The namib independent issue 79

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Independent Great news for the coast! • Tel (+264 64) 200 497 • Classifieds Line 57777 • Issue 79 • FNB BRANCH KUISEB



N$ 3.00

Thursday, 05 December 2013 to Thursday, 12 December 2013






First Black Coastal Law Firm Dorcas Mhungu

The first wholly black owned legal practice centre for Walvis Bay owned by Advocate Shakespeare Masiza was officially opened by the Minister of Fisheries Bernard Esau on Friday. Applauding Masiza in a speech read on his behalf by the fisheries minister, Swapo Party Secretary General Nangolo Mbumba applauded Masiza’s decision to open the first legal practise, which is black owned and further owned by someone from a previously disadvantaged section of the Namibian people. “Several professionals including those from where Cde Masiza is coming have taken advantage of the freedom Namibia offers and have started businesses throughout the country soon after our independenc. “But it seems that these professionals flock to Windhoek. Not many, unfortunately, have established businesses at the coast," Mbumba said.

He also said the time has come for young Namibian professionals to be responsible and become notable citizens. Mbumba said Namibia is a country with vast opportunities and it is up to the youth to explore, discover and utilise these chances. Addressing the audience, Masiza said he is determined to change the course of history. He established the corporate legal work and conveyancing practice to deliver excellent service at the coast. “In Namibia we are all about liberation and the land. We never had time to change the consciousness of our people to love being black and therefore we look down upon ourselves in a free country. “We don’t trust each other and even black captains of industry do not trust enough firms of black lawyers. “This is what drives some to do unethical work because they don’t get work just because they are black. There is something about Namibian politics and it has a missing chapter, a chapter Continued on Page 3

Minister of Fisheries Bernard Esau congratulates Advocate Shakespeare Masiza

Learn from the Afrikaners, says Governor Lavrenty Repin Speaking at the opening of the first ever Namibia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NCCI) Business Expo held in Swakopmund last weekend, Erongo

Regional Governor Hon. Cleophas Mutjavikua spoke of business ethics, using the Afrikaners’ business model as an example for long-term business structures as opposed to making a quick buck, a problem that he says plagues

most Namibian business men. Mutjavikua said, “One of the richest men in the world, Richard Branson, once said that business opportunities are like buses. There is always one coming along. Now the buses operate that

way in London, but it isn’t very easy for a person living in DRC to understand. “The late Harold Pupkewitz told me that our approach to business should be the same in Namibia as it was the Afrikaners’ in South Africa. They are part of our

bad and good history, but we can draw many good things from them. “Afrikaners decided to start organising themselves a long time ago, planning so that they could have longterm businesses.

Continued on Page 3

Thursday, 05 December 2013

2 | News

Nambahu Re-Elected

Creams and Facials from the Dead Sea

Sea, 400 meters below sea-level, over 50 unique minerals are harvested to treat the skin. “People from all over the world travel to Israel to treat their skin problems, like allergy and acne; our products do the same job here,” says Ronni, pointing out that all products they sell are natural. They deal with, to mention a few, pigmentation problems and anti-aging. “We’ve been based in Windhoek for nine months now before expanding to the coast and hopefully soon all around the country. “Namibia has definitely been one of the most successful areas for us, the dry climate causes a lot of skin problems, and there are not enough options. There are only about five brands available and none of them come close to what we offer.” Ronni says that they have had customers in Windhoek who say that nothing helped them for ten years, up until now. “The first two weeks have crazy promotions, and this is perfect as a Christmas gift, so hurry and try something new!” Ronnie concludes.

as Mayor Siglinde de Villiers Uilika Nambahu, the Mayor of Walvis Bay was reelected last week Thursday at a council meeting for the 2013/2014 term of office. Mrs Nambahu was very grateful and appreciated that her fellow counsellors entrusted the position to her again for the 2013/2014 year.

Nambahu said that one of her goals is to address the issue of unemployment at the coast and job creation, especially in disadvantaged communities. Another area the Mayor wishes to focus on for the forthcoming year is the shortage of skilled labour and the lack of Small and Medium Enterprises.

Lavrenty Repin The festive season brings along many perks for locals and visitors alike, and one of these perks is the newly opened cosmetics stall in the Stadmitte Mall.

With their unique and exclusive range of all natural creams and their unconditionally friendly staff, it is no wonder that their product has become popular in Europe, USA, South Africa and recently Namibia. According to Ronni Aviel, who runs the Swakopmund stall, the creams are derived from Israel where in the Dead


Colourfest Expected to

Rock Swakopmund Lavrenty Repin

Winners should book in advance and drinks are not included in prize.

Barbara Paterson wins a three course dinner for two at Lyon De Sables


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Tel (+264 64) 200 497 Fax (+264 64) 200 474 Email Sales Greg Goeda Cell 081 147 8648 Address, 81 Sam Nujoma Avenue PO Box 5085, Walvis Bay, Namibia


Namib Independent is published by Halfround Communications CC. All rights are reserved. Whilst every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained within, no liability can be accepted by the publishers or contributors for any errors, misstatements or omissions which may have occurred. The opinions expressed in the publication are not necessarily those of the publishers. Also, the publishers accept no legal liability regarding copyright ownership for material which was supplied directly to the publishers by any of the advertisers or contributors.

Swakopmund is set to become a rainbow sea of multi-coloured paint and electrifying DJ’s when an estimated 8000 people are expected to flood the Vineta Sports Stadium on Saturday, 28 December. The Colour Festival, which was widely successful in Windhoek, will on that day hit the coast for the first time. Client Service Manager at Ogilvy Namibia, Rozanne Van Der Merwe, told the Namib Independent that following the success of the Windhoek Colourfest, the Swakopmund show is set to be bigger and better. “In Swakopmund, we’re hoping for an attendance of 8000, ticket sales are going very well, we’ve already almost completely sold out VIP.” The Windhoek show had an attendance of over 4000, which surpassed most expectations and encouraged the Colourfest to come to Swakopmund. “A lot of people wanted to come down (from the coast) for the festival but couldn’t make it, so we thought it would be a good idea to have

something similar but bigger and better, for the holidays. I think overall the fact that we’ve got public VIP tickets, that’s definitely something that’s new. The line-up of the artists is more or less the same. “There will be two bars available on site and we’ve got plenty of prizes to give away. We’re also planning areal performances, which will be sky-divers jumping out and showering the stadium with colour paint!” Tickets are available at Computicket outlets (Shoprite and Checkers) and are going for N$150 for ordinary and N$350 for VIP. The ordinary ticket will cost N$200 at the gate. A new addition to the Swakopmund event is the presold vendor tickets, which can be used at the show to purchase drinks and body paint, and can be bought in advance at Computicket for N$180 to avoid long ques. The gates open at 12h00 and close and 22h00. However the party will continue into the night. The DJ line-up includes K-Boz, Melektro, The Micade, Kriptonite, Droopy and Sycorax.

Thursday, 05 December 2013

News | 3

First Black Coastal Law Firm

Continued from Page 1

called black consciousness,” Masiza said. He further shared a lesson he had learned in life: “I have also learned from the piano classes that playing black notes alone is not good. “There is no concordance in the music, therefore I decided that

the future of this firm will not be black only and I have joined hands with Danny and in future will have more white people because I have realised that when you play both black and white notes together the music is good and will give the relevant legal melody for the future.”

He implored the captains of industry present at the official opening not to judge him by the colour of his skin but to give him the chance and join hands with him to correct “the distorted course of history.” Expressing regret, Masiza said, “Twenty three years after

independence, Namibian people are scared, are not established and fear to fail. “I know I will not fail because I have faith but more than faith - I have you. Advocate Masiza said in time, captains of industry discard the belief that black people are not

ethical and competent only in criminal law, family law and collections, arguing that they are also good for corporate legal work as well as conveyancing. “Now that you have officially opened this firm, Minister, we will hit the ground running,” Masiza assured.

Learn from the Afrikaners, says Governor Continued from Page 1

“They came up with many important things that we in Namibia experience and benefit from today. “Sanlam today is the brain child of those Afrikaners years ago that wanted an insurance company that could stand the test of times. “Banks and Agriculture today has also benefited from their strategy, which include Agri and Nedbank. Those companies stood the test of time. “Why I am citing from this colourful history is because I want

Swakopmund people to emulate and learn from their example and create companies that will stand the test of time. “We have a habit of buying an expensive BMW right after our first successful business deal, and driving it very fast. This is not what we want. “Pupkewitz was only closed for the few hours that the old man [Harold Pupkewitz] was buried, that is why the company has stood the test of time. “It doesn’t help if one day you’re

selling Kapana and the next sweets on the street and you have no plan. “The government is not there to provide jobs for each and every citizen, but rather to create an environment filled of opportunities. “Citizens should make use of these opportunities. We must think big and act big to survive in the cruel business environment. “And don’t forget to plan businesses that will stand the test of time.”

Police Ready for Festive Season Crime Escalation to liquor selling outlets to strictly adhere to trading hours. More than six hundred people were arrested for drinking and being drunk on the street last year. “That is not a proud record and we totally discourage such behaviour though people are in a festive mood,” /Hoabeb warned. He expressed gratitude to the business community who supported the annual Police sports festival (Sapol) games.

Dorcas Mhungu Namibia Police (Nampol) Erongo region Police Commissioner Samuel /Hoebeb said both Nampol and the Walvis Bay Municipality law enforcement agents are well prepared to deal with the increase in crime related to the festive season. Addressing journalists at a recent media briefing, Commissioner /Hoebeb said despite attaining a 32 percent reduction in crime in 2013, there are certain crimes that are worrisome. /Hoebeb listed these as House-breaking, Thefts From Motor Vehicles, Rape, Stock Theft, Domestic Violence and Suicide. “There were 255 cases of Theft Out Of Motor Vehicles in 2011, 197 reported cases in 2012 and 224 in 2013. That area is of concern, considering the tourists that we are expecting, and we have to put a very strong message to our tourists and visitors to minimise opportunities. Whenever they leave their cars they must lock them, they must double check to see if they are locked and they must not walk around with lots of money, beautiful cameras and any attractions. “They should avoid the dark areas and they have to contribute to their safety and security,” / Hoebeb said. 61 cases of Rape were reported in 2011, 76 and 77 for 2012 and 2013 respectively. Stock Theft

cases in the Erongo region are escalating, records soaring from 104 in 2011 to 150 this year. “Stock Theft is another grey area we as law enforcers have serious concerns about, as well as illegal hunters in areas of Omaruru, Wilhelmstal, Usakos, Omatjete and Okambaie. We have held a number of meetings with communities in these areas and we are trusting and hoping that they will be reduced in future. We also encourage the farmers to join the police reservists. Them having their own officers operating within their areas and increasing the visibility of uniformed offers in those areas will discourage perpetrators,” the Police Chief noted. /Hoebeb expressed concern about the domestic violence crime landscape and attributed the upward trend in Erongo region to alcohol abuse and drugs. He noted with concern the availability of drugs in Walvis Bay, Swakopmund and other remote areas in the country. “You won’t believe how many kilograms of dagga we confiscated in farm areas in those remote areas. Every day reports of drugs confiscated are reported. These are the areas that need to be addressed even though there has been a reduction in crime in the Erongo region.” /Hoebeb said the police will be vigilant on the roads this festive season regardless of the fact that drunken driving cases during the past three years have steadily declined. He gave a stern warning

/Hoebeb also thanked the municipal roads authority and traffic officers for complementing Nampol efforts, the Roads Authority officers, and various government departments like Customs, Immigration, the Namibia Defence forces for their contributions as well as the media. “If we did not have that link (media), the community would not know what Nampol is doing,” he said.

Thursday, 05 December 2013

4 | News

FNB Plans for Branch in Kuisebmund, Walvis Bay Well Underway Walvis Bay customers’ requests to First National Bank (FNB) for a branch in Kuisebmond have not fallen on deaf ears. Tienie Mouton, FNB Area Manager for the coast, said planning is well underway for a new branch. “Customers will recall that we recently opened a new FNB branch in Arandis but we did not stop there. FNB is guided by their brand mantra of ‘How can we help you.’ Our customers requested us to open a branch in Kuisebmund and we listened,” Mouton stated. He explained that the feasibility study has been concluded and given the number of FNB customers in Walvisbay as well as the number of bankable residents in Kuisebmund it made economic sense to open a branch in the township of Kuisebmund. “The opening of a branch in Kuisebmund paves the way for many business and investment opportunities,

not only for residents but also for the development of the region as a whole and FNB wants to be part of this. “We believe that the customer experience at the new branch will exceed expectations. We request our customers to remain patient until this branch is completed,” Mouton said. He also mentioned that the branch at Mondesa in Swakopmund offered a full array of services including loans and overdrafts. He advised customers residing in the township to take advantage of the banking opportunity that they will have on their doorstep. He further encouraged FNB clients to make use of self-service channels. FNB offers a variety of electronic banking options, including the FNB Banking App for Smartphones. Besides being more cost efficient and safe, electronic banking gives clients convenience, “in that they have anytime, anywhere banking at their Tienie Mouton, FNB Area Manager for the Coast fingertips,” Mouton said.

M&Z Motors help Swk School of Excellence to Reach New Heights Lavrenty Repin

The Swakopmund School of Excellence, which opened its doors in January 2012 and began with a modest 15 students, has been growing ever since. They have now, through the help of M+Z Motors, acquired a new building and have added two extra classes to accommodate 45 primary school students next year. The private English school has been adding a new grade each year, and aims at giving students as much individual attention as possible, which is an integral expectation of any Private School, says Principal Mrs. L. Lindsay-Payne. Academically, the school follows the Namibian Standard Core Curriculum as set out by the Ministry of Education and adapts it to suit the needs of the children. Outdoor activities also play a vital role in the success of the school, as Mrs Lindsay-Payne points out. “Our students are taken to the swimming pool on a weekly basis where they are coached by a very experienced swimming instructor, Mrs Owen-Smith. “We also had horse riding lessons during the first two terms.” But the truly exciting news is the long-term vision of the school to become a fully functioning English Private Primary and High School after they have purchased property across from Spar Supermarket in Ocean View. Although the completion date has not yet been set, it is approximated that within three years the school, which will be built in phases, can become operative, and will be the first purely English private school in Swakopmund. One of the priorities is to build a fully functioning sports field at the new venue, which is something that the school is lacking currently. However, Mrs Lindsay-Payne informed the Namib Independent that the school is constantly being upgraded. “We are delighted to have received the sponsorship of M+Z Coastal as we can now upgrade our play area. The climbing structure has been ordered and will be put in early in the New Year,” she said. Mr Conrad Brits, Manager of M+Z Motors explained to the Namib Independent: “It’s a small and up-andcoming school and by the time M+Z Motors opens their doors in Swakopmund in 2015, the school will become quite large, so we think it is a good time to partner with them.”

Mr Conrad Brits, Manager of M&Z Motors (left) and Mrs Lindsay-Payne, School of Excellence

One of the classrooms

6 | News

Thursday, 05 December 2013

Shoprite’s Lack of Proper Loading Bay Causes Fist Fight Tanya Calitz

Shoprite Walvis Bay’s lack of a proper loading bay for trucks to deliver the store’s goods has reached boiling point this week when a business owner was allegedly assaulted by a truck driver who caused an obstruction of view with his truck when he parked in front of a business in 6th Street. Jan Liebenberg from Hardap Freight Services and the driver form Wings Distribution got caught in a

confrontation after the truck blocked the view of the road, which caused a serious safety hazard. “This was not the first time this very same driver has either parked in front of our entrance or parked in such a way that you cannot see whether there is any oncoming traffic when you drive out of the business premises,” Liebenberg told the Namib Independent with blood running from his nose. According to Liebenberg he confronted the truck driver about obstructing the view of the road, which

led to them arguing in the street. According to Liebenberg the truck driver then had a swing at him, and speedily walked away. “I followed him and that was when the driver turned around and punched me in the face, causing my nose to bleed,” Liebenberg stated. The truck driver’s (who did not want to reveal his name) account of events, which led up to the assault, however, differs from Liebenberg’s. According to the truck driver Liebenberg was very threatening and allegedly tried to kick him, and that was when he punched Liebenberg in selfdefence. “I was scared because he was very aggressive and much bigger than I am, so I had to hit him in self-defence,” the trucker said while a bunch of onlookers and Shoprite Staff supported the driver’s story. To this allegation, Liebenberg said that he simply blocked the driver’s first attempt to hit him with his leg, and did not attack him first. Mr Eben Platt, Head of Walvis Bay Traffic was also on the scene, explaining to the driver how he had violated a traffic law, and why he got a fine for Obstruction Of View, and Causing A Safety Hazard. Shortly after that the driver was taken to the police station, where Liebenberg pressed an assault charge against the driver. The Namib Independent approached Shoprite’s Head Office in South Africa, after Shoprite Management in Namibia refused to comment on the matter, and queried them on the lack of a proper loading bay, and their responsibility in promoting a safe environment for the public and the service providers when delivering Shoprite’s goods. Shoprite speedily responded to our queries by saying that they cannot be held responsible for the truck driver’s violation of traffic laws, despite the fact that they do not offer a loading bay or delivery station to accommodate the large trucks, which obstruct the road on a daily basis. “While Shoprite has no control over the actions of truck drivers of independent supplier companies, the supermarket chain will make an effort to communicate with suppliers about the difficulties that result when traffic rules are not adhered to. Traffic in the road behind Shoprite is also becoming increasingly busier due to more and more residential properties being converted to business premises,” said

Shoprite’s Corporate Com-munications Manager, Sarita van Wyk. According to another business owner in 6th Street, the issue can only be resolved once Shoprite take some responsibility and put a system in place to regulate and control the delivery of their goods, so that there is not a pile up of trucks all at once wanting to deliver their goods. According to Liebenberg, this issue is nothing new, but has now reached a point where it is out of control, and the truck drivers do as they please, regardless of the consequences. “It is a huge safety issue for us, and we feel that the authorities and Shoprite need to address this issue before another unfortunate incident or accident takes place,” he said. Van Wyk also said that Shoprite Namibia's management is sorry to hear of the altercation between the truck driver and the business owner on Tuesday, and that the store has been a tenant in the centre for more than ten years and has only lately become aware of problems with regard to the delivery of stock. “It is unfortunate that no opportunity exists to alter the receiving area of the store and Shoprite can only depend on the commitment of its suppliers and their truck drivers to adhere to traffic regulations,” van Wyk concluded.

Walvis Bay, First Municipality to Launch MOBI Pay in Erongo Tanya Calitz The Walvis Bay Municipality and MOBI Pay have come together in an effort to make the payment of your monthly taxes, rates and water more convenient, by simply making the payment from your phone. PRO Kevin Adams read the mayor’s speech in her absence on the new initiative with MOBI Pay: “I have indicated in my foreword to the strategic plan 2013-2017 that we, the Municipality, should assume a business-like approach; thorough, effective and efficient management to be able to compete with a host

of other local authorities in Namibia in order to harness local growth and development.” Adams further said that with the above premise, it is clear that the old practise of running municipalities on non-business principals will not solve the contemporary challenges facing municipalities and local authorities in Erongo. “We accept and acknowledge that we too are operating in a competitive service industry where efficiency and effectiveness are the key buzz words,” Adams read on behalf of the mayor. He also said that this will now solve the huge queuing problem the municipality

faces every month when it comes to settling accounts. Next up to shed some light on the matter was MOBI Pay Representative Amos Shiyuka. “This is a brilliant and effective way of not only making municipal payments, but also other accounts like phone bills, DSTV, and clothing store account payments,” Shiyuka explained. Shiyuka also said that this is a very easy and affordable service to use, and caters for all demographics of Namibia. “Say for instance that you are a business man travelling all over Namibia, and own property in Walvis Bay. It becomes difficult paying

bills, but now you can from anywhere in Namibia pay your municipal bills, or other bills comfortably from your mobile phone. As long as you have a Namibian Number you can make a payment,” Shiyuka explained. One can register for free at any Woermann&Brock store, or Nampost.

Each transaction costs N$2.50 on top of the normal network operator fees. You can top up your MOBI Pay account by simply transferring money from your bank account into it, via internet banking or manually, as well as pay money into your MOBI Pay Account at your nearest Woermann&Brock store and Nampost.

8 | News

Thursday, 05 December 2013

A Matter of Life and Death - Baby Dumping at the Coast Siglinde de Villiers The coast faces a disturbing, yet ongoing crisis with numerous dumped babies being found in the last few months. Why does this problem occur and what has been done to solve it? The Namib Independent set out to investigate the reasons for this ever increasing dilemma we are facing at the coast. One of the roots attributed to babies being dumped is unwanted pregnancies in schoolgoing girls. According to Martin Plaatjies, a school counsellor for the Erongo Region, teenage pregnancies are a nationwide problem. “First time mothers, especially teenagers, find themselves not being prepared for the responsibility and reality of motherhood,” she said. He continued to explain that this often happens after girls have attached their heart and soul to their boyfriends, however

when the novelty of true love wears off they find themselves alone, hurt and rejected. “These youths feel like they are in a dark channel thinking that abortion or dumping their baby is the only way out,” Plaatjies said. He continued to explain that many girls fear rejection from family and keep their pregnancy hidden, until they give birth in a secret place. “In their anguish these girls think that no one will know, no one cares and that there is no solution other than getting rid of the baby.” Plaatjies says that often surpressing emotional feelings and attachment leaves the girls struggling with guilt and depression and even suicidal thoughts. According to Constable Haoseb at the Women and Child Protection Centre, there are many cases where even women who are their 20s and 30s dump

their newborn babies. “Traditionally, the father supports the family. Often though, the father denies fatherhood and the mother does not know how to raise the child on her own.” This problem goes hand in hand with poverty. A reported case tells the story of an 18-yearold girl, who dumped her fourth child because she did not have the finances to raise it. “It is very difficult for unemployed women to find work and often they do not have any qualifications,” Haoseb said. Even women who have jobs end up dumping their babies due to being unaware of their rights in the workplace. An official who works closely with these cases related the incident where a woman kept working at a factory in Walvis Bay with toxic materials throughout her pregnancy, for fear of being fired if she was found out. In order to keep

her job, and due to the toxic exposure, she dumped her baby. Magret Richter, a coastal Social Worker, said that the only solution is to create more awareness. To this end, Plaatjies said that the Ministry of Education has implemented various awareness programs. “Pregnant girls often do not know what to do. However, there are so many other options available for their unwanted babies as well as guidance and counselling,” Plaatjies said. Even with these programs having a positive effect, many women are still unaware of their rights in the workplace. The responsibility also falls on employers to inform and make sure their female employees understand maternity leave. The question remains as to whether this will be enough to raise awareness or if the coastal townships should put forth more For further information contact Martin Plaatjies public effort in addressing this at 081 211 1847 or the Baybline at 081 221 8081. issue.

Walvis Bay Workers Woermann Brock Annual School

Demand Extensive

Christmas Tree Decoration Competition

Changes to Labour Act Lavrenty Repin

Last Thursday Walvis Bay workers handed over a concise petition to Member of Parliament and Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Welfare, Cde. Alfeus Muheua, protesting against perceived right violations. The petition objects to “a betrayal against our rights by those we entrusted to make sure that they formulate laws that are beneficial to the working class of this country.” The petition, which was coordinated by trade union NASAWU, states that “the current Act No: 11 of 2007 has failed dismally to address the workers’ right and interest in many respects. We view this in a very serious light as it has some serious loopholes, which need to be closed before it's too late. We don’t know whether this was done to serve whose interest if it is not for us [sic]?” The petition had 21 separate conditions, including an increase of night allowance by 4%, an increase of leave days to 30 days a year and an increase of compassionate leave, as well as inclusion of uncle and cousin deaths. It further called for “fair dismissals on grounds

of misconduct or poor work performance to be abolished as it disadvantages us and we must be paid two weeks’ severance.” The union is calling for change of retirement age from 65 to 60. Notably a recommendation to create minimum wage for fishing, retail and hotel industries was also put forward, as Namibia still lacks legislation in those industries, a fact clearly illustrated by the numerous protests and allegations of underpayment in those specific industries around the country, which include Foschini, Hilton Hotel and Tiger Reef Beach Bar. The Walvis Bay fishing industry also came under fire, as the petition called for “fishing companies to pay the employees in the fishing sector 2\3 during October closure as they cannot afford to use their own leave days” and “sea going personnel condition of employment to be reviewed and the Merchant Shipping Bill to be promulgated soon, as the rights are not protected. Captains are abusing their powers, fish commission must not substitute overtime and night allowance.” The petition warns that they are giving one month for the parliament to produce feedback.

Three years ago Woermann Brock started a Christmas Tree Decoration Competition in the Woermann Brock Mall in Swakopmund. This is a competition that serves to involve the community, especially children of Swakopmund and Walvis Bay, to show their tremendous creativity by decorating the trees in the Woermann Brock centres and stores. By 2013, the children of Swakopmund and Walvis Bay made so many decorations that the trees in the Woermann Brock Supermakets in Tobias Hainyeko, Woermann

Brock Vineta and Woermann Brock Walvis Bay (Rikumbi Kandanga Street) could be decorated with these extraordinary and creative Christmas decorations. It reflects the true spirit of Christmas. “We would like to challenge and invite the children of Walvis Bay and Swkaopmund to help us to decorate the trees of our stores in Narraville, Seagull (Kuisebmund) and our main branch in Kuisebmund,” said Ronel Toll. The competition also aims to reward the children for their wonderful efforts and cash prizes of over N$3 500 per town, sponsored

by Woermann Brock, are up for grab. Wonderful prizes have been put forward by various sponsors. The tremendous effort and timeconsuming commitment by the Woermann Brock staff to prepare the prizes for the competition is rewarded by the joy and pleasure displayed by the children and the teachers. Woermann Brock wish all Namibians to enjoy this wonderful Christmas Season in the right spirit of joy and freedom in our country. Christmas in Namibia is for the children! This is clearly visible from the trees decorated.

Thursday, 05 December 2013

10 | News

No Drunken Driving Tolerance Despite Breathalyser Dispute Siglinde de Villiers Despite the ongoing dispute about breathalyser standards between the High Court and Office of the Prosecutor General placing drunken driver convictions on shaky ground, the Traffic Department will not tolerate any drunken driving at the coast this holiday season. According to Chief Traffic Inspector Eben Platt, they will still be using the breathalysers to test for any alchohol concentration in breath. “There is nothing wrong with our machines,” Platt commented. “There is merely a dispute on legalities. While we are waiting for the issue to be resolved the

breathalysers will indicate to us whether a person is driving with alcohol in their system.” Platt further explained that if the breathalyser result is immediate and postitive result the person in question will not be allowed to continue driving. Excessive alcohol levels will still lead to arrest, the opening of a criminal case and a bail amount of N$4 000. In addition, the law enforcement officers will draw blood which will be sent away to the lab. “Currently I am not able to comment on the use of breathalysers until the dispute is resolved,” Deputy Comissioner Ottilie Kashupulwa said. “However, regardless of the dispute, we will still draw blood,” she confirmed.

Lagoon Chalets Treat Senior Residents Siglinde de Villiers On Tuesday morning, senior citizens from all over Walvis Bay were treated to breakfast by the Lagoon Chalets. The Lagoon Chalets invited 34 elderly from all over Walvis Bay to be entertained and enjoy a special Christmas breakfast in their colourfully decorated Restaurant. Live music created a joyful atmosphere and games ensured a lot of laughter and fun. “We have packaged and wrapped gifts for each senior citizen,” said Belinda Vermaak, the Restaurant Manager. Belinda noted that their oldest citizen present is 80 years old and that they will be doing the same for the orphans on 23 December. “I am very happy that the Lord has send people who can make us happy and am very thankful to be here,” said Michael, one of the senior citizens. “We feel very special to have been given such an opportunity,” another senior resident exclaimed.

Thursday, 05 December 2013

News | 11

Erasmus Transport Adds "Cool" New Division areas they specialise in, their level of service, their professionalism and the hours and times they operate in. “Now, with our new location, we have a lot more space, which also improves our level of service. “The Walvis Bay business sector is ever growing and expanding so rapidly. Hence the

G.J Erasmus Transport CC (GJE), well known for their excellent service in the refrigerated transport industry, has added two new wings to their operations. They now offer Specialised Refrigeration Services, including repairs, maintenance, and installations as well as the certified disinfection of trailers. These novel divisions fit in perfectly with their brand-new firsthand workshop and warehouse in the new industrial area just outside of Walvis Bay, next to the Road Funds Authority (Extension 12). “When it comes to refrigeration there is not much that we do not do,” says business owner Rassie Erasmus. GJE also specialises in installing home cooling systems and air conditioning. “We added this section to our business almost three months ago, and so far there is a great demand for these types of services,” says Rassie’s assistant, Ricci Profitt. Adding these new divisions to the business started with a personal demand for specialised refrigeration services, which included repairs and maintenance as well as the fumigation of their Reefers, says Rassie. “We hired a specialist in the refrigeration division for our own needs and then recognised the opportunity and gap in the market.

That is basically how it all got started,” Ricci explains. Another service their new refrigeration division will provide is the supply and instalment of cold storage and freezer rooms, in the industrial, marine, commercial and domestic sectors. According to Rassie, a challenge they faced was to have the refrigerated trailers disinfected to transport the in-transit goods from the Walvis Bay port to their destinations (most African countries). “We often need these types of services at odd or inconvenient hours, so we thought that it would just be easier to become specialist in those fields ourselves,” Rassie explains. “We ensured that our staff were properly trained in the disinfection section and obviously registered our company with all the relevant authorities.” According to Ricci, GJE has a great concern and love for the environment and tries to make environmentally friendly choices for their business where they can. “All the products we use to disinfect trailers and containers are 100% bio-degradable and safe for the environment.” Rassie says what sets them apart from their competition are the specific

great development opportunities, which will surely create a demand for all the services we offer.” G.J Erasmus Transport is situated in the new light industrial area, 22 Langer Heinrich Crescent. You can contact them on +264 64 220 764 or Rassie at 081 124 3362, Ricci at 081 127 8065 and Eben at 081 240 0426.

Thursday, 05 December 2013

12 | News

Namibian Anthology ‘Borrelwater’ Introduced at Ngandu at Sea Hotel Siglinde de Villiers From 29 November to 2 December coastal residents were invited to the introduction of Oswald Theart’s anthology ‘Borrelwater’ at the Ngandu at Sea Hotel in Walvis Bay. Oswald Theart, author of ‘Borrelwater’ and nature photographer, takes his inspiration from his own experiences of life

at the Okavango river in his youth. Thus his anthology contains a collection of verses about life and its events, past and present, as it happens at the Okavango river. In addition to the book, the introduction also displayed photographs and post cards from the Okavango. Corry Theart says that the display will be a permanent aspect of the Hotel and they will rotate their featured items every three

months. humorous short stories about life and its According to the artist, ‘Borrelwater’ people entitled ‘Raps na Regs’, which will will soon be followed by a collection of be introduced to the public in February.

NAMA Awards May Come to Swakopmund Lavrenty Repin At a well attended and heated information session hosted by MTC’s Tim Ekandjo, it was suggested that the prestige NAMA Awards may be brought to Swakopmund next year, in anticipation of the completion of the large dome structure next to the Vineta Sports field beginning of 2014. Tim Ekandjo thinks it very possible if Swakopmund shows interest, adding that he is bored with the event being hosted in Windhoek every year. Swakopmund Mayor, Juuso Kambueshe, also indicated that he is bidding for the Awards to come to Swakopmund, and said that the coastal town has the best experience and infrastructure to host the Awards, and

would be the most realistic option. He also pointed out that the project would not cost the town any money, but would be a substantial injection into the economy. The NAMA Awards have in the past been criticised for being too centralised and for favouring Windhoek artists over the rest of the country. One local artist attending the conference complained of the lack of representation and support at the Awards for the Swakopmund music community and the Erongo region as a whole, a complaint that was mimicked by others present. He also complained about the lack of transparency, saying, “You can build nothing on corrupt foundations, we need a straightforward channel.”

Many were also displeased with the controversial rule changes to next year’s NAMA Awards, which include only two entry categories per artist, compared with this year’s eleven. The exclusion of public voting means that the winning decision will now rest entirely on the shoulders of the judges, except for a few specialised categories. Tim Ekandjo, who is the head coordinator for the NAMA Awards, explained. “We are making changes because we listen to the artists. If they say we have a loophole, we look at it.” The deadline for entry is on 12 December. Entry forms can be picked up at MTC and NBC regional offices or downloaded from

Atlanta Cinema Boasts New 3D Theatre Siglinde de Villiers This past weekend saw the Atlanta cinema in Swakopmund undergoing a N$1.8 million upgrade, making it the first ever 3D cinema to be installed in Namibia. This promises cinema goers a completely new experience in picture and sound quality. Jan Kruger, owner of Atlanta cinema explained that they have to move on with the times because the industry does not make the 350mm film anymore which they are accustomed to using. “We decided to upgrade the cinema to keep track with the digital era, with the added advantage that we can release new movies at the same time as what they are shown in Johannesburg in South Africa,” he said. Jan said that this is a marked

improvement to the previous long weeks they had to wait in order to show new movies. Jan says that he is very proud to break new ground and be the owner of the first cinema in Namibia to give cinema goers a 3D experience. “The main capital has only scheduled their cinema upgrade in the beginning of next year sometime, so in effect, I am actually making history here at the coast,” Jan said. What can cinema goers expect? “The picture quality is from another world, and the surround sound system immerses you right into the middle of the movie,” Jan described. “It was completely stunned at the improvement. I thought it was an absolute experience, it feels like you can literally touch the characters.” According to Jan the Atlanta cinema will be featuring 3D movies

regularly with the 2D releases. “In two weeks time we have scheduled the new ‘Thor’ movie in 3D as well as ‘Walking With Dinosaurs’ at the end of December.” Jan says that they agreed on a cinema ticket price of N$50 for 3D as well as 2D movies. “We had to increase the prices slightly, because digital movie releases are much more expensive than the traditional 35 mm film ones,” Jan said. “Cinema goers will have to purchase 3D glasses for the first time that they attend the 3D theatre. “Thereafter, the glasses can be reused time and again for any subsequent movies,” Jan added. The upgrade of the Atlanta cinema resulted in a 95% increase in quality. “Cinema goers will definitely get more value for money,” Jan concluded.

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Issue 5

05 December 2013

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We also provide a complete range of borehole engine spare parts.

Windhoek 19 Edison Street, Southern Industrial Area PO Box 40997, Windhoek Tel + 264 61 233 144 Fax + 264 061 233 149

Oshakati Yetu Shopping Complex PO Box 15598, Oshakati. Tel +264 65 225 672 Fax +264 65 225 673

Rundu Rundu Commercial Centre Tel +264 66 256 386 Fax +264 66 256 918

Gobabis Church Street PO Box 302, Gobabis Tel +264 62 562 839 Fax +264 62 562 838

Katutura Independence Centre Shop No. 1 Katutura Tel +264 61 246 180 Fax +264 61 272 647

Ondangwa Opposite 6000 Complex & OK Grocery Main Road Tel +264 65 242 050 Fax +264 65 242 053

Walvis Bay 173 Sam Nujoma Avenue Tel +264 64 202 314 Fax +264 64 202 767


14 |

05 December 2013


My Drive & I Driving My Dream 4x4 Tanya Calitz In this week’s edition of DRIVE, the Namib Independent spoke to Namib OffRoad 4x4 Centre’s Dirk Bosman about his fully kitted 4X4 vehicle. According to Dirk he is not driving his dream car yet, but definitely his dream 4x4 Bakkie, a Hilux 4L Petrol Double Cab, with many special features. He says his Bakkie is perfectly fitted to take on event the toughest terrains of Africa, but more so the very harsh terrain of the Namib Desert. Exterior Features: - Upgraded Suspension EFS (Enhanced 4 Wheel Drive) developed in Australia - Onca Replacement Bumpers from Johannesburg - LED Spotlights (HID Xenon Lights) - Extra Spare Tyre - C-Tech Charging System, Solar Panel Input to Charge the Vehicle’s Battery - 2 x Fridges - Air Suspension - 140L Stainless Steel Water Pump - Extra 70L Petrol Tank - Dirt Road Rock Sliders – High Lift Jack Compatible - Aluminium Canopy with Full LED Lights - Cattle Rails with Max Tracks

Advertise in Drive by Calling Greg +264 64 200 497 or email greg@ namibindependent.

Interior Features: - Inboard Gauge - Onca Roof Console with 2 Way Radio and LED Lights - Escape Gear Seat Covers - Full Tyre Pressure Monitor Sysytem - USB & Extra Cigarette Lighter

05 December 2013



| 15

Look Mom... No Driver!

Volvo Introduces Driverless Cars

Volvo is to introduce 100 driverless cars on to public roads as part of the world’s first largescale autonomous driving pilot.

The cars will drive in normal, everyday road conditions, surrounded by pedestrians and other traffic, and will even be able to self-park, as the Swedish car-maker (which is now under Chinese ownership) attempts to demonstrate the benefits, including improved safety and efficiency, of self-driving cars. Volvo is working alongside the Swedish Transport Administration, The Swedish Transport Agency, Lindholmen Science Park and the City of Gothenburg, with the goal of placing both it and Sweden as leaders in the development of future mobility. Called “Drive Me - Self-driving cars for sustainable mobility”, the pilot scheme gets underway next year with customer research and further development of current technology. The cars themselves will not appear until 2017, when they will drive on about 30 miles of public road in and around Gothenburg, described as “typical commuter arteries” that include motorway conditions and frequent queues. As part of the trial, driverless cars will also be able to park themselves. “Autonomous vehicles are an integrated part of Volvo Cars as well as the Swedish government’s vision of zero traffic fatalities. This public pilot represents an important step towards this goal,” said Håkan Samuelsson, President and CEO of the Volvo Car Group. “It will give us an insight into the technological challenges at the same time as we get valuable feedback from real customers driving on public roads.”

Drivers could use an app to initiate the parking As well as the direct implications of what are classed by the Federal Highway Research Institute as “Highly Autonomous Cars” on the public road, the pilot aims to establish infrastructure requirements for autonomous driving (the idea being that due to their increased efficiency, they free up more land and thus reduce infrastructure investment), suitable traffic conditions and customer confidence in the vehicles. The interaction of other drivers is also a key part of the study. The trial does not necessarily spell the beginning of the end for the role of the driver, however. Volvo says that whoever is at the wheel must be expected to be available for occasional control, albeit with a comfortable transition time. “The self-driving technology used in the pilot allows you to hand over the driving to the car when the circumstances are appropriate,” said Samuelsson. Fully automated parking, where the driver exits the car and leaves it to find and then park in a space is also included in the study. The development of autonomous driving is all part of Volvo’s goal that nobody should be killed or seriously injured in one of its cars by 2020. Many of its product range already carries technology such as autonomous emergency braking, which can slow and even stop the car if a driver fails to react to an impending collision, as well as cyclist and pedestrian detection, lane keeping assist and adaptive cruise control. Volvo has not confirmed which of its models will be used in the trial, but they are likely to include the all-new XC90 SUV, which goes on sale next year with a further development of the current safety systems that will allow it to drive and steer itself in traffic queues. Adapting the technology to Highly Autonomous standards means being able to make the system work at higher speeds. “Hardly anyone thinks twice about being in an air plane that flies on autopilot, but being in a car that drives by itself while the driver reads a book is still quite a revolutionary thought for many people,” added Samuelsson. Other companies currently trialling driverless cars include Google, which is using an adapted Toyota Prius and has covered 100,000 miles, Toyota itself and Mercedes-Benz. In the UK, researchers at Oxford University have been testing a driverless Nissan Leaf electric car on private land. Source:

16 |




05 December 2013

Thursday, 05 December 2013

News | 17

Fitness Testing and Physical Profiling for the Youngsters at Walvis Bay Primary School Anna-Mart Kruger Rugby is a multi-faceted sport requiring a high degree of all-round fitness. The fitness demands and training requirements for any player will depend on the position he plays and the level and age of the team that he plays for.

The young potential rugby players of Walvis Bay Primary School with the guidance of Mr. Herman Neetling, Casper Derks and the support of Head Master Mrs. Carina Ferreira were given the opportunity to test their physical capabilities for their current age and build. Tests were performed by Helene Wiggett, Somarie Saaiman and Gerdus Kruger of the Biokinetic Rehabilitation Centre. A player in his early teens should aim to develop a good level of general fitness. Then, as the player gets older, he should specialise in rugby-specific and later, position-specific fitness. The Biokinetic Rehabilitation program is aimed at improving the player’s performance on the field and also at helping the player to become more resistant to injury by reducing fatigue and strengthening the most susceptible areas of the body. This emphasis on injury prevention will help to prevent traumatic (acute) injury and avoid longer-term (chronic) injuries that may be caused by muscle imbalance or overuse. The physical status of young rugby players who aspire to play at the elite

level should be monitored from the age of twelve and throughout their careers. To do this, Biokinetic Rehabilitation Centre has developed a fitness and anthropometric system (anthropometry is the study of body sizes and proportions). This system monitors and provides feedback on the fitness and anthropometric variables specific to adolescents and young adults. Players who start on the performance ladder via the rugby academies will be tested regularly to monitor their physical progress. The Biokinetic Rehabilitation Centre performed a variety of tests that have been designed to test the range of fitness characteristics of the different playing positions. Knowledge of the performance in these various tests serves several purposes: • Goals can be set for the players • Weaknesses can be identified in the fitness profile of each player • Talent identification • Fitness trends accompanying the development of the game can be monitored • Risk of injury can be identified The order in which the tests are conducted was standardised and recorded as a reference for future testing. Each player will receive a fitness program for the holiday season which will help them prepare them for a successful 2014 rugby season.

Thursday, 05 December 2013

mOshiwambo | 19

mO shi wambo

20 | Community Lens

Thursday, 05 December 2013



Thursday, 05 December 2013

22 | 'Here' Say


m'Here' O shi wambo SAY

Thursday, 05 December 2013

Entertainment | 23


Thursday, 05 December 2013

24 | Business Boxes




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For those who know they need to Advertise all year round call +264 81 147 8648 or email

Thursday, 05 December 2013

Coastal Property Finder | 25

To Rent

For Sale

Walvis Bay

Long Beach

Spacious 3 bedroom house, kitchen, lounge, indoor braai, 2 bathrooms, 2 garages, big erf N$7 300 pm Avail immediately.

Spacious 2 Bedroom House

1 Bathroom, Dining Room, Kitchen, Alarm in Kuisebmund/ WVB. N$5 800 pm Incl. W&E


Walvis bay - 3 bedrooms, bathroom, big living room, kitchen, garage. N$7 500 pm + deposit Excl. W&E

Walvis Bay

2 bedrooms, open plan kitchen, 1 en-suite bathroom, own garage N$4 500 pm + deposit

Dolphin Beach

Lock Up and Go Holiday Townhouse, furniture included. Open plan living area with indoor BBQ and wood deck. 1 Bedroom and bathroom on ground floor, 2 Bedrooms and bathroom on second floor. Tadem garage N$1 280 000 CC registered

Erf in Kuisebmond Near Kabeljou street N$400 000

Interested in any of these properties? Call Helena on 064 200 497 today


Penthouse To Let From Middle January 2014 3 Bedrooms, lounge to fitted kitchen, 2 bathrooms, deck with braai and tandem garage. Furnished N$13 200 pm Unfurnished N$11 000 pm Pre-paid electricity.

Henties Bay

Dolphin Beach (flat)

Open plan living area/kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms Tandem Garage and a balcony with a view over the sea and dunes! N$1 070 000

Walvis Bay - Meersig

Ideal for a Guesthouse!! TV/Dining room, Lounge, fitted kitchen (stove incl.) separated scullery/laundry. 2 x double Garages. 5 bedrooms 3 en-suite bathrooms and 1 bathroom and a guest toilet. Inside and outside BBQ. Outside room with en-suite bathroom. Beautiful big garden N$3 650 000


2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms (1-en suite), open plan kitchen/ lounge, BBQ outside, balcony permanet sea view, windows does have blinds, single garage, remote and alarm system N$6 000 Excl. W&E

Brand New Double Story Family Home Ground floor: Open plan kitchen with indoor BBQ , separate living area. Guest toilet scullery/laundry 3 garages, 1 bedroom with ensuite bathroom. Top floor: Open study area, 1 Bedroom with en-suite bathroom 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom N$2 600 000

CLOSE TO THE BEACH! Partly, prefabricated house. build in with bricks and fiber cement roof with window shutters. 4 Bedroom House with 2 Bathrooms. Main Bedroom has an en suite Bathroom (Shower) Guest bathroom, bath/toilet only. Open plan living area & kitchen Lots of BIC. Indoor BBQ area in front of a large garage, 3 Garages, Alarm System, Paving, Window Shutters. Fiber cement roof. WellMaintained. A must have holiday investment. N$780 000

Dolphin Beach

Holiday flat lock up and go Magnificent view over the sea and dunes. Open plan living area, kitchen and balcony 2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1 garage N$920 000

Walvis Bay

4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, BBQ inside, laundry, lounge, dinning room, burglar bars, kitchen with stove, study, jacuzzi, dish and 1bedroom flat at the back. N$2 620 000


Sanlam Building, 12th Road, Walvis Bay, Namibia

A house is a building; a home is where your loved feel secure. Call us today and let us help bring you ďŹ nancial security. Danny Beukes

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PO Box 1194, Walvis Bay, Namibia Tel +264 64 215311 Fax +264 64 215301 Fax2Email +264 886518952 Mobile +264 811282 256 Web: e-mail

Blue star logo

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Thursday, 05 December 2013

26 | Classifieds



5 77 77


Tuesdays 10:30 TUESDAY 10:30am

Contact Helena to place your classifieds 064 200 497 helena@ namibindependent.


Job Seekers

De Bries Plumbing Services: Contact us for all your kitchen & bathroom plumbing needs we do plumbing installations and maintenance. Contact Marius 081 212 2541

work like, cleaning shops and offices, domestic work or security guards, etc. in Walvis Bay only. Contact us Mberii 081 327 5906 and Vijanda 081 346 1865

LODGE APPOINTMENT Mature, single well Need help? educated man looking for Services A retired teacher with 37 a supervisory position on do it. years teaching experience a lodge. Experienced in Open 7 days a week. is in need of a temporary many spheres of business Contact us on or permanent vacancy at life, management, 081 649 3676 any school or institution. marketing, hospitality, etc. With a B.E.T.D qualification Willing to relocate. Driving lessons Services in lower primary. Can also Kindly contact at Swakopmund assist with home work or 081 147 8648 Prodel Construction Transport to/ from work after school care. For all your Construction services. N$60 driving Vacancy Wanted Please contact needs. Call Johann Steyn lesson for 1 hour. Mature, single educated 081 255 8062 or 081 128 0848 lady looking for position No rush with excellent 081 468 7569. on lodge/guest farm / driving skills. I.G Trust Salon Educational Products Walvis Bay. Reception/ Cell 085 552 5525. We do nails & eye lashes, With the imagination and sales/admin etc. Can start we also do braids; any energy of children in mind, S. Linus immediately. kid of style and we sell to nurture a Construction: Contact 081 618 0080 100% human hair. magical time of discovery With 25 years of We are situated at My name is Noa and learning. Transform experience and bank the Corries Street in Shomongula everyday actions into approved. Building and Kuisebmond near I am looking for any kind exciting growth and renovations of residential Swakopmund taxi and of job. exploration. Lots of and commercial dwellings. Woermann Brock. Please contact me on other safety, clothes and - general paint Contact Lavinia 081 697 3539 accessories available. - roof repairs 081 246 2736 Kindly mail weckelein@ Opportunity - boundary walls Get in shape 4 the or whatsapp - interlocks workmanship or sms Alida holiday! Ree Bodyworks guaranteed. Lose weight without pills 081 279 4345 during We are in need of Contact details: and exercise, up to 9kg office hours. panelbeaters if you are 064 209 517 or in 2weeks guaranteed. a panelbeater and want Erongo Gritfix Repair your metabolism. 081 242 9604 to be part of our growing Ons doen gritblast/ Contact 081 618 0080 bussines sandblast werk op enige Kitchen Elegance Contact me or Ruben No signal on your TV's Professional kitchen, metaal, so as as ń Satellite Dish? geroeste hek of motor rims at 081 343 8104 or bedroom and bathroom Contact me (also of traliewerk jou pla, kontak 081 400 3654 re-modelling. We do weekends). my gerus, ons gritblast en animals for sale cabinets, blinds, tiles Call 081 753 2415 spuitverf jou yster na jou and flooring or any other BOXER PUPPYS (Swakop only) keuse. joinery needs. Quality 5 Pure breed good family Cheapest rates workmanship guaranteed. Skakel 081 322 0547 and watch dogs. Let wel ons doen geen Truck to Rent We pride ourselves on First vaccination paneelklopwerk nie With driver and helpers, your satisfaction. N$3 800 nationwide Contact us on Contact 081 170 0977 or Job Seekers • Furniture removal 081 278 8092 or 081 279 7353 • Garden refuse Looking for Work 081 612 3519. Chow-Chows • Building rubble We are two ladies aged Visit us at www. Thorough bred Dogs • Office removals kitchenelegancenamibia. 21 and 19 in Walvis Bay for sale You name it and we will looking for any types of com 5 males/ 1 female

Animals for sale Price on request Call 081 255 8356

Pragtige Labrador Hondjies Beskikbaar

Gebore 22 Oktober, hulle is nou 6 weke oud. N$2 300 Sluit in eerste spuit en ontwurming. Kontak Helga by 081 272 4222 Goods for sale

Black Berry 9900 Only 7 months old. Make me an offer Call 081 147 0875

420 litre Defy Chest Freezer for sale,(new) N$5000.00 or nearest offer Contact 081 332 9740

Toyota Runx 1.4 RS Sport 2005 model, FSH, full record with Indongo toyota.Local with alot of extras. In very good condition. N$60 000 Contact 081 223 3357

Coastal Advertiser

2010 Toyota Landcruiser 4.0 Bulbar, spotlights,

Rims & tyres Walvis Bay 15’ 5 Gat 100 N$5 000 neg Contact: 081 487 3250 Outback Drawer System Walvis bay N$7 000 neg Nissan hardbody 2009 model Contact: 081 487 3250 Jeep Cherokee Model 2000, 175 000 km. Contact 081 124 2532/ 204 612. N$ 85 000 neg

to Rent

Toyota Hilux D/Cab 2.7i 2000 model Petrol Good condition Walvis Bay N$110 000 ono Call 081 148 7120

Hilux double cab 2.7i Raiders, model 2000 N$120 000 neg Contact John 081 148 7120

snorkel,mags, towbar Runningboards, tralies, bakplate, rubberise Km 102 000 N$330 000 081 127 8422

Kia Rio 1.4 for sale Contact 081 298 7148/ 081 229 0909

FOR SALE 3 x GMC 1500mm Air Curtains (second hand) N$1 500 each 081 472 8794

Stainless Steel Canopy Nissan Hardbody 2009 Walvis Bay, make me an offer! Contact: 081 487 3250

Goods for sale

FLATLET TO RENT Walvisbay - Town (behind Municipality) 1 x Bedroom, Open Plan Kitchen lounge, Shower, Garage. Full Bouquet DSTV – includes, Water and Electricity. Deposit: N$3 000 N$3 900 pm Up front Contact: 081 314 6628

Flamingo Cottage

Long term only Caroline 081 129 3658 Accomodation Wanted An elderly single man looking for a furnished room, with full board & lodging services, including amenities and a garage. Willing to pay. Contact on 081 403 0783

Bachelors Flat

Lagoon area. 1 bedroom, open plan

To Rent kitchen, own courtyard with braai, garage plus water included. N$3 500 pm Contact Eben 081 240 0426


2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms (1-en suite), open plan kitchen/lounge, BBQ outside, balcony permanet sea view, windows does have blinds, single garage, remote and alarm system. N$6 000 pm Excl. W&E Please call: 081 410 0894 Schedule an appointment for viewing.

Walvis Bay/ Kuisebmund

Spacious 2 Bedrooms House, 1 Bathroom, Dining Room, Kitchen, Alarm and Garage N$5 800 pm Incl. W&E Please call 064 206 770 to schedule an appointment for viewing. Accomodation

Holiday Accommodation

RKK Namibia Budget accommodation for the festive season In Walvis Bay town centre Perfect for backpackers! Rates per Night: N$160 per person sharing N$200 single room For more info contact: (+264 64) 20 71 88 / (+264) 81 408 5486 Properties Narraville Newly build Units Excellent Investment 2 x bedroom Units with single garage N$579 000

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Thursday, 05 December 2013



5 77 77


Tuesdays 10:30 TUESDAY 10:30am

To Rent 2 x bedroom Units with tandem garage N$625 000 Plus each Unit with balcony or garden Chantell @ 081 207 2105 CENTRE Perfect for backpackers! Rates per Night: N$160 per person sharing N$200 single room For more info contact: (+264 64) 20 71 88 / (+264) 81 408 5486 WANTED Couple Looking for house to rent in Walvis Bay in lower rental bracket Prepared to do repairs if necessary Will take good care of property Call 081 359 2523

Looking 4 a car 2 buy Citigolf of toyota tazz/ conquest in good running condition,under N$30 000 Contact 081 127 8934

UK Vehicle Importation facilitated on your behalf by the experts. Strictly 2005 models and above. Any kind of vehicle or truck sought. Contact us on 081 347 1558 or email: info@


Goods for sale


Goods for sale

For Sale Walvis Bay Yamaha drum set.

N$11 000 Call 0811469557

Goods for sale

Goods for sale

Bumbo Baby Booster Seat

Carrycot Cover



081 129 2158 081 129 2158 Salton Steamer Brand New - Never Used - N$250


Nakara Swakopmund

Russell Hobbs Slow Cooker (6.5L) - used twice! N$450

The Arcade

Big variety of

081 129 2157

Vegetable Leather

081 129 2157

for shoes, sandals and saddles

Trailer te koop

Upholstery Leather

N$8 000 Contact 081 129 8536

Round Ceramanic Garden Pot (large) Was N$1 200 new will accept N$600

Bovine & Game

Zebra Nguni Springbok

Natural and Dyed nakara@africaonline.

081 129 2157

Tel 064 405 907

Footspa - Great Christmas Gift N$350

ZK T-shirts & Tops Available in all colours


To order please contact Rosalia on 0841 652 9946

081 129 2157

Large Garden Pot (1.2m) N$900

081 129 2157

Kayak for Sale (2 yrs old, cost N$12000.00 new) Kayak with Oars, Life Jacket, Helmet Only N$8 000 onco. 081 129 2157

Mini Cooper N$45 000

081 204 5313

Sony Experia Arc S

1972 Kombi Camper Type 2, 1.6l N$5 000 (Voetstoots)

081 439 1930

8GB Memory Card, Led screen, 3D photo capture, 8MP Camera, etc. Comes with HDMI cable, earphones and USB charger. Walvis Bay N$2 000 Call me @ 081 288 1757

For children whose shacks burned down As christmas days come along... We wish to sing our heart breaking song... This is actually very wrong... But this kind of life make us strong... We had to sit in darkness and pray... Will this christmas also be our day... Deep in our hearts we wish also for a toy to play... Joy. Fun and happiness in memories ... This will stay... As children wait for santa clauss... We are hungry . But quiet as a mouse.... Come on ... Brighten up ou live... And give us also a christmas surprise. . .

By Noeline Graig January... Sponsorship 4 Christmas lunch. Gifts and clothes... Noeline 081 284 8188

28 | Sport

Thursday, 05 December 2013 to Thursday, 12 December 2013


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