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Küska Kicks Off with Announcement of Prince and Princess
TheannualKüska,alsoknownastheSwakopmundcarnival, kickedoffwithgreatexcitementrecentlyasthe2023prince andprincesswererevealedattheHausderJugendHall.This year marked the 36th edition of the festival, which was celebratedunderthetheme'Wasistschonnormal'(Whatis normal anyway). The crowning of the new prince and princess stood out as a major highlight in this traditional Germanfestival.
Approximately 100 attendees gathered to witness the royal ball on the first day of the carnival. The evening was filled with captivating performances, humorous talks, and the announcement of theroyalcouple.
Former prince and princess Erwin
Leuschner and Benita von Schmettau handed over their crowns to Gerald Güther and
Claudia Gabarde, who were also seen participating in the street processiononSaturday morning.
Joachim Von Wietersheim, one of the carnival's organisers, mentioned that the first international evening was held on Friday, June 23, followed by the Kuskika event.The second international evening was scheduled for June 27 The carnival concluded withastreetprocession on Saturday, 1 July, starting from M+Z Motors and ending at the SFC sports hall in Swakopmund. The Swakopmund carnival provided a celebration for all attendees, featuring a range of events that embraced the town's German traditions and vibrant community spirit.