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About15playersfromtheWalvis Bay Golf Club traveled to Gobabis for the National Sages that saw a field of 25 players playing in a bogey plus competition at the club competition.
OnagoodplussixitwasPieterFox, withEckhardtDreyercominginon plus four with another old stalwart Danie van Antwerpen on plus one.
Closesttothepinon2/11wasKyle Johnson and Pieter Fox was closest on18. Thereweresix2clubs,Chris Heunis,EmileVilbert,KevinWentzel,SandroDeGouveia,andPieterx 2. Having won so many times this year,Pieterdonatedhisprizebackto theclub.
Attached the updated Order of Merit. Good to see Kyle Johnson and Kevin Wentzel in the top 10, welldoneguys Last weekend Monthly Sages at WalvisBayGolfClubwerewonby Dean Kock on 40 points with Des Benson second on 37 and Helga Englingthirdon36points.
Itwaswithsadnessthatwelearntof the passing of oom Pikkies wife,
Africanbeneficiariesof our foundation in the current season. Muntaner said, “the Real Madrid Foundation is developing almost 57 projects in 26 African countries for about 11 700 boys and girls, but thenumbersarenotthat important, every kid is important for us. Just think that every person you teach have a future andeachofthemcanbe the one who change or improve the world Every boy and every girl can be the instrumenttoimprovea community,” Muntaner said Muntaner said, “this alliance is intended to educate and develop Namibian children through sport and values based on motivation, equality, camaraderie,respect,healthy habits, autonomy, and teamwork, in line with the methodology of the Foundation for a Real Education: Values and Sport “Wethinkweare sharing positive values in a country that is well known for its respectfully society, coexistenceexampleforevery society,” Muntaner added.
The Managing Director of Cadilu Fishing Jose
Luis Reyero Fernandez said that the idea was to teach children soccer skills and, in the process, empower them to learn and grow both physicallyandmentally “We want to equip and teach them how to play fairly and ensure that they acquire some necessary life skills through sports and in their personal lives”
Sports Officer at the ministry of sport
Timothy Tjongarero, said the main aim is to bringtheloveforsports back to school children while instilling a culture of participation andcompetition.
“Khomas region is hosted the first leg of the football clinics, with the second leg her in Walvis Bay whilst thethirdandfourthlegs of the clinics will be rolled out during SeptemberandOctober 2023 in Otjiwarongo and Rundu, respectively,”Tjongarero said.
Thesecondlegofthe2023MedixxOccupational Health Services (MOHS) in the format of a Betterball Stableford Golf day was held at the the Rossmund Golf Course on Saturday 10 June.
Despitethelargecontingentofcoastalplayerswho travelled to compete in the Gobabis Sages – 30 + golferstee'doffontheirquestforthewinnerscircle in excellent weather conditions for golf competitionwastough.
The Overall Winners on 46 points were Johannes Antohnissen/Christo van Rensburg winning a count out over Mariena Ludwig/Tiekie De Wet, thirdwasFredBosse/AchmetAbrahams45points count out over Fritz & David Coetzee and fifth place went to Hans Naobeb/Thomas Shitaleni 44 points.
Thedayproduced32-clubsfromMarienaLudwig; AtholMcLean;ChrisMagson.
The winners of the Medixx Occupational Health Betterball Stableford fltr, Thomas Shitaleni, Hans Naobeb, Mariena Ludwig, Achmet Abrahams, Tiekie De Wet, Fritz CoetzeeandDavidCoetzee
WesaythankstoDrsStraussandSaundersonfor theirongoingsupportofthecommunityandGolf atRossmund.
RossmundGolfClubappealtoalltheurgolfersto respectthecourse,toalwayscarrysandandrepair