2 minute read
Picking out a toy at WalMart & carrying it through the store.

"How i MeT MY True Love" love stories about real dogs + their humans
By Brenda Rand – Hampton, NH

I don’t know what I would do without my 6-year-old French Bulldog named Pearl Bailey, as my anxiety, depression and PTSD is severe. She is my love, my friend, my crying buddy, my bed warmer, my people magnet, my play pal plus a lot more! She knows when I’m depressed, anxious, etc. and diverts my attention by pawing me, getting a toy, vocalizing, jumping up on the bed and just sitting and staring at me. Pearl does crazy things like messing up my bed and getting under the covers, running like a banshee, tearing up the cushions, messing up the rugs, plus a lot more! No matter what, she is there for me and I for her!! You see, I’m in the middle of a divorce and (to make a long story short) my husband (soon-tobe-ex, I hope) refused to give her to me. I had to take him to court to get her back after being separated from her for almost a year. I ended up living in my vehicle for a while. I can’t tell you how many anxiety attacks I had…and the depression, the sadness, the billions of tears! But needless to say, she is now with me and she was, and still is, my protector. She endured living in the car. We kept each other warm, as as it’s cold here on the Seacoast! The divorce is still not final as courts are closed due to COVID, but I can’t wait to be free and all assets are settled! We now have a winter rental, and I’m very thankful for Pearl Bailey and love her so so much! She is my life!