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Naked woman ends life by walking into ocean
woman and instead report the matter to the Tutaleni Police as she continued walking into theocean.
The spokesperson of thepoliceintheErongo region, Inspector Ileni Shapumba confirmed policeofficersfromthe Kuisebmond and Tutaleni police stations arrived at the scene at around 13:30, and followed the footprints from the road The officers found Zondjembo's body floating in the shallow waters close to the shore Inspector Shapumba said, “no suicide note was left and no foul play is suspected so far.”
Mupupa said, ”Swakopmund is increasingly becoming a destination of choice to film movies, documentaries, and other visual materials for local and international film makers.Withanincreasingnumberofrequests tofilmmoviesanddocumentariesinSwakopmund, Councilhas comeup with a solution to ensuretheseactivitiesareregulated.Itisimperative that filmmakers abide to the filming regulationsandguidelinesreviewedandapproved by council after receiving approval from theFilmCommission.”
As part of council's economic diversification strategy and in line with marketing Swakopmundasthepreferredfilmingdestination,the CEO of the Swakopmund Municipality, Mr AlfeusBenjamin,andtopmanagementhosted the DSTV Business Head yesterday, for discussions around potential partnerships, content creation and entertainment opportunities. “Indeed, Swakopmund is enroute to becomingaleadingsmartcity,”Mupupasaid.