2 minute read
NamibiavalidatesCarbon MarketsFramework
Rudi Bowe
The Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism (MEFT) in collaboration with the United Nations Development (UNDP) through funding from the Japanese Government Namibia held a workshop to reviewandvalidateNamibia'sCarbonMarketFramework.
The workshop that was held form 5 to`9 June at Walvis Bay intends to reduce greenhouse gases to as close to zero as possible This will be done through the implementation of the NationallyDeterminedContributions (NDC's) to support sustainable development for all. The UNDPandMEFTplayed a crucial role in facilitating the preparation and adoption of the nationalframeworkwiththe main objective, to enable Namibia's active participation in the international carbon market and outline the necessary processes for developing andimplementingcarbon market activities within the country The Carbon Markets Framework presents a unique opportunitytoaddressmultiple challenges simultaneously reducing greenhouse gas emissions, promoting clean technologies, creating employment opportunities, and building climate ambitious target of reducing national emissions by 2030. “In this regard,theprojectaimsto establish an environment thatwouldallowNamibia to explore and pursue carbon market-based pricing options. This will placeNamibiaamongthe front-runners in the SADC region to pilot and support the development andimplementationofthe carbon market framework,” he said. Mufeti said, "in terms of institutionalarrangements,the MEFT remains responsible for coordinating the implementation of Namibia'sNDC.Therefore,I hope that we follow the same arrangement for MEFTtohosttheCarbon MarketsSecretariatasthe National Designated Authority for the UNFCCC to ensure alignment with theNDC.” neurship, and empower the youth to be agents of change. “Ultimately, the success of the carbon markets framework in Namibia will contribute to mitigating climate change and fostering sustainable development,” Bhatiasaid. resilience
Also speaking at the occasion was Hisao Nishimaki, Ambassador ofJapantoNamibia.
By entering carbon markets, Namibia can advance its socioeconomic development while transitioning to a low-carboneconomyina cost-effective way Namibia's Environmental Commissioner Timoteus
Mufeti said at the carbon market validation workshop that the carbon markets framework will enable the country to participate in the internationalcarbonmarket,a move that is expected to foster sustainable developmentinthecountry
Mufeti said, “the formal adoption of the frameworksetsouttherequisite technical procedures for developing carbon marketprojectsinthecountry under the Paris Agreement.” Mufeti emphasisedthattheGovernmentof Namibia recognises the importance of collaboration among key stakeholders in achieving the
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) resident representative in Namibia, Alka Bhatia said the carbonmarketframework isnotonlyaboutpolicies, regulations, and markets but also about empoweringtheyouth.Bhatiasaid, “the engagement and active participation of young people are essential for the success of any sustainable development initiative The energy, enthusiasm, and fresh perspectives that the youth bring to the table are invaluable. By involving young people in decision-making processes, we ensure that their voices are heard, theirideasareconsidered, and their concerns are addressed. By embracing this framework, we are taking concrete steps toward a more sustainable, equitable and prosperous future for all Namibians.” Bhatia addedthatthecarbonmarkets framework will provide an opportunity to create green jobs, promote sustainable entrepre-
"The Japanese Government has decided to provideatotalofUSD42 million to UNDP under the name of the project, 'Japan-UNDPSupportfor Transition Efforts to Decarbonisation' and the fundwasdistributedto23 countries inclusive of Namibia In terms of institutional arrangements,theMEFTremains responsible for coordinating the implementationofNamibia'sNDC. Therefore, I hope that we follow the same arrangementforMEFTtohostthe Carbon Markets Secretariat as the National Designated Authority for the UNFCCC to ensure alignmentwiththeNDC.”

Governor of the Erongo region,NevilleAndresaid in his welcome remarks, Namibia has seven years toachieveherSustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. Andre said, “the 2030 Low EmissionsAgendaforthe Paris Agreement on climate change continues to lead our actions towards sustainable and low-carbon development.
For a green recovery and carbon neutrality, it is crucial to take an integratedapproach.Onethat creates synergies and minimises trade-offs between the goals ” According to Andre, it requiresconsentedefforts from all key stakeholders to achieve these goals. The need to move fast to turn pledges into actions cannotbeignored.