The namib independent issue 83

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Independent YES, it is


FREE news for the coast! • Tel (+264 64) 200 497 • Classifieds Line 57777 • Issue 83 • Thursday, 23 January 2014 to Wednesday, 29 January 2014 NO BOTSWANA GATEWAY








Locals Lose Millions

As Chinese win Tenders

Tanya Calitz Several business owners in the steel, mechanical, electrical and building industry have come forward to voice their concerns and anger about constantly losing tenders from local companies to foreign businesses, especially Chinese companies who time and again are awarded tenders, over (according to the complainants)

more qualified local businesses. “In the past two years I have lost over five tenders, on projects that my company is more than qualified to do, to a lesser Chinese company,” said *John, a coastal business owner, specialising in steel constructions and mechanical trade. He is not the only Small Medium Enterprise Business Owner who feels done in by the tendering

process. “When a tender goes out, my guys run around for a week collecting quotes and prices on materials at competitive prices. We hand in a very detailed quote, constantly keep in touch with the company who has put out the tender, just to hear that yet another foreign or Chinese company got the job. It is very discouraging,” another SME owner, *Peter, in the electrical

trade, told the Namib Independent during an interview this week. According to the industry insiders, they cannot compete with these foreign companies who allegedly pay their labourers N$4 per hour, which is far below the minimum wage. “I asked a few labourers why they are willing to work for so little money, and they said that N$4 an hour is better than no dollars per

hour, and there is no other work available for them,” said John. “We need local Government and the Governors’ Office to step in and support us,” John pleaded. In an interview with the Regional Governor, Cleophas Mutjavikua, he said that he truly sympathises with the locals. “I personally have fought the battle in support of our local business owners, companies and Continued on Page 3

The Namib Independent is now FREE! After much deliberation we have taken a decision to do away with the cover charge of N$3 for your favourite coastal newspaper. The decision to make the Namib Independent a free newspaper is two-fold. Firstly, it will minimise the impact of logistical challenges and secondly, we are now following

international trends for community newspapers (which are actually all free). From February on, coastal residents will be able to pick up their free copy of the Namib Independent at all our current existing outlets and more, including major retailers and garages up and

down the coast, as well as at some new locations such as restaurants, sports & recreational clubs and take-away’s. In addition we will also be utilising car guards in primary locations in the coastal towns to ensure that that readers can get hold of a copy on the go.

Gareth Amos, Managing Editor of the Namib Independent, explained: “We print in Cape Town due to the prohibitive costs of printing in Namibia. While we are assured of great quality and phenomenally quick turn-around times by printing in South Africa, we continue to face constant

challenges in terms of air freight for the last leg of the journey, i.e. from Windhoek to Walvis Bay. Some months ago, Air Namibia, who remain a fantastic partner in our endeavour, commissioned a smaller aeroplane for the Windhoek to Walvis Bay route, which means that our cargo is not

Continued on Page 3

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news, views & comments on our


Thursday, 23 January 2014


77 Theo-ben gurirab sTr. walvis bay -264 204 820

Contact details

Tel (+264 64) 200 497 Fax (+264 64) 200 474 Email Sales Greg Goeda Cell 081 147 8648 Address, 81 Sam Nujoma Avenue PO Box 5085, Walvis Bay, Namibia

Absolute Deception Genre: Action Release Date: 17 July 2013 Age: 18 Running Time: 92 min

A Good Old Fashioned Orgy Genre: Comedy Release Date: 27 Oct 2011 Age: 18 Running Time: 95 min

The Conjuring Genre: Horror Thriller Release Date: 19 July 2013 Age: 18 Running Time: 112 min

Pain & Gain Genre: Action Comedy Release Date: 26 Apr 2013 Age: 18 Running Time: 129 min

The World’s End Genre: Action Comedy Release Date: 23 Aug 2013 Age: 18 Running Time: 110 min

Molly & Wors Genre: Comedy Release Date: 27 Sep 2013 Age: PG13 Running Time: 115 min


Namib Independent is published by Halfround Communications CC. All rights are reserved. Whilst every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained within, no liability can be accepted by the publishers or contributors for any errors, misstatements or omissions which may have occurred. The opinions expressed in the publication are not necessarily those of the publishers. Also, the publishers accept no legal liability regarding copyright ownership for material which was supplied directly to the publishers by any of the advertisers or contributors.

Erongo RED is committed to supplement the government’s efforts of building a robust, sustainable and prosperous Namibia by the year 2030. And we are fully aware of the importance of electricity to the economy of Namibia. For that reason the company has been busy these past months to upgrade its network capacity in various towns to meet the growing demand for electricity. Erongo RED’s renewed focus to connect the unconnected shows that the company’s commitment to distribute and supply electricity as mandated is being realised.

ELECTRIFICATION OF 165 HOUSES IN UIS Erongo RED reached another milestone on Friday, 20 December 2013 when it electrified 165 houses in Omkhaindare suburb in Uis. The electrification of these houses is part of the company’s new vision to provide electricity to all by 2020. This project was initially scheduled to be completed early next year. However, Erongo RED decided to fast track the project so that it can be completed before the festive season. Over 250 residents from Uis and surrounding villages were in attendance to observe this milestone. In his welcoming remarks, the Regional Councillor of Daures Constituency, Cllr Ehrnst Katjiku said “today marks another important achievement for Daures Constituency in general but in particular Uis settlement where we are witnessing the official inauguration of electrification of 165 houses in Uis. This gesture was long overdue and the residents were in the dark for the past 23 years of independence and before, they were denied access to electricity for very long. Thanks to Erongo RED for having taken the lead in providing the most inevitable common denominator in the social economic livelihood of our people which is electricity,” Uis is one of the smaller settlements that has benefited through the economies of scale and sharing of skilled human and technical resources. “Rural electrification needs to be intensified to ensure a greater number of participants to this most extraordinary commodity and the push from behind is needed to expedite accessibility to electricity as alluded in National Development Agenda , NDP that will lead us to achieve vision 2030” Katjiku added. In his keynote address, the Governor of Erongo Region, Cleophas Mutjavikua, commended the residents and business community of Uis for their resilience after the only source of income in town, the tin mine, closed operations in 1991. He further encourages them to become innovative and start small businesses such as the production of “donkey carts”. “Electricity is not only ingrained in modern life, it is also critical for its continued existence. Electricity has become part of our lives so much so that without a continuous power supply life will be unbearable. Without electricity there is no development. And if there is no development there are no job opportunities and when there are no job opportunities, life becomes unbearable,” said Mutjavikua. He further said that “our government’s decision to develop the Kudu Gas Project shows that the government is determined to secure electricity supply and eliminate electricity shortages in Namibia. Therefore we should all supplement government efforts to turn Namibia into an energy exporter. Without reliable electricity supply industries such as fishing and mining will struggle, forcing thousands out of work and creating additional challenges to social economic development,” Mutjavikua added.

For further information, kindly contact: Benjamin Nangombe Public Relations Officer 064 214 600/ 0811426176

ABOUT ERONGO RED Erongo RED is an electricity distributing company established in 2005 and is registered under the Companies Act of Namibia. The company has a significant presence in Erongo Region; and currently provides electricity to the villages and towns in the Erongo Region and their surrounding farming and rural areas. It is the only company in Namibia that now offers electricity as low as N$1,21* per unit. Erongo RED has through the implementation of the new tariff structures actually empowered the consumer to be in control of his/her electricity bill. Terms and conditions apply.

Thursday, 23 January 2014

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Locals Lose Millions As Chinese win Tenders Continued from Page 1

SMEs. I do not agree with what is happening and understand their frustration,” Mutjavikua told the Namib Independent this week. According to him, business owners should not get discouraged and continue fighting this injustice on all fronts. “I have made the effort to go sit down with all the CEO’s, and Managing Directors of the mines in Erongo Region to address this issue. I also engaged with management at Namport to try and secure work for our local guys,” Mutjavikua ensured. However, regardless of the efforts made by the Governor’s Office, yet another tender was awarded to a Chinese company last week Friday to erect a massive storage unit at the harbour, as part of the port expansion project. “Despite all the projects and developments taking place in Erongo, I still as a local had to seek work and opportunities outside my region in order to survive,” said Peter.

According to Peter, all the tenders he handed in for projects in the Ondangwa region went to Chinese companies. “There is not a single Government development project in Ondangwa that is not Chinese run,” he said, clearly concerned about the future. According to John, the airport development project was also the same situation. “Most of the tenders went to foreign companies, who then sub-contracted local businesses to complete sections of the project, and when it came to paying the contractors, they were nowhere to be found. They simply skip the country after they have milked it. In this instance it was a Chinese company that left without paying me for work I did,” John explained. The issue of tenders being awarded to Chinese contractors or firms is only compounded by the ownership grab of our natural resources that has been taking place over the last few years.

The Namib

Independent is now FREE!

With the Husab Project, managed by Swakop Uranium being already 90% Chinese owned, only this week it was announced that China National Nuclear Corp (CNNC) purchased 25% in Langer Heinrich. The implications for Namibia and in these two instances, the coastal region, are that the entire supply chain of resource extraction, processing, transportation and export could

very quickly lie entirely in the hands of foreign, Chinese owned companies. Although in the past our resources have been sold to the overseas market, local businesses and communities have benefited significantly from the subsidiary activities relating to the extraction and exporting of the product. As things stand, this scenario may be less of a certainty in the

future. According to Mutjavikua legislation is our last option. “We will have to have discussions with government and come up with legislation to protect our people. “I will continue to address this issue with the major companies, mines and government and try to bring about change,” the Governor said.

Is it a Bird, is it a Plane. . .

No, it is a Tank! Staff Reporter Last week saw a massive delivery come into the Walvis Port, on route to the Smelters in Tsumeb. The tanks were imported from India, and will form part of the new smelters extension in Tsumeb. Walvis Bay Plant and Tool Hire will be taking care of this specialised transport task up North. The tanks will be used as storage units for the Copper. On the import document the tank is described as a Packed gas Cooling Tower, weighing 30 tons. The main and biggest part of the tank is 760. 17 cbm in measurements.

Continued from Page 1

always guaranteed to be on board. “The knock-off effect is that on occasion our newspaper delivery is delayed, leaving readers uncertain as to when to buy their copy. Removing the cover price and employing a strategy that sees us putting a free copy into the hands of our readers as they go about their daily business will minimise the effect of an uncertain delivery time.” Readers can expect the same

great quality news, editorial and advertising standards that they have become accustomed to, all of which shall remain unchanged. For the advertiser, free means guaranteed distribution, every time. Not only that, every free copy will travel a distance, being read by more than one person, thus significantly increasing the readership and in turn the successrate of every advertisement placed in the paper.

Looking for Staff?

The Namib Independent is offering a MASSIVE 50% OFF for all VACANCY ADVERTISING until the END OF MARCH 2014. Call GREG ON +264 64 200 497 or email today.

Thursday, 23 January 2014

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Coastal Students Struggle

to Study Medicine at UNAM

Dorcas Mhungu The first intake of the University of Namibia Medical School is in its final lap and the class of 46 will be capped in 2015 if all pass their final exams. Only one student is from Erongo Region. Sources said this year that not more than three people from Erongo were offered places to study medicine. It seems that our coastal and Erongo learners are victims of the unusual selection criteria,

which unlike universities worldwide are not based on academic performance only. The medical school opened its doors in February 2010 with an intake of 56 students comprising two international students and 54 Namibians. Eleven students, for various reasons, abandoned the studies along the way. The two foreign students are a male and female. The 43 Namibians in this historic intake are made up of 25 females and 18 males.

Some parents at the coast have now voiced concern about the selection of students, labelling it unfair. Contacted to shed light on the criteria used in the selection of undergraduates for the medical degrees, Professor Philip Odonkor, Associate Dean, School of Medicine said the selection criteria uses a quota system meant to enable students from varying social and economic backgrounds to gain entry into the program. Professor Odonkor said besides meeting the academic requirements, the selection committee also considers where the applicant comes from so that there is an equitable distribution of places available. “We further consider factors like the population of the region and the number of high schools among others to then decide the number of placements for each region. “Therefore it is not unusual that a student from a less endowed school with lower qualifications gets a place ahead of a pupil

from a better equipped school in Khomas region for example,” said Professor Odonkor. “My child went all the way to the final selection but got a regret letter citing strict selection criteria as the reason for failure to be admitted. “My question is what we do now in a situation where my child cannot be admitted at a university in South Africa because most South African universities now do not offer places for programs that are offered in your country,” one parent quizzed after her award winning child failed to get a place at the medical school. A breakdown of the first intake according to the old regions shows that Khomas has the highest number with 15 in the first intake. A breakdown of the regional distribution is as follows: Caprivi 0 1 Erongo 0 Hardap 3 Karas 15 Khomas Kunene 1

Ohangwena 2 4 Okavango 1 Omaheke Omusati 2 Oshana 8 5 Oshikoto 1 Otjozondjupa The Erongo region for the second year running maintained its number one slot of churning out the best grade 12 results in the country. Contacted to comment on the imminent reality of the region producing the first locally trained doctor, Erongo Region Director in the Ministry of Education, John /Awaseb could not hide his excitement. “I am very happy about the one student who is going to complete his studies in December. It’s a lot of hard work and it’s a big sacrifice because the course takes many years. I am hoping that the doctor will come to work here. Erongo has an acute shortage of medical doctors and that he will come to plough back what he has acquired and let his presence motivate many more.”

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Thursday, 16 January 2014

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Botswana Bans Transit for Imported Vehicles

From Walvis Bay

Dorcas Mhungu

The implementation of a Road Traffic law by Botswana, disallowing unlicensed and unregistered vehicles on their roads, has forced imported cars coming through the port of Walvis Bay to use the Trans Caprivi Highway instead. Before the ban, an average of 2000 vehicles were passing through Botswana per month. A recent letter from the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Transport and Communications, Tsaome Thebe, to the Commissioner of Police, Botswana Police Service, said drivers of unregistered vehicles plying the roads are committing an offence in terms of the Road Traffic Act Sections 6 and16. “We have since realised that there are a number of unregistered vehicles plying on our roads on daily basis. These vehicles are either destined for Botswana or are on transit to neighbouring countries. “In terms of the Road Traffic Act Sections 6 and 16 only registered and licensed motor vehicles are allowed to be used on the road. These vehicles in question are neither registered nor licensed and therefore by being on the road, the drivers of them are committing an offence. The vehicles should be impounded and removed from our roads,” part of the letter read. Imported cars may now pass through Botswana if they are on car carriers. However, it costs between US$1001500 to transport a vehicle with the carrier, a charge that significantly pushes up the cost of importing a second hand car through Walvis Bay. It ends up cheaper for the Zimabwe-bound drivers to do the extra 300kms via the Trans Caprivi Corridor.



Ready to start the long journey to Zim, Onesmus Manungo Richard van der Meer, Director of Gateway Shipping (PTY) Limited in Walvis Bay, said although car imports are not the company’s main line, business has grown every year. He found it surprising that the agents received notification of the new development from the United Kingdom but no official communication came from the local authorities.

Namport Queues Soon Over?

Van der Meer further told this reporter that agents spend up to an hour in the long queue at Namport Revenue Office and at NMT Shipping where they get the keys of the vehicles. In the end, van der Meer said, it is the corridor user who bears the costs of the deficiencies. He applauded Namport’s late opening initiative last week but it came to naught because NMT shipping did not open the Friday but started on Monday due to lack of effective communication from Namport’s side. “I had three drivers sitting in accommodation lodges for three days paying rent because NMT refused to work according to the memo. Namport bagged the storage charges, NMT Shipping pocketed

the late documentation fees and everybody made money. It is only the corridor user who is penalised,” Van der Meer said. Corporate Communications Manager Liz Sibindi in response said, “We cannot agree more with the agent. In order to enhance efficiency, Namport is working on a port community system which will change the entire interface between Namport and its clients. Implementation of this program will alleviate the long queues that are particularly associated with clearing of vehicles. It is premature to divulge more on the port community system just yet, however it is worth mentioning that the long queues at Namport will soon be something of the past.” Chief Executive Officer of the the Walvis Bay Corridor Group, Johny Smith, said the decision taken by Botswana is based on mainly on the concern of unregistered vehicles passing through Botswana and also some issues concerning road safety. Namibia will now benefit from all the income generated from the cars travelling through it in terms of fuel sales, accommodation and food bought by the corridor users.

Port Expansion Might Cause

Oil Rig Revenue Loss


The Namib Independent would like to build a “what’s on”section for the coast and we need your help. Are you hosting an event? Email your events including details, date and time and we will publish it for free.

Dorcas Mhungu

Email your event to info@namibindependent. today!

Oil rigs coming to the Port of Walvis Bay for repair and maintenance work have provided good business to local service providers.

The competitive rates offered by Namibians attracted the rigs to come here for maintenance. With the commencement of expansion programs, some of which have been projected to take up to 36 months concern has been raised by

beneficiaries of the oil rig servicing companies in the coast about the possibility of losing revenue. EBH Namibia in a statement issued by Kendal Hunt, the Public Relations Consultant, said the servicing and maintenance of oil rigs is not EBH Namibia’s core market focus and the company will be focusing on delivering world class shipyard services to their customers on their floating docks.

Thursday, 23 January 2014

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"Miracle" Container Deceives Pastor Siglinde de Villiers A "miracle" container estimated at a value of N$2 million dissolved into thin air, taking with it thousands of dollars from the pockets of a pastor in the Omusati Region. The pastor was phoned to collect mentioned container, containing electronic devices, once he had made a down payment. Sending a truck to Namport to collect his cargo, he was surprised to discover that this container did not exist and that he had been defrauded. This is just one of many incidents where Namibians have fallen victim to a new local scam. Liz Sibindi, Corporate Communications Manager at Namport said at a media conference on Wednesday that alleged scammers operate by impersonating a Namport employee from the port of Luderitz or Walvis Bay and then phoning victims saying that a container has arrived for them from the Netherlands. After requesting a down payment of N$3 500 – N$8 000 into a FNB, Bank Windhoek or Standard Bank account in order to arrange transport, all trace of them disappears. “Often, victims only become aware of the scam after they have made a payment,” Sibindi laid out. According to the Chief of Security at Namport, Commissioner Festus Shilongo, the scammers obtain Namport employee names from the phone directory, giving their victims false numbers that become unreachable after a day or two. “The alleged scammers target those who they know will make payments, such as schools, churches and charity organisations,” Sibindi said. “It is not fair towards those who are ignorant to be exploited by those who seem to be wiser,” she added. Namport advises the public to beware of such calls and to confirm with Namport before they make any down payments as well as reporting such cases to Nampol. “We want the community to actively pull together and act against this scam,” Sibindi urged. According to Shilongo, more than 30 incidents have been reported to Namport so far. “Under normal circumstances, a client identifies an agent to clear cargo for them.” He continued to say that those who have lost money only have themselves to blame. “One cannot expect to receive a container out of the blue if one has not ordered such. It is impossible and should already ring any bells in your head if you receive such a call that it is a scam.” Shilongo asserted that Namport is not responsible for organising transport and will also not do business over the phone. “If you want to do business with Namport, you come to our offices,” he stated. According to Shilongo, Nampol investigations are still under the way. He encourages the public to contact 081 127 8062 if they receive any calls of the arrival of random containers.

Photo courtesy of PortTechnology

Rolls-Royce is a world leader in marine solutions, providing products, service and expertise to more than 30,000 vessels in the offshore, merchant, naval surface and submarine markets. It designs ships and its product range includes propulsion systems featuring diesel engines and gas turbines, propellers, thrusters and water jets. Rolls- Royce also provides manoeuvring and stabilizing systems and deck machinery. Around 30 per cent of Marine turnover is derived from service support activity, with a global network of sales and service offices in 34 countries. Rolls-Royce equipment is in service with more than 2,000 marine customers, including 70 navies, and energy customers in nearly 120 countries. For Rolls-Royce Namibia (Pty)Ltd, we are seeking to employ a high calibre candidate for the following position, which will be based in our Service Centre in Walvis Bay. Service Engineers Propulsion Key responsibilities:         

Work alone or as part of a team to repair or overhaul marine equipment and systems to meet specification and tolerances Verify dimensions and clearances to ensure conforming to specification Conduct tests and inspections to Quality Assurance / Quality Control standards Read blueprints, schematics, diagrams and technical order to determine methods and sequences of assembly Inspect, analyse, record calibration results and produce Service and Technical Reports Ensure that all work is done in accordance with applicable legal and Company procedures and instructions, including Health & Safety policies Create an appropriate Customer log and monitor / be aware of customer issues Knowledge share and support the on the job development of other service personnel where appopriate. Troubleshooting and writing reports.

Key technical/professional competencies:       

Educated to Grade 12 & N3 or equivalent in a relevant discipline, with evidence of technical competence. Trade Test Diploma 5 years pratical experience in an allied industry A good understanding and knowledge of a range of products, systems, their functionality and applications, gained through previous technical experience Verbal communication and written reporting skills in the English language Practical computer skills Commercial awareness

Rolls-Royce offers an attractive remuneration package, and excellent career prospects within the wider field and the training opportunities that are inherent in a growing first class multinational organisation. To apply for this role, please submit your application letter, CV and supporting evidence of qualifications to: Rolls-Royce Namibia (Pty) Ltd Calandra Beukes – Office Manager Email: Closing date: 31 January 2014

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Thursday, 23 January 2014

100% Pass Rate for The Dolphin School It is with great pleasure that we announce our matric results for 2013: The matrics of 2013 had a 100% pass rate with 11 distinctions, 13 B-symbols, 14 C-symbols and only 14 D-symbols or lower. Distinctions were obtained in Afrikaans (3), Life Orientation (4), Mathematical Literacy (2) and Higher Math (2). B-symbols were scored in Accounting (1), Afrikaans (4), English (1), Geography (1), Hospitality Studies (1), Life Orientation (2), Life Science (1), Math (1) and Physical Science (1). Six candidates qualified to enrol for Bachelor Degree Studies and one passed with entry to Higher Certificate Studies. The Dolphin Secondary School offers the curricula of the well acclaimed Independent Examination Board or the I.E.B for short. Apart from the dedication and hard work amongst the matric students, The Dolphin Secondary School takes pride in a team of well qualified and experienced teachers who will leave no stone unturned in order to prepare their candidates for their final exams. Congratulations to every student. We wish you well for your future.

NOTICE CALL OUT FOR PROJECT PROPOSALS TO PRODUCE TWO CULTURAL DOCUMENTARIES The Namibia Film Commission hereby invites Namibia’s indigenous communities (especially vulnerable communities) to submit cultural documentary film project proposals in this round of the NFC 2013/2014 Annual Funding Cycle. This initiative provides a creative framework for local communities to tell Namibian stories and its people. This project is aimed at preserving our cultural heritage in a visual format that will be accessible to all. This invitation is open only to Namibian Citizens. CULTURAL DOCUMENTARY FILMS REQUIREMENTS: • Applicants MUST complete an application form available at all regional offices of the Ministry of Information Communication Technology or on request via email • The documentary film MUST be about and/or portray Namibian peoples, communities, cultures, landscapes and heritage • Applicants must submit a 600 words synopsis • NFC will invest a cash amount of N$ 300 000 in each film project • Applicants MUST apply as a community group, trust or traditional authority Applications should reach the Namibia Film Commission not later than 14 March 2014. Applications can be e-mailed to or hard copies can be delivered to any Ministry of Information, Communication and Technology Regional Office or otherwise posted to: Namibia Film Commission Documentary Films Project P.O. Box 40715 C/o Newton & Feld Street Ausspannplatz Windhoek For further detailed information contact Mr. Gideon Shuuya at 061 381 900

Thursday, 23 January 2014

News | 9

Die Vis Byt Siglinde de Villiers Many anglers are eagerly awaiting the south-westerly wind to blow fishing conditions into their favour, promising a memorable catch during the annual kabeljou run. The Namib Independent decided to find out how this year’s kabeljou run is coming along. Kabeljou, also known as cob, attracts many devoted fishermen towards the coastline stretching from Paalties to the northerly fence of the Namib Naukluft Park. According to Beau Tjizoo, Chief Biologist at the Ministry of Fisheries, this year’s run is busy occurring, evident from the recreational catches along the coast during the holiday season. Local fisherman Jörg Walter, who has been fishing in our coastal waters for 45 years, says that in January he experienced two short kabeljou runs. “The first run was about three weeks ago and we caught mostly big female fish. The second run was a week ago and we caught young male and female cob ranging from two to six kilos,” he said, “but we are still anticipating the big cob run.” The silver cob migrates southward against the Benguella current in the austral summer (November to March) to spawn in the Sandwich Harbour and Moeb Bay area. “It is during this migration that we experience the abundance of cob along our coastline, also known as the cob run,” Tjizoo said. He continued to explain that the cob migrates back northwards towards the Skeleton Coast feeding grounds at the end of the spawning season. “This forms an annual cycle where juveniles drift along with the current inshore and adults return to the north on a slightly offshore route.” Apart from their instinctive migratory behaviour Tjizoo believes that sesasonal environmental conditions could also initiate the migration. “I am not aware of any conclusive studies in this regard but sluggish southerly winds and warming in the north could be of relevance.” According to Cellstop Namibia, the best fishing time for cob is during the rising tide. Since Kabeljou spend most of their day in gullies, hiding away from predators, they prefer to hunt when visibility is poor. They detect their prey with a strong sense of smell and highly sensitive lateral line system, often taking bait but then spitting it out before seizing it. “If I am to catch kabeljou, I want dirty and not too flat water,” Jörg described. According to him, fishing along Namibia’s coastline is unpredictable. “There are many interspersed periods where one does not catch anything.” He told of a most unusual cob run in October 2012 where they caught kabeljou for 13 days. “On the other hand, a few years ago we did not experience any kabeljou run,” he said. Tjizoo found that recreational angling sampling done by the ministry during the cob run indicates that catches after 2011 were better than the years before 2011. On the other side of the coin, the cob run also brings along with it the problem of poaching. Dr Holtzhausen, a scientist from the Ministry of Fisheries says that cob poaching is an immense problem at the coast every year. “People catch great amounts of undersized fish and then sell them illegally,” he said. “This year the Inspectorate will be much stricter in order to curb the problem.” In addition, Sandwich Harbour closes

every year during the spawning season to protect the spawning stock from anglers. “The Ministry of Fisheries has also enforced a number of regulations to restrict the impact fishing has on cob stock, benefiting the recreational sector of the current management approach,” Tjizoo explained. Anglers are required to obtain a permit from the Ministry of Fisheries and quotas are limited to only ten fish per permit holder per day regardless of type. A cob must be at least 40 cm long and not more than two cobs larger than 70 cm may be taken.

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Thursday, 23 January 2014

Zim Drivers Warned About Walvis Sex Workers Dorcas Mhungu The harbour town of Walvis Bay has not only attracted investors over the years but service providers for the various industries, including “ladies of pleasure” who have descended on the town. The oldest profession of the world seems to now have added stealing to their repertoire, if one believes what Freddy Masango (name changed) told this reporter and other travellers on their way from Zimbabwe to Walvis Bay.

He warned his fellow countrymen of the perils of these ladies, while travelling the 2400km journey to the coastal town to pick up cars imported from Europe. After asking the bus driver to reduce the volume of the radio, Masango stood up and addresses the passengers, the majority being men travelling to Walvis Bay to pick up second hand cars. This was except for three women only, including the writer. “Excuse me, gentlemen,” Masango started, “I have taken

this opportunity to talk to those that are going to Walvis Bay for the first time. Please be careful of falling prey to the marauding ladies of the night when you arrive in Walvis Bay. “Many men have lost thousands of dollars because when people arrive in Walvis

Bay, they go drinking and take women back to their lodges or hotels to spend the night. “I know of many people who have woken up to the horror of finding their casual sex partners gone together with the thousands of dollars for duty and your fuel back home.“ Masango went on to say that, “The girls are clever and with this Whatsapp of today they whatsapp their crime partners while you snore after the

activity and disappear into the night.” He further said that his friend had screamed when he woke up to find his trousers gone and all the money, adding that people contributed money for the man’s fuel back home. Efforts to get confirmation from the police on the alleged thefts were fruitless as the spokespersons were attending a workshop.

Picture courtesy of

FNB welcomes Erica Mulondo

FNB recently welcomed Erica Mulondo to its team. Erica has been appointed as the Group Manager: Customer Service. About her appointment Mulondo says:

“I am ecstatic and grateful for the opportunity to be of service to others. FNB Namibia is a strong brand that celebrates efficient and innovative products with a reputation for providing exceptional service excellence that creates memorable customer experiences. My purpose in life is to inspire others to find their ‘voice’ and live life a little bit better every day. I look forward to an exciting journey with the vibrant and passionate FNB team.” Erica has been in the banking industry since 1997 having worked at Ned bank and Standard bank respectively. She is a MDP graduate with several professional accreditations behind her name. Customers are key to the operation of FNB hence the need to have a dedicated source that looks at customer service at a strategic level. For more information please contact Vicky Muranda, Manager: Corporate Communications at FNB Holdings on telephone: (+264 61) 299 2944.

Thursday, 23 January 2014

News | 11

Animal Diaries - Walvis SPCA Shares Some News The holiday season is probably the busiest time at the SPCA. The SPCA staff experienced a spike in the number of stray animals as well as the more unsettling number of animals that are simply abandoned in homes by their owners who are more interested in going on holiday than the welfare of their pets. According to the Walvis Bay SPCA they have eleven confirmed abandonment cases where animals had been left unattended for no less than 72 hours. “In all of the eleven cases the animals were left without food or water,” said Michelle, one of the SPCA team members. She also said that one of the more disturbing incidents was that of a female Jack Russel and her two six-week-old puppies who were left in a courtyard for a week without food, water or shelter. The SPCA managed to treat the three dogs for dehydration, however, the mental and emotional damage these dogs suffered is heart-breaking. According to Michelle, New Year’s Eve was also challenging as fireworks had already been discharged in the area surrounding the town centre before sunset even. The SPCA recorded 15 dogs reported missing due to the fireworks, one hour before the count down. “After the ‘impressive’ fireworks show held north of Walvis Bay the number of missing animals more than doubled,”

said Michelle. With sunrise on the first of January the SPCA team had the morbid task of driving the streets of Walvis Bay collecting the victims of the celebrations the night before. Over 20 deceased animals were collected on the roads, the majority of which had been hit by cars. “Only one person called the SPCA to let us know that they had hit an animal and waited at the scene for us to arrive, the rest had been left for death,” Michelle shared. On a more positive note the Walvis Bay SPCA held its most successful fundraiser yet. The Santa Paws Project 2013, which was started in November, turned out to be the Walvis Bay SPCA’s greatest successe. “We received enough donations to carry us over into 2014. We cannot thank the participants enough for the help and hope that they have given us. We can’t wait for December 2014 to do it all over again,” she added. The SPCA is also jubilant to announce that they had a number of adoptions over the festive season, which is always a joyous occasion. “A true thank you from our hearts to those who have saved some souls. Few of life’s joys compare to the warm connection we feel with animals, the unconditional love, companionship and fun given by our animal friends. “Many happy purrs and barks,” Michelle said.

Elgin Brown & Hamer Namibia (Pty) Ltd An equal opportunity Employer Elgin Brown & Hamer Namibia (Pty) Ltd. is a Marine repair company operating three floating docks. This company consist of various divisions geared to perform large ship repair works and other related projects.

POSITION: VESSEL MANAGER Purpose of this position: To lead, support, coordinate, manage, implement and deliver against vessel repair project plans in time and within budget to the satisfaction of the customer. Key Performance Areas: • Project Management • Customer Service • Resources Planning and Administration • Cost Management • Quality, Health and Safety • Attraction, Retention, Training and Development of staff Qualifications, Skills, Competencies and Experience Requirements: • Grade 12 with Mathematic as a subject, plus an appropriate Engineering Qualification with Project Management. • Minimum of five (05) years experience in marine industry of which three (03) years should have been at supervisory/managerial/project management level. • Advance knowledge of the marine, industry, governmental standards, codes, legislation and project management. • Ability to determine strategies to move the organisation forward, create and implement actions plans, and evaluate the process and results • Excellent supervisory, organisational, management, communication and leadership skills • Ability to work under pressure and able to meet agreed deadlines

VACANCY : QUALIFIED TEACHER GRADE 1 ENGLISH HOME LANGUAGE Key performance areas: • Class teaching in English Home Language • Participation in extra –curricular programmes • The development of students to the full • Own continuous academic and professional development Qualifications/Requirements: • Applicable Tertiary Qualification in Foundation Phase Teaching (degree / diploma) • At least 2 references

PREPRIMARY/GRADE R TEACHER Key performance areas: • English and Afrikaans medium • Participation in extra –curricular programmes • The development of students to the full • Own continuous academic and professional development Qualifications/Requirements: • Qualification in Pre-Primary teaching • At least 2 references School profile: or visit our FB page Closing date for applications: 31 January 2014 Only short listed candidates will be contacted within two weeks after the closing date Please send your complete CV with a cover letter to The Executive Committee, P.O.Box 4403, Walvis Bay or hand deliver at 38 Hage Geingob Street, Walvis Bay or mail to

POSITION: ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT: HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT Purpose of this position: This job category includes personnel involved at managerial level responsible for the managing, coordinating, research, policy formulation and advising on aspects related to employee health and safety, security, environmental health conditions, risk evaluations and business related operations. Key Performance Areas: • Maintaining of sound Occupational Health and Safety Policies and Systems • Safety Inspections and Monitoring • Establishment and management of safety committees • Auditing of fire equipment and drills • Human Resource Administration • Security • Investigations • Environmental control • Cost Control • Manage Projects and administration Qualifications, Skills, Competencies and Experience Requirements: • A four (4) year related tertiary qualification in industrial safety and environmental control • Minimum of six (06) years experience in environmental health and safety of which three (03) years should be on a supervisory level • Good knowledge of occupational health and marine industrial safety rules • Good communication, team management, negotiation and conflict resolution skills • Safety conscious and critical thinker


EBH will provide remuneration and benefits relevant and appropriate to the position.

Closing Date: 31st January 2014

Should you meet the requirements and willing to contribute to the success of the organisation kindly submit your CV and supporting documents for the attention of Mr. Petrus Pandeni Salomo via e-mail to


12 | News

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Naukluft Mountains: There and Back Again

Lavrenty Repin Being the kind of people that generally do not follow schedule, we arrived late, unpacked and slightly hung over. One of us never arrived at all. Then, we spent too much time packing, arguing who will carry what and complaining about the steep (not really) entrances fees to the park. It was not the harmonious, exhilarating or inspiring start that you would see in films and documentaries, but then again - very little of how they depict hiking and travelling is actually reality. We split up into two groups, the first, comprising of two ladies and a guy, went ahead, while my friend

Mwisho and I waited for the last woman to arrive. Unfortunately, by the time she arrived, we grew impatient and irritated and, having established that she was completely unprepared, an argument ensued so she promptly turned back. In retrospect, we should have probably been more helpful, but alas, we finally marched forward, one (wo)man down. The view as we began our trail was a rejuvenating surprise. We walked along a weaving spring-water stream that continued under great fig trees and over ancient rock structures that once were rough and erratic but were now smooth and polished. On the right we passed a waterfall, and had we had more time, we would have

thrown ourselves against it, to escape momentarily from the abiding heat all around us. We walked quick, hoping to catch up with the rest of the group, and we walked silently, feeling sorrowful for leaving a (wo)man behind. After three hours of continuous walking, we caught up with the rest of the group, and coincidently discovered that we had lost the path and were now following the numerous animal tracks plotted all around the mountains. The group was about 500 metres away, climbing up a barren mountain, while we remained near to the wonderfully lush spring, as any sane person would do. But, we did climb over a (for the terrain) impressively built fence, and began our ascent to meet the group. However, two of them had turned around and were coming down to meet us; only Lennie, my mom, remained on top. They told us that they had enough and were turning back. The three of us then walked in a silent army march, ignoring the magnificent scenery unravelling before our eyes, until it became dark. We found an opening, set up camp, had some canned meat for dinner and collapsed under the stars. It was a terrible start to a spectacular trip. Trying to shake off the discouraging feeling of losing three companions was not easy, but the incredible view as the sun rose over the mountains overshadowed any disconcerts or guilty conscience. Also, over night, some curious Kudus visited us, and for a couple of hours stood a few metres from our camp, eerily making all sorts of noises.

This stimulated us to dream of Kudus for the rest of the night. We drank the last bits of our water and set off to find what was supposed to be our camping place. Two hours on we reached our provisioned campsite, equipped with a hut and a water pump – not as spectacular as the view we woke up to. I tell you, it took a good thirty minutes to get any water out of that wretched thing, and for as long as the pipes remained dry, our torment grew. We walked systematically, following each other in a line, speaking very rarely. Each was admiring the surroundings in his or her own way, fighting his or her own personal battles. Having started late, we were playing catch up, and would only take breaks every two-and-ahalf hours for ten minutes at a time. This left little time to stop and admire our position, or contemplate great ideas. Indeed all we did was walk. One foot in front of the other, keep your pace, do not slow down, do not stop. Repeat. This method paid off, and after a morning of hiking, we reached the natural springs ahead of time. The cathedral fountain, as it is named, is a panorama of a magnificent mountain wall bending over a corner, under

which a stream timidly runs. On either side of us dawning cliffs shot up in the sky, on top of which, barking hysterically, baboons followed us as we celebrated the water pools by taking a dip. We dropped our bags, and walked along the river. When it became late we turned back, found our bags and set camp next to a pond under the cathedral. For the second night in a row, we did not spend the night in a hut. I think between the three of us, the biggest argument was always food. Mwisho, who is East African, did most of the cooking, because he is East African – have you tried East African food? They are magicians in the kitchen. Anyway, he was very uncomfortable letting go of any supplies. Considering that between the three of us we had enough food for six people, it would be rational to leave some behind in one of the huts. However, Mwisho found nothing rational about this plan, and said that if we were not going to eat it, he would. Needless to say, after four days of hiking, we actually ended up gaining weight! The times that we did not walk, we ate. Of all the trips I have ever done, I had never encountered such a strange, comical situation.

Tel: +264 64 276600/1/2/3 | Cnr. of John Newman Road & 2nd Street East, Syncrolift Industrial Area, Walvis Bay PO Box 4407, Walvis Bay | |

Debtors Clerk • Based in Walvis Bay • Salary depending on experience • Exciting opportunity

Company background & Job Purpose

Logistics Support Services is committed to creating extraordinary solutions that exceed expectations and deliver exceptional results. At Logistics Support Services (Pty) Ltd, we’re passionate about delivering service in the most cost effective way. If you are interested in being part of a dynamic organisation, this position may just be the one for you.

Key Performance areas:

Reporting to the Administration Manager, you will be responsible for: • Collecting data from Job Costing to ensure that billing information is accurate • Prepare billing invoices to customers and ensure of invoices • Update and maintain debtors accounts • Dealing with customer account related enquiries • Send monthly statements to customers The applicant must have the following qualities: • Grade 12 Certificate • Must have 3-5 years’ experience in debtors • High level of speed and accuracy, with strong attention to detail • Code 08 drivers licence • Integrity • Be computer literate. (MS Word, Excel, Outlook, Pastel) • Must be flexible and willing to work overtime from time to time • Good communication skills in both writing and speaking in English, Afrikaans The ideal candidate should have worked in a similar role within a finance department. This role requires the ability to work under pressure and who pays exceptional focus to detail.

Please submit your CV to If you have not had any response in two weeks, please consider your application unsuccessful. Closing Date: 24 January 2014

Thursday, 23 January 2014 We set out late on Day Three, being ahead on time and trail. We took a few dips in the pond, had porridge for breakfast and bid farewell to our little oasis. Lennie and I were trailing behind Mwisho, talking all kinds of nonsense. Also, we were arguing about the nickname we should give Mwisho that best described his unabated steady unyielding march, like a hybrid camel. We settled on zombie-robot. Up and down hot lonely hills, following little white shoe-steps occasionally painted on rocks, marking our trail, we soldiered on. For lunch we stopped under a Camelthorn tree. Soon I noticed two Kudus, casually and obliviously walking past us. The pair of them must have been in the middle of a heated conversation, since they completely failed to notice us three. Another time I was sitting on a ledge over a cliff, watching the most stunning view imaginable, and to my right a dassie walked out, took an uninterested glance at me and sat down to enjoy the spectacular view. Compared to the surroundings, I was nothing but an ornament, and that sure does put you in your place! We saw Zebras or Kudus or Gemsbok about every hour of our

News | 13 hike. A herd of Zebras below us on the plain were rolling joyfully in the dust, the little calves jumping around gleefully. Another time two klipspringers jumped from behind a rock ahead of me, giving all three of us one hell of a fright. We got to the hut at 1pm, which left us with absolutely nothing to do for the remainder of the day. We could not keep walking because we did not know when we would find water again, and we did not have enough containers to carry with us, so we just killed our time doing pathetic tasks. We left very early on the fourth day. The alternative route back to base camp was 25 kilometres long, and we had to traverse many hills. But as the Lord of the Rings never focuses too much attention on the boring, eternal walking that Frodo endured, neither will I. Instead, we were again too pessimistic of our capabilities, and reached the stream, the same one that began this journey, by early afternoon. This meant we had ample time to dive in the surprisingly deep, but quite small pools jotted around the area. The baboons in the area, however, tried to steal our bags! And they were not offhand about

it either, instead they used various tactics to disorientate and outsmart us. One succeeded in stealing Mwisho’s sleeping bag, but let go of it after concluding that it was not particularly edible. I went for a walk, climbing on a peculiar cliff, the same one where I encountered the dassie, while searching for serenity. I returned to the news that Mwisho had left for camp (about a two-hour hike away), like a mouse. A zombie-robot mouse. He later told us that he was so sick of his shoes giving him problems that he wanted to get the trip over and done with. We all secretly knew that he just wanted beer. We did not follow in his footsteps, but instead found a hidden lake the size of the Swakopmund swimming pool, and the water was as clear as daylight. We spent the rest of the day and the following morning in our birthday suits gleefully splashing about, jumping off five metre ledges and giggling hysterically. It was a magical ending to a trip where everything seemed to go wrong, where our expectations were either overrated or overwhelmed – this was neither, it was really the perfect moment.

We are moving from 150 Theo Ben-Guirab Street Walvis Bay to 12th Road Shop 36A (opposite Markhams) From 16 January 2014 Our contact details remains the same +264 64-212 300/301. PO Box 97, Walvis Bay

Schoemans: Improving your office efficiency with the latest ICT and Office Equipment

Thursday, 23 January 2014

14 | News

NamPower signs Power Purchase Agreement with InnoSun Energy Holding In its continued efforts to ensure security of supply, NamPower signed a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with InnoSun Energy Holding, a local Independent Power Producer (IPP), on 13 December 2013 in Windhoek. The new Omburu Solar PV Park to be constructed by InnoSun Energy Holding will provide 4.5 MW power to Namibia from the end of 2014. The plant will be constructed at Omburu, near Omaruru. The signing of this agreement marks an important milestone in the development of the Namibian power sector. The Managing Director of NamPower, Paulinus Shilamba described the PPA as historic to NamPower as it is the first ever PPA that the utility is signing with a local Independent Power Producer. Shilamba said “the agreement is also important to Namibia as it forms part of the short-term initiatives under the Short Term Critical Supply programme of NamPower, aimed at ensuring security of power supply for the country”. Such PPA’s are important given the fact that the country will continue to rely on various power supply options for the next four to five years, while NamPower continues to work on its own generation projects. It is a well known fact that the SADC region is facing a shortage of power, a situation that will continue to prevail for the next three to four years. For Namibia, the power supply deficit and associated challenges will continue to prevail until the commissioning of a new base load power station by 2017/18. As a result, NamPower will continue to appeal to its customers and the public at large to reduce their electricity usage to help manage the current power supply situation, while NamPower continues to pursue various power supply options. With due consideration of the credibility and good standing of both InnoSun Energy Holding and NamPower in their respective areas of operation, NamPower is confident that the agreement will be beneficial to both companies and by extension our electricity customers.

The CEO of Innovent/Innosun; Grégoire Verhaeghe , Jacqueline Bassa-Mazzoni, the French Ambassador to Namibia and NamPower’s MD Paulinus Shilamba sealed the deal.

InnoSun Energy Holding is a sister company of InnoVent from France. InnoVent, created in 2001, is involved in the development, financing, construction, operation and maintenance of wind and solar farms in France, South Africa and Namibia. The Chief Executive Officer of InnoVent/InnoSun, Gregoire Verhaeghe at the signing ceremony pointed out that the project will offer employment opportunities during the construction phase, source some components that will be needed for the plant and are locally available and make use of local companies for the construction, operation and maintenance of the plant. No capital expenditure or investment is required from NamPower as part of this agreement.

Thursday, 23 January 2014

News | 15

Dune 7 Adventures Pleased with Accident Free Season Siglinde de Villiers Amidst numerous accidents at the coast this holiday season, the owners of Dune 7 Adventures are pleased to welcome the new year with no misfortunes on their records. Yet, this milestone could not have been achieved without collaborated effort from several organisations. Quadbiking is one of the more dangerous holiday pastimes at the coast and a cause for many broken bones. According to Lorna Davis from Desert Explorers most accidents in the dunes involve people who go out on their own without knowing the dangers hidden in the dunes. “Everything is fun until someone gets hurt,” says Louis Oberholzer, owner of Dune 7 Adventures. “A Quadbike weighs about 130kg. No matter how strong or tough you are, if it rolls over you it will cause damage,” he continues. Nevertheless, Louis says that their accident rates have always been very low. “This is due to us having implemented several safety systems through the years, like our Go-Pro cameras.” These cameras go out with every tour, showing Louis and Johan where their tour guides are going and what they are doing. “The guides tend to go all out in the hope of receiving large tips,” Johan says, “but with the surveillance system we are able to maintain proper control and train them.” Louis mentions, “When an accident occurs, we are also able to see whether it is the client’s or the guide’s fault.” The accidents are played back on a large flat screen TV in the Restaurant area, making people aware of the risks involved in quad biking. “It also helps people to pay attention to the safety briefing and listen to the guides instructions,” says Louis.

“Many of the locals were very co-operative this year, and we want to thank them for that,” Johan adds, “but very big thanks go to NACOMA and the Ministry of Environment and Tourism (NET) for their great efforts this season. “The system they had going was a perfect recipe, with strict but reasonable officers working round the clock.” Usually, visitors to Dune 7 are greeted with litter strewn around every year. This year, NACOMA supplied staff members on a daily basis to clean up the area. “We also repaired dilapidated fences and signs,” Rod Braby from Nacoma says. “Their cleaning efforts really boosted the tourism industry.” Joao Coimbra from Daredevil Adventures says NET was on a ball. “Every day they were roaming out in the hot sun, and when you needed them they were just a phone call away,” he praises. According to Joao, they also had a relatively free accident season. “People want to play and take chances. For big groups, we thus employed extra guides and had no major problems.” Joao says that NACOMA was the mastermind behind safety awareness in the holiday season. “NACOMA helps the tour operators, law enforcement officials and municipalities to work together.” According to Braby, every year they get all the environmentally responsible agencies together and update them on law enforcement, environmental issues and raising awareness. “We prepare the institutions for the holiday season as best as we can and fill any gaps they have,” Braby explains. With minor to no accidents reported by quad biking tour operators this year, hopefully it marks several more such seasons to come.

A well-established Fire Fighting Company in Namibia with 21 Years of experience in the fire industry offers the following challenging career opportunities in Windhoek & Walvis Bay.

Fire Detection & Suppression Technicians

Graphic Designer - Walvis Bay


• • • • • • •

Namibian Citizen. At least Grade 10. Experience in the installation of fire detection and suppression systems such as: CO², Pyroshield, Inert Gas, Fm200 Suppression Systems. GE Fire Detection, Techno Switch Fire Detection, Ziton Fire Detection Systems. Experience in the service of all kinds fire detection and suppression systems Certificate (C.O.C) in the Service of Fire Detection and Suppression Systems. Code 10 or 8 driver’s license required. Namibian police Code of Conduct must be attached to the CV To work accurate, punctually and without any supervision. Must be trustworthy.

REQUIREMENTS: • • • • • • • • • • • •

Sales Representative

Service Technicians: Fire Fighting Equipment


• • •

Namibian Citizen. At least Grade 12. 2 years experience in sales Language requirement: Afrikaans, English and Preferably German Computer experience Must have knowledge of fire equipment and safety standards Code 8 driver’s license Must have own transportation. Professional appearance and actions

• • • • •

Work independently. Service oriented. Be willing to travel. Accurate and prompt with work. Good people skills.

• •

Namibian citizen Grade 12 2 – 3 years Experience in the field of design and printing of all kind of signs, banners, light boxes and posters. Knowledge of all kind of printing materials and products on the market. Language requirement: Afrikaans, English and Preferably German Excellent communication skills Code 8 driver’s license NO criminal record Marketing skills Computer literate and must have the experience to work with: Corel Draw 13 and Roland Printing and Cutting Printer Reputable references MUST be provided. Must be trustworthy.

REQUIREMENTS: • • • • • •

Namibian Citizen. At least Grade 10. Experience in the service of all kinds of fire fighting equipment. Certificate (C.O.C) in the Service of Fire Fighting Equipment. Code 10 or 8 driver’s license required. To work accurate and punctually.



All applications and CV’s should be e-mailed to the Manager of Fast Fire Services:

16 | News

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Tumble-Inn Pre-school Opens

Doors in Kuiseb

Siglinde de Villiers “It is time for TumbleInn Pre-school to spread our wings and fly,” says Lorraine du Toit, principal at Tumble-Inn. She and her team are finally able to open a preschool right in the heart of Kuisebmund. This was,

however, not accomplished without blood, sweat and tears. An agency helped Lorraine to obtain property in Kuisebmund. The building's state was a far cry from a school environment. “The past month we have been extremely busy,” she

continues excitedly, “working day and night so that we can open our doors.” This included laying carpets and transforming the interior to have a more appealing character. “The walls were a hideous pumpkin colour,” Lorraine continues as her hands paint

the imaginary walls, “but we repainted them to a pebble grey and beautiful deep blue.” What has inspired Lorraine to open a preschool in Kuiseb? “We had so many applications that we were not able to accommodate all the children and so the idea of extending into Kuiseb was born,” she answers. Lorraine hopes that not only would this transfer a high education standard into the Kuiseb community, but also bring schooling closer to home for many of those who live there. According to Lorraine, they furnished and equipped the schoolhouse in such a way that they are able to teach various age groups. “We will give the same instruction at both schools, drawing on the rich knowledge and up-to-date techniques of the various programmes and workshops our school has been trained in,” says Lorraine. Another great milestone for Lorraine is that the new preschool will be fully bilingual, with two qualified teachers and one assistant. “One of my teachers can speak Oshiwambo, which will really help to breach the language barrier,” she says. Of much assistance will be Lorraine’s husband, Jack du Toit, with 50 years teaching experience behind his name. “My husband received his Bachelors degree in Education at the University of Stellenbosch in the 1960s and also has qualification in technical drawing, woodwork and carpentry,” Lorraine explains. “Known as a true teacher and seaman, he finally resigned after teaching for 21 years at the Walvis Bay Private High School, to help me set up and run the new preschool in Kuiseb,” she concludes.

WALVIS BAY SALT HOLDINGS (PTY) LTD AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Walvis Bay Salt Holdings (Pty) Ltd, through its subsidiary operating companies Salt and Chemicals (Pty) Ltd, Walvis Bay Salt Refiners (Pty) Ltd and Ekango Salt Refiners (Pty) Ltd is the largest producer of solar sea salt in sub-Saharan Africa; producing in excess of 720 000 tons of salt annually. In addition to producing salt for the chemical industry and other general purposes, a refined salt plant was recently commissioned to produce table salt. HAS THE FOLLOWING VACANCY

REFINING PLANT MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN This position, reporting directly to the Plant Manager, will add value by maintaining the plant according to good maintenance practices . KEY FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES  Ensure plant availability at all times, resulting in production targets being met  Conduct proper maintenance planning, organizing and control  Adhere to quality standards set  Maintain discipline and good HR practices  Address problems timeously.  Ensure safe working conditions in compliance with health and safety regulations  Maintain/improve the quality management system (ISO)  Take full responsibility to ensure all equipment is in good working order, not abused, repaired when necessary and serviced regularly  Must be prepared to do standby on a 24 hours basis, 7 days per week PERSONALITY REQUIREMENTS  Ability to work under pressure.  Emotionally mature.  Interpersonal skills.  Assertive.  Honest and trustworthy  Be pro-active MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS POSITION  Qualified electrician or instrument technician  Minimum 8 years working experience in a factory/production environment, preferably in a salt refinery  Able to operate a salt refinery, including salt packaging machines  Good organizing skills.  At least 5 years people management experience  Initiating and designing plant optimisation strategies, procedures and methods  Planning and scheduling planned and unplanned maintenance work to maximise efficiencies  Diagnosing breakdown problems and initiating continuous improvement initiatives  Assist in compiling annual plant operational & maintenance budget  Monitoring and controlling plant maintenance costs  Liaise on a frequent basis with internal and external related customers and suppliers  Assist in managing projects from the conceptual phase through to implementation  Improving plant availability, reliability & efficiencies  Stock control of maintenance spares  Control of manpower as & when required  Full adherence to legal, safety and related issues  Assist in maintaining quality & food safety standards Interested persons, who are Namibian Citizens or have Permanent Residence, may apply in confidence by forwarding their CV to: The HR Officer, Walvis Bay Salt Refiners (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 2471, Walvis Bay, Namibia OR E-mail: (No faxed copies will be accepted). For enquiries: 064-213382 or 064-213376 Closing Date: 24 January, 2013 Applicants must be prepared to undergo an extensive selection process Only short-listed candidates will be notified, and no documentation will be returned

Jack du Toit

Thursday, 23 January 2014

News | 17

Sure Cast

and MUN Sign Recognition Agreement Sure Cast Mining and Construction and the Mineworkers Union of Namibia have signed a Recognition Agreement on Friday 18 January 2014, in order to recognise the Mine Workers Union as the sole bargaining agent for the employees working at Langer Heinrich Uranium.

The goal of the Recognition Agreement is to improve relations between the company and their employees. Discussions started taking place between Sure Cast and MUN in December 2013 and resulted in a positive step towards future negotiations.

The Haven The Haven

Philipus Kaunawoye (Sure Cast Employee); Peet Botha (Director: Sure Cast); Ismael Kasuto (President: MUN); Tuhafeni Petrus (Sure Cast Employee)

LANGER HEINRICH URANIUM (PTY) LTD A Member of the Paladin Energy Ltd Group of Companies (An Equal opportunity Employer)

Langer Heinrich Mine is committed to invest in and Namibians to acquire Invite suitably qualified and committed self driven candidates to following apply forposition the following MINE We invite suitable qualified and committed candidates to apply forassist the at the mining the necessary education, and exposure, which will enable them to enter the Namibian operation in Swakopmund, Namibia. SITE / TOWN OFFICEtraining position for long term employment in SWAKOPMUND, NAMIBIA. labour market with confidence and to alleviate the shortage of a series of professionals, currently in demand in the mining sector.




GRADUATE BURSARIES This position will beTRAINEES part of the Corporate Relations Team. FULL-TIME The Front Office incumbent maintaining an

important public image link between Langer Heinrich Uranium and all its Corporate Stakeholder’s. In addition Purpose: Langer Heinrich Uranium invites Namibian students who are 12-MONTHS PROGRAMME the incumbent will be required to assistat with general Corporate Relations functionaoffleet administrative The TechnicalINTERNSHIP Services Department the Langer Heinrich Mine operates of Yamahaand Rhino ATVs commitedA and interested in a careeer in the mining industrywith equipped withnature. Geophysical Down-Hole Logging equipment. junior assistant is required to assist organizational Langer Heinrich Uranium prefer to focus on solutions selected routine maintenance duties on the vehicles to apply for the following bursaries. Only students who have as well as on associated equipment and to assist to challenges and we areinlooking MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS with housekeeping termsforoflikeminded tooling,young spares and thesuccessfully workshop. completed their second academic year will be Namibians in the following disciplines: • Minimum Grade 12 with 25 points preferably with a recognized B-Tech Business Administration, Office considered:

• Metallurgical / Chemical Engineering Administration OR Secretarial qualification Main Responsibilities: • Metallurgical Engineering; Minimum 2 years post qualification work experience in aMechanical / Electrical Engineering similar position Rhino ATVs • • Mechanical / Electrical Engineering  Assistofwith selected routine maintenance on the of Yamaha • fleet  Perform assigned on Down-Hole Logging MS equipment Excellent computer skillsmaintenance being familiarand withrepairs of MS Office package (including Publisher) • • Industrial Psychology (Hons)  Attend to workshop and (written re-fueling facilities Advance English literacy skills & verbal prerequisite) • • Business Administration / Logistics REQUIREMENTS:  Assist withextended calibration of geophysical Willing to work hours when requiredtools used on site • • Journalism / Public Relations  Assist records on maintenance activities (spares used etc) •• Financial Accounting Valid Codewith 08 Drivers license absolutely essential • Namibian citizenship  Performs required maintenance • BSc with either of Physics and/or Chemistry as majors • An average of 60% for mid year / August results PERSONAL QUALITIES ESSENTIAL  Comply with all policies, practices and procedures

• Mature professional and competent to manage a wide range of priorities under pressure, able to work • An overall average of 60% in all subjects for studying REQUIREMENTS:

Employers are invited to contact the Haven at for details re domestic housekeeper training starting in February. Course duration: one month, lessons once a week from 09h00 to 13h00. Mondays to Fridays Fee N$ 500.00. This includes a year's subscription to EDWONO (The Employers of Domestic Workers in Namibia Organisation).

Are you tired of coming home and having to cook! Come to the haven and we will teach you and you can take the meals home to your family. Starting Date: Monday 3rd February 2014 Morning session: 09h00 - 12h30 After work session: 17h30 - 19h30 Fee: N$1 600.00 Certificate: awarded on merit Contact: Corlia 081 243 0653

Requirements: independently while maintaining efficiency and accuracy students • Namibian citizenship  Grade 12 with acommunication, minimum of organizational, 20 points Excellent interpersonal time management and problems solving skills • • An overall average of 60% for major subject’s end-year  Experience in a similar position and work environment (Auto, motor cycle or auto-electric • results Team player workshop) MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES Experience in Auto Electrics will be an advantage Kindly your application, by the following documents:  submit Ability to work unsupervised • Maintain a professional and tidysupported reception area • • A comprehensive CV  Technical abilities and mechanical Conduct and direct all corporate visitors insight; • • Certified copies of the grade 12 results and academic record  An orderly andnewsletter systematic style and of working Collecting / compiling material drafting where newsletter / snippets articles • • Certified copy of your Birth Certificate or Identity Document  Validall Code Coordinate mineBE siteDrivers visitors License logistics  Excellent interpersonal communication, • • Admission or provisional acceptance at a recognised accredited SADC tertiary institute (for bursary Assist in arrangements of different company eventssupervisory and organizational skills

• applicants) Maintain the departmental annual calendar • Procure corporate gifts and maintain the register thereof • • Please state in the subject box whether you are applying for the Bursary or Graduate Trainee programme. Daily management of calendar and boardroom bookings CLOSING DATE of02 August •Only Assist with all fields trainingwill preparation and arrangement related material 2013 the above be considered. •Persons from the designated groups, especially the disabled and women are encouraged to apply. Routine reception, general office administration and document control short listed will be contacted and should be prepared to undergo relevant • Only Management of all candidates office & related equipment medical, psychometric assessments and interview sessions. Please submit ALL relevant supporting documentation as listed above by advert criteria to: Benefits Email: Interested and market suitably qualified invited to submit a comprehensive CV and A comprehensive related packagecandidates for the ideal are competent candidate. copies of ALL relevant supporting documentation as required by advert criteria via any of the Tel: +264 64 413450 following methods: CLOSING DATE: FEBRUARY 2014 Only short listed candidates will07 be contacted and should be prepared Upload via: (preferred method)  ONLY shortto undergo relevant, psychometric assessments and interviews. listed candidates will be contacted and should be prepared to undergo  Email: relevant interviews, medical & psychometric assessments in Swakopmund. Tel:APPLICATIONS +264 CLOSING DATE FOR -31 OCTOBER 2013 Previously disadvantaged Namibians meeting64 the413451 above criteria are encouraged to apply. Interested and suitably qualified candidates are to submit a Comprehensive CV with certified copies of ALL relevant Supporting documentation by email to Benefits: A comprehensive market related package for the ideal competent candidate. • Institutional Reference letters for active students

Tel: +264 64 413450

Thursday, 23 20 January 2014 Thursday, June 2013

18 | News

General Election Voters’ Registration Begins Dorcas Mhungu The voters’ registration exercise began Wednesday, 15 January and will end on 2 March, giving Namibians the opportunity to register to vote during the General Elections that have been billed for November 2014. According to the Electoral

Commission of Namibia, a projected 1,153,758 people are eligible to vote in the forth-coming elections and of this total, the Erongo region has an estimated 98 229 voters. Walvis Bay, urban and rural combined, has the highest number of voters totalling 42 744, followed by Swakopmund with 29 380 and in third place Karibib with 8 037.


power to the people



Erongo Regional Electricity Distributor Company (Pty) Ltd, commonly known as Erongo RED, is mandated to distribute and supply electricity in Erongo Region. We are proud to announce that Erongo RED is an equal opportunity employer. Qualified applicants from the designated groups defined in the Affirmative Action Act (1998) are encouraged to apply. Paterson Post Grade: D2 Business Unit: Office of the CEO Duty Station: Walvis Bay PURPOSE OF THE JOB: To enforce the governance, legislation/regulation and compliance framework required to safeguard the integrity of Erongo RED and to promote high standards of ethical behaviour. To provide an advisory and support service role in assisting and advising the Erongo RED Board to achieve its vision and strategy while maintaining the high quality of organisational corporate governance and governance culture. KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS: • Legal advisory services • Board advisory services • Stakeholders engagements (Internal) • Stakeholders’ relationships (External) MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: • LLB Degree/Bachelor of Commerce Degree in Law PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: • Post graduate qualifications in Law, specialising in Corporate Law • An ICSA (Institute of Chartered Secretaries & Administrators) recognised qualifications • Admitted as a Legal Practitioner SPECIFIC KNOWLEDGE: Understanding of the King Reports (I, II and III); Knowledge of business and administration practices in both the public and private sectors, including: audits, annual reporting, taxation, accounting standards and governance; Knowledge of legislation and regulations applicable to the profession and Erongo RED operations. PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION: • Associate Membership registration with the Institute of Chartered Secretaries & Administrators (ICSA) • Registration with the Law Society of Namibia EXPERIENCE: • Five (5) years’ general business administration experience of which three (3) years should have been in a Company Secretary capacity. LICENCE REQUIRED: • Code B driving licence Applicants who comply with the abovementioned requirements may submit their CVs plus certified copies of educational qualifications to: Festus Newaya, Human Resources Division, P.O. Box 2925, Walvis Bay, Contact Details: (064) 214 600 or hand deliver at Erongo RED Head Office, 1st Floor Bastos Building, 91 Hage Geingob Street in Walvis Bay. Please note that no documents will be returned and no faxed or e-mailed applications will be accepted. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interviews.


Arandis with 6 493, Daures with 6 346, and Omaruru with 5 229 follow. Walvis Bay Rural has ten fixed registration centres at Naraville Primary School and Naraville Elcin Church, Kuisebmund Baptist Church, Methodist Church, Assembly of God Church in Kuisebmund, Pente Coastal Church and Tutaleni Primary School. In Swakopmund people can register at Swakopmund Town Hall, Old Municipality Management room, Mahetago Hall, Meduletu Community Hall, DRC School Project and Community centres. These registration centres are open from 8am to 7pm. A total of 44 934 female voters are expected to cast their votes in Erongo Region compared to 53 295 male voters. In order to register as a voter, a person must produce specific documentation to prove identity, age and Namibian citizenship. These are the new Namibian identity card, the old identity card or a passport. A person can also register using the Citizenship Certificate and old Namibian identity card if the person was born outside Namibia. Voters can also register by producing a Namibian Birth Certificate and new Drivers’ License or Namibian Birth Certificate and two registered

witnesses. Statistically, and like in most countries around the globe, the number of females is higher than that of males but Erongo region projection indicates that there are more male voters. It is against this backdrop that women aspire to use their numerical advantage to push for

the attainment of 50/50 gender parity. The ruling Swapo Party last year adopted the SADC Protocol on Gender Equality that advocates for the 50/50 gender equality in decision making positions, a stance that some academic critics in Namibia have described as a pipe dream.

Thursday, 2014 Thursday, 23 20 January June 2013

mOshiwambo | 119

m O s h iwa mO i wam bo bO Omaishangitho Gaahogololi yomahogololo Gopashigwana Ga Tameke Ku: Dorcas Mhungu Omaishangitho gaahogololi oga tameke metitatu, 15 Januali notaga ka hula momasiku 2 Maalitsa ngoka taga ka gandja ompito kaaNamibia okwiishangitha opo ya ka hogolole momahogololo gopashigwana ngoka taga ka kala ko muNovomba 2014. Okakomisi komahogololo kaNamibia oka tengeneka kutya, omwaalu gwaantu 1,153,758 otaya ka hogolola momahogololo omatine, nomomwaalu nguka oshitopolwa shaErongo oshi na mo aahogololi ye li omayovi 98 229. Miitopolwa yomondoolopa noyomuushamba

waMbawe omo mu na aantu oyendji taya vulu okuhogolola, ye li pomwaalu 42 744 ta ku landula Oshiwakopo yi na aahogololi 29 380 noponomola ontintatu opu na Karibib naahogololi 8 037, Arandis 6493, Daures 6346, osho wo Omaruru 5229. Moshitopolwa shondoolopa yaMbawe omu na omahala noosenda dho ku ishangitha dhi liheyali, poskola yaNaraville, pongerka onkwaEvangeli yaElcin poNaraville, pongerka yaBaptist muKuisebmund, pongerka yaMethodist, pongerka yedhina Assembly of God muKuisebmund, pongerka ya Pente Koste, osho wo poskola yaTutaleni. Mondoolopa yaShiwakopo,

aantu otaya ishangitha posaala yondoolopa moShiwakopo, pongulu onkulu yewiliko lyaaMuni, posaala yaMahetago, posaala yoshigwana yaMeduletu, osho wo poskola nosenda yoshigwana yaDRC. Omwaalu gwoonakwiishangitha aakiintu ye li 44 934 ogwa tegelelwa oku ka hogolola moshitopolwa shErongo okweeleka nomwaalu gwaalumentu ngoka gu li 53 295. Opo wu ishangithe onga omuhogololi, omuntu oku na okweeta oondokumende dhontumba opo a holole uukwatya we, ooomvula dhe, osho wo uukwashigwana waNamibia. Mbika oyo ngaashi okamutse okape kaNamibia, osho wo opassporta. Omuntu ota vulu wo okwiishangitha ta kaNamibia, okamutse okakulu longitha onzapo yevalo, osho wo okamutse okakulu kaNamibia ngele omuntu okwa valelwa pondje yaNamibia. Oonakuhogolola otaya ki ishangitha wo nokuulika onzapo yevalo yaNamibia, ombapila yokuhinga, nenge onzapo yevalo, nooihoontaali nenge aakalelipo yiishangitha nale ye li yaali. Pamiyalu, osho wo oku eleka niilongo yilwe muuyuni, omwaalu gwaahogololi ohagu kala ngeyi kutya, aakiintu oyo oyendji shi vulithe aalumentu, ihe mErongo oshuulike kutya omu na aahogololi aalumentu oyo oyendji. Shino osho tashi hwahwameke ihe aakiintu ya longithe omwaalu nguka muuwanawa wawo opo ya adhe uukashikekookantu wu thike pamwe, oopelesenda 50/50. Ongundu Swapo tayi lele, omvula ya zi ko oyali ya tula miilonga omukalo nomulandu gwaSADC muuthikepamwe wuukashikekookantu, ngono tagu hwahwameke uuthikepamwe wuukashikekookantu 50/50 monkalo yokuninga omatokolo, omukalo ngoka gwa popiwa kaalongwantu muNamibia kutya ogu li ondjodhi yowala.

The Haven

"Aniilonga yomomagumbo mboka taya kongo iilonga otaya hiwa opo yiishangithe pombelewa yedhina "The Haven's Domestic Employment Agency" mepandaanda lyonomola 160 Hage Geingob mOmbawe, okuza potundi 09h00-13h00. Mondays to Fridays

Light Up Winners! 1st Prize Riette Odendaal

2nd Prize ?? Please contact Us

all u to o y r hank in ou t r PS: T a p ongo took o h . Er n w o i t peti act com cont l l i w your p Red u ick to p you es. priz

3rd Prize

Namib Electrical Distributors CC

“The Ultimate Port Experience”


Namport is currently busy with the implementation of the project called: The New Port of Walvis Bay Container Terminal on Reclaimed Land. The project is already at an advanced stage and the main EPC contract in this project has already been awarded to China Harbor Engineering Company limited (CHEC) on 8 November 2013. Any entity that would like to contact CHEC for potential opportunities in their contract may use the following person as given by CHEC: Ms. Fiona Keir Email: Cell: +264 81 493 6365 Please note that Namport does not get involved in the selection and appointment of subcontractors, suppliers and vendors. Namibian entities should contact CHEC directly in this regard. Namport has obtained a portion of the financing for this project from the African Development Bank (AfDB).


Several smaller contracts will still be procured over the next 3 years, and these contracts will all be advertised on the Namport website

( as well as other public domains as from January 2014. These smaller contracts consist of both consulting services as well as work and goods contracts. Where applicable, contracts will be procured via Namport’s procurement policies or the African development bank’s procurement policies, depending on what is being financed by whom. More information about the remainder of the contracts to be procured will only be available when their respective tenders are advertised publicly. Interested parties are therefore encouraged to visit the Namport website for such tender advertisements. More information on the project can be obtained from the following http links: Feasibility studies, Environmental Impact Assessment Geotechnical information:



General Procurement Notice: pe=1

Thursday, 23 January May 2013 Thursday, 23 2014 2012 20 | Entertainment Thursday, 06 December

Entertainment 37 | ||21 Entertainment Entertainment 37 Thursday, 24 January 2013


THIS WEEK IN YOUR STARS ARIES Today the people around you could seem much more serious than usual, Aries. You could even ARIES decide to get away from themupbeat and goand hidepositive out just for the for day, you, for example, in aofmovie theater It's an time with lots watching an afternoon film. But you findthe theagenda. movie you want to see. Don'toftry socializing andwon't fun on Networking is one theand run away bestmoment; things you may can do right even now, more so keep it up. Fabulous from the gravity of the become serious than the people you are running away from. aspects over this week suggest you'll be busy making new In their honeymoon suite on their connections that could be very lucrative for you. You may wedding night. As they undressed also be in the mood to splurge, but you might be restrained TAURUS by your credit limit. You could find the atmosphere today a bit oppressive, Taurus. The time has come to deal withfor bed, the husband, who was a some of the important questions you may have been avoiding for quite some time. It could bebig burly man, tossed his pants TAURUS especially important Career to take possibilities a look at yourlook life very at home and seethis whatweek you with can doa change theto his bride and said, “here put promising negative atmospheredazzling that has come life make over the past fewmoney, weeks. Compromise lineupinto thatyour could you more too. This can be athese on.” She said “I can’t wear good thing, but not atmight the cost your values beliefs.looking for a new job or goyour pants.” “That’s right!!” said the be of a good time toand consider

• • • •

ing for interviews. Either way, the news could be uplifting, husband, “and don’t you forget it. GEMINI especially as you seem to be on a roll. Finances look very You may be a specialist at manipulating concepts and ideas and using your analytical skills toI’m the man who wears the pants rosy, with more than one opportunity to make extra cash. understand any problem that comes your way. If this is true, Gemini, people have probably alreadyin this family!” With that she flipped told you that thinkingGEMINI is fine, but there is a moment when you have to put all that thinking intohim her panties and said, “Try desire to explore new you options andabout get away practice! The positionThe of the planets today invites to think this. from it all these on.” He tried them on and could be stronger than ever. If you haven't yet taken your found he could only get them on CANCER vacation, this might be a good time to get away for a wellToday begins an exciting periodbreak. in yourThe personal life, is Cancer. It's time for in youras far as his kneecaps. He said, deserved cosmos encouraging younew to beginnings leave relationship. You maydaily be ready to make changesnew you and yourand partner have been routines andtheexplore places perhaps new considering“Hell, I can’t get into your panties!” for quite some time. Moving in together, doing some your house, trips buying a summerShe said, “That’s right, and that’s faces. Current influences mayconstruction be excellentonfor business since this week's aspectsthose seemplans to hold potential home, or perhaps even having a child upbeat - start making thatthe symbolize the stability ofthe way it’s going to be until you your relationship. for success. change your attitude.”

• • • • • •


• •

3x3 grids contain one instance of the numbers 13 They’reofoheach so picky, picky, picky. though 9.

8 3 9 7 • They hear what you say, but 5 4 6 not what you mean. • Beauty is only shell deep. 8 7 3 4 Solution 8 7 to Last Week's Suduko 2 4 6 3 4MEAL 6 are simple. Fill in Suduko is easy to play and TWO the2 rules A SET THREE COURSE FOR the blanks soCHEF'S that eachSPECIAL! row, column, AT LYON DES SABLES! 5 each 1 8 and each of the nine 3x3 grids contain one instanceLyon of each of the des Sables 2 3 •

numbers 1 though 9.

1 2 8 4 5 1 8

3 8 5 8 6 7 9 4

(c) Daily Sudoku Ltd 2013. All rights reserved.


Solution to Last Week's Suduko

6 2 4 3 3 (6)9 5 1. Bicycle8for two 3. Legal (6) 8. Metal bar 1 (5)7 5 4 10. Voter (7) 11. Choices (7) 5 1 6 9 12. Stingless male bee (5) 13. Ire (5) 3 9(5) 8 2 15. Accumulate 20. Entice (5) 22. Recess 2 (7) 4 7 6 24. Let go (7) 25. Automaton (5) 4seat5(6) 1 8 26. Riding 27. Repented (6) 9 6 3 7 DOWN 1. Sartor 7 (6) 8 2 1 2. Evening (5) ACROSS

1 2

4 3

Restaurant, Cocktail and Wine

Daily Sudoku: Mon 14-Jan-2013


• •

the rules are simple. Fill in the

6 8 9

8 1

But then again, areeach the row, top each blankshere so that ten reasonscolumn, why they and are eachobviously of the nine female.


CAPRICORN inspires you to take things further whether for business or pleasure. Onehave of these may also encourage Over the last few weeks, you may made connections some good progress in learning to express your broaden and didn't see life a new emotions, The togreat thing isyour that horizons you probably evenfrom notice! But if you aren't perspective. careful, there may be some bullheaded person around you today who may try and destroy all the SCORPIO progress you've made. Don't confuse controlling your emotions with repressing them. It's up to you Family life made. is boisterous and energetic. You might be doto protect all the progress you've ing a lot of entertaining or have family and friends come AQUARIUS to stay. It's also possible that you've started spring cleaning There's no need to go pounding your head againstthe a wall, Aquarius, yourseem day will be challenging, early and decided to tackle décor, too. There to be but it's nothing you lucky can't handle. The planetary configurations today It's will possible push you to lay the events or news associated with the home. Daily Sudoku: Mon 21-Jan-2013 foundation for the projects you'veget been planning over last perhaps six months. Goa with the flow. People you might money out of thethe blue, from family sometimes think thatmember. you are good at lighting fires but lousy at keeping them going. It's time you proved them wrong! SAGITTARIUS All kinds of associations and relationships work for you this PISCES Thea people youfor meet or talk toEverything may shareyou information Today, you may find week. you have certain gift productivity. touch turns to gold, yet vital inthat helping you secure job, contract, or move one you may be under thethat's impression you can't provideaeverything you need for yourself. So what nearer a goal.inThere's also the a romance do you do? You startstep buying everything sight! Today you possibility might want of to think about this bad little that happens of thetoblue. There's a lot of chemistry thewon't be very habit of yours, Pisces. You may beout tempted go on a big shopping spree. Butinyou air bringing together buzzing with excitement. happy with yourself when you get folks the credit card bill!



wrong, they always say ‘nothing’. They can produce incorrect results with alarming speed. They are always turning simple statements into big productions. Small talk is important. You do the same thing for years, and suddenly it’s wrong. They make you take the garbage out. Miss a period and they go wild.

(c) Daily Sudoku Ltd 2013. All rights reserved.

objects has now reached romantic offer of a date. VIRGO This could be a very LEO studious day for you, Virgo; actually, it might be better to call it laborious. Butcomputers. But, which gender to be exciting whether you love to work, andRelationships you will get all seem the work youfast can paced handle and today. It's a good day to work on allshould your PC be? linked to business or attention romance. youown, make those things in your life that still need a little in The orderconnections to stand on their the things that encouraging you tolife, explore a new direction. Someone haven't quite found aare permanent place in your like some of your relationships, for example. Here are the top ten reasons why may give you a tip that could expand your horizons, open LIBRA new vistas, and suggest fresh possibilities. There is also a You probably pay a great deal of to attention to what think of you, Libra. It may often be connection your social lifeother and people networking that adds to the hard for you to makefun decisions in delicate situations for fear of being misjudged, even if you know and upbeat energy of the week. you must. You may run into this dilemma as you go about your day today. Trust your own good VIRGO judgment. It may be much more important to be decisive today than you can even imagine. It's an excellent week to make progress at work and on career goals. You may feel as though you're in the zone as one good SCORPIO piece ofthe news after another change. Expect You probably enjoy exploring innermost recessesbrings of yourpositive own human nature, Scorpio. Yet today thepersonal best deallife, may blue. been beaten you may need to be athe bit unexpected more rational.since In your youcome may out feel of asthe if you've be livingyou. on your nerves perhapsofburning the your partner at your own game andYou thiscould has weakened Why not takeand advantage this to bring candle at both ends. There's so much to do that you'll be busy with you on one of your voyages inside yourself? all hours. SAGITTARIUS LIBRA On days like today it's important to take time out to reflect upon the events of the past few days, Relationships, friendships, and romance could all be hot Sagittarius. Is it possible you've decided to change certain things about yourself and your behavior? topics this week, in a positive way. Expect a meeting out of If you could just devote a few minutes a day to all the little details in your personality, the changes the blue that could lead to a creative partnership or budding will go much more smoothly. TheYou'll atmosphere may help you thinkinvolved about this.that romance. notice today a definite chemistry

They have a lot of data, but they’re still clueless. A better model is just around the corner. They look nice and shiny until you get them home. It’s always essential to have a backup. They’ll do whatever you want if you push the right buttons. The best part of having one is the games you can play. In order to get their attention, you have to turn them on. The lights are on but nobody’s home. Big power surges knock them out at night. Size does matter. Suduko is easy to play and

When you ask them what’s


1 7 2 8 4 3 9 5 6

9 6 8 7 1 5 2 4 3

8 4 3 2 7 9 6 1 5

5 2 9 3 6 1 7 8 4

7 1 6 4 5 8 3 2 9

(c) Daily Sudoku Ltd 2013. All rights reserved.

CANCER LEO There's definitely a buzz in the air, with financial sparkles If you have been having problems in your relationship or love life in general, Leo, don't expect things* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * promising some positive new contracts and potential busito get any better today. The people around you might find you extremely irritable! It may seem that ness deals. Your intuitive hunches may play a big part in anything anyone saysenabling gets on your nerves. Even the sweet nothings that your sweetheart whispersHumankind’s propensity for you to be in the right place at the right time. There in your ear seem like is a bunch of hot But excellent you will benews forgiven for your irritability, and- besides, notimposing anthropomorphic a chance ofair! some - again, career related every day can be as passionate andput loving likemood. it to be.Don't second-guess a characteristics on inanimate which should youasinyou'd a good

they have to be male.

4. MakeDaily better (5) Mon 14-Jan-2013 Sudoku: medium 5. Asinine (7) Solution to Last Week's Crossword 6. Food store (6) 7. Laconic (5) 9. Fish (5) HOW TO ENTER: Fill out and 14. Wandered (7) 16. Type of musical scale (5) drop in PO Box 5085 or Email: 17. Begins (6) 18. Bet (5) 19. Combined (6) 21. Path (5) or Fax: 064 200 474 with your 23. Relating to a city (5)

Solution to Last Week's Crossword

Name and contact details

CAPRICORN Finances are looking perky, with a chance to get more earnings. You might be in the mood to buy extra gadgets for the home, perhaps a new computer or something else that helps make life easier. The more the merrier as far as you're concerned. You could be given a raise or find that you've been given additional responsibility at work for which you'll get more money.

Swakopmund AQUARIUS Things may seem surreal today, Aquarius, so don't take other people's chatter too seriously. This is a day to reach out and touch someone, so pick up the phone. It's a good day to share your dreams, no matter how farfetched they sound. Others may look at you as if you have three heads, but as long as you're being honest with yourself, there's no reason to be shy about sharing.

Shop Distribution Agent Required - Part Time Job DOWN

1. Edible nut (6) 2. Bran (5) 3. Used to brew a beverage (6) 4. Add sugar (7) 5. Sponge cake (5,4) 6. Cooler (6) 9. Servings of boiled or steamed dough (9) 11. Baked pasta dish (7) 13. Chewy confection (6) 14. Fatty oil (6) 15. Dairy product (6) 17. Prepare a turkey (5)


1. Fruit (7) 4. Rice and raw fish in seaweed (5) 7. Preserve made from citrus fruits (9) 8. Frozen dessert (3) 9. Unfreeze (7) 10. Aroma (5) 12. Edible bulb (5) 16. Pastry (7) 18. Drink made with juniper berries (3) 19. Wine source (9) 20. Sample (5) 21. Vanilla ___ (7)

The Namib Independent is seeking a reliable distribution agent in Swakopmund to deliver our newspaper to local retail outlets. The position offers a day a week employment. Would suit a house-wife who is looking PISCES You might be in a more reflective mood, especially as there's to get out for a few hours a week while making a little pocket money at the same time. Applicants must have a focus on your spiritual zone. Your inner life is important, and that includes your self-talk, hopes, dreams, and fantatheir own vehicle and be based in Swakopmund. A good knowledge of the town is an added advantage. sies. If you want exciting and positive things to happen for you, then start creating them in your head. You might get ideas about how to make more money or make your home homier. Go for it!

For more information please call Helena on 064200 497 or email

|1 T Thursday, 23 January 2014

Thursday, 22 | 'Here' SAY27 June 2013

'Here' SAY What is Your Basic Money Saving Tip? How do You Apply it to Your Daily Life? Andrea van Rhyn

Adri: “EK het geen besparings wenk nie. My uitgawes maandeliks is meer as my inkomste. Alles word duurder en mens se salaris bly net dieselfde. My wenk aan mense is om tuisgemaakte goedere te verkoop om ‘n klein ekstra inkomste te kry.”

Azaan: “Cutting down on unnecessary spending and budgeting at the beginning of the month to avoid spending more than what you generate on a monthly basis. Saving 10% every month from your salary and putting it away in a box; this is only used when there’s an emergency.”

Elsa: “Budget every month! If I don’t budget every month I would not be able to survive through the month. Everything is increasing, inflation rates, everything! It is almost impossible to keep up with all the rates increasing, it's ridiculous. I plan and budget ahead. That’s the only technique that works for me every month.”

The Haven

Michael: “I don’t have enough to save. I live from hand to mouth on a daily basis. I am a student and I work part-time to pay for my studies. If I finished studying, I could easily save a quarter of my salary.”

VACANCY Protea Spar Walvis Bay Confectioner/Baker

Domestic Workers looking for work are invited to register at The Haven's Domestic Workers Employment Agency at 160 Hage Geingob Street, Walvis Bay, from 09h00 to 13h00. Mondays to Fridays

Cheryl: “Drawing up a budget schedule and planning in advance every month to avoid any outstanding accounts and having enough money to cover all the necessities and still having money left to save for emergencies. I use this technique to budget and save every month.”

Marisha: “Unnecessary spending every day during lunch breaks instead of buy fast foods or snacks, you can pack in your own lunch at home. Opening a Nampost account to save money every month is a lot better than saving money at the bank due to various reasons such as withdrawal costs.”

. Seeking smart creative Baker/ Confectioner. . Must have a minimum of 2 years experience. . Knowledge of Food Safety and Hygiene Specifications. . Have a Proven Track Record. . Good Communication Skills. . Namibian Citizen . Salary depends on experience.

C.V`S must be personally handed in at Protea Spar Walvis Bay. Closing date is 31/01/2014.

Thursday, 2012 Thursday,3023November January 2014

Community Lens | |123

lens lens

Community Community

Colour Goes to Coast Lavrenty Repin On 28 December 2013 the Dolphin Stadiumin Vineta was transformed into a sea of colour. Colour Goes to Coast saw over 7000 people; at points it took an hour of queuing to get to the gate. With stalls for food, drinks and the colour packets as well as a VIP area, the party-goers had a beautifully organised saturday afternoon. early in the evening the crowd got a special surprise when skydivers jumped out over the stadium and sprayed colour everywhere on their way down.

St Valentine’s Masked Ball Date: 14 February 2014 Venue: Municipality Fair Ground - Tent Time: 19h30 for 20h00 Dress: Evening Wear and Mask Price: N$300 per person (Dinner included - Cash bar available)

N$10 000 LUCKY TICKET NUMBER DRAW Tickets available from the school - 20 3995


Thursday, 30 November 2012 24 | Motoring

|1 Friday, 13 December 2013

mOsh m bo lens MO Tiwa OR ING Community

GWM/Haval Achieves Another Top 10 Position in Dakar 2014 Article by: http:// GWM/Haval’s impressive run of top 10 Dakar finishes continued when Frenchman Christian Lavieille, driving the number 315 Haval H8, achieved eighth place overall in the 2014 event. Lavieille, in his first outing with the GWM/Haval team, impressed with his consistency and speed. The latest success follows Carlos Sousa’s sixth places in the 2012 and 2013 Dakar races. Following the race, GWM/Haval’s team managers expressed satisfaction with the result and lauded Lavieille for his performance after finishing the final stage with the sixth fastest time. In fact, such was Lavieille’s pace in the stage that he only lost out on jumping to seventh by less than two minutes! Of course, the team’s hopes for an even better finish were dashed early when race leader and surprise first stage winner, Sousa, was forced to retire following turbo troubles during stage 2. Nevertheless, in the process the team had earned its first stage win, and the first ever by a Chinese manufacturer. The final stage of the Dakar was won by South Africa’s Giniel de Villiers (Toyota), who finished in fourth overall position. The podium was an all Mini affair, with Nani Roma taking a controversial win following the issuing of team orders preventing Stephane Peterhansel from attacking for victory. Peterhansel duly finished in second place as instructed, with Nasser Al-Attiyah claiming third.

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thriving on exceeding targets and goals

Race Classifications 1. Roma/Perin #304 (Mini) = 50 hours 44 minutes 58 seconds 2. Peterhansel/Cottret #300 (Mini) + 5 minutes 38 seconds 3. Al-Attiyah/Cruz #301 (Mini) + 56 minutes 52 second 4. De Villiers/Zitzewitz #302 (Toyota) + 1 hour 19 minutes 7 seconds 5. Terranova/Fiuza #307 (Mini) + 1 hour 27 minutes 44 seconds 6. Holowczyc/Zhiltsov #309 (Mini) + 3 hours 55 minutes 42 seconds 7. Dabrowski/Czachor #328 (Toyota) + 5 hours 34 minutes 25 seconds 8. Lavieille/Garcin #315 (GWM/Haval) + 5 hours 35 minutes 50 seconds * Haval is the premium SUV division of GWM

Due to our rapid business growth and expansion we are looking for a dynamic

Dealer Principal

Pupkewitz Nissan Walvis Bay Candidates to meet the following requirements

Grade 12 or equivalent • Excellent Interpersonal relationship skills with strong marketing background and experience at senior managerial level


Compile annual strategic business plan and ensure achievement of business objectives • Maintain excellent customer relationship to achieve superb customer satisfaction through service excellence • Effective human resources management and people development to improve efficiency, productivity and customer service • Maintain proper financial controls and administration to ensure effective management of assets

We Offer:

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Applicants from designated groups with fluency in local languages are encouraged to apply.


Walvis Bay/Swakopmund/Henties Bay - Passenger & Commercial Vehicles +264 64 203 792 Louis +264 81 293 2348 Karmen +264 81 302 857 1 Andy +264 81 220 8026

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Business Boxes | 25




Electrical, Travel, IT, Home, & Security



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27 to 31 January 2014


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PLEASE NOTE Menus might have to change slightly, depending on availability of products and produce

Travel arrangements Logistics - Flight bookings - Passports - Car Rentals - Work Visa’s/ In-transit Visas - Hotel bookings - Transfer/ Shuttle Services

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Phone +264 64 205136 • Fax +264 64 205137

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26 | Coastal Property Finder

Narraville 2 bed , 1 bath townhouse With Open plan Kitchen & Garage N$579 000 Emily 081 293 0335 Kuisebmund 3 bed, 2 bath Units With garage & own courtyard & boundary walls. Close to the beach! Rhoda 081 4131313 Sole & Exclusive Mandates Lagoon 4 bed, 3 bath house with lounge, tv room, kitchen & 2 garages. N$1 380 000 Meersig 3 bed, 2 bath house with lounge, Kitchen & 2 garages. N$1 350 000 Saloom 081 382 1888 Flat Wanted I need a 2 bedroom flat to rent in Walvis. Prefer in town but if there is another option please inform. Sybre 081 237 3464 Swakopmund 3 bed, 2 bath house with Open plan living, double garage and outside toilet with indoor BBQ. N$1 800 000 Gogga 081 870 9950 Swakopmund Guesthouse 9 bedrooms with on-suites, Lounge, dining, breakfast room,cosy private garden corners, DSTV to all rooms, Wi-Fi Internet connection & Good security N$4 600 000 Gogga 081 870 9950 Swakopmund Lock-Up and Go! Nice and secure 3 bed 2 bath in secure complex. Openplan kitchen/living with Little garden and outside BBQ. Single garage. Just a 3 minute walk to the beach. N$1 170 000 Gogga 081 870 9950

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Swakopmund Happy Holiday Home Neat 3 bed, 2 bath house with openplan living. Double garage, indoor BBQ. Little garden, walking distance to the beach. N$1 600 000 Gogga 081 870 9950 FAIRWAYS Modern 4 Bedroom House with 2 Bathrooms 2 Garages Open Plan Lounge/Dining/ Kitchen. Entertainment Area with Ind BBQ. Study and many more N$2 000 000 Engela 081 302 8531

2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen, lounge and dining room, double garage. N$1 900 000

inside braai, double garage. Established garden. N$1 690 000 Ansu 081 242 9198

Industrial Vacant erf measuring 6700 m2 CC Registered! N$6 700 000 NEG!!!

Swakopmund Hage Heights House 3 Bedr, 2 full bathr, guest toilet, kitchen with large living room, entertainment room with inside braai, Double Remote garage N$12 000 Excl. W&L Immediately available Ansu 081 242 9198 Charlene: 081 365 3843 Nadia: 085 562 2111

Henties Bay Vacant erf measuring 488 m2 N$335 000 Long Beach Praia Da La Costa 3 bedroom townhouse with 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen, lounge and dining area, double garage. N$1 040 000

Swakopmund Eureka Court Lagoon 2 Bedr, 2 Bathr, guest toilet, Warm & Cosy 3 Bedroom living room, kitchen, inside House with 2 Bathrooms braai, private courtyard, 2 Garages. Lounge/Dining/Ind Single remote garage, BBQ. Country Kitchen Please contact us at: NO DOGS N$1 600 000 Cecilia Muller N$5 500 pm Engela 081 302 8531 081 129 5407 Excl. water, prepaid Yolande Mouton Ansu 081 242 9198 Meersig 081 251 9377 Charlene: 081 365 3843 Erf 527 sqm Lydia Fernandes Nadia: 085 562 2111 N$715 000 081 241 8980 Engela 081 302 8531 Nadia Meyer 081 274 5081 To Let Central Office Space 70 m2 To list your properties Reception / 2 x Airconditioned Offices. Kitchen / Toilets Engela 081 302 8531 in this section, email CENTRAL Office Space +/- 150 m2 Reception / Offices / Kitchen / Toilets Engela 081 302 8531 Meersig Office Space 60 m2 Open Plan / Kitchen / Storeroom / Toilets Engela 081 302 8531

WALVIS BAY Meersig Subdivided erf measuring 625 m2 situated in a quiet area surrounded by high priced homes. N$540 000 Vacant erf measuring 1 250 m2 N$850 000 Fairways Brand new double storey house offering 3 bedrooms,


Free of Charge!

Swakopmund Venita House Old Rossing house ready for the taking!!! 3 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom, guest toilet, kitchen, scullary living room, Single Garage and outside toilet. Huge erf with lots of potential to built on. N$1 470 000 Ansu 081 242 9198 Swakopmund Diamond Str 3 Bedr, 2 full bathr, study, kitchen, family room, entertainment room with

Swakopmund Tamariskia House with 2 Bedroom, 2 bathroom, kitchen open plan living room, alarm system, high walls N$4500 pm Excl. water, prepaidContact: Ansu: 0811 242 9198 Charlene: 081 365 3843 Nadia: 085 562 2111 Swakopmund Mondesa house 3 Bedroom, 1 bathroom, guest toilet, living room kitchen, single garage. N$4 000 Excl water, prepaid Ansu 081 242 9198 Charlene: 081 365 3843 Nadia: 085 562 2111

Swakopmund Tamariskia Maison da la Mer 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, kitchen open plan, living room, spacious erf. Alarm N$6 000 Excl. W&L Ansu 081 242 9198 Charlene: 081 365 3843 Nadia: 085 562 2111 Swakopmund Brand new house! Top of the range finishes!! 3 Bedroom, 2 Full Bathroom, kitchen open plan living room, Scullary, entertainment area with inside braai, double remote garage. Alarm. Lots of windows!! Ansu 081 242 9198 Charlene: 081 365 3843

Long Beach FOR THE INVESTOR Great Holiday flat in popular complex at Long beach. 2 bedrooms, main bedroom with en-suite bathroom, open plan kitchen/lounge with build in braai, tandem garage N$1 029 Merle 081 726 1990

Wanted Professional Female (29) looking to share a flat with another professional in Walvis Bay or Langstrand from 1 Feb. Contact 085 129 2158 or email To Rent Tamariskia, Swakopmund 3 bedroom house, 2 bathrooms, lounch, kitchen and garage available for rent. N$6 500 pm Dep N$5 000 Leandri 081 142 1919 Lukas after 17:00 at 081 616 8489 Mondesa Swakopmund Self Accommodation 1 bedroom with kitchen & Bathroom equip with Bed with extra Matrass, TV with Dstv decoder, Study desk & Chair, Iron with Iron board, Fridge, Stove & Microwave etc. Contact @ 081 367 5319 or 081 285 4334

Swakopmund Warehouse with offices & big yard N$25 290 pm Lorette 081 298 2372 Warehouses ¹140m² N$5 500 pm Lorette 081 298 2372 LM Properties are urgently looking for the following propertiesfor our preapproved clients and investors: Erwen, apartments & houses in Hentiesbay, Swakopmund, Long Beach & Walvis Bay. Anything up to 2Mil. Free Standing Houses in any area of Windhoek, Okahandja, Walvis Bay & Swakopmund: Price Range between N$ 700 000 - N$ 1 mil Please call our agents should you have a property to sell: Michelle 081 324 0513 Lorette 081 298 2372

ty nt? search Coastal Proper re or y Bu to e us ho a r fo g Lookin Hundreds listed. Finder on facebook today.

Thursday, 23 January 2014


CLASSIFIEDS Place your classifieds @ 064 200 497 ads@ namibindependent. Accommodation Holiday Accommodation Langstrand Fully furnished Luxury see veiw: sleeps 8 N$2 400 per day 081 129 1770 Services

Wanted Domestic Work Am 27 year boy from Walvis Bay, I am looking for a domestic job. Monday to Friday. Call 081 300 7242 For sale Volvo FH12 - 2003 N$200 000 Car-Carrier N$140 000 Good Condition Cell: 081 148 7040

Reën is OPPAD! IN WALVIS BAY Verf, Seël, Herstel van alle Dakke en Mure. Geskrewe • Deutz F8L413 engine (taken apart to overWaarborg. haul but complete ) 081 454 6870 N$15 000 RAIN is coming. • F8L714 Engine Paint, Seal, Repair of all complete Roofs and Walls. N$20 000 Written Guarantee. • Magiurus Deuts 232 081 454 6870 6x4 bogie + additional PRODEL CONSTUCTION diffs for spares N$20 000 For all your Construction • Diesel pump 015 bosch needs 051 2597 for 10 cylinder Johann 081 128 0848 deutz Renovations N$5 000 Building/ maintenance\ • ERF TRUCK 6x4 additions/ paint Cummins 6CTA engine Wiina 081 463 4539 or with (Eaton 6103 Theo 081 241 6116 gearbox broken) 6x2.4m flat deck Wanted loading box N$30 000 (Truck as is); Urgently looking for a N$20 000 (engine), 2 bedroom flat or a N$10 000 (load box), 2 bedroom townhouse, N$15 000 (chassis cab) single and pet friendly. • 4T Toyota Dyna Price range striped N$5 500- N$6 000 1W Toyota engine Incl. W&E negotiable (4cylinder) Cab & 081 634 0574 Chassis & Front axle 6x2.2x0.4m House to buy Loading box I am looking for anyone N$20 000 who is selling a house in • Fuso Mitsubishi Walvis Bay or Swakop, 6D15 engine - chassis Less than N$270 000 cab, gearbox broken Call 081 429 8897 Load box 6.8x2.3x0.5m

for sale loading box N$15 000 • 24 Valve Toyota L/C engine block, Diesel pump N$15 000 • Lexus engine & original control unit (ecu) & wiring loom & gearbox N$10 000 • Toyota Dyna 4T Truck Loading box. Engine seized – complete N$15 000 PRICES NEGOTIABLE - CONTACT MATTHYS OR MELANDIE 064-207482 Ford F250 Rims With Tyres, Size 305/50R20 N$8 500 2T yres in great condition! Call 081 249 9270 Walvis Bay Property for Sale Price reduced!! Erf for sale in Henties Bay ext 10, With 2 boundary walls, Erf SIZE 649 m2 N$250 000 Call 081 249 9270 property power On Show 3 % Commission Best Buy Flat, Venita 3 Bedroom, 2/1, 2 Bathroom,Garage, 1 Private Parking Open Plan Kitchen Living Area With Sea View Balcony N$1 030 000

property power N$1 288 000 N$7 000 pm Furnished Open Plan Town House With Sea View, Indoor BBQ, 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, D/Garage In Cc N$1 288 000 N$7 000 pm Dolphin Park Rurnished, 3 Sea View Town Houses All 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, Tandem Garages with Blinds from N$1 345000 N$1 545 000 Lagoon Walvis Bay House 2 Let, 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, Study and Office, Open Plan Kitchen, Lounge and Large BBQ With Tandem Garage, Paved Yard N$10 800 pm Lagoon Big Family House, 3 Bedroom, 2, 1/2 Bathroom, Kitchen, Lounge With Fire Place,Dinning Room, 3 Garages. Extras Outside Flat, Laundry, BBQ Room and Studio Free Standing House Near Schools New 2 Bedroom En Suit Open Plan Living BIC,BIS, with BBQ N$8 660 pm Fairway Town Houses Simplex Open Plan, BIC, BIS, 2 Bedroom,1,Bathroom, 1 Garage With 2 Court Yards N$824 000

Much more to view!

Kurt Grunschloss Cell 081 242 6713 Propertypowercc Email: Long Beach: Open Plan Sea View Town Propertypowerwvb@ House With Indoor BBQ Our Mission Is Low 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, Commission D/Garage

5 77 77


Tuesdays 10:30 TUESDAY 10:30am


Goods for sale

goods for sale

UK Vehicle Importation facilitated on your behalf by the experts. Strictly 2005 models and above. Any kind of vehicle or truck sought. Contact us on 081 347 1558 or email: info@ NOW AVAILABLE

Nakara Swakopmund


The Arcade

Big variety of

Vegetable Leather

CONSENT: HOME BASED BUSINESS (Cash Loans)(state specifically nature of consent) ON ERF NO: 3191 TOWNSHIP: Walvis Bay STREET: Evergreen (Give street name and number)

In terms of the abovementioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish a Peter and Joy’s cash loan On the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 and 106 D, Civic Centre.

Any person having any objection to the approval of this application must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and the undersigned, in writing, not later than 30th January 2014

for shoes, sandals and saddles

Upholstery Leather

Bovine & Game

Zebra Nguni Springbok

Asset Disposal

Auction For and on behalf of

Park & Sell

Nissan Patrol, Nissan 1600 Toyota 4X4 S/C, Roof sheets Lights, Pallets, Wood planks Wood beams, Lounge suites Furniture, Tyres, Fridges Restaurant equipment, Camping gear, Electronics, Laptops, Base and lead Guitar, Beds and more

Your bakkie, truck or trailer. We offer the best rates and free advertising

1 Feb 2014 at 10h00

We pay Refundable cash for unwanted N$1000 Deposit items of value apply Terms and Conditions

Tel +264081 64 143 209 4368 026 Quintin for photos

RO Water

Photos also on Facebook in Bay Auctioneers

Purification Systems for sale and we also do filter replacements


Need cash for your unwanted goods

WALVIS BAY Tel 064 209 026

Tel 064 405 907

Mun. of Walvisbaai

NAME AND ADDRESS: APPLICANT(S) Petrus Amutenya 44 Evergreen Street Narraville, Walvis Bay

We pawn or buy assets

Natural and Dyed nakara@africaonline.

Furniture & Household Wanted

Quintin 081 143 4368 +264 64 209026 for photos

Asset Disposal

Auction For and on behalf of

Mun. of Walvis Bay 1 Feb 2014 at 10h00

Nissan Patrol, Nissan 1600 Toyota 4X4 S/C, Roof sheets Lights, Pallets, Wood planks Wood beams, Lounge suites Furniture, Tyres, Fridges Restaurant equipment, Camping gear, Electronics, Laptops, Base and lead Guitar, Beds and more

N$1000 Refundable Deposit Terms and Conditions apply

Quintin 081 143 4368 +264 64 209026 for photos

Quintin 081 143 4368 for photos Photos also on Facebook in Bay Auctioneers

Friday, 23 2014 to Thursday,03 29July January |1 Thursday, 27 January June 2013 to Wednesday, 20132014

28 | Sport11 July 2013 Thursday,

S POR T SPOR International Soccer News Arsenal is still setting the pace in what has become a very intriguing title race after they beat a struggling Fullham 2-0 at The Emirates. The “who’s who" of soccer said, after ten or so games in the league that it was just early season jitters from the other title chasers but yet a resilient Arsenal team under guidance from Arsene Wenger are proving them wrong – AGAIN!!! They keep on piling up the pressure at the summit and their “Silent Assassin" Olivier Giroud keeps on putting the ball in the back of the net. Players like Ozil,

Ramsey and Podolski will certainly wreak havoc in the weeks to come. Manchester United is all but out of the title race and even the most faithful of supporters would have to agree with that. The quality and the depth of squads at the top are just too vast and even if they make significant signings in the transfer window, I still believe it to be too late. The other teams will also acquire new signings into already settled squads with the exception of but a few, so far as the title race is concerned at least! City and Chelsea will challenge The Gunners all the way to the end with Liverpool and Everton chasing the elusive

fourth spot in order to qualify for Europe. Spurs are showing a new resurgence under Tim Sherwood and the former mid fielder certainly changed the attitude back to the great attacking team that we all know and love to watch. How anyone in his right mind can overlook the talents of Immanuel Adebayor (Andre Villas Boas) and not even start him from the bench, is beyond me. The same could be said about Jermaine Defoe. Somebody must have his eyelids woven shut because in February he is on his way to play in the “highly competitive" Canadian league. Could not a struggling team like Manchester United have acquired his services where he would have certainly stood out because of his considerable talents? Speaking of the “Devils”, they are in an advanced stage of talks with bitter enemies Chelsea about the possible signing of midfield genius Juan Mata for a reported fee of 37 million Pounds. Rather surprisingly, the left midfielder from Spain did not see eye to eye from

keeping the connection

the start with Portuguese manager Jose Mourinho. The Chelsea gaffer even made it clear in the press that he thought that Mata was lazy and needed to up his work rate Mata would be a wonderful acquisition for United both on the left and in central midfield. Mind you - the way United is playing now, anyone would be a star signing! Real Madrid also upped the anti in their talks with United because they want the signature of Wayne Rooney. Nobody would bet against a move like that and it would certainly be fitting for a player of his calibre to play in a star studded team. More on transfer news next week.

to score a hat trick against United.

Fixtures for week 23: Tuesday 28 at 21h45: United vs. Cardiff Norwich vs. Newcastle Southampton vs. Arsenal Swansea vs. Fulham. 22h00: Palace vs. Hull Liverpool vs. Everton in what would certainly be a thrilling Merseyside derby. Wed.29th at 21h45: Villa vs. West brom Chelsea vs. West Ham Sunderland vs. Stoke Tottenham vs. City. This match will Premier league results - week 22: have a huge influence on the aspirations of Arsenal 2-0 Fulham the other title chasers, all depending on the Liverpool 2-2 Aston Villa (One of the outcome. best for the season so far) Prediction of the week: Tottenham 3-2 Swansea 1-3 Spurs Manchester City. West Brom 1-1 Everton West ham 1-3 Newcastle The Super rugby will commence in the Chelsea 3-1 Manchester United. Samuel middle of February and we will certainly Eto’ became only the 4th person in history be here to cover it.

Golf Season Starts with a Bang The year kicked off with a big one. The first NAGU event of the year was sponsored by NAMSOV Fishing. It was not the first time they sponsored this event and according to Herman Smidt, also not the last time. Big thank you’s to NAMSOV, who are not only putting

Sponsored by

back into golf in this country, but they also give back to the Namibian people on various other areas. Two days before the event rain threatened the game, but luckily stayed away after a small burst on Thursday morning. During the remainder of Thursday and Friday the sun was

sitting high and dried out the course so play could continue on Saturday morning at 06h30. Graham Fransman kicked off with an excellent 36 on the first nine holes, taking the lead by one over Paul Ndeilenga and Mathew Stander. The second nine holes the players got used to the greens and conditions and Gerhard van der Merwe and Paul Ndeilenga both carded two under PAR. After 18 holes Paul Ndeilenga was the leader on 71, with Stephanus Bonifatius and Mathew Stander sharing second place on 74. At that stage Gerhard van der Merwe and Brendan Britten shared 3rd on 75. Briiten and Van der Merwe did not perform that well on the second 18 and not even a late charge from Kevin Wentzel playing one over par was enough to catch the leaders. Bonifatius played level par on the second 18 and Neideilenga almost threw it away on the last two holes, making bogey on both. At the end of play Bonifatius and Ndeilenga had a three-hole play-off to determine the 2014 NAMSOV Fishing Open Champion. A notable performance came from Wynand Breytenbach in the CDivision. Wynand is an avid golfer and plays off a 21 handicap. He showed us that a C Division player can compete against the big guns for the overall Nett prize and came

second for that title on the day to D Haimbondi that played in the B Division from a 8 handicap. In the Ladies division it was a one-horse race with Caro Els playing excellent golf. She played one over PAR for the day from a 4 handicap and won the Gross competition easily by 11 shots to W Calitz, Wilma van der Merwe and R Hengari that followed.

Results: Men’s Overall Gross: S Bonifatius 146 Nett: D Haimbondi 140 Runner up Gross: P Ndeilenga 146 Runner up Nett: W Breytenbach A Division Overall Gross: K Wentzel 151 Nett: H Nghinamwaani 145 Runner up Gross: B Britten 151 Runner up Nett: M Stander 146 B Division Overall Gross: A Burger 160 Nett: H Njendja 143 Runner up Gross: E Venter 162 Runner up Nett: M Polster 145 C Division Overall Gross: S Figueiredo 168 Nett: K Britz 146 Runner up Gross: K Dereuck 172 Runer up Nett: F Champion Snr 147

Results: Ladies’ Overall Gross: Caro Els 73 Nett: W Calitz 67

Left- Stephanus Bonifatius – Men’s overall winner Right- Caro Els – Ladies’ overall winner

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