Precedent Study
Integrating Technology AR3017
Pallant House Gallery Long & Kentish Architects Studio 3.1 Michelle Adora K1992769 Kim Assemat K1005836 Nana Biamah-Ofosu K1003981
Content Introduction Building Summary Setting Building Organization Key Spaces
Structure Explanation of Structure Structural Diagrams
Envelope Material Catalogue Roof and Wall Junction Floor and Wall Junction Ground and Building Junction Door Detail Window Detail
Services Location of Plant Room Heating and Cooling Strategy Water Supply and Waste Drainage Ventilation Strategy
Light Sun Path Diagram Lighting Strategy Lighting Strategy in detail - Gallery space Reflected Ceiling Plan
Summary Bibliography
Introduction Building Summary Setting Building Organization Key Spaces
Architect Long & Kentish in association with Colin St John Wilson Date of Completion June 2006 Programme Gallery Typology Extension to an existing building Client The Trustees of Pallant House Gallery Sponsor The Heritage Lottery Fund Structure and Services Engineer Arup Cost Consultant Davis Langdon Project Manager Gardiner & Theobald Garden Designer Christopher Bradley-Hole Conservation Architect Richard Griffiths Architects Planning Supervisor Long & Kentish Architects Building Control Chichester District Council Main Contractor Haymills Tender Date November 2002 Start on Site Date 13 January 2003 Contract Duration 66.5 weeks Gross Internal Floor Area 1,564m2 new build (existing house 818m2) Form of Contract and Procurement JCT 1998 - Private with Quantities Total Cost ÂŁ4.613,417.06 4
Pallant House Gallery in by Long & Kentish Architects, completed in 2006, is an extension to the existing Pallant House in Chichester. The original Pallant House, a Grade 1 listed building, is a Queen Anne Georgian building dating back to 1712. Described by Nicholas Pevsner as “Chichester’s most ambitious Georgian House,” the building was commissioned by Henry ‘Lisbon’ Peckham. The house was later purchased by Chichester district council to accommodate offices. However, it was later offered to the trustees of Pallant House Gallery.
Exist ing Pallant House New buiding
Site Plan Scale: 1: 750
The Gallery holds an extensive collection of modern art thus its need for expansion. The purchase and demolition of an adjacent Neo-Georgian town house, created the necessary space for the extension to the original Pallant House. The new building occupies an L-shaped site facing North Pallant and East Pallant. The task for Long & Kentish Architects, was how to create a new, contemporary public building that would sit comfortably in the fragile historic context of the Roman Pallants.
9 6
3 8 10
12 11
Ground Floor Plan Scale: 1: 250
1. 15
Main entrance
2. Shop
3. Reception 4.
Friends room
Utility room
6. Studio 14
Garden gallery
Prints room
9. Library 10. Toilets 16
11. Restaurant 12. Kitchen
Service yard
14. Galleria 15. 19 N
First Floor Plan Scale: 1: 250 6
Lecture room/ Display store
16. Gallery 17.
Ante room
Meeting room
19. Loggia
The design of the new building follows a direction of “reflecting the historic context in an abstract composition.� There is a merging of the existing and the new, with the new building sitting comfortably although with a presence of its own next to the existing Pallant House. The subtly proportioned composition and use of local materials means this new, large public building engages successfully with the existing townscape. Internally, a simple yet successful logic is applied to organization of spaces. The ground floor holds ancillary spaces related to a gallery such the reception, shop, library and restaurant. The ground floor is conceived as a free flowing and connected sets of spaces organized around an internal courtyard which separates the historic Pallant House and the new building. The first floor is reversed entirely for exhibition spaces. Here, the galleries are formed as introspective, top-light rooms dedicated to the exhibition of artwork. The most interesting space is the long gallery space, a 21 metres by 6.5 metres space in the middle. Six further rooms which comprises further exhibition space, a lecture room and meeting room open up from this space. There is also a connection between the existing house and the new building on the first floor. One can move between the galleries in the old house and the new wing quite freely.
The section below further illustrates the logic behind the spatial organization of the new gallery. On the ground floor are spaces such as the main entrance, shop and reception. The first floor is reserved for the exhibition spaces. The grandeur of the long gallery is evident in this section. Further gallery spaces open up from this long space. The galleries are similar in proportion to those in the orginial house, emphasizing the sense of conitunity between the existing building and the new intervention.
The seperate roof over each space on the first floor breaks down the overall volume. This allows the building to fit into its context when viewed from the townscape. The division of the gallery spaces is interesting as it enhances one’s viewing experience. It is also relative to the size of the artworks exhibited, many of which where designed for a residental setting.
Section AA Looking through Galleria and Garden looking north
Main entrance
2. Shop 3. Reception 4.
Garden Gallery
Staircase and Lift area
Long Gallery
The section below further reiterates the idea of behind the spatial organization of the building. It also shows the relationship between the existing Pallant House and the new building.
3 1
Section BB Through Pallant House, courtyard, meeting room and restaurant looking north
Orginial Pallant House
2. Library 3. Gallery 4. Gallery
1 2
3 4
A 1. Gallery 2. Gallery 3.
Lift and Staircase area
Entrance and Reception
5. Shop
A 9
1 2
Existing Pallant House
Lecture Room
Entrance and Reception
4. Shop
The courtyard is an important part of the scheme. It provides a relationship between the old and the new, allowing the new building to engage with the existing Georgian Pallant House. The area of the courtyard, a garden space designed by Christopher BradleyHole, is defined by the natural lime rendered walls of the new building. This facade of the building, is more relaxed in comparison to the formality of the brick front elevation. This sense of calm which is achieved in the conception of the building envelope alludes to the quite, tranquil nature of the garden. Materials used here include Italian pietra serena for the main square and red brick on the edge. Such use of material echo the materials used in the elevations. In terms of its situation in plan, the garden, allows a connection to the rest of the ground floor, emphasizing the free-flow spatial organization of the ground floor.
The exhibition space situated on the first floor of the building, are conceived as an enfilade of rooms, each connected to one another. This spatial organization allows there to be a sense of continuity yet intimacy in these spaces. This sense of continuity and intimacy is also reflected in the fact that one can move freely between the galleries in the new building and the those in the old Pallant house. Furthermore the relative sizes of the gallery in both the old and new parts of this scheme, establishes a connection between the two parts.
The definition between the old, existing Pallant House and the new building is achieved both in plan and in the facade of the building. There is a sense of integration yet separation in the way in which the two parts of the scheme engage with one another. The area which houses the staircase and lift, located in a slot between listed building and the new gallery, provides the connection and separation the two buildings. This area is clearly defined in the front elevation through the language of materials and alignment. The glazed terracotta tiles used here define this space with the elevation.
Structure Explanation of Structure Structural Diagrams
At Pallant House gallery, the structural solution employed is a direct result of accommodation of key programs. The first instance to note is how the new building sits next to the existing Grade 1 listed house. This already determines an underlying structural solution; the new staircase and lift area provides the connection between the old and new and also establishes a structural core in the building. This core is expressed on the facade through material and alignment. The fact that is it stepped back from the rest of the facade establishes its important. The terracotta cladding system used also further define this area. The sketches below show how the spaces offer a clear structural solution.
Definition of structure Scale : 1:500
1. The space around the existing Pallant House is designated to the architects for the new building.
The overall space is divided to accommodate the most important programs: entrance, stairs, library, garden and restaurant.
Further division of spaces create ancillary spaces such as toilets, utility rooms, kitchen and service area.
4. The neccessary structure built around the spaces.
Definition of structure Ground Floor 1:600 18
1. The space around the existing Pallant House is designated to the architects for the new building.
Most of the space on the first floor is designated for galleries
3. Further division of spaces create ancillary spaces such as lecture rooms and meeting rooms.
3. The neccessary structure built around the spaces.
Definition of structure First Floor 1:600 19
G rond Floor Plan Scale: 1: 250
Loadbearing walls
Many of the ground oor walls at Pallant House Gallery are loadbearing. As the structure is so thermally massive, to keep internal temperatures constant, it was simple to have the walls as loadbearing. Loadbear ing st r uct ur al elem ent s
The overall structure of the new building consists of load-bearing walls, concrete floors and precast gallery roof units. The diagrams on the left show the loadbearing elements of the new building. The majority of the ground floor walls are loadbearing. As the structure is so thermally massive, to keep internal conditions constant, a simple structural solution to make these walls loadbearing was employed. The diagrams also reiterate the fact that there is no defining structural logic; the structure is defined by the spaces required within the building. Fir st Floor Plan Scale: 1: 250
Loadbea rin g s t ru c t u ra l e le me n t s
The diagrams above reveal the loadbearing elements of the Pallant House Gallery.
Envelope Material Catalogue Roof and Wall Junction Floor and Wall Junction Ground and Building Junction Door Detail Window Detail
The materials used at Pallant House Gallery establish a sense of definition between the external and internal. The external facades of the building employs traditional materials such as brick, allowing the building to sit comfortably within its setting. The main elevation facing north of the Pallants engages with the existing Georgian Pallant House. The combination of a contemporary interpretation of the proportions that exist in the house and the use of materials, allow for a sense of continuity between the facades. The facade of the new building employs red handmade clay brickwork flush lime mortar joints and red/brown salt-glazed terracotta tiles. The terracotta is also used in the vertical fluting in the main elevation and in the ribbed panels surrounding the entrance. The elevations of that surround the garden in the courtyard facing east of the Pallant employ a natural lime render, producing a more relaxed effect in comparison to the formal front elevation.
The material palette becomes softer as one moves through the building. The floor of the ground floor is made up of portland stone floor slabs echoing that seen in the existing Pallant House. Panels that provide separation the entrance space are clad in softer materials such as American ashboard timber panels. In the gallery space on the first floor, the floors are lined with English oak floorboards. The roofs above these spaces, a particular feature of the design are clad in tin coated copper linings. Interior walls are lined with plaster boards and painted white.
English oak floorboards
Lime render
Glazed terracotta tile
Tin coated copper lining
Plaster board
Portland stone tile floor
American ashboard panelling
Red handmade clay brickwork with flush mortar joints
Overall, materials are carefully chosen for the qualities which include durability, low maintenance, appearance over time, weathering, wear and patina.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 Roof and Wall Junction Scale: 1: 20
11 12 13
Fully adjustable external louvre system
Low -E toughened glass outer pane, 16mm argon filled cavity and 11.5mm 3-ply laminated inner pane
Polyster powder-coated aluminium flashing
Tin coated copper flashing
180mm thick foamed glass insulation on bitumen primer
150mm thick sprayed in-situ concrete roof vault, with off-formwork internal finish
Bitumen roll waterproof membrane bonded to insulation
Copper roof sheet laid with 25mm standing seams with proprietary fixing clips
Tin-coated copper capping to parapet
Tin-coated copper valley gutter
Plasterboard on MDF boards with ventilated cavity
Double-skin blockwork inner leaf
Insulated cavity
100mm blockwork with block pier supports
Two coat nautral lime render
1 2
Wall and Floor Junction Scale: 1: 20
7 8
Double-skin blockwork inner leaf
Insulated cavity
100mm blockwork with block pier supports
Two coat nautral lime render
Plasterboard on MDF boards with ventilated cavityt
250mm concrete floor slab structure
Portland stone tile floor adhesive-fix to screed
English oak board floor on suspended system
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8
9 10
11 12 13 14 15 Ground and building junction 16
Scale: 1: 20 1.
Portland stone tile floor adhesive-fix to screed
Underfloor heating system
Rigid insulation
4. DPC
250mm concrete floor slab structure
Wall finish
8. Insulation 9. DPC 10.
Retaining wall
Screed floor finish
Rigid insulation
13. DPC 14.
250mm concrete floor slab
15. Hardcore 16.
Mass concrete foundation footing
Structural piles with geothermal energy pipes incoporated
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Exterior door detail Scale: 1: 20 1.
Plasterboard on MDF boards with ventilated cavity
Double-skin blockwork inner leaf
Insulated cavity
100mm blockwork with block pier supports
Two coat nautral lime render
6. Lintel 7. Jamb 8. Mullion 9.
Fixed glazing
Exterior brickwork paving
Drainage channel
12. DPC
10 11 12 13
14 17
250mm concrete floor slab
Rigid Insulation
Two coat nautral lime render
16. Mullion 17.
Fixed glazing
Plasterboard on MDF boards with ventilated cavity
Insulated cavity
100mm blockwork with block pier supports
1 2 3 4 5 6
10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19
Wiindow detail Scale: 1: 20 1.
Two coat nautral lime render
Two coat nautral lime render
100mm blockwork with block pier supports
Double-skin blockwork inner leaf
Double-skin blockwork inner leaf
Insulated cavity
Internal timber lining
Internal timber lining
5. Lintel
100mm blockwork with block pier supports
6. Jamb
Timber lining for window board
Fixed Glazing
16. Seal
Portland stone window sill
17. Jamb
Insulated cavity
Fixed Glazing
Rigid insulation
Services Location of Plant Room Heating and Cooling Strategy Water Supply and Waste Drainage Ventilation Strategy
Riser Room
Riser Room
Ground Floor
First Floor
Scale: 1: 500
Scale: 1: 500
R is e r He a t in g s y s t e m Co o lin g s y s t e m
Percentage of plant space in relation to building: 8.8%
Basement Floor - Location of main plant room Scale: 1: 250
The diagrams shown here illustrate where the plant room and riser are in relation to the rest of the building. The main plant room which services the new building, is located in the basement of the building whilst a secondary plant space in the roof provides the specific conditions needed in the gallery spaces. These are connected by the riser which also distributed services to the relevant areas.
Plant room diagram Scale: 1: 100 1.
Main plant room located in the basement
Secondary plant space located within the roof Vertical distribution of services Connection between main and secondary plant spaces
The diagram on the left shows the plant spaces that service the building. The main plant space is located in the basement whilst a secondary plant space is located within the roof. The main plant room provides the servicing for almost all the building. Services travel to relevant areas of the building through the riser. The secondary plant space based in the roof provides servicing that is specific to the gallery spaces on the first floor.
At Pallant House gallery, geothermal energy is harvested to provide heating and cooling for the building. Geothermal heating and cooling system rely on the simple premise that the constant temperature, between 8°C an 13°C in the United Kingdom , just below the earth’s surface offsets seasonal variations by acting as a heat sink in the summer and a heat reservoir in the winter. Heating and Cooling Strategy Scale: 1: 200 1.
Main Plant Room Heat energy extracted from ground Energy from ground is used to provide heating in the winter Energy from ground is cooled to provide cooling in the summer
2. Gallery Plant (situated on the roof) System for providing a constant temperature for artwork display
In the servicing strategy other methods such as a conventional system using a chiller an boiler system were considered. However, these were unfeasible due to the limited space for plant space and other planning restriction. Therefore, an approach which included a geothermal heating and cooling system supported by a small boiler and chiller was adopted. The geothermal system was incorporated in the structural piles that were necessary because of the local ground conditions. The system comprises 69 piles sunk approximately 35 metres into the ground. Whilst an initially expensive system, this strategy when combined with the highly insulated envelope of the building provides an efficient heating and cooling strategy. The diagram on the left shows how this system works and how it provides heating and cooling to the building.
Ground Floor Underfloor Heating System Scale: 1: 250 Pipe work for heating system
The diagram on the left shows how the ground floor of the building is heated. An underfloor heating system is used to provide heating. This system is supported by the geothermal piles and a heat pump and chiller unit situated in the plant room in the basement.
The diagram on the left shows how water supply and waste drainage are dealt with at Pallant House gallery. The areas shown in this study are the toilets and the kitchen, the two areas within the buidling where the issue of water and drainage are of most concern. The diagram shows how water, hot and cold these areas. Drainage leaves the buidling via pipe work laid under the courtyard garden space.
Ground Floor - Water supply and Waste Drainage Scale: 1: 150 Cold water supply Hot water supply Drainage
To ile t s K it c h e n
The section above shows the water supply and waste drainage within the buidling. The above shows how the toilets are serviced. Section showing water supply and waste drainage Scale: 1: 150 Cold water supply Hot water supply Drainage
The spatial organization of the building provides a clear strategy for service and energy management. N
Most of the ground floor, where non-gallery activities are situated is largely naturally ventilated through openings in the envelope. The largely glazed doors leading Natural ventilation entry towards the garden can be opened to allow natural ventilation. The prevailing south-west wind primarily affects the main spaces around the garden. Natural ventilation N N
Natural ventilation entry Although natural ventilation is encouraged, it is not Mechanical ventilation level) suitable in all areas. Spaces such(higher as the toilets and kitchen also situated on the ground floor,N require Mechanical ventilation mechanical ventilation. The kitchen due to the nature Natural ventilation of such a space, requires a higher level of mechanical Ground floor plan 1:200 ventilation.
Natural ventilation ventilation entry entry Natural
Mechanical ventilation eN ntry (higher level) Natural ventilation ventilation Natural
ventilation Na t u ra l v e n t ilaentry t io n Most of the ground floor is naturally ventilated through the windows and Natural garden doors, which can be left open. Not all the windows are able to be opened. The prevailing south-west wind primarily affects the main spaces around the garden. The kitchen would need a higher level of mechanical ventilation. Na t u ra l v e n t ila t io n Natural ventilation
Ground Floor Ventilation strategy Scale: 1: 200
MeMechanical c h a n ic a l v e nventilation t ila t io n
Mechanical ventilation MeMechanical c h level) a n ic a l v e nventilation tventilation ila t io n Mechanical (higher
(High e r L e level) vlevel) e l) plan (higher (higher Ground floor
1:200ent Natural ventilation
Mechanical ventilation
Most of the ground floor is naturally ventilated through the windows and Mechanical Mechanical ventilation ventilation garden doors, which can be left open. Not all the windows are able toGround be opened. floor plan 1:200 The prevailing south-west wind primarily affects the main spaces around theNatural garden.ventilation The kitchen would need a higher level of mechanical ventilation. Ground floor floor plan plan 1:200 1:200 Ground
The first floor is mostly ventilated mechanically. This is especially necessaryin the gallery spaces, where the atmosphere has to be envrionementally N conditioned to meet international conservation standards. The gallery spaces are air-conditioned using the geothermal piles and a heat pump located in the plant room.
The loggia is the only part of the first floor in which Natural ventilation entry natural ventilation is introduced. This space which allows view towards the garden and the existing Pallant House, has a fully glazed elevation and N windows that allow the space beyond to be naturally Natural ventilation venitalted. This also allows this space to be naturally light.
Natural ventilation entry Natural ventilation
Mechanical ventilation (higher level)
Natural ventilation entryentry Natural ventilation entry Natural ventilation
Mechanical ventilation First floor plan 1:200
ventilation Natural ventilation NaMechanical t u ra l v e n t ilaentry t io n entry
(higher level) Natural ventilation Natural ventilation NaNatural t u ra l v e nventilation t ila t io n Natural ventilation
First Floor Ventilation strategy Scale: 1: 200
MeMechanical c h a n ic a l v e nventilation t ila t io n
Mechanical ventilation Mechanical ventilation MeMechanical c h level) alevel) n ic a l v e nventilation tventilation ila t io n Mechanical (higher (higher (High e r L e level) vlevel) e l) plan 1:200 (higher (higher Ground floor Mechanical ventilation
Mechanical ventilation Most of the ground floor is naturally ventilated through the windows and Mechanical Mechanical ventilation ventilation garden doors, which can be left open. Not all the windows are able toGround be opened. floor plan 1:200 41 The prevailing south-west wind primarily affects the main spaces around the garden. The first floor is mostly ventilated mechanically. This is especially necessary First floor plan 1:200 The would need a higher level of mechanical ventilation. in the gallery spaces, where the atmosphere around the artwork needskitchen to be more controlled. Ground floor floor plan plan 1:200 1:200 Ground
Light Sun Path Diagram Lighting Strategy Lighting Strategy in detail - Gallery space Reflected Ceiling Plan
Site Plan
Scale: 1: 1500
E Winter S
The sun path diagram shows Pallant House Gallery’s positioning in relation to the sun. The diagram represents how the sun moves from west to east during the winter and summer seasons. Additionally, the sun path diagram informs and indicates the lighting strategy incorporated into the design of Pallant House Gallery. During the summer season, the upper floor gallery maximises the natural lighting through the skylights. The ground floor’s design of the west glazed wall helps promote natural lighting in the winter seasons.
Lighting strategy Ground Floor Scale: 1: 200 Nat ur al Light ent r y
The ground floor is naturally lit for the most part, with the majority of the light coming in from the glazed doors surrounding the garden. Given the relatively small sizes of the spaces and the fact that daylight can pentrate a space to approximately 6m, these spaces can be sufficentally lit naturally in the daytime. There is also a mechincal lightining system in place to support the natural lightining strategy.
The ďŹ rst oor is not naturally lit for the most part. There are no windows in the gallery spaces as this maximises wall space for hanging artworks. A purely natural lighting strategy would be unsuitable in the gallery space as the artworks displayed require very specific lighting conditions.
Lighting strategy First Floor Scale: 1: 200 Light dist r ibut ion Nat ur al light ent r y
Roof lights in roof of the gallery spaces provide some daylight. However this is filtered and distributed by the light reflector in the suspended ceiling. The amount of daylight entering these spaces can be controlled with the adjustable louvre system. On the whole, a very specific mechanical lighting system provides the light needed in the gallery spaces. Other areas on this floor such as the staircase and the meeting room do receive some daylight as there is glazing in these spaces.
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9
The drawing above examines the ventiation and lighting stragety in the gallery spaces. These spaces require very specific set of conditions which must adhere to international conservation standards.
Lighting and Ventilation Strategy in Gallery 1 Scale: 1: 50 1.
Fully adjustable external louvre system
The above shows how daylight enters the space below through the roof lights in the roof above. The amount of daylight that enters can be controlled by the fully adjustable external louvre system in place. Daylight is controlled and reflected by the light reflected in the suspended ceiling. The lighting conditions are further controlled and enhanced by a mechanical lighting system. An advanced LED technology system supplied by Erco Lighting is used in the gallery spaces.
Low -E toughened glass outer pane, 16mm argon filled cavity and 11.5mm 3-ply laminated inner pane
Eyebolt for maintenance access
Air supply and extract ducts
Platform suspended from 8mm diameter stainless steel rods
Metal strut structure with polyester coated metal sheet lining
Plant space, ducting and diffusers are housed within the roof structure. The gallery spaces below are serviced via central clouds below the roof pitches.
GRG (glass reinforced gypsum board ceiling soffit)
Cantilevered perimeter light recess
Suspended ceiling platform 140mm double C-sections galvanized steel frame Daylight enters through roof lights and is reflected and distributed within the gallery Gallery is mechanically ventilated by a supply and extract system
The drawing above shows how the gallery spaces are serviced via the roof. The roof scape houses important aspects for the servicing of the spaces below. This is evidence of how all components that make a building are integrated and reliant on one another. The envelope, servicing and lighting strategy are integrated and incorporated into one another. The reflected ceiling plan communicates how the long gallery space is lit and ventilated at a detailed level. Shown in this plan is the external louvre system which controls ventilation and daylight. The mechanical lighting and ventilation systems are also shown here.
Reflected Ceiling Plan Scale: 1: 100 1.
Copper roof sheet laid 25mm standing seams with proprietary fixing clips
Eyebolt for maintenance access
Fully adjustable external louvre system
Tin coated copper flashing
Mechanical ductwork cover/ stability panel
6. Galleria 7.
Gallery 2
Structure The structural solution employed with this design is one that is determined by the spaces and accommodation required. The structure results from the need to accommodate certain programs with a given space. A composite structural idea is evident in this design.
Envelope The envelope of the building is designed to maximise energy efficiency. A highly insulated envelope allows the building reduce heat losses. Careful openings made in the envelope encourage natural light and ventilation where possible. The overall design of the envelope directly contributes to the architectural qualities of the building. A careful selection of materials allow the new building to sit comfortable next to its older host, a Georgian Grade 1 listed building. Furthermore, it allows the building to engage with its wider context of the existing townscape. One’s experience of the building is highly influenced by the materials used which soften as one moves deeper into the building. Intimate spaces such as the galleries are described using softer materials and linings where as more public areas utilise a harder palette of materials such as brick and render.
Services The spatial organization of the building provides a clear service management strategy. The ground floor which houses the non gallery related spaces require a lower level of servicing. Some areas such as the kitchens and toilets require a higher level of servicing. Natural ventilation is encouraged when possible. In contrast, the first floor which holds the gallery spaces requires a greater level of servicing to maintain specific conditions needed for the artworks that are exhibited. Both floors are heated and cooled using geothermal energy, a highly efficient and sustainable method. Although the clients had to be persuaded into the geothermal piles, these provide most of the heating, and have a return both sustainability and economically.
Light The spatial organization of the building also provides a clear lighting strategy. The ground floor which houses ancillary spaces introduces a natural lighting strategy supported by a mechanical system. On the top floor, a mechanical system provides most of the light. Daylight is introduced through the roof lights on the roof above the gallery spaces. However, this controlled by the louvre system and light reflectors on the ceiling. Areas such as the loggia and staircase and lift space use daylight as a lighting strategy although also supported by a mechanical system
Sustainability Overall Pallant House gallery can be considered sustainable. Passive solutions of energy conservation are sought out first before the introduction of any mechanical means. The successful incorporation of structure, envelope, servicing and lighting means all aspects of the building work together and are integral to one another.
Bibliography Arup, ‘Going underground: geothermal energy update and case studies’ in Ecotect, (13), (May 2006), p.16-21 Dawson, Susan, Stephen Marshall, ‘Pallant House Gallery,’ in Architect’s Journal, 224 (3), (20 July 2006), p.23-27 Gregory, Rob, ‘In company of friends’ in Architectural Review, 220, (1316), (October 2006), p. 84-91 Parry, Eric, ‘Art house: a new home for Colin St John Wilson’s collection’ in Architectural Today, (170), (July 2006), p.36-48 Powers, Alan, ‘Ancient & modern’ in ‘Country Life’ in (179), (21), p. 78 Worthington, Caroline, ‘Thoroughly modern’ in Museums Journal, (106), (10), p.54-55
Image Credits All images are author’s unless stated otherwise Page 17: Image Credit: Garrick Palmer Page 29: Image Credit: Garrick Palmer Page 30: Image Credit: Garrick Palmer
With Special Thanks to: Gillian Birtchnell (Pallant House Gallery Librarian)