Be the cause of something great. Support student awards.
<Addressee> <Address Line 1> <Address Line 2> <City>, <Province> <Postal Code>
Visit October 15, 2013
Dear <FirstName>, As a Conestoga graduate from the <Major> program in <Class of>, you can relate to the challenges students face. You know that big decisions can be frightening. It’s tough to know for certain the career you want to pursue. Even tougher is figuring out how you’re going to pay for it.
“This award will not only help me pay for
We never want to see a student miss out on an education because they can’t afford it.
my final year in school,
I’m writing today to ask for your help towards funding 100 new financial awards for talented students in need. <We’re so grateful for your support in the past. Thank you!>
the validation and
Conestoga is rapidly growing and training new leaders every day — and these grads are helping make Waterloo Region a vibrant place to live and work. With the generous support of alumni like you, these awards will help fulfill the needs of 100 current students. Please give today to help make it happen.
it has also given me confirmation that I am finally on the right path.” — Conestoga College architecture
Just like you, current Conestoga students have big dreams and want to reach their potential. Award recipients are bright, hardworking, and passionate about their studies. They’re involved in extracurricular activities. They have summer jobs and work throughout the school year. And yet despite everything they do to cover the expenses of their education, it’s often not enough, especially in today’s challenging economic times.
student Catheryne
I’d like to introduce you to Catheryne, a Conestoga student who knows just how tough it can be. Catheryne had been drawing floor plans since she was a child, but fear of failure had initially kept her from pursuing an education in architecture. After years of being unhappy with where her career was headed, Catheryne decided to save her money, move back home, and go to Conestoga to follow her heart and pursue her dream career as an architect. She was more than nervous. She was terrified. read on ...
Yes, I want to be the cause of something great! Please accept my gift of: ❏ $25 ❏ $50 ❏ $100 ❏ Other $_________, for ❏ Student Awards ❏ Other _______________ ❏ My cheque is enclosed (Please make your cheque payable to Conestoga College) ❏ Visa ❏ MasterCard ❏ AMEX Card # ________ / ________ / ________ / ________ Exp. ____ / ____ CVV __________ <Addressee> <Address Line 1> <Address Line 2> <City>, <Province> <Postal Code> Alumni ID #: <CnBio_ID>
Signature ____________________________________________________ Thank you! You will receive a receipt for income tax purposes. ❏ I/We wish to remain anonymous. ❏ I/We would like to be recognized as: ___________________________ _____________________________________________________________ <Campaign Code>
Charitable Registration Number 10696 6799 RR0001
It was a big financial sacrifice to go back to school — and she was really worried what impact this risk would have on her future. If this didn’t work out, she would suffer a huge loss. It was a decision that changed her life for the better. Now in her third year at Conestoga and the recipient of an architecture award, Catheryne is more sure than ever about that decision. Not only did the award help her during a financially strained time, it also gave Catheryne the confidence and confirmation that she is finally on the right path. She credits it as a huge part of her continued success here at Conestoga and is forever grateful for it. “I absolutely love this school. I know that one day, I will be able to give back to the school and program I love and the students who need and deserve these gifts,” Catheryne says.
Conestoga is Ontario’s fastest-growing college. You can help make 2014 even better by donating today to help students in need.
I’m hoping you too will join this journey by giving $100, $50, or $25 so that deserving young students like Catheryne can experience some of the same advantages you gained from a Conestoga College education. Through the generosity of the Masonic Foundation of Ontario, I am excited to inform you of an opportunity to match donations, dollar for dollar, up to a maximum of $25,000. Matching gifts are a great way for our alumni to maximize their personal contributions to Conestoga. Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to double the impact of your gift. Mapping out your life plan is always a challenge, but when you have people constantly supporting you — whether it be in the classroom or financially — it makes the road to success that much easier. Please make a gift today. Yours sincerely,
Tim Tribe Chief Development Officer Conestoga College P.S. Remember, if you give before December 31st, your donation will be matched by a generous contribution from the Masonic Foundation of Ontario!
Make a Gift Today
Give by Phone – Monday-Friday • 8:30am-4:30pm • 1-519-748-5220 ext. 2155 Give by Mail – Alumni & Development Office, Conestoga College 299 Doon Valley Drive, Kitchener, ON N2G 4M4 Give Online — Has your phone number and/or email changed? Please update us! Telephone number:________________ Email address: ____________________ Protecting your privacy: Conestoga College protects your privacy and maintains the confidentiality of your personal information. The information requested in this form is collected according to provin cial and federal legislation guidelines. Information collected will be stored in the Conestoga College Campaign database and may be used for event planning, income tax purposes, statistical reporting and recognition. It is not sold, shared or exchanged. If you have any questions about the collection and use of your information, please contact Tim Tribe at 519.748.5220 ext. 2409.