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Moller to compete at world stage
Rudi Bowe
Cyril Moller a Pool player from C e l t i c P o o l C l u b i n Swakopmund will represent Namibia at the International HeyballPoolAssociation(IHPA) (Chinese 8-ball billiard) grand finalefrom20Marchto6Aprilin the port city of Qinhuangdao in China.
Moller the number one player in the country, also known as Terminator, is the first Namibian pool player that will represent Namibia Pool and Billiards Federation (NPBF) at a world stage. He will compete against 64 of the world best professional players.
Moller fell in love with pool at a tenderageofjust13yearandsince thenachievedseveralmilestonesin thecountryandabroad.