5 Fun Ways to Teach Kids Yoga in a Class

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5 Fun Ways Teach Kids Yo in a Class

yogaeducation.org F A B I E N N E G R O S S M A N I S A R E G I S T E R E D Y O G A T E A C H E R ( R Y T ) W I T H N A N C Y W I L E , T H E F O U N D E R O F Y O G A E D U C A T I O N I N S T I T U T E , A N A P P R O V E D R E G I S T E R E D Y O G A S C H O O L ( R Y S ) W I T H Y O G A A L L I A N C E . S H E I S A L S O A C E R T I F I E D A Y U R V E D A Y O G A S P E C I A L I S T A N D H O L D S A C E R T I F I C A T E I N P L A N T - B A S E D RYT200WeekendProgramLiveviaZoom Y O G A C L A S E S S T R A I N E R N A N C Y W I L E I S A R E G I S T E R E D Y O G A T E A C H E R ( E - R Y T 5 0 0 ) W I T H Y O G A A L L I A N C E , W H I C H A C K N O W L E D G E S T H E C O M P L E T I O N O F A Y O G A T E A C H E R T R A I N I N G W I T H A N A P P R O V E D A N D A C T I V E R E G I S T E R E D Y O G A S C H O O L ( R Y S ) . S H E I S T H E F O U N D E R A N D D I R E C T O R O F Y O G A E D U C A T I O N I N S T I T U T E


YogaEducationInstituteisaRegisteredYogaSchoolin200h hour,Children'sandPrenataltrainingprograms.Weofferam affordableprogramsinbothCalifornia(nearLosAngeles)a (nearFortLauderdale).Our200hourand300-hourprogram inspiredbytheteachingsofT.Krishnamacharya.Hisfocuso individualizedapproachtoyogaforeachstudentisattheh training.Throughourprograms,you'llgainadeeperunderst themanylayersofyoga,advanceyourownpractice,andle effectivelyshareyourknowledgewithothers,allinafunand environment.Youwilllearnhowtodesignandteachsafean transformationalyogaclasses,andhowtousemodification variationsofposturestomeettheneedsofdifferentindividu alsolearnhowtoconnectwithyourstudentsandhelpthem yourself,gainadeeperinternalawarenessandsenseofeas thepracticeofyoga.Youwilllearntohaveconfidenceinyou andinyourpracticeandtofindyourownuniquevoiceasa teacher.Throughourprograms,youwilllearnhowtoteacha formsofhathayoga,aswellasdifferentmethodsforeffecti Ratherthanmouldyouintoourstyle,webelieveitisimporta theindividualinyouandtohelpyoufindyourownuniquest inyouryogajourney.Webelievethatyouaremorepowerfu couldeverimagineandwe'reheretohelpyoudiscoveryour amazingpower.


OverviewofYogaTeacher TrainingProgram

Yoga is a practice that people have been doing for centuries. It is a great way to build strength, increase flexibility, and learn how to relax.

Yoga has grown in popularity over the years and more people are practicing it. There are many reasons why people choose to take yoga teacher training courses. Some want to learn more about the history of yoga, while others want to be able to teach others about this ancient practice. Many courses can be completed online which makes them accessible for anyone who wants to take them no matter where they live or what their schedule is like.

5FunWaystoTeach KidsYogainaClass

oga is a great approach to encourage both adults' nd kids' physical and emotional wellbeing. Among any other advantages, it has been demonstrated o increase flexibility, balance, strength, and ocus. Yoga can be especially helpful for children nce it can help them form healthy relationships ith their bodies and emotions at a young age.

et, it can be difficult to teach yoga to kids since hey might not be as interested or have the same attention span as adults. Yoga classes for kids should be entertaining and interesting while still adhering to the fundamentals of the practice.


Howdoyouteachyogatokidsina newandfunway?

Kids can learn yoga and mindfulness meditation to help them be active, have fun, and use their imaginations!

I stumbled into teaching yoga for kids after taking my 200-hour yoga teacher training course and a short kids yoga weekend course. It was a great introduction to kids’ yoga, and I was really excited about this new fun way to bring movement and mindfulness to kids in my life.

I was teaching at a preschool at the time and had fun teaching yoga to them in small doses here and there.



Animal yoga poses

Explain how to teach yoga poses that mimic animals (e.g. downward dog as a dog pose)

Provide examples of different animal poses to try

Mention how this can be a fun and interactive way to get kids moving and engaged

2.Yoga stories

Explain how to create a yoga story that incorporates different yoga poses

Provide an example of a simple story that could be used

Mention how this can help kids develop their imagination and creativity while practicing yoga

3. Partner yoga

Explain how to teach yoga poses that require two people to work together

Provide examples of different partner poses to try Mention how this can help kids develop trust, teamwork, and communication skills

4. Yoga games

Explain how to create games that incorporate yoga poses

Provide examples of different games that could be played Mention how this can make yoga more interactive and fun for kids

5. Music and movement

Explain how to use music and movement to make yoga more engaging

Provide examples of different songs and movements to try

Mention how this can help kids develop their coordination and rhythm while practicing yoga


Summarize the 5 fun ways to teach kids yoga that were covered in the article

Encourage readers to try these methods and get creative with their own ideas for teaching kids yoga in a fun and engaging way Reiterate the benefits of practicing yoga for kids and how these fun methods can help make it a positive experience for them.

Location and Date

This training will take place live via Zoom over mult weekends

Begins on February 11, 2022, at 8:30am Pacific Time

Training dates include: February 11, 12, 13, 25, 26, 27, M 12, 13, 25, 26, 27 (from 8:30am-1:30/2pm Pacific tim day).

Please Note **Each session will be recorded and av for viewing in case you need to miss a day or two.

Thanksforreading! Y O G I • T E A C H E R • N A M A S T E Yoga Education Getintouchwithme LET S CHAT! E M A I L info@yogaeducat ioninstitute.com P H O N E 1-866-790-2040. W E B S I T E www.yogaeducation.org

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