Friday to determine if they will stay in the Currie Cup or if the Pumas will take their place. It will be a two

36 holes with Eli Mbango one shot behind him battling for the overall gross in A- and B-Divisions. Kevin Wentzel, playing in the B Division, continued his excellent golf on Sunday, however one bad hole on the last nine cost him the overall prize. Kevin will certainly not forget those "veigies" or should he blame his new found caddie for the last day’s play? Eli Mbango continued to play consistently throughout Sunday and walked away with top honours. Well played. FNB Coastal Open Champion – Eli Mbango on 221 Gross, winner by two shots Overall Nett winner – Kevin Wentzel on 205 Nett A-Division Overall Gross: Berndan Britten on 227 Runner up Gross: Patrick Shigwele on 230 Overall Nett: Schalk van der Merwe on 219 Runner up Nett: Wayne Hart on 219 B-Division Overall Gross: Eugene Venter on 242 Runner up Gross: Schalk van Wyk on 246 Overall Nett: Desmond Benson 217 Runner up Nett: Wayne Hart on 219

In the C Division the local guys almost took all the medallions. Deville Dreyer took a five-shot

-legged play off game and just a warning for Griquas: the Pumas are unbeaten this year and have scored 76 tries in 16 games! Cheetahs vs. Bulls 22-7 A very disappointing season came to an end for the Bulls. Looking back, one can just conclude that they were too lightweight and inexperienced to begin with. This very young squad were very willing but illdisciplined; a lack of togetherness as a whole saw them playing almost out of frustration at times instead of playing for the team and their rugby-mad supporters. Elgar Watts solidified his spot in the Cheetahs team with another game-winning performance that included a spectacular interception try from the halfway line. I don’t care if Johan Goosen is fit again, he must now prove that he is better - to replace Watts at this crucial stage can be a vital mistake. The Cheetahs scored 3 tries to 1. The Bulls were guilty of making basic mistakes, like fumbling the ball when it was in the “basket”,

lead over Kurt Britz after Day One play. Piet van Niekerk had a bad Day One, but got his act together on Day Two with consistent golf. Kurt battled on and tried his best to catch up. Deville was prepared and eventually won the C Division on 137 Gross, three shots clear of the next competitor in the C-Division. C-Division results Overall Gross: Deville Dreyer on 169 Runner up Gross: Piet van Niekerk on 175 Overall Nett: Kurt Britz on 142 Runner up Nett: visitor T Haitota on 149

in Friday’s News Letter as our HERO OF anymore. You had ample time to make HEROES. arrangements. Subs As you all know the deadline for subs payments was 30 September 2013. Our “cut off” date is now 23 October 2013. We are running through all the documentation to make sure all receipts are captured correctly. We have two members that paid money into our account, but failed to mention who they are. Our bank statement only reads “Golf membership”. Not much we can do about that. So, if you are erroneously cut, just contact us, and we will make the necessary changes. To all the others that have not paid, we presume you do not want to be a member

All paid up members, we have a form available at the club to update your information. Please complete the form and give it to Corlize. We need your details and billing details to ease the process in the future. It only takes five minutes. All Africa Golf Sunday, after the proceedings, Andre Burger, NAGU President announced the Namibian team going to the All Africa golf. Brendan Britten - Captain Graham Fransman S Bonifactius P Ndelenga

HERO / HEROES? We have new hero or heroes in The Club, or was the hero a visitor? This hero disappeared like the “dead golfer” Herman reported on a few weeks back, but we acknowledge your heroism although we still do not know who you are. It certainly takes a big man, or a hero, to steal drinks from our raffle wheel barrow. We hope you made an impression on your friends for breaking the plastic off the wheel barrow and taking the Remi Martin and other drinks that were in that barrow. So to our new hero….it will take time but all the CCTV footage will be scanned and should you not be man enough to come forward on your own, your name will be listed

From left to right: Andre Burger, NAGU President; Eli Mbango, FNB Coastal Open Champion; Schalk van Wyk, FNB Namibia

and other basic handling errors that do not belong in a great team like that, irrespective of age and inexperience. The Cheetahs will fancy their chances against the Sharks at Kingspark this weekend and they have proven in the past that they are somewhat of a bogey team for the Sharks.

log will be too strong, though, and that we will have the final at Newlands in two weeks’ time between two very balanced teams that will be fitting as a great advert for SA rugby. Province will especially want to win the Currie Cup again as they are the side that has won the cup the most times. Also, this is the 75th time that the finals Western Province vs. Sharks 17-13 will be played since the inception of the The Sharks were disrupted by the Currie Cup. combination of power in the Province pack as well as good play in the loose Semi final fixtures 19 October from Province. The return of several Western Province vs. Lions, Newlands Springboks in both sides had the at 14h30; desired effect, but eventually Province Sharks vs. Cheetahs, Kingspark at profited more as the Man of the Match 17h00. performance from Dwayne Vermeulen was exactly that - he made vital steals Soccer on the ground and also defended like a demon in this clash of the heavyweights. World Cup Qualifiers for Africa: Both sides scored one try a piece on a (1st leg score; next fixture date) very wet Kingspark, with the difference that Province landed more kicks in very trying conditions. On the day, Province was just a little more clinical and you could see the desire to secure a home final at the cost of the Sharks. That is, if they win a very tricky semi-final against an exiting Lions team. Both teams will beef up their squads, with Frans Steyn, making his return this weekend; and Jean de Villiers for Province. Willem Alberts is still out with a neck injury, but Schalk Burger looks to be back to his former best so we can expect fireworks from both semi-finals. I believe that the teams at the top of the

Burkina Faso vs. Algeria 3-2; 19 November. Ivory Coast vs. Senegal 3-1; 16 November. The great Didier Drogba would want to ensure their path to the greatest sporting occasion on earth. Ethiopia vs. Nigeria 1-2; 16 November. Surely with talent like Liverpool front man Victor Moses they would not let it slip on their home ground. Tunisia vs. Cameroon 0-0; 17 November. All of us would like to see the indomitable Lion Samuel Eto'o on

the biggest stage. Ghana vs. Egypt 6-1; 19 November. Asamoah Gyan with 2 goals. What an embarrassment for Egypt. It is a pity that a great player like Abutrikar will not participate in this World Cup. The flip side is that most of us Namibians are vowing for the Black Stars and hope and believe that Michael Essien and his troops can take it further this time round and not hit the woodwork again at a vital stage! There is no way that Egypt can overturn an aggregate score like that. I feel pity for them because the country is in political turmoil as well. Rest of the world: Sleeping giants Belgium secured their spot, and with players like Eden Hazard and Romelo Lukaku the rest of the world would be foolish to underestimate them. Switzerland is also a small team of note that qualified. England also secured their spot with a 2-0 victory over Poland. Uruguay, though, with greats like Suarez and Diego Forlan will have to qualify via the playoff route when they face Jordan in a two-legged playoff. They are too many to mention but it is the usual big guns like Germany, Italy, Spain etc. that already qualified. An exception is Bosnia-Herzegovina that will enter very unfamiliar territory, but well done to them for making it to the big stage. We will cover the EPL next week.

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