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Senior golfers show support
Afieldofsome32golferstooktothefairways inthebrightsunnyweathertocompeteforan abundance of prizes on offer Scores were really close – with the laurels going to two of theregular“OuToppies”.
Winners: Ian Campbell/Dreyer Du Plessis 45 points followed by David & Fritz Coetzee 44 pointswithBilly&RinaKnightthirdwith43 points c/o over Johnny Flook/Ivan Perry and JohnRedman/TienievanRensburg. Therewerenotwo-clubsrecorded–thefunds collected were donated to the Junior Development Program. The Captain thanked the senior members of the Club for their excellent support and providing a wonderful dayofgolf.
ThefirstmonthlySagescompetitionfor2023, an Individual Stableford - with a field of 28 playersthatincludedseveralfacesfromacross the river was held on Sunday 15 January at RossmundGolfClub.
Whatadifferenceadaycanmake–Nearestto the Pin on Number 7 went to Tony Boesch whilst Rina Knight took home the prize for Number 12, both managed to sink their putts resulting in two-clubs – our third two-club of the day came on Number 3 from George Murasiki - otherwise known as El Capitan “a SageinWaiting”.
OverallWinneron38pointswasourownMr Easy – Tony Boesch followed by Warren Theron37pointswithLynnevanderWaltthird on36pointsandinfourthplacewasEddyvan Wykon34pointsc/ooverJohnnyFlook. As always with Sages everyone was a winner andwenthomewithsomethinginabottle.