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Namibia's Justina Ashiyana Appointed As The Worldskills Champion - Trust Representative For Africa, Empowering Africa's Youth Through Skills Development
JustinaAshiyanaisappointedtoserveasWorldSkillsChampionsTrustRepresentative for Africa from 2023 to 2024, representing the African continent together with South Africa'sMihleMvelakubi.TheWorldSkillsChampionsTrustisavolunteergroupofpast CompetitorswhoarethevoiceofyoungpeopleintheWorldSkillsmovementwhoworkto raise levels of engagement among WorldSkills Champions (past competitors) and promoteactiveinvolvementinWorldSkillsprojects,initiatives,andactivities.
ChampionsTrustrepresentativesspeakatmultiplehigh-level international events and take a leading role at WorldSkills Competitions.EightnewmembersfromAfrica,theAmericas, Asia, Europe, and Oceania joined three returning representativesintheTrust.Tohoneherskills,Justinarecently attended her first training in Lyon France where she met the rest of the WSCT representatives and participated in leadershipandmediatrainingsessionsandforums.Fromher humble beginnings at Omatando in Ongwediva, Justina's skills journey has taken her to local and international platforms, where she has made a significant impact and emergedasarolemodelforAfricanyouth.
Growing up, Justina developed a deep-rooted passion for Joinery through her father's influence, who was involved in constructionwork.Herearlyexposuretothetradenurturedher skillsandignitedadesiretobecomeanArtisan.In2016,Justina tookpartintheNationalSkillsCompetition,intheJoinerytrade where she proceeded to represent Namibia at the WorldSkills Competition in Abu Dhabi 2017. She has since been an ambassadorforskillsandhasparticipatedinvariousplatforms, representing the Namibian and African youth, including the PanAfricanYouthForuminAddisAbabain2019,Oneofthe Team Leaders at the WorldSkills Africa Swakopmund Competition, top 5 runner up of the 2020 WorldSkills BeChangeMakerAfricaCompetition,employedasatemporary Assistant joinery trainer at Valombola Vocational Training centrein2019andiscurrentlyenrolledforaNationalDiploma instructorcourseinTVETattheNamibiaUniversityofScience andTechnology(NUST).Theseexperienceshavesolidifiedher positionasacatalystforchange,activelycontributingtoskills developmentinhercommunityandadvocatingforequalaccess toskill-buildingopportunities.

As the sole female competitor among a number of male participants, Justina's journey at the WorldSkills competition was filled with challenges and triumphs which is an inspiring testamenttothepowerofpassion,determination,andbreaking of gender barriers. The international platform allowed her to connectwithtalentedindividualsworldwide,fosteringaglobal network of joiners and exchanging innovative ideas. Notably, Justina's resilience and talent drew admiration from fellow women, who became instant fans, cheering her on and capturing moments with her This unforgettable experience continuestoinspireyoungindividualstopursuetheirpassions fearlessly
Justina's commitment to empowering African youth extends beyond her achievements in her pivotal role in 2019 of launching the '1 Million by 2021' African Union (AU) initiative, which aims to provide one million young Africans with opportunities in Education, Employment, Entrepreneurship, and Engagement (4E's). Furthermore, her participation in the WorldSkills Be Change
Maker Africa Competition showcased her leadershipskillsandpropelledhertobecomea temporary trainer at Valombola VTC and WorldSkillsNamibiaExpertinJoinery A Living Testimony and using skills as a GatewaytoTransformation

Justina's journey is a living testimony to the transformative power of skills. Recognising the potential of skills to improve lives sustainably Her unwavering dedication to creating equal access to skills development opportunities emphasise the importance of collaborationandtheAfricanproverb,"Ifyou wanttogofast,goalone.Ifyouwanttogofar, gotogether."Justinahasbecomeaninfluential force in driving change and empowering Africa's youth through her accomplishments andcommitment.
During her two-year term as a Champions Trust Representative for Africa, Justina will developherconnectionstolocal,continental, and global communities to inspire and support young people to pursue a skill. The rolewillbroadenhernetworkanddeepenher communications skills. Justina will play a pivotal role in the promotion of the National SkillsCompetitionOngwediva2023. SheisthesecondNamibianyouthtorepresent Namibia on the WorldSkills Champions Trust Her remarkable journey, determination, passion for skills, and advocacy for equal access to skills development opportunities have made her a rolemodelforAfricanyouth,arolewhichshe has embraced. Her transformative impact serves as a reminder that skills can change lives, uplift communities, and pave the way for a brighter future. Encouraging fellow young people to follow their dreams and believeinthemselves.