The namib independent issue 73

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Independent Great news for the coast! • Tel (+264 64) 200 497 • Classifieds Line 57777 • Issue 73 •




N$ 3.00

Thursday, 24 October 2013 to Wednesday, 30 October 2013

05 Flamingo Deaths Spark Speculations


13 Siglinde de Villiers Visitors to the lagoon area during the last week will have been horrified and dismayed to encounter bag after bag of dead flamingos stretching from the

Esplanade to the Salt Works. The carcasses were collected and removed by the Walvis Bay Municipality as part of a major cleanup project to rid the area of the ever-growing number of flamingo corpses.

However, the clean up does not address the ongoing question of why so many flamingos are dying, with speculations remaining rife as to the causes. Residents at the coast are becoming increasingly worried

about the unusual behaviour of the birds as well as number of dead flamingos. “On one of my walks, I saw approximately 40 dead greater flamingos,” a concerned resident said. Continued on Page 3

Latest Seismic Activity Looms over Tuna Sector Lavrenty Repin The Namibian tuna industry is again fighting for its survival as a new seismic study involving the controversially hazardous airgun is poised to take place during the tuna migration season in February.

According to a representative of the Large Pelagic & Hake Longline Association, if this is to happen,

the tuna industry will not recover. “Should this seismic testing proceed as planned then it is a disgrace to say the least. We will never be able to develop a tuna fishery and the few [companies] that are left will disinvest, cut their losses and get out of this fishery.” CCA Environmental, which revealed their proposed survey this month, plans on conducting

exploration near the border of South Africa and Namibia, very near to the Tripp Seamount fishing grounds, a vital hotspot for the tuna industry. The connection between seismic surveying and the recent decline of tuna catches is well documented in David Russell’s presentation. Russell, who has 20 years of experience in natural resource

management of the fishing sector, illustrates how in February 2012 seismic activity near the Tripp Seamount was directly linked with a sudden reduction of tuna catches from 4,046 tons in 2011 to 1,822 tons a year later. Although the full extent of the damage that an airgun can do to marine biology is still under question, it is clear that tuna will simply avoid the loud Continued on Page 3

Thursday, 24 October 2013

2 | News


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Thursday, 24 October 2013

News | 3

Flamingo Deaths Spark Speculations Continued from Page 1

“I have also noticed a number of disorientated and fearless Greater Flamingos that do not appear to have been killed or eaten by anything. One Greater Flamingo even walked right up to me, on the sidewalk, then turned down into the lagoon. That is most unusual,” she related. According to Kevin Adams, the Walvis Bay Municipality has initiated a clean-up operation to remove all dead birds in and around Walvis Bay. “We endeavour to keep the town and its environment in a clean and presentable condition. There is also a lot of concern being raised about the dead birds,” Adams said. According to Susan Roux, Acting Chairperson of the CETN (Coastal Environmental Trust of Namibia), the removal

of old flamingo carcasses makes it easier to tally the count of new deaths. According to John Patterson from the Albatross Task Force, they are busy investigating as to why the flamingos are dying. “We have nothing definite yet,” he said. “The autopsy report of a lot of flamingos that have been sent to Swakopmund showed that these birds have died because of their emaciated condition.” Roux agrees with Patterson in saying that most flamingo deaths could be caused by starvation or poisoning, for many flamingos that are sent for an autopsy are found totally emaciated and with no sense of balance. “We are not yet sure what exactly the causes are. The investigation is still in its very early stages and is quite a long process,” she

concluded. Rod Braby from NACOMA confirmed that that the flamingos die due to undernourishment. However, he added that the cause for undernourishment could be due to various environmental factors. “The post mortem toxology report linked some dead flamingos to chemical poisoning. "At this stage it is still very premature to say what the causes are and a lot more scientific work needs to be done to establish them exactly.” According to Braby, other factors that could be killing off the flamingos are changes in marine water quality, nutritional factors or even shipping industry pollutants. Anne Scott, who has been working on the NamPower – NNF Strategic Partnership project for five years, maintains that drought is

the main reason for many flamingo deaths. “Due to Namibia’s good rainfall pattern in the last few years, the effects of the drought seem so much more striking.” According to Scott, once the first rains have commenced inland, flamingos usually migrate from the coast. This year, however, the flamingos stayed behind due to the lack of rainfall in the inland. “The latest census in July showed that there were 141 000 flamingos at the lagoon, and it is possible that there are just too many birds than what the feeding grounds can sustain. Thus, flamingo deaths could be a case of nature regulating its population, a case of natural selection and survival of the fittest."

Latest Seismic Activity Looms over Tuna Sector Continued from Page 1

noise emitted and dive deep into the ocean, beyond the vessels’ nets. American geophysical company ION was met with criticism in September after announcing a nation-wide seismic study, but due to the company’s willingness to negotiate, the various fisheries stakeholders were able to arrive at a compromise. Now again the tuna sector needs to convince CCA Environmental, the

company planning to undertake the survey that will last approximately a month and will cover an area of roughly 26,500 square meters, to conduct exploration after April, when the tuna season is over. According to a tuna sector representative, 70% of albacore tuna catches happen between February and March and approximately 800 individuals are directly dependent on the tuna industry.

There is a growing concern between fishery stakeholders and marine environmentalists as more companies are entering the oil and gas exploration business in Namibia and lack of communication is causing tensions. “The idea should be co-existence among the various stakeholders, which is not happening,” said the Large Pelagic & Hake Longline Association representative.

Swakopmund Mayor Promises Better Life for DRC Residents

Lavrenty Repin At a meeting with the media on Wednesday, Swakopmund Mayor Juuso Kambueshe and Municipal CEO Mr Eckart Demasius explained their intentions for the DRC housing project, which has seen a great deal of dispute and protest from the DRC community. According to Mr

Demasius, provision for formalisation of DRC is something that the municipality of Swakopmund has been planning for a long time, but that has only been approved three years ago. “The town expands; it would be madness if we didn’t make provision,” the Mayor said, pointing out the land allocated for the new DRC, which needs to be serviced before it can be utilised

by the community. The municipality is preparing to give out the N$125 million tender so that construction companies can begin with servicing of land; however, the budget at the moment stands at N$25 million, with N$100 million still to be acquired from state. Once the budget is met, the housing project could be complete within nine months and would provide 1200 newly serviced erven. The entire housing plan budget, however, stands close to N$1 Billion, Mr Demasius indicated and would provide between 9000 and 10000 erven. The Mayor explained that the planned erven, which will have access to a sewage and water system, will cost considerably less than what the current squatters in DRC pay. He has encouraged those who are unregistered and residing illegally to register so that an erf can be allocated to them. “It is the minority that are opposed to this housing plan, they are against development and are counter-productive,” the Mayor stressed, saying that under current conditions it is impossible to go ahead with the housing plan and calling those who rally against it “enemies of progress." Mayor Kambueshe insisted that he will not evict those residing on illegal land, even though he has the right to. “We’re not going to evict anyone until new land is allocated and available for them to move into,” he stressed. Once people move to serviced land, their current location will also be serviced and they can choose to claim land back if they wish. Services will be done according to various economic classes, where some erven will

have access to electricity and all erven will have their own toilets and water taps. Mayor Kambueshe also denied that the squatters will be moved behind the Swakopmund rubbish dump, as was suggested by previous media reports saying that, “some media outlets have bought into the notion that we’re

abandoning the people, that is not the case.” This comes amidst a High Court order that went in effect on Tuesday, to remove the protestors who squatted outside the Municipality for over a week. Mayor Kambueshe called upon the community “to participate in the promises that we have made.”

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Thursday, 24 October 2013

4 | News

Bushman for Sale . . .

Opinion Piece by Lavrenty Repin

“Bushman for sale” - that was the farcical caption, accompanied by the most stereotypical photograph imaginable, posted by some delinquent would-be comedian on a Facebook group advertising the buying and selling of goods in Namibia.

I have grown to find Facebook an accurate representation of our society’s views on varied topics on many occasions. Because one has the opportunity to think in depth before providing a response via Facebook commenting, there is a certain authenticity about a person’s belief shown on social networking, what they choose to associate themselves with and how they would like to be perceived by the general public. When people write something on Facebook, it is not a natural response like those in heated arguments, but rather a calculated action, thus making statements so much more powerful. I am not, however, here to talk

about the social intricacies of “Facebooking,” I am simply explaining why I chose to respond to the aforementioned Facebook post so vigorously. I am a firm believer in the freedom of opinion, and accordingly I will retort firmly. The best argument against the two people (one of them was me) who disagreed with the post was that we were being “stiff arsed” and “overly dramatic”. Apparently we should look at the funnier side of life instead of ranting on like some righteous saints. The general idea was that no harm was done, and no line was crossed. But it is harmful. It permits people to believe that it is okay to put human beings in separate classes. It allows some people to think that they are superior; not in a straightforward manner as it used to be before, which was easy to recognize and obvious to rectify, but in a way where once you get away with a racist joke or a narcissistic comment, you begin to believe that you deserve to make such comments. Once you get away with

what may on the surface seem like a harmless slur, just for kicks, you start to believe in your own bull****. These people, all people, deserve dignity. To be treated in a dignified manner. This small act of dominance, that many may think is hardly worth mentioning, is like a thorn that constantly pokes at the foot of our society and yet we ignorantly keep limping, incapable of recognising the damage that it is doing. By shutting up we facilitate prejudice at its very core. Paradoxically, by tolerating racist ignorant remarks we propagate intolerance. We have become masters of separating ourselves into groups. As a nation we very rarely come together as one; even when facing great adversity, we only go as far as the circles that we chose allow us. We sacrifice art and music, relationships and emotions, and even entire neighbourhoods and towns just so that we can keep our segregation alive, just so we can have an enemy to blame some of our woes

on. Or to make fun of. Or to compete against. Just so we can believe that we are better, that we are god given or that our DNA or our heritage is superior. This happens in all sectors of our society, and it makes ignorant statements like “bushman for sale” sound reasonable and even funny to some. It makes comments like “you’re pretty smart for a black guy” or “you’re a coconut” sound like compliments. We are definitely doing a great favour to those in power that use this separation as propaganda; we are doing all the work for them. How can we stand together against tyranny if we cannot even decide what “together” is? Is it not about time to let go of childish, primitive prejudices that serve no purpose besides personal satisfaction? We should not encourage them just as much as we should not turn a blind eye. We face social difficulties much worse in Namibia, such as passion crimes, domestic violence and a general opinion that men feel superior to women in

all walks of life. This is a growing concern that is not bound by colour; it is transracial and needs our immediate attention and intervention as a society. Racial profiling, racial-based hatred and racial discrimination are obstacles, and catalysts for the majority of crimes committed. For fear of being a disgrace to the small circles we create for ourselves, most domestic violence

remains hidden for years on end – most victims too afraid to speak out, mainly because of the unique social structure that we find ourselves in, and that we have absolutely no idea how to overcome. My solution is to talk about it blatantly, to educate people furiously and to set examples continuously because an individual cannot be blamed for being ignorant, but a society can.

Debmarine Ensures

Seafarers the Vote

Dorcas Mhungu


Following last week’s article in the Namib Independent, “Casting Nets, Not Votes Angers Seamen,” reporting disgruntlement from some seamen who claim that they are denied their right to vote because they will be out at sea; the Namib Independent also sought a comment from marine diamond mining company, Namdeb Namibia. Namdeb diamond mining operations are also done offshore and Stella Auala, Communications Manager at Debmarine Namibia, said Debmarine Namibia makes every effort to support sea-going employees to exercise their national duty and participate in national elections. “The Company employs 770 people, three-quarters of which are sea-going employees working in 28-days-on, 28-days-off cycles. This equates to a total number of approximately 296 employees working at sea at any given month,” Auala said. She added that the company is a joint marine diamond prospecting and mining venture between the Government of Namibia and Debeers. Auala said although the organisation has internal communications complaints and grievances channels for employees to use to convey complaints, no complaints had been received from its workforce regarding the inability to vote. Auala added that Debmarine Namibia, which operates five marine diamond mining vessels, assisted the Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) in the last

elections with the logistical arrangements of setting up a fixed voting site at Oranjemund Airport for its sea going personnel. “Debmarine Namibia is in support of the Government of the Republic of Namibia in making special arrangements that cater for Namibian seagoing personnel to participate in the local electoral process, and applauds the efforts made in November 2009 when during the Presidential and National Assembly elections, the Electoral Act was amended (Electoral Act Amendment Act No.7 of 2009) to introduce an additional voting day for all Namibian seagoing personnel who are within the Namibian territorial waters to vote at designated harbour towns,” said Auala. She said like in the last elections, the diamond mining company will liaise with the ECN and assist with logistical preparations for its sea going personnel who are registered voters and who have their voter’s registration to vote in the upcoming 2014 elections. “Debmarine Namibia remains committed to Namibia and helping seagoing personnel to vote is one way that we feel we can contribute to the future of our great nation,” Auala stressed. The fishermen’s concerns were echoed by the Secretary General of the Namibia Seamen Workers Union (NASAWU), Erriki Shitana.

Thursday, 24 October 2013

News | 5

another Walvis Business Man Killed By Yet Targeted by Thieves Warning Shot?

Dorcas Mhungu On the evening of Saturday 19 October, a 25-year-old man was fatally shot by the police while fleeing. He and seven others were caught stealing scrap metal from Scrap Salvage PTY Ltd. in Walvis Bay. Tawakulilwa Lineekeleni–Omwene Udjombala was shot and died following warning shots fired by police on scene, Erongo region police deputy commissioner Ottilie Kashuupulwa said. “The suspects were found stealing by a security guard who told them to stop but the men started attacking him with stones and scrap metal pieces. While this was happening police patrolling the area arrived at the scene and fired warning shots but the suspects started running in all

directions and the deceased was shot and killed,” the commissioner explained. She added that a murder charge has been laid on the police officers concerned. In compliance with standard procedure, the case has been forwarded to the prosecutor general who will decide whether the officer who fired the fatal shot was negligent or his actions were lawful and in accordance with his duties. Three suspects were arrested and four are still at large. Kashuupulwa said it is a matter of time before the suspects on the run are arrested because the police have good leads. The owner of the scrap metal yard, Cassie Carstens, was contacted for comment but referred the reporter to the police and refused to speak to the media.

Still No Sign of Missing Soldiers - Search Continues

Tanya Calitz Yet another local business, Dunns Clothing, fell victim to thieves this week. Around midnight on Tuesday 22 October, the main window was broken. The extent of the business’ loss is yet to be calculated. The Dunns Manager said that the shop had to be guarded from midnight until the next morning, when the staff

clocked in. “When we arrived at the store, we found clothes scattered all over the floor, as well as in front of the broken main window. Just the window alone is N$5 000 in damages,” the manager said. “At this stage we are not sure what the actual damage is, and only after we have done a stock take will we know the true loss.” According to Police Deputy Commissioner Ottilie

Kashuupulwa the incident has been reported, but they have not opened a docket yet. “Once they know the true loss and damage we will start the investigation,” Kashuupulwa said. This follows an incident on the weekend when police officers allegedly shot and killed a member of a break-in gang who gained unauthorised access to Scrap Salvage PTY Ltd.

Community Cleans the Streets in Preparation for Travel Summit

Dorcas Mhungu There is still hope to find the two South African SADC Defence Force soldiers who died at sea during a Navy exercise two weeks ago, Lieutenant Colonel Monica Sheya said Tuesday when asked to comment on the latest developments pertaining to the search.

“All hope is not lost and the search is still on. There are special divers from South Africa currently in the country and

continuing with the search with the help of Namibia. I cannot say how long the search will continue because it is the experts who know how much time they need to complete the exercise,” Sheya said. The South Africans are two of three soldiers that died when their boat capsized on 6 October. The cause of death is yet unknown as the bodies are still lost at sea but is presumed to be hypothermia.

Smiles were seen all around after a great team effort by the Swakopmund community on Saturday. Their clean up of the desert ahead of the Tourism Travel Summit ended in success. Volunteers of all ages took to the B2 road about ten kilometres before Arandis and worked their way up, sacrificing their

precious weekend in the process. They were reportedly visited by two curious cheetahs passing by, a rare sight so far away from their usual habitat. The travel summit will take place this weekend, and will be the first of its kind to grace the African continent.

Thursday, 24 October 2013

6 | News

Swakop Summit - SADC Countries

to Establish Standby Force Dorcas Mhungu Following hot on the heels of the recent War Games held on the coast, the Southern African Development Committee Lt General Epaphras Denga(SADC) Defence Forces’ chiefs Ndaitwah

of logistics and technocrats attended a three day meeting in Swakopmund to deliberate on the need to establish a Standby Force for the region and develop the required lifting strategies for land, air

and sea operations. Lieutenant General Epaphras Denga-Ndaitwah, Chief of Defence Forces in Namibia, told the delegates attending the 14th Logistic Working Group meeting that Africa and the

Investment Opportunity

Be part of the Namibian Media Landscape Namibia’s fastest growing newspaper, the Namib Independent, is seeking expressions of interest from organisations or individuals who are looking to grow their investment / business portfolios to include print media, commercial print, e-commerce, social media and graphic design. The Namib Independent CC is a well-established, privately owned enterprise that operates in the press, in both printed and electronic media space in the Erongo region.

order to substantially increase its market share of the print and media advertising market on the coast. In addition, the company is seeking to extend into other markets through: the improvement of its current flagship product The Namib Independent; the introduction a new range of complementary products and services; and the growth of its fixed assets.

Although a specific percentage of shares have been set aside for this purpose the company shall treat each expression of interest by its own merits. As such, the company remains The company has attained and surpassed important open minded depending on the scope and level of investment milestones set out at inception, and is ready to increase its / partnership that is proposed by any single candidate or operational and business activities significantly in 2014 in organisation.

Investor Attributes • As the coast and indeed the Erongo region represents the fastest growing economic region in Namibia, interested parties must express a sincere desire and commitment to improving the on-going socio-economic wellbeing of the coastal towns and of the Erongo region. • Potential investors should have an appreciation of the impartial role of the media in shaping national and local dialogue, attitudes and perceptions and in this respect should remain committed to raising the discourse of all issues pertaining to everyday livelihood ranging from business, politics, socio-economic circumstances, society, leisure, entertainment and the general wellbeing of the populace. • Although expressions of interest from organisations or individuals with proven track record of success in the media or communications arenas shall be viewed favourably, no bias shall be afforded over any candidates with an extensive history of business success. • Preference shall however be afforded to highly successful entities that elect to play an active function in the roll out of the next stage of the business, with a particular focus on financial management at a Board Level. • The option of becoming part of a larger group of companies or merging with a commercial entity from which resources may be drawn upon, which in turn will facilitate a critical path to success, may also be considered.

Interested Parties

Interested parties are to register their interest via the following: Email: Call: +264 64 200497 Cell: +264 811 292 157 All expressions of interest shall be treated as highly private and confidential. Find us: Web: Social: Page through:

Namib Independent Great News for the Coast

SADC region are going through drastic defence and structural changes and transformations that necessitate the need to secure effective security mechanisms. “As we are introducing those changes within our defence forces structures, it is prima facie that structural change, which is not logistically supported, will doom to failure.[sic] Hence all efforts must be geared towards effective logistic service delivery, as nothing will be achieved without effective logistic support,” Ndaitwah stated. He said there were many security challenges in the region that must be overcome in order to preserve peace and stability, which could be achieved only if the logistic military officers give correct information to the defence chiefs. Ndaitwah said the region needs a strong Standby Force that is well equipped and ready to deploy at short notice. “This can only be achieved if the SADC Strategic Mobility Package Depot (MLD) is operational, well stocked with necessary equipment and able to continue resupplying deployed forces,” the Defence Chief noted. Ndaitwah urged the logistics experts and technocrats to study carefully the guiding documents made available from the African Union Commission for them to have a good understanding of the concept of “Africa Standby Force Strategic Mobility Package.” The defence forces’ logistics chiefs from SADC member countries attended the three day convention, which comes after a 35-day desert warfare codenamed Welwitchia that drew forces of 800 soldiers from eight SADC member countries of South Africa, Botswana, Angola, Zambia, Malawi, Zimbabwe Lesotho and Namibia.

Thursday, 24 October 2013

News | 7

Local Company Sets Up Biggest Tent in

Africa for Travel Summit in Swakop

Inspired by adventure.

Tanya Calitz

Investing in its beauty 13\08\226

Desert Catering, based in Walvis Bay, has set up their new mammoth tent, called the Everest, at the World Travel Summit in Swakopmund. This colossal entertainment tent is the only one of its kind in the Southern Hemisphere, with only five others in the world. The Everest Tent is 31 metres wide, 41 metres long and 12.5 metres high. Once set up with chairs and tables, it can seat up to 700 guests. The tent will be used as the main dining hall and conferencing room. According to Desert Catering’s owner Colin Livingstone, it takes only six poles to keep the Everest up. “The weight of the tent fabric when unassembled is 4.5 tons, and it fills a six metre container when folded up,� said Livingstone. The massive tent also features a double glass door entrance and can withstand winds of up to 120km/h, Livingstone mentioned. It takes three days and a crew of 14 men to ensemble the tent. According to Livingstone, the Everest tent is used as a permanent structure in other parts of the world, which makes theirs quite unique, seeing that they can set up anywhere. The fabric took 20 years to develop and once the tent is erected, it is 40% cooler than any other tent, due to the height and specially developed fabric, Livingstone explained.

As an African Bank, we are proud to sponsor the first ever Adventure Travel World Summit to be held in Africa in the land of wide open spaces. Welcome to the land of the brave and may our endless horizons inspire you on your mission. This is just another way we move tourism forward.

Thursday, 24 October 2013

8 | News

Historic Adventure Travel Summit Begins This Weekend Lavrenty Repin The tents are up, the streets have been cleaned and over 280 delegates have already arrived in Namibia to attend the Adventure Travel World Summit that will kick off on Saturday in Swakopmund. An estimated 650 delegates from 60 countries have paid the hefty USD1500 price tag per ticket, along with flights and accommodation, to be part of the 10th annual ATWS event, which vaguely resembles a Rolling Stone concert, as the summit was already completely sold out four months ago. Half of the attendees will consist of various tour operators from, to mention but a few, South America, Australia and India. Media coverage is expected to be at a record peak for Swakopmund, with BBC, National Geographic, New York Times and Men’s Journal amongst the arsenal of media outlets making their way down to the coast. However, Mr Martin Wiemers, ATWS coordinator to Namibia, pointed out that “What can’t be put a price tag on are the business relations between Namibia and other countries through engagement and connection during the event.”

There are 50 hopeful Namibian companies taking part in the summit, looking to establish beneficiary business relations which could potentially mean an influx of tourism to Namibia. According to Mr Wiemers, for every eight tourists visiting Namibia, one permanent job is created. He also stated that the tourist of the future is not the safari enthusiast using tour busses and not leaving the confines of his hotel, but one that will be more engaging with the local community, more willing to go hike and do adventure sports and who will travel in small personal groups; and it is this vital transition that Namibia needs to achieve. The immediate benefit to the coastal community is the hotel bookings and use of the transport industry, said Swakopmund Mayor Juuso Kambueshe. He further stressed the importance of tourism as it is an industry that can benefit everyone. “Tourism is your safest bet,” he stated. “The success of this event depends on whether or not we stand together, the success of this summit is in our hands.” Brendon Scott of E-med assured the Namib Independent

that all safety precautions have been rolled out for the event, with extra exits and a disaster radio set up. An important and sizeable topic on the agenda will be the successful conservation of wildlife and natural environment over the last few decades in Namibia. According to a report by NACSO, which will be discussed in length at the summit, Zebra population has increased from 1,000 in 1982 to 27,000 today, Springbok numbers went up from 1,000 to 93,000 and there has been a steady increase in the elephant and rhino population, which stands at the largest in the world for Black Rhinos respectively. 19.5% of Namibia’s land is communal conservancies and 16.7% is national parks. According to an Adventure Travel World Summit report, 42% of Namibia’s land is under some form of conservation management. “Nowhere else in the world comes close to this level of protection,” the report reads. Mr Martin Wiemers said that conservation was one of the key reasons and driving forces behind Namibia being chosen as the country to host the first ever ATWS event in Africa. It is on this background that Namibia will

receive, for the second time running, the “Earth Award” from the World Wildlife Fund. Three tents have been set up to facilitate this event, one of which, titled

“Namibian Pavilion,” is open to the public who are encouraged to take this opportunity to learn more about what Namibia has to offer and perhaps meet some of the foreign participants.


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Thursday, 24 October 2013

News | 9

New Managing Director to Take Over Reins at Maersk Namibia Siglinde de Villiers This week Wednesday, Maersk Namibia has officially bid their Managing Director Dries Oberholzer farewell and welcomed Robert Maslamoney as the new Managing Director. Originally from Cape Town, Robert Maslamoney will be taking over management of Maersk Namibia on 1 December. Mr Maslamoney has spend the last four and a half days familiarising himself with the company as well as the challenges of the market. In an exclusive interview with the Namib Independent, Mr Maslamoney revealed that he has spent a significant amount of time in the shipping line industry and has been part of the

Maersk Group for about nine years. “During that time, I have lived and worked extensively on the African continent,” he relates. “I have gained a lot of experience in those years due to working at different levels of the organisation in addition to managing a lot of trades. In this way, I have attained a global picture of the company and a strong African experience.” According to Mr Maslamoney, his vision is to continue building sustainable growth in the marketplace. “We should take care of today and actively prepare for tomorrow. Thus Maersk will be committed to continue acting as a partner and exercise constant care as to how to improve the business and livelihood of locals,” Mr Maslamoney says. He adds that in the

long-run, Maersk hopes to become a competitive powerhouse that supports the country as well as it citizens. The shipping line industry does not come without its challenges. Mr Maslamoney finds that even though Maersk has been around for a long time, a great deal of competition has surfaced in terms of other carriers. He explained that this has left a fragmented market with a very tricky balance to maintain. “The challenge presents itself in looking at the bigger picture in order to make long-term and sustainable decisions that will be mutually beneficial for internal and external stakeholders.” According to Mr Maslamoney, Maersk pays it forward through their Corporate Social Responsibility

program, where once a year a certain amount gets donated to a charity, thus empowering the community. “One of the company’s goals is to impact the local community in a positive way and we have several projects still in the pipeline,” Mr Malsamoney comments. Taking over the reins of such a big company, one would wonder what Mr Maslamoney’s leadership philosophy is and how he deals with the stress. “I believe that leadership is not about the leader but the people. In essence, it is important to understand them, and help them to become a better version of themselves. It is very fulfilling to help someone grow and reach their full potential.” Since Mr Maslamoney is no stranger

Robert Maslamoney, new MD of Maersk Namibia to his line of business, he says he will give himself 90 days to fully understand the market and its stakeholders. “It is important for me to know the strengths and weaknesses of my team, and to focus on training and developing a game plan. "If things are kept as simple as possible and we move with the changes as it comes, stress will not be a word I will use a lot,” he concludes.

Coastal Community Not Immune to Stress

Siglinde de Villiers In our heyday, success is measured by one’s wealth and career. However, the fast-paced business hub of the coast brings along with it the side effect of stress. Our result-orientated coastal community pays for this with a high price - health. High-performance industries at the coast place more and more pressure on employees to deliver and meet tight deadlines. Demanding careers along with hectic lifestyles produce a community where “people are faced with a whole new array of challenges,” psychological counsellor Melissa-Jane Louw from Swakopmund said. According to Clinical Psychologist Nikki Meiring, stress is an important part of life and helps us to survive and feel alive. In small measures, stress can motivate people to respond to stressors with a sense of meaning, hope and vigour. However, Meiring continues to say that stress can affect us physically, mentally and emotionally. “Uncontrolled, chronic, negative stress influences our thought processes and the way we deal with life,” Meiring stated. According to Louw, behavioural changes can include aggression or withdrawal, depression and anxiety, eating disorders or substance and alcohol abuse. “Stress often leads to unwanted feelings of anger, disappointment, frustration and loneliness,” Meiring said. She explained that stress causes high cortisol levels and serotonin-noradreanaline dysfunction (common chemical irregularities present in those with high levels of distress). The result is often poor memory and concentration, racing thoughts and the inability to switch thoughts or feelings of irritability and restlessness off. Ultimately, stress can lead to sudden panic attacks and fears of losing control. Juanita van Zyl, a coastal resident, became such a victim of stress, with adverse effects on her health. Juanita says that she suffered from stress, anxiety and panic disorder. “I have a very tight deadline orientated work. To make matters worse, I would constantly worry about trivial stuff that I had no control over, like finances, work or a conversation I had with someone that did not go as expected. "My mind did not allow me to go to sleep

the body’s immune system. “Getting enough sleep will allow the body to recharge and function effectively. It is also imperative that one takes time to relax for this is therapeutic and relieves stress,” she said. Coastal businesses have come to realise at night and I often woke up with sweaty palms,” Juanita related. Stress and anxiety eventually resulted in a panic attack that landed Juanita in hospital. “The doctor prescribed me mild stress relief sedatives, and referred me to biokinetics,” she reflected. Did the exercise help her to deal with stress? “Exercising definitely works, but I still have to remind myself to breathe deeply and eat healthy every day. I have found that avoiding fatty foods and sugar in my diet, using stress balls and walking every day on a consistent basis helps me to cope.” Many healthcare practitioners maintain that exercise is a great coping mechanism for stress. According to Johan Esterhuyse from BRG Biokinetics, stress often results in posture problems due to people being overworked. “Posture problems then lead to back pain, neck pain and chronic headaches,” he said. Johan continued to explain that stress and other factors such as not eating correctly weaken the body’s immune system, which in turn makes it more susceptible to diseases. According to him, the benefits of exercise counteract stress induced health problems. “When doing cardio-respiratory exercises at low intensity the body produces serotonin and endorphins, hormones that make you feel good. Exercise also releases bottled up frustrations and correct bad posture. "Mechanical stretches ease the tension that is locked up in taut muscles and relieve muscle spasms.” Johan said that to reap full benefits from exercise however, people need to exercise on a regular basis. In itself this presents a challenge for “even though people know that they will feel better if they exercise, they do not feel motivated when they are very stressed,” he concluded. In extreme cases, those who suffer from stress can consult a doctor who can prescribe medication to alleviate the condition. However, medication is only a short-term solution that merely treats the symptoms and not the cause. According to Louw, learning stress managements skills is a long-term solution. Louw pointed out that time management, prioritising and avoiding procrastination is of crucial importance. She also explained that eating healthy helps to provide long-term energy and boost

how stress results in poor work performance. Ndafu Hambira, from the Olthaver List Group of Companies, said that in the long run decreased productivity inhibits profit margins and thus many companies have incorporated a wellness programme in their operational structure.

“Supervisors would refer someone suffering from excessive stress to the wellness department, where they receive counselling. "Once the stressors have been determined, the employee can be assisted with a solution,” she said. She continued to explain that if the stessors are found

to not be work-related, outside help such as social workers, family or couples therapy is solicited. Stress is a part of our everday lives, and something that cannot be avoided. However, there are ways to deal with it and to avoid stress from affecting one’s health.

Thursday, 24 October 2013

10 | News

Kids Haven Benefits Greatly from the Oyster Fest Wesbank Transport (Pty) Ltd, as a Namibian equal opportunity employer, offers the following challenging career opportunity for a suitable candidate at the Head Office in Walvis Bay. The position of General Manager: Commercial reports directly to the Chief Executive Officer.

GENERAL MANAGER: COMMERCIAL The position’s key performance areas are: • • • • • • • •

Managing and negotiating commercial contracts Providing day to day commercial support to the Long Haul & Short Haul Departments Assist with managing Long Haul and Short Haul Projects Managing Customer Relationships Compiling and coordinating tender proposals Supporting the business planning and development initiatives Managing risk (Insurance, Quality, Statutory Requirements) Managing the Long Haul department as well as fuel management of company fleet

The suitable candidate will meet the following requirements: • • • • • • • •

B Com Degree or similar degree with Cost & Management Accounting as main subjects The completion of subjects in Commercial Law will be an added advantage 5 years experience in a senior management position, in a similar business environment Proficient in written and spoken English Proven skills in commercial negotiating Strong behavioural abilities ito: confidence, assertiveness, flexibility and resilience Self-managed and performs well under tight time constraints High degree of numeracy with financial awareness and the ability to provide estimating capability to support the development of proposals and offers • Computer literate (Microsoft Office) with good working knowledge of SAP • Namibian Citizen with a valid, unendorsed driver’s license. In return we offer a market related salary with Medical and Pension benefits. A written application (maximum 6 pages) which includes a C.V. and a covering letter should be submitted to the following address: The Human Resources Manager, Wesbank Transport c/o Mulderine Rd & Ben Amathila Ave, Po Box 2916, Walvis Bay, Namibia FAX NO: +264 64 203160 e-mail: Please note: 1. Do not include any certificates, short-listed candidates will be requested to submit these when attending an interview 2. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and no documents will be returned 3. Applications from Designated Groups are encouraged to apply 4. Closing date: 28 October 2013 5. A full job description will be supplied to short-listed candidates during the interview

Jaco Blaauw, Len Nel, Dewald du Plessis and Albertus van Zyl Tanya Calitz and every penny donated, and sincerely want to thank the Oyster Fest Organisers A share of the second annual Oyster for choosing our institution to donate to,” Fest's profit has been donated to the Albertus said at the handover. Kids Heaven orphanage in Walvis Currently the Kids Haven has 22 little Bay. mouths to feed, but the number is for ever The Oyster Fest, started by three locals changing. - Dewald du Plessis, Jaco Blaauw and Len According to Nadia van Zyl, one of Nel - decided that the N$12 000 donation the Kids Haven representatives, some of would be best utilised by the orphanage the funds will be used to fix parts of the in town. There to receive the check on building, which suffered damage due to behalf of the Kids Haven was Albertus the heavy rains. van Zyl, who serves as a member of the “With the massive rain fall, a lot of the Kids Haven Committee. water went under the Kids Haven house “Every cent received by our community and caused the building to sink in and helps us in providing some security for the resulted in cracks all over the building,” children here. We greatly appreciate each Nadia explained.

SPCA Cats Can Now Enjoy the Outdoors


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Lüderitz 063 - 203 241 Ongwediva 065 - 231 331 Otjiwarongo 067 - 303 104 Rundu 066 - 255 600

Tsumeb 067 - 220 264 Walvis Bay 064 - 205 632 Windhoek 061 - 309 805 Email:

*All prices: VAT inclusive

Siglinde de Villiers With great joy the SPCA has announced that they have finished the construction of their outside cattery so that their cute kittens and cats have some outdoor space to enjoy a little bit of sun, fresh air and freedom. Sponsorships allowed Sharon Brooks’ dream to come true when the outside cattery could finally be build. “We received some funds from the Protea Hotel and an anonymous sponsor. The SPCA then contributed the difference that was needed to complete the cattery,” Sharon explained. “Most of the structure we built ourselves and managed to complete it in about two weeks. In due time we still want to add some more toys and shelves for the cats to play with,” she added. Kittens of all ages, ranging from one week to three months old, think that the new cattery is paradise as they scuffle and

tumble around. “One of the major problems we had with the kittens in the small enclosures was that they did not develop properly. Now they get to exercise their muscles and build their strength by running and playing around.” According to Sharon, the SPCA currently looks after 40 kittens, many of them without mothers. According to Sharon they only allow females and kittens into the outside cattery. “The cats really enjoy being outside, especially baking in the warm sunshine. "However, when we release the males into the outside cattery they tend to fight. Therefore we have no other option but to leave them in their enclosures, which only frustrates them more. "Currently we have twelve male cats and hope to gather enough funds to be able to sterilize them at some point, so that they can also be free,” she concluded.

Thursday, 24 October 2013

News | 11

Johnnie Walker Showcase Teaches the Coast All about Flavours Siglinde de Villiers Last week Friday, the House of Johnnie Walker hosted a Whisky tasting event in order to promote the renowned Johnnie Walker brand at the coast. A selection of 40 guests gathered at the Pelican Bay Hotel to experience the Whisky of Excellence in person.

The Johnnie Walker team, Loubser Rosseau, Danie van Zyl and Hettie Swart, took their guests on a journey, literally taking a walk with the ‘Walkers’ as they showcased the Johnnie Walker story, heritage, the whisky making process as well as the golden liquid itself. With the words “tonight will all be about flavours,” Swart introduced her guests and wet their appetites as to what they could expect. According to Swart, the

Johnnie Walker Whisky range can be likened to a family where each person has their own unique characteristics. “Each one of the five renowned Johnnie Walker blends has its own distinct personality, history and story to tell,” Swart explained. According to her, the creator of the range, John Walker, used rich, exciting flavours that required a great deal of craft and skill to harness and balance, creating the most unique whisky blends in the process. “Two centuries of vision and progress eventually lead to a whisky stock of the finest quality, which was then used as a base to blend the other whiskies in the range,” she continued. Swart then enlightened the audience on the various factors that influence whisky flavours,

especially the unique smoky signature flavour of the Johnnie Walker range. According to Swart, these factors include the region of Scotland in which the whisky is produced, the distillery character, and the maturing process. “Seventy percent of the flavour and one hundred percent of the colour of whisky come from the maturing cask,” Swart said. “The cask is where all the magic happens and were Mother Nature and Father Time meet.” She continued to explain that it takes at least ten years for a whisky to age properly. The event concluded with a discussion of the unique flavours and characteristics present in each whisky blend of the Johnny “Drinking whisky will never be the Walker range, highlighting the same for me again,” one of the guests brand's superior consistency and commented. unparalleled depth. “I now know how to identify a

good quality of whisky and also what flavours to look for when enjoying the rich golden hues of the Johnnie Walker range.”

African Vision 2063

outlined in Swakopmund

RE-APPOINTMENT Mr. Jerry Muadinohamba

Minister of Justice, Utoni Nujoma

Africa Agenda 2063 seeks to grow the continent’s skills, welfare, governance, peace and security so that Africa derives maximum benefit from its immense natural resources.

The Minister of Justice, Utoni Nujoma, promised a series of ministerial lectures all over Namibia to educate the people about Africa Agenda 2063. One of these public lectures on the Africa Agenda 2063 was delivered in Swakopmund on Tuesday, as part of ongoing 50th anniversary celebrations of the Organisation of the African Union (OAU). Nujoma explained that other meetings, to be held in //Karas, Otjozondupa, Erongo, Oshikoto, Omusati, Kavango East and the Zambezi regions, will accord the people the opportunity to make recommendations to government on how the country can advance and attain Africa Agenda 2063 goals and objectives. “The OAU provided a political platform where African leaders converged to strategise on how to multiply efforts on the political and military strategy to liberate the African continent from the vestitudes of colonialism, apartheid and slavery,” Nujoma said. He went on to say that despite this rich endowment, the continent is riddled with economic challenges like high unemployment and illiteracy while the developed countries continue to extract the raw materials

and process them outside the borders of resource countries. He labelled it a practice that Africa wants abolished to be able to attain economic freedom. “In developing Agenda 2063, it is important that there are consultations as widely as possible. It is therefore important that today we start the first such forum for consultations with regions of Namibia so that the Government of the Republic of Namibia captures the views and aspirations of citizenry from across Namibia,” Nujoma stated. Contributions from the audience included pleas to provide more adult literacy classes during daytime when it is warmer so that elderly residents have it easier to participate and do not suffer from the nights’ cold at the coast. Another resident said the liberated countries were allowing the colonial masters to continue to rule by allowing them to be majority shareholders in partnerships in mining and other joint ventures. Nujoma expressed gratitude to Algeria for the role it played during Namibia’s liberation struggle, saying the first ammunition to fight the colonisers that Founding Father Sam Nujoma acquired came from Algeria. Algeria Ambassador to Namibia, Lahcene Kaid-Slimane, attended the meeting as well as Dr Abdulhafed Jaber, Charge D’Affaires of Libya Embassy. Erongo Regional Governor Cleopas Mutjavikua, Swakopmund Mayor Juuso Kambueshe and Swapo Erongo Member of Parliament, Germina Shitaleni, conducted the proceedings.

The Minister of Works & Transport, Namport Board of Directors, Namport CEO Mr. Bisey Uirab, Management and Staff congratulate Mr. Jerry Muadinohamba on his re-appointment as Member and Chairman of Namport’s Board of Directors effective Friday, 01 November 2013 for a 3 year term. Mr. Muadinohamba is a passionate transformational leader who continuously energizes and inspires people around him to tackle new challenges and reach greater heights. In addition to his visionary and dynamic leadership to Namport over the past three years, Jerry has successfully turned around the Motor Vehicle Accident Fund and it is now recognised as one of Namibia’s leading state agencies. His passionate support and belief in people separates him from many of his peers. He is known as one of the most engaged and passionate leader’s you can come across in Namibia. What makes him an exceptional leader is his change appetite– always willing to try something new in order to find what delivers exceptional value, and his ability to communicate and relate with all persons regardless of rank. 13\10\288

Dorcas Mhungu

We are sure he will continue to make a significant impact at the Namibian Ports Authority with his vast experience in providing leadership at various institutions. We wish him all the best as he takes up his responsibility to steer the Namport Board of Directors ship, yet again.

Thursday, 24 October 2013 |1

12 | News30 August 2013 Thursday,

Cesc Eberenz

Jaryn Pritzlaff

Danette Pretorius

Kai-Lea du Preez

Etuhole Namholo

Maegan Eileen Stander

Fanilo Haller

Michael De Gouveia

Gabriella Klemintine Sabattie

Dyllan Van Zyl

Theressa Tuyoleni Neku ndi

Phoebe Camm

Question of the Week Do you think you have the right to shoot someone who is breaking into your home?

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Namport Erongo Business & Tourism Expo Supplement | 13

Supplement Bigger, Better 2013 Namport

Erongo Business and Tourism Expo This year the Business and The trade fair, which Tourism Expo will present officially kicks off next week much more than last year’s, Wednesday, will run from 30 said the Expo’s Chief Co- October to 2 November. ordinator Johan van Zyl. As a build-up to the Expo,

there will be a Gala Dinner this week Friday (25 October) as well as a Street Parade the following Saturday at 9am in Walvis Bay.

The Expo will be held on the Walvis Bay Municipal grounds in Nangolo Mbumba Street. All exhibition stands have been sold out, with many more exhibitors

on a waiting list. According to van Zyl they have about 180 registered exhibitors. Read more on page 14 to see what the Expo will have on offer.

Thursday, 24 October 2013

14 | Namport Erongo Business & Tourism Expo Supplement

180 Exhibitors Confirmed for Erongo Business and Tourism Expo Tanya Calitz

Catch Us at the

Erongo Expo Ben Amathila Avenue P.O. Box 335 Walvis Bay, Namibia Tel: +264 64 271 600 Fax: +264 64 271 625

This year the Namport Erongo Business and Tourism Expo will be much bigger and better than last year, with 180 exhibitors booked, and several on a waiting list, said the Expo’s Chief Co-ordinator Mr Johan van Zyl. The exhibition will be hosted on the Walvis Bay Municipality grounds in Nangolo Mbumba Street from 30 October to 2 November. There will be three marquee tents erected in the parking bay providing space to several exhibitors, as well as two indoor halls. There will be a huge mix of business and tourism entities exhibiting at the Expo, and surely a stall to trigger everyone’s interest, said van Zyl. The main focus of this years’ Expo is the Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs), who will also receive some training prior to the fair and help with setting up their stalls. “A lot of the expo’s funds is going towards the set-up of the SME’s stalls, as well as providing them with the necessary training to derive the maximum benefit from the exhibition,” van Zyl explained. According to SME Compete (training facilitator), the training will provide them with the tools to get the most out of their exhibitions, focus on the ‘how to’ and the do’s and don’ts. “SME participation is sponsored by either the Ministry of Trade or the Municipality,” van Zyl explained. Apart from all the exhibitors and interesting stalls one can expect, there will also be all

kinds of entertainment and events before and during the Trade Fair. There will be a little play park for the children, a Gala Evening (Friday 25 October), a VIP Lounge, Mini Idols, Crowning of Miss Expo, Street Parade, Navy Brass Band, live performances, camel rides and helicopter rides in the pipeline, said van Zyl. Another feature at the Fair will be the big food court, which will cater for everyone’s taste, from hotdogs to oyster. The best part about this year’s fair is that there will be no entrance fee for visitors. “We want the whole community to come and enjoy the exhibitions and all the other activities the fair offers,” said van Zyl. The expo will officially kick off next week Wednesday, but start with a build-up event to the expo, a Gala Dinner this week Friday, where the Miss Expo will be crowned. On Saturday the build-up to the expo will continue with a street parade and the Marching Band. On Thursday 31 October the Expo will officially be open to all members of the public from 10am to 9pm, Friday the same, and Saturday the expo will be from 8am to 12pm. The entertainment will however continue for the rest of the afternoon, said van Zyl. According to van Zyl the security will also be very tight and they will have a no-nonsense-policy at the event. “We are already planning for next year’s Expo, which will once again be bigger and better, seeing that we will collaborate with some other festivals, events and fairs to make one big fair for October 2014,” said van Zyl.

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Namport Erongo Business & Tourism Expo Supplement | 15

A Special Insurer The National Special Risks Insurance Association (NASRIA), a Section 21 company, was formed in 1987 to provide cover that was and is excluded by all other insurance company policies on assets and loss of profit. That “gap” in cover relates to riot, strike, acts of terrorism and politically motivated acts. Although the original need for protection against bomb blasts and other violent acts, which were prevalent in preindependence days, no longer applies, subsequent events in the political, social and economic arena called for cover against damage by riots and strikes. The need for such cover was amply demonstrated when Walvis Bay was incorporated into Namibia in 1994. The influx of people to celebrate this event created enormous pressures on the infrastructure and a series of riots, the damage of which is being paid for by NASRIA. However, the biggest claim resulted from strike action that resulted in NASRIA paying nearly N$25 million. In this context, the Trade

and Industry Minister, Mr. Immanuel Ngatjizeko, recently expressed concern about the current wave of industrial action by labour movements. The cover provided by NASRIA extends to politically motivated acts and acts of terrorism (other than by use of nuclear, chemical or biological weapons). Although terrorism is a worldwide threat, it seems at this point in time to be somewhat remote from the Namibian scene. Because of its more diverse population and international profile, South Africa would appear to be more exposed. This is of relevance to Namibian citizens and businesses because a reciprocal agreement between NASRIA and its SA soil would be payable by NASRIA under policies issued to its clients. This is of special significances for vehicles as well as commercial goods and personal possessions, which are taken across the Namibian/ South African border. There is still an ongoing problem with attempts to develop a secessionist

movement in the Caprivi, which could give rise to political activities that could cause damage of a nature only insured by NASRIA. Although Namibia currently seems peaceful and not seriously exposed to the threats referred to above, this can quickly change. As countries in Africa and elsewhere wrestle with unemployment, urban overcrowding, poor housing and malnutrition, the dissatisfaction of all those affected can soon change into something uglier – a small spark can ignite a powder keg. The frustrations being expressed by labour movements may easily turn into violence. Namibia is not immune to these threats or even those which we may believe affect only other parts of the world, where political and secular agendas so quickly turn into mass unrest and violence. None of these potential risks are insured under the standard policies, which are relied on to protect assets, loss of profit and vehicles. This “gap” in cover can only be filled by NASRIA.

MUNICIPALITY OF WALVIS BAY NOTICE NO 91/2013 CLTemporary closure of a partial road in Hermes due to Construction 1. This notice serves to inform the public, and especially the residents of Hermes, Walvis Bay, that the construction of a new Pump Station in the area commenced on the 18th of October 2013. The entrances into Moses Garoëb Street from 18th Road, Jonker Afrikaner Road and 17th Road will be closed temporarily. We apologize for any inconvenience in this regard. Andre Brümmer General Manager Department: Water, Waste & Environmental Management




MONDAY - SATURDAY 07:30 - 20:00 SUNDAY 08:00 - 14:00

MONDAY - FRIDAY 08:00 - 19:00 SATURDAY 08:00 - 13:00


For all you catering, food & refreshment needs during the Expo, make sure you pop into Spot On. TEL: 064 203217 / 064 206913 / 064 206510 • FAX: 064 204233 • PO BOX 1639, WALVIS BAY • Email:

Thursday, 24 October 2013

16 | Namport Erongo Business & Tourism Expo Supplement


Besige algemene Arbeidsterapie praktyk in Walvisbaai, Namibië is dringend opsoek na ‘n Arbeidsterapeut om in die praktyk te werk. Diens kan Januarie 2014 begin word. • Die aansoeker moet ‘n graad in Arbeidsterapie hê. • Moet Afrikaans en Engels vlot kan praat. • Vorige ervaring in die pediatrie veld sal ‘n voordeel wees maar nie ‘n vereiste nie. • Sy moet goeie gesondheid hê, selfstandig kan werk, ‘n vol pasiënte lading kan hanteer en bereid wees om vir ‘n minimum van ‘n jaar in die praktyk te werk • ‘n Kompiterende kommissie gebaseerde salaris sal onderhandel word • ‘n Geldige paspoort en rybewys sowel as eie vervoer is noodsaaklik • Reis onkoste van Suid-Afrika tot Namibië sal deur werkgewer betaal word • ‘n Werks permit sal deur werkgewer gereël word Faks CV en onlangse foto vir aandag na Faks +264 64 221 568 of e-pos: Navrae kan by Tel +264 64 206 356 gedoen word

Lubrication and oil products for marine, industrial, mining, automotive, heavy equipment and specialised machinery • Technical advice on the use of different oils and lubricants • Oil-spill clean-up products • Advanced automated greasing technology • On-site equipment servicing and maintenance • Country-wide distribution

Distributors of

Lüderitz 063 - 203 241 Ongwediva 065 - 231 331 Otjiwarongo 067 - 303 104 Rundu 066 - 255 600

Tsumeb 067 - 220 264 Walvis Bay 064 - 205 632 Windhoek 061 - 309 805 Email:

With us you are Number One

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Namport Erongo Business & Tourism Expo Supplement | 17



he Namibia Film Commission (NFC) is a statutory body that was established by an Act of Parliament in 2000 to support, encourage and promote film productions, film marketing as well as the development of the film industry in Namibia. The mission of the NFC is to create a conducive environment that develops a vibrant and sustainable film industry. Its vision is to have a film industry of excellence that reflects Namibia’s cultural diversity and contributes meaningfully to national development. The NFC is mandated to issue film permits to all foreign production companies wanting to do film work or

still photography in Namibia. It also assists with obtaining of temporary work visas and facilitates permission to film at national parks, heritage sites and filming of minority groups. The Namibia Film Commission also provides training, technical assistance and funding to local filmmakers to produce local content that are screened at international film festivals and to local communities in the different regions through-out the year. The Commission furthermore aims at developing a local screen culture in Namibia to enable Namibians to watch their own productions.

NFC @ the Namport Erongo Business & Tourism Expo 2013 Namib Hall Stand No. 18 – 20 Activity Program: Thursday, 31 October 2013 Filmmaker’s Networking Night 17h00 – 19h00pm “by invitation only”

(17min) 14h00pm: Dead River (34min) 15h00pm: Try (23min) 16h00pm: All She Ever Wanted (15min)

Short Film Screenings with

FREE POPCORN!!! Thursday, 31 October 2013 13h00pm: Looking for Iilonga

Friday, 01 November 2013 13h00pm: Eembwiti (17min) 14h00pm: Place of Peace (32min) 15h00pm: My father’s Son (82min)

16h40pm: Reflection (25min) 17h20pm: 100 Bucks (17min) Saturday, 02 November 2013 13h00pm: Looking for Iilonga (17min) 14h00pm: Place of Peace (32min) 15h00pm: Try (23min) 16h00pm: The Puritan (18min) 16h30pm: Tjiraa (17min)

Daily Goodie bags and loads of other prizes to be won throughout the Expo!!! NB: Sale of different local films will be available!!! Groups of 8 plus people can request for movie screenings!!!! For any enquiries contact: Gideon Shuuya @081 386 1353 Nicola Muranda@081 278 5862 Andy Andjene @085 371 8447/ or 061 381 900

Thursday, 24 October 2013

18 | Namport Erongo Business & Tourism Expo Supplement

Erongo Red’s Current Undertakings and Future Plans Erongo Regional Electricity Distributor Company (Pty) Ltd, commonly known as the Erongo RED, was established on 1 July 2005 and started trade on the very same day. Erongo RED was formed by merging electricity services of municipalities and town councils within the Erongo region. These include the distribution and supply operations of the Arandis Town Council, Erongo Regional Council, Henties Bay Municipality, Karibib Town Council, Municipality of Walvis Bay, Omaruru Municipality, Swakopmund Municipality, Uis Village Council, Usakos Town Council and NamPower in the Erongo Region. The initiative to create REDs was part of the GRN ESI (Electricity Supply Industry) Restructuring Policy. The aim is to provide and distribute electricity through economies of scale and to pool human, operational and capital resources to ultimately stabilise electricity prices and offer affordable tariffs to end-consumers in the region. The idea is also to secure electricity supply to all, and end the days where entire towns were disconnected due to unpaid electricity bills to the national utility. Since its inception eight years ago, Erongo RED has made sure that no town within Erongo region is disconnected from the grid. Erongo region is blessed with an abundance of business opportunities and is rapidly becoming the most favourable destination for investors. In the last 23 years, theregion has not only become the economic hub for Namibia, but a centre of commerce in import and export, mining, fishing and tourism. Erongo RED has been playing a pivotal role in the region by distributing and supplying electricity to exactly these sectors. Erongo RED is currently actively participating in land development with our shareholders. By venturing with our shareholders in this task, we can accelerate access to electricity for our people in the region, and secondly empower our people by bringing this vital commodity closer to them. We are mindful that electricity is the backbone for the local and national economy of our country. Without electricity, industries such as mines and fishing companies will come

to a standstill, forcing thousands out of work. Hence, we strive to distribute and supply electricity efficiently by investing in electrical infrastructure and at the same time setting up affordable rates for our customers. As part of our vision “Electricity to all by 2020,” Erongo RED has commenced with essential projects within the Erongo Region aimed at boosting the economy of the region. These projects have become possible through economies of scale and the pooling of financial and human capital resources. In Walvis Bay, the load demand has significantly increased due to industrial and residential growth taking place in the town. To accommodate the ever increasing demand and future electricity demand in Walvis Bay, Erongo RED has embarked on a project to increase the Existing Firm Capacity of 30MVA (N-1) to 80 MVA (N-1). As part of this project, Erongo RED has started with the construction of a Switching Station at the cost of N$4.5 million. The construction of the substation is scheduled to be completed by the first quarter of 2014. The upgrade of 40km high voltage line from Kuiseb Transmission Station to Paratus Intake Station in Walvis Bay will be carried out by Nampower. The Tenders have already closed and a contractor will be appointed in due course. The bulk upgrade of Walvis Bay is scheduled to be completed by the third Quarter of 2015. Swakopmund has also recorded high demand for electricity due to influx of business and people. Thus, major upgrade is necessary to meet the growing demand in Swakopmund. As part of the Swakopmund bulk upgrade project, Erongo RED has appointed Strauss Group Construction, a local contractor, for the construction of New Intake Switching Substation to the tune of N$4.6 million. This station will be completed in the first quarter of 2014, and when completed Erongo RED will be able to provide Swakopmund with a Firm Capacity of 30MVA (N-1). Erongo RED has also successfully completed the construction of 43 streetlights in Swakopmund on the Henties Bay exit road, which have cost N$1 million. As part of the Electrification Project, Erongo RED has completed the electrification of 20 houses in the Omdel Residential

area in Henties Bay for N$294 000. Erongo RED also installed and supplied free pre-payment meters and upgraded the metering kiosk with new kiosks in the electrified area. The electrification of 122 houses for the low income segment in Uis is well in progress. The contractors for these projects have already been appointed and the connection of these houses is scheduled to be completed before the festive season. Similar projects are also scheduled for other towns. 32 houses have been earmarked to be electrified in Omaruru, 51 in Karibib and 71 houses in Usakos. The whole project will cost Erongo RED around N$3 million. The implementation of the Call Centre was successfully completed. It will soon be officially launched. In our efforts to provide efficient service to our customers, the company has set up customer service centres and 24 third-party prepayment vending points in all the towns and villages in Erongo Region. Erongo RED customers can now also buy electricity via FNB’s ATMs and cell phone banking, thus demonstrating that Erongo RED is committed to bringing its service closer to the customers. Erongo RED has also introduced the Debt Management Project so that customers who have been disconnected due to debts can approach one of Erongo RED’s nearest office to apply for the Debts Management arrangement. A free prepaid box will be installed and for every purchase the customer makes, 30 % will cover the debts until the outstanding amount is paid off. Electricity saving tips for the customers: • If you are using less than 800 units a month, it is advisable to switch to prepaid. With prepaid, consumers will be in control of their electricity consumptions, no bills, no basic charges and no electricity disconnections. • Always switch OFF electrical appliances when not use. • Adjust the geyser temperature to 50- 60 degree Celsius. Customers are invited to visit our offices should they have any queries or complaints. For more information, please contact us at @064 – 214 600 or visit our website www.erongored. com

Construction of the intake switching substation in Walvis Bay in progress

Overhead Nampower 66kV lines supplying electricity to Walvis Bay

Vihasco Vries, Control Centre Officer working on the SCADA System

Young people from various VTC centers attached to Erongo Red

Visit the NIPAM stand at the Namport Erongo Business and Tourism Expo 30 October - 02 November 2013 Namib Hall Stand 27 and 28


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OUR FLAGSHIP PROGRAMMES INCLUDE: · Foundation Programme · Middle Management Development Programme · Middle Management Development Programme for Regional/Local Government · Senior Management Development Programme

Contact us on (061) 296 4700 :

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Namport Erongo Business & Tourism Expo Supplement | 19

Namibia Institute of Pathology (NIP) Ltd Announcement: New NIP Swakopmund laboratory Inaugurated When: 12 September 2013 Where: Swakopmund Location: Erf 577, Franziska van Neel Street, At the turn off to the Tamariskia Town Hall, just past the Cottage Hospital) Namibia institute of Pathology (NIP) is a State Owned entity that was established under NIP Act 15 of 1999. It started its operations on 1 December 2000 with the objective of providing medical laboratory services to both state and private health facilities. The NIP currently has 38 laboratories countrywide which provide a comprehensive pathology service of high quality to public and private clients. NIP plays a vital role, but often overlooked in the health care system. Without medical laboratories it would be complex if not impossible to detect and diagnose certain disease or even to monitor the progress and results of medical treatment. Most people are only familiar with the person who draws their blood or samples for testing but are not aware of the personnel such as pathologists, medical scientists, technologist and technicians who analyze the specimens in the laboratories, using techniques ranging from manual or automated machines to visual analysis and report the findings or results back to the medical personnel. An effective laboratory service is an essential part of any functional health service. Laboratories provide confirmatory diagnosis and improved management of disease, essential public health information and information regarding disease surveillance.


“The Pathology service provider of choice”


Namibia institute of Pathology provides a comprehensive pathology service of high quality to public and private clients underpinned by innovation and social responsibility”

Values Professionalism:

We work according to professional standards as set out by the Health Statutory Bodies and company policies


We are true to our word, being reliable and honest in our business and financial transactions

Ethical Conduct:

We uphold strong moral values and are committed to confidentiality and fairness


We deal with our clients, customers and suppliers in a completely open manner


We will respond enthusiastically and immediately to the needs of clients, the national health services and patients


We are responsible for our actions or conduct

Swakomund Laboratory P.O.Box 155

Tel: 064 404504 Fax: 064 464079

Walvis Bay Laboratory

Tel: 064 209305 Fax: 064 209360

Email: Website: “Where commitment Matters and Quality Prevails”

Thursday, 24 October 2013

20 | Namport Erongo Business & Tourism Expo Supplement Production Loan Production Loan is a facility to meet immediate needs in agriculture business by purchasing seeds, fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides, fuel and oil, transportation costs, wages for temporary workers, lease of grazing, licks, veterinary medicine, etc.

Vehicle and Tractor Loans Vehicle and tractor Loan is a facility for the purchase of new and secondhand vehicles, tractors, vans, trailers, trucks for mobility and transportation of the produce to the intended markets.

Other Products & Services The bank provides a facility for financing other activities related to agriculture to diversify the production base for sustainability, such as guest farms, insect raising, etc.

Loan Consolidation facility Consolidation of debts is a facility to combine several existing loans into a single loan over a period of time.

Livestock Loans

Livestock Loan is a facility to enable farmers to purchase livestock to stock or restock the farm to full production capacity for sustainable farming operations. The livestock that can be purchased under this facility are: goats, sheep, bulls, rams, cows, donkeys, horses, pigs, rabbits, etc.

The Construction of labourers houses Labourers Housing Loan is a facility for the construction of labourers' houses of an acceptable standard with ablution facilities.

Infrastructure & Implement Loans Infrastructure & Implement Loan is a facility to acquire new equipment and implements such as irrigation, boreholes, windmills, dams, water pumps, combine harvesters, generators, ploughing, fencing, hammer mills, mahangu threshers, etc.

Improvement Loans Improvement Loan is a facility to replace, repair or maintain dilapidated implements and equipment on the farm.

Agribank specialize in financing the entire value chain from land acquisition, production inputs, harvesting, transporting, processing and marketing of the products at competitive interest rates.

“Continuously preparing today for a prosperous Namibia tomorrow�

PRODUCT LOAN PORTFOLIO Purchase of farmland Purchase of farmland is a facility for the purchase of farmland and/or additional land for agriculture related activities that is instrumental in adding real value to the national economy.

Ekwatho Meatco Financing Scheme Ekwatho Meatco financing scheme is an appropriate financing scheme to farmers to raise weaners to slaughter oxen.

Bush encroachment or deforestation of dry land Bush encroachment or deforestation of dry land is a facility to combat bush encroachment and/or clear land units in order to increase the production capacity per hectare for long term sustainability.

Aquaculture Aquaculture is a facility for controlled cultivation of any aquatic species to increase the quantity and value in order to contribute towards the national food security.

Alternative energy – Solar farm systems This facility is for purchasing and installation of alternative energy source for agricultural purposes to contribute towards sustained productivity:

Affirmative Action Loan Scheme (AALS) Affirmative Action Loan scheme (AALS) is a facility for emerging farmers from previously disadvantaged communities to acquire commercial farms for commercial farming activities in order to relieve pressure on land in communal areas.

Horticulture Loan Horticulture Loan is an agronomic production facility to meet immediate needs in the season for the cultivation of fruit and vegetables, maize, mahangu, etc.

Draught Animal Power Acceleration Programme (DAPAP)

Draught Animal Power Acceleration Programme (DAPAP) is a facility to enable small-scale farmers in rural areas to utilize various animal traction technologies for sustainable crop production.

Thursday, 24 October Thursday, 27 June2013 2013

'Here' Say| |121

mO shiwa m bo 'Here' 'Here' S A Y SAY

Flamingo deaths have increased over the past year. What do you think the possible causes are? What can be done to prevent this? Harry: “Die vermeerdering

Rakkel: "Have the flamingo deaths really increased or has the community just been more aware of it because it is such a huge tourist attraction?”

van die jakkals-getalle naby die Lagoon Chalets mag dalk 'n groot invloed hê op die flaminke se sterftes-syfer.”

Johny: “The authorities must

Lizel: "Met hierdie vreeslike sterk winde van die afgelope twee maande, kan die flaminke se dun bene hul nie regop hou nie, hul het ook hul lang nekke nodig om hul te anker, soos 'n drie-poot en dus is daar nie tyd vir eet nie."


“Die huidige droogte, het 'n groot invloed op die broei en die trek gewoontes van die flaminke wat ook hulle kos voorsiening kon beinvloed."

first conduct an investigation to find the exact cause of the flamingo deaths and then work on a proper solution to prevent this.”

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We have it




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7 Day Forecast

24 Oct 25 Oct 26 Oct 27 Oct 28 Oct 29 Oct 30 Oct

20 13


24 - 30 October


22 14


22 13

23 16

27 16

Walvis Bay Sat



24 16


24 17


24 Oct 25 Oct 26 Oct 27 Oct 28 Oct 29 Oct 30 Oct

20 13

22 14

22 13

23 16

27 16

24 16

24 17

Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Cape Town

20/15 17/13


Johannesburg 23/11 23/11 27/17 28/14 25/18 28/18

27/16 22/16 26/17 24/14


Port Elizabeth 24/17 30/18 20/18 25/19 25/19 20/18



26/15 30/18 28/16 26/19

27/18 29/21



30/25 21/25 31/25 32/24

29/25 30/26



26/15 29/15 34/17 32/17

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24/15 29/17 34/21 35/19

32/21 35/21










Tides 06:14 12:00 18:21 --:--

Tides 00:17 06:58 12:49 19:08

Tides 01:08 07:58 14:06 20:19

Tides 02:28 09:22 15:51 22:02

Tides 04:06 10:50 17:13 23:29

Tides 05:19 11:53 18:06 --:--

Tides 00:25 06:11 12:38 18:47

Thursday, 24 October 2013 |1

22 | mOshiwambo Thursday, 20 June 2013

m mO Oshiwa s h i wam mbo bO Johanna u uvite uugumbo, omo lwa Egumbo lye Dorcas Mhungu

LANGER HEINRICH URANIUM (PTY) LTD A Member of the Paladin Energy Ltd Group of Companies (An Equal opportunity Employer)

We invite suitably qualified and committed candidates to apply for the following position We invite suitable qualified and committed candidates to apply for the following position at the mining at the mining operation in Swakopmund, Namibia. operation in Swakopmund, Namibia.




The Supply Chain section of Langer Heinrich Uranium falls under the auspices of the Commerce and Admin Department and is responsible for all Supply Chain servicing matters of the Company to the other Purpose: departments outsideDepartment parties, ensuring LHMHeinrich achievesMine its corporate The Technicaland Services at thethat Langer operatesobjectives. a fleet of Yamaha Rhino ATVs

equipped with Geophysical Down-Hole Logging equipment. A junior assistant is required to assist with Main Responsibilities selected routine maintenance duties on the vehicles as well as on associated equipment and to assist With a background in the procurement /purchasing/buying environment the incumbent will report to the with housekeeping in terms of tooling, spares and the workshop.

Procurement Coordinator and will be responsible for a range of functions that include:

• Following up on orders to ensure on time delivery Main Responsibilities: • Receiving of authorized requisitions  Assist with selected routine maintenance on the fleet of Yamaha Rhino ATVs • Issuing of orders  Perform assigned maintenance and repairs on Down-Hole Logging equipment  Attend to workshop and re-fueling facilities • Assisting with all relevant processing and administrative matters of the department  Assist with calibration of geophysical tools used on site • Completion of reconciliations.  Assist with records on maintenance activities (spares used etc) • Arranging of inbound logistics.  Performs required maintenance • Taking part in ad hoc Projects.  Comply with all policies, practices and procedures

Minimum Requirements

Requirements: • Grade 12 (20 Points minimum)  Grade 12 with a minimum of 20 points • A relevant qualification within the procurement/supply field ( Added advantage)  Experience in a similar position and work environment (Auto, motor cycle or auto-electric • Prior working experience in a mining/engineering environment (Added advantage) workshop) • Basic ERP system experience.  Experience in Auto Electrics will be an advantage • Excellent English literacy skills.  Ability to work unsupervised • Competent to manage a wide range of priorities under pressure, able to work independently while  Technical abilities and mechanical insight; maintaining efficiency and accuracy.  An orderly and systematic style of working where  Valid Code BE Drivers License Personal Qualities  Excellent interpersonal communication, supervisory and organizational skills

• Attention to detail essential and able to function under pressure.

• Excellent interpersonal communication, organizational and problems solving skills. Benefits: A comprehensive market related package for the ideal competent candidate.

• Team player. • Process orientated individual. CLOSING DATE 02 August 2013 • Customer service orientated. • Only Positive attitude. short listed candidates will be contacted and should be prepared to undergo relevant


medical, psychometric assessments and interview sessions.

Interested and suitably qualified candidates to submit a comprehensive CV and A comprehensive market related package for the are idealinvited competent candidate. copies of ALL relevant supporting documentation as required by advert criteria via any of the following methods: Upload via: (preferred method)   short Email: ONLY listed candidates will be contacted and should be prepared to undergo relevant interviews, medical & Tel: +264 64 413451 Namibians meeting the above criteria are psychometric assessments in Swakopmund. Previously disadvantaged

CLOSING DATE: 08 NOVEMBER 2013 encouraged to apply.

Interested and suitably qualified candidates are to submit a Comprehensive CV with certified copies ALL relevant Supporting documentation by email to

Tel: +264 64 413 450

Epangelo lyaNamibia olya gandja esimaneko komukiintu gwotango omuNamibia, ngoka a ningi enyakwa nomusindani gwepapa lyoshingoli muudhano waanuulema sho lye mu pe egumbo lyongushu lyoshimaliwa shoomiliyona N$ 1,5 moshitopolwa sha Fairway Estates mondoolopa yaMbawe. Elelo lyondoolopa yaMbawe olye mu lukile wo epandaanda moka a li ha kala molukanda lwaKuisebmond. OmuMinista gwaagundjuka, omaudhano nomuthigululwakalo omusimanekwa Jerry Ekandjo nosheendo she okuza kombelewa yuuministeli kOvenduka oya zi owina kOvenduka opo ya kale poshitiuthi shegandjo lyegumbo ndika kuJohanna. Ehangano lyolusheno lyedhina Erongo Red, nalyo olya gandja olupandu lwalyo kuJohanna, sho lye mu futile olusheno lwegumbo lye uule womvula yimwe komeho yu udha. Moshipopiwa shomuPresidende Hifikepunye Pohamba shono sha li sha leshwa kuMinista Jerry Ejkandjo okwa tumbula kutya, Esindano lyaBenson olyo etumba kuNamibia alihe koonono. “Osha li enyanyu netumba enene sho aaNamibia ya li ya mbombolokele kokapale kopaigwana kaHosea Kutako momwedhi Septemba omvula ya zi ko, okutaamba nenyanyu enene omwanakadhona gwetu omuNamibia ngoka a tula oshilongo shetu mokaalita omo lwa eitulomo lye nesindano lye

muudhano waanuulema koLondon”. OmuPresidende Pohamba osho a tsikile ko ngaaka. Benson okwa sindana epapa lyoshingoli muudhano wokumatuka woomeme methigathano lyoometa 100 m, osho wo a sindana oshisiriveri moshinano shoometa 200 m. Omupresidende Pohamba okwa ti, nando e na uulema, Benson okwa holola nkene uulema we itaa wu mu keelele kwaasho e na okuninga. Oye oshiholelwa oshiwanawa kaagundjuka aaNamibia, niilonga ye yomukumo otayi ka hwahwameka no ku tsa omukumo oyendji. Ondoolopa yaMbawe oyi na omanyakwa momaudhano ogendji ngaashi, Frank Fredricks, omudhengingonyo Harry Simon, Manny Heymans, Agnes Samaria, Collin Benjamin, osho wo Paulus Moses. Mayola gwondoolopa yaMbawe, meme Uilika Nambahu okwa ti, esindano lya Benson olya hanganitha aaNamibia ayehe, nomagano ngoka ta pewa ogo oku mu pandula kwaasho a ningi. “Olwindji esindano lyoshilongo olya kwatakanithwa naasho oshilongo tashi ningi pakulikola kwasho, ihe nandi mu kwashilipaleke wo kutya nomasindano giikalekelwa ngaashi ndika otaga ti sha, opo oshilongo shi imonikile mokuhuma kwasho komeho. Otwa kala naakuthimbinga momaudhano omapenda naasindani, notatu tsikile oku ya simaneka wo”. Meme Nambahu tati ngaaka.

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Motoring | 23

mO shiwa bo MO T ORmING

CitroĂŤn DS3 DSport

2013 Grand Cherokee 3.0 CRDi Overland (Demo)

2012 Grand Cherokee 5.7 Overland

Was N$680 000 Now N$639 000

Was N$549 995 Now N$529 995


M + Z Coastal Dr. Sam Nujoma Ave & 18th Road Walvis Bay 064-203792

With all the bluff and bluster about the Citroen DS3 Racing, you could be forgiven for forgetting the Citroen DS3 DSport. Fitted with a 1.6-litre turbocharged engine, it is very similar to a Mini Cooper, albeit with a different output: 113 Kw at 6000rpm and 240 Nm at 1400rpm. That allows the Citroen to sprint from 0-100 km/h in 7.3sec and on to a top speed of 213 km/h. A vast range of customisation options are offered. It drives through a six-speed gearbox, and it's nice that neither engine nor gearbox are traditionally Citroen-like in feel. The box is precise and slick, while the engine does its best work at the top end, yet pulls well from the mid-range onwards and makes a willing noise throughout the range. The thrills of the DSport can also be had with a rather more frugal 1.6-litre HDi diesel. The gains in improved fuel economy, although impressive, come at a cost. It's not a bad performer, with 0-100km/h taking 9.7sec, but the petrol motor makes for a far better car. The ride and handling don't feel like a recent Citroen supermini either and, though Citroen might not thank me for saying it, they're all the better for it. The ride is firmly supple yet well controlled; it's far less soft than a normal C3 but, conversely, because the body doesn't rock and the roll rate is slowed, I'd argue that it's actually a more comfortable experience overall. The seats are more supportive, too. The DS3 steers nicely. Slightly worryingly, Citroen says it has damped it thoroughly to suppress kickback, but as it turns out, weighting is good and consistent and it's accurate, too. Handling is tidy rather than stupendous, but it's engaging enough. Limits are respectable; initially it'll understeer, of course, but there's some playfulness in the chassis if you provoke it. A well specified Ford Fiesta would shade it for engagement,

but the DS3 would give a Mini Cooper a run for its money, which is no mean feat. Of course, were you feeling particularly uncharitable you might view the DS3 as little but a three-door version of the Citroen C3 supermini. Citroen, however, would rather you saw it as more than that. The DS3 was the first in a line of 'DS' models that in status (and price), sit above the regular model (the workaday C3 in this case). So this three-door-only supermini-sized variant features neat design touches you won't find on the regular C3, an interior constructed from higher-grade materials and a different chassis set-up. There's more soundproofing too, to add to the premium feel. Think of the DS3, then, as a rival to the Mini, Fiat 500 and Alfa Romeo Mito. Eyeing the success of the 500 and Mini, Citroen has given the DS3 a vast range of options and accessories to match. The cabin is tastefully done and most surfaces are carefully finished, although Citroen has done nothing to alter switchgear, and the cockpit's lower surfaces are ordinary. It's spacious, too. Because the DS3 is based on a 'proper' supermini (and because it's not forced to follow a retro styling theme), the DS3 has more boot and rear seat space than its similarly fashionconscious rivals. You get lots of kit as standard as well, with the DSport featuring climate control, 17-inch alloys, the eTouch Emergency and Assistance system, Bluetooth and a USB socket. It's not an easy journey for a company to decide it's going to 'do premium', and it'll take Citroen a little while before consumers are prepared to engage with it as they might with a Mini. But the DS3 is a thoroughly positive start, a genuinely good product and quite a tempting one. One thing I'm certain about: it's a heck of a lot more than just a three-door supermini.

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a i b i m a n g n i n i a t

Thursday, 23 06 May 2013 Thursday, 24 October 20132012 20 | Entertainment Thursday, December

Entertainment 37 Entertainment |||25 Entertainment 37 Thursday, 24 January 2013


Relationships, friendships, and romance could all be hot LIBRA topics this week, in a positive way. Expect a meeting out of Try to be careful of missing the forest for the trees today. the blue that could lead to a creative partnership or budding You may be concentrating on a detail in your personal or romance. You'll notice a definite chemistry involved that professional life that isn't as crucial to the big picture as you inspires you to take things further whether for business or think. This kind of obsessive thinking is probably keeping pleasure. One of these connections may also encourage you from progressing. Let it go. Sometimes it's necessary to you to broaden your horizons and see life from a new sacrifice a battle in order to win the war. perspective.

SCORPIO SCORPIO YouFamily might feel yourand head is in the You clouds today. life as is though boisterous energetic. might be doAfter pace you've or kept up at work,and yourfriends mind come ingthe a frantic lot of entertaining have family has to decided to take time've People may have stay. It's also some possible that started springtocleaning early and decided to tackle the décor, ThereThey'll seem to be repeat questions several times before youtoo. respond. lucky events or news with thetohome. It's possible think you're funny, and soassociated should you. Try relax and have might get state! money out of the blue, perhaps from a family fun you in your dizzy member. SAGITTARIUS SAGITTARIUS Expect to hear from people you haven't heard from in some AllMake kindsa of associations relationships work for you this time. cup of tea and and savor every correspondence. youfor meet talk toold may share information Youweek. couldThe feelpeople nostalgic theor"good days" when life that'ssimpler vital in and helping a job, contract, or move seemed moreyou of secure your friends were nearby. Pickone step nearer a goal. There's also the possibility of a romance up the phone and give one of them a call. Your old pal will that happens out of the blue. There's a lot of chemistry in the be delighted to hear from you. air bringing folks together buzzing with excitement.

• • • • • • • • • •

They have a lot of data, but they’re still clueless. A better model is just around the corner. They look nice and shiny until you get them home. It’s always essential to have a backup. They’ll do whatever you want if you push the right buttons. The best part of having one is the games you can play. In order to get their attention, you have to turn them on. The lights are on but nobody’s home. Big power surges knock them out at night. Size does matter.

• • • • •

********************* Humankind’s propensity for imposing anthropomorphic characteristics on inanimate objects has now reached computers. But, which gender should your PC be?


But then again, here are the top ten reasons why they are obviously female. Suduko is easy to play and the rules are simple. Fill in the blanks • •

Here are the top ten reasons why

so that each row, each column, and each of the nine 3x3 grids

3 8 They’re oh so picky, picky, contain one instance of each of the numbers 1 though 9. picky. 3 9 7 They hear what you say, but 5 4to Last Week's6Suduko not what you mean. Solution Beauty is only shell deep. 8 7 3 4 8 7 2 4 6 3 4 to play and the2 rules 6 are simple. Fill in Suduko is easy the blanks so that each row, column, 5 each 1 8 and each of the nine 3x3 grids contain one instance of each of the 2 3


numbers 1 though 9.

Daily Sudoku: Mon 14-Jan-2013

6 8 9

1 2 8 4 5 1 8

5 7

6 2 4 3 1 8 3 9 5 7 1 2 1 7 5 4 2 5 FOR 1 6 TWO 9 8 A SET THREE COURSE MEAL AT LYON DES SABLES! CHEF'S SPECIAL! 3 9 8 2 4 4 3 2 4 7 6 3 4 5 1 8 9 9 6 3 7 5 9 4 7 8 2 1 6

WIN 8 1



3 8 5 8 6 7

Solution to Last Week's Suduko

CROSSWORD Daily Sudoku: Mon 21-Jan-2013

9 8 5 7 6 4 2 1 8 3 9 6 7 2 3 4 1 7 6 5 5 9 Lyon 1 8 des Sables 2Restaurant, 6 7 3 Cocktail and Wine 4 1 8 2 3 5 4 9

Daily Sudoku: Mon 14-Jan-2013



CAPRICORN CAPRICORN arepatient looking perky, with a chance get more TryFinances to be extra and affectionate towardtoyour lovedearnYouAmight in the to buy extra gadgets for the onesings. today. child, be lover, or mood pet needs some of the special home,and perhaps a new computer something else Try that helps attention reassurance that only or you can provide. makethis lifeaeasier. The more the merrier as far as you're conto make priority over professional obligations. cerned. You couldloved be given raise findimportant that you've been Remember that your onesaare theormost given additional responsibility workthey'll for which you'll things in your life. When you needatthem, always be get more money. there for you! AQUARIUS AQUARIUS Things may seem surreal today, Aquarius, so don't take other Your intuition is quite high right now, enabling you to people's chatter too seriously. This is a day to reach out and accurately tune in to others' hopes and dreams. This can touch someone, so pick up the phone. It's a good day to share be a bit tricky in a social situation, however. Someone your dreams, no matter how farfetched they sound. Others could be saying one thing when you know they're thinking may look at you as if you have three heads, but as long as something else! Don't dwell on other people's thoughts too you're being honest with yourself, there's no reason to be shy much. Instead, direct your thoughts to how happy you are about sharing. now. PISCES PISCES You might be in a more reflective mood, especially as there's It's alikely been feeling urge to exercise your focusthat on you've your spiritual zone. the Your inner life is important, imagination. As muchyour as you enjoy your profession, therefantaand that includes self-talk, hopes, dreams, and isn'tsies. much to exciting stretch your andthings show to your If chance you want and mind positive happen for creative side.creating With some off, you could you, visual then start themtime in your head. Youpick might get up paints and brushes pen and paper andorbegin art home ideas about how toormake more money makeanyour project of some kind. homier. Go for it! With all the houseguests and visitors dropping by, expect encouragement!

wrong, they always say ‘nothing’. They can produce incorrect results with alarming speed. They are always turning simple statements into big productions. Small talk is important. You do the same thing for years, and suddenly it’s wrong. They make you take the garbage out. Miss a period and they go wild.

(c) Daily Sudoku Ltd 2013. All rights reserved.

LEO LEO Relationships seem to be fast paced and exciting whether This is a good day for meditation. You've probably been linked to business or romance. The connections you make trying to distract yourself from unresolved issues through are encouraging you to explore a new direction. Someone shopping or eating. Try taking some time today to think may give you a tip that could expand your horizons, open about what's really bothering you. It would do you some new vistas, and suggest fresh possibilities. There is also a good to get outside andsocial connect withnetworking nature. Trythat taking connection to your life and adds to the a long in a park. You're much more likely to find funwalk and upbeat energy of the week. perspective there than at the mall. VIRGO It's an excellent week to make progress at work and on career VIRGO goals. You may as though you're thenot zone one good Your creativity is atfeel a peak, though you in may be as aware ofyour newsfocus afteron another bringsand positive of itpiece due to your work social change. life. But Expect thebeunexpected best deal may come outfrom of the don't surprised ifsince you the have a vision, seemingly outblue. Youblue. could be living your nervestoand perhaps burning the of the You'll likelyon feel inspired stop what you're candle bothorends. There's soyourself much to and do that you'll be busy doing and at paint write. Excuse spend some hours. timeallalone with your muse. You'll be delighted with the results. LIBRA

In their honeymoon suite on their wedding night. As they undressed for bed, the husband, who was a big burly man, tossed his pants to his bride and said, “here put these on.” She said “I can’t wear your pants.” “That’s right!!” said the husband, “and don’t you forget it. I’m the man who wears the pants in this family!” With that she flipped him her panties and said, “Try these on.” He tried them on and found he could only get them on as far as his kneecaps. He said, “Hell, I can’t get into your panties!” She said, “That’s right, and that’s the way it’s going to be until you change your attitude.”

When you ask them what’s How to enter: fill out and drop in PO Box 5085 or email: or fax: 064 200 474 with your name and contact details

(c) Daily Sudoku Ltd 2013. All rights reserved.

TAURUS TAURUS Resist the urge to go on look a shopping spree today. Career possibilities very promising thisYou're week with a likely to make impulsive purchases. Youmore may be tryingtoo. to This dazzling lineup that could make you money, fill amight void be or acompensate anotherlooking area offor your life job thator gogood time tofor consider a new isn'ting going well as you'd like. Trythe instead do abe little for as interviews. Either way, news to could uplifting, meditation andasbring real focus. especially you the seem toproblem be on a into roll. clearer Finances look very Take a walk do some yoga. It will do your spirit more rosy, withormore than one opportunity to make extra cash. good than the mall. GEMINI The desire to explore new options and get away from it all GEMINI could be stronger than ever. If you haven't yet taken your You're feeling especially sensitive today. Your intuition is vacation, this might be a good time to get away for a welloperating at a very high level. With people wearing their deserved break. The cosmos is encouraging you to leave hearts on their sleeves now, it's very easy to tap into others' daily routines and explore new places and perhaps new emotions. You and your mate are especially in sync, which faces. Current influences may be excellent for business trips will make for a wonderful evening. Take advantage of the since this week's upbeat aspects seem to hold the potential aspects and broach a sensitive subject you've wanted to for success. discuss. CANCER CANCER There's definitely a buzz in the air, with financial sparkles You're in a funsome and festive mood today's planetary promising positive newwith contracts and potential business Tonight deals. Your hunches may a big part in aspects. you intuitive should plan a house fullplay of people, enabling yougoing to betoinneed the right place at the right because you're an audience. Your flairtime. for There is aischance of some excellent again,tocareer related drama working overtime. You'llnews have -jokes tell and which should a goodwill mood. Don't second-guess a anecdotes to passput Youringuests appreciate the free romantic offer of a date. floorshow!

they have to be male.

(c) Daily Sudoku Ltd 2013. All rights reserved.

ARIES ARIES ThisIt's is aangood day toand let go. If someone has you, hurt orwith lots of upbeat positive time for disappointed to forgive move on.isHolding socializingyou, andit's funtime on the agenda.and Networking one of the a grudge isn't going to get anywhere. fact, best things you can doyou right now, so In keep it it's up. Fabulous probably eating away at your heart and keeping you from aspects over this week suggest you'll be busy making new moving ahead inthat other areas. things are meant to work connections could be Ifvery lucrative for you. You may out also withbe this they If they it isn'tbemeant inperson, the mood towill. splurge, butdon't, you might restrained to be. by your credit limit.



1. Large house (7) 5. Pieces of information (5) 8. Profits (5) 9. Gruesome (7) 10. Retaliated (7) 11. Form of transport (5) 12. Hostility (6) 14. Stick (6) 18. Permit (5) 20. SIncere (7) 22. Creatures (7) 23. Doctrine (5) 24. Ledge (5) 25. Sweet (7) 1. Tycoon (7) 2. Dissonance (5)

Solution to Last Week's Crossword 3. Perceptiveness (7) 4. Wanderers (6) 5. Aspect (5) 6. Vegetable (7) 7. Austere (5) 13. Discomfort (7) 15. Mocks (7) 16. Pull out (7) 17. Stopped (6) 18. Accumulate (5) 19. Dock (5) 21. Bird of prey (5)



1. Edible nut (6) 2. Bran (5) 3. Used to brew a beverage (6) 4. Add sugar (7) 5. Sponge cake (5,4) 6. Cooler (6) 9. Servings of boiled or steamed dough (9) 11. Baked pasta dish (7) 13. Chewy confection (6) 14. Fatty oil (6) 15. Dairy product (6) 17. Prepare a turkey (5)

1. Fruit (7) 4. Rice and raw fish in seaweed (5) 7. Preserve made from citrus fruits (9) 8. Frozen dessert (3) 9. Unfreeze (7) 10. Aroma (5) 12. Edible bulb (5) 16. Pastry (7) 18. Drink made with juniper berries (3) 19. Wine source (9) 20. Sample (5) 21. Vanilla ___ (7)

Solution to Last Week's Crossword

Thursday, 24 October 2013

26 | Coastal Property Finder

Narraville To Let: 1 Bedroom Flat, Dining Room, Kitchen with BIC N$2 750 pm Water Included. Central Walvis Bay Huge 4 Bedroom House, 2 Bathrooms, 1 Guest Toilet, Bar, Entertainment Area, BBQ Inside and Outside. Garage for 4 Cars. N$11 000 pm Excl. W&E House to Let 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Double garage, Alarm, DSTV, Furnished N$11 500 pm Water included. Walvis Bay Bachelors Flat, with Bathroom N$2 420 pm Incl. W&E Walvis Bay 4 Bedroom House, 2 Bathrooms, Entertainment Area, Outisde BBQ, Garage for 4 Cars N$11 000 pm Excl. W&E Long Beach 3 Bedr, 2 Bathr, Balcony, Inside BBQ, Double Garage, Open Plan Lounge N$6 600 pm Excl. W&E Antonius Garden 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, kitchen open plan living room, Tandem remote garage. Center of Swakopmund, immediately available, N$5 500 pm Excl. W&L

Swakopmund Vogelbeach Large FAMILY home 2 min walk from the Beach! 4 Bed, 2 Bath, Double Garage N$12 000 pm neg Langstrand 2 x units in Langstrand to rent. Close to the beach. N$6 500 pm Excl. W&E Walvisbaai Baie groot ruim 1 slaapkamer woonstel met kombuis met IGK en sitkamer asook n baie groot waskamer en 'n enkel garage te huur vanaf 1 November Prys N$4 500 pm Ingesluit water en krag. Walvis Bay/Kuisebmund 2 Bedr, 1 Bathr. N$480 000 Urgent Sale - Investment 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, Open Plan Kitchen / Lounge, Single Garage, Townhouse for sale in center of Walvis bay. Already Has Tenants. N$990 000 neg Apartment This unit offers 2 bedrooms, BIC, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen and lounge, inside braai, single garage. All furniture included! N$850 000 in cc Langstrand 2 Bedrooms. With en suite bathrooms, 1 Garage, Outside BBQ, Kitchen, Furniture Included N$1 450 000

Lovely Game Farm 1144 ha no improvements 1 x borehole. Not fenced ideal hunting farm N$4 000 000 Walvis Bay - Fairway Estate Picture Perfect Property consisting of 3 Bedrooms,

Kuisebmond Walvis Bay Brand new offering in Walvis Bay 3 Bedroomed family home with 1 guest bathroom plus 1 en suite in main bedroom, open plan lounge to kitchen, single garage. N$680 000

Freestanding house

New lagoon 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, open plan kitchen with granite tops, lounge & dining area with indoor braai, double garage, yard with garden. Avail 01 November 2013 N$7 700 pm

House for Sale

Interested in any of these properties? Call Helena on 064 200 497 today 2 Modern Bathrooms. Main Bedroom En-Suite Bathroom with Dressing. Open Plan Lounge, Dining, Kitchen, Scullery, TV Room, Entertainment Area with Ind BBQ, BIC, Double Garage, Security Beams and lights and Solar Geyser. N$1 750 000 Guesthouse Very well situated and established. Has 6 x en-suite luxury rooms and much more. N$3 750 000 Walvis Bay 1 street from Lagoon! Spacious family home with nice garden.Offers 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen/lounge Dining room, double remote garages + storeroom, Prepaid metre, alarm, burglar bars PLUS Huge 1 bedroom flat N$2 125 000

Swakopmund Ext. 22 Tasteful but needs finishes, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 garage, open plan kitchen, lounge, dining and indoor bbq, burglar bars, stove and hob. 2 houses in one plot. Situated in new extension of Swakopmund. N$1 920 000 Swakopmund Ext. 22 Newly build houses of 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 r/c garages, open plan kitchen with scullery, lounge and indoor bbq, b.i.c, servants toilet, secure area for kids to play, boundary walls, slab tile roof, balcony in new extension of Swakopmund. N$1 700 000

Haus Helios

Center of Swakopmund 1 Bedroom apartment with separate kitchen open plan living room, full bathroom, bedroom with BIC, Double Garage N$4 000 Excl water, prepaid Available 1 November

Close to Schools 3 Bedrooms, 4 Bathrooms, Entrance hall, Open plan lounge dining and kitchen, Laundry, Scullery, Ind and Outd BBQ, Bar, Study, BIC, 5 Garages and Garden. N$2 354 000 Brand new house with 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and double garage N$ 1 800 000 Brand new house for 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and double garage. Beautiful plans. N$1 600 000

Perfect Holiday Retreat Flamingo Cottages, Walvis Bay. Nestled in scenic gardens, this fisherman style cottage is an idyllic get away. With 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lofts, 2 kitchens and 2 living/ dining areas, this cottage is unique as by just closing a door, it can be converted into 2 units.


Townhouse for sale in Kramersdorf: This townhouse offers you 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen and lounge, double garage and private courtyard. N$1 590 000 neg

rent? r o y u B o t se u o h a r fo g in Look der on in F y t r e p o r P l a t s a o C h c r a se . d e t s li s d e r d n u H . y a d o t k faceboo

LONGBEACH This 3 level townhouse is an absolute bargain offering 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 4 garages, 2nd kitchen and 2 living areas, patio with BBQ. Comes with furniture and beautiful sea views. Come see for yourself! N$ 1 920 000 CC Registered, 240sqm. Henties Bay 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen living area with inside braai and double garage! N$1 000 000

Henties Bay

4 Bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, open plan kitchen living area with inside braai, scullery/ laundry, outside braai in courtyard and a double garage!! N$1 450 000

Walvis Bay - Lagoon

N$2 300 000 3 Bedrooms, 2 Modern Bathrooms. Main Bedroom En-Suite Bathroom with Dressing. Open Plan Lounge, Dining, Kitchen, Laundry, Scullery, TV Room, Entertainment Area with Ind BBQ, BIC, Tandem Garage parks 3 vehicles PLUS 1x1 Bedroom Flat with Bathroom, Kitchen & Lounge and 1x Bachelor Flat with Bedroom and Bathroom.


General residential erven Size In Sqm Price 2866 N$3 232 000 2588 N$2 919 000 2809 N$3 168 000

Thursday, 24 October 2013 Henties Bay

4 Bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, guest toilet, large open plan kitchen living area with inside braai, 2nd living area upstairs and a double garage. Beautiful garden! N$2 600 000 Beautiful family home.

Coastal Property Finder | 27 One bedroom flat In

block of flats for sale spacious room, living room and kitchen with bathroom for only N$540 000

Walvis Bay

scullery, 3 car garage, huge erf, 2 bedroom flat with garage & bachelor flat. N$1 400 000 neg


Stunning 3 bedroom 3 bedroom, bathroom, apartment in big kitchen with bic & gas Langstrand, stove, indoor braai, lounge, N$1 800 000

Hermis 4 bedroom house in Hermis, Walvisbay

Seapoint area, Walvis Bay


One bedroom Units

Walvis Bay

Townhouse in ocean view:

N$465 000

Newly Built, to let in Meersig

Walvisbay, newly build, to

Bachelors Flat

be completed in 2014.

N$3 120 pm

3 bedroom with garage Urgent sale! Available Immediately N$980 000 in cc N$3 650 pm This townhouse offers you


To let, 3 Bedrooms, lounge, kitchen, bathroom and tandem garage N$7 400 pm Water included

N$1 350 000

W&E Included

guest toilet, open plan

Urgent Sale In Walvis Bay

kitchen and lounge, inside

I have a big 4 bedroom

braai and single garage.

house with 3 bathrooms,

3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms,

Holiday Accomodation In Walvis N$850 per day

1 Bedroom Flat Incl. W&E

guest toilet, sitting room, lounge, kitchen, dining, storey. Only needs a few

N$1 400 000 neg

Self Catering Accommodation At the coast, right on

and scullery. Double finishing touches.

N$4 500 pm

the edge of the lagoon. Available 1-25 December 13, 4 Jan. - 28 Feb. 2014

N$750 per day

Interested in any of these properties? Call Helena on 064 200 497 today

EMINENT BLUESTAR Sanlam Building, 12th Road, Walvis Bay, Namibia

A house is a building; a home is where your loved feel secure. Call us today and let us help bring you ďŹ nancial security. Danny Beukes

064 215311

Blue star logo

PO Box 1194, Walvis Bay, Namibia Tel +264 64 215311 Fax +264 64 215301 Fax2Email +264 886518952 Mobile +264 811282 256 Web: e-mail

Thursday, 24 October 2013

28 | Classifieds



5 77 77


Tuesdays 10:30 TUESDAY 10:30am

Contact Helena to place your classifieds 064 200 497 helena@ namibindependent. sponsorship

Breaking the Curse of Poverty

I hereby wish to thank all sponsors for the x - project, and hereby seek assistance for the yearly Christmas party. Shoe boxes. Gifts. Sponsors. Sunproperties. Industro clean nan. Izani Sports Wear. Ocean Basket Swakop. Ocean View Butchery. N.K Designs. Swakopmund Laundry. Napolitana Grill Swakop Meat Market. Hiarline Studios. Stop n shop. Currency world. Fleiss Butcher. Klimas Glass. XYZ Investment. Best Cell Shop. Ro3 Water. The Fish Deli. Oscar and Olive.Hansa Backerei. Thanks by giving me a sense of self-worth by opening your doors. To assist me in building a better community,

Contact Noeline 081 284 8188


Henks Transporting Transport of - Building Rubble - Garden refuse - Furniture Removal - Anything else

CALL HENK on 081780 4155

Educational Products With the imagination and energy of children in mind, to nurture a magical time of discovery and learning. Transform everyday actions into exciting growth and exploration. Lots of other safety, clothes and

services accessories available. Kindly mail or whatsapp or sms Alida 081 279 4345 during office hours.

Erongo Gritfix

Ons doen gritblast/ sandblast werk op enige metaal, so as as 'n geroeste hek of motor rims of traliewerk jou pla, kontak my gerus, ons gritblast en spuitverf jou yster na jou keuse. Let wel ons doen geen paneelklopwerk nie. Skakel 081 322 0547

Extra Income

Do you need extra income? Create a fortune with date entry. Earn up N$3 750 per form. No computer needed, own hour's.


Prodel Construction

For all your Construction needs Call Johann Steyn at 0811280848 for a free quotation

Advertise your company

Use your logo as a banner., with a link to your website. IT'S THAT EASY! We will promote your company. For a quotation email us: 0r call 0811245869 For All Professional Cycle Repairs & Services. CHAPPIES @ 081 753 2415 for sale Giant Anthem 2 mountain bike (soft tail) for sale. Gobi Tail Flex saddle. GEAX tyres. Recon race shocks. Slicks and rims also included (together with Giant floor pump). Very good condition. Swakopmund N$14 000 o.n.o Call 081 838 6223

SMS your name and email or postal address 20' Inches Ford f250 to 081 422 4949 for more Rims & tyres for sale. information Size 305/50r20 price N$9 000 Tutoring Call 0812499270 Retired teacher with 37 years experience is in Walvis Bay need of a temporary or permanent vacancy at any Walvis Bay-Lagoon Area school or institution. With 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a B.E.T.D qualification in kitchen, lounge, dining room, 2 garages. lower primary. Can also size 826m2 assist with home work or Erf PLUS: 1 bedroom flat! after school care. N$2 130 000 Please don’t hesitate to Please contact contact me should you have 081 255 8062 or any futher questions. 081 468 7569 Cecilia Muller 081 129 5407 Are you struggling to sell your MOTOR? Well, the struggle is OVER! Visit or onlinemotors . We will try our best to get it SOLD.

VW Citi Golf

2006 model 126 500 km Full service history N$50 000 or nearest cash offer. 081 779 8298

for sale

2010 Iveco Panel Van Daily Model 50 C 15 As good as new Only 8000 km N$300 000 neg Contact 081 127 7381

Erf for Sale

Henties Bay. 2 boundary walls. Extension 10 ERF NO 2218 SIZE 649 N$360 000 Call 081 249 9270


Toy-pom puppies available from 3 October. N$3 000 Dewormed and first vaccination received. Contact Helena at 081 250 7026 or 207 892 Wanted

Garage to Rent

Looking for a garage to rent in Walvis Bay Bernd 081 122 7717

Garage to Rent

Looking for garage to rent in Walvis Bay. Contact Johann 081 128 0848

Bachelors Flat

Urgently looking for bachelors or 1 bedroom flat and garage to rent in Walvis Bay Doelie at 081 613 9778

Bachelors Flat

Urgently in need of a bachelors or 1 bedroom flat in Walvis. Morne Viljoen at 081 359 0027 Vacancies

Magic & Jumbo Discounters

Looking for a dynamic male sales person. Salary is according to your experience. And a motorcycle delivery guy. Bring CV to magic discounters. Martin Cordier.


Job wanted

Looking for Barman/ladies to work at a busy bar & lounge in Swakopmund. Must be fluent in English and Afrikaans, with German an added advantage. At least 2 years experience working in a bar and with contactable references. Cocktail knowledge an advantage. Please email your CV, with photo and references to Only successful candidates will be contacted. Only CV’s via email will be accepted.

Sparta United Recreation Club In Walvis Bay

is looking for a CLUB MANAGER To join our team as from 1 November 2013 The applicant must have: Namibian citizenship; Minimum 5 years’ experience in a management position; Food and beverage background would be an advantage; Computer literate; Strong HR operation background; Target & Customer satisfaction orientation; Financial management experience; Excellent People skills; Must be prepared to work long hours; Must be able to see to the smooth running of the club on a daily basis. Please forward your CV, copy of your ID and motivation letter to spartaclub1965@gmail. com Only short-listed candidates will be contacted

Coastal Advertiser


I am looking for a job in Swakopmund area. I am willing to drive long distances and I am a fast learner. I have code B (8) with PDP. Contact me via email floorsiearnold@yahoo. com or via Cell 0818927011 CJ is looking for a job in Swakopmund as a sales man or a Merchandiser. 081 395 5108 Property

Renting Flats Hochland Park

2 bedroom flats x 4 available for renting: erf no 117 flats, 2 bedroom, sitting room, kitchen build-in cupboard, shower and toilet, hot water, very safe, air condition, wall, yard, electric fence, interlocks, remote controlled gate, parking space, G4S alarm available 24hours N$6 000 pm plus deposit N$3 000 Incl. W&E Note: preferebly payment through the bank.To view the flats or collect your flat key after work 17h00 Lipinge 081 375 8391\

New Lagoon Area

Stunning 3 bedroom house Spacious open plan lounge/dining/kitchen, indoor BBQ Kitchen with s/s electric oven/gas st ove/extractor fan, scullery/laundry Huge main bedroom with en-suite bathroom plus walk in closet, spacious bedrooms Family bathroom fully tiled

Properties with bath and shower, lots of cupboards throughout this property, double remote control garage, high boundary walls, alarm system and many more

N$1 750 000

Sectional Title Unit Fairway Golf Estate

1St floor, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, ground floor open plan lounge/kitchen fitted cupboards, Hob/oven/ extractor fan, Indoor BBQ, sliding doors opening onto paved courtyard, outside BBQ, guest toilet, single remote control garage high boundary walls/ electric fencing/alarm system/security gate

N$920 000

Sectional Title Unit Fairway Golf Estate 1st Floor, 2 bedrooms, 1 Bathroom, ground floor Open plan lounge/kitchen Fitted cupboards, Hob/ oven/extractor fan, single remote control garage, high boundary walls/ electric fencing/alarm system/security gate For the investor: 1 Year rental contract in place

N$828 000

For viewing of all the properties above contact Engela Borruso at 081 302 8531 or forward an email to info@

Light Industrial Area Prime Vacant Erven 5901 m2

N$5 806 000 6942 m2

N$6 795 000 +/- N$985 per sqm each Make an offer for both Adjacent erven

Engela Borruso at 081 302 8531

Like and add us!

t s a F t i Sell cal o L t i Sell


Find us on

Thursday, 24 October 2013



5 77 77


Tuesdays 10:30 TUESDAY 10:30am



1 Bedroom flat in secure complex. Open plan kitchen to living room area,bathroom, BIC, plus garage,erongo red building,tamariskia

N$3 900 pm

Goods for sale All that needs to be done is put in new engine and sum touch ups on the rest of the golf... (SWAKOPMUND)

Jeep Grand for sale

Contact: 081 398 6709

2004 model 4.7 V8 Gold silver.

Namport Area, Walvis Bay

Contact 081 240 0113 or 081 275 4852

plus deposit

2 Bedroom with garage in Eyuva Village. Available end of November N$2 600 Excl. W&E

Talitha: 081 337 3669

Walvis Bay

3 Bedroom townhouse in Fairways. Available end of November

N$5 200 pm Excl. W&E

Talitha: 081 337 3669

Workshop (100m2 ) in Central Walvisbay Perfect for Auto Mechanics

N$6 500

Excl. W&E

Talitha: 081 337 3669

Walvis Bay Lagoon

Bachelor’s Apartment with bathroom & open plan kitchen. Located in safe & secure complex.

N$490 000 Claudia: 081 605 1984

Mile 4

Duplex Apartment 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Garage.

N$1 177 000

CC registered - no transfer cost

Glaudi - 08 141 75 141 glaudi.remaxatlantic@


Flat to rent in narraville, big one bedroom, open plan kitchen, bathroom\ N$2 700 one person or a couple.

Available 1 November call 081 278 7763/ 081 723 7005


House with flat to let

Contact 081 339 9877 for more information.

Goods for sale

Stainless Steel Canopy Walvis Bay

Make me an offer! Nissan Hardbody 2009

Contact 081 487 3250

Outback Drawer System Walvis Bay

Make me an offer! Nissan Hardbody 2009 Model

Contact 081 487 3250

Rims & Tyres

Walvis bay, 5 Gat 100

N$5 000 neg Contact 081 487 3250

4 Sale: Golf 4 GTI 1.8 N$25 000

Old engine has a bend crank so golf is NOT STARTING at the moment, bought another working engine with 80 000km on the clock, selling both engines with car...

N$80 000

Baby camping cot


B&A Debt Collecting

Problem with Debt for all your debt collecting needs please call us B&A Debt Collecting Agencies we provide debt collection, tracing, ITC services etc!

Call Anelien at 081 128 6008 Tel. 064-205373

N$1000 at the coast.

Contact 081 129 6447

NAN 3 Baby Milk 3 x Nan 3 big tins that was not used.

N$220 per tin Call 081 128 0311 Walvis Bay

I'm offering a lift from Johannesburg (Northgate Area) to Walvisbay in Namibia in December 2013 (one way only). Leaving the weekend of 13 - 15 December 2013. Will probably sleep over in Gobabis ? for your own account.? Would be great if you can assist with driving, but not a necessity.? Would require contribution to petrol - to be confirmed beforehand. Contact:





Zurialle de Bairos 27 October

N$95 p/ lesson N$200 for NATIS test. Qualified, friendly instructor.

Contact 081 281 9318

Kerrie En Rys!

Tuhafeni Human Resource Consultants Virtual Assistant Services

help you cut your business costs.Our Virtual Assistant Services offers you the following services: - Feasibility Studies - Stock taking - Administration work - Events Management - Data Input - CV/ Resume writing - Filing and sorting of your documents - Typing of proposals, business documents - Editing of proposals, business plans, marketing plans etc

Contact us for a free quotation today at 0814247723 or email:

Place of Instruction (DAY- CARE CENTER) (state specifically nature of consent) ON ERF NO: 431 TOWNSHIP: KUISEBMUND STREET: SANDWICH STREET, KUISEBMUND WALVIS BAY (Give street name and number) In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/ we, the undersigned have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish a


N$20 Contact: 0812101843


On the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 and 119, Civic Centre.Any person having any objection to the approval of this application must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and the undersigned, in writing, not later than 4TH NOVEMBER 2013

Johannesburg to Walvis Bay

Vrydag middag lewer vir jou af! Sit jou bestelling in.

Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme



Gemapen Driving School

For Sale

With Love from Elzia, Zhané, Coenita de Bairos and Jan & Marie Balt

WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME CONSENT: (Place of Amusement) Lounge (state specifically nature of consent) ON ERF NO: 3051 TOWNSHIP: Walvis Bay STREET: C/o Sixth Street and 10th Road, No 5 (Give street name and number) In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish a

Place of AmusementLounge

Elzia de Bairos 29 October

With Love from Zuri, Zhané, Coenita de Bairos and Jan & Marie Balt

On the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 and 119, Civic Centre. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and the undersigned, in writing, not later than 4TH NOVEMBER 2013

NAME AND ADDRESS: APPLICANT(S) J. Gossow P O BOX 2681 Swakopmund

for sale

Blackberry bold 9900

Contact me on

081 373 9397


Wood Beds and Dog Houses For a price please SMS or call 081 375 1645

House for sale!

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Thursday, 24 October 2013

30 | Business Boxes



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Thursday, 24 October 2013

Sport | 31

SPOR T Action at Wesbank Transport Tournament Holger Kleyenstueber The annual Wesbank Transport Eventing Tournament, which took place on the Sphinxblick Stud near Usakos and was organised by the ReiterVerein Swakopmund (RVS), ended being a huge success for the organising committee of the RVS. Even though the event had fewer participants than the previous year riders, officials and spectators alike enjoyed a spectacular weekend on the Sphinxblick Stud. The sporting action started off with the dressage discipline on Saturday morning. Dressage was judged by Marc Esselmann, Dirk Hambloch and Alexandra Roehl. In the children’s class, Tara Hein on her horse Gloorwin Max Hevellar achieved a stunning 76.53%, thus taking the lead. Her luck ended in the cross country phase, which took place on Saturday afternoon, due to three refusals. In the Junior / Adult beginner class, Rina Hein on her horse Claratal Seniorita took the lead with -58 penalties. Riding the cross country phase, Rina accumulated another -44 penalties, giving her the final result of -102 penalties and thus winning the class. The three strongest competitors in the Pre-Novice 80cm class, namely Tatjana Mills, Kira Rohloff and Michelle Leuschner, gave it all they had. With only one point difference, Tatjana on her young horse Frischgewaagt Santano took the lead in the show jumping phase, securing gold. With flying colors, Alexandra Roehl on Alpha So Cool took the lead in the Novice 90cm class, winning

the event with a total score of -45 penalties. The hero of the event was young rider Svenja Spaeth on Davetsaub Amor. Svenja (15 years) excelled in all three disciplines. With a top result of -58 penalties, Svenja won the Junior / Adult Intermediate (100cm) Eventing class. The ReiterVerein Swakopmund would like to congratulate all winners and runners up of the 6th Wesbank Transport Eventing competition 2013. A big thank you to Management and staff of Wesbank Transport for supporting this special tournament! Floating Trophies Cafe Anton Eventing Welcome (70) Champion: Sylvia Kessler on Frischgewaagd Tario Cafe Anton Eventing Pre-Novice (80) Champion: Tatjana Mills on Frischgewaagd Santano Fcs Eventing Novice (90) Champion: Alexandra Röhl on Alpha So Cool Sphinxblick Eventing Intermediate (100) Champion: Svenja Späth on Davetsaub Amor Shen Equine Suppliers Development Rider: Annette Freyer FNB EVENTING CHAMPIONSHIPS A dream has come true for the Namibian Riding community with the development of the new RVS Eventing Park, situated next to the Swakopmund SPCA. Under the leadership of Holger and Silvia Kleyenstueber and supervision from FEI delegates, the RVS team took the initiative to create this exciting new Eventing Park over the past eight months. Not only has this area received an adventurous new look but has created new jobs.

WATERBAY WOODS & JOINERY cc P.O. Box 2938, Walvis Bay | Tel: +264 64 205-377 | Fax: 0886 21006 |





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Fitment Centre), Styropark No. 1

Fritz: 081 146-2171

Rheta: 081 147-3242

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This coming weekend, the ReiterVerein Swakopmund (RVS) will host their first Eventing tournament on the new RVS Eventing Park. This will be the official test run as well as the very first Namibian Eventing Championships, proudly and exclusively sponsored by FNB Namibia. For this special event, three world class international officials from Great Britain were called upon, to assist the organisers running this event. Mrs. Patricia Clifton, one of the world’s best FEI Technical Delegates, Mr. David Evans, a top qualified and creative FEI Course Designer, as well as Mr. Darryl Scaife, an international Coach, will be joining the tournament. They will act as advisors to the National officials and riders. This forms part of the FEI Solidarity program, which is being offered worldwide at no expense by the FEI. The aim of the FEI Solidarity Program is to provide National Federations with the

tools to develop the equestrian sport in their own country in a sustainable, structured, progressive and professional manner. Our tournament this coming weekend will start on Saturday morning at 9am with the dressage tests, followed by the show jumping at 2pm. On Sunday morning, the cross country will kick off at 11am. The public is herewith invited to join the exciting and action filled FNB Eventing Championships 2013. Full catering will be available. Over the next months, the Eventing Park will enjoy further development, including some greenery. In future, the RVS plans to host Eventing tournaments on a regular basis. This will assist riders develop their skills and prepare them towards the big international FEI CIC competition, which is scheduled for October 2014 at the RVS Eventing Park. Visit to the facilities is free of charge and remains at own risk.

|1 Thursday, June 2013 20132013 Thursday, 2427 October 2013totoWednesday, Wednesday,03 30July October

Thursday, 32 | Sport11 July 2013


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Netball Season Ends With a Bang Andrea van Rhyn On Saturday the Walvis Bay Netball Club ended their netball season with a prize giving ceremony at the Walvis Bay Bowling Club. The Navy Netball Club won this year’s Netball League and beat the Nampol Netball

The Currie Cup 19 October

Sharks vs. Cheetahs 33-22 The Sharks had no Bismarck du Plessis and Tendai Mtatwarira in their s-rating line-up and, likewise, the Cheetahs did not have their talisman Sarel Pretorius in the starting fifteen. With rain threatening to spoil the crowd’s fun the Cheetahs scored as early as the second minute when an SP Marais grubber was charged down. Phillip van der Walt scooped up the loose ball and handed to Lappies Labuschagne who scored. His try was converted. Both sides tried to gain the ascendancy with tactical kicks they could be forgiven because it looked like the rain could pour down at any minute but luckily it stayed away. Two minutes before the break Patrick Lambie effortlessly found a gap in the Cheetah’s backline and gave his team the lead. The Springboks are blessed to have two flyhalfs of this quality available for the end of the year tour to Europe. To make it even better is that they both bring something different to the table. Steyn can play a brilliant tactical game with the boot and Lambie will attack the advantage line. He

Club by only a few points. The netball season this year was outstanding and definitely more successful than last year. “Next year we want to be more competitive and will start early February. We hope to have a few male participants,” said a spokesperson of

also has a brilliant kicking game to boot as he proved this weekend. Another Lambie penalty on the stroke of halftime put the Sharks in a fair amount of control, leading into the second half. Johan Goosen replaced Watts in the second half and immediately landed a three-pointer. Shortly after that a resurgent Marcel Coetzee made a powerful run and offloaded to Jacques Botes for what would seem his 100th try. We know that the Cheetahs will always fight back, but the gap was just too big and they were simply chasing from that stage onwards. Points for the Sharks: Three tries that were all converted; four penalties from Lambie. Cheetahs: Tries - Labuschagne; Sadie and v.d. Merwe. One conversion each from Smit and Goosen, and one penalty from Goosen. Western Province vs. Golden Lions 33-16 It was a dry day for a change in Cape Town and the Lions showed from the off that they wanted to pressurise the home team by running away, no, destroying Western Province in the first few scrums. Province are not the push-overs of yesteryear but lately pride

the Walvis Bay Netball Club. The Best Overall Player for 2013 is also the National Player, Melissa Neis. The Best Shooter is Michelle Erkana and the Best Defender is Cherelyn Muess. The Best Attacker is Arauna Liebenberg. Each of the umpires received

themselves on a solid foundation up front. It will be an area of big concern for them as they will probably face the Springbok pack, all depending on the fitness of du Plessis and Mtatwarira. They showed weakness there and it was the inability of the Lions to punish them that made them get away with “murder”. I severely doubt it will be the case against the Sharks. They will be confident though, because when they played the Sharks a fortnight ago they more than stood their own at scrumtime. Both sides traded penalties and Cartakilis missed an early few that kept Province under constant pressure. Then, with halftime three minutes away came the moment that changed the game. The diminutive Gio Aplon got the ball just inside his own half with seemingly nothing on. He made a little stop-start and broke through the inside of his man with irresistible finesse and blinding speed from the start. He outwitted Marnitz Boshoff, ran across the field to beat Athony Volmink, who was gaining on the tiring Aplon, and then crashed over near the corner for a stupendously brilliant try. But, as of yet he is not in the Springbok squad!? Jake White said that he is by far his number one fullback in R.S.A. and even the All Black coaching staff agreed with him. He is brilliant on the counter attack and it would be the greatest farce of all time not to include him in the Springbok squad. Province took control from the 35th minute onwards and eventually powered their opponents into an unconvincing defeat. The Sharks will be up for them so watch out for bone breaking rugby at its best with the gigantic Willem Alberts

a certificate for their commitment and each outstanding player was granted a medal. “The prize giving was a huge success,” said the Club Chairman. “The AGM will be open early in February 2013 and we invite participants from all over.”

declared fit to play again. Points for Western Province: Catrakilis, Aplon. Conversion: Catrrakilis. Penalties: Catrakilis (5), Coleman (2). Lions: Warren Whiteley, converted by Boshoff. Penalties: Jantjies (3). The Currie Cup Final: 17h30 at Newlands Cape Town

table and the weaker teams are starting to feel the heat with the Norwich vicechairman already saying that they are contemplating relegation. The Champions League 22 October

Schalke 04 vs. Chelsea 0-3. Torres 1st Division Play-Off Final Second headed home in the 4th minute as Chelsea Leg: Pumas vs. Griquas in Nelspruit at dominated in Germany. 19h10 The English Premier League 19 October Newcastle vs. Liverpool 2-2

Arsenal vs. Dortmund 1-2. Robert Lewandovski showed why he is on the shopping list of all the big clubs in the world with a stunning winning volley that sealed The Gunners’ fate.

Manchester United vs. Southampton 1-1. United are still struggling to find form Marseille vs. Napoli 1-2 and “languishing” in eighth place. Porto vs. Zenit 0-1 Everton vs. Hull City 2-1 Austria Wien vs. Atletico Madrid 0-3 Chelsea vs. Cardiff 4-1 Celtic vs. Ajax 2-1 Swansea vs. Sunderland 4-0. They have pinned The Black Cats to the bottom off AC Milan vs. Barcelona 1-1. Former great Brazilians Kaka and Robinho the table. combining for a well finished off goal Stoke vs. West Brom 0-0 and Barca only drawing late in the game. West Ham vs. Manchester City 1-3. The Barcelona is really just an attacking team Hammers felt the power of an amazingly and if put under pressure they are often talented team that is looking more found wanting. ominous with every game. Palace vs. Fulham 1-4. Fulham with guys Fixtures for 23 October like Darren Bent and Dimitar Berbatoff CSKA vs. Man. City 18h00 finally producing the results they should. Leverkusen vs. Shaktar 20h45 Real Madrid vs.Juventus 20h45 Fixtures on 26 October Anderlecht vs. PSG 20h45 Palace vs. Arsenal 13h45 Galatasaray vs. FCK 20h45 Norwich vs. Cardiff 16h00 Man. United vs. Real Sociedad 20h45 Villa vs. Everton, Man.U. vs. Stoke, Pick Of The Week: Real Madrid vs. Liverpool vs. West Brom and Juventus. The fiery Tevez against Southampton vs. Fulham at 18h30 Ronaldo and Gareth Bale will make for an amazing game. Arsenal still sit pretty at the top of the Prediction: 3-1 for Real Madrid.

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