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Westside High Awards Academic Excellence
Mr. Matroos. Westside High recently hosted its annualPrizeGivingCeremonyforthe year2022,theschoolawardeditsmost meritoriousstudents.

The event commenced with a very inspiring speech by Mrs S !Gawises, about “RedefiningCharacter”.
The principal of West side High School Ms. Rheeder further stated “Character is a tool needed to set goals and achieve excellence. Thereare4P'sthatyouneedtoequipyourself with to achieve your goals and it consists of Perseverance, Patience, Persistence and Passion”.
The event was blessed with a song by the Master of Ceremonies, Mr. Matroos. There was a lot of suspense and excitement as the studentsdidnotknowwhattoexpect.
The awarding ceremony started off with Lindy Bock receiving the award for Most VersatileLearner,whichencourageslearners to take initiative and help where needed. There were certificates and medals awarded forthedifferentsubjects.

The top performer per subject were also awarded with sponsored prizes, which includeddictionariesandcashprizes.
Today's learners struggle with, “Not being attentive peer pressure and giving up” accordingtoGideonNuseb.“Istruggledwith alackofmotivationbutovercameitbygiving myselfcreditforthelittlethingsIdid”,stated Benhard Eelu. “My advice is that we can all achievegoodresultsifweworkhardandstay positive, by not letting our negative surroundings define our future”, said FranklinCoetzee.
Thankyoutoalloursponsorswhichinclude Waltons, Bank Windhoek, FNB and The Potter's House as well as the Planning Committee for making this event possible. Your efforts are seen and appreciated. We would also like to encourage our learners to persevere and be resilient.At the end of the day,hardworkpaysoff.
Grade8:ElnicCoetzee(71.5%),Innocencia Januarie(70.8%),MarthaShipo(66.5%)
Grade 9: Benhard Eelu (78.9 %), Gideon Nuseb(70.8%),GizzyHaingura(69.9%)
Grade10:FranklinCoetzee(75%),Monalisa Garises(71%),LusiaHaita(68%).
First date of publication:6 March 2023
Debmarine Namibia is seeking an experienced service provider to provide SAP Consulting Service for the Plant Maintenance (PM) Project Systems (PS) and Materials Management (MM) module of the SAP system.
The service provider must perform the following services:
1. Configuration and support of the PM, PS and MM module
2. Identifying trends and user needs
3. Conduct Training and compile training material
4. Engagement of stakeholder’s education and awareness plan
5. Recommendation of SAP standard solutions
6. Identify areas of business process improvements
7 Identifying and introduce enhanced functionalities
8. Knowledge of all other modules in SAP
9. Project Management
CLOSING DATE: 31 March 2023 at 12h00.
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Email: Tenders@debmarine.com
Subject line: DBMNE0466 SAP Consultancy Services.
Debmarine Namibia shall not be responsible for any costs incurred in the preparation and submission of a response to this tender and furthermore reserves the right not to extend this tender into any future tenders, negotiations and or engagements Debmarine Namibia shall not accept submissions rendered after the closing date and time