Seacoast Bark Magazine Feb/March 2022

Page 8

animal lover's profile

A PAWsitive Force for Good By Nancy Dewar

Rye resident Lexi Leddy has three big passions: homes, dogs and lending a hand to help others. When one meets Lexi, her positive energy is almost contagious; and she exudes a special confidence that is also complemented by her honest humility of the frailties we all have; an unusual and heartening combination. Though now a devoted dog Mom of three very special rescue Pitties, Lexi didn’t grow up with dogs. “I grew up in Concord and both of my parents worked, so no one really had time for dogs. Though one of my favorite childhood memories is when my uncle visited with his new puppy, and I walked it up and down in front of my grandparents’ house for hours and hours! That’s when I became smitten with dogs.” Lexi’s first dog was Coco, a Pit Bull she and her ex-husband Chris got from a rescue in Maine. “She was rescued by a woman in Maine on the day she was to be put down. We saw her on PetFinder, kept looking at her and we both fell in love. One of the hardest parts of our divorce was leaving Coco with Chris, though it was in her best interest as he kept the house, and we didn’t want to disrupt her life.” Coco is now a healthy 15-year-old and Lexi sees her often! In the fall of 2019 Lexi went to Mary’s Dogs, a rescue in Northwood, New Hampshire intending to get a puppy. But a

2-year-old Pit mix touched her heart and she went home with Petey. “It was the happiest I’d been in a really long time,” Lexi said. Since then, Bub (another Pit mix) has joined her family; and these two special pups truly have the life of Riley! Lexi graduated from UNH with degrees in Communications and Psychology. She then migrated to Portsmouth where she lived for years until moving to Rye two years ago. Her career took many turns (advertising, operations, medical device sales and more) until she made the leap into real estate, and she’s never looked back.

“I bought my first house in 2009, and that’s when I became obsessed with houses. I renovated it and got my real estate license while I was in between jobs.” While working with an investment banking firm, her boss suggested that she go work for herself. “Doing what?” she asked. He responded, “real estate, of course!” With encouragement from the three partners, she ventured into her new field. “Once I had


renovated my home, I decided to buy another one and rent out the first. Next was a duplex, and I ended up building my own real estate portfolio, but it was never my intention.”

Lexi has been in real estate for seven years and started her own brokerage firm last summer; Lexi Leddy Real Estate. She said, “I got my broker’s license two years ago as there was always a little tickle in the back of my mind to start my own agency. After working out of the house due to COVID, it became the obvious next step. My ex-husband often says to me…I’ve learned that when you have your eye on something, step out of the way cause you’re doing it!”

Actively involved in the local community and always wanting to help others, Lexi started her Moving Communities campaign in 2017 where she donates a percent of her commission from each home sold to local non-profits. To date, she’s donated over $64,000 to a variety of orga-

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