Practical project

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EMPOWERED 15/02/19


10 STEPS to a healthy heart


Is it safe for you?


Editor’s letter A healthy lifestyle is one which helps to keep and improve people’s health and well-being. Healthy living is a life-long effect. The ways on being healthy includes healthy eating and physical activities, along with stress and weight management. Staying healthy physically can help you emotionally too. I used to struggle with keeping a healthy lifestyle as I was always craving the worst types of food. I couldn’t help myself and was gaining a lot of weight which was bad for my height. Going to the gym was hard for me, but I was committed and tried my best to become active and eat healthy foods. Whether you are trying to lose weight, cope with stress or fighting an illness, eating the right foods and keeping fit will fix the problem. This magazine will not only provide a healthy guide but will also empower females to accept themselves for who they are

and feel comfortable with how they look. Someone who has the difficulty dealing with stress or have body shame are likely to experience issues with food or dieting. Turn to page 24 if you want to find out the types of foods you can eat to lose weight or maintain that healthy lifestyle. Looking at body transformation inspires so many women to do the exact same, so turn to page 16 and if you are keen to know the 10 most popular foods you should be eating for a healthy heart and state of mind, turn to page 20. Wishing you a fabulous month!



09 Smoking:

Why are people still smoking?

18 Body shame:

Self confidence and acceptance

31 Stalking:

Is it a crime?

12 CBD vs HEMP oil: Is it safe?

20 Top 10 tips:

Having a healthier heart

24 Keeping fit:

Exercises that will help you lose the unwanted fat

05 Weird things you never knew:

Find out the latest news on fitness and health

14 Sleep disorder:

Are you always sleeping and need a fix?

30 Stressed?

Find out ways to stop stress eating

LATEST NEWS On fitness and health

7 Cups of coffee a day could extend your life

Drinking tequila is good for your bones

Pressing snooze on your phone confuses the brain

Drinking coffee reduces inflammation and the risk of having diabetes as well as improving heart function.

The plant used to make tequila contains substances that improve absorption of calcium and magnesium which makes the bones stronger

When you wake up to the sound of your alarm it can be quite tempting to put your phone on snooze and go back to sleep. However, it can be very detrimental which causes your body and your brain to become confused about when you wake up.

Rub deodorant on your inner thighs

Running barefoot is better than running with trainers

Sprinkle salt in shoes

People who rub a deodorant stick People who run barefoot tend to on their inner thighs experience land on their toes first, instead less chaffing when running of their heels. Over time, the pressure on the heel can lead to various problems such as ankle sprains

After long walks or the gym, sprinkle salt in your shoes and leave overnight to get rid of odour smell

PT Tips

Halimat Hassan Halimat Hassan is a 24-yearold who changed her beauty career to become a personal trainer. With months of practise, it has been the best decision for her. Throughout her life, Halimat Hassan has always wanted to inspire change in people’s lives. Not knowing why, she wanted to be the reason that someone’s life has changed or been saved. But after graduating, she had to decide with what she wanted to do. Make up was her passion and thought she could begin a career in the industry until she decided it was not for her. “Working as a beauty consultant may look like a dream to females who love makeup, but it’s not actually what you think it is”. Halimat was very athletic as a young girl, and after graduating university, she took some time out to really think about a career which she could coordinate her passion for sports and fitness. “My dream of being a positive influence in someone’s life is what I wanted to be”. Motivation is the key when it comes to gym or your dieting as it’s a long-term success. With the right tools, it’s easy to stay motivated to reach your goals. Halimat “leads by example.” When she trains her clients, she prefers to join in and work alongside them while also keeping it fun. “I try to implement a fun learning environment with my clients and not just a teacher-student type of environment.” Everyone knows maintaining a healthy diet can be quite tricky but eating in moderation is the best way to start. Halimat self-disciplines herself and makes sure she makes healthy choices by not over indulging. “Meal prepping, drinking gallons of water, and home cooking is other ways to maintain a good diet. You’ll be less likely to binge eat or eat junk food when you’ve prepped in advance.” Halimat goes to the gym 5 times a week as well as swimming once a week to try and lose fat and maintain her weight. It’s real life and it’s one thing that makes her relatable with her clients. “We work hard together, and it makes the process so much worthwhile.”

“Your only competition is who you were yesterday” Fitness has changed Halimat’s life in ways that she never expected. “It enabled me to feel more confident in myself and influence others to feel confident in themselves and live a healthy active life. Halimat has made it clear that fitness is her life and wants to start her own fitness event that will include loads of different activities for people to take part in. “I aim to inspire people to live a healthy lifestyle, if not just by going to the gym but by doing another type of activity or join a sports team. “I love what I do now, and I’m going to continue to make other people proud of who they have become and allow them to feel more comfortable about themselves.”

Smoking is a habit. But if you know it can kill you, why do you still smoke? Thousands of people are picking up their habits every year while millions are currently smoking. Smoking has side effects which are usually plastered all over a cigarette packet, but people only take one look at it. If you look around, you see people smoking which means it is no longer lawful for people to smoke in public areas or restaurants. The warnings are there for people to know how dangerous it is to smoke and to protect them from killing themselves. Any shops you go into, you will see someone standing, waiting to buy a pack of cigarettes despite the health risks. There are many reasons why people still smoke, whether it is to do with peer pressure, depression etc. But once you start smoking, it’s tough to stop. It’s well known that smoking is not good for your health and it has been linked to medical conditions such as cancer and heart disease. It is also such a huge cash loss.

You spend thousands of pounds every year which is a financial burden on you. Imagine how much money you could have saved and what you could have done with it. But to answer the question, people continue to smoke because they are addicted. Cigarettes contain nicotine which is what gives it that addictive effect on people. When it changes the levels, your mood and concentration levels change quickly, and many people enjoy that. It also reduces stress and anxiety which is why people depend on it.

Why are people still smoking?

Is vaping safer than cigarettes?

One thing good about vaping is that its not exposed to the chemicals and toxins that cigarettes may have that could lead to certain strains of cancer, and it has not been associated with any health risks. According to studies shown by Public health England, E-cigarettes are 95% safer than smoking. With flavoured E-liquids, it makes it easier for people who are trying to stop smoking. “I used to be a heavy smoker, but I bought a vape last year, and I find it so much better than having a cigarette. If you look at the benefits, it does not harm you as much as smoking tobacco.” For anyone trying to quit smoking, you need to have a strong reason as to why you want to quit. To have a better lifestyle, you can make small changes step by step which may help you resist the temptation of having a cigarette. Whenever you feel like your craving one, use a vape or replace it with a nicotine patch. Although it may

Do nicotine patches work? Nicotine patches have become very popular for those who are trying to cut down on smoking. These patches work by placing it on your arm, and the nicotine passes through your bloodstream. However, the patch puts less nicotine in your blood than it usually would when smoking cigarettes. Patches seem to have a significant effect on people who are trying to cut down or stop smoking and people realise that it is so much better for your health.

“When you light up a cigarette, you are saying your life isn’t worth living”

not give you the full effect, think of the benefits it has, and you’ll get used to it. Always think positive. If you have already tried to quit smoking and it hasn’t worked out for you, try again. Don’t let that put you off. Finally, plan to quit. Set a date and stick to it. Whenever you find yourself in difficulty, do something that will make you forget about it.

“Seeing my stalker left me struggling with severe anxiety” When a man started contacting Beth Rylance on Social media, ended up on her doorstep and left her struggling with severe anxiety


The mental health fix of being


“Nothing ever prepares you for what it feels like to be stalked. It’s frightening and scary. It took me a while to realise that I had a stalker; at first, he was someone who responded to my tweets. Anytime I tweeted anything at all, he would respond to it instantly. It started to become really annoying so I decided to mute him on Twitter. A couple months down the line, I received a direct message from him. It was a link that directed me to a page where he’d written about me. Reading it gave me chills down my spine. “Beth” he wrote. “Are we talking to each other? I like to think we are, but then again I might just be imagining it.” He told me he was coming down to London which is where I lived and asked to meet up. I showed the messages to my boyfriend and he insisted that I block him but as I was about to, my finger slipped and accidentally followed him. As we were underground, I had no connection, I couldn’t block him until we left the train. I’d read all his tweets and every one of them were about me. He would call me his woman, post videos of me and describe me as his ‘girlfriend.’ I heard a knock on

Being stalked is a scary experience that could have a lifelong effect on someone. The victim can struggle with symptoms of anxiety that will impact their relationship with friends, family, and work. They will always fear that they are being followed or watched as soon as they leave their house. These feelings can still be felt even after the perpetrator has been brought to justice. If the victim continues to suffer from the symptoms, they will need to seek treatment such as therapy.

Simmi, Lowdown charity Northampton

my door but I didn’t answer. Around the fifth ring, I went downstairs to open the door. There he was. My stalker. I screamed so loud then slammed the door and ran upstairs and called the police. When the police arrived, he was sat on my doorstep still tweeting about me and it said “When you get over your shock, why don’t you come back down and we’ll go for a coffee?” He’d written. I ended up explaining the situation to the police. It was such a traumatic experience for me and at the time I wasn’t able to leave my house because I always felt like there was someone there just watching or following me. The man was found guilty of stalking and harassment and given a two year long restraining order, preventing him from contacting me”

CBD OIL V There Are two types of CBD oil. Cannabidiol and hemp oil. The difference between the two is they are both made from the same plant but have different effects. Cannabis oil is a natural component that supports a wide variety of medical problems. Because it is derived from cannabis, it is often misunderstood with hemp oil. They both come from the same plant, and contains components for peoples health and have established themselves as a useful product.

There has been so much confusion surrounding the legality of CBD oil and whether it is safe and effective. CBD oil is legal in some places while some cannabinoids are controlled substances under the Misuse of Drugs Act. The medical use of marijuana has been brought to attention of using cannabis derived products for people’s health, but hemp oil differs from that. CBD oil is extracted from the flowers, leaves, and stalks of the cannabis plant with research showing that CBD oil products help reduce many aliments which may be related to dysregulation of the endocannabinoid (ECS) system. CBD oil has a higher THC content whereas hemp oil contains low level of it. This oil is only used for people who need relief from anxiety and depression until it started gaining its popularity around the world. The way CBD oil can be taken is applying a few drops under your tongue, holding it in your mouth for a few seconds so it can be absorbed, then swallow. You should always start with a small dosage and gradually build up and the effects should be immediate. You will then be able to tell if the lower dosage is working for you. Hemp oil: Hemp oil is commonly sourced from a plant seed. It is tested for THC and CBD levels. However, it doesn’t contain cannabinoids. Hemp oil is full of nutrition and perfect for cooking. It can provide a nutty and crispy taste to food and is an excellent replacement for olive oil. It has high levels of Omegas, vitamins and other nutrients which is good for the skin and your health. Weirdly enough, it can be used as a moisturiser after a hot shower. So, the difference between the two is one is medical, and the other is used

for cooking and manufacturing. People who have tried CBD oil say the same thing. There is no “high” effect, but it is perfect for relaxation. According to George Sidhom, “CBD oil does not get you high, if anything, it allows you to feel relaxed and focused. I tend to take it twice a day, just 2-3 drops under your tongue and I’m all set for the day. It just gives me a nice feeling. I try to recommend it to people, and some have said the same thing”

BENEFITS: -Relieve pain -Reduce anxiety and depression -Can reduce cancer-related symptoms -Reduce acne -Good for treating epilepsy -Diabetes

S HEMP OIL Hemp oil can also reduce wrinkles and face lines as well as prevent aging from happening. The linoleic and oleic acid that is found in the oil can’t be produced by the body but can play a significant role in skin health, which is why it’s essential to make sure you keep a healthy diet. It has the strength also to reduce epilepsy seizures as well as reduced emotional upset and other conditions that usually require a pill. Questions arise on whether CBD oil gives you the effect that marijuana gives. But the answer is no, it does not produce effects like THC and only has natural benefits to it. CBD oil is not something that you can overdose on and studies have shown by the National Institute on drug abuse, it can help people recover from drug addiction called Lennox-gaustaut syndrome, and there are many conditions that it could potentially treat.

Regina McDermott, a 24-year-old student also believes that CBD oil is very effective. “I have used CBD oil whenever I was ever experiencing pain in my body, and it gets rid of it instantly. Its quite similar to a pill but doesn’t have all the chemicals it does. CBD oil is all natural and does not affect your health in any way shape or form. I do believe that it will start to get the recognition it needs and will gain its popularity very soon as I know a few people who have been using it.” CBD and hemp oil have become a topic of interest and many people use the oil for several reasons. Whether its for pain, stress, have inflammation or depression, people use it to make themselves feel better, and its said to be effective and safe. This medication should only be used responsibly by those who need it until more information becomes available.

SHOPS THAT SUPPLY CBD OIL: Holland and Barrett Elixir vape shop

Question, Is it safe?

The products are all legal as long as the % of THC (the illegal cannabinoid that is responsible for psycho-activity) is below 0.2% of the product. As it is a natural product there are very few side effects, particularly in comparison to some pharmaceutical medications - so it very safe and used by people of all ages. We have customers who use the products ranging from children below 2 years old, all the way up to 90+ years old. Calum, CBD specialist Cannatural

ARE YOU SLEEP DEPRIVED? At some point in our lives, we all experience some sleepless nights, and it’s incredibly frustrating because all you want to do is sleep so you can wake up the next morning feeling refreshed. Sleeping may look like the easiest, and most natural thing to do, until you can’t. So, you are left there, staring up at the ceiling thinking “why can’t I go to bed.” You can experience a sleep problem if you are stressed, have an illness, or have other temporary issues. It can affect your mental and physical health as well as have a negative impact on your mood. If you get any of the symptoms above, then you may be suffering from sleep deprivation.

INSOMNIA: A sleep disorder where you have difficulty sleeping. You tend to wake up often during your sleep and have trouble getting back to sleep TIP: Eliminate your caffeine and alcohol intake and do not eat right before you go to bed

SLEEP APNEA: Only occurs when a person’s breathing stops repeatedly during their sleep. There are two types: Obstructive sleep which is caused my blockage of the nose and Central sleep which is where your airways is not blocked but your brain is failing to tell the body to breathe TIP: Best way to get rid of it Is to stop smoking, change your eating habits or in severe cases, get continuous positive airway pressure device done (CPAP)

Narcolepsy: Neurological disorder affects the control of your sleep. People who experience this sleep excessively during the day time. TIP: Plan naps during the day and exercise regularly.

Restless leg syndrome: This syndrome causes an aching sensation in the legs which is brought on by laying down on your bed or sitting down for long hours TIP: Take part in regular exercise and avoid caffeine before going to bed


Gabi Mendozza who is a 24-year-old U.S. personal trainer who has over 60 thousand followers on her Instagram. Gabi has participated in competitions and trains people to live a healthy and happy life. She creates videos of her workouts and provides tips on losing weight and nutrition.

sport that never ends. You are constantly bettering your physique and pushing yourself to the next level. I don’t know if you can ever really be at your desired physique in body building which is why I love it so much! It’s all about growth” Gabi’s future looks solid rock. With the plans to continue her fitness career, does she have other plans for the future? “Fitness is my career. Christian who is my partner and I were fortunate enough to be able to quit our jobs in 2018 and make fitness/online training our fulltime career. We are both in school to go into the medical field (he’s becoming a doctor, and I’m becoming a nurse) so we will have degrees and other jobs in the future but for now fitness is our career.”

Gabi’s path changed when she decided she wanted to become a personal trainer. Starting her own Instagram page, Gabi was determined to change her life for the better and show everyone her journey “My Instagram page first started as a make-up page and I never really used it for a while but when I started getting into fitness, I started seeing my results and I thought I could motivate others by showing my transformation and from there it grew. I’ve been on this journey for almost 2 years, but the initial weight loss took me 7 months!” Whether you are going to the gym to get to your desired weight or maintain your weight, you really have to push yourself to get there. Gabi found it becoming more fun as she was on her journey

and grew a passion for it. “I’m not at my desired weight yet, body building is a

With years of experience in fitness, Gabi tells us what her top tips are for someone who is trying to lose weight. “Enjoy the process. I see so many people getting caught up on the number the scale instead of enjoying everything about the process of a fitness journey. I think body building really teaches you about yourself and I encourage people to really appreciate and pay attention to that. Another tip would be to do more weight lifting than cardio. A lot of people think cardio and eating salads is the way to lose weight and it’s not. It’s the opposite. (Weight lifting and eating a sufficient amount of carbs, fats and proteins)” Dealing with clients who feel down at times about their body, Gabi ensures that she sticks by them with reassurance. “I feel like body shaming is inevitable till today with social media playing such a huge role in how we feel we must look. As a personal trainer, I always make sure my clients want to look better for the right reasons. I have my clients fill out an application and one of the question states “what do you want out of this experience?” My main purpose with this question is to make sure that each person is doing this for themselves to gain their health back

and of course, the physical appearance and progress is a bonus. If one of my clients along their journey feels hard on her/himself, I make sure to reassure that this is their journey, their body, and their own path. It won’t be anybody else’s. Some people lose weight quicker than others but that is not something to shake yourself or feel down about. It’s just the way our bodies work individually. Body shaming is more common than not but I believe that as a per-son puts in the work to make that healthy lifestyle change, they begin to grow and love their body every step of the way”


BODY SHAMING: What is the first thing you see when you look into the mirror? Most people see at least one body part that they are not comfortable with or don’t like. There is constant exposure to a “perfect body” through social media or idealized media images. Collecting likes and followers on Instagram is known to be an achievement and all the feeds are directed to someone’s self-worth. Magazine outlets target women who should appreciate themselves and advocate women for self-love and acceptance, yet there are many articles that tell you how to get a perfect summer body whether it’s having a flat stomach, toned legs and arms, a bigger booty, or a small waist. With a number of these articles and images going around, it is not surprising that people have a controversial body image issue. Marketers will sell a product through celebrities, show hosts and models which teenagers look up too, and they tend to demonstrate what it is to be successful and popular. Having self-love and confidence within yourself plays a significant role in your life. Being able to overcome what people say about you will only make you a stronger person. You can still feel sexy and beautiful no matter what size you are. So, ladies, if you ever feel like you don’t meet the social media standards of being classed as beautiful or attractive, tell yourself ever day when looking in the mirror “you are brilliant, you are bold, and you are beautiful”

Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) is a mental health condition where a person spends s lot of their time worrying about the way they look that is not usually noticeable to other people. People of any age can experience BDD, but its mostly common in teenagers and young adults and can have a significant impact on your life including your relationships, social life, work and can also lead to depression and self-harm. If you are suffering from BDD, visit the GP and you could potentially be referred if it’s serious.


10 TIPS FOR A HEALTHY DIET Whether you are looking to fine-tune your diet, or trying to stop all the unhealthy eating sitting in your system, here are 10 diet tips that will help you get a healthier heart.


Consume home cooked meals

Do you ever feel like you never have the time to cook at home? There are so many reasons to make dinner at home. People who prepare food regularly tend to have a much healthier, happier and long-living lifestyle. The only reason why making your food is better is because you will consume less sugar and processed fats, which results in high energy levels and better mental health. If you think about it, you save a lot of money. The money you spend to buy a take-out could be used to buy a weeks’ worth of shopping. It also allows us to have control over the type of ingredients and seasoning’s we use.


Eat protein


Eat only when you’re hungry

One of the common signals that your body likes to do is send hunger. Eating because you’re hungry comes naturally as the hunger pains is a way of your body telling you it needs its energy boost. Eating whenever your stomach growls could lead to overeating which is not healthy. If it happens, try drinking a glass of cold water.

When it comes to losing fat or maintain your weight, protein is the king of nutrients. When you exercise, you lose body fat and muscle, which makes it vital that you continue to eat enough protein in your diet. Protein builds and repairs tissues in your body. It is essential that you intake a high protein as it boosts your metabolism and helps you lose weight and gain muscle mass. There are also supplements that you could take as a snack or a drink. If you feel like you haven’t consumed much protein, you could snack on a protein bar during the day or drink a shake while you’re at the gym or heading somewhere.


Eat more vegetables and fruits

Getting your five a day is easy and it isn’t tricky as you may think. Fruits and Vegetables are a good source of vitamins and minerals, including folate, vitamin C and potassium. They help maintain a healthy gut and prevent constipation. It can help reduce obesity, lower your cholesterol and blood pressure. The best way to eat your vegetables and fruits is to let the colours guide you. Getting different combinations of nutrients by putting a rainbow of colours of your plate.


Eat more fish

Fish is high in protein, and it provides health benefits. Unlike unhealthy meat products, it’s not high in saturated fat. Fish is also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids.


Consume whole grain foods

Whole grain food is part of a healthy diet. It helps to lower your cholesterol and help with digestion. It has sources of fibre, minerals and vitamin B which makes it easier to feel full or satisfied and easier to maintain. Enjoy cereals that contain whole grain such as shredded wheat, oatmeal or bran flakes. Make sandwiches using whole grain bread and eat brown rice.


Eat healthy snacks

Even though snacking has developed a “bad image”, it is crucial as part of your diet. Snacking is an effective way to get extra nutrients without overeating. It stops you from getting overly hungry. Snacks such as fruits, low-fat dairy, nuts and seeds will provide nutrition. Never snack right before a meal and snacking out of boredom or other emotional reasons isn’t healthy and can lead to weight gain.


Include healthy fats in your diet

If you are wondering about fat and its place in your diet, then you are not alone. It is essential to give your body energy and to support cell growth. They help protect your organs and help keep your body warm. Healthy fats absorb nutrients and produce hormones too. If you focus on cutting calories from your diet to hit your goals quicker, you might be slashing fat from the diet you need. Healthy fats are designed to reduce cravings, diabetes, belly fat and inflammation. Foods such as avocado, dark chocolate, cheese, whole eggs and fish are all fats you need for a healthy diet.


Never skip breakfast

Five supplements for a healthy heart: Co-Enzyne

CoQ10 appears naturally within almost every cell in the body. As we age, production of CoQ10 in the body declines, making dietary intake more important. The highest levels of CoQ10 can be found in tissues with high energy requirements, such as the heart and skeletal muscles

Omega 4 fatty Acids

Contains containment-free pure fish oil to provide adequate quantities of essential fatty acids. DHA and EPA are essential in omega 3 and support the maintenance of vision and normal brain function


A powerful antioxidant that works within the body to help fight cell-damaging free radicals. It is also a part of the carotenoid family and supports healthy skin


Relates to the heart and blood system. These conditions include high blood pressure, low blood pressure, high cholesterol, coronary heart disease, heart attack, and reduced blood flow due to narrowed arteries

Folic acid

Has Vitamin B which is vital for the formation of red blood cells. It is found in various of foods such lentils, liver, broccoli and spinach. It also increases maternal folate status.


Moderate drinking

When it comes to drinking alcohol, there are a few things you need to consider. If you are trying to lose weight, you should try to lay off the alcohol as it has a lot of calories. Alcohol can quickly open up your appetite and make you want to eat which isn’t good for someone who is trying to lose weight. However, if you are trying to gain weight, drinking is fine as long as you drink moderately. People who drink alcohol have a lower risk of heart disease than people who don’t. Alcohol can reduce inflammation and raise your cholesterol. It is not to say that you should start drinking excessively, but if you do enjoy drinking a glass of red wine then go ahead.

I’m pretty sure you hear this a lot. But its probably not going to stop until more of us start eating our morning meals. Breakfast is an essential meal of the day, and it gives you the energy you need to stay active throughout the day. It also helps with improving your concentration and productivity. Downfalls of skipping breakfast are that it can lead to health complications such as the increase of diabetes and heart disease along with not losing weight. Breakfast foods are a good source of nutrients such as calcium, vitamin B and iron. Research shows that if you miss breakfast, you are less likely to be compensated for later in the day.




SETS: 3 of 12

SETS: 3 sets of 10

A) Hold a dumbbell or weight on one side B) Tilt to one side keeping your back straight and slowly come back up. Repeat same side.

A) Get into a plank position with your elbows on the floor, on your toes and keep your back straight B) Suck in your stomach and twist your left hip till it almost touches the floor and then back to the plank position. Repeat on the same side.



SETS: 3 sets of 12

SETS: 3 of 10

a) Start by sitting on the floor with your knees bent and your feet off the ground B) Hold your arms out in front of you with a weight ball and move side to side

A) Hang from a railing bar with your legs straight. Keep your chest and back straight B) Bring your knees up, twisting to one side and the other. Lift your knees to hip height, then come back to your starting position. Repeat on the same side.



SETS: 3 sets of 15

SETS: 3 sets of 12

A) Use a metal bar and start off standing with your legs hip width apart. B) Lower down, as if you are sitting down, but make sure to keep your legs straight. Come back up and repeat

A) Stand hip width apart and be sure to tighten your core B) Take a big step back with the back of your feet not touching the floor and tighten your glutes C) Come back to starting position and repeat






SETS: 3 sets of 12

SETS: 3 sets of 15

A) Place a resistant band on your ankles and hold something to not lose balance B) Pull back your right leg as far as you can go while engaging the muscles in your glutes C)Do a set then repeat

A) Start with your knees and hands on the floor making sure your hands and knees are underneath your shoulders and your knees to your hips B)Lift your left leg until its parallel to the floor. Do a set then repeat on the other leg

Unlock your potential with healthy foods Paprika chicken served with home-made hummus and a side salad Serves: 1 Prep time: 10 minutes Total time: 15 minutes • 1 can of Chickpeas • 2 tbsp. Tahini • 2 lemons • 1 tbsp. olive oil • 1 chicken breast 1. To make homemade hummus, Place the chickpeas, tahini, lemon and olive oil in a blender and blend until smooth. Put on a plate and add a tiny bit of olive oil on top for flavour. 2. To make the chicken, spray coconut oil on the pan and let it heat up. To prepare the chicken, season with salt, pepper, paprika and oregano. Fry for 5 minutes on each side and sprinkle paprika and oregano on top. 3. Serve with homemade hummus and salad on the side.

Zucchini fritters with spinach and mushroom served with a leafy salad Serves: 1 Prep time: 8 minutes Total time: 15 minutes • 2 Zucchini, grated • 1 tsp salt • 1 garlic clove, minced • 1 egg • Ground pepper • 1 tbps flour • 2 tbsp coconut oil 1. Place the zucchini in a mixing bowl. Add all ingredients, salt, pepper, egg, flour, garlic and egg 2. Heat coconut oil in a large pan over medium heat. Use your hands to shape a bit of the batter into small circles and flattening it with your hands and place on the pan. Cook each h side for about 2/3 minutes until its nicely golden. Repeat on the same side. 3. Serve immediately with rocket and greek yoghurt on the side.

Egg filled with spinach and feta cheese. Served with salad. Serves: 1 Prep time: 5 minutes Total time: 10 minutes • 2 large eggs • 2 handfuls of spinach • Feta cheese • 1 tbsp. olive oil 1. In a bowl, place in the eggs, spinach and feta cheese and mix it all together 2. Heat up a pan using olive oil and pour the mixture in. while letting it cook, add in more spinach and feta cheese on one side and fold the egg together. cook on each side for 2 minutes. Put on a plate and slice it in half. 3. Cut up cucumbers and tomatoes and serve it on a bed of rocket. 4. Serve immediately.

How to keep your relationship healthy

Through arguments, disagreements and pain, Berivan and Asil decided to split ways when they thought their relationship was toxic. Their communication and trust for each other made them hit rock-bottom. Two years later, they met and decided to openly discuss their relationship with a councillor. She said “Communication is key in a relationship, and before we never had that. We used to shout over each other without listening or understanding what the other person was saying. But I’m glad we had a break and we’ve now learnt to use the four tips to help us. Communication, trust, respect and honesty”

If you are someone who wonders whether you are in a healthy relationship or not, but do not know the signs to look for, then you are not alone. Healthy relationships are the key to happiness. A positive relationship is shared between two people who support, help and encourage one another, emotionally and practically. It is easy to feel isolated at times when life becomes challenging, and you struggle trying to fix a situation, but this is when you need them the most. Having meaningful, healthy relationships help you maintain a positive outlook and enables you to forget the emotion you were feeling. Expressing your feelings, struggles and concerns with people will help you stay connected to them and hearing their views will provide a healthy level of support. It can also help in objective decision making when you struggle in making any decision. No one should be feeling unsafe when it comes to relationships. Abuse can be physical, mental or sexual and sometimes, it can be hard to recognise. If you feel like your experiencing abuse or feel that you are in an unhealthy relationship, speak to a friend, family member, police or a councillor and they will be able to support you and keep you safe

STRESSED? Ever been so stressed that food is the answer? Whether you are having a bad day, broke up with a boyfriend or lost someone close to you, us ladies seem to rely on one thing, Chocolate!

Remember the first time you dived into the nutella jar? Or how about the first time you tasted that delicious cake? This is the reason why most of us fail at dieting. Many females also turn to chocolate to relieve stress or cope with emotions that we’re dealing with. But when we finish, we tend to feel bad after. Any simple distraction will help you to stop stress eating. For example, calling a friend, taking a dog for a walk or just getting fresh air will make you avoid eating all the junk you were planning to devour on. Eating disorders can start from a young age as it can be soothing. The common triggers you get when you stress eat is boredom. When you are bored, your body tends to crave sugary foods which will satisfy your needs. Also, it’s because it’s a habit. Every day you would come home with a routine that you believe must be followed. For example, coming back from work and you must have a chocolate bar as soon as you get in. These three triggered are associated with obesity and diabetes. In a survey handed to students, 75% of respondents who took the survey said they are not pleased with their body image due to stress eating at University. 10% of students felt pressured to lose weight because of what people have said, and 5% of people have been to the GP to discuss their emotional health. Bored and stressed out students increase their intake on junk food while decreasing the consumption of fruits and veg.

“I’m always stressed out due to assignment and deadlines, and wherever I’m stressed I have to go get a few snacks to make me feel better. It’s bad but I never have the chance to make home cooked meals to eat because of how busy my lifestyle is and fruits and veg won’t feel me up” Berivan Altun, 26, student

Usually, if you have tried to stop yourself from stress eating, then you can seek further help. With the help of a therapist, they can help to understand whether it is emotional eating that you are going through or not. Speaking to someone about it will help you get an insight on what to look out for if you do become emotionally stressed with food.

GAINING CONTROL OVER STRESS EATING: Rule number ONE: Keep a food diary Exercise will not get rid of your stress completely, but it will reduce all the emotions you were feeling

Rule number TWO: Take control

Taking control makes you feel empowered. There is always going to be a solution to every problem. If you think with a positive mind, you’ll be able to get through it

Rule number THREE: Speak to someone

Being able to speak to someone about your problems really takes the weight off your shoulders. You will have a support team whenever you are feeling down

Rule number FOUR: Snack healthy

Whenever you feel like you crave something sweet, how about you substitute it for a healthier snack. I know it can be quite tempting but you won’t feel bad after.

Rule number FIVE: Confusing hunger for thirst Always drink water before you think about eating and waiting 30 minutes to see if you are still hungry.

SIGNS OF STRESS EATING: - Physical signs - Stomach pains - Feeling sick - Bloating - Poor skin - Trouble sleeping and tiredness - Weight gain

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