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Debt Issuance Notification
At the March 8th City Council meeting, Council took action to direct staff to prepare the necessary documents for debt issuance notification. The proposed amount for debt issuance is $2,425,000 and includes funds for roads, stormwater, water/sewer, public safety, parks, and administration. City Council previously held two workshops to discuss the debt issuance and projects on February 6th and Febuary 22nd. The proposed projects and funds include:
Street Paving Projects $1,000,000
Line Repair Improvements & Repair $500,000
SCADA Monitoring System $100,000
Backup Power $300,000
Sandy Cove & Surf Court Lift Station Generator $100,000
Replacement Ambulance $250,000
David Braun Park Upgrades – Baseball Fields $75,000
Unified Development Code $100,000
TOTAL $2,425,000
In order to issue Certificates of Obligation, the City must meet notice requirements of 45 days before sale. In preparation for the Fiscal Year 2022 budget process and to achieve a June sale, City Council must approve all Notice to Sell publications at the April 12th City Council meeting.