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Tattooed Tears & Bowling for Columbine Tattooed Tears In the scene ‘check this out’ shows a med shot of a prisoner cleaning that stops to get the attention of his jail mate, the shot changes to a close up of the face of cleaner and the prisoner in his cell to show the expression on each of there faces as they talk boasting about how he beat up his mother. You can hear the other inmates making noise throughout the shot meaning that there was most likely a microphone recording from behind them due to it catching the sound of the surroundings. The shaky camera and long duration shots make it more natural, making you actually feel more involved. The mise-en-scene of the clips is very dull and bland leaving the prisoners to be the main subject of focus throughout the clips. You could say that there wasn’t much professional equipment to pull of many shots due to them being in a prison and anything can get stolen so they has to deal with basic technology. Bowling for Columbine The opening scene of bowling for columbine shows the use of montage editing with the fades used instead of cuts to show the patriotism of USA, the clips from the intro last about 2 seconds each one making the cuts fast and straight forward in what the intention was to show. The audio used in the introduction is diegetic as it is an narration with a military type soundtrack in the background the narrator talks about the clips mentioning ‘ pretty much like any other morning in America’ whiles showing clips of people in their everyday jobs then goes on to sarcastically say ‘ the president bombed another country’ this shows the narrators biased side at the very start making his story become more interesting to carry on listening, he also mentions how all this is a typical day in America whiles showing a semi nude female holding an ak47 possibly making fun of how patriotic America is and how he doesn’t take them seriously. There is no use of narration in tattooed tears this causes the audience to make a decision for themselves on what is going on in the documentary, which doesn’t show any biased opinions but only what you think of the prisoners, this is different for ‘Columbine’ as the narrator gives a his stamp on America from the start with his use of sarcasm and smart choice of questions that he asks the bank.

The two clips are very much different form each other as one is stating the flawed law of USAs gun system and the other portrays criminals who have no remorse in the evil that they have done. Â

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