NANO News 10

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NANO Interna onal Workshop: Introduc on to Del 3D Numerical Model Dr. Houssem Sme NANO-Africa Regional Coordinator Postdoctoral Scholar, Na onal Ins tute of Marine Sciences and Technologies (Tunisia), Mediterranean Ins tute of Oceanography (France) Wikipage: h p://


he NANO-Africa interna onal workshop en tled ‘’Introduc on to hydrodynamic modeling with De 3D numerical model’’ provided training on the theory and applica on of coastal hydrodynamic (flow and wave) modeling using the open-source version of the process-based numerical modeling system Del -3D (Deltares Systems, The Netherlands). The training was given by Del -3D experts from the Council for Scien fic and Industrial Research (Natural Resources and the Environment, Stellenbosch Center) in South Africa. The workshop was organized in the context of the ongoing efforts of the Nippon Founda on-POGO Alumni Network for Oceans (NANO) to establish and maintain regional collabora ve research projects conducted by members of NANO and focusing on oceanic and coastal zone observa ons for societal benefit. Workshop par cipants included members of the NANO Nearshore Hydrodynamics Group (NHG) from Brazil, Ivory Coast and Tunisia, local par cipants from CSIR and the University of Stellenbosch, and other NANO members (from Thailand, Mauri us, Iran, Togo) working on projects involving coastal zone observa on and modeling. In total, 15 par cipants, from 8 countries, a ended the 5-days workshop. The workshop included theore cal and hands-on prac cal sessions on various aspect of numerical modeling of flow and wave using Del 3D-Flow and Del 3D-Wave engines, includ- The par cipants of the workshop (only NANO members) with ing computa onal grid genera on (with RGFGrid) and model POGO scien fic coordinator Dr. Victoria Cheung (front row, 1st parameteriza on and model output post-processing (with from le ) and NANO-NHG mentor and workshop instructor Dr. QuickIn). Hands-on prac cal sessions consisted of a series of Christo Rautenbach (front row, middle). Photo taken at the Detutorials that covered the numerical simula on of a wide range laire Graff Estate in Stellenbosch. (Credit: V. Cheung). of coastal phenomenon, such as rogue waves and rip current. Alumnus Pavanee Annasawmy register of a hindu Maurian a ending the annual fes val Thaipoosam Cavadee. Read more about Mauri us cultural and marine richness in Pavanee’s communica on at page 23.

Fieldwork at Ninh Thuan - Binh Thuan, Vietnam. The team, leadered by alumnus Nguyen Huu Huan, works with the newest monitoring satellite VNREDSAT-1. Read more at page 29.


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