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Students of United States' Pacific Ridge School Visit Swakopmund
Thirty-threestudentsfromPacificRidgeHighSchoolintheUSArecentlyvisited WestsideHighSchoolinSwakopmund.
The American students donated new locksforofficesandotherbuildingsthat need locks and did Service Learning at the school with some of the learners of the coastal school and worked in the school'sgardenandhelpwithothersmall activities like cross-cultural activities betweentheteamfromtheUSAandyour students.
Founder,GeneralManagerandProgram Director of Kidz Africa & EDU Africa, Sharon Holgate said that Service-Learningprogramsrunannuallyandthatthey would love to develop a relationship between Kidz Africa & EDU Africa, as wellasalocalSwakopmundCommunity worker,MarianneBurger,withWestside HighSchool,thatcancontinueonalongterm basis, and be able to assist in uplifting your school by helping assist with the needs that you have highlighted forWestsideHighSchool.
Pacific Ridge School has successfully concluded their inspiring program in Namibia.
Holgate said, “this transformative experienceaimedtoequiplearnerswithessential hard and soft skills to thrive in our increasingly interconnected world. From thebustlingcitystreetsofWindhoektothe coastal charm of Swakopmund and the awe-inspiring desert salt pans of Etosha, the learners explored diverse regions of Namibia. Their journey allowed them to expand their knowledge, challenge preconceivednotions,andbreakfreefrom stereotypes.”