Historic Nantucket, July 1983, Vol. 31 No. 1

Page 19

Nantucket School Days


his farming methods. Along with his new farming methods, he had been able to make shipments to Boston of peas, corn and turnips. With his heavy truck, hauled by four oxen, to the Steamboat wharf and, along with other business connected with his farm, he was very noticeable on the different streets of the town. Of the children who attended the South School at that period, I think there are about five left. One I always enjoy writing a few lines to is Joe Gorham, son of the captain of the packet schooner "Onward". After retiring from 2nd mate of a clipper ship, he took up railroading and retired from that as a locomotive engineer. He now lives in Plymouth. Everett B. Coffin

Seaside Time Sunny skies and balmy air; Glistening blue waves everywhere; Shouts of merry childish joy — Hearts of light — no care to cloy. It's seaside time, At old Nantucket. Screams of birds in passage swift, Streams of sunshine o'er them drift. Air is full of salt sea-scent; Over all a charm is lent. It's seaside time, At dear Nantucket. Sailing, bathing, driving, playing By the sea where boats are swaying; By the rippling, restless waters, Many sons and many daughters Love old Nantucket. Josephine Smith Brooks

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