Women Mobilize Women TUMI 2018 Bogota’s Women’s Account Despacio is conducting a research on the implications of being a women and using the transportation system of Bogotá. It presented a poster with partial results of this research on the Women Mobilize Women conference organized by the GIZ as part of the International Transportation Forum Summit in Leipzig, 2018. Here are the preliminary findings.
A basic gender context
Bogotá has a population of 8,181.000 (DANE, 2017) people, out of which 53% are women and 47% men (Bogotá Como Vamos, 2017). The income gap is at 23.6%, meaning men earn 23.6 times more than women (Servicio Público de Empleo, 2016). Unemployment rate is at 8.5% for men and 10.1% for women (DANE, 2016b). 13.5% of women have an university degree, while 14.2% of men have it, and related to a Master studies or PHD degree, 1.2% of women and 1.7% of men have it (DANE, 2016a).
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Gender and transport policy in Bogotá Safety and harassment
Bogota is the city where women feel the least secure in public transport. This was indicted in a study by the Thomas Reuter Foundation, which analyzed women’s security in the public transportation system of 15 of the world’s largest capitals and New York (Thomson Reuters Foundation, 2014). 64% of women in Bogotá have indicated been victims of sexual harassment in public transport (Secretaria de la Mujer, 2014), 34.8% of women avoided Transmilenio (the local BRT system) by fear of sexual harassment (Secretaria de la Mujer, 2014) and 56% of women feel unsafe in the city (Bogotá Como Vamos, 2017). 2.2
Access to jobs in the transport sector
Only 3% of public transport system operators are women (El Espectador, 2017b), and there are 30 women drivers in entire public transport system, out of 27.000 drivers just for the Transmilenio system (BRT) (Secretaría General - Alcaldía Mayor de Bogotá, 2013).
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