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Castrol Marine Lube Oils Golf Day
Albeit that there were eight players in Windhoek and a few others with other appointments,abigfieldof35playersturnedoutforthefirstCASTROLMARINE LUBEOILSGolfday,wherealltheplayersgettingaprizetotakehomeatWalvis BayGolfClub.
The players must have seen the table of prizes before tee off as there were no less than eight players who played their handicap or better, with WeitzvanNiekerkreturningawhopping46points (surely a new handicap) for first place. Piet van NiekerktooksecondplaceonacountoutfromOom Pikkie Champion on 43 points. Mario Polster was fourth on 42 points andWynand Breytenbach was fifthon38points.
Closest to the pins on three of the four short holes werewonbyMarioPolsteron#2and#7andPieter Hamannon#11.Therewasnooneonthegreenon 18sotheprizebecomesaluckydraw
Two clubs were recorded by David Peake, Rocco Viljoen, Piet van Niekerk and Johnny Borges. CASTROL MARINE's Technical Manager from SpainJoseBenitez'Pepe'Prietoplayedmostofthe Golf.
Well done to the CASTROL team of Benita Delport,AxelTheissen,JoseBenitez'Pepe'Prieto andEstelleHanekomonagreateventandwelook forwardtohavingyouguysbacknextyear Grant Mather and Pieter Fox won the Pairs tournamentbyagreat16shotsinWindhoek.
TheAEGIR MARINE matchplay has kicked off and a few games have been played, with a few surprisesatthisearlystage.Thecurrent[andlong standing] champion Pieter Fox has been beaten twice in his prelim games and thus he will be towards the bottom of the ladder when it is finalised.
Tomorrow 18 February is the MULTISAVE MEDAL and the WINDHOEK LAGER INT PAIRSattheWalvisBayGolfClub.
TheWalvisBayGolfCLUBFUNDRAISERwill beon 25February
TheIndongoGolfdaywillbeon4Marchwiththe LocalSageson5MarchandonMarch11arethe MULTISAVE MEDAL and the WINDHOEK LAGERINTPAIRSattheWalvisBayGolfClub. The CORRIDOR LOGISTICS CORPORATE leaguewillkickoffinduetimeattheWalvisBay GolfClub.
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