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Namport CEO Emphasises Collaborative Partnerships during Kenyan Courtesy Call
The Namibian PortsAuthority hosted a Kenyan courtesy call on Friday, 9 June, during which Mr Andrew Kanime, CEO of Namport, highlighted the importance of fostering strong working relationships with stakeholders. The event served as a platform for knowledge sharing, continuous learning, and the exchange of best practices within and beyondthemaritimeindustry.
Led by Member of Parliament for the Republic of Kenya, Hon. Joyce Atieno Osogo, a high-level delegation comprising Kenyan parliament members visited Namport. In her opening remarks, Hon. Osogo applaudedthePortsAuthorityforachievingremarkable results despite the challenging global economic climate. Mr Kanime emphasised the significance of collaborativepartnershipsinthemaritimeindustryand themutualbenefitsthatarisefromsharingexperiences and expertise He acknowledged the role of stakeholders in driving innovation, improving efficiency,andfosteringsustainablepractices.
The visit comprised enlightening presentations that shed light on Namport's remarkable accomplishments andstrategicapproaches.Moreover,thedelegateswere treatedtoanextensivetourofthecutting-edgefacilities at the Port ofWalvis Bay, providing them with a firsthand experience of Namport's efficiency and capabilities.
ThecourtesycallprovidedanopportunityforNamport andtheKenyandelegationtoengageindiscussionson varioustopics,includingportoperations,infrastructure development, and the implementation of cutting-edge technologies.
Maintainingrobustrelationshipswithstakeholdersand a commitment to learning and advancement remain integral to Namport's core values. By actively embracing opportunities for collaboration and knowledge exchange,Namportcontinuestosolidifyitspositionas aprominentplayerwithintheglobalmaritimearena.