Historic Nantucket, April 1975, Vol. 23 No. 4

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Report of the Administrator IS IT POSSIBLE we are on the verge of a new season when only a short time ago we were looking forward to a long winter of planning and getting caught up on so many things? In general, plans for 1975 are similar to last year. All exhibits, including Fair Street, will be open. The Shuttle Trip will make it easy for anyone to get around without a car or bicycle. We expect to grind corn again at the Mill. Several projects for the Bicentennial Celebration are pro­ gressing. Leading these is the Domestic Arts Exhibit on which you already have had a letter. Mrs. Greene has done a tremendous amount of research on Nantucket furniture, artifacts, pictures and manuscripts, and with your cooperation, will make this an extraordinary exhibit. The Audio Visual Documentary, Land­ marks Identification and Historical Publications are behind sched­ ule but will soon be underway. Help is needed in several buildings this summer, both men and women. The hours are from 10 to 5 with two days off each week. Most people find it interesting and rewarding and except for spurts of activity, the work is not too hard. Do you know of anyone who might like to join our staff? Volunteers are also needed. We have set up a repair shop in the Hadwen House basement for polishing furniture and brass and doing all sorts of simple repair jobs. Small groups working together could get fun out of this and make a great contribution at the same time. Then, too, we need hosts and hostesses for short periods during rush hours and at lunch time. Please call me if you would be willing to contribute a couple of hours each week. We recently had our tenth lecture at the Peter Foulger, free to members and guests. Mr. Stackpole has been the speaker at most of these and no one needs to be told what an outstanding job he has done. These will be continued with him and others sharing the platform. Notices of these meetings are sent to all members known to be on the island. If you are on the island and have not been receiving these please call us at 228-1894 and have us change your address. Use of the Peter Foulger Research Library has gone from a few students and townspeople to many constantly working there. A sizeable group from the University of Mass. has accounted for some of this increase but there seems to be an accelerated interest by many in the history of this extraordinary island, particularly by people all across the country who can trace their ancestry back to Nantucket. A new addition to our staff has made it possible for us to sort, file, identify, and index hundreds of old pictures of places

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