“Stories are memory aids, instruction manuals and moral compasses.” -- Aleks Krotoski, author, broadcaster, journalist and social psychologist
Top photos: Mary Dixon in 1957 (left picture) and Mary present day behind the scenes with her daughter Kathy Dixon (right picture). Both are social workers.
6 March 2020 |
As social workers, our profession is built upon powerful stories—the legacy of passionate advocates, helpers, and change agents whose impact is felt throughout history. We look to their work, their words, and their struggles to better understand our communities, how to work with people, and ways in which our predecessors were able to come together, rally, organize, and affect change. Our daily work builds upon their knowledge and experiences, serving as memory aids as to how far we have come
and, in many ways, how much work we have yet to do. Here in New Jersey, our social work community knows this to be true. Social workers of all ages, newly licensed and seasoned veterans, come together at NASW-NJ events to share their stories of challenge and triumph—adding to the growing legacy that makes our communities and our organization stronger. In celebration of Social Work Month, the