Historic Nantucket, Fall 1977, Vol. 25 No. 2

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The Annual Meeting and Other Summer Events THE EIGHTY-THIRD annual meeting of the Nantucket Historical Association was held on Thursday afternoon, July 27, at the Peter Foulger Museum. With the historic Walter Folger Clock striking 4:00 o'clock the meeting was opened by President Leroy H. True, with some seventy-five members and friends on hand. As the first order of business Mrs. Elizabeth Tyrer read the minutes of the last annual meeting, which was approved as read. President True then called for the report of the Nominating Committee, composed of Benjamin Richmond, Chairman, Mrs. R. A. Orleans, and Francis Pease. After the reading of this report it was voted that the Secretary cast one ballot for the election of the officers, as follows: President — Leroy H. True; Vice Presidents — Albert G. Brock, George W. Jones, Alcon Chadwick, Albert Egan, Jr., Walter Beinecke, Jr.; Honorary Vice President — Henry B. Coleman; Secretary — Richard C. Austin; Treasurer — John N. Welch and Councillors — Mrs. H. Crowell Freeman, Donald Terry — 4 year terms.

President True made a brief report of the activities of the Associa­ tion during the past year, expressing his appreciation of the work ac­ complished by the several curators in their respective exhibit structures, and had praise for those employees who have been with the organization for a number of years. He also mentioned the work at the "1800 House" which Mrs. Claire MacGregor, the Curator, has accomplished in her renovation of this interesting exhibit; and the aquariums established in the Nantucket Lightship through the co-operation of the Maria Mitchell Association. Of special interest was the work being done at the Old Mill where John Gilbert and his men have been replacing the huge drive shaft, found necessary by the evidence of rot in the old shaft. Plans for the continuation of educational activities, especially the introduction of a course in Nantucket History in the local schools, were mentioned, and the two publications sponsored by the Association — "Nantucket In The Revolution," by Edouard A. Stackpole, and "Whales," by Adam W. Craig — were described. Plans for two special exhibitions on Scrimshaw and Needlework are in the works for the coming year. The newly revised By-Laws were discussed, ana tne changes brought out. The meeting voted to approve these changes by unanimous agreement.

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