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Passport-free crossborder travel
ThePresidentsofNamibiaandBotswanamadehistorywith thesigningofapassport-freecross-bordertravelagreement attheTrans-Kalahari/MamunoBorderPostinBotswanaon 24February.
TheagreementsignedbythetwoHeadsofState,afirstofitskindfor Southern African Development Community (SADC) countries, allows citizens to cross the two countries' borders without a passport but with the use of their National Identity (ID) Cards as Travel Documents.
As member states of SADC, this shared initiative between Namibia and Botswana is in line with the SADC Protocol to promote and facilitatethefreemovementofpeople,goodsandservicesastepcloser to regional integration. Namibia is committed to playing its role in developingpoliciesaimedattheprogressiveeliminationofobstacles. NamibiaandBotswanashare1544kmlandborder Thecommunities on both sides speak the same language and share a common culture. For this reason and for neighbourly solidarity, it makes perfect sense thatweshouldfacilitateeffectiveanduncomplicatedmeansoftravel betweenourrespectivecommunities.
Namibians will now be able to travel to Botswana using their new IdentityCardsandviceversa.However,youngerpeoplewillstillhave tousepassports,whilethenewidentitycardforpermanentresidence holdersisalsonotacceptable.
His Excellency Dr Hage G. Geingob, President of the Republic of NamibiahailstheuseofIDcardsfortravelbetweenthetwocountries as a milestone in Namibia-Botswana relations. “This is first steps towards realization of (the) SADC Protocol on the facilitation of movementofpersons,notonlygoodsbutpersons.

Geingob said, "steps like these could form a foundation whose stepping stones may lead to the path in inspiring Africans to attain continentalintegration.Tothecitizensofourtwocountriestheuseof identity cards as travel documents is being put in place for the convenienceofourcitizens.Itisyourprojectanditssuccessdepends onyou.”
His Excellency Mokgweetsi Masisi President of the Republic of Botswana with His Excellency Dr Hage G. Geingob, President of the Republic of Namibia at the Trans-Kalahari/Mamuno Border Post in Botswana
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