3 Controversial Claims About Yoga & Physiology Yoga Education By: Nancy Wile
Yoga Education Institute is a Registered Yoga School in 200 hours, 300 hours, Children's and Prenatal training programs. We offer amazing and affordable programs in both California (near Los Angeles) and Florida (near Fort Lauderdale). Our 200-hour and 300-hour programs are inspired by the teachings of T. Krishnamacharya. His focus on an individualized approach to yoga for each student is at the heart of our training. Through our programs, you'll gain a deeper understanding of the many layers of yoga, advance your own practice, and learn to effectively share your knowledge with others, all in a fun and supportive environment. You will learn how to design and teach safe and transformational yoga classes, and how to use modifications and variations of postures to meet the needs of different individuals. You will also learn how to connect with your students and help them, and yourself, gain a deeper internal awareness and sense of ease through the practice of yoga. You will learn to have confidence in your teaching and in your practice and to find your own unique voice as a yoga teacher. Through our programs, you will learn how to teach a variety of forms of hatha yoga, as well as different methods for effective teaching. Rather than mold you into our style, we believe it is important to honor the individual in you and to help you find your own unique style and path in your yoga journey. We believe that you are more powerful than you could ever imagine and we're here to help you discover your own amazing power.
F A B I E N N E G R O S S M A N I S A R E G I S T E R E D Y O G A T E A C H E R ( R Y T ) W I T H N A N C Y W I L E , T H E F O U N D E R O F Y O G A E D U C A T I O N I N S T I T U T E , A N A P P R O V E D R E G I S T E R E D Y O G A S C H O O L ( R Y S ) W I T H Y O G A A L L I A N C E . S H E I S A L S O A C E R T I F I E D A Y U R V E D A Y O G A S P E C I A L I S T A N D H O L D S A C E R T I F I C A T E I N P L A N T - B A S E D N A N C Y W I L E I S A R E G I S T E R E D Y O G A T E A C H E R ( E - R Y T 5 0 0 ) W I T H Y O G A A L L I A N C E , W H I C H A C K N O W L E D G E S T H E C O M P L E T I O N O F A Y O G A T E A C H E R T R A I N I N G W I T H A N A P P R O V E D A N D A C T I V E R E G I S T E R E D Y O G A S C H O O L ( R Y S ) . S H E I S T H E F O U N D E R A N D D I R E C T O R O F Y O G A E D U C A T I O N I N S T I T U T E
Yoga is a practice that people have been doing for centuries. It is a great way to build strength, increase flexibility, and learn how to relax. Yoga has grown in popularity over the years and more people are practicing it. There are many reasons why people choose to take yoga teacher training courses. Some want to learn more about the history of yoga, while others want to be able to teach others about this ancient practice. Many courses can be completed online which makes them accessible for anyone who wants to take them no matter where they live or what their schedule is like.
Overview of Yoga Teacher Training Program
We hope you find the insights that Andrew and Matt have shared about these topics to be both interesting and educational. Enjoy reading, and please let us know what you think if you have a moment! The three claims are as follows: “Yin yoga targets the fascia.” “Shoulder stand stimulates the thyroid.” “Twists detoxify the liver.” 1. 2. 3.
Yin yoga targets the fascia Shoulder stand stimulates the thyroid. Twists detoxify the liver
Many people believe that yin yoga benefits the body's connective tissues, especially the fascia, the thin layer of connective tissue that covers and supports every muscle as well as every other organ, blood artery, bone, and nerve fibre. Teachers of yin yoga may discuss straining the body's tissues and make a distinction between yin and restorative yoga. While yin should be somewhat uncomfortable or challenging to induce change in the body's tissues, restorative yoga is about relaxing in comfortable positions.
“Yin yoga targets the fascia”
"Shoulder Stand Stimulates the Thyroid Gland"
The thyroid gland is supposed to be stimulated by the shoulder pose known as Sarvangasana, which is another claim that is frequently made in yoga sessions. However, the widespread reiteration of a story does not prove its veracity. The phrase availability cascade describes how a shared belief spreads throughout society simply by being repeated more and more in the media and in public debate.
Yoga is an ancient practice that originated in India. Twisting poses help detoxify the liver by increasing blood flow to the abdominal organs.
"Twists detoxify the liver"
Twists are an essential part of a yoga practice. They're designed to help you detoxify your liver and get rid of any excess mucus in your body. This can help relieve pain, headaches, and congestion.
It is tempting to believe that one pose, one style of yoga, or one miraculous food will sort out our ailments and make us thrive. But physiology is incredibly complex with many factors including activity level, stress, hormones, age, biological sex, and genetics – among countless others – affecting our health. Nonetheless, exercise, sleep, and a balanced diet are some of the best things we can do for overall health and recommend to others.
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