Women Mobilize Women TUMI 2018 Bogota’s Women’s Account Despacio is conducting a research on the implications of being a women and using the transportation system of Bogotá. It presented a poster with partial results of this research on the Women Mobilize Women conference organized by the GIZ as part of the International Transportation Forum Summit in Leipzig, 2018. Here are the preliminary findings.
A basic gender context
Bogotá has a population of 8,181.000 (DANE, 2017) people, out of which 53% are women and 47% men (Bogotá Como Vamos, 2017). The income gap is at 23.6%, meaning men earn 23.6 times more than women (Servicio Público de Empleo, 2016). Unemployment rate is at 8.5% for men and 10.1% for women (DANE, 2016b). 13.5% of women have an university degree, while 14.2% of men have it, and related to a Master studies or PHD degree, 1.2% of women and 1.7% of men have it (DANE, 2016a).
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Gender and transport policy in Bogotá Safety and harassment
Bogota is the city where women feel the least secure in public transport. This was indicted in a study by the Thomas Reuter Foundation, which analyzed women’s security in the public transportation system of 15 of the world’s largest capitals and New York (Thomson Reuters Foundation, 2014). 64% of women in Bogotá have indicated been victims of sexual harassment in public transport (Secretaria de la Mujer, 2014), 34.8% of women avoided Transmilenio (the local BRT system) by fear of sexual harassment (Secretaria de la Mujer, 2014) and 56% of women feel unsafe in the city (Bogotá Como Vamos, 2017). 2.2
Access to jobs in the transport sector
Only 3% of public transport system operators are women (El Espectador, 2017b), and there are 30 women drivers in entire public transport system, out of 27.000 drivers just for the Transmilenio system (BRT) (Secretaría General - Alcaldía Mayor de Bogotá, 2013).
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Modal share by gender
Source: WRI with data from the Secretariat of Mobility 2015
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Trip purposes
Source: WRI with data from the Secretariat of Mobility 2015
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Time poverty
Source: WRI with data from the Secretariat of Mobility 2015
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What has Bogotá done and what impacts has this generated? Plans
3.1.1 Inclusion of gender issues in Land Use Plans (2009, 2013 and 2017) Workshops and working groups to promote better access to daily care activities, improve access to the labor service by reducing the distances and travel time (El Espectador, 2017a), improve urban lighting, build and maintain public bathrooms, and design public spaces according to the “women and girl’s security principles” (Secretaría Distrital de la Mujer, 2016). Impacts: No information 3.1.2 Sectorial Plan for the Transversality of Gender Equality (2015) Inclusion of gender equality perspective through four lines of action: equal labor environment, safe mobility, education, training against sexual violence, and prevention of trafficking of women and girls (Secretaría Distrital de Movilidad, 2015). Impacts: No action has been implemented so far.
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Women Mobilize Women TUMI 2018 3.1.3 Mobility Master Plan (2018) The new Mobility Master’s Plan is in development and should have as one of its pillars gender and mobility. Actions proposed are for example training on New Masculinities’ for taxi drivers and the promotion of women’s bicycle use. Expected impacts: medium/long-term impact on new projects. 3.1.4 Integrated Sustainable Mobility Plans Support to private and public entities to increase employees’ sustainable mobility habits, including specific recommendations on women’s mobility patterns and conditions. Expected impacts: medium/long-term impact on new projects. 3.2
Concrete actions
3.2.1 Pilot project for women only buses in Transmilenio (2014) Implementation of women-only buses in off-peak hours, accompanied by education campaigns in various Transmilenio stations and capacity building of female workers, such as ticket sellers, announcers, and drivers (Secretaria de la Mujer, 2014). Impacts: the program ended in 2016 due to unflattering results - they did not change the sexual assault tendencies, and did not resolve the underlying problems around sexual harassment in public transport (El Espectador, 2016). 3.2.2 Special Force against Gender Violence in Bogota’s Massive Transportation System (2014) A special force of 11 police officers (7 women) in charge of preventing and stopping assaults against women in public transport (El Tiempo, 2014). They were deployed in the sites where high numbers of complaints have been reported. Impacts: In the first 20 days, the force has been able to capture 16 people (all men) (Wyss, 2014). 3.2.3 Safetipin (2016) Evaluation of perceived safety of public spaces for women in Bogotá through geocoded pictures (Secretaría Distrital de la Mujer- Bogotá, 2015), according to the level of visibility, openness, lighting, people, security, sidewalks, public transport and presence of same gender persons (Cities Alliances, Alcadía Mayor de Bogotá, Safetipin, & UN Habitat, 2016). Impacts: will be used as an input for the definition of a level of security at night indicator. 3.2.4 Aequales ranking (2017) Ranking on gender equity and diversity of private and public companies. In Colombia, in its third edition, the Mobility Secretariat was at the first place. Impacts: This ranking can be seen as an incentive for entities to foster continuous improvement in working conditions for women.
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Women Mobilize Women TUMI 2018 3.2.5 Transport Gender Lab (2017) IADB network of Latin American cities, which aims to improve gender equality in the urban transportation system through improved infrastructure, promotion of women in transportation jobs, design, implementation and monitoring of actions in favor of gender inclusion in public transport and a technical dialogue based on the exchange of experience (Secretaría Distrital de la Mujer- Bogotá, 2015). Impacts: program is in process of being implemented. 3.2.6
Induction process for current and new employees on gender inclusiveness in the transportation sector (2018) The Mobility Secretariat is training its employees on the necessity to include a gender perspective in urban transportation design and implementation. Impacts: the training has been formally adopted and it is expected that will have medium/long-term impact on new projects. 3.3
3.3.1 A rose should not be rubbed (Una Rosa no se Roza) (2014) Campaign aimed at reducing assaults against women in public transportation. It included pedagogical representations in stations and bus terminals by women theatre groups to sensitize every passenger (CEPAL, 2015). Impacts: Reproduces stereotypes such as the need of women to be protected because they are delicate roses, and not because they are citizens in higher risk and who have the same mobility rights as men (CEPAL, 2015).
Bogotá Como Vamos. (2017). Encuesta de Percepción Ciudadana. Retrieved from http://www.bogotacomovamos.org/documentos/encuesta-de-percepcion-ciudadana-2017/ CEPAL. (2015). Violencia de género en el transporte público Una regulación pendiente. Santiago de Chile. Retrieved from https://repositorio.cepal.org/bitstream/handle/11362/38862/S1500626_es.pdf? sequence=1 Cities Alliances, Alcadía Mayor de Bogotá, Safetipin, & UN Habitat. (2016). Bogota- A Safety Analysis Report. Retrieved from http://safetipin.com/resources/files/Bogota Safety Analysis Report.pdf DANE. (2016a). Empleo informal y seguridad social. Retrieved from http://www.dane.gov.co/index.php/ocupacion-y-empleo/mercado-laboral/91-sociales/mercadolaboral/3979-seguridad-social DANE. (2016b). Gran Encuesta Integrada de Hogares. Retrieved from https://formularios.dane.gov.co/Anda_4_1/index.php/catalog/427/export DANE. (2017). Colombia. Proyecciones de población municipales por área. Bogotá. El Espectador. (2016, March 22). Distrito pondrá fin a vagones exclusivos para mujeres en TransMilenio. pg. 6 Cr 19 No 82-85 Oficina 207| Tel: (+571) 7443153 despacio.org
Women Mobilize Women TUMI 2018 Bogotá. Retrieved from https://www.elespectador.com/noticias/bogota/distrito-pondra-finvagones-exclusivos-mujeres-transmil-articulo-623503 El Espectador. (2017a, January 12). Un POT con enfoque de género para las mujeres de Bogotá. Bogotá. Retrieved from https://www.elespectador.com/noticias/bogota/un-pot-enfoque-de-generomujeres-de-bogota-articulo-674422 El Espectador. (2017b, April 3). A convertir el transporte público en un sitio seguro para las mujeres. Bogotá. Retrieved from https://www.elespectador.com/noticias/bogota/convertir-el-transportepublico-en-un-sitio-seguro-para-las-mujeres-articulo-687689 El Tiempo. (2014, July 28). El perfil de las agentes en TransMilenio para capturar pervertidos. Bogotá. Retrieved from http://www.eltiempo.com/archivo/documento/CMS-14315664 Secretaria de la Mujer. (2014). Balance Plan Piloto: “Mujeres Seguras en Transmilenio.” Retrieved from http://www.sdmujer.gov.co/index.php/component/content/article/2-uncategorised/286-balanceplan-piloto-mujeres-seguras-en-transmilenio Secretaría Distrital de la Mujer. (2016). Las mujeres y el Plan de Ordenamiento Territorial de Bogotá. Retrieved from http://www.sdmujer.gov.co/inicio/1121-las-mujeres-y-el-plan-de-ordenamientoterritorial-de-bogota Secretaría Distrital de Movilidad. (2015). Resolución 325 de 2015 - Por medio de la cual se adopta el Plan Sectorial de Transversalización de Género en el Sector Movilidad y se dictan otras disposiciones. Secretaría General - Alcaldía Mayor de Bogotá. (2013). SITP necesita mujeres para trabajar como conductoras. Retrieved April 27, 2018, from http://www.bogota.gov.co/article/sitp-necesitamujeres-para-trabajar-como-conductoras Servicio Público de Empleo. (2016). Brechas de Género en el Mercado Laboral. Retrieved from file:///C:/Users/USUARIO/Downloads/BRECHAS-DE-GENERO-ML-1.pdf Thomson Reuters Foundation. (2014). Most dangerous transport systems for women. London. Retrieved from http://news.trust.org//spotlight/most-dangerous-transport-systems-for-women/ Wyss, J. (2014, August 20). Policías encubiertos luchan contra el manoseo en Colombia. El Nuevo Herald. Retrieved from http://www.elnuevoherald.com/noticias/mundo/america-latina/colombiaes/article2038702.html
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