Games with Felix and Gustav
Games with Felix and Gustav
Pops and Boti Teach English
Felix and Gustav Countryside
Games with
ages 3+
soft cover 200 x 250 mm 24 pages
• Illustrator: Marianna Schoett
Author: Katarzyna KozłowskaA creative activity books for the youngest readers.
A short story at the beginning of the book is the starting point for games that follow on subsequent pages. The books contains reading, listening, mathematical and logical thinking activities, as well as perception exercises and tasks that foster graphomotor skills, which naturally support children’s development.
GameswithFelixandGustav.Countryside is aimed at younger children.
This edition contains colourful stickers and stickers for colouring-in!
In this series:
Games with Felix and Gustav On the road
Author: Katarzyna Kozłowskaages
5+ soft cover
200 x 250 mm
24 pages
Colours and Sounds
Joanna Kłos• IIlustrator:
Author: Marta Galewska-Kustraages 0-3 board book
28 pages
What a lovely colourful butterfly! Paddy is so happy! But what’s going on?
Hey, butterfly, wait! Paddy chases the butterfly and learns about the colours around him. Learn them together with Paddy and find them in the pictures! At the same time, you’ll learn about different sounds that you can hear in a park, a meadow or on a construction site – repeat them and have fun!
This interactive book is suitable for children as young as one. Little readers can familiarise themselves with basic colours and onomatopoeic words.
Clothes and Weather Pops and Boti Teach English
Pops and Boti teach English is an educational book series that helps young children remember new words.
It was developed by an author with a wealth of pedagogical experience. The adorable yellow Pops and his friend Boti experience exciting adventures and young readers learn vocabulary from different areas. Learning is best when it happens through play and this book guarantees a lot of both!
ages 3-6 board book
200 x 170 mm 28 pages
Author and illustrator: Ewa Podleś![](https://assets.isu.pub/document-structure/240229111750-342f098d4f91cf17271ec8537c60bd40/v1/bacab53886d1188f62a08ba108def1d8.jpeg)
Pops and Boti go to a clothes store. There, they are helped by a machine that adjusts clothes for the weather, and a styliser that gives suggestions for the most fashionable outfits. They also visit the Top Hat shop, where every hat is a small technical gem. If you want to find out what Pops tried on, be sure to look inside the book!
In Doctor Monster’s waiting room Pops and Boti help count all the fingers of one adorable patient, and they meet a robot with a broken leg. They take him to a mechanic where they look at various spare robot body parts: noses, legs, ears, bellies and bums. After his leg is successfully replaced, the robot asks Pops to give a talk for robots on monster anatomy.
Pops lists parts of the body that all monsters have (lips, legs, hands, teeth) and those only some monsters have (like antennae, flippers or beaks)… and he also counts a lot.
Body Parts and Numbers Pops and Boti
ages 3-6
board book
200 x 170 mm 28 pages
Bambino in Preschool
IIlustrator: Artur Nowicki
Author: Izabela Mikrut
ages 0-6
200 x 260 mm 32 pages
Bambino’sinpreschool,withhismates. Theycallout:“Comeplaywithus!” There’sblindman'sbuff,hide-and-seek,andchase. Andthenhelooksonatthefootballandthegoals.
A new series featuring the characters from the bestselling book Mum,LetMeTellYouWhatCarsDo by Artur Nowicki!Bardzo kolorowo w przedszkolu Malucha. Wszyscy są dziś w czapkach i barwnych fartuchach. Wszystkim w brzuchach burczy, bowiem teraz w planie pieczenie ciasteczek. Oraz gotowanie!
Have you ever wondered what a day in car preschool might look like? Turns out it’s not that different from an ordinary preschool! There are friends, cuddly toys, there’s playing and learning together, reading books, going for walks and even taking naps.
Migają za oknem słupy i topole.
Jedzie dumny Maluch, bo czeka przedszkole.
Tam są i zabawki, i kolegów wielu, Maluch lada chwila dojedzie do celu.
Preschool is so cool!Izabela Mikrut (who wrote the verse) and Artur Nowicki (who drew the pictures) invite you to the world of cars.
ages 0-6
board book
200 x 170 mm
24 pages
Alittlemagpiewalksthroughthewoods. Rubbinghereyes,shecheckswho’sstillasleep.
Bravelyshestartsherday’sexploring, Wherever she can she sticks her curious beak.
Together with a curious little magpie, the youngest readers will find out when animals go to sleep in the forest. They will look inside a badger’s sett and a beaver’s dam, they will also visit the stream and a nightingale’s nest… Littlemagpierubshereyes is the first volume in the small board book series with stories in verse written by Tomasz Plebański.
School and Me. Building
IIlustrator: Adam Wójcicki
Author: Ewa Borowska
School and Me – a new series for children who are starting their school education!
Alex and Sophie have high self-esteem. This is a very important thing. But do you know what it means?
• they think well about themselves
• they like themselves
• they know what they’re good at
• they believe in themselves
• they’re happy with themselves
Cześć, jestem Antek, a to moja koleżanka Zosia. Bardzo lubię czytać książki i rysować. Moja ulubiona lekcja to plastyka.
A ja uwielbiam tańczyć! Poza tym świetnie sobie radzę na lekcjach języka angielskiego.
Mamy w klasie dwadzieścioro troje dzieci – a każde z nas jest trochę inne! Różnimy się tym, jak wyglądamy, jak się zachowujemy albo co lubimy robić. Najważniejsze jednak, że szanujemy siebie nawzajem i chętnie sobie pomagamy. Na pewno możemy się od siebie wiele nauczyć!
Mam na imię Ewa. Jestem wychowawczynią Antka i Zosi. Bardzo mi zależy, żeby wszystkie dzieci czuły się dobrze w naszej szkole. Dlatego wzmacniam ich poczucie własnej wartości.
All this helps them to persistently pursue their goals, develop their interests and try new things without fear. See how well they’re doing at school and in their interactions with their peers!
Gabryś jest bardzo wesoły i często żartuje, ale dzisiaj wcale się nie uśmiechał. Kiedy zapytałem, czy ma jakiś kłopot, okazało się, że zgubił ulubiony piórnik! Czym prędzej powiedzieliśmy o tym pani Ewie, która zarządziła wielkie poszukiwania. Zaczęliśmy od szatni i nawet spytaliśmy o piórnik woźnego, pana Mariana, ale go nie znalazł.
Potem poszliśmy do świetlicy i… to był strzał w dziesiątkę! Na parapecie obok biurka pani Gosi leżał piórnik. Gabryś od razu się rozchmurzył. Powiedział mi też, że jestem dobrym kolegą. A ja po prostu wiem, że każdy czasem się smuci. Może przez zgubiony piórnik, a może z innego powodu. Zawsze warto zapytać, bo może da się pomóc!
Self-esteemisformedinchildrenfromanearlyage.Itsessentialcomponentisaccuratemental resilience.Ibelievethatthankstothisbook,ourchildrenwillfunctionwellintheschool systemanddiscovertheirsuperpowers!
EWA BOROWSKA, early years teacher
Moko. The funniest clown in the world
IIlustrator: Paweł Pawlak
Author: Gérard Moncombleages 3-6
205 x 275 mm
64 pages
A touching picture story that uses words sparingly to talk about depression… and also hope.
One day Moko the Clown stops being funny. He isn’t entertaining anymore and loses his job in Mr Murky’s circus. He doesn’t know where to go or what to do with himself. He’s sad, lonely, lost, and feels like he’s falling apart… literally! All that’s left of the once funniest clown in the world is his red nose.
Moko is experiencing the hardest time of his life. He thinks there’s no one there to help him. Will anything be ever funny again?
Then – unexpectedly – he finds true friendship.
What’s Inside? A House
Agnieszka WajdaHave you ever wondered what hides inside different rooms around a house?
You can now explore every nook and cranny of Annie and Kevin’s (Ania and Kazik’s) enormous house. Spend some time in their room, and then be sure to check out the gym and dining room.
Snoop about in the study, bathroom and the laundry room that has a little sewing corner. Make sure you leave plenty of time to see what goes on in the pantry and garage. Or perhaps the most exciting things happen up in the attic?
Four Walls. How We Lived Through the Ages
• Illustrator: Joanna Czaplewska
Author: Monika Utnik
This beautifully illustrated book will take you on a journey – from Jordanian cities carved in rock to ancient Romans villa, through medieval homes of townspeople, Louis XIV’s Versailles, and the delicate constructions of Japanese houses, all way to contemporary interiors filled with designer household objects or Ikea furniture.
“For many years I worked for interior design magazines, so I often had the chance to see flats whose interiors were inspired by ideas from many years ago. They were both lavish, luxurious interiors as well as contemporary houses built of concrete. There were flats filled with light, feminine furniture and flats with heavy cupboards placed underneath mirrors in gilded frames. Throughout the ages people had all sorts of ideas about what good taste meant.
kondor wielki
Wysoko w peruwiańskich Andach wznosi się królewskie miasto Machu Picchu. Zbudowano je ponad 500 lat temu za panowania najwybitniejszego władcy Inków Pachacuteka (co dosłownie znaczy „ten, który zmienia świat”). W czasach swojej świetności inkaskie imperium zajmowało tereny obecnych Peru, Ekwadoru, Boliwii, Chile, Kolumbiii Argentyny.
Co ciekawe, kiedy Inkowie przybyli w te rejony, zastali na miejscu ruiny monumentalnych budowli wzniesionych przez jakąś wcześniejszą cywilizację. Nie zrównali ich z ziemią, ale zaczęli dobudowywać do nich ściany z kamieni polnych. Dzisiaj jeden z najdłuższych takich murów (bloki skalne na dole i inkaskie ściany na górze) można zobaczyć w Cuzco, stolicy dawnego imperium Inków, na ulicy Hatun Rumiyoc.
miasto Machu Picchu
Monumentalne budowle nieznanej cywilizacji zostały postawione z samych kamieni, bez użycia zaprawy.
Bloki skalne są doskonale obrobione i ściśle do siebie przylegają – pomiędzy kamienie nie można wsunąć nawet ostrza noża. Mają różne kształty i nie tworzą równych rzędów, a ważą nawet po kilkadziesiąt ton. Do dziś archeolodzy zachodzą w głowę, w jaki sposób zostały wwiezione na szczyty Andów. Przypuszcza się, że wykorzystano do tego celu niewolników, którzy często ginęli lub umierali podczas morderczej pracy.
Dzięki nachyleniu ścian budynków i dokładnemu dopasowaniu kamieni budowle nie zniszczyły się w czasie częstych w tym rejonie trzęsień ziemi.
szczyt Huayna Picchu
Domy Inków nie miały ścian wewnętrznych. Dachy o drewnianej konstrukcji były kryte strzechą. Słynny mur w Cuzco został zbudowany z kamienia o nazwie dioryt, natomiast nie mniej znane Machu Picchu –z granitu.
Sometimes interiors were more modest, sometimes more opulent, but people always cared about where they lived and what objects they surrounded themselves with. They even left their paintings on the walls of caves – an undeniable trace of the very first ornament. I will walk you through the ages to show you how people arranged their homes – these four walls have had many different facades.”
02.02.2024 14:36:21
ages 6-10
162 x 230 mm
144 pages
Bepa’s parents run an intergalactic travel agency that organises trips to Earth for members of the Cosmic Community. They're always away somewhere and Bepa is feeling lonely, so she decides to adopt an earthling. Her parents aren't convinced it’s a good idea, but eventually they give in: apparently owning a human can teach you how to be responsible...
Meanwhile the agency will soon face a difficult task: organising a trip to Earth for a demanding client. The whingey professor hates mammals, but they're relying on his report to help them get admitted to the Cosmic Community by the Intergalactic Council.
How will the earthlings present themselves to the aliens? Do aliens make good friends?
Will the professor change his mind about mammals... and why does he dislike them so much anyway?
Slavic myths in graphic book form? Well, that’s a first!
Slavic Myths in Comics
Author: Wiktoria Korzeniewska • Ilustrator: Natalia Noszczyńska
ages 6-10
162 x 230 mm
128 pages
Who did our Slavic ancestors believe in? What is drowning the Morana in the spring all about? How do you get rid of a mare spirit? And what do… eggs have to do with all this?!
Slavic mythology is a little complicated – there aren’t many sources available, but the writer Wiktoria Korzeniewska (who has an online presence as @SlavicBook) and illustrator Natalia
Noszczyńska took up the challenge of telling it all to younger readers in a simple and engaging way. You will learn about Slavic gods, about old traditions that survive to this day, and you will be inspired to do a bit of Slavic DIY.