Mee ng of NANO Alumni with the Nippon Founda on and POGO members Dr. Yuna Zayasu1 and Dr. Arvind Singh2 1
Post Doctoral Scholar, Okinawa Ins tute of Science and Technology, Japan Wikipage: h p:// 2 Faculty, Physical Research Laboratory, India Wikipage: h p://
e, the NANO Alumni, were thrilled when we received a invita on from Dr. Vikki Cheung on behalf of the POGO Execu ve Director to par cipate in the 17th POGO Annual Mee ng and the side mee ngs that were to be held from 25th to 29th January 2016 in Yokohama, Japan hosted by the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC). We happily accepted their invita on. Eight NANO Alumni joined us on the 27th January for our mee ng with the Nippon foundaon and POGO members to present our NANO Projects and how the (Nippon Founda on funded) trainings have benefited our research and career. Mr. Unno and Mr. Ogiue from the Nippon Founda on (NF) and all members of POGO a ended the NANO recep on on the 27th January. Prof. Karen Wiltshire, POGO chair and Vice Director of Alfred Wegener Ins tute (AWI) for Polar and Marine Research, extended her gra tude to the Nippon founda on for providing con nued support for POGO training programs. Mr. Unno addressed us on behalf of Mr. Sasakawa, the chairman of the NF. He introduced NF and its support to POGO ini a ves, and how they aim to educate and encourage children and young fellows to cul vate future leaders in interna onal ocean aairs. Mr. Unno asked us several interes ng ques ons, such as: How and why we got interested in oceanography? What triggered and mo vated us to become oceanographers? What was the most interes ng thing in studying the ocean? It was also interes ng for NANO alumni to hear stories and answers from their fellow colleagues. Mr. Unno told us about Photo taken during the mee ng between NANO Alumni and POGO the importance of networks of people, friends, collabo- Execu ve members rators and co-workers. He said that this partnership will complement our strengths. With that, he concluded the first half of the NANO recep on. A erwards, other POGO members and young scien sts from JAMSTEC joined us. Prof. Shirayama from JAMSTEC opened the poster session with a brief introduc on of NANO members and young scien sts who presented posters. The poster session was held in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Our posters were about the NANO and its regional research and outreach projects. Further, all of NANO par cipants gave short talks about the benefit they have experienced from the POGO training program, current research interests and their involvement with the network. We spent one a ernoon on RV Mirai, the Japanese research vessel. It is considered one of the largest research vessel of the world. We were shown chemical analysis laboratories, a weather sta on and various instruments used on the ship rou nely. Finally, we were happy to meet other NANO Alumni who had a ended the CofE at the Bermuda Ins tute of Ocean Sciences or other NF-POGO courses. It was a great way to bring together people who we know via online chat or google group emails. It was a four-day great reunion of a family that has spread to every corner of this globe and is commi ed to ocean research and collabora on. We hope to con nue this way in future. Group photo taken at the conclusion of the mee ng. Photo courtesy of Nippon Founda on
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