Historic Nantucket, January 1986, Vol. 33 No. 3

Page 13


Ebenezer Porter Mason and His Childhood Impressions of Nantucket 1830-1835 by Dr. Dorrit Hoffleit Department of Astronomy Yale University EBENEZER PORTER MASON was a genius who, in his short life of just 21 years, accomplished more than most intellectually able men could do in twice or thrice that span. Born in Washington, Connecticut, December 7,1819, he lost his mother when he was only three years old. A letter written to his aunt, Mrs. Harriet B. Turner of Richmond, Virginia, when he was seven, indicates his early perspicacity: Washington, April 8,1826 My Dear Aunt— I thought you would be glad to hear from me, and as I have been learning to write, I thought I would write you a letter. A part of the winter I went to Mr. Saunders's School and studied Latin. I have read the books which you brought me last summer, and I like "Jack Halyard" best. I like "Evenings in New England" very well, and "Kings of England" nearly as well as Jack Halyard. Burr* sends his love to you, and we both wish to see you. B. likes "Poetic Tales," and "Robert and William," the best of all his books. Burr and I play with our bows and arrows, our hoops and our balls, and I should like to be old enough to have a kite. Please give my best to my cousins in Richmond. Your affectionate nephew Ebenezer Porter Mason *His younger brother, David Burr Mason

From the time he was eight this aunt assumed the care and up­ bringing of this precocious but delicate child. Already at that time globes were his favorite play things, and he used a celestial globe to teach himself the constellations. At age nine he wrote his younger brother, "I am now studying Chemistry, French, English Grammar, Arithmetic and Composition. I am reading Scott's Recueil in French." A year later he acquired an English book, "Wonders of the Heavens," and at twelve Burritt's Star Maps became his constant evening compa­ nions.

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