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Council to assist students
Constituency councilors had been inundated in the past with financial assistance requestsbyunderprivilegedstudentswhowanttostudyatauniversityorcollege.
For this reason, the Erongo Regional Council has established a financial assistance fund to help underprivileged students in the Region.
Walvis Bay Rural Constituency Councilor, Florian Donatus said that a resolution to assist vulnerable students, especially with registration fees when they start tertiary education, as well as learners with school supplieswaspassedbycouncillastyear Councilor Donatus said constituencies have received a budget to assist vulnerable studentsin their respective constituencies Donatus said,” the support will be granted through our constituency office, and financial supportwillbeconsideredfororphansandthe vulnerable between the ages of seven and 35. Also, destitute people as well as individuals withdisabilitieswillbeconsidered.”Headded thatassistancewillbebetweenN$1000upto N$5000maximumperstudent,dependingon thebudget.
Donatus emphasised that those applying for assistance must prove or produce outstanding educational performance reports, and must have proof of acceptance by a recognised tertiary institution accredited by the Namibia Qualifications Authority (NQA). “Applicants shouldberesidinginarespectiveconstituency intheErongoregionformorethanthreeyears andifnotattachproofofresidencyofhisorher parents,guardians,oravoter'scard,”Donatus said.
Donatusfurtherexplainedthatapplicantswho areemployedandearningmorethanN$5000 willnotbeconsideredandwhoseparentshave a combined income of N$10 000 will not be considered. All applicants must submit full birth certificates, and certified death certificates in cases where the parents are deceased.Applicants who are unemployed or whose parents or guardians are unemployed should submit a police declaration to support the application and those that are employed mustprovideapayslips.
Application forms can be obtained at various constituencyofficesintheErongoregion.