Moggy Mischief
Author and illustrator: Maciej Szymanowicz
Maciej Szymanowicz’s original picture book about a moggy who didn’t like to wash…
A jolly story combined with interactive tasks to engage the reader. Join us for some fun and a wash!
Jobs and Domestic Animals. Pops and Boti Teach English
Author and illustrator: Ewa Podleś
ages 3-6
board book
200 x 170 mm
28 pages
In this book Pops and Boti help their friend find a job. And not just any job! He will become a pet-sitter for ordinary and extraordinary animals at the Purring Tomcat hotel. They will also hear the story of a retired parrot. This talented bird wasn’t afraid of any task! Her jobs included working as a truck driver, firefighter, dancer and even as a tea taster. If you want to find out about the animals at the hotel and all the other things the parrot used to do, you simply must read this book.
Pops and Boti Teach English is an educational series to help children learn English words, written by an author who is an experienced educator. The endearing yellow Pops and his friend Boti have fun adventures and children learn vocabulary from various areas of life. Learning is best when it’s fun – and this book is guaranteed to have plenty of it!
In this series:
Paddy’s Christmas
Author: Marta Galewska-Kustra • IIlustrator: Joanna Kłos
How come?! Is there going to be no Christmas Eve this year?! Paddy and Maisie, with the assistance of a helpful elf, take matters in their own hands and organise a great feast all by themselves. Will you join them?
Christmas preparations are underway in Paddy and Maisie’s preschool – the children make decorations and talk about their family traditions
Paddy’s family also have their traditions: each year they visit the Christmas market, decorate the Christmas tree and gather around the table at grandma’s house on Christmas Eve. However this year Paddy’s grandparents decide to have a different kind of Christmas – they’re going to sunny Australia!
Like the rest of the series, this book contains materials for linguistic fun and ideas for dialogues with both younger and older preschoolers. It fosters speech development, teaches how to describe simple activities, and gives the chance to build longer phrases for young readers who feel ready.
rights sold to: Italy, Germany, Ukraine, Croatia, Czech Repulic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain
Almost Everything about Dogs
Author and illustrator: Joanna Rusinek
funny book for the young readers!
Inside you will find: the story of man’s best friend, quite a lot of information about how to speak to a dog, lots of dog jokes, an overview of dog breeds (including intriguing ones such as the dramatian and labracadabrador), as well as a board game and a maze (where you’ll have to look for a rubber chicken).
You can also follow instructions to make a toy for your pet dog (or for a dog from a shelter), learn how to draw dogs like Joanna Rusinek does, and check if a dog’s paws really smell like… popcorn
Piorun, 9 lat A ja z kapusty. Nie, tak serio to mnie bocian przyniósł.
Zwierzak, 10 lat
Z legalnej hodowli.
Dżemik, 2 lata
Z dziada pradziada!
Rysia, 8 lat
Z Afryki! Moja opiekunka przygarnęła mnie podczas podróży.
Majonez, 9 lat Hehehe. Nie powiem.
CZY WIESZ, ŻE pieski mogą do nas trafić różnymi drogami? Ale pies to przyjaciel na całe życie, a nie prezent albo zabawka. Jeśli ktoś adoptuje psa, musi być z nim na dobre i na złe. A jeśli chce kupić psa rasowego, to tylko i wyłącznie w legalnej hodowli, gdzie zwierzęta są dobrze traktowane.
CZY WIESZ, ŻE niestety wiele psów mieszka w schroniskach? Jeśli ktoś chce im pomóc, może zostać wolontariuszem. Taki wolontariusz spędza czas, spacerując z pieskami, sprzątając w ich boksach i wykonując inne obowiązki.
Widzisz pieska na kółkach? Zwierzęta z niepełnosprawnością też mogą cieszyć się życiem. Tak samo jak ludzie jeżdżący na wózkach.
School and Me. Practising Concentration
Author: Agnieszka Łubkowska • IIlustrator: Paulina Nachman
School and Me – a new series for children who are starting their school education!
We Start School ages 6-10
205 x 260 mm 48 pages
Proper concentration is very important when we learn new things. It helps us to better understand the texts we read, solve problems and remember information.
In this series:
Building Self-Esteem
But sometimes it’s so hard to concentrate…
Inthisbookyouwillfindgamesthatdevelopconcentrationtomakelearningeasier andmoreinteresting.Togetherwewillexploreasuperpowerthatwillhelpyou besuccessfulatschoolandbeyond.
, cognitive abilities coach
What Firefighters Do
Author and illustrator: Magdalena Koźlicka
In the “Interesting…” series we present jobs that children dream of!
ages 3-6
board book
200 x 280 mm
28 pages
We show how women and men do interesting, hard, fascinating, and sometimes dangerous activities as part of their jobs. We place special importance on gender equality, so that no reader, be they a boy or girl, feels excluded. Because everyone, regardless of their gender, has the right to make the same plans for their future.
Firefighters drive fantastic vehicles and put out fires – we all know this! But when they’re not doing that, they’re not exactly lazing around – they have many more tasks! They help people during floods and road accidents, they organise search missions when someone goes missing (for example, in a forest, in the mountains or under rubble), and they also provide professional first aid. As well as all this, they exercise all the time to keep fit – they’re really very busy!
Głównym zadaniem strażaków jest gaszenie pożarów. Wkładają wtedy specjalne ubranie bojowe i korzystają z samochodów gaśniczych z autopompą oraz wielką drabiną. Przydają im się również węże strażackie, przenośne gaśnice, megafon i radiotelefon (znajdziesz je także na jednej z wcześniejszych ilustracji).
Przyjrzyj się ilustracji na tej stronie i znajdź sprzęty potrzebne podczas akcji.
Strażacy są potrzebni także podczas powodzi. Zajmują się ewakuacją i pomagają tym, którzy pozostali w swoich domach. Budują kładki na zalanych ulicach oraz rozkładają worki z piaskiem, by woda nie zatopiła budynków. Każdy z nich umie pływać, a niektórzy potrafią sterować łodziami ratunkowymi.
na ilustracji wszystkich, którzy
świata to seria, odkrycia, Dzięki książce niezwykłe pasje.
odwiedzają czyli miejsca, Dzięki narzędziom Układ Słoneczny. kosmiczną!
skafander astronauty. Zerkniemy zrozumieć, swoją rakietę!
My Passion. The Cosmos
Author and illutrator: Monika Filipina
ages 3-6
board book
200 x 280 mm
28 pages
Mila and Stan are fascinated by the cosmos. They both like to visit the planetarium and the astronomical observatory – special places where you can observe stars and planets. They have learned about the Solar System by using special tools to watch the sky with and by attending special shows. They secretly dream about going into outer space one day! So along with our two protagonists we will try on a special spacesuit and check how demanding an astronaut’s training is.
We will also take a peek into the International Space Station to understand what being weightless is like. Of course we will also build our own space rocket!
Niedawno byliśmy na wycieczce do planetarium, czyli miejscu, gdzie można obserwować niebo oraz uczyć się o kosmosie. Dowiedziałam się, że Wszechświat jest niewyobrażalnie wielki.
Children are very curious about the world and have a lot of different hobbies.
“My Passion” is a series that encourages young readers to explore what they’re really interested in. Through the book, young readers will be able to deepen their knowledge and learn about other interesting passions.
Znajdź te przedmioty: Nasza planeta ZIEMIA jest częścią UKŁADU SŁONECZNEGO W jego centrum znajduje się gwiazda: SŁOŃCE
Jest bardzo gorąca. Na jej powierzchni znajdują się liczne wulkany.
gwiazda Układu Słonecznego.
Tu mieszkamy. MARS Nazywany czerwoną planetą. Wysłano na niego wiele sond i urządzeń badawczych.
w Układzie Słonecznym
Słońca. Wcześniej ludzie myśleli, że jest odwrotnie i to Słońce krąży wokół Ziemi!
What’s Inside? Seasons of the Year
Author and illustrator: Katarzyna Juszczak
What secrets do seasons hide? What is typical for each of them? What do people and animals do in spring, summer, autumn and winter?
Three detailed illustrations are devoted to each of the seasons: one about what goes on in nature, a second one about inspiring human activities, and a third about holidays falling on individual seasons.
A separate illustration shows Christmastime – the holiday that all children love! Additional pages are Christmas time dedicated to clothes typical for the different seasons and their weather – and these will help you know what to wear each day!
A beautifully illustrated book that you can enjoy over and over again as you find new details each time!
What's Inside? Vehicles
ages 2-6
board book
231 x 310 mm
28 pages
Grandoyal Hotel. Lord Berlington’s Secret
Author and illustrator: Anna Mietelska
ages 6-10
Second volume of a lovely adventure series
Autumn has arrived in the Verdant Valley. The Grandoyal’s residents relish the tranquility as they sip Wilkinson’s barberry juice and nibble on Ella’s pumpkin marmalade.
Life just couldn’t get any better… until Lady Eleanor Berlington arrives at the hotel.
She has a difficult disposition, which gives her hosts a miserable time, as does her loud, smoky convertible. But that’s not all – something strange is starting to happen in nature. The valley is plagued by heavy storms, gusty winds and fiery whirlpools… could it be that nature is showing its rage in this way? Who is at fault? And how? How do you repair the harm that’s been done? The fate of the world once again rests in very small paws…
In this series: