Pistachio is a unique product with long history, and it is known worldwide. It is a member of the cashew family and a good source of protein, calcium and many vitamins. Although pistachios contain many calories, there is strong evidence that their consumption is not associated with gain weight or obesity, and they lower the risk of heart disease.
The place of origin of the wild ancestor of today's cultivated pistachio is Central Asia as well as Syria, Turkey and Mesopotamia, and the Old Testament makes also reference to it. In the first centuries A.D., pistachios were cultivated in Syria, and they were believed to have pharmaceutical qualities and to be very tasty. We don't know when the pistachio came to Greece. Until the 19th century, there were no references to it, but between 1950 and 1960, its cultivation began to spread in Greece. On Aegina, the first individual pistachio trees have found before 1896, but the spread of its cultivation was encouraged by Nikolaos Peroglou, who thought that this product was worthwhile due to its high price. In 1994, the pistachio of Aegina entered the list of products with Protected Designation of Origin thanks to its fame with the name of the island and its unique flavour that is different from other places.