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Swakopmund council to improve sanitation
This week the Swakopmund Municipality announced that the construction of seven sanitation centers in the town is nearing completion, this is a short-term solution to improve sanitation in the informal settlements while attempts are beingmadetoprovidecompleteaccesstosewageservices.
The sewerage network and several pump stations have been experiencing a disruption in their operations and function which has resultedinseweragefloodingthestreetsroads and even properties. The main areas that experienceacontinuousoccurrenceofflooding are Germina N Shitaleni Multi-purpose Centre,DaurebStreet,NaukluftStreet,Olivia Haufiku Street in Mondesa, various Pump Station throughout Swakopmund, and McHughStreetintheindustrialarea.
Thedisruptioninthefunctionofthesewerage network and the operations of the pump stationsistheresultofsand,rocks,andother foreignobjectsbeingdepositedintothesewer network.Thisresultsintheblockageofpipes and causes damage to the impellers and motorsofthepumps.
To address the sewerage problems and improve the function of the sewer network, the Municipality has implemented a Sewerage Program and has put the following measures in place, Procurement of a New Mobile SludgePump,RelocationofMidblockSewer Lines in the Mondesa and Tamariskia suburbs,ReroutingofthemainsewerattheGerminaNShitaleniMulti-purposeCentre,Construction of a Mechanical Sand trap behind Germina N Shitaleni Multi-purpose Centre,
Procurement of pumps for 9 pump stations, namely Pumpstation 3 (Strand Street), Pump station16(TamariskiaHall),Pumpstation19 (c/o Dr. Schwetering Street and Dr. Eugene Muller street), Pump station 20 (Apex Park), Pumpstation 4 (Paddock Gardens), Pumpstation Mile 4, Pump station at the Raw BalancingTank, Pump station 14 and Pumpstation 09. Appointment of Contractors to attend to the maintenance of pump stations, namely the pumps, sumps/sand traps, and electronicandelectrical.CleaningoftheRaw BalancingTanks at the old plant. Installation of Mechanical screen at the Raw Balancing Tank. Installation of a New Sewer Main in McHughStreetRedirectionofseveralcoastal pump stations, Installation of a New Sewer Main in Nelson Mandela Street from the MondesaTaxiranktoPumpstation9,UpgradingofSewerLineinOliviaHaufikuStreetin Mondesa, Construction and Installation of back-upGeneratorroomforPumpstation16 (TamariskiaHall).
The Municipality of Swakopmund is committed to the delivery of safe, efficient, affordable services and infrastructure to all and has adopted a 5-year strategic plan to ensure key projects and decisions are implemented.