NANO News 21

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News from members Trevor Pla� Science Founda�on – the beginning and the journey forward Nandini Menon, Grinson George and Shubha Sathyendranath Nansen Environmental Research Centre India Alumnus profile: h�p:// Central Marine Fisheries Research Ins�tute Alumnus profile: h�ps:// Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK NANO Patron


ll dreams cannot be fulfilled in a life-�me. It may take genera�ons to finally achieve one’s visions. Through the Trevor Pla� Science Founda�on (TPSF), we are nurturing the ideas of Prof. Dr. Trevor Pla� FRS, a man with high academic stature and humility, who pioneered many important concepts in biological oceanography. Throughout his life, he developed networks, partnerships, capacity building ini�a�ves and promoted many ac�vi�es with the sole objec�ve to train the young genera�on on various concepts in oceanography and to develop novel ideas and implement them responsibly. The programmes and organisa�ons that he ini�ated or worked �relessly for, to achieve these aims include IOCCG, POGO and their schemes such as the NF-POGO Visi�ng Professorship, NF-POGO Centre of Excellence Programme, SAFARI, to name a few. Trevor’s genius lay in his ability to work with many people towards a common goal and bring their collec�ve vision to frui�on. In addi�on to these programmes, Prof. Pla� guided innumerable students around the globe, with his so� yet stern approach. Prof. Pla� and his close companion in work and life, Dr. Shubha Sathyendranath, had in mind for a long �me the idea of establishing a trust or a founda�on to carry on capacity building for the future genera�ons of scien�sts and to sustain environmental research for stewardship of our planet and especially of our oceans. But his demise was very unexpected and sudden. It was his wife, Shubha’s, determina�on to carry forward his vision and legacy for the benefit of future genera�ons that has materialized as the Trevor Pla� Science Founda�on, an interna�onal not-for-profit centre (which is called a sec�on 8 company in legal terms) for environmental science, registered in India. Shubha received much-needed support from Jasmin C, Anas Abdulaziz, Grinson George and Nandini Menon. The objec�ves of the founda�on are as follows: ● To create and sustain a forum for promo�ng science and societal applica�ons of environmental sciences; ● To conduct outreach programmes at school, college and local community levels; ● To help in capacity building by conduc�ng training programmes to students, by awarding fellowships, scholarships and travel grants; ● To build collabora�ve networks with other organisa�ons with similar ac�vi�es and goals; ● To ac�vely seek and secure funding to carry out research and educa�onal ac�vi�es in environmental sciences; and ● To explore and implement ecosystem-based solu�ons to environmental problems and threats, especially of aqua�c systems, by engaging general public and stakeholders. The inaugural mee�ng of the founda�on took place virtually on 12�� August 2021, the birthday of Trevor. Many members of the NANO community were able to a�end the event and par�cipated in the lively discussions. The event was a grand success with 152 par�cipants a�ending the mee�ng, either par�ally or fully. The pla�orm served as a venue to share vivid happy memories of Trevor, our beloved teacher and colleague. The mee�ng was used as a pla�orm to release the logo of the Founda�on and circulate a form for registra�on with the Founda�on. Currently, TPSF comprises

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