design portfolio

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Nanqian Xu

Design Research | Product Design Who are we designing for and what should we design? I’m always trying to find answers. The research and design exploration process excites me, and has led me to become a designer. Nanqian Xu

Nanqian Xu | Product Design

New Generation Boeing Seating Design Based on the result of the research project of Boeing flight experience, We are working on the premise of designing for the users with limited dexterity, sight and hearing impairment whose needs are extreme. These needs are looked at through the lens of universal design to reach out to a larger population base. During the design process, we used prototype as a way to simulate consumer experiences, get inspirations, generate concepts, and get feedback from users. I finalized our rough mock-up in this summer to make it into a 3D model that can be produced in reality.

Responsibilities User Journey Analysis 737 Airplane Interior Mock-up (Full Scale) Seat Mock-up (Full Scale) User Testing 3D CAD Model Building

737 New Generation Boeing Seat

Nanqian Xu | Product Design

Prototype to Learn • In order to understand the whole user experience, we built up a full scale of half plane section. This helped us to experience the restraints of the space and the sequence of activities.

737 New Generation Boeing Seat

Nanqian Xu | Product Design

User Experience Simulation • Using 3 rows of seats from Boeing, within our full scale cabin, we were able to simulate the whole entrance and exit process, the relaxation period and transition activities.

737 New Generation Boeing Seat

Nanqian Xu | Product Design

Business Value & Opportunity Area We decided to address the needs for baby boomers as inspirations because: • Baby boomers will take up the US population for 20% in 2030. • Baby boomers will all turn 65 between 2011 to 2030. • Baby boomers spent 2 billion dollar annually. • Baby boomers share 43% of domestic travel in US. Storage-- provide better storage system to enhance user experience during travel.

Transition-- provide support for transition from sitting to standing positions.

Get Information Enter





Eat / Drink

Experience-- accommodating work/ rest/ entertainment and eating in the seating area. Inform-- enhance entry experience by better informing users about seating area. 737 New Generation Boeing Seat

Nanqian Xu | Product Design

Concept Brainstorm •

Based on the universal design principle to provide equally solu on for majority user, we brainstormed in those four opportunity areas. Later on, we reviewed our concepts with Design Director in Teague to ďŹ lter down several frui ul concepts and to understand the industry constraints.

737 New Genera on Boeing Seat

Nanqian Xu | Product Design

Concept Prototype


• We built this full scale seat which can be tested by human weight and activities. Not only to make our concepts from 2D to 3D, we also want people to interact with concepts for real.




737 New Generation Boeing Seat

Nanqian Xu | Product Design

User Reviews • We did rounds of user reviews. The storage place, the lighting, and the way that small table folds, which solved most problems we found during the user experience simulation, received the positive feedback.

737 New Generation Boeing Seat

Nanqian Xu | Product Design

737 New Generation Boeing Seat

Nanqian Xu | Design Research

Understanding Intangible Value New Generation Insurance Product Liberty Mutual is known for their global coverage and their east-coast based insurance network. They purchased SafeCo as their sub brand to achieve the west-coast market for SafeCo’s agent network at west coast. The economic downturn just happened after this acquisition which put a pressure on SafeCo to create innovative products. Also, as personal insurance is becoming online, Liberty Mutual needs to find their way to utilize their wide agent network as a strength while targeting the individual insurance product. SafeCo brought this broad topic as: explore people’s intangible value and find out how can insurance industry play in this area. They were expecting opportunity areas and design principles. In our final report, we provided not only key insights about how people view their intangibles, but also how to use agent as a connection to access and protect people’s intangible value. This perspective brought our opportunity area to an actionable level. Our research results became really meaningful. Skills: Scope Frame: Opportunity Map | Trend Analysis | Research Protocol Primary Research: Face-to-face Interview | Guest Tour | Photo Study | Collage Activity Analysis & Synthesis Insight Analysis | Concept Generation Workshop Planning & Implementation Scenario Planning | Story Board | Strategic Road map

New Generation Insurance Product

Nanqian Xu | Design Research

Who should we interview? Screening people is hard when the topic is vague. Everyone has intangible values, but who has the most interesting story? How can we reach into people’s value which is really sensitive, soft, and hard to articulate? We decided to go extreme. We included several people with speciality like art praisers, jack packs, museum curators, and etc.... We also felt group of people are easy to articulate the insights about how intangible value holds the group together.

I know people think biking is really dangerous. And sometime just those old crazy white guys will bike. But I just enjoy this noisy and silent moment. You feels like speedy and also isolated. ... This is SUZUKI. If I have money later, I will change it. I keep all the stuff relate to biking in one paper box. I do arrange those things frequently. - Edy, Bike Club Member (Name and content is revisedNew for confidential reason) Generation Insurance Product Copyright @ Nanqian Xu, 2009

Nanqian Xu | Design Research

How should we interview? Intangibles are hard to communicate. We did several rounds of interviewing people using different protocols, like field research interviews, photo studies, collage creations. The communication was better when we provide medium. We need to dig into people’s value and how they treasure their possessions. We found it is a process from expecting an intangible to lose it. Both value and processions are always formed as a system, intangibles are always built around tangibles.

New Generation Insurance Product

Copyright @ Nanqian Xu, 2009

Nanqian Xu | Design Research

Design Principles + Concepts

Intangible assets are defined as identifiable non-monetary assets that cannot be seen, touched or physically measured, which are created through time and/or effort and that are identifiable as a separate asset. -Wikipedia

With the understanding of the nature of people’s intangible value, we were able to bring several opportunity areas for insurance products to step into. Both using the consumer insights and the insights about trends of insurance industry, we defined the new model of insurance products which will be target at intangible values.

New Generation Insurance Product

Nanqian Xu | Design Research

Through humanized agent-based insurance model, we are able to target people’s intangible value which is built through time and effort as a system.

Existing Insurance Model

Intangible Insurance Model New User New User

Share Support Celebrate

New Offering

Existing Offering

Measure Response Compensate Existing User

Existing Offering

New Offering

Measure Response Compensate

Coach Reveal Protect

Existing User

New Generation Insurance Product

Nanqian Xu | Design Research

Scenarios + Stories

Part of my responsibility was to build the stories with different personas, which will show how this new model of insurance are going to happen. Including agents as part of the stakeholder in the story helped us to deliver the new definition of agents in this new model.

New Generation Insurance Product

Nanqian Xu | Design Research

When we deliver the final proposal... We set up a museum showing “ Intangible Values� with our own treasures, like a plant from Mom, engagement ring, photos, gift card etc... With the audio broadcasting of interviews, we brought the atmosphere to help our client to understand intangible values emotionally and to build a vivid connection.

New Generation Insurance Product

Copyright @ Nanqian Xu, 2009

Nanqian Xu | Design Research

What could we do better? It took us some time to figure out that this was a phase 0 project, we decided it was more important to understand people’s value holistically rather than design detailed concepts. If we had more time, we could interview experts in intangible field, who might be a psychologist, and experts in insurance industry.

New Generation Insurance Product

Copyright @ Nanqian Xu, 2009

Nanqian Xu | Design Research

Design Management Institute Long Term Strategy Planning Design Management Institute (DMI) is a non-profit organization aiming for bringing design and business together. With a long history which was started in 1975, DMI has become a center of forward thinking about innovation. Facing the challenge of other competitive organizations like IDSA, AIGA, TED etc., DMI wants find out what will be their long term vision for next 10 years. After analyzing existing opportunity area and DMI’s strength, we conducted 16 stakeholder in-depth interviews and also a concept generation workshop with clients. We realized DMI needs to reposition itself as a platform for knowledge sharing and network build in. In this way, the organization can keep up-to-date and build on its strength of senior membership. The project was so successful that DMI invited our 3 people team to report to their executive team and council members in Boston, their headquarter. After the presentation, we write out the 3 year short plan also a execution time-line for their 2008 anniversary conference, ReMix. Skills: Contextual Research: Opportunity Map | Competitive Analysis | Core Competencies | Value Web | Trend Analysis Primary Research: Telephone Interview | Collaborative Workshop | Insight Matrix Concept Building: Concept Evaluation | Scenario Planning | Concept Changed Landscape | Road Map

Design Management Institute Long Term Planning

Nanqian Xu | Design Research

General Process

Understand Business 10 Types of Innovation Trend Analysis Competitive Analysis Value Web

Identify Stakeholder Direct Interview Secondary Study Telephone Interview

Define Design Principle

Create Long-term Vision

User Insight Tool Insight Matrix Value Web Analysis Fish Bone Analysis

Concept Evaluation Senario Planning Road Map

• Frame problem based on

• Building concept based on

Outcome: • Know the core competence and issues within the

• organization • Know competitive landscape in the industry

• Know driven trends which relate to the industry

• Overview of different

perspective from stakeholder • Frame research process and protocol • Conduct user research

user and industry knowledge • Structured analysis of problem • Define principle targeting to problem

company’s strength and user benifits • Planning ahead for long term vision combining with trends and industry analysis

Design Management Institute Long Term Planning

Nanqian Xu | Design Research

Know The Business

Finance Business Model

International non-profit organization



Enabling Processes

Sponsors Partner HBR

Members, Board of directors, Advisory council Partners

Conference Seminar Publication


Core Processes

Product Performance

Speakers Small-scale at conferences conference and seminars Academic publication Article contributors for publications


Product System

Conference video online

Through our research, we find the problems are:


Knowledge International connection Crossdisplinary networking



Conference Seminar Website Mailing

User Experience

Academic senior level Good reputation

Personal contact Oneway communication Clublike

• Ineffective internal operations • Inability of reaction to change • One fits all approach of knowledge delivery

• Limited networking opportunities

• Ten Types of Innovation provides a platform for organization to think about their

core competencies. Ten Types of Innovation is an overview planning tool to bring innovative solutions in entrepreneurship.

DMI TED AIGA Businessweek

TED created a global community around website with live streaming videos from presentation and archive of videos.

The TED conference covers broad set of innovative and forward thinking topics.

Design professionals

Other fields of


Opportunity gap


Red Dot

Thought leaders / Content providers

Design community

British Design Counsel









IA Institute

Institute of Design







AIGA builds on activism of local chapters.

AIGA structures volunteer process which involves entry level designers and students.

Local cocktail hours/meetups

Businessweek created system that branches offline, online, video and audio.

Opportunity Opportunity gapgap Business Model



Enabling Processes

Core Processes


Product Performance

Product System






User Experience




Design entry level

Design Management Institute Long Term Planning

Nanqian Xu | Design Research

Identify Stakeholder Insights • • • • • • • • •

• •

“I have been with the organization for more than 10 years. DMI is like an old uncle, we really like him. But we never take him to the party.” Darrel Rhea, CEO of Cheskin Added Value

• • • • • • • • •

The irelevance to practioners in design industry makes DMI offering acedemic heavy. Communication channels with stakeholders are not effective and outdated DMI’s processes are not effective DMI doesn’t evaluate and implement new concepts & ideas Networking leads to business deals DMI members look for networking and personal relationship DMI doesn’t support networking outside of conferences The offering is not delivered effectively to members The more involved the member is within DMI, the more networking opportunities they have other organizations move into design business market DMIattracts attracting professionals acrossis disciplinary is field an of design DMI seniorsenior professionals across disciplinary advantage in the organizations advantage in the field of design organizations DMI doesn’t have processes in place that make it easy for people to contribute It’s easier to build network when members information is accessible Content of the conference should be available in a form that members can access later DMI’s events are not locally available to members in smaller cities DMI’s staff are not motivated to make changes and try out new ideas. To connect with members DMI needs to evolve at the same rate the world evolves. DMI has a very professional and influential membership. The more decision makers are involved the harder it is to make a decision . DMI doesn’t react today’s changing marketplace which is moving towards a strategic contribution of design

Design Management Institute Long Term Planning

Nanqian Xu | Design Research

Define Design Principle Vision based on DMI’s advantage and user needs:

Involve and leverage highly skilled members to build a community of practice





Design Management Institute Long Term Planning

Nanqian Xu | Design Research

Define Design Principle




• Establish a network • Motivate participation • Organizational transparency

• Build a community • Collaborate to learn from each other • Customize services

• Bring design to other fields • Institute the value design

Involving and leveraging members

Connecting stakeholders

Expanding the influence of design

Design Management Institute Long Term Planning

Nanqian Xu | Design Research

Create Long Term Vision Road Map

near term

medium term

Special interest group

Cultural mentor

Support network before & after conference

Member profile & search

Community beyond DMI DMI senior/DMI junior

Assigned contact person Mentoring


Publish annual report

Active sub groups

DMI ambassador

Credit for content

long term

Competition/award Referrals and invitation only

Include artistic side

Different tiers of membership

Partner with design schools & students

B-schools courses

Strategy Content Experience

On demand content

Copyright of content Conference of conferences

Education for children Volunteering


Vote for theme & rate content

Member of the week

Organization Technology Offerings

Local chapters

Solve design challenge together

Design tourism / study abroad

The detailed concepts are framed into a strategy road map based on the user value, business value, organization strength and restraints. Further more, I participated in the DMI workshop in Boston to roll out the next 3 years execution plan and the details of their 2008 annual conference, “Remix�.

Design Management Institute Long Term Planning

nanqian xu | product design

What would you do with

Concept that can not be sketched? like a 60 feet long bus?

nanqian xu | product design

Bus Rapid Transportation, 2008 Chicago Transportation Association Spirit Learning by building . Prototype can be used as a concept generation and communication channel rather than just to test ideas.

Project Introduction Bus Rapid Transportation (BRT) is a new kind of bus that will be launched by Chicago Transportation Association (CTA) in 2009. It will be a 60 foot articulated bus with 3 doors for entry and exit.

Project Scope Design the bus interior, shelter, and new information communication to provide a better riding experience for customer.

Needs Faster commute within the bus Help people to keep stable in the bus

bus rapid transportation Chicago Transportation Association

nanqian xu | product design

A PROBLEM! We found it’s hard to get the feeling through just sketching, playing with floor plan. Then, we just built a 60 feet long model, to see it, to feel it. We even add the bus sound of the whole thing!

bus rapid transportation Chicago Transportation Association

nanqian xu | product design

The full scale model helps us in Communication with clients We made several design plans with CTA AD people when we walked through the model. User Testing We ran 2 user testings with students in Institute of Design and also daily passengers.

Insights Create information both in front and back of the bus Create opening space feeling between front door and back door, reduce the obstacle.

bus rapid transportation Chicago Transportation Association

nanqian xu | product design

Final Proposal Showing by User Journey The whole journey starts from people getting information from shelter, till people get off the bus. We made big changes in the whole layout to help people moving fast and keeping stable in the bus. We also considered people with kid, visitors who is first time to Chicago, daily commuters and people with disabilities.

bus rapid transportation Chicago Transportation Association

nanqian xu | product design

Ventilator Improvement Design (Summer, 2007) ShuaiKang Group Co., Ltd, China

ventilation improvement design

nanqian xu | product design

Existing Models in the Market Market Analysis Existing product portfolio shows problems and also opportunities in these area: 1.A matured market with competition based on price and adding functions. 2.Product form has the same style with little change in detail. Consumer Needs Found through Research 1. Ergonomic test shows people are knocking their head when using the ventilators. 2. Existing large volume product can not fit into modern kitchen decoration style. Market Performance


ventilation improvement design

nanqian xu | product design

Concept Brainstorming

Design Principles In order to attract Y-Generation, and also considering the ergonomic factors, the design principle of this project is: clean feeling in material and color simple shape to fit into modernized kitchen curved surface providing easy cleaning process less distance from cook top to the cover

ventilation improvement design

nanqian xu | product design

ventilation improvement design

Thank you.


nanqian xu | product design

Sketches and 2D Renderings

nanqian xu | product design

Sketches and 2D Renderings

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