Electronic proper,es of supracrystals of Au nanocrystals: influence of thickness and nanocrystallinity P Yang1, I Arfaoui1, T Cren2, N Goubet1 and M P Pileni1*
1Laboratoire des Matériaux Mésoscopiques et Nanométriques (LM2N), Université Pierre et Marie Curie, and CNRS UMR 7070, 4 Place Jussieu, 75005 Paris, France 2Ins,tut des Nanosciences de Paris (INSP), Université Pierre et Marie Curie, and CNRS UMR 7588, 4 Place Jussieu, 75005 Paris, France
Introduction Well-defined superlattices of colloidal nanocrystals, called supracrystals, are expected to have interesting physical properties. While the electronic properties of thin supracrystals were extensively studied in planar configuration, few are known about the electron transport through micrometer-thick supracrystals. Here, we investigated the electronic properties of supracrystals made of Au nanocrystals with diameters of 5, 6, 7 and 8 nm using scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy at low temperature.
Typical scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of (a) interfacial and thin supracrystals, (b) precipitated supracrystals. Typical scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) images of (c) thin, (d) interfacial, and (e) precipitated supracrystals made of 7 nm Au nanocrystals.
The TEM images of Au nanocrystals with diameter of (a) 6 nm, (b) 7 nm, and (c) 8 nm, respec,vely. Insets: the corresponding size distribu,ons, which are determined by measuring the diameter of nanocrystals sta,s,cally from several TEM images.
Log-‐log plot of normalized average I-‐V curves of (a) thin, (b) interfacial, and (c) precipitated supracrystals made of 6 nm, 7 nm, and 8 nm nanocrystals, respec,vely, at 78 K and 5K. w ISSN 0953-8984 Journal of Physics Condensed Matter
Journal of Physics
Condensed Matter
Volume 25 Number 33 21 August 2013 VIEWPOINT
Flexoelectric spectroscopy J F Scott
Advances in first-principles modelling of point defects in UO2 : f electron correlations and the issue of local energy minima B Dorado, M Freyss, B Amadon, M Bertolus, G Jomard and P Garcia
Journal of Physics
Condensed Matter
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Electronic properties of supracrystals of Au nanocrystals: influence of thickness and nanocrystallinity P Yang, I Arfaoui, T Cren, N Goubet and M P Pileni
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Vol 25, No 33 331001–339602
Volume 25 Number 33 21 August 2013 Topical Review Advances in first-principles modelling of point defects in UO 2: f electron correlations and the issue of local energy minima B Dorado, M Freyss, B Amadon, M Bertolus, G Jomard and P Garcia
Typical SEM images of precipitated supracrystals made of (a) 5 nm, (b) 6 nm, (c) 7 nm and (d) 8 nm nanocrystals. CORRELATED ELECTRONS
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Bibliographic codes CODEN: JCOMEL 25 (33) 331001–339602 (2013) ISSN: 0953-8984
CM-2533-Cover-UK.indd 4
21 August 2013
(Continued on inside back cover)
02/08/2013 16:07
P. Yang, I. Arfaoui, T. Cren, N. Goubet, and M.P. Pileni, Supracrystals of Au-‐nanocrystals differing by their diameters: Influence of the Thickness and Nanocrystallinity on the Electronic Proper,es, J. Phys.: Condens. Maaer, 2013, 25 (33), 335302 (Cover page) P. Yang, I. Arfaoui, T. Cren, N. Goubet, and M.P. Pileni, Electronic proper,es probed by scanning tunneling spec-‐ troscopy: From isolated Au nanocrystal to well-‐defined supracrystals, Phys. Rev. B, 2012, 86 (7), 075409 P. Yang, I. Arfaoui, T. Cren, N. Goubet, and M.P. Pileni, Unexpected Electronic Proper,es of Micrometer Thick Well-‐ defined Supracrystal of Au Nanocrystals, Nano Lea. 2012, 12 (4), 2051-‐2055