Historic Nantucket, January 1973, Vol. 20 No. 3

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Administrator's Report FALL ADMISSIONS to our buildings have been good and, as before, the visitors seem especially interested and appreciative. We have had a number of student groups and a few college classes with their professors. Mr. Stackpole gave a lecture to each student group which they found most interesting and helpful. This was especially appreciated by the college classes who were required to write a thesis on Nantucket history, whaling or archi­ tecture. Major repairs at the 1800 House and the Hadwen-Satler Memorial fence are nearly completed and a number of minor repairs to the other buildings have been cleaned up. I cannot say that all is done that needs to be done because with old build­ ings, new problems constantly arise but I am certain we are in better shape than we have been for some time. The resignations of Mr. W. Ripley Nelson as Chairman of the Whaling Museum, Mr. Alcon Chadwick as Chairman of the Had­ wen-Satler Memorial, and Mr. and Mrs. Lindquist from the Whal­ ing Museum Staff were serious losses because each had been con­ tributing a great amount of time and talent to these museums for many years. We have been extremely fortunate, however, in filling these positions with very competent people. Mr. Hugh R. Chace has taken over the chairmanship of the Whaling Museum, Mrs. Charles Clark Coffin as chairman of the Hadwen House-Satler Memorial, and Mr. David Allan has taken Mr. Lindquist's place. Besides these, we have been most fortunate in getting Mrs. Hard­ ing U. Greene to become chairman of the Friends Meeting HouseFair Street Museum. We are planning a number of Association meetings at the Peter Foulger Museum this winter at which Mr. Stackpole will talk about and illustrate various phases of Nantucket history. The first of these will be January 17th and we hope many will attend. These lectures should be very interesting and enlightening, plus giving members and guests an opportunity to browse through the Museum. Another look at things you have seen before is often worthwhile and we have some recent additions well worth seeing. The State, through the Department of Arts and Humanities, has given us a $300.00 matching grant to start a program of cataloging and indexing our books and manuscripts and Miss Eleanor Phinney will begin this work immediately. We had another sizable increase in membership in response

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