JIPC Newsletters

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Government of Karnataka

Department of Collegiate Education

Government Science College, Hassan. JOB INFORMATION & PLACEMENT CELL [JIPC] NEWSLETTER March 31, 2010



Member’s Copy

We live for ourselves

only when we live for others. -Tolstoy On 27th March 2010 the last class of JIPC, students Subiya Naz & Savitha.B.A explaining the expenditures of JIPC 2009-10 WHAT IAS FIRST RANK SCORER DR.KARTHIK ADAPA., SAYS i) Why did you opt for the IAS? It offers a tremendous opportunity for leadership and to work at the grassroots level. ii) Tell us about life as a student… I was always a good student, which helped me. I got a scholarship for a post graduation at both Harvard and Cambridge. I also got a Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation scholarship for a PhD, in Molecular Medicine at Harvard and the Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Trust Commonwealth Shared Scholarship for my PhD, in Cambridge. But I opted for the IAS. iii) How did you prepare for the exam? I refereed to basic textbooks like ‘Morgan & Kind and Barrons’. I devoted six to eight hours a day, but more than the number of hours, it is the quality and consistency of the studies, which matter. I used to be very consistent with my reading. iv) What subjects did you choose during the mains? Zoology and Psychology, You must appreciate the basics of the subject and study its varied topics.




Prof.H.V.Lakshminarayan, Principal addressing the IAS aspirants of JIPC.

WHAT IAS FIRST RANK SCORER DR.KARTHIK ADAPA., SAYS (…continued from page-1) v) What did you do differently in attempt 3? I feel I was much more focused and also put in more effort than in my first two attempts; however, something’s you learn only with experience. Lesson 1: I learned how to manage my time better after going through the entire process twice. Lesson 2: Never to ignore Prelims even after your Mains or your interview because when the results are out, you don’t have any time left for the next year’s Prelims. vi) Any interview tips for IAS aspirants… Just be yourself! The more artificial you are, the more you will struggle. While preparing, ‘studying’ newspapers is the ultimate thing. I read ‘The Hindu’, which is by far the best newspaper when preparing for the Civil Services Exam., While preparing, don’t merely ‘read’ the newspaper, ‘study’ the newspaper, just like you would a textbook. Underline, make notes, analyze, draw some conclusions, discuss. TIPS FOR IAS ASPIRANTS Enhance your personality because it will definitely be one of the criteria for selection. For IPS physical wellbeing is of great importance, you should be medically fit. Improve your communication skills. IFS aspirants must be proficient in at least one foreign language. So go ahead, have your say in this political mess of our country and try to make it a better place. Chief Editor: Prof.H.V.Lakshminarayan, Editor : Prof.A.Narayana Prasad., narayanprasad_a@yahoo.com, Student Editor : Arun.D.C, Final PMCs

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