NANO News 20

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Looking back - NANO representatives in events We have asked members who represented NANO in scien�fic events to share memories of their experiences.

POGO MEETINGS Dr. Adriana Gisel Gonzalez Silvera Universidad Autonoma de Baja California, Mexico Alumnus profile: h�ps://

I represented NANO at POGO Mee�ngs in 2018 and 2020. Mee�ng colleagues and knowing about the ac�ons that POGO was suppor�ng in order to protect the oceans were my fond memories of the events. The mee�ngs helped me to learn more about possible collabora�ons with other researchers and ins�tu�ons. Besides, it was a great opportunity to know more about what approaches had been taken by other countries towards solving the issues. I am grateful to POGO for giving me those opportuni�es to enhance my capacity.

POGO MEETING Dr. Lazare Akpetou University Jean Lorougnon Guédé, Côte d’Ivoire Alumnus profile: h�ps://

I par�cipated at the 21�� annual POGO mee�ng held in Qingdao, China in January 2020. My favorite memory of the mee�ng was the plenary session where all the members of the ins�tute gave oral presenta�ons of the research ac�vi�es taking place in their countries. I was amazed by the achievements and the results presented there. The mee�ng was a useful opportunity for me because I met my former teachers and colleagues. I also got in touch with new colleagues from all around the world. The POGO 21�� annual mee�ng in Qingdao re-enforced my interest in working with the NANO network. Several projects will be ini�ated definitely. Thanks again to the POGO secretariat for making the passion alive for the ocean research all around the world.

POGO MEETING Dr. Sazlina Salleh Universi� Sains Malaysia, Malaysia Alumnus profile: h�ps://

I represented NANO at the 21�� POGO Annual Mee�ng hosted by the First Ins�tute of Oceanography (FIO), Qingdao, China. January 2020 My favourite memory of the mee�ng was being able to meet and exchange ideas during the poster sessions and listening to talks by experts, especially, by top researchers in the field of marine science. Also, learning about the availability of resources to obtain ocean data and realizing that it will help my Centre in future networking was a dream come true for me.

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